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About The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942 | View Entire Issue (April 17, 1908)
Athena Merchants Treat you Square Athena Merchants Carry Big Stocks Buy Your Groceries from Your Home Grocer VOLUME XX. ATHENA. UMATILLA COUNTY. OREGON. FRIDAY. APRIL 17. 1908. NUMBER 16 f THE rUIVI-A-LUM LUMBER GO. Lumber, Mill Work and all Kinds of BUILDING MATERIAL PAINTS, OILS AND VARNISHES Posts and Blacksmith coal A. M. Johnson, Manager Athena, Oregon ESTABLISHED 1865 Preston-Parton AMERICAN Flour is made in Atbena, by Athena labor, in the latest and best equipped mill in the west, of the best seleoted Blnestem wheat grown anywhere. Patronize home industry. Your grocer sells American Beauty for Per Merchant Millers Athena, Oregon. MAKE YOUR OWN STOCK FOODS BY USING SKIDOO HORSE AND CATTLE TABLETS Crush and mix In feed o( It Proper dose In tablets Makes Your Stock Look Like the Top Price For Horse Cattle, Sheep, Swine and Fowl. They are made from the active principle or the condensed essence of the drug. They don't contain Sawdust, Ashes, Chop Feed or Bran. Are just a good when 10 years old as when 10 days old. They comply with all pure drag laws. Ask for and try once SKIDOO Condition Tablets, or SKIDOO Worm, Kidney, Chicken Cholera, Blister, Cathartic, Heave. Fever, Hog Cholera, Distemper, Pink Eye, Colic tablets or Louse Powder, Spavin Cure or Barb Wire Liniment. Distributed by THE BLUE BELL MEDICINE CO., Incorporated; Capital stock $300,000.00; Watertown, South Dakota, U. S. A. - -Sold in Athena by A. B. McEwen & Sous. 3 THE QUALITY GROCERY STORE U Li PROMPT DELIVERY WHERE PRICES ARE RIGHT 3 jJ; The Freshest and most Choice the jrj We Best that Money can Buy Always Found Here fj DELL BROTHERS, a"S5?SSSa Athena, Oregon Milling Company and Grain Buyers : Waitsburg, Wash. 2 THE ATHENA MEAT MARKET J. II. STONE, PROPRIETOR The, place to get the best cTWeat that money can buy, and at the lowest price Fish and Oysters in season The high est cash price paid for poultry. BEAUTY R.J.BODDY WHOLESALE BUTCHER Makes a Specialty of furnishing Meat in Large Quantities. First-class stock, Reasonable price V EG ETA A GREAT EVANGELIST COMING The Revival at the M. E. Church April 22 to May 10. DBeverley Cairadine D. D., tbe noted evangelist and author of St. Louis, will be present to open a series of pro tracted meetings on the 22nd.) Extensive "preparations" have been made for the meetings and from pres ent indications there will be good at tendance from ontside, a number of ministers and other church workers having expressed their intentions of being present, i Dr. Carradjoe is considered one of tbe ablest men in tbe Evangelist field. Naturally bright, ednoated in books, oultnre, Christian experience, a natu ral orator and with the courage of bis conviotions he is one of tbe most suc cessful revivalists in tbe oonntry. The church considers itself very fortunate in securing his servioes, especially so as he is an expert in teaching the Christian life. Those who desire to be better preachers and teachers will lose muoh if they fail to hear him. He Got What He Needed. I "Nine years ago it looked as if my i time bad come, "says Mr. C. Farth ing, of Mill Creek, Ind. Ter. "I was so rnn down that life hung on a slender thread. It was then my druggist re commended Eleouio Bitters. I bought a bottle and I got what I needed strength. I had one foot in tbe grave, bnt Eleotrio Bitters put it back on tbe turf again, and I've been well ever since." Sold under guarantee at Palace Drug Company's store. 