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About The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942 | View Entire Issue (April 10, 1908)
flBIMJK HSY Went Down Before Athena By Score of 23 to 8 Milton Comes for Game Sunday Afternoon. Iu tbe first inning of tbe game Sun day, Mr. Dean Dudley, who stood ou tbe bill and disbed 'em over for Athnna, threw tbe ball just twelve times. His delivery was perfect and tbe seven first balls thrown by him re tired tbe first two batteries up. It took five thrown balls to relegate tbe tbird batter. Then for five innings thereafter tbere was some good ball playing, and after tbat it was of an indiff ereut art iole. Weston went up in tbe fifth and never alighted until time to gather tbe bats and trudge back to town, swampe(Tto tbe tune of 23 to 8. Athena had one bad inning. In tbe sixth Weston piled up six runs, wbioh with tbe two she aoouraulated iu 4tb and 6th, was all the chalk work she was entitled to. After the sixth, Atbeua settled down, and there was absolutely nothing to it but monoto nous run getting. Tbe score: Athena 0 0 2 8 17 6 x 23 Weston 0 0 0 1 1 6 0 0 08 Batteries, Dudley, LaBrasobe and Lienallen. Holgartb, Bumig, Storm and (Jouley. The Milton team, wbioh has been considerably stengtbeued, will be bete Sunday for its tbird game with Athena. The Milton team defeated the La Salle Institute team of Walla Walla, Snu day, by a score of 8 to 0. Saturday afternoon, the Yellow Kids jr. and the Weston Juveniles played a fiercely fascinating 10-inning game, tbe score being tied at four at the end of tbe ninth. Iu tbe Kids' half of the 10th Githens came home with the winning run. Tbe feature of the game was the phenomenal backstops work of Leonard King, who displayed all tbe frills of a young pofessioual. HIS NOMINATION PREDICTED With Few Exceptions Republican Pa pers Rally to Cake. In spite of the dosperate efforts of tbe old machine and representatives of ceratain big "trusts" to accomplish bis defeat, the nomination of H. M. Cake, champion of Statement No. 1, for United States Senator ou April 17th, is generally oonoeded throughout tbe state. It is predicted iu Portland tbat he will carry Multnomah oouuly by between 5000 and 6000. With few exceptions, tbe newspapers of tbe .atotq have rallied loyally to Mr. Cake's ' support." Iu urgug his nomination, the Polk Observer'ipK "Hon. H. M. Cake is mati-a njag. niHoent campaign and bis J nitiou, never seriously iu doubtTiSv piao tioally asforert by atbusing majority. . JCuttaoidstio crowds have (looked to hear him iu bis trip tbroughSouthern Oregon and bis tour of Eastern Oregon, where bo has always been strong with tbe voters, promises to be in the nature, of a triumphal march. Mr. Cake is making a oleau, diguilled campaigu, free from personality or abuse and is eurnostly advocating tbe priuoip'os be believes to be right. He is an able, eilecuvo speuker wno makes no nr.- tbe people into his confidence and has ' a quiet heart-to-heart talk with them on the important issuos now before tbe people of the state aud nation, the most effective oratory by tbe way, tbat oau be iudulged in by any publio speaker iu this praotioal age. Ho dodges no issues, straddles no ques tions, but frankly disonssos every sub joct iu a manner that leaves no doubt in any rniud as to its siuoerity. Iu Mr. Cake tbe people feel they have a man- whom tbey can trust; one who would represent them honorably aud fearlessly in tbe Nation's highest law making body." HAPPENINGS OUT AT HELIX i I, Purchases New Auto Nusbaurn Fam ily Moves to Puget Sound. A. B. Montgomery went to Pendle ton yesterday to get bis new Maxwoll ruuabout Mr. and Mrs. John King of Ritz ville, Wash!, are visitiug at tbe borne of tbeir daughter Mrs. Ira Julien. Miss Lola Norvell who is attending the Peudletou Academy speut Saturday aud Sunday of this week with her par ents. ' Win. Bayno of Canada is visitiug his brother Henry of this city. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Duuniugtou, who have been visiting Mr. Dunuiug ton's pareuts, returned to tbeir home in Walla Walla Mouday. Wm. Albee made a busiuess trip to Pendlotou Weduesday. Edgar Norvell went to Pendleton Saturday aud remaiued over Sunday with his brother Lotober who atteuds the Peudletou Academy. The Nusbaurn family left ou Fri day's train for tbeir new home off tbe Sound. Virgil Bott arrived Tuesday from Lewiston, Idaho to visit bis little daughter and to look after his farming interests. $200,000 for Whitman. . At a meeting of tbe bnsiucss men and citizens of Walla Walla at tbe city Y. M. C.A. building last week I'-'OQ.OOO was deoided upon as Walla Walla's pledge to the "New Wbitmau Colletfv" Tbosuuiof 1500,000 will be raised in the Northwest, and when tbat amount is secured a million and a half dollars will be forthcoming from the East. Tbe citizens of Walla Walla organized as "Tbe New Whitman College Development League" with fifteen committees. Things are pro gressing so well tbat theie will be building activities on the campus within tbe coming year. Alfalfa Cattle Sell High. By selling 26 bead of cattle for $1,395.75, B. F. MoCullougb of Echo has received tbe top price in tbe Port land markets for the season. Be was ; paid 5 cents per pound. Tbe animals weighed 27,915 pounds and brought . him about $51 per bead. They bad ' been fed on alfalfa bay for some months, and were sold by the Union Stockyards at Portland. Two for Fourth Term. Sheriff T. D. Taylor of this oonnty and Sheriff E. M. Sbutt of Morrow county are but for re-eleotion for the fourth term each, and so far neither has any opposition. It is the most re markable record ever made by officials iu eastern Oregon. Taylor is a Demo crat and Sbutt a Republican. Wynne's Penalty Right. -One year'in tbe penitentiary is tbe penalty tbat John Wynne will pay fox the death of W. H. Dn Puis, Vtbom be shot to death in a Portland 6aloon on tbe night of Deoember 11. Senteuoe was pronounced by Judge O'Day in tbe circuit court tbis being tbe lightest punishment possible nnder tbe verdict of manslaughter returned by the jury. Wynne heartily thanked tbe judge when be was sentonoed. He had ex pected a heavier senteuoe, tbe maxi mum punishmeut being seven years. A SOUL IN FOUR PARTS. By Rev. Israel Putnam. Part First. From Acts, 8, 4-6 we see that the Cburoh weut out proaobing tbe word. Every Christian can preach tbe gospel if be will, in some way, some where, to some one and to some extent, and there is no Bible, nor reasonable ex cuse for tbeir not doing so. And with out a consecrated Church, responsive to the Word of God, there will be no great revival, with loving, aotive iuquiring, faithful and sincere service tbere oau be no doubt as to results. The sooret of tbe wonderf nl ingather ing of Fenteoost lay in tbe fact tbat the Spirit-filled Churob stood by the Spirit-filled preaoher, and tbe seoret of their all being Spirit-filled was that they were all with one accord iu one place. So then, wherever oneness of heart, planud purpose exists, all for God'sgloijr with self where it belongs, tbe down looming ivOiki' anu ou ebowing 1Q labors Of love, of tbaSpirit, wm ue as nntural as for any effect to Iter tbe result of a cause. ' It is next to impossible for a minister to win eouls to Christ over a cold, di vided, formal, selfish criticising doubt ing Churob. Lyman Beeoher, on be jug asked why bis Churob was so pros perous, replied: "Because when I preach there are four hundred people who hear tbe semiou and go out to spoak favorably during the succeeding six days to all whom they meet." Tbey spoke kindly of bim to others, inviting them to churob and so tried to help bim win souls to tbe Master aud regarded bim as being well quali fied to manage the affairs of tbe Churob. O that a spirit of intelligent, unselfish and aggressive soul-winning might speedily prevail in all tbe blenches of the great Church of Christ I Worldliuoss, just simply worldli ness, whiob seems to so, many jnst only harmlessuess, is, without doubt, the greatest, stumbling blook iu tbe way of evaugolistio work ou tbe part of tbose who profess to follow Christ. Dear friends, iu so short time and space I cannot possibly write them out but will you please read especially if you are troubled with tbis question, tbe following references on our knees, alone: Rom. 12, 2: Matt. 13, 22: 16, 26: John 15, IS): 17, 14, 18, 25: 1 Cor. 2, 6, 12: 3, 19: 2 Cor. 4, 4, 7. 