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About The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 20, 1899)
Wednesday, December 20, 1899. THE SUMPTER MINER. TIMBER LAND. ACT JUNE . i8?8.-NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. I UnlteJ States Una Office. I U GrnJe, Oregon, Nov. i, 1899. Notice Is hereby given that In compliance with the provisions of the act of Congress of June 1. 1878, entltleJ "An act for the sale of timber lanJs In the states of California, Oregon, NevaJa and Washing fon Territory," EDWARD E. HAUSER, of Sumpter, Countvof Baker, State of Oregon, has this Jay hie J In this ofhee his sworn itatement No. 584. tor the purchase of the s !iw)'"C isanjn li nw !i of sec No. 1 1. In township No. 9 south.range No. 6 b W M, anj will offer rroof to show that the lanj sought Is more valuable for Its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, anj to establish his claim to salj lanj before the Register anj Receiver of this office at La GranJe, Oregon, on MonJay, the 5th Jay of February, 1000. He names as witnesses: Alvln P. Jones, Sam R. stott, James A. Grainger, John L. Sullivan, all ol Sumpter, Oregon. Any anj all persons claiming ajversety the above JescrlbeJ lanJs are re-iuestel to hie their claims In this office on or before the salj jth Jav of February, E. W UAKTUfT. Register. TIMBER LAND. ACT JUNE j. 1878.-NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. j United States Lanj Office, I La GranJe, Oregon. Nov. 1, 1809. Notice Is hereby given that In compliance with the provisions of the act of Congress of June ). 18)8, entltleJ "An act tor the sale of timber lanJs In the states of Calllornla, Oregon, NevaJa, and Washing ton Territory, PORTER A. CONDE. of Baker City, County of Baker, Mate ol Oregon, has this Jay tileJ In this office his sworn statement No, 585, for the purchase of the ne H of sec No. at, In township No. 9 south, range No. it E W M, anj will offer proof to show that the lanj sought Is more aluabletor Its timber or stone than lor agricultural purposes, anj to establish his claim to salj lanj be fore the Register anj Receiver of this office at La CiranJe, Oregon, on Monjay, the slh Jayol Febru ary. 1900. Me names as witnesses: Alvln I'. Jones, Walter W. Looney. AnJrew Mlnson, EJwarJ Fortune, all ol Sumpter, Oregon, Any anj all persons claiming aJversely the above JescrlbeJ lanJs are requested tn file their claims In tills oltice on or belore salj jth Jay of February, : E. W. ItARTLErr, Register. TIMBER LAND. ACT JUNE ). i88.-NOTICE TOR PUBLICATION. I UnlteJ States Lanj Office, I La GranJe, Oregon, Nov. 1, 1899. Notice Is hereby given that In compliance with the provisions ol the act of Cogress 01 June 1. 18?8, en illleJ "An act for the sale of limber lanJs In the slates ol California, Oregon, Nevada, anj Washing ton Terrliory," EDWARD II. RICMARDhON, of Baker City County ol Baker, State of Oregon, has this Jay tileJ In litis office his sworn statement No. 486, lor the purchase of the se ! ol sec No, 11, In town.hlp No. 9 south, range No. it E W M, anj will oiler proof to show that the lanj sought Is more taluatle lor Its llmreror stone than lor agricultural purposes, anj to establish his claim to salJ lanj be lore the eglsler anj Receiver ot this office at La (iranje, Oregon, on MonJay, the 5th Jay of Febru ary, lyUO. lie names as witnesses: Walter W. Looney, Wil liam A. Cushman, John II. Brannon, John U Sulli van, all ol Sumpter. Oregon. Any and all persons claiming ajversety the above JescrlbeJ lanJs are re juesteJ to file their claims In tnls office on or belore salj jth Jay of February, leuo. li. W. Bartiltt, Register. TIMBER LAND. ACT JUNE 1, i8t8.-NOTICE TOR PUBLICATION. I UnlteJ Slates Lanj Office, ) La GranJe, Oregon, Nov. 1, 1899. Notice Is hereby given that In compliance with the provisions of the ad of Congress of June 1. 