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About The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942 | View Entire Issue (April 3, 1908)
mm Athena Merchants Treat you Square Athena Merchants Carry Big Stocks Buy Your Groceries from YourJIome Grocer VOLUME XX. ATHENA. UMATILLA COUNTY. OREGON. FRIDAY. APRIL 3. 1908. NUMBER 14 THE TUM-A-LUM LUMBER GO. Lumber, Mill Work and all Kinds of BUILDING MATERIAL PAINTS, OILS AND VARNISHES Posts and Blacksmith coal A. M. Johnson, Manager Athena, . Oregon 01 ESTABLISHED 1865 Preston-Parton Floor la made in Athena, by Athena labor, in the latest and best equipped mill in the west, of the best selected Bluestem wheat grown anywhere. Patronize home industry. Yonr grooei sells American Beauty for a Merchant Millers B O Athena, Oregon. m.,A OFFICE 353 I'M DHO EYES TESTED CLASSES GROUND-flTTED MAKE YOUR OWNSTOCK FOODS BY USING SKIDOO HORSE AND CATTLE TABLETS Crush and mix in feed or salt Proper dose in tablets Makes Your Stock Look Like the Top Price For Horses, Cattle, Sheep, Swine and Fowl, They are made from the active principle or the eondeneed euence of the druf. They don't contain Sawdust, Aihes, Chop Feed or Bran. Are Just a good when 10 year old as when 10 days old. They comply with all pure drug laws. Ask for and try once SKIDOO Condition Tablets, or SKIDOO Worm, Kidney, Chicken Cholera, Buster, Cathartic, Heave. Fever, Hog Cholera, Distemper, Pink Eye, Colic tablets or Louse Powder, Spavin Cure or Barb Wire Liniment. Distributed by THE BLUE BELL MEDICINE CO.. Incorporated-, Capital Stock $300,000.00; WateitOWn, South Dakota, U. S. A. Sold in Athena by A. B. McEwen & Sons. PROMPT I'fUCDr nninro Anr mniiT phhnf DELIVERY IffllCnL nilULO HUE mull I M The Freshest and most Choice the 7ie Best that Money can Buy Always Found Here DELL BROTHERS, "ISSfS&iSE?" Milling Company BEAUTY er Sack. I and Grain Buyers S Waitsburg, Wash. THE ATHENA MEAT MARKET J. II. STONE, PROPRIETOR The place to get the best cTWeat that money can buy, and at the lowest price Fish and Oysters in season The high est cash price paid for poultry". M .OPTICAL SPECIALIST iflCftCT maim ct wmk IKE LOIR RATES " ' Railroad Commission Decides in Fa vor of "Portland in Case Against O. R. & N. 0 A cut of one-sixth i n the rate on class commodities between The Dalles and points on the Idaho bolder was ordered Tuesday by the Oregon rail road commission in deciding the case of the Portland chamber of commerce against the Oregon Railroad & Navi gation company. The plaintiff is given permission to reopen the proceedings should it see fit. The reduction of rates is made upon the following basis, according to olass: Between Portland and points east of The Dalles, within the state of Oregon the first-classrate should be ascertain ed as follows: Reduce the present - rates by an amount equal to one-sixth of the dif ference between 25 cents (the rate to The Dalles) and tbe present first-class rate to snob point. For instance, tbe present first-class rate to Umatilla is 85 cents. Tbe difference between The Dalles rate, 25 cents, and tbe Umatilla (ate, 85 cents, is 60 cents. Deduct one-sixth, or 10 cents, which makes the new late 75 cents. By this decision Huntington gets a reduction of 19 cents. General Counsel W. W. Cotton of tbe O. R. & N. declined to say what action bis company would take until be had been supplied with a copy of tbe entire decision. The II. B. and W. B. S. club has jnvitatione out for a party at the opera house tonight. Cards and danoing will be the features of entertainment. Kennedy's Laxative Cough Syrup acts gently yet promptly on the. bowels and allays inflammation at the same time. It is pleasant to take, Sold by Palace Drug Company. m I On Savings We Pay 4V On the Quarterly Balance or ' 3 On the (Monthly Balance THE I ST. NICHOLS HOTEL S. E. FROOME, pkop. 1!? Only First-class Hotel in the City. THE ST. NICHOLS : la the only one that can accommodate commercial travelers. ft : Can bfltecomended for its clean and well ventilated rooms. ! v - Cor. Maim and Third, Atbbh a, Or, r1 G 7- La MAIN 83 Market affords in Athena, Oregon I To Ca.ll State Convention. The Repuolican State Central Com mittee is summoned to meet in Fort land, April 10, to call a state conven tion and to the number of delegates that every county in the state may send to that convention. Tbe Repub lican State Convention will choose four dtlegates-at-large for .the National Convention; also four candidates for presidential electors. Tbe State Cen tral Committee also will provide for conventions in tbe two Congressional Districts, each district naming two delegates, wbioh gives Oregon, al though, a total of eight delegates in tbe National Convention. Eight