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About The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 20, 1899)
8 THE SUMPTER MINER. Wednesday, December 20, 1899 COUNTY RECORDS. The following Is the record of official business transacted at the county seat of Maker county for the week ending Mon day, December iH: HliAL I-STATI: THANSFI-HS. Warranty deed Sept 14, K D Car ter ct al to Atpn.i Nuberts, lot 10 blk ji, McCrary's add, Maker City $ Warranty deed Oct s. J T Parkin 75 son et tix to T M Taylor, lot 7 blk 4, Klverside add. Sumpler 300 Warranty deed Dec n, K I: Mob liison et vlr to I: i:llertsim. lots and 6 blk K, Haines Warranty deed June 3, I M Nel son to Lulu II Mueller, lot 10 blk 2, Place's 2nd add, Hauer City... Warranty deed-Uec 13, N CKngh 50 "5 10 1 1. 1 all, lots H, uand 10, OIK M, Moyd'sadd, Maker Citv 1 Warranty deed-Dec K, A W Kills et u to W C Calder, 2K0 acres In sec 3J tpos, I 37, part of eU ne,' and lie,' se.,'4 sec 32tos, r 37, 10 lots In Kivcrsklc add, 5 lots In S T S 3rd add, 33 lots In South Sumpler add ana 1 lot in .Mill add, Similiter 10,000 Warranty deed Dec (, Thomas Mcl:wcn et al to W C Calder, e',i se.V sec 2y, w'j sw,'4 sec 28 tp i) s, r 37, except certain tracts.. 3000 Warranty deed Dec 9, l T Hen Hinder to May Heuiiinger, lots 2 and 3 lilk 2, Place's 2nd add, Maker City 1 Warranty deed Nov 25, (ieo Stod dard ct 11.x to I- ; Warner. swU iiej,se'4 uw'.ne sw,'4 and my '4 sc l-4sec2Ktp.;s, r 37 K W M looo Agreement Dec o, David Kelly to John (! Foster, to sell v'i nc 1-4 of ne 1-4 sec 11, tp 9 s, r 30 e, for ixx 2 Dedlwiliou deed-Dec H, A W 1:111s el ux to I'ubllc, tract In 32 tp 1; s, r 37 e, being various additions to Sumpler no.v on nle Warranty deed-Dec 5, First M I: ihurch to Alary Klchardsnu, lots 4 and 5 blk 16, Maker City 1400 Warranty deed Nov 27, Merry Lewis et 11 to .las York, 44 acres off e side of ne 1-4 sec y and 26 23 acres off s end of w se,'4 sec t' ') . r 40 e, fijj Warranty deed-M II Denny et al to .las wori, m acres 01 ne'4 and 5jH acres of wjj se'4 secy and 30 acres of wii se'4 sec K tp i) s, r 40 e 1400 Deed-Dec 14, Sheriff to MS Lack, greater part of (Nelson's add to Maker City 331 Deed Dec 14, same to same, gie.iter part of .Multnomah addi tion to Maker City 97 Deed Dec 14, same to same, ) lot in w'i sw'4 , sv'4 nw 1-4 sec 2, s, se 1-4 sec 3; n) ne 1-4 sec 10 and nw 1-4 nw 1-4 sec 1 1 tp u s.meI: W M 34 Warranty deed Dec 2K, (ieorge Goeltlnger to Slginund Feucht wanger, 330 by Mo (t In ne 1-4 sec 7 tp 1; s, r 40 e 51 Warranty deed Dec 15, Geo Dyke toOllle K Dyke, 3 acres in sec to tp u s, r 40 e (ne 1-4 of nw 1-4)... 1 Warranty deed Nov 1, Jas D Glbhsrt u to II (I Woods, lot 6 blk 5, Sumpter Heights add 1400 Warranty deed-Sept 11, W S Mowers et u to li G Woods, lot 10 blk J, Sumpter Heights add.... 150 Deed Oct 7, I- A Hyde et u to Columb a ( iol.1 .Wining Co, 1 $7.82 aiies In sees 2u, 30, 31, 32, tphs, r 37 f MS .MINING .MATTI.HS. Mining deed-Dec 8, A W Kills et u tnG W Tape, )i hit In Mlsk and in Josephine ipu els 1 Mining deed Oct 7, same to same, h Int in Makado, Sampson, Stormklng audin Webfoot quels 1 .Mining deed II W Sloan to Mvsou Gold Mining Si Milling Co, Tiger and Mysou quels 1 Articles of Incorporation Dec ti, Mysou Gold Mining A Milling Company, Horace Sloan, T K Vorger, W H Jones and l: K Dunn, incorporators; stock, ftto, 000; par, 10c per share. Sumpter. Deed Nov 27, Win Lindsay to J T Donnelly, Grand Cential qtz elm.- 50 Deed-Dec 4, J I. Scarf to J T Don nelly, La Walt qtx elm - 50 Deed-Dec 7, Johh F Hoskins et al to J M Martin et al, Vy Int in War Eagle qtz dm 150 Deed Dec 7, Jos Foulk to J M Martin et al, 1-4 Int In Domingo. In Sweepstake, In Riverside and in Mountain Queen qtz els 500 Quit claim deed Oct 26, Chas Harper et al to Evening Star Mug Co. their interest in Lady Elgin and Wheeler qtz els 1 Quit claim deed Oct 28, Mat Wel ter et al to Evening Star Mng Co, Evening Star. La Grand and Mutter qtz elms 1 Articles of Incorporation Oct 28, Evening Star Mining Company, Chas Harper, Harold Sweetapple and C G Thomas Incorporators, Sumpter. Capital