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About The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905 | View Entire Issue (May 6, 1903)
ajfgatSBSSSSmM VOL. IV. SUMPTER, OREGON, MAY 6, 190$. NO. 35. BIG LEDGE CROSSCUT AT THE SOUTH POLE. Thirty Feet Between Walls, With Ore Shoot Seven Feet Wide, Carrying Highly Satisfactory Values. The vein at the South Polo was crosscut Friday iu tho No. '.i level showing thirty feet between the walls with au ore shoot soveoi) feet iu width ou tho foot wall, carrying very stalsfactory values. Mauager W. W. Robbius returned from the property Monday. He states that work 1b progressing well. Tho assays from tho roiu promise that the ledge will prove in every equal in value productiveness and extent to tho famous North Polo system on which tho property is situated and of which it is u continuation. Ah soon us tho snow is out of tho way tho forco is to Im) increased and work started ou tho Yankee Jim claim, this side tho summit of tho North ' Pole mountain on tho Cracker Creek j slope. Development is rapidly proceeding ou the various lovels. Tho No. i! is now iu !)7r feet and tho face of the drift is iu good ore. Tho vein is I belug crosscut at several points ou ' this level to determine tho nature, ' strength and width of tho shoots. I Iu one crosscut recently completed iu this level the vein was from I thirty to thirty-live feet between the' walls, witli a body of high grade ore ranging from live to seven feet in width. The ore bodies usually lie along the walls. ' The No. 1 level is still covered with snow, but it is to be opened up as soon as tho snow gets out of tho way and operations resumed at' this point. ' Tho No. 4 is a short crosscut started under tho previous ownership' for tho pnrposo of determining tho ' striko of tho vein. A new survey will bo necessary hero, however, before wmk is .resinned. Since crosscutting tho vein iu tho No. II, tho management will bo enabled to make a new survey so tho vein cau be picked up further down the mountain, and to arrange for tho permaueut work ou tho 1,000 foot level. This will be tho main work ing level of tho mine, which owiug to the dip of the vein will give between 1,200 and 1,.'I00 feet of backs. The company will probably be ready to lay its plans for au extensive milling and treating plant by tho end of tho season, or possibly sooner. It is not the pnrposo of tho manage ment, however, to rush into an exensive plant prematurely. Tho llrst object Is to got tho permanent workings established, tho veins crosscut and tho oro bodies thor oughly explorer, beforo a mill Is installed. The mill depends upon tho progress of tho dovolopmnet work, but it Is now thought tho property will lie sutllcleutly devel oped to warrant its erection by early fall. The promise which tho South Polo holds out of becoming one of the big producers of tho district, exists in tho fact that it has Iweu absolutely demonstrated that it has tho same vein ou which such other big mines as the North Polo, E. and K., Ciolconda and Columbia am situated, tho Cracker Crook mother lode, well known to Im one of tho richest and most extensive vein systems iu the world. Tho point of development and operation reached by tho other mines on this ledge has established beyond iiestlou its chaiactcr and richness. Taking the South Polo claims iu order iih they leave the North Polo ground, theio are the Yankee Jim, tho Oregon Clipper, the Deor Lodge and Haley, where the vein averages from thirty to forty feet with from live to twelve feet of high grade shoots, carrying the same character of oro and found In tho same formation as iu tho Instance of the North Polo. SMELTER TO TEST MACHINERY. Survey (or Siding to be Made at Once and Track Built, i The smelter will turn ou steam In a few days to move tho wheels for the purpose of testing tho machinery. The plant is uow completed and ready for operation. Tho only thing that Is lacking toward blowing in and starting actual smelting work Is a siding to provide for oro consignments. It Is un derstood that ii survey Is to bo made in n short time for the siding and that It Is to Iks built at ouco. THE BIG PRODUCER CROSSCUT, Formation I-ooks at if it Were Nearlog Vela. Suporititeudout Chambers, of the Dig Producer In tho Alamo district is workiug a strong force of men on tho crosscut tunnel. Tho crosscut will tap two or three veins, and from tho looks of tho formation, it is stated, iu tho presout workings, it is Hearing tho llrst vein. The Dig Producer group joins the Orotlno, and holds out tho promise of justifying tho name It bears. Relief Maps for Eastern Office. The Kllleu, Warner, Stewart com pany Is supplying Us oasteru otllces with paplor-macho relief maps of tho Cracker Creek district, made by A D. Whlttlor. Mr. Whlttior is furnishing these maps to tho d lifer out mining ilrms for advertising purposes. HIGH AVERAGES AT GOLCONDA. RICH ORE BODY AT HIGHLAND. Details of Strike Mentioned Last Week Set Forth. THREE FOOT SHOOT. Will Give Large Area of Sloping Ground When Drift Reaches Point Under Ban nock Burn Tunnel Block Will Con tain Thousands of Dollars Property Greatly Enhanced In Value Stock to be Advanced. Rich Ore Shoot Shows Phe nomenal Values and Con tinues to Improve. A telephone message from Manager llowaid at tho (lolcouda today states that the oro shoot entered tluee or four (lays ago continues to yield high averages. The shoot was encountered ou the 150 foot level and has uow been euteied some twenty feet. From assays taken across the top and bottom of t lie ill I II every day since the strike was made an average of lf has been obtained, the highest going coiisideiably over $100. The tluee assays today across sown feet, four inches rati exceptionally high, and coiisldeicd alone would place the general average jiiucli higher. There are appaieutlygood indications that the ore Is getting better as the drift advances. Tho 100 foot above while not in such rich me, is also levealiiig good values. Here ou a six foot shoot averages of over d'Jfi have been obtained. (ieneral satisfaction is expressed among (inlconda people over the good work lieiug done at the property mid there is a feeling that the Ciolconda Is rapidly approaching the class of big producers if not already in it. In last wcek's'Mlnor tho announce ment was made that n rich ore body hncl been encountered In' the Glasgow crosscut of the Highland mine, but details in full could not lie obtained beforo going to press. This news was verified this week by the firm handling the stock of tho Highland (Sold Mines company here. The oro encountered Is about thirty feet west of tho crosscut and at the time of tho visit of tho President of the company, theio were tin rii feet of solid quart, iu the face of the drift, showing the same high grade of oie that was encountered In tho tunnel known as the llannock lliirn and which is Kill feet further to the west fiiim this crosscut and iu the llannock Hum tunnel. The theory of the .Superintendent of tho Highland mine is that tills is the encountering of the east end of the Kalmuck Hum shoot which showed so strongly ou the sin face and which cairicd such exceptionally high Millies. Ily the time this drift leaches dlicetly under the llannock Hum tunnel it will be 100 feet deeper, consequently this will give a huge men of stuping ground and this block of oio should contain many thousands of dollars. The Uuding of this lichoreat this depth makes a vast dllfcieuco to the Highland properly as its work ings so far have been mostly sur face. It had not been fully demonstrated that the ore shoots went down to any great depth mid it could not be positively stated that such was the case. The leasou why It could lie leasouahly expected was that it has been iimiiiahly the case in the mines adjoining tho Highland. This Is a ftullier proof of the per manency and stability of the district, as all tho mines have, so far, proved better, as depth was attained. A large amount of Highland ore is bo- (CONTINUI I) ON I WW: rOUW.) I, I.