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About Albany daily democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1888-192? | View Entire Issue (Dec. 28, 1888)
. . r ... - VOL. I. ALBANY OR.,FRIDAY,DECEMBER 28,1888. NO 202 i H. ha splendid assortment of goods for the Holidays, consisting of a nice solectien of GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES, DIAMONDS, ETC., ETC, Gold Head9d Canes. New assortment all kinds of Jewelry, REAL ROGER BROTHERS SILVER PLATED WARE. C. J, DILLON & CO., DEALERS JIN LUMBER, FLOORING, RUSTIC, ETtf. General Job Work, Dressing and Sawing Lumber, Repairing, Etc,, Etc. MANUFACTURE ALL KINDS OF FURNITURE. Special advantage to purchasers of rustio flooring1, Factory at loot of Lyon Street. THE PLACE. By all meant llon Parker Brothers, Successors to John Fox, for your Groceries, Produce, Baked Goods. Etc., Etc, Their goods are the best and thclr,priooi reasonable. FRANCIS PFEIFFER, PROPRIETOR OF Albany Soda Works And Manufacturers of- CHOICE CONFEUTIONERY, We are mow prepared to pI1 at wholi. sale, always fresh and pure at Portliod prlcas to dealers. We also keep a full line of Suts and Tropical Fruits, CIGARS AND TOBACCO! HOW, TO GO EAST. Ga East vU Mount Shasta Ronte. Nice climite and saonery at all times nf the year. See Monnt Shasta, Sacramento, Ogden, Salt Lake, Danver. Finest second-class cars made are run daily. Buy your tickets of me and save your fare to Portland. I am the only person in Albany that cn sell yon a ticket from Albany direct to anv point in the United States. Cull nn me for rater. W. L. Jester, Agent S. P. FOSHAY & MASON, -T13LI.UI AlfD MTA1.W- Druggists and Booksellers, Agents for John B. Alden's publications, whioh we sell at publisher' prises wita ostageadied. ALBANY. OKKGOn. SECURE PRICES. NO TROUBLE TO SHOW GOODS AT DEYOE & itOBSON GOLDEN RULE BAZAAR. Cash (io Lous Ways at Julim I have made arrangements for buying goods direct from the factories in Europe, and will sell at wholesale or retail, cheaper than any where else on the Pacific Coast The following are some of my cash retail prices : 'A dozen unbundled teacups and saucers, 35 cts. dozen unhandled coffee cups and sau cers, 45 cts. 'A dozen handled coffde cuna and . cers, 50 cts. 'A dozen seven inch dinner plates, 45 ThcSC 700dE are all irnn etAn. r'Ul-. 1 " -'"-i'ci grime 01 goous. 1 nese prices are for 30 days. Iulius Gradwoiil. A floe hnTM.o ..,. 1. - 1 - mj s ,1 1)fr uur urUCK ery doparlment and marked very low in Wallace & Thompson ' m m m Carpet. Chenner than vm, , K.... tu. i ti ... , .mi uu mem in x uri- land. Will SPlI a crnru! -.!.. I) I. " t fc.1""- WSBCl. carnetfor6o cents: a hisv tl,,-. i ..... pet for 75 cents, and two ply carpets from ty .cul.. arnc u large line of oil cloths, linoleum and window shades. A. a. MclLWAIN Winter wrati. ar tdawmul 1-- creat sale. Thi. will w hg i,M.fu, unity ever offered to buy a stylish wrap at ivjvt uriue. MoNrEITH A2SEITENBACH. Kiln Dried FLOORi.NG.-Good kiln dried flooring at the Springfield lumber yard In this city. Dandruff i. nrnholJ AnA U . j:rn -- 1 j " wijUiio uiuai uiui- cult diseases of the scalp to care: but Du- uv,u uover tans w remoye it per manently . Soreness after shaving is instant ly relieved by its use. So'.d by Foshay & Mason. KEEPPO&'it,. fVbeat, 70 cents. Mew fall goods at Read's. See those new jersies at W. F. Read's. New ribbon all shades and styles at Read's All lines of boys kilt suits at W. F Read's. Fine line of bread kneading pans at O W Smith's. Another lot of Hull cheese at Brownell & SUnard's. A larce stock of lifting force pumps at G W Smith's. A full line of Christmas candies and nuts will be kept by Brownell & Stanard. Go to A. B. Mcll wain's and ask to see those $6 suits for men. 1. . ... ...... i. Tn I goods V. F. Read is leader. If yon