stock 950,000; shares, 5c, Sumpter Deed Nov 8, Geo J Marrett to A J Trimble, hit In the Arling ton, Cleopatra and Julius Caesar qtz elms 500 Deed-Nov 8, L W Waugli to Geo J Marrett, h int In same 500 Mond Dec o, K W Hose et al to 1 Spokane Co-operative Mining r.. I,... ..1 ... . li U1....1. u ' Gold Moy, Lucky Moy, Elgin and hit in Oregon quart claims 65,000 Deed Dec 7, Minnie Mead to John McLenuou, 'A hit in Jefferson quart, claim 200 Deed Dec 10, Albert Loy et al to H J Eckmau, Mayllower and Ogallalaquart. claims 200 MOKTGAGl-S. Mortgage Dec 5, Sarah A Leveus to J J Hcllner, lot 1 blk 16 Leven's add, Bauer City 500 Heleasc Dee 5, John G Maine to Chloride Mining and Milling Co, Chloride, Fissure, Chloride 1N0 2, e 350 feet of the Forest City quartz claims and Chloride mill site lor,. 10,000 Mortgage Dec 8, A H Cooley et ux to M J Janney, lots 17 and 18 blk 4 Wllovale, Maker City 200 Assignment Dec u, Jos Kell to T 5 Holbert, printing outfit, 525 Mortgage Dec 7, Jas Dalton et ux to J C Wolcott, sw 1-4 sec 3 tp 7 s, r 39 E W M 1200 Chattel Rec 7, O L Mumi to P Masche, 4 horses and 1 hack 100 Mortgage Dec 14, M A Halsley et vlr to Jas Odell et al, s 1-2 sw 1-4 ne 1-4 sw 1-4 and ne 1-4 se 1-4 sec 10 tp 1 1 s, r 43 e 535 Chattel Nov 23, John WeMi and E S McComas to Mrs N P North, 1 span mares, 1 wagon and 1 set harness 150 Mortgage Dec 12, J H Earley to A I. Mrown, 2 horses, t set har ness, 1 wagon and 11 1-2 nw 1-4 sec 5 tp 10 s, r 38 E W M 200 Mortgage Nov, Fannie M Mitchell et virto John Waterman, lot 12 blk 1. Stururs ft Crouch's add. Maker City 250 MISCI:LLANI:OUS. Articles of Ineorpi r itlon Dec 1, Case Furniture t-o, E A Case, W W Looney and J W Cox, In corporators, capital stock 1 10,000, at 50c per share. Sumpter Stum Wood Saw Hr. I have a first-class steam wood saw and am in the field to saw cord or slab wood In any lengths desired, on short notice. I My otiice Is anywhere you hear or see the saw. P. A. Correll, proprietor. LINES OF THE Sumpter Stage Transfer Co. CARRYING U. S. MAILS. SUMPUR-CANYON koutE. u; i" r. n is -,a p !IO f 1 ' v At Lv I Ar Sumpltr UlttorJ l.lllt.irj Auvlln Ar .Lv .Ar Lv iwiu a. II iu . t:i . 5 to a. Connecting t Autiln lth ktage lur Canun City anj Interior point. l'4 r- v. I Lv CllltorJ i p. m. I Ar .llonanra, .AM Lv t:io . 6: 10 a. Connecting UotinonMle, lelcher mine, at llonanra wlttt itagei tor I'y. Woilry, Virginia, Don Juan anj SUMPTLH-CHANITI: ROUTE, 1 u to r m. (Lv Sumi'trr. (iranlte. Ar I iu LvJ, luuo a. j'WJs m. 00 a. UtetyaUiranlie to North pork, KeJ Boy, Ban ette anj aJacenl mine. SUMPTLR-IIUUMNE ROUTE. it: ,0 p. n, wp. m. 'r p. rn, Sumpter. Iluurne , Columbia. , .Ar . Lv .Lv oo a. m. I 00 a. m. t:o a. w. IncluJIn North I'olf, E, tactnt mine. A E.i Climax, Ohio anJaJ- WANTED &2SS3SS Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps. Corner g?5Sf33S&j SUMPTER MEAT 3 MARKET Fresh f? KENTUCKY LIQUOR HOUSE Wholesale and Retail rinul bran J nl bonJe i bnotle gooji, IncluJIns OKI Overholt, (Srtn River, Monogram, Jee Moore Watwm'i Scotch, CanaJlan Club Whlikle anj Menney j.Star liranjy, GAGEN & SLOAN, - - Proprietors Cen'l Agts. Celebrated Olympla Beer on draught or by bottle. Sumpter Livery Stable McEwen & Sloan, Props. GOOD IS HALF MADAME conducts a strictly first class restaurant and boarding house where single meals are served at 3$ cents. Regular board J 5. 00 per week. Short orders at any time. Elegantly furnished rooms in connection with the house. ! 7i 00 BuiUiof , Mill St. Mining Properties on working bond A good promising property something ranging from $5000 to $30,000 A producer ranging In price from $100, 000 to 5750,000 and upward For sale 6 new houses and lots. Fritz & Dwyer COR. CENTER AND ORANITC Jhe Nelll Mercantile Company Granite and Mill. Gloves and Mittens, Leggings, Felt Boots, German Socks, Heavy Rubbers, Ect. A. MANNS, Rroprletor. Butcher and Packer , and Cured Meats, and Sausage of all Kinds. First Class Uvery Rigs and Saddle Horses ALWAYS ON HAND MODERATE PRICES Experienced Guides to all the Mining Camps. Your patronage solicited. LIVING OF LIFE. BRITTEN SmnpUt, Ongaa