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About The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942 | View Entire Issue (April 10, 1908)
Pum 5) 25 li certain if you take Hood's Sarsaparilla. This great medicine cures those eruptions, pimples and boils that appear at all seasons; cures scrofula sores, salt rheum or eczema; adapts itself equally well to, and also cures, dys pepsia and all stomach troubles; cures rheu matism and catarrh; cures nervous troubles, debility and that tired feeling. c ran tabs-For those who prefer medicine In tab let form. Hood's Sarsaparilla ia now put up In choco lated tablets called Sarsatabs, as well as In the usual liquid form. Sarsatabs have Identically the same curative properties as the liquid form, besides accu racy of dose, convenience, economy, no loss by evap oration, breakage, or leakage. Druggists or promptly by maiL C. L Hood Co.. Lowell, Mass. fay. -v c i j . 'N UNITED STATES NOW WEALTHIEST NATION Aa English View of Robert E. Lee fieneral Robert E.; - Lee was indeed fully Washington's equal as a hero and a gentleman and much his superior as a soldier. It Is only in the larger polit ical or semlpolltlcal sphere that he stands lower and there perhaps only because his opportunities were bo much smaller. London Jinies Review if Trevelyan's History.' St. Vitus' Dance ana an Siervous Diseases - ,1 A(1M4 k TIP H liro Ur.r. ll.Ti bL.,nTKT. Send fur FREE 12 trial battle and treatise. Dr. K. ILKlUe, Ld., 831 Axoh St., Pnlla.,l?a, ia Gradual 1 Octave Thai Mrs. C. K. Tyler. Burlington, Vt., Bays : " The cares of a large farm, so niin'h to do and so little health to do it with, caused almost a complete break down: bleodpoor and thin: no strength, little Bleep. Hood's Sarsaparilla gave appetite, natural sleep, perfect health, strength to do all mj work." - t f Treasury Figures Show that Per Capita 'is in Excess of $1,310. the VAST GEOWTH OF FINANCES. 3f of an old I Money in Circulation on Jan. Last Was Nearly $3,000,- 000,000. 30 Keep Them Away. First Landlady "My boarders loaf around the parlor every evening, much to my annoyance. Does yours?" Second Landlady "No, Indeed! My daughter li learning to play the j; piano." . l PILES CURED IN 6 TO 14 DAYS. j PA 10 OINTMENT is guaranteed to cure any ease of Itching. Blind. .-Heeding or Vrotruding ooq, iror miron rle Rihlp nn' inrn Aa naivunn pers." ilndinnaptilis MeWB. i j . -r You buy a book and hope to rea I A nrrifit mi 5 f ii or f anciwa The style may be a little cheap, But the paper's right expensive. Washington Star. Vghl "The 'Great White Hague,' my son," Said the Injun chief, in a passion, "la that wicked, thieving race That calls itself the Caucasian 1 Piles In 6 to 14 davs or monev refunded . ML Ha Could Improve It. Ti sir n trt 1m thnotoi. laof n I r h j a ncui IU fcjuv kuuHi Muni u'au j I "What did you see?" t f " "A play called 'Hamlet.' " 4 "How was it?" I "Fair; only fair.' A good, lively sex tet would do it a world of good. r L V. Tan r.ol ill.n'a FW.Fn FIJFF WritB Alleys. Olmntert I, Rnr. N Y (mi 'free sample of Allen's Foot-Ease. It cures 1 sweating, not swollen, acning leet. it makes new or tight shoes easy. A certain cure for " corns, ingrowing nails and bunions, All drug- gISIB sell it. zoo. Don't accept any aubptiuite. Ootaide of Hli Practice, I "All that is the matter with youf sir' y isaid the eminent physician, after a tiior- fough examination, "is lack of nutrition jxou don t eat enough." I "I eat all I can hold, doctor," said : the attenuated caller. V' I "Then you need to have your capacity'' 1 enlarged, and that's a case for a surgeon. I Five dollars, please. Good morning." I Chicago Tribune. ' Echoes of the Pait, Wagner was wrinV the music of the future. "I intend to produce something," he said, "that will go thundering down the ages.' IIow well he succeeded let the ages bear witness. ' "' anted, from the Bible, Octave Thanet tells a story darky in Florida who was anxious to Major Alfred R. Qualffe, yault clerk ann to read, so that, he could read th f the United States treasury, who has jiinie. ne saia tnai u ne coum read tn charge of Uncle Sam's money, called Bible he would want nothing else. , A m attentlou the other day to the al- Fr i on rl i T tha narrntnn fonitht 1im -a read. Some time afterward she visited Incredible growth of the business his cabin and asked his wife how his of tho Treasury Department since he Bible reading was getting on. j com ,nt service, forty-two years "Laws, Miss Fanny," said this person, S. and ho furnished me with some "he jes' suttinly kin read fine. He's don