50o. Kennedy's Laxative Cough Syrup acts promptly yet gently on the bow els through which tbe cold is forced out of the system, and at tbe same time it allays inflammation. Sold by Palace Drug Co. DeWitt's Carbonized Witch Hazle Salve. It is especially gooa for piles. Sold by Palace Drug Co On Savings On the Quarterly Balance or 3 0, 0 On the cTVIonthly Balance t THE I - ST. NICHOLS HOTEL -J. E. FROOME, prop. f nr 1 Only First-class Hotel in P the. City. itr THE ST. NICHOLS : Is tbe only one that can accommodate commercial travelers. Can beiecomended (or Us clean and well ventilated rooms. Cob. Maim and Third, Atbbwa, Or. 44 POHNE MAIN 83 Market affords in & vWe Pay 4i: ONE HALF MILLIOIJ Oregon and Washington Wheat Raisers " Fill Stockton Coffers With Golden Eagles. Herbert Manasse sends the Press a copy of tbe Stockton (Calif.) Daily In dependent, in which tbe grain com bined harvester industry of that oity is reviewed as follows: Oregon and Washington grain crops are very heavy this year and the Holt works and the Honser & Haines estab lishment are reaping a great harvest in supplying farming machinery for tbe farmers of the Northwest, keeping the Stookton factories on rnsb orders at this season of tbe year, notwitbstaud iug the dry outlook in tbe California grain fields. Train loads of agricult ural maohinery have been going north during tbe past month and every day this week several harvesters have been shipped from the local works to tbeir distributing ngenoies in tbe Northwest. Roughly figuring, tbe output in beavy maohinery sent into Oregon and Washington this season by tbe Holt and Honser & Haines works will bring to Stockton this year more than 1500,000 from that far-away territory. This money is being distributed here and more than $1000 a day is being paid ont bere for skilled labor alone. If the Calif ornia demand for machinery had been np to tbe average of good seasons, tbe income wonld have been considerably larger, bnt the business is oolossal without the home trade. The Holt works bniit for this sea son's trade 165 combined harvesters, and 150 of them have been sold in, tbe Northwest. The Honser & Haines works bnilt 80 combined harvesters, and 60 of that make went into the big wheat fields of the northern coun try. Figuring these machines at $1800 apiece, the reveune from that activity will be this year $378,000, without taking into oonnt tbe sales that have been made to Califoruiana. The demand for extras for tbe 500 or 600 harvesters that have been Eent into tbe Northwest during tbe past seasons will amount to more than $125,000 this year. Add to this tbe sale of 600 road scrapers to supply tbe demand in tbe Northern States and the total is $513,800. Other supplies sent into that territory, withont taking count of traction engines and ditohers and 60 on, easily bring the amount of ontside money coming to these Stock ton institutions to much more than a half million dollars this yar. Business at the Rock. As an example of tbe growth of the freight business at Pilot Book, it need only be stated that the Pilot Book Hardware Company has three carloads of freight on tbe way from tbe East, says tbe Record. Oue car is made np of wire nails and two of machinery. This increased traffio of tbe road will opon tbe eyes of the railroad offi cials and prove to tbetu that the- road was greatly needed and its extension will be only a question of a few yoais in view of the increased business of the road. ATHENA WON FROM MILTON One of the Best Games of the Season Was Played Sunday. The Milton Fruit pickets came to town for tbe third game Sunday and were accommodated with a drubbing. The score board read 5 to 3 in favor oi Atbena,., (Stone was in fine form and kept tbt bits well scattered. Tbe Milton lean: bad been considerably strengthened since its last appearance here and pnt up a good game. Atbena has taken all three games from tbe Milton team, Weather permitting, Atbena wilKk) battle with Walla Walla, on tbe Athena gronnde, Sunday afternoon. The game will begin promptly at 2:30. An extra ooaoh will carry the Walla Walla team and rooters fiom tbe gar den city to Atbena. Tbis promises to one of tbe most interesting games of tbe season. Good Crop Prospects. Farmers are wearing a smile of sat isfaction these days, and indeed tbey have canse to, and every one with them, for tbe sight of tbe hills green with growing grain is a joy to behold. All agree that never were prospects brighter at tbis season, for bountiful crops. Some Splendid Plays. Walla Walla theatre goers are wit nessing some splendid plays this season at tbe Keylor Grand. Mary Manner ing in "Glorious Betsy" was tbe at traction Wednesday night Mrs. Pat rick Campbell in "Tbe Second Mis. Tanqneray" will be seen Monday night. yf Ball Player Weds. Announcement is made in the cur rent issue of the Hartland (Minn.) Herald