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About Albany daily democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1888-192? | View Entire Issue (Dec. 27, 1888)
Lnfc4 tm ,m ait ntuA At VOL. I. ALBANY OR., THURSDAY, DECEMBER 27,1888. NO 201 H. ! UOLDF.X MILK HAZAAIt. has i.splondld assortment of goods for the Holidays, consisting of 8 nlo6 selectien of GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES, DIAMONDS, ETC., ETC, Gold Hsadad Canes. New assortment all kinds of jewelry. REAL ROGER BROTHERS SILVER PLATED WARE. CJ, DILLON & CO., dealkks;in LUMBER, FLOORING, RUSTIC, ETtf. General Job Work, Dressing and Sawing Lumber, Repairing,1 Etc., Etc. MANUFACTURE ALL KINDS OF FURNITURE. Special advantage to purchasers of rustio flooring;, Factory at foot of Iyou Street. THE PLACE. By all moans salmon Parker Brothers. Successors to John Foxt or your Groceries, Produce, Baked Goods, Etc., Etc, Tholr Roods are tbe best and their prices reasonable. FRANCIS PEEI.FJFER. PROPRIETOR OF Albany Soda Works vnd Manufacturers of CHOICE CONFEuTIONERY, PWe are mow prop are rt to Mil at who. Bale, always froab and pure at Forth nd riricen to dealers. Wo also keop a full ine of fluta and Tropical Fruits, CIGARS AND TOBACCO Cali (ioe Lin? Way at .liiliui r have made arrangements for buying goods direct from the factories In Europe, and will sell at wholesale or retail, cheaper than any where else on the Pacific Coast The following are some of my cash retail prices : i dozen unhandled teacups and saucers. 35 cts. M dozen unhandled rnffi rune on cers, 45 cts. 'A dozen handled coffee cups and sau cers, 50 cts. 'A dozen seven inch dinner nlntra. . r cts. ' ' These troodsar. all imn a not a cheaper grade of goods. These prices are for 30 days. IuliOs Gradwoiil. A fine HnOuf holidltf ann t. fnl .no ama!. ery depanment and marked very low in Wallace & Thompson Carpel f ,'hennir limn vntt fm h.... tl r land. Will sell a good grade of Brussels iur uq ccnis; a neavy tnree ply car net for 7C rents anH twn nli. t , "v pt.t.o iiuiii An rrntu tit r r-.ritj f. .-.-;-. 1 .. i : .. t J -. . .... a tuigc iiiic of oil cloths, linoleum and window shades. ft. u. otcilwaijj great sale. This will bo the greatest oppor tunity niw uueruu 10 ouy a etyiisn wrap at MoSTKITII 4SSEITENBACII, Kiln- Dried Floor ixc-Good kiln dried flooring at the SprinL'lield lumber vard In this city. Dandruff i.,KI nna nf tl... . .i:rc cult diseases of the scalp to care; but Du- jpcuiu uuvor tans 10 remoye it per manently . Soreness after shaving is instant ly relieved by its nso. Sold by Foshay & Mason. KEEP POS'ib. V beat, 70 cents. New fall goods at Bead's. See those new jersies at W. F. Read's. New ribbon all shades and styles at Read's All lines of boys kilt suits at W. F Reads- Fine line of bread kneading pans at O W S-nith's. Another lot of Hull cheese at Brownell & SUnard's. A large stock of lifting force pumps at G W Smith's. A full line of Christmas candies and nuts will be kept by Brownell & Staoard. Go to A. B. Moll wain's and ask to see those $6 suits for men. In a calm sea every man is pilot. In dry goods W. F. Read is leader, If yon want to save from 10 to SS.per cent by your goods of W. F. Read. Six shaves for a dollar and a clean towel to every customer, at Tbos. lones. Bay your tickets through to the East W L Jester and save fare to Portland. A complete line of heating and parlor atom at U W Smith's, no better in tho valley. The cheapest place to buy men's under wear in the state is at A. B. Mcllwain's. W. F. Read can and will sell dry goods cheaper than any bouse in Albany. Call and see for yourself. , All the latest novelties in millinery goods at E and C Howard's. Call and see tbera, No trouble to show goods. The line of Pacific and Royal Argands at G W Smith's is a large one. These are among the best cook stoves made. Seo them. Goods not sold for less than cost, coods not given away. But good honest goods sold at reasonable pront at w . . t . 