Yery interesting and rather startling comparisons, writes William E. Curtis, the Washington correspondent. For example, the wealth of the country, which, of course, has kept pace with the transactions of the treasury, is three and one-half times greater to-duy than it was in 1870. The total then was $30,068,518,000. The estimated total to-day, based, upon the census reports and information received by the Agri cultural Department, the Secretary of the Treasury and the Comptroller of the Currency, is $107,104,211,917. The wealth per capita of citizens of the United State9( based upon similar estimates, has increased from $770.83 In 1870 to $1,310.11 in 1007, which makes the United States, with Its enor mous population, the richest country In the world. The money in circulation has increas ed four-fold 6ince Major Qualffe came Into the treasury. The total in 1870 was $673,212,794, while on Jan. SO, 1907, It was $2,914,342,256. The clitu lutlon per capita has almost doubled, notwithstanding the present money famine, and has Increased from $17.50 last forty-two DENATURED ALCOHOL. 1 I, i farmers May Make It Future Fuel ol i ' tha West. By Fred W. Lewis, Secretary Washington Statt Grantee, Tumwater, Wash. Two years ago the Grange, assist ed by some other organizations, went to work to try and pass a law that would allow alcohol to be manufac tured end used for light and fuel, without having to pay the prohibi tive revenue tax, that had been re quired by the government, so as to free -the people of the country from the tyranny of the Standard OH Co., which has gradually raised tne price of fuel oil from a low price to an amount that Is paying the monopoly extremely ,large dividends, thereby levying an unreasonable tax on the consumer of the products of petro leum. After, a long. and hard fight in congress in which the Standard Oil Company did their best to prevent the passage of the bill, we conquered and now a farmer, or several of them may erect a still, and make alcohol RHETUMATiSM CAN NOT BE RUBBED AWAY It is Tjcrfectly natural td nib the spot that hurts, and when the muscles, nerves, joints and bones are throbbing and twitching with the pains o Rheumatism the sufferer is apt to turn to the liniment bottle, or some other external application, ia au effort to get relief from the disease, by producing Counter-irritation on the flesh. Such treatment will quiet the pain tempo rarily, but can have no direct curative effect 'pa the real disease because it does not reach the blood, where the cause is located. Rheumatism is mors than skin deep it is rooted and grounded in the blood and can only be) reached by constitutional treatment IT CANNOT BE RUBBED AWAY. Rheumatism i3 due to aa excess of uric acid ia the blood, brought about by the accumulation in the system of refuse matter which, the natural avenuea of bodily waste, the Bowels and Kidneys, have failed to carry off. This refuse matter, coming ia Contact with the different acids of the body, forma uric acid which is absorbed into the blood and distributed to all parts of tha body, and Rheumatism gets possession of the system. The aches and pains) are only symptoms, and though they may be scattered or relieved for a timei by surface treatment, they will reappear at the first exposure to cold or dampness, or after aa attack of indigestion or other irregularity. Rheuma tism can never be permanently cured while the circulation remains saturated with irritating, pain-producing uric acid poison. The disease will shift trom muscle to muscle or ioint to joint, settling on the nerves, causing ; in any quantities, the same to be de- j bflammation and swelling and such terrible pains that the nervous system natured, or poisoned, by officers ap-' g often shattered, the health undermined, and perhaps the patient becomes pointed by the government, and may deformed and crippled for life. S. S. S. thoroughly cleanses the blood and then be used or sold to any one un-1 renovates the circulation by neutralizing the acids and expelling all foreign matter from the system. It warms and invigorates the blood so that instead of a weak, sour stream, constantly oeposir,- -,-ing acrid and corrosive matter in the mus- cles, nerves, joints and bones, the body is fed ' and nourished by rich, health-sustaining . ' blood which completely and permanently cures Rheumatism. S. S. S. 13 composed of both purifying and tonic properties- iust what is needed in every case of Rheu matism. It contains no potash, alkali or other mineral ingredient,' but is I wish that It were possible for me a?e iry """"..7 A . IZ'i "CirI ,. 