of tbe marriage of Kollo T. Brown to Miss Lizzie Borgen. After tbe wedding tbe couple left for Cedar Rapids, Iowa, where Roll will play in that town's team in tbe "3-1" League. THE VOLMER-HARRES WEOOINi United In Marriage In tne Methodist 1 Church, Waitsburar. xue marriage oi miss umma Caro line Vollmer to Mr. William D. Harris took plaoe at high noon, Wednesday, April 8, at Rose Glen, home of tbe bride's parents says the Waitsburg Times. ) ( Bev.'Bobt. Brnmblay, pastor of tbe First M. E. Church, officiated. The wedding was an unusually pretty home a fairy Tjwl bride was attended by her sister Miss Clara Vollmer, and Miss Graoe McCall and tbe groom was attended by Mr. Harlan F. Mills and Mr. A. P. Sornggs. I . : - v Tbe young people were the recipients of many handsome presents. , " Immediately after tbe ceremony, the 60 guests present sat down to a sump tuous dinner. The bride is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gustavo Vollmor, and is a sooial favorite among tbe yonnger set. Tbe groom is a son of Mrs. W. D. Wallaoe, and with his brother farms the Harris ranoh near this oity. He has just m I. i m art -completed a neat cottage on Pieston Avenue, where be and tbe bride will make tbeir home. Among the out-of town guests at the wedding were Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Hawks, of Prescott; Mr. and Mrs. Henry Sobmidt, of Athena; Mr. Marion Hansell, of Atbena; Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Tompkins, of Atbena, Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Hemen of Helix. Mr. and Mrs. Harris left Wednesday afternoon for a honeymoon trip of a couple of weeks to Seattle, and Van couver and Victoria, B. C. Farmers to Build Roads. The Weston correspondent of the Spokesman-Review says: The farmers have begun a oampaign for good roads. South-of-town sub scriptions for more than 200 days' work with teams have been secured by F. C. Greer. Oue farmer, W. H. Boober, gives 20 days' work and tbe free use of bis rook quarry. East of town the movement is in charge of J. M. O'Harra. The county agrees to pay expenses of crushing tbe rook if the city will donate tbe use of its rook crusher, and tbe farmeis will haul and spread tbe material. It is proposed to spread the rock 16 feet wide. Horsethief Captured. - Tbe horsethief career of Aaron Bidge was nipped in the bud by his capture at Walla Walla Monday. He stole a horse from Charles Hamilton, traded tbe horse for another at Adams, and coming to Atbena plaoed the an imal in Wright's Livery barn. He then lightfooted it lo Weston where he boarded the tiain for Walla Walla. Sheriff Taylor was on tbe young fel low's trail, seut information to Walla Walla officers, with tbe result that Bidge was oaptured on bis arrival there. He has confessed and a term in tbe pen awaits him. y Whitman Constitution. At a special meeting of tbe board of Trustees of Whitman College held in tbe Memorial building last Saturday preliminary plans were made for tho framing of a new constitution for tbe government of tbe college. The most important change will bo tbe estab lishment of a board of overseers in addition to tbe present board of Trus tees. No change in the policy or ideals of tbe college is thought of and tbe only object of tbe new constitu tion is a better method of manage ment; tbe Trustees expressly declared tbeir intention of keeping Whitman non-sectarian but just as strongly Christian as ever. A Twenty Year Sentence. - "I have just oompleted a twenty year health sentence, imposed by Bnoklen's Arnica Salve, which cured me of bleeding piles just twenty years ago." writes O. S. Woolever, of Le Raysville, N. Y. Bucklon'g Arnioa Salve heals the worst sores, boils, burns, wounds and outs in tbe short est time. 25o at Palaoe Drug Com pany's store. Tbere is nothing belter tban Kodol for dyspepsia, indigestion, sour stom ach, belching of gas and nervous beadaobe. It digests what you eat. Bold by Palace Drug Co. ATHENA MARKET DAY Business Men Are Behind the Move- ment About $80 Raised to 4 Defray the Expenses. tbena business men have united in a strong pull to inaugurate a series of market days in Athena. T. M. Tag gart and F. H. Coolidge circulated ia subscription paper