10: Gul. 1, 4: 4, 3-6: Fph. 2, 2 6: Col. 2, 8, 20: Jai l 27: '4, 4: 2Pet. 1, 4: 1 John 2, 15-17: 6,4,19: Tit. 2, 2. About the only difference discover able between a multitude of Churob members aud those of no religions pro fessiou is that tbe former have their names on the records of some denomi nation. Aud this is true of our own as well as others. Many never attend prayer nor class meetings and some not even the publio preaching services where nothing is expected of them but to listen, thus not only deceiving themselves, but by their indifference aud usually worldly lives greatly hin der tbe cause as well. Sometimes in times of revival, even, leading mem bers absent themselves from tbe ser vices to atteud theaters, card parties, o. while special effort is being made to win the lost to Christ and build np the oanse they profess to love and desire so mnoh to see prosper. And not only these things, but tbe silly aud Godless excuses for remaiulng at home, eucb as, too tired, did not get chores done iu time, did not feel like going, eonie oue called, &o. &o. are enough to make tears of pity fall from the eyes of those who are trying to do the real work of the Master, bnt especially so, when it ia known, in many, and most oases of this kind, that the trouble is a lack of experience aud God's love iu the heart for lost souls. Many a faithful pastor longs for a revival, but beoauseof these, aud other worldly conditions existing, in tbe membership, tbe way Is blocked (nntil be becomes discouraged and heart broken as be beholds tbe blessed Holy Spirit again aud again grieved and tbe multitudes remain away from Christ Iu a capital city, in one of our states, tbe snperintendent of one of onr large Sabbath schools took his family and went to a theater while his Church was in tbe midst of a revival cam paign, and tbere are thousands of such instances all through tbe church professed Christians vainly, and eomjtimes wickedly, wasting tbeir precious hours where nothing religious is pretended, even while tba pastor ! and tbe obedient few are laoonng nara to save tbe cause, in many cases, and build np the kingdom in general every where. Obi tbat tbe Churob, in its various parts, might again hear and heed tbe cry of her Lord; "Awake, awake, put on tby strength; O Zion, put on tby beantiful garments; O Je rusalem, tbe holy city, for henceforth tbere shall no more come nnto thee tbe unoiroumcised and the unclean. Shake thyself from the dust, arise and sit down, O Jersualem ; loose thyself from the bands of thy neck ; O captive daughter of Zion. Isa. 52 1-2. A Twenty Year Sentence. "I have just completed a twenty year health sentence, imposed by Buokleu's Arnioa Salve, which oured me of bleeding piles just twenty years ago." writes O. S. Woolever, of Le Raysville, N. Y. Bucklen's Arnica Salve beals the worst sores, boils, burns, wounds and outs in the short est time. 25o at Palace Drng Com pany's store. Kennedy's Laxitive Cough Syrnp aots promptly yet gently on tbe bow els through which the oold is forced out of tbe system, and at tbe same time it allays inflammation. Sold by Palace Drug Co. Don't Put Off for tomorrow what yon can do today. If you put off buying a bottle of Bal lard's Snow Liniment, when that pain .oomes yon won't have any, buy a bot tle today. A positive oure for Rheu matism, Burns, Cuts, Sprains, Con tracted Musoles, etc, T. S. Graham, Prairie Grove, Ark., writes: "I wish to thank you for the good results I received from Snow Liniment It positively oured me of Rheumatism after others bad failed. Sold by Pal ace Drug Co. "E. O. DeWitt & Co., Chicago, 111. Gentlemen In 1897 I had a disease of tbe stomach and bowels. In tbe spring of 1902 I bought