'i,"tv, iamn wlfh itq beautiful Darks, li you are sunenng irora, iucumau8m uo uui wuotc viuau UghtTo V'hatTou uV Va'the-, trying to Ah a blood disease away, but begin the use of S. S S. and writo value of it as a light producing fuel. ! us about your case. and our physicians will give yon any information ci9, Wherever 1 nave aemonsiruieu mo wvnisuBmntuwwwiuss""1 nmf.uv1vu ot,w... v.-.v .... light, it has met with an enthusias- V rur JtWlFT SPmriO CO. ATLANTA. CJU tje reception and it is only a ques- .THE SWIFT SPLGIFIU tUm, Aiuuiin, tlon of letting people see tne vaiue of de-natured- alcohol, to insure a ' demand that will fill our land with Hlrante Glory. The young man was admiring her beau tiful and abundant hair. "What a wealth of it there is!" he exclaimed. "When you loosen it I sup- nnse it (irnnH tn the floor." . Hugh " broke in the little sister of , to ?Jd.o auring me the young woman. "It drops on th years. floor !" Chicago Tribune. A Error. , Deplorable Buaineaa Error, "Did you .ever make a mistake, doc tor?" "Yes, once I was called in by a pa tient and diagnosed his case as stom ach ach I only learned the following day that he was rich enough to have appendicitis." Die Muskete. ,' ill ho: 2 if ALCOHOL 3 PER CENT, j AV&ge(ablePreparallonforAs slmilating thcFooilantlReguta ting die Stomachs anlUwds of s Vn" ry'niiiiiiiiiiatfi11 mm m der a permit which may be obtained from the government. It 13 now our duty to get the ap pliances for the use of the product into general use, so that there will be a demand for the alcohol, so that there will be distilleries installed all over the west, so as to use the waste products of our farms to make fuel for our engines, stoves, both heating and cooking, and to give us one of the best lights that you ever saw (53 9 j0 szso KgQ PURELY VEGETABLE HOWAKD E. BURTOH. Aaiajrer ar.S Cnemlal, Leadvllto. Colorado - Specimen prices: Ould, Promotes DiestionJCkeiM ncss and Rest.Contalns neither OpiunuMorptune nor Mineral. NOT NARCOTIC. flafJta Smd Jlx.Sema "- JMititUtt- Km Sent' garikdStmr Anorfrrt Rpmerl'-' forConsIfea Hon,SouxStomadi.Dtantei Worms jConvulsioiisJCTeiisn- riEss and Loss OF sleep. FacSimk Signature of NEW YOKK. Ill I For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the -II I. ir-...ii....i-iii. ti m- CI J r J .! l.J MLS m? fed Ht ir U w u va.aaaa mm Guarante ed under the Exact Copy of Wrapper. Use For Over Thirty Years hi Th enrru eoM. w vona rrr. U positive proof rflhe Hbilhf d eontdence oorpa ticou hare In tu. Specialistl always in attendance, awariog prompt tnd coaruou aueauaa. Iady attend ant alwy preKM. .' , ReHabla Painless Dentists. Our reputitioa for reliability ud thorougbaew U well eKabUihed. CleanU Deaa, Good Work and Quick Service. "AND IT DIDN'T HURT A BIT" Painless Extraction. SO cents. Extraction Free whes pluca or bridge are ordered. Plato $S and up. Best Plate Work. Perhipi year teeth h become aacleat that it u impoarible to firmly Kt a a bridge. Tbea the old ump are removed without earning you the lightest pais, and a plate to Sued. If the piate 6tr per fectly it will look weU and perform it work of masticating yoar food atitactorily. With my xo year' experieace ia thi work will guarantee aatisractioB ia every case. Crown and Bridea Work. It's a thame to spoil your personal appearance and ruia your digestion from the lack of teeth to properly masticate yoer food, when a bridge eaa be supplied that will cause as discomfort what- W.A.WISErTflT faUM HUM, TWM aNB WUMNgnW, PWTUKB, CMSW If PORTLAND DOING WORK FOR THE BEST PEOPLE erer.will chew your food property and thoroughly, while your looks are improved beyond description. A hollow tooth that is now useless can be tiled an ihir it is eared for orobabty a lifetime. To secure the best result you must secure tha. highest grade of skill. Examination free and Invited. When desired Tow can base T. P. Wise of my personal serrice. Our force ia so oreanixed that we can do I voor entire Crown, Bridea and Plata Work in a dav if necessary. Out of town people can write and arrange lor appointments. PLATES fpW When Major Qualffe came Into the cash room we had only $25,000,000 In gold ; to-day we have $750,605,869 In cold coin In the treasury alone, not counting that In circulation and hoard d away. Uncle Sam's -working capital on Dec. 14, 1907, amounted U 11,756,491,46 1.31 -a!l of which Is bail cash. Of this 'amount $1,233,705,869,' In coin Is held on denosit to secure thr "mt ..'of $756,005,809 gold certlnci (300 silver. wrtlftaites, a . ,1 trvHBury notes outstanahW. - treas ury reserve, which Is kPt by 'iw, amounts to $150,000,000 ' The cash bal- ai'ce available to pay the current ex penses of the government on Dec. 14 was $259,702,800.63. Uncle Sam does not .keep all of tils money In Washington, although there Is a good deal of It here. Tbe remain der Is scattered among the different ubtreasuries, mints and national bank depositories as follows : - -Treasury, Washington ...