and in a short time raised about $80. Tbis amount will be used to defray the legitimate ex pense of the enterprise.' Athena's first market day will be on Saturday, May 2. Already tbere has been stock, farm implements and household goods listed for Bale, and a sohoitor has been employed to canvass the surrounding oountry for the pur pose of soliciting stock and anything else wbioh people may have for sale. It is proposed to have two auction eers to cry sales on market day. The success of the venture seems to be rea sonably assured at tbis time and those who are aotively engaged in promoting the enterprise are putting forth all . effort possible to acquire as muoh stock and as many goods as can be se cured, with the view of making Athena's first market day a hummer. Anyone having anything for sale should list it at once with either Mr. Taggart or Mr. Coolidge, so that it will have the advantage of free adver tising. The faot should be borne in mind that thoso having anything to sell will not be out a ceut for advertising or auctioneer fee. All will be abso lutely free to seller and buyer on tbe first market day given in Athena. The object is to make the sales a success and to bring as many people as possible to Athena on that day. A small com mission on sales made at succeeding Market days may be oharged, but there is to be no commission oharged on the opening sales day. The Chelsea Fire. From the embers of Monday's con flagration in Chelsea there arose a well oraganized movement for aid and rolief to the ten tbonsand homeless, a count- ' ing of tbeoost ty insurance companies, whose representatives plaoed tbeir losses at three millions, and a half and a determination by tbe oity authorities to rebuild tbe 850 aores swept by tbe flam os whore stood before tbe fire property valued at nearly $6,000,000. Highwaymen Killed. After a bold series of robberies on both sides of Willamette river at Port land, Wednesday night in wbioh three mon held np pedestrians and saloons, Patrolman Charles D. Henson shot and killed Eddie Ives, one of the rob bers and was in turn wounded by a fusilade of shots from the highway, man. Another of tbe robbers, Fitz ' Batbke, was wounded by Patrolman ' S. D. Vessoy and captured. Horses Cremated. Fire destroyed tbe barn of C. E. De maris, about five miles east of Mil ton ou the Walla Walla river, Satur day night, entailing a total loss of tbe barn, valned at $1800; loss of six fine horses, which were burned to death ; 25 tons of hay, 150 saoks of barley and 10 sets of harness. The total loss is estimated botween $1000 and $6000, and was covered by $1000 insurance. - Fell and Fractured Shoulder. ' T. J. Watts, who has been ill for some time, bad tbe misfortune to fall down tbe stairway at his borne, with tbe result that his shoulder was badly fractured. Owing to his ill health, the fraoture brings about complica tions which are serious. Mr. Watts has been removed to tbe home of his son, H. I. Watts, where everything possible is being done for him lien fruit specimen. , ,r i Master Tom Caton, with eyes bulging in excitement rushed into tbe Proas office yesterday morning and presented the editor with about tbe largest hen egg ever. "It's a hen's egg there aiut a goose on the ranch," exclaimed Tommy. Tbe egg in question is a double decker, containing two yolks, and measured in oiroumferenoe, tbe tape read 6 x 8 iuobesy Furniture at Auction An assortment of furniture and household goods will be sold at auc tion Saturday afternoon at Jarman's Corner, Mam street. Tbe furniture is practically new, having been used by Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Walker for about 60 days. F. G. Lucas is the auctioneer. Assistant Principal. C. N. Langbridge, a late graduate of tbe Weston Normal sobool, has been engaged as assistant principal of tbe Athena schools. He will take tbe place of J. II. E. Scott, who is to take np school work for the government in tbe Philippines, f Temporarily Closed. 'The Preston-Parton Mill in this city is temporarily closed down. Tbe inuu agemeut ia awaiting ordors for flour from tbo Oriontal markets, aud is prepared to resume opciations at any time. Tbe company has a consider able amount of wheat on hand. i.