1818, entlileJ "An act for the sale of timber lands In the statu of California, Oregon, Nevada, and Washing ton Territory," as extendeJ to all the public lanj states by act of August 4, 169J, DAVID 0. HOSUW, of Sumpter, County of Baker, Stale of Oregon, has this Jay hied In Ihls office tils sworn statement No. s8r. for the purchase of the s sw ! sec n, and n H nw 'x ol sec No. tr In township No. 9 south, range No. it K W M, anj. will offer proof to show that the lanj sought Is more valuable for Its limber or stone than for agricultural purposes, anj to establish his claim tu said lanj belore the Register anj Re ceiver ol this office at La) UranJe, Oregon, on Mon Jay, the jth Jay ot February, 19U0. He names as witnesses: Sam R. Slotl, Arthur W, Ellis, Porter A. ConJe, AnJrew Stinson, all of Sump ter, Oregon. Any and all persons claiming adversely the above JescrlbeJ lanJsare rejuestej to hie their claims In this office on or before salj jth Jay ol February. too, li. W. llARTierr, Register. TIMBCR LAND. ACT JUNE 1, 1878.-NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. (UnlteJ States Land Office, J La GranJe, Oregon, Nov. I, 1899. Notice Is hereby given that In compliance with the provisions of the act of Congress of June ), 1818. entltleJ "An acf for the sale of timber lanJs In the stales of California, Oregon, NevaJa, and Washing- Ington Territory," JAMES A. QRAIvaEU, of Sumper, County of Baker, Stale of Oregon, has this Jay filed In this office his sworn statement No. 588, tor the pur chase ot inane.' 4 ot sec No. H.ln town ship No. 9 south, range No. 6. E W M. anj will offer prool toihow that the lanj sought Is more valuable tor Itstlmber or stone than tor agricultural purposes, and to establish his claim 10, said lanj belore the Register and Receiver of this office at La Grande, Oregon, on Monday, the tth Jay of February. 1900. He names as witnesses: Andrew Stinson, Sam R. Stott. EJwarJ E Mauser, Alvln P. Jones, all of Sumpter, Oregon. Any anj all persons claiming aJversely the above described lands are requested to file their claims In ihls office on or before said jth Jay of February, saoo. E. W. BASrtlETT, Register. Buy your wife a waist, dress skirt or full dress pattern for Christmas, from Johns & Co. TIMBER LAND. ACT JUNE ). 18T8.-NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. I UnlteJ States Land Office, I La GranJe, Oregon, Nov. 1, 1899 Nottce Is hereby given that In compliance with the provisions of the act of Congress of June . 1878, entltleJ "An act tor the sale ot timber lands In the states of California. Oregon, Nevada, and Washing ton Territory," asextenJeJ to alt the public lanj states by act of Augu it 4. i&ii, DANIEL PAHKV of Sumpter, County ol Baker, State of Oregon, has this Jay tileJ In this office his sworn statement No. $89, for the purchase of the n nw ( sec as. s ! sw K of sec No, 1 1 in township No. 9 south, range No. 6 E W M, anj will ofier proof to show that the lanj sought Is more valuable tor Its timber or stone than tor agricultural purposes, anj to establish his claim to salj lanj belore the Register anJ Receiver ot this office at La GranJe, Oregon, on MonJay, the jth Jay of February, 1900. He names as witnesses: Alvln P. Jones, John L. Sullivan, John II. Brannon, DavlJ G. Bousum, all ot Sumpter, Oregon. Any an J all persons claiming aJversely the aboe JescrlbeJ lanJs are requested to hie their claims In this office on or belore salj jth Jay ol I ebruary, 900. li! W. UAHTLETT, Register. TIMBER LAND. ACT JUNE 1. i8j8.-NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. I UnlteJ States LanJ Office, , I La GranJe. Oregon, Nov. t, 1899. Notice Is hereby git en that In compliance with the provisions ol the act ol Congress ol June , 1B18, entltleJ "An act lor the sale ol Umber lanJs In the states of Calllornla, Oregon, NevaJa, anj Washing ton Territory," ANDRBM STINSON, of Sumpter, County ot Baker, State of Oregon, has this Jay filed In this office his sworn statement No. J90, lor the purchase of the ne ',( of sec No. so. In township No. 9 south, range No. it I: W M, anj will offer proof to show that the lanj sought Is mure val uable lor Us timber or stone than lor agricultural purposes.anj to establish his claim to salJ lanj be fore the Register anj Receiver ol this oltice at La GranJe, Oregon, on MonJay, the tth Jay ol Febru ary, 1900. lie names as witnesses: Arthur W. tills. Sam R. Stott, Waller W Looney. ThaJJeus 1). Bellinger, all of Sumpter, Oregon. Any anj all persons claiming aJversely the above JescrlbeJ lands are reiiuesteJ to tile their claims In this offiie on or belore salj tth Jay ol I ebruary, 1900. E. W. Bartiett, Register. TIMBER LAND. ACT JUNE 1, 1878.-NOTICE I OR PUBLICATION. I UnlteJ States LanJ Office, I La GranJe, Oregon, Nov, 1, 1899- Nollce Is hereby given that In compliance whh the provisions ot the act ol Congress of June , 1818, entltleJ "An act lor the sale of limber lanJs In the states ot Calllornla, Oregon, NevaJa, anJ Washing Ion Territory," JOHN II. HRANNAN, of Sumpter, County of Baker, Stale ol Oregon, has Ihls Jay fileJ In this office his sworn statement No. 591, lor the purchase ot the sjjnw WanJn ,' sw !,' of sec No. it. In luwnshlp No. 9 south, range No. IT E W M, anj will offer rroof to show that the lanj sought Is more valuable lor lis timber or stone than lor agricultural purposes, an J to establish his claim to salj lanj before the Register anj Receiver ol this office at La GranJe, Oregon, on MonJay, the lli Jay I ebruary, 1900. He names as witnesses: Walter W. Looney, James W. Cose, James K Galagher, Alvln P. Jones, all ol Sumpter, Oregon. Any anj all persons claiming aJversely the above JescrlbeJ lands are reiuesteJ to file their claims In Ihls otticeon or belore salj 5th Jav ot I ebruary, 1900. I: W. BARTLLTT. Register. TIMBCR LAND, ACT JUNE 1. 1878.-NOTICE TOR PUBLICATION. I UnlteJ Slates Lanj Office, I La GranJe, Oregon, Nov. 9, 1899. Nolle Is hereby given that In compliance with the provisions ot the act of Congress ot June , i8t8, enillleJ "An act lor the sale ol limber lanJs In the states ol Calllornla, Oregon, NevaJa, anj Washing ton Territory," CHARLES II. MARMI, of Sumpter, County of Baker, State of Oregon, has this Jay hleJ In this office his sworn statement No. t9, tor the purchase of the s sw H anj w ',' se ) sec No. ?. In township No. 9 south, range No. it, E W M, and will otter prool to show that the lanj sought Is more valuable lor Us limber or stone than for agricultural purposes, anj to establish his claim 10 salj lanj belore the Register and Receiver ot this office at La (irande, Oregon, on MonJay, the jlh Jay ol I ebruary, 1900. He names as witnesses: Walter Looney, Alvln P. Jones, Arthur W, Ellis, William Stinson, all ol Sumpler, Oregon. Any and all persons claiming adversely the above described lanJsare rciuesleJIo hie their claims In this oltice on or belore said jlh Jay of February, louo. E. W. BAR 1 LETT, Register. TIMBER LAND, ACT JUNE 1. 18,8NOTICC TOR PUBLICATION. (UnlteJ States Lanj Office, I La GranJe, Oregon, Nov, 14, 1899. Notice Is hereby given that In compliance with the provisions ol the act of Congress ol June 1, 1878, entltleJ "An act for the sale of timber lanJs In the states of California, Oregon, NevaJa, anj Washing Ion Territory," RIIODA C. JETT, of Sumpter, County of Baker, Stale of Oregon, has this Jay tileJ In this office her sworn statement No. 001, tor the purchase ot the w H ne" anj e ! nw M of se'e No. it. In township No. 10 south, range No. IT E W M, anj will offer proof to show that the lanj sought Is more valuable lor Its limber or stone than lor agricultural purposes, anj to establish her claim to salJ lanj before the Register and Receiver ot this office at La Grande, Oregon, on Thursday, the 1 jth Jay of February, 1900. She names as witnesses: Michael Lynch, Henry S. Durgan, Philip II. HarJesty, Harry C ShepherJ, all of Sumpter, Oregon, Any and all persons claiming adversely the above described lands are requested to file their claims In Ihls office on or before said 15th Jay of February, 1900. E. W. BARTLLTT, Register. 