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About The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905 | View Entire Issue (May 13, 1903)
rw ; 'if 8 THE SUMPTER MINER Wednesday, May 15, 1903 J! I 1 .' HIGH VALUES AT THE VICTOR. Machinery to be Installed Within Sixty Days and Work Pushed. Somo duo ore Ih ImjIiik tulcou out of thu Hhaft nt tho Victor. II. T. Ilomlryx, of (Joiner A Houdryx, . inuiiiinrH of thu initio, wiih tboro Moudiiy and roportH tlmt a body of oro wan Htruok a day or ho Ixiforo which ran iih IiIkIi iih $111. 120. Tlio n)iuft Ih now down ovorforty-llvo foot, and tint croHHunt Hturtod a nhort tlmo KO Ih In ovor thirty-five foot. TIiIh, IIH IIHH IMIOII HlllUHl, Will tll( WlO V0II1 at a depth of 750 foot. Tlio iiiHiiiiKoniorit Ih preparing for a Jurtfo anioiiiit of dovulopmunt work during tlio Hiiminur. Tlio air com proHHor and othur miiohlnory which Iiuh Ikioii ordorod will 1)0 liiHtullod within tho noxt Hixty dayH, which will Knmtly fnollltiito development work. A good forcu Ih driving thlnn nlioad now. Tho Victor group coiiioh iiIoiik with tho K and 10 and Cnliimhlii and tlio IndlciitioiiH now aro that it will lio in tliolr oIiihh before Ioiik FINAL PAYMENT ON LAST CHANCE. Good Work on the Earl, in Greenhorn, Says Owner Sullivan. M. W. Hull! van, of (iroouhnrii City, oiio of tlio ownorri of tho Karl group in tho (irooiilioni dlntrli't, whh In tho city UiIh week mid with l. U. Hour, of Humptor, iniulo thu IuhI payiiinul on tho I.uhI Cliunee, whh'h Ih Infilled between tho Hidden TroiiMino and tho Phoenix, In tho (ireenhnrii. N. Clmliiiuu Ih tho formor ownor. It Ih tlio purpoxo of tho now ownoiH to Mart work on tho proporly iih hoou iih tho hiiow dlnup pour, which mvoi'dliiK to tho into it Ih now itoliiK olf will not lio long. Mr. .Sullivan Ha.VHtho roudn to (Ireon horn City aro now netting In good condition. Tho Kurl, ho niyn, Ih looking good. Tho lotlgo wiih encountered iiliout a vi-ok tigo and Iiuh now I icon drilled on hoiiio twenty foot, showing good oro. A crosMMit in liolug run to tup tho lodgo at a depth of 'J 00 foot. TIiIh Iiiix how Ih'oii drivou ovor 110 foot. It Ih a high grade free milling proportitotu. A ntrong force of men in being worked. Minlrg Zinc Off. The iuc or on in tho iiiIiioh of tbo Kooky mount iaiurt were for a goner, nt lou the Hourco of Iohh and perplex Ity to producoi-H. Not until about 1H1IH were there any iiiIiioh there HUlllcleutly productive of zlno to tdilp the zi no oren merely for tho 7.1 no valiicH. Leadvillo bad a zlno producing urea that wiih practically noglootod prior to live yearn ago. Tbo zlno oreH of litdvlllo wore found in Hitch iiiiihhIvo and compact form that they concentrated a greater bulk per 100 ton of crude ore than did tb 7.1 no doponltH of Mltwouri but tbo Leadvlllo zlno whh of au iwuy grado only about three-fourths that of tbo MlHOtiri jack. Tho LcHdvlllo produce received valuo only for tho zinc in the host ziuc orea, atid tbo gold and silver values wero either lnt or iippropriatod by tho HtnoItcrH. In other hccUoiih of tho western mountain states, a sharp penalty was imposed on ores Hold for their gold, silver and lead values, when carry ing in oro than ton per cout ziuc, because of tho refractory nature of such ores wlioti treated in lead-oro smelters. It Ih understood that tbo American Smelting company Iiuh just inauguarted a more favorablo policy toward load-silver ores con taining an excess of ziuc, and that tho penalty Iiuh not only boon ro moved from such ores, but that pay ment will bo he; oaf tor made for tho zinc as well iih for tho other inotals in the ores. TIiIh now situation has boon tbo hopo of miners hIiico mining liegaii In tho Kooky mountains, and tbo improved aspoct of affairs will cause many loug-nogloctod zinc-load bolts to hocomo very active and very profitable. Journal for Investors. WORK ON SMELTER SIDING STARTED. Machinery Being Tested Pre paratory to Blowing in When Track is Finished. Hiiprolutoiidoiit Noel, of tbo Sinol tor, has turned on steam several times this week for tbo purpoHo of testing tbo