a bottle of Kodol and tbe benefit I received all the gold in Georgia could - not bny. May yon live long and prosper. Yours very truly. N. Cornell, Boding, Ga., Aug., 27, 1906. Sold by Palaoe Drug Company. He Got What He Needed. "Nine years ago it looked as if mA time had come, "says Mi. C. Fartb- 1UI, t .nil Uiuli, Jsd, 'l Kraa t rqu down that life hung o.i a slender thread. It was then my druggist re commended Eleotrio Bitters. I bongbt a bottle aud I got what I needed strength. I bad oue foot in tbe grave, but Eleotrio Bitters put it back on the turf agaiu. and I've been well ever sinoe." Sold nnder guarantee at Palace Drug Company's store. 50c. An old Pennsylvania Dutch Duukard recommends "Hickory Bark Cough Remedy." Guaranteed to oure your cough, and guaranteed to be pure. Made from the bark of the shell bark or white ' biokory tree. For sale ty Palaoe ' Drug Store and all dealers everywhere. The old remedies are the best. Hiok ory Bark Cough Remedy has been in nse for over one hundred years by the old Dutch Dunkards of Pennsylvania, and is still in use by all the old families of Western Peuusylvauia. Is abso lutely Dure: made from the bark of the white or shell bark hickory tree. The bark is shipped from tbe east, and manufactured in Walla Walla, Wash. For sale by Palaoe Drug Store. -Is You? Do yon l. . wt ". tirpd. despondent, have fti"it:.tit hi'ii. . Sic-, .iird tongue, bitter or -M t.vfo- at morning, "heart burn," H'. . iii'. of iiti noid risings in throat i.uit '..liiu-. stomach gnaw .or burn, fiu! brr;iili, Ci:!:.y spells, poor or variable a;i'! ;. nausea at times, and kindred s; lujitoius? - i-y- If yoTN3 vo any considerable number of ths)aboves"SyaMom8 you are suffering frornVllou?n(5?Wpid liver with Indl- fttivtlrnl piscovcrv Isii.nt; nnof the mo valuable monioinni principles Known 3 medical science for the m;rn;iin,flht cure o Mieli abnormal conditions. It is a most efticient liver invigorator. stomach tonic, bowel regulator and nerve strengthened The "(ioklen Medical Discovery " Is not a patent medicine or secret nostrum, a full list of Its Ingredients being printed on its bottlo-wrapiHT and attested under oath. A glance at its formula will show that it contains no uVoliol, or harmful, habit-forming drugs. It is a fluid extract made with pure, triplo-relined glycerine, of proper strength, from the roots of the following native American forest plants, viz., Golden Seal root, Stone root. Black Cherry bark. Queen's root, liloodroot, and Mandrake root. The following leading medical authorities nionff a host of others, extol tho forrcolnr root for the cure of Just such ailments as the Ure symptoms Indicate: I' liartholow, M. D., of Jefferson Med. Collcee, l'lilla.: Prof. II. C Wood. M. l..of I nlr.of I'a.: I'rof. Edwin M. Halo. M. It., of Hahnemann Med. College. Ctilcairo: Prof, John Kiiur. M. D., Author of American IMspensatory; Prof. Jnv M. feud der, M. IK, Author of SpoclhV Medicines; Prof. Laurence Johnson, M. It.. Med. lVpt, Vnlr. of N. V.: Prof. Kinley Killnrwood. M. !.. Author of Materia Medlca and Prof, in Bennett Medi cal College. Ciitcatru &nd name and ad dress on Postal Card to Dr. K. V. Pierce, Buf falo. N. V.. and receive irr hcoklet clrlns extracts from writings of all the ahore medi cal authors and many others endorsing. In th atroncesl possitile terms, poeh and erry Id trredient of which "Golden Medical DlacoT ery Is composed, f Vt. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets regulate an4 InTlgorate stomach, liror and bowels. Thej py he used ii. conjunction with "Ooldec Medical PIvotot If bowels are much con t!ptd. They're Uuy and sugar-coated. Kennedy's Laxative Cough Syrup Relieves Colds by working them out of the system through a copious and healthy action of the bowels. Relieves Coughs by cleansing and strengthening the mucous mem branes of the throat, chest, lungs and bronchial tubes. The Original Laxative Cough Syrup Conforms to National Pure Food and Drag Law For Croup, Whooping Congo, La Grippe, Influenza, Bronchitis, and all