1 .. Julius Gradwohl is now making a special ty of crockery, fancy goods and silver ware. of which he carries a large and select stock. His silver ware is 1847 Roger Bros, bis stock of crockery is the best in the markot and his line of dolls and children's play things gener ally is complete. His prices are the lowest on the coast. mWTO CO EAST. Go Rut vii Mmul Shasta Route. jNice climate an l nooucry at all timus of tho year. Sco Mount Shasta, Sacramento, Oden, Salt Lake, 1 Djuver. Finest second-class cars made are run daily. Buy yonr tickets of me anil save vour fare to Portland. I am the only person in All any that can sell you a ticket from Albany direct to any point in the Uuitol a:ate. Calipn me tor races. W. I Jemtrk. Agout S. P. FOSHAY & MASON, VimStlLS MS SSTilt Drnggistsand Booksellers, Agents, for John B. Aldan's publications, which we soil t publisher's prices wita posiageauaaa. ALBANY, OKKGUM. SECURE PRICES. NO 'Trouble to show GOODS AT .DErOJS& R0BS0N FURNITURE ! FURNITURE! Thos. Brink has thomost complete line of furniture in the city, consisting of Parlor Suits, Upholstered Chairs, Bed Chairs, Bed r 00m Sets, Walnut Center Tables, Walnut Ex tension Tables.Dining Tables.Tin Bed Lounges, Single Whatnots, Carpet Chairs Folding Chairs.Pine Mirrors from 75c. to $12,I'ine Wicker Wood Baskets, Pine" Wicker Work Baskets, Cornice Poles, Gilt and Nickel Door Mats and Bugs in many Colors and Sizes, and Window Shades, Etc., Etc. and I am selling these at tlit vprv lowest Bp1 Rock Prices inn" goods er no ealp. THOS. BRINK. WILL BROS, DR- C. U. CHAMBERLIN, Homeopathic Physician and Surgeon Dealors In all the latost improved Pianos Organ., Sewing Maohinet, Gum. Also a lull Una or warramen ivazors, nmoiier mi. I i-ni-ltnt Knives. The betl kind of sewing machine oil, needlo and extra, for all machines. Ail repairing neatly and reasonably done. CARPENTER AND JOINER. The undersigned Is prep trad to do all kinds of work tn his line In first-class or, risr and with oromotnosi. Address P. O box 87 or call at corner of 9th and Maple treets, I. K, Smith, S-offlce ooi ner of Third and Lyon St, ALBANY, ORECON. Jos. Webber nnounoes to his patrons And friends that a now looted in his new shop in the Fo & Mason Block aud with able workmen ttend to his customers at as reasonable as any other shop. As he has three rooms runningU'iici thire wil be - ting for baths TIN WARE AND HARD WARE vK ALL KINDS AT PAINTS, OILS AND BRUSHES AT DEYOE oc ROBSON'S. The DesMoines (Iowa) Leader, demo cratic, considers it not a little amusing to see the unprotected republican farmers in the West taxing themselves for the suppos ed benefit, of a lot of protected democratic workingmen in the East who vote against protection and for "free trade." Come to look at it, that sort of voting is a little amusing.though too expensive for a steady pastime. A gentleman wants te know upon what authority we said in yesterday's Democrat that a majority of i6,coo of the votes of In diana was cast against Harrison. We meant simply this, that in round numbers there were 542,000 cast in that state, of which Harrison received 263,000, or 16,000 less than a majority. His plurality over Cleveland was 2300. Kissing is oot permitted to form a por :ion of courtship's episodes in laoan.Trulv. no land under the sun is more in need of missionaries ! Itchuiif Pile arc known bv miisnure lika irjsD.r iuii protiuemjf tyerydia&irreeablo itching aCtei injf warm. This form as well as Blind, bleed: t 7 and protruding Pilea, yield at once to the application