'New residents of Sumpter can outfit their homes completely at Case, Looney Co,, incorporated, opera house block. TIMBER LAND, ACT JUNE 3, 1878. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. (UnlteJ States Lanj Office. I La GranJe. Oregon, Nov. 14. 1899. Notice Is hereby given that In compliance with the provisions of the act ot Congress ot June 1. 1878, entltleJ "An act for the sale of timber lands In the states ol California, Oregon, Nevada, and Washing ton Territory," HENRY S. IIUROAN, of Sumpter, County of Baker, State ot Oregon, has this Jay tileJ In this office his sworn statement No. 60a, for the purchase ol the e .' ne i anj e S se ( ot sec No. it. In township No. 10 south, range No. IT E W M, anj will offer rrool to show that the lanj sought Is more valuable tor Its timber or stone than lor agricultural purposes, anj to establish his claim to salj lanj before the Register and Receiver ol this office at La GranJe, Oregon, on PiursJav, the 1 jth Jav ol February, iou. He names as witnesses: Michael Lvnch, George W. Jell. Philip II. HarJesty, ol Sumpler, Oregon; Charles W. Nlbley, r.. ot Baker City, Oregon. Any and, all persons claiming aJversely the above JescrlbeJ lanJs are requested to tile their claims In this oltice on or belore salj Mill Jay ot I ebruary, louo. li. W. llARHETT, Register. TIMBER LAND, ACT JUNO J, 1878. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. I UnlleJ States LanJOtllce, l.a GranJe, Oregon, Nov. 14 1899. Notice Is hereby given that In compliance with the provisions ol the act of Congress of June 1, 1878. entltleJ "An act lor the sate ol timber lanJs In the stales of Calllornla, Oregon, NevaJa, anj Washing ton Territory," OlOROE w. JETT. of Sumpter, County of Baker, State ot Oregon, has this Jay tileJ In this olllce tils sworn statement No. 6o, tor the purchase of the w J j se '( anj e !j sw J ot sec No. t. In township No. tu south, range No. 17 I: W M, anJ will oiler rroof to show that the lanj sought Is more valuable tor Its timber or stone than lor agricultural purposes, anJ to establish his claim to saiJ lanj belore the Register anJ Receiver ol ihls office at La (iranJr, Oregon, on ThursJay, the ilh Jav ol February, I9u, , He names as witnesses: Michael Lvnch, Henry S. Durgan, Phillip II. HarJesty, Harry C ShepherJ. all ot Sumpter, Oregon. Any anj alt persons claiming ajversety the above JescrlbeJ lanJs are reouesleJ to file their claims In this office on or belore salj ttth Jayol lebruarv. 1900. C. W. IIARHI'TT, Register. TIMBER. LAND, ACT JUNE 3. 1878. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. (United Slates land Olllce, I La Grande, tegon, Nov. 14, 18)9. Notice Is hereby given that In compliance wllli the provisions ot the act of Congress ot June , 1878, entitled "An act tor the sale ol timber lands In the states ol Cllllornli, rjrn, Nevada, and Washing ton Territory," MICHAIL LVNOt, of Sumpter, County of llaker.Slale ol Oregon, has this Jay tileJ In this ofllce tils sworn statement No. 604. tnrthe purchase ol the se ) ne 1-4, e ! se 1-4 anj sw i-4 se 1-4 ol sec No. 8, In township No-10 south, range No. it I: W M, anj will oiler proof in show that the lanJ sought Is more valuable lor Its timber or stone than tor agricultural purposes, and to establish his claim to said land before the Register and Receiver nl this ofllce at La Giande, regon, on Thursday the nth Jay ol I ebruary, iyr. He names as witnesses: George W. Jell, Henry S. Durgan, Phillip II HarJesty, Marry C ShepherJ allot Sumpler, tlr. Any anJ all persons claiming adversely the above JescrlbeJ lanJs are requestej to tile their claims In Ihls office on or belore said 1 jth Jay ut I ebruary, louo. E. W, llARHETT, Register. IBsk NOT MADE BY A TRUST SMOKE "MASTIFF" PLUG CUT J. B. PACE TOBACCO CO. Richmond, Va. TIMBER LAND, ACT JUNE 3, 1878. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. I UnlteJ States Lanj Olllce, I La GranJe, Oregon, Nov. 18, 1899. Notice Is hereby given that In compliance with the provisions ot the act ol Congress ol June 1,1878, entitled "An act lor the sale ol timber lanJs In the states of California, Oregon, NevaJa, and Washing ton Territory," as estenJeJ to all the public land states by act ol August 4, 1891, WILLIAVt C. HOSEASON, ill Sumpter, County ol Baker. State ol Oregon, has this Jay hleJ In this oftce his sworn statement No. 607. for the purchase ol the nw 1-4 ot section No. 16 In township No. 10 south, range No. 17 UWM.and will offer proof to show that the land sought Is more valuable tor lis timber or stone than lor agricultural purposes, and to establish his claim to said land be lore the Register anJ Receiver ol this ofllce at la Grande, Oregon, onTrlday.lhe 16th Jay ol I ebruary, lyoo. He names as witnesses: AnJrew Dewar, Issac Williamson, Van Rensselaer Mead, Archibald Downle Sr.. all ot Sumpter, Oregon. Any and all clilnlngadverielv the above JescrlbeJ lands are requested to tile their claims In this olllce on or belore said itMh Jav ol I ebruat y. 1900. li. W. HAMULI T, Register. TIMBER LAND, ACT JUNE 3. I7' NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. I UnlleJ Stst.'s I anj ofllce, I La GranJe, Oregon, Nov, 18, 1899. Notice Is hereby given that In compliance with the piovlslonsol the act ol Congress ol June 1, 187V, enillleJ "An act tor the sale ol limber lanJs In the states ol Calllornla, Oregon, Nevada, and Washing ton Tertltlloty," as extended to all the public land states by aclol August 4, 1891, VAN RI'NSMLAER MEAD, ill Sumpler, County ol Maker, Slate ol Oregon, has this Jay tiled In Ihls ofllce his swum statement No. of. lor the purchase ol the ne 1-4 ol section No. 16 In township No. to south, range No. it I: MM. and will otter prnot to show that the land sought Is more valuable lor Its limber or slone than lor agricultural (utilises, and to establish his claim tu said land be lore the Register and Receiver ol this oltice at I a Grande, Oregon, on I'rlday.the ifcth Jay ol I ebruar) , I911- He names as witnesses: AnJrew Dewar, Issac Williamson, William C lloseason, ArlhlbalJ Downle, Sr., all ol Sumpter, Oregon, Any and all persons claiming adversely the above JesctlbeJ lanJs are re.tiested to tile their claims In this oltice on or belore salj 16H1 Jay ol I ebruary, 1900. E. W. IIARHIITT, Register. TIMBER LAND, ACT JUNE 3. '87K. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. (LnlleJSlates I anJ olllce, I La GranJe, Oregon, Nov. iB, 1899 Notice Is hereby given that In compliance with the provisions nl the act nl Congress ol June 1, 1818, entltleJ "An act lor the sale or limber lanJs In the States nl Calllornla, Oregon, NevaJa, and Washing ton territory," as extended In all the public land slates by act ol August 4. 89, AMIRIW III WAR, of Sumpler, County nl Baker, State ol Oregon, has Ihls Jay hleJ In this nfllce tils sworn statement No 601. lor the purchase ol the ne 1-4 ol sec. No. si In township, No. 10 south range No. t li W M, anJ will offer proof to show that the lanj sought Is more valuable tor lis timber or stone than for agricultural riurpnses, and tu establish tils claim to salJ lanj he me the Register and Receiver of Ihls oltice at La Grande, Oregon, on Friday, the iCth Jayol I ebruary, He names as witnesses: Van Rensselaer MeaJ, William C lloseason, Issac Williamson, Archibald Downle Sr., all ol Sumpter, Oregon. Any and all persons claiming adversely the above JescrlbeJ lanJs are requesleJ to hie their claims In this oiTlce on or before salj mth Jay ol I ebruary, 191.). E. W. IIARILEIT, Register. Frazer & Chalmers Chicago, III. RcprfMsntcd bv Menno Unzicker, Hotel, Baker City, Ore. Milling Machinery, Crushers, Stamps, Rolls, Per forated Metals, Screens, Jigs, Frue Vanners, Ball Mills, Etc. MIiiIiik Machinery Hoists, Hollers (hicludliiR Sederholm Holler) liledler Pumps and Air Compressor, KoastiiiK mid Smelting; Furnaces. Write Chicago Office for Catalogues.