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About The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905 | View Entire Issue (May 13, 1903)
Wednesday, May 13, 1903 THE SUMPTER MINER RICH COPPER ORE AT LISTEN LAKE. McNamee Gulch Placers Con trolled by This Company Started Up. F. O. Bucknumm, of Wilson & Bcuknum, opreating the Listen Lnko group and MoNamoo Gulch placers, left for the properties today. Tho placers woro started up last Saturday with amplo water for night and day shifts. Thoro will be water sufficient to insure a long season. J. Win. Wilson, supreintondont of the Listen Lake, sent in some fine ore taken from tho No 2 shaft near tho foot wall last week. It appears to be an enrichment of tho body as depth is uttainod Tho ore exhibited in tho offices of Wilson & Uuckuum from this strlko, carries about twenty per cent in copper sulphides and from $0 to $10 in gold Thero is a constant incroaso in Tallies in this proporty with depth. This is umoug tho best smoking oro to bo found in tho district, and it will bo easily accessible to tho Sump tor Smoltor whou tho Sump tor Valloy extension beyond Whituoy is com pleted. MIDWAY'S MACHINERY. Will be Here in Two Weeks and to be Put in at Once. Tho sinking plant and sawmill for the Midway aro now ourouto and it is ox pec tod will arrivo in about two weeks. Tho consignment of mncbiuery consists of a deop sinking plunt uud a sawmill with a daily capacity of 10,000 foot. Geiser & Heudryx, mauaglug tho proporty, stato that tho maohiuory is to bo installed immediately upon its arrival. With his improved equipment tho com pany will bo prepared to prosocuto work moro vigorously. Silver Interest in Mexico. Tho Americau Smolting and Refin ing company directly uud indirectly control, togother with tho Guggoii holm Exploration company, vast sllvor interests in tho republic of Mexico. It hus until a year or so ago brought tho products of its Mexicuu mines of oro uud bullion from tho ports In thut country to its works ut Perth Amboy lu ships bolonglug to other companion. It bos also shippod its coul aud coke fuol to its Moxicuu initios tho sumo as other shippers. It fouud thut it wus at tho moroy of tho steamship compnuies and was paying all sorts of freight ratos, and about a year ago it tried tho sumo scbemo of chartering and operating stoamshlpe on its own account. This was found to be so successful and such a saviug in freight charges that it baa now organized its own steamship company, named The American Smolter Steamship company. The company is only capitalized at presont nomin ally at 1200,000. This will, however, be increased from time to time,. They have now chartered six steamers, which sail from tho Mexican and the United States ports every ten days. It will probably add two moro ships very shortly, which will enable it to make weekly trips. The compauy will not conflno itsolf entirely to its own busiuess, but will enter iuto geuoral freight aud passenger business as well. Mining World. Btlcher Group. Superintendent Brady, of tbo Bel cher, operated by tho Dailies (Sold Mining aud Milling compauy iu the Alamo district was in tho city this week and reports satisfactory progress at tbo mine. Iho oro bodies aro wido and carry high values. A hoist aud other michluery is to bo lustalled on the proporty iu tho uoar future HoUt tt Gold Pan Started. II. T. Heudryx, of Geiser & Heud ryx, mauaglug tho Gold Pan was out at tho property yesterday. Tho twenty-flvo horso power gasollue hoist, which was Installed a few days ago, was started up yestorday. Mr. Heudryx says it is worklug to perfection. Work on Blue Mountain. Geiser A Heudryx will start work on tho Bluo Mountain group in tho Red Boy district next weok. A good forco will bo put on aud dovolopmout pushed. Death of Julius Mack. Julius O. Muck, traveling salesmau for W. J. Van Schuyler & Co., of Portland, died u short time ugo Mr Muck was well known lu this city. Ice Cream! Ice Cream! On, uud each day nftor Muy 1st, tho renowuod Huzolwood Ico Croani aud Ico Cream Soda will bo had at Sturgill's. 10 couts a dish, 25 couts por pint. Reduced Summer Excursion Rate. Tho Denver & Rio Grando, popuj larly known as tho "Sconio Lino of tho World," has announce!) greatly reduced "round-trip rates from Pacific Coast points for tho bouoflt of touch ers who will spoud tbolr vacutiou iu tbo east, and of dolegntes to all tho prominout conventions N. E. A., at Boston; A. O. U. V., at St. Paul; B. P. O. E., at Baltimore; Woodmen of Amorlca at Indiuuupolls; Euglos, ut Now York ; Mystic Shriuo, ut Sura- toga Springs; K. of P., at Louisville, aud T. P. A., at Indianapolis. Tlckots at tho roducoi rates will bo based upon ouo faro for tho round trip, but will bo sold only on certain days. Thoxo tickots will curry stop over privileges on tho going trip, giving passougors an opportunity to visit Suit Lake City, Glouwood Springs, Colorado Springs uud Don vor; uud will bo good to roturn any tlmo within uinoty (00) duys. Pus sougors going via tho Denver & ltlo Grando aro givou tho privllego of returning via a different route. For tho rato to tho point you wish to go, aud for dutos of sulo aud othor particulars, as well as for illustrated pamplots, wrlto W. C. McBRIDE, Gonoral Agont, 121 Third St., Portland, Ore. Only the best brands of liquors and clgaraat Dunphv's "The Club." All the latest novelties in hats at Neill Mercantile company's. Use Giant Powder, Fuse and Caps. Mining deeds for sale at this office. No headaches from Giant powder. T. M. LAVIN'S Tonsorial Parlors and Bath Rooms I have just renovated my tonsorial shaving parlors, and at a great expense placed a compressed air plant in my shop ::::::::: COMPRESSED AIR Is one of the latest modern con veniences of an up-to-date barber shop. It imparts a refreshed feel ing and healthy glow to the skin. No extra charge. Give us your pat ronage and assure us of your appreciation of our up-to-date, Twentieth Century methods. Face Massage ::::::::: : Two Doors West of First National Bank WHEELER&CS. BANKERS 32 Broadway, New York FISCAL AGENTS FOR BLUE BIRD MINING CO. AND VALLEY QUEEN MINING CO. Write for Prospectus. Mention No. (10 uud wo will semi you a copy of "OREGON'S RESOURCES," an illustrated pamphlet on Ore gon's famous gold mines, ami ii three mouths trial miliscription to tho NORTH AMERICAN MINER J. H. CONNORS. J. L. HARVCY. ...The Bar... High Grade Wines, Liquors and Cigars Club Rooms in Connection Headquarters for Miners SUMPTER OREGON IF YOU WISH TO -INVEST IN MINING : Either to buy Gilt Edge Stocks, a Prospect that is "the Making of a Mine," or one that is already made, write me what you want and permit me to submit a proposition. ADDRESS rEsiERSONSfH SUMPTER, MINES AND MINING STOCKS OREGON i