want to save from 10 to 25. per cent by your goods of W. F. Read; Six shaves for a dollar and a clean towel to every customer, at Thos. Jones. Buy your tickets through to the East W L Jester and save fare to Portland. A complete line of heating and parlor ston at G W Smith's, no better in the valley. The cheapest place to buy men's under wear in the state ia at A. B. Mollwain's. W. F. Read can and will sell dry goods cheaper than any bouso in Albany. Call and seo for yourself. All the latest novelties in millinery goods at -E and C Howard's. Call and see them. No trouble to show goods. The line of Pacifio and Royal Argands at G W Smith's is a large one. These are among the best cook stoves made. See them. Goods not sold for less than oost, goods not given away. But good honest goods sold at reasonable profit at W. . .tutu Julius Gradwohl is now making a special ty of crockery, fancy goods and silyer-ware, of which he carries a large and select stock. His silver ware is 1847 Roger Bros, bis stock of crockery is the beat in the market and bis line of dolls and children's play things gener ally is complete. His prices are the lowest on tbe coast. A UEC1!A'1CAL CUKE FOR HICCOUGH. TELEGRAPHIC NEWS FURNITURE FURNITURE !r Thos. Brink has the'most complete line of furniture in (be oic consisting f Parlor Suits, Upholstered Chairs, Bad Chairs, Bed a ) ft Jets, Walnut Center Tables, Walnut Ex tension Tables,Dining Tables,Tin Be? T.oungcj, Single Whatnots, Carpet Chairs, Folding Chairs.Fine Mirrors from 75c. to $12,Fine Wicker Wood Baskets, Fine Wicker Work Baskets, Cornice Poles, Gilt and Nickel Door Mats and Rugs in many Colors and Sizes, and Window Shades, Etc., Etc. and I am selling these at the very tawf sfc Bed Rock Prices and goods or no tale, THOS. BRINK. wwmMBtiismnmnraiiBiiiMK&MJBa winiiiFWWtTl III !WMMMIsj.JIdM.UIMlsjl WILL BROS, DR. C. U. CHAM BERLIN, Homeopathic Physician and Surgeon p3-ilHce corner of Third and Lyon St, ALBANY, OREGON. . " Dealers In all the Utest Improved Pianos Organ., Stwinic Machine., Hons Also full line of warranto I Razors, Rutoher and t-ocket Knives. Th beit kind of sowing inauhln oil, needles and extras, for all inanhlnes. Ail repairing neatly and reasonably done. CARPENTER AND JOINER. The nnderslgne.l is prepared to do (all kinds of work In his line in first-class or, der and with nromDtnes. Address P. O box 87 or call at corner of 9th and Maple treets, T.N. Smith. TIN WARE AND HARD WARE or' ALL KINDS AT DE' OE & rcbsoc; Jos. Webber ', . i , i .-,. 1 1 1 1 I trisa I s that ; , I 1 t ill tlU'l S Fo il . i : . il r si rkmen at . 1 1 . i'i i ' tinuonable ti i' ' t'iree !..;; ' wil be PAINTS, OILS AND BRUSHES AT DEYOE oc ROBSON'S. Procure a glass of water and pour a lit tie of it down the patient's throat. While he is drinking the water he should press finger on the orfice of each ear. By this method you open the glottis, and in five seconds the thing is done. Should any chance, meet with an obstinate case, you may rest assured that throat and ears were not closed at one and the same time ; either the water was swallowed before the ears were thoroughly stopped.or the water was not sufficient to fill the throat. Anoth er precaution Is to keep the chin well up This cure was obtained from an old In dian medical officer,who had experimented. for some years to discover a method of re lieving the terrible stage of hiccoughing in yellow fever.and this cure was the out come. The fact is apparently overlooked by the Southern advocates of an educational test that, when it was established in Massachusetts a gen eration ago, the men who could not read at that time were excepted from its operation, and so remain to this day, their cases being specially provided for whenever necessary in any new legislation. Thus the election law which is to go