of Dr. Boaanko'a lile remndy, w.iich act directly upon the ptrtH affected, abs'rbing tbe tutuora, allaying the intense itching and effecting a peroiiuert cure. M cents. Address The Ur Boftitiko y41cir.e Co , Piqu O. bold by Dr. Cuiss and Son. Highland, Clackamas Co., Or., March 20 1 have suffered with a disease of the kid neys fur 6 or 7 years and for the last two months have been laid up with a pain in my back. A irieoii sent me a sample of the Ore gon Kidney Tea, and having used it one week I can do t cood day s work. I have derived more benefit from it than from all the meoicines Ihaye ever taken. J. Q. Aewbill. Sold by Foshay & Mason. DR. BO SAN UO in his new discovery for Consumption, suc ceeded in producing a medicine which n ac knowledged by all to be simply marvelous. It is exceedingly pleasant to the taste, per fectly haruilesf, and does not sicken. In all oases of cases of Consumption, Coughs, Colds wnoopinc Uough, (J roup, tironchttis, and Pains in the Chest, it has Given universal satisfaction. Dr Knsanko's Cough and Lunc a : 11 n 1. l.. rv. ,. . -- r, ayrup 1a num si .juceuns oy ur U 1)183 Ci son. Delecatn women wh 3 complain of a tired feeling, pains ia the back and loins, desire to sleep, dizziDesp, painful or suppressed menstruition, will find in 0 ret; on Kidnev Tea a faithful friend. It cap be reJied upon in every instance to give immediate relief from urinary tioubles. Thousands of women are suffering every day from some disorder ofjthe kidneys or liver, who miifht be permanently cared by uHimr Oregon Kidney Tea. Sold by foshay & lUasou. 1889. Harper's Weekly. ILLTJSTEATE ID. 'Harper'i Weekly" hai a wcll-oatabllshed place as the leading Illustrated nnwspiper In America, ThB Imirsess of its editorial cimments fon current politic hat earned (or It the respect and confldaico of all im partial readers, and the variety and oxcehence of Its literary contents, which include serial and short stories by the best and most popular writers, fit It for the perusal of people of the widest rango ol tastes and punuiss. Supplements are frequently provided, and no expense is spared to bring the highest order of artUtie ability to bear upm the illustration of the changeful phases of home and foreign history. A new work of fiction from the pen of William Dean How- ells, and one by Capt Charles King, will he anion? the leading features of the Week'y for 1889, HiM'S PERIODICALS. Per Tear . 1IARPCR'3 WEEKLY g 00 HARI KR-S MCIAZ1NE 4 00 HARPER'S BAZAR 4 00 HARPER'S YOUNG PEOPLE 2 00 Postasre free to all subscribrrx in the ITtiitpil States Canada or Mexico. Thevolumos of tlw-Woekly begin with tho first Number for January of each year. When no time is mentioned subscriptions will hcxin with the Num ber current at ilio t'.me of receipt of ordci , Round volumes of "Harper's Weekly,' for three years back, In neat cloth bln lbu, will ba sent by mat), post-paid, or by express, free of expenre (pro vided the freight does not exceed one dollar per vol ume), for 87 00 por volume. Cloth cases for each volume, suitable for binding mill be tent by mall, postpaid, or. receipt of tl each. Remittances should be made by P?stoffl Money Order or Draft, to avoid chance of loss. Newspapers are not to copy this advertisement without the express order of Harper and Brothers. Address : HARPER and BROTHERS, New York Fine line of Guns and good stock of Ammuni tion at Ddyoe and Rob sn's. Special bargains TELEGRAPHIC NEWS A Negro Riot MEMI'HIS, Tenn., Dec. 26. A private letter was received here to-night saying there was a negro riot in progress in Lamar,Mississippi,and asked some Winchester rides be sent on the first train. Lamar is just twelve miles south of Grand Junction, Tenn., on the line of the Illi nois Central