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About The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 20, 1899)
Wednesday, December 20, 1899 THE SUMPTER MINER. "SUMPTER IS ABUTTE." Is New? Being New,Is Wicked and Interesting. If you take Butte of earlier Jays of the halcyon days of the middle eighties .when the camp was new and lusty and just a trifle more wicked than it Is today and compare It closely with this golden dot on the eastern Oregon map, neither will lose by the comparison. Sumpter Is new glaringly, painfully new. Being new, It is also wicked. Being wicked, it Is also Interesting, and because it is new and wicked and interesting, and because also the gold mines of the surrounding coun try are rich enough to satisfy the dreams of an opium-eater, and because also more rich mines at the rate of a dozen a year are being added to the list of dividend payers in the district, and because also enough Butte people and Spokane people with push and snap and go have come to the camp to make it a success, Sumpter is a Butte. For thirty years Sumpter, from the so cial standpoint, has been In the gentle hands of tvo separate and distinct species of slow-pokers, each superior to the other in some particular regard Oregonlans aid Chinamen. The former, during all the Intervening time since 1876, have stood by watched the Chinamen work. The latter, during these twenty-live years, have taken out of the placer diggings a sum of gold variously esti mated at from ten to twenty-live million dollars. The Oregonlans herded cattle in the foothills, grazed sheep on the moun tiiu slopes, and never made further Inves tigation into the richness of the district than to occasionally inquire of the China men If they didn't want to buy some beef. I got it straight from an old California prospector that the way the Oregonlans discovered gold In this district was through a cowboy down on Camas prairie, who loaded up on red-eye and held up a China man bound for the Wells-Fargo express ortice at Pendleton. This was some time in J. Sumpter the Sumpter of today was born last year. This vouches for the youthfulness of the camp. After it be came known that a syndicate composed of Standard Oil company people, who, In 1897, paid three-quarters of a million dol lars for the Bonanza mine, sixteen miles from Sumpter, were producing a monthly average of 40,000 in gold; and after the Kid Boy mine began pounding out half that figure, and after the North Pole joined the list, and with a dinky stamp mill began to make millionaires of its owners, and after General Charles F. Warren came to town and began a systematic dis semination of facts regarding the camp, and after English & Son took hold of the Golconda mine and began digging out ore at the zso-ft level, which, In the language of the Alaska miner, was "gold, carrying some quartz" Sumpter began to live. For six months she wore swad dling clothes; at the end of that time the camp assumed swagger airs, blossomed out as a city of some metropolitan preten tious and began to hum. To the Hutte people in Sumpter who have taken the bull by the horns and in cidentally taken a tiler in real estate and mines, the sound of this hum Is pleasant music. All the Montana men In this camp stand to win big money. Some of them already have cleaned up snug sums. Gen eral Warren, of course, is the king bee atojnd here. C. F. Booth, ex-Mayor Dugan, W. F. Cobban and some of the others have irons In the fire which will pan out heavily when the time Is ripe. They are all quite happy and not the least lonesomeor homesick, for in the lauguage of the Hon. Charles F. Booth, "Sumpter is a Butte." L. Bush L. in Anaconda Standard. Building Leased for Two Years. A. M. Keltic has leased from Charles Booth, for a term of two years, the build ing now used as a hay warehouse by the Sumpter Hardware company, adjoining THE MINER office. He will have It reno vated, remodeled and raised to conform to the new street grade. Already there are one or two applications In to rent It for business purposes, though no lease has yet been given. To the Ladles of Sumpter. You are respectfully invited to Inspect a beautiful line of modern hand-made Point and Battenburg lace work. I also have or will design patterns for any lace pieces desired, furnish materials, give lessons, of make work to order. The largest line and variety of genuine Mexican drawn work ever shown in eastern Oregon, and at such prices as will permit you to make handsome Christmas presents at moder ate amounts. Call at the home of Mrs. Dr. Tape, adjoining the office, where I am temporarily located. MRS. MARSH. The Bellinger- Ritche Company .OF SUMPTER. OREGON Dispensers of only the Choicest Brands Liquors Including Old Overholt, Can adian Club. Ushers and James Watson Scotch, I nported 1881 U. I.. Tl.. C.... U. ....-... m.iliuy, nice jwii ciiiicaiy, and all the Leadiug Brands of Wlnts and Cigars. New and Elegant Fixtures. Comfort able quarters for gentlemen. No better service In Oregon. ' .The Magnolia... The Bellinger-Ritchie Company, Proprietors. (Formerly Hotel Van Duyn Bid.) General Brass and Iron Founders and Machinists. Baker City Iron Works GEO. F. MCLYNN, Proprietor :::::: Special attention given to repairing ami renunc kinds of machinery. and rebuilding all Baker HIV. Telephone Red 161 New Harness Shop. MCEWEN & SLOAN, Proprietors. SUMPTER, OREGON. REPAIRING - A - SPECIALTY J SHOR Jl OPPOSITE THE LIVERY STABLE. A BEAUTIFUL LINE OF FASCINATORS Now In at the Red Front. Be sure and come and see our fine Line of Comforts, all-wool Oregon Blankets, large Cotton Bats, Etc. Dry Goods and Ladies' Furnishings, Gents' Under wear of all weights, Overalls, Shoes, Hats and Winter Caps. In our Grocery Department we carry a full line of Gordon & Dilworth's high grade Jellies, Plum Puddings, Mince Meat, etc.; also Heintz' relishes, which need no other rec ommendation than the name. Fancy Lunch Goods to suit the most fastidious are also on the shelves, with a full assortment of staple groceries. Remember the place. ec THE RED FRONT W. C. CALDER, PuoPMiiTOR OPERA HOUSE SALOON SUMPTER BEER ON. DRAUGHT BILLIARD AND POOL TABLES Agents for Matting ly and Moore Whis key a 2o-year-old whiskey as good as Elixir of Life. All whiskies are out of bond and guaran teed the genuine ar ticle. Popular re sort for Commer cial Travelers and Miners. SUMPTER, OREGON Kahler & Hawley Postoffice Store FRESH GOODS ARE ARRIVING DAILY Complete New Stock of Men's and Boys' Winter Wear, Clothing, Over coats, Underwear and Footwear of all kinds. Special a fine Hue of general STATIONERY GOODS S KAHLER & HAWLEY, SUMPTER, OREGON xt