into operation in Massachusetts next year provides that "any voter who declares to the presiding election officer that he was a voter prior to May I, 1857, and cannot read," etc, The policy now proposed in the South appears to be to disqualify all who shall be unable to read at the time the change goes into effect. This, however, is not a fatal objection, provided sufficient notice is given say, a year. Any man can learn to read within a year, and the fact that he would lose his ballot a year hence unless he could then read would be the strong est possible incentive to his doing so. Even in a State like New York, which allows men to vote even if they cannot read their ballots, the shame felt at the confession that he does not know what the letters on a ballot mean is said, by people n-ho have had good opportunities for observing the matter, to stir a good many men to learn to read. The motive would . be, of course, a hundredfold stronger if a man could not vote unless he could read. Look Here. We ars c'osing c" our stock of boots and shoes, and to show you that we mean what we say quote you a few of our prices Ladies' best French kid button shoes at $4-35 regular price, $5 50. none better In town; ladies' extra quality French kid, but ton, at $3 75, regular price, $5.00; ladies, good French Vid, button, at $3, regular price, $4; ladies' bright Dongola, $2 75, regular price, $3-.1o; ladies' bright Dongola, button, neat and good, $2, regu lar price $3; ladies' American kid, $2, reg ular price, $3 ; ladies' American kid, $1.25 regular price, $2; child's oil grain button school shoes, from Si to $1.20; a few pairs of ladies' rubb, cents to 40 cents; men's rubbers, 50 cents ; also a large as sortment of men's boots. Come and see. Browxell & Stasard. FOR PILES. Itchuijr Pile i aro knoj br miL'.iira like tr.fir Ion, producing a very d:sairree.ble itching alter ing'warm. This form as well a. Blind, lileedirir and tirotrudinir Pile., yield at once to the annlicati'jn of r. Bosanlco's Pile remedy, w.iich acta directly upon th. p.rta afTocted, abanrbms; tbs tumor, allaying the Intense itching anil effecting a pami.nert rnrc. &0 cants. Addreea The lr Uounko iMIuine Co , Piqu O. Sold by llr, O'll'S tllll ll. Highland, Clackamas Co.. Or,, March 20 1 have aulFurrd with a disease of the kid neys for 6 or 7 yrarn and for the last two months havo been laid up with a pain iu my back. A friend sent me a sample of the Ore gon Kidney Tea, and having used it une week I can do a good day's work. I have derived more benefit from it than from all the meuioincK I have ever taken. J. Q. Newbill. Sold by Fosh.iy & Mason. OK. ItU-SiAN-KU in his now discovery for Consumption, suc ceeded in producing a medicine wnich ii ac knowledged by all to bo simply marvelous. It ia exceedingly pleasant to the taste, per fectly harmless, and docs not sicken. In all caaes of cases of Consumption. Cougha, Colds w nooning C0112I1, Croup, Jjronchitie. and Pains in the Cheat, it has civen universal sstiafaetion. Dr Hnsankn's Cough and Lung Syrup is solctat ou cents by Dr Guiss & son. Delccate women whs complain nf a tired feeling, pains in the back and loins, desire to sleep, dirzineaa, paioful or ruppre.aed menstruation, will find in Oregon Kidney Tea a faithful friend. It can be relied upon in every instance to give immediate relit-f from nritiary troubles. Thousands of wmntt are suffering every day from some disorder of,the kidneys or liver, who might be permanently cured by uainir Oreann Kiduey Tea. Sold by Foshay ft Mason. Fine line of Guns and good stock of Ammuni tion at Deyoe and Rob- sn's, Special bargains A Honey Making Scheme. Walla Walla, Dec. 27. During the past year claims for stock killed in the lonir rut WMf of Touchet aggregating a large amount have Co. This is bemmintr ct rronnoni .U. . t. killed