alternates will be named to take tbe place of delegates who cannot be in Cbioago on June 16. Held Up By Sugar Trust. On aooount of a combination of sugar interests at San Francisco re cently, tbe price of sugar has been advanced 60 cents in thia city, says tbe Spokane Chronicle. The prices have been increasing in the east for some time, but on acoount of a keen competition between Honolulu com panies and California concerns the price on tbe Paciflo coast has been kept down. Now, however, comes tbe report of a collossal sugar combina tion at San Francisco, wbicb has gained absolute control of tbe sugar supply. THE CALEDONIANS Umatilla County Caledonian Society will Hold Annual Picnic On May 22nd and 23rd, At a meeting of the Umatilla Cale donian Society held iu this oity Satur day afternoon, it was deoided to hold the annual Caledonian picnic in Athena on Friday and Saturday, May 22 and Saturday's meeting was fairly well attended and the question of holding tbe picnic on the days mentioned was unanimously supported. Invitations will be sent to other Caledouian societies throughout the state and Eastern Washington. Re duced rates on tbe railroads will be secured, and nothing will bo left un done to make tbe big picnic a success in every particular. Saturday, May 23, the last day of the pionio, will end with a general political rally and can didates will be given a obaDce to meet tbe orowds of voters. On Fridnv nun. ning, a geuuine Scotch program will be rendered at tbe opera house, wbioh will give all an opportunity to spend a delightful evening. A meeting cf tbe Caledonian Sooioty will be held tomorrow, at wbioh the different committees will be appointed and general arraugemenst made. CANDIDATES JM AT ATHENA Ex-Governor Geer and Representative Steen Mingle With Town Voters. s the date for the primary election comes near tbe oandidate for nomina tion mixes with the voter and seeks to. repair any weak spot that may be found in his political fenoe. During tbe past few days Athena has teen visited by several candidates, tbe most importaut, perhaps, being ex-Goveruor Geer, republican oandidate for the oongresloual uominatiou. Mr. Geer met with many old-time friends while here, and be was greeted warmly by both republican heuohman aud democratic well-wisher. Time sets well with Mr. Geer and be is just as young aud good naturod, ua t f ha ita.a whan Ita first visited Athena in his memorable campaign for the office of governor. Atbena republicans liked him then and there is nothing on tbe snrtaoe to indi cate any change in their regard for him. - Representative Claude Steen, and who wants to be again, was in town Saturday. Mr. Steen is well known hore. He is the father of the sohool-houee-flag bill a bill that was strong enough to become a law at tbe last session of the legislature. Tbe bill in question, was Mr. Steeu's maiden effort in oapaoity of law giver, and he undoubtedly felt considerably flattered at tbe notice the press of tbe state thrust on him at tbe time. In more or less extent, perhaps, it is to this euooess as a law maker that Mr. Steen again falls in with tbe notion nf flnnnnnrlinsr him unit nnrl hn I has republican friends in Athena who ffl --. : 1 1 l. -1 l. : L . j . u : 1.2.1 ., Wilt Lieip U1UJ iu gmuiy U1B UlUUlllUUH. 1 Orchard Land Values. A son of Fred Gross, who resides at Grand Junction Col., sends him clip '. pings from the Daily News of that l city, wbioh obronioles big prices being 1 paid for orchard lands iu the Grand ; Valley fruit district. Tbe sum of : 18,000 was paid for a 40-aore or chard, and mention is made of a reoent purchase at $3,000 per aore and an other at $2,250 per acre. I Roots in Waterpipe. I V. J. Gholson, water superintendent arA ( hi aa mnn or. onn.ffal in rAtnnv. attj l u . 1 1. - : l : l iuk luuu gruwiu nuui iub jnpo uubb au the intake of the Atbena water system The same conditions previal wbicb made trouble last year. 3reat masses of slimy fiberous, willow roots bad grown into tbe pipe joints and extend ed iu tbe pipes iu snob quantities as to almost entirely stop the flow of water. Tbe work of extracting tbe root growth will be completed this week. Rihorn a Bigamist. W. P. Riborn, a former Pendleton real estate dealer,but lately of Port land, turns out to be a muobly married man and officers are on bis trail. Wife No. 3 is a Denver sobool teacher and she married Rihora under tbe name of P. a Williams on January 11 of this year. Ilermiston Water. Water is beginning to flow from tbe Umatilla river upon lands under the Umatilla porject. Saturday 200 acres belonging to II. O. Newport was flooded. Reclamation officials say tbe work will be in uhape to water tbe lands of settlers this season for alfalfa and other crops. Prohis Active. Tbe local option forces are caking an active campaign for prohibition throughout eastern Oregon this spring. The liquor interests are much agitated especially in Pendleton, where there are now 25 saloon. DIAMOND SPLINTERS Good Game Played Sunday-Yellow Kids Jr.