machinery, detecting leakages, otc, preparatory to getting every thing in readiness for blowing in as soon as tbo Hiding Ih completed. Tho survey for this was finished as stated elsewhere, by tho Sumpter Valley itailroad company, last week and tho smelter company Iiuh already started work clearing and grading. Tho bents for tbo '250 foot trostlo which will have to bo put in aro holug framed, and work along other linos Ih being pushed. Tho work will bo carried on iih rapidly as possible, and tho siding completed so rail oro consignments can bo received. Consignments of bullion, placer gold, and amalgam aro already com ing in, and tho company Is now pro pared to treat these products to tbo best advantage. RICH ORE FOUND. Bucknum And Carlsrud Get on to a Good Thine Near the City. Ason Carlsrud and 1 O. Unck-1 iiiim fitt iiii law I ft It at ill luir jIiiv f mm ' fltltll ! Ill -,-. -. .-.' "J - some nearby claims bringing witli t hem some very lino fpecimcus of quart, showing all kinds of free gold. The ore was shown The Miner, and It certainly has tho appearance of carrying exceptionally high grado values. The gentlemen ill question refuse to givo tho exact location of tho property, as a deal is pending for Its acquisition. Timber and Homestead Filings. Timber and homestead tilings, as well as flnnl proofs, can be made before Charles II. Chance, United Stales Com missioner, olllco in First National Bank of Sumpter building, Sumpter, thus sav ing applicants expense of a trip to La Grande. AUBURN PLACERS. Machinery Purchased, Paid for, and Now on the Road. Tho Auburn Deep Gold Mining company Is cutting cord wood at tho old Auburn placer ground, and get ting ready to install its machinery wbou it arrives and tbo roads got in condition for hauling. Tbo machin ery haa been purchased, paid for and Ih now ou tho road. It consists of pumps, a hoist and two boilors, sovouty-flvo and thirty horeo powor, respectively. Tbo larger ono will bo installed with tbo other macbhlnery immediately upon its arrival, and tho smaller one will bo sot later on whou tho needs of tho plant require it. Tho company is in excellent condition financially. It put up cash for its machinery and tbero la no stock ou tho market. A great deal of work Is planned for this summer. Tho shaft which la already down uluoty-slx foot will bo sunk to bod rock and tho pay doposlts thoroughly explored. Tho Auburn placers aro among tbo oldest aud most produc tive In tho district. Help Build Up The West. The low rates from tbo east to thu west and tbo northwest, Febunry 15 to April IIO, will undoubtedly bring out thousands ot settlers. Where they will go is largely a question of inducement. Hyou aro interested in securing any euBtern people for your section of the west, send their names and addresses to tbo undersigned. All tho facta mid figures about the trip will bo promptly sent them. U. S. Howe, General Agent, Chicago, Mil waukee & St. Paul Railway, 134 Third Street, Portland, Ore. Tho celebrated Guild's "tho beer of good cheer" always ou draught at Dun phy'u Tho Club. WHAT! WHAT! OFFERED. Hyson, - .10 (5old Holt, - - - .07 K Listen Lake, - - - 2.00 Pacific Lumber & Llro Stock, 1.00 (Jolcondu, - - - .20 Hold Hoy, - - .10 Hold Holt, .07.j F. O. BUCKNUM Late Special Examiner North Countries, Lombard, American, and others. Foreign and Domestic Investment companies. SUMPTER, - OREGON r? OIPC 5 Cafe anfc (obejiucj Ijousc. OPEN ALL NIGHT THE BEST SERVICE IN TOWN (S. XV. i0ltC proprietor ZIrar Pcpot Sumpter, (Oregon SEE THE LATEST STYLES IN HATS AT THE the wew mnimERy and Dressmaking PARLORS NIXT OOOH TO riHtT NAT!. MNK. OHANITCT. Draii Cutting School In Connection. Basche Hardware Co. . . , Sumpter . GENERAL DEALERS IN sShelf and Heavy Hardware Iron and Steel Pipe Mining and Mill Machinery Agents for "HERCULES" Powder Fuse and Caps C.C. Basche MANAGER GOOD THINGS TO I AT E. P. Bergman & Compa'y GROCERS Mill Street, New Building. a THE i SUMPTER MEAT MARKET AUSTIN MEAT CO. Props. J Butcher and Packer Fresh and Cured Meats and Sausage of all Kinds SUMPTER, OREGON EAT