always being sworn to as blooded and vaiuauic, mai me company became sus picious, and for some time past Detective E.C. Campbell, dismii&vl a wwi s.knnn.. u i . t vuviJLiGi. Mao uccil at work in the neighborhood where the cattle Wednesday evening a warrant lor Albert Horn, ami TJ-II r j ... lldll whs issucu at 1 ouchet, and served on them while they were nrinLinrv in . . ... - "b ." .".""mix saioon in tins city, the iomer being here tp obtaiu a marriage license, and the other to be best man. A third party, with them in the morning, is also wanted, but could not be found. A Big Income. New York, Dec. 27. At the meeting of the directors of the Lake Shore road this was decided to raise the annual dividend frnm A . . a i: t.. - r win. iu 3. jvccoruingiy the regular semi-annual dividend'of 2 per cent, and an extra dividend of 1 per cent, was de. clared. The other Vanderbilt lines declared the USUal riivirlAiwla Tn .11 .11. ,1 I- i. , .11 an uiviuciiiu were uc. clared by the Vanderbitson Electricity From Coal. Akron, Ohio, Dec. 27. Thomas Edison says he is now working on an invention whereby electricity would be produced direct from coal, dispensing entirely with boilers, engines, dyna mos, etc., now required. Besides, he says, it will use nearly the entire heat of coal instead of only about 5 per cent., as is done by the pres- Our jfllitia. Washington, Dec. 27. Senator Mitchell has secured the passace in the senate nf the hill which had already passed the house to provide certain arms and ammunuiou and equipage to the state nf rirwn fnr ,'is n:i:,:. ru. u:n now in the hands of the president for his signa- Anl Old Time t'icud. Detroit, Dec. 27. A revolting case of brutality is reported at Reed City, Mich. Mrs. Swarthout, a photographer, has been arrested for maltreating hernlece. She is charged with having lied the girl's legs with a stout cord, then putting In a stick and turning the cord until the child would become almost unconscious with pain. She would also cord her tongue in the same manner until the skin burst. Mrs Swarth. out has been bound over to the next term of court, and in default of $icoo bail lan guishes In jail. Rooming. Ellensdurg, W. T., Dec. 27. Real es tate In Ellensburg i livelier than ever known in the history of the place. O'Con nor, of Elmira. N. Y the man whn nnm. inated Hill for governor, and other New if orkers.arc making large purchases in a II parts to-dav. Sales to dav amounted to over $50,000. We Want, Your butter and eggs and will pay you cither cash or trade for it. UROWNELL 05 STANARD. Dress Shoes. A fine job lot of men's shoes, 100 pairs, all different, No 7's. best in the city, at G W Simpson's. They range in price lor trom 81.50 to $3.50 about half of the regular price, No such bargains anywhere, Shoes. Shoes. Shoes. In this line w hnve always shown the very best goods to be found in the innrkets of America, the knife will be put to goods In this depart ment as thev must ln: Cull nn.l ft.r yourself. iuonteitii a: Seitenbacii. We will sell you g-oceries cheaper than any store in town. BROWNELL & STANARD. Mow i ynur appetite ! Are yrm nervous or irritable ? Are you subject to billiousness ? r Henley s Dandelion Xomo works wonderr. It makes tlio weak and sickly stromr. builds up tin whole system aud puts new life at d cillery in you . Boots and Shoes. Call at A. B. Mc Ilwaln's and sec the ladies' kid and pebble goat shoe, for $1.50, former price $2.,o A Democrat man has seen the shoe and can pronounce it a remarkably cheap shoe for the former price. CURB FOR SICK HEADACHE. Dnyou wont a remedy tor B'liouaneaa, Ptmplea en the taw, a U a aura cure lor aick headache, aak Dr. Gu'ae and foil, the Druggist., for'a Live Pi 1 la, try a doae, aamplea free full box 25 cent. SUPERIOR LINES OF AGRICULTURAL IM PLEMENTS AT DE YOE & ROBSON