--Willie Fortier Makes Good With Seattle. In the Athenu-Weston game Sunday, ou the looal grounds, hangup good ball was played for several innings. Wes ton had two bad -inuinca and tbe Atbena bunch waxed the boys from over the bill good and plenty. Tbe game, which in tbe beginning looked to be close ended with a onesided soore Atbena 16; Weston 4. . Tbe Athena team has several eood iudividual players, who with proper coaching could iu a short time play winning balliu fast amateur company. Tho boys realize that to bring tbe team out of its kinks, tbey need a manager - who knows tbe game from a to z aud one who will Bee to it that the players get the inside on team work. The Yellow Kida Jr. played a good- close game at Weeton Saturday. Tho youngsters left their soalpsin the Nor mal Sobool town by tbe close score of 6 to 7. They play tbe Weston juvenile team on tbe looal ground tomorrow afternoon. Tbe Yellow Kide Jr. ar composed principally of Postmustor Qithen's "grasshopper" kidB, and the rotund mail sorter is tuking more than passing interest iu their spriug workout. Monday's mail brought to the editor a letter from Turner Calleiuler at Seattle, whioh enolosed tbe following dipping from the Seattle Tiinos rela tive to "Bill" Fortier, an Atbena boy: "All winter long Dugdalo has beou blowing about Willie Fortier, and as tbe stout one had never Been tbe lnd his cracks about Fortier got to bo something of a joke. ; Now he ii givinjr bis friends tbe hoarse ebnoklo. for this. Fortier toy looks like n sure enough ball player. He handles im?Al like an experienced haokstop and he cracks the ball right in tbe middle when ut the bat. Unless Willie is n morning; glory, be will wear a Souttlo uulforrn for quite a spell." Dngdale is owner aud manager of the Seattle team in tbe Northwest leaguo and besides Fortier, he hi9 Ralph Krietz, the Old Yellow Kid oatoher ou bis staff of youngsters to h tried out this season. There will be a warm ball game ou tbe Atbona grounds Sunday afternoon between Cartano's "Sluggors" and the regular Athena team. Following is the line up. Athena Lieuallen, c; Stone, p; Dudley, lb; Smith, 2b; Gross, ss; Boobor, 8b; Maloney, If; Willaby, cf; Bell. rf. Slnggers La Brasobe, p; Hawks, o; Roberts, lb; Curtauo, 2b; Koontz, 8b; Dell, ss ; Christian, If; Downing, cf; Y. Dell, rf. A. Foss, W. Pres ton, Tom Taggart, subs; Cbas. Bar rows, manager;, J. Parker, umpire, and Frank Coolidge, pigtail. Cayuse War Veterans. Representative Hawley baa , got a favorable report on bis bill to pay cer- , . tain volunteers in the Cayuse Indian . war of 1847 aud 1848, $1.50 a day for tbe time tbey served, as shown in tbe flies of tbe war department. The max imum appropriated by the bill is $1,500. BeneQoiaries of the bill are John Miuto, Charles Bolds, Ellen Haokett, widow of John C. Haokett; Missouri A. Cornelius, widow of Thomas O. Cornelius; Mary J. Keizur; Amanda R. Reese, widow of Willard -j, H. Reese; Mary E. Carnahan, widow of Hiram Caruahan; Polly G. Bautler, widow of Isaao Bantler aud Sarah E. Sohantz, widow of P. O. Sobantz. Want Experimental Train. Umatilla county farmers are now iu communication with the freight de partment of the O. R. & N. and tbe experimental officials of Oregon Agri cultural college in regard to running a farmer's train through tbe wheat belt of eastern Oregon for the purpose of having lectures delivered ty experts on summer fallowing, deep plowing, diversified crops and otbor subjeots which are agitating tho farmers. Suob a train will be rnu through WaJln Walla county booh, and it is hoped to have tbe Oregon experts join and ex tend the itinerary of tbe train into this couuty. Cake Will Speak Here. Hon. 11. M. Cake of Portland, Ore gon, will speak iu tbe Athena, opera bouse. Tuesday, April 7, at 2:30 p. m. Mr. Cake is a republican oandidate for United States Seuator and is before tbe voters of that party for nominnion on a strictly Statement No. 1 platform. He is said to be a gifted speaker, aud a oordial invitation is extended to all to come out and hear biin explain why a republican should stand for .State ment No. 1 and tbe primary law. Much Testimony Taken. -Tbe big water suit which is being tried at Milton promises to continue most of the week. Tbe court is bony all day, and eight cessions havo ultto been held. Iu spite of tbe bewilder ing amount of testimony in the caso substantial progress is beiug mule. o v. 8 i 1 k I : y- " V- - . z