railroad. Every effort has been made to get at the facts, but no response to telegrams sent has been received up to mid night. It is rumored that two whites and five negroes have been killed. Dr. Carver. Minneapolis, Dec. 26. Dr. Carver, in his third day's shooting, broke, up to II p. m., 7190 balls and missed sixty. His record for three days is 26,535 balls hit, about 2500 below the average of 10,000a day which will be neces sary to insure success in his attempt to break 60,000 balls in six days. To-night his physical condition is badr I lis head and arms are much swollen and he suffers great pain. It is not be lieved he will be able to continue to the end of the week. A liig Haul. Truckke, Cal., Dec. 26. The country is being secured for the robbers who plundered the overland train Monday night, but no trace of them has been discovered vet. Wells. Farco & Co.'s representatives report the loss at S56, 000. The roblers refused to take a coin pack age containing 510,500 saying it was too heavy to carry. Coming West. Nkw York, Dec. 26. Wmr J. O'Conner, champien oars of America, arrived in the city to-day, I le will start for San Francisco with George V. Lee in two weeks to row JakeGau daur for $2000 and the championship. O'Con ner said that he would leave for Australia on March 7 to row Searle champion of the world, for $5000 a side and a cup. An Excitting Accident. York, Pa., Dec. 26. While a Christtma entertainment was being held last evening, in a hall at East Praspect, this county, the building collapsed and 300 peeple were hurled with the broken floor from the second to the first floor. To add to the terror of the situation, the stove set fire to the ruins. A large number were bad ly bruised and cut, but fortunately there were no serious casualties.and only n few were severe ly injured. A Competing Line. Tacoma,W;. T., Dec. 26 J L from Chicago, represents capitalists of that city. He says he will put on a new line of steamers the coming season to compete with the Oregon Railway & Navigation Company '8 steamers on the lower sound. The first will be built In Chicago and put together here. It will be here the begin ning of April. All the vessels wilt be built like the propellers on the Great Lakes, with a draft of six to seven feet. Dr. M. H. Ellis, physisian and surgeon Air-any, Oregon. Calls made ic city or country. Farmers, if you want the bes harness all and mule. o to E. L. Power, next to Dim erat office. J. F. Wallace, Physician and Surgeon. Al bany, Or Drss Shoes. A fine job lot of men's shoes, 100 pairs, all different, Xo 7's, best in the city, at G W Simpson's. They range in "price for from Si .50 to $3.50 about halt ot the regular price. Io such bargains anywhere. Shoes, Shoes, Shoes. In this line w have always shown the very best goods to be found In the markets of America, the knife will be put to goods in this depart ment as they must go. Call and see for yourself. iWOXTEITH iY &EITENI1ACII. We witl sell 3 ou grocories cheaper than any store in town. BROWNF.I.Lft STANAUD. Mow is your appetite ! Are yon nervous or irritable ? Are you subject to bdliouness ? l)r Henley's Dandelion Tonio works wonders. It mskes the weak and sickly strong, tuiilds up th-j whole system and puts i,ew lifo and engeryioyou. Dojts and Shoes. Call at A. B. Mc Ilwaln's and see the ladles' kid and pebble goat shoe, for $1.50, former price $ A Democrat man has seen the shoe and can pronounce it a remarkably cheap shoe for the former price. CURE FOR NICK II 11. 3 AC HE. Do yon want a remedy for R'HouKew, Pimple on tho fer, anil a iiirs eure for sick hmulitche, ask Dr. (lu't. uid hon, lb. DnimtLle, lor Dr. Live Pill., try a done, .ample Ire. lull box 2ft cent. SUPERIOR LINES OF AGRICULTURAL IM PLEMENTS AT DE YOE & ROBSON 1