Cougha, Colds, Long and Bron chial affections no remedy is equal to Kennedy's Laxative Cough Syrup. Children like it. Put up In 23o, 30o and $1.00 bottle at the Laboratory of E.C. D.WITT & CO..Chlcgo.V.S.A. Pleasant to take Children like it Sold by Palaoe Drng Company. I. M. KEMP REAL ESTATE & E AGENT Represents Banker's Life Insurance Company Queen and Springfield Fire Marine Companies. Collections Promptly Made Office: North Side Main St., tAthena F. H. Coolidge Jeweler Watch Repf (ring a Speciality. JUST RECEIVED a new line of Jewelry, Consisting of Jade Rings, and Brooches, Bracelets, Hat Pins, Teddy Bear Bracelets, Col lar Pins, Mantel Clocks and Silver ware. a" ' Shop in Pioneer Drug Store Oregon .Shot line Union Pacific Through Pullman standard and Bleeping oars daily to Omaha, Chicago; tourist sleeping cur dally to Kanna City; through Pullman tourist sleeping cars, personally conducted, weekly to Chicago, with tree reclining cha'.r cars, seats free, to the east dally irom Pendleton. . AKBIT Daily. TIHK SCHEDULES PKPART Dally. ATHENA, ORE. Walla Walla. Day-I ion, roraeroy, lw- Iston, Colfax, Pull 1:10 p. in. man. Moscow, me 1:10 p.m. Coeur d'Alene dis trict, Spokane and au points norm. Walla Wal.a- Pen dietou.Special 10:08 am 10:08 a. m. Past Mall for Pen dleton, LaUrande, Baker City, and all pomueasivia Mun tington, Ore., Also for Umatilla. HetD- 8:15 p m ner. The Dalles. Portland, Astoria, 3:45 p. m Willamette valley Points. California. Taooma. Seattle, all nouna roiDU, &25 p m. Pendleton - Walla 5:'JS p ni Walla Special K. M. Smith Agent, Athena I me JLo iljo P 30 days treatment for $1.00. Satisfaction , guaranteed or money refunded. OFFICERS H. a ADAMS, President. . T. J. KIRK, Vice President, F. S. Le GROW, Cashier, EDW. E. KOONTZ, Ass'L Cashier. r FfKST i AMI HV A CAPITAL STOCK. $50,000 A General Banking Business conducted on Conservative Principles THE Eagle Bar BERT CART A NO, Prop. GOOD LIQUORS A SPECIALTY Clark's Pare Rye in bottle and bond; Velvet whiskey in bottle and bond ; Mout rose whiskey and Olympia beer for family nse Holly Tom Gin Three Star Cognac Bine Stem Whisky , Famons Pilsner Beer Best Brands of Cigars. AT THE ELECTRIC SIGN i I "BERT'S 18 House, Sign and Carriage Painting E. T. Kidder, McArthur Building A Large Stock of Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Glass, Wall Paper and Decorative Materials will be soon placed on display for public inspection. We make Hoiisef Paintfog a Specialty' Athena T. W. JONES, Proprietory Fresh Bread Pies," Cakes and Pastries Baked Every Day. We make a Specialty of orders for Lodges and Social Gatherings On Saturdays Our Bread Will be Sold by Athena Grocers A &1iVch in time saves nine. Save many a trick ?pell hy giving the child BALLARD'S HOREHOUND SYRUP EVERY MOTHER ehould keep eupplled with Ballard's Horehound Syrup, if sh wishes to save her children from serious sick epells. It con tains absolutely nothing injurious, does not constipate. Good for children as well as adults. A cough often leads to consumption and should be checked immediately. A Housebold Necessity. J. C. Smith, Houston, Texas, writes: "I have used Ballard's Horehound Syrup in my family for the past few years, and find it far superior to any other cough medicine we have tried. Every household should b supplied with this worthy remedy." The Delight of Children. I V CURES COUGHS, COLDS, WHOOPINO COUGH, SORE THROAT, BRONCHI TIS AND ALL LUNQ TROUBLES. s PRICE 25c, 50c, and $1.00 AVOID ALL SUBSTITUTES. Ballard Snow liniment Co 500-502 North Second Street, ST. LOUIS, MO., n Sold and Recommended by THE PALACE DRUG COMPANY,- ATHENAr OR. case before BACK-AC SOLDJN ATHENA AT IIAWKS PIONEER tSMaa DIRECTORS H. C. ADAMS. T. J. KIKK, F. S. Le GROW, D. H. PRESTON, P. E. COLBERN. i TIT FN A SURPLUS, 25,000 BEWARE Ask for Inland Crackers in the Red Packages when you want the best. . BEWARE ofcheap crackers packed in immitation red packages by the cracker trusty ' : rli .Ask tor INLAND CRACKERS Not made by the Trust. akery mornintf. DRUG STORE. AL it