$175,971,840.79 Subtreasury, New York.. 270,0-J3,w:u. f Bubtreasury. Baltimore .. 16,027,023.41 Bubtreasury Philadelphia. 18,008,820.00 Bubtreasury, Boston...... ia,ia, .yu Bubtreasury, Cincinnati.. 13,417,882.59 Bubtreasury, Chicago 65,083,802.72 Bubtreasury, St. Louis... 18,UUO,s'.w Bubtreasury, New Orleans 23,650,020.89 Bubtreasury, San Francisco 33,430,003.79 Mint, Philadelphia 354,178,511.72 Mint, Denver s,3u,w. tu Mint, New Orleans 83,392.871.34 Mint, San Francisco 882,483,714 10 AaasT office. New York... 7,80r3,a.visi National banks 246,284,455.69 Treasury Philippine Islands 8,795,399.59 Tn transit between offices. w,i's. In addition to the1 working balance and th reserve, there is a total oi -811.788,128 In bonds in the vaults at Washington, of which $033,535,970 Is to secure circulation of national banks and $178,200,158 to secure deposits in na tional banks. An additional sum of tina.7Ki.289 is deposited for similar purposes in the subtreasurles of New York and San Francisco, mamng a To tal of $915,487,518 of other people's money in Uncle Sam's charge. Alaaka's Population 81.00O. Gov. W. B. Hoggatt of Alaska, in his annual renort. estimates the population of the territory at 81,000, exclusive oi fi nno or 7.000 Demons of mixed national! Ha emDloved in mines, canneries and rail road construction during tne summer, ne reports extensive prospecting in the vari ous minlna- districts. He considers the wliiaVv Deddler the worst enemy or tro native, and recommends legislative restric tions of llauor sales wttnm a nve-mn radius of any railroad or otner enterprise employing 100 or more men, except m au incorporated town. Flexner Transfers Vital Orajaaa A naner read before the American As oclatlon for the Advancement of Science in the University of CLicago reveals we fact that Dr. Simon Flexner of New York City has succeeded In transplanting ar ItarlM from one animal to another sue- 1 w . .a .a Icessfully. The experiments nave inus far been confined exclusively to the lower animals, but the favorable results in tni fiMd are believed to point tne way to lauccessiui ayii'"-"""" human beings Skips to I'ss Grroseopoa. It Is reported that the Hamburg-Amer- kan line, having bought the : German rights of the Seniles gyroscope, intends to equip all its North Sea and channel boats with the apparatus, which it is ex pected will keep the snip steady in tfce roughest weather. Tbe gyroscope will be 1 located at tbe stern oi tne vesaai. IT'S FREE "SEND FOR IT NOW" The Beat Fruit Tree and Berry Plant Catalog in the Northwest J. J. BUTZER 192 Front St., Portland. Oregon t . L.'fii STIVE ...-roi 5erfa . Vurrs'l SMxIn are the best known and tha moat reliable seeds erown. E very package has behind it the reputation or a house whose buHlneaa standards axe the highest lu the trade. Verrr's 1 90S Ser4 Annual win b rnsilfi FREE HiBtillPrlPS makine our own fuel Out Bllver,Lad,tliold,fIlw,76ciOoId,60cjZliioof aistllieries, maaing our u iuei uuv .f 'Cyanlde .twite. Walling envalopf. and Of the Small potatoes, BprOUtea tal price llstient on apiiltoatlon. Control and Urn- Wheat. Small, and imperfect apples, plreworltaolicitea. ) erncei i.atoou w ana f t uit of other varieties, and in . tact, anything that is composed or sugaf or starch. A corn-field, with its stains imea with sweetness, will make large Quantities of alcohol, and a small amount of land will raise enough fuel to keep our homes well heated and lighted for the year. Another good quality oi mis al cohol Is that it is perfectly clean and healthful. There is no dust, smoke, soot, or gas, developed in the burn ing of it for either light or heat, and it does not vitiate the air in the room, as it contains oxygen, in itself and does not have to use the oxygen out of the air in the room, so much as any other fuel. ' There is no wick-trimming to be done, as the wick" is never on fire, and .aa far as smoke is concerned, the lamp chimneys will never need any washing, bo the lamps are much easier to take care of. You can turn it oft until there is a ?ry small light, and so makes a per sect nteht lamp, as there isno gas, is, tbftre , s,.Iroro .a im. lo mafic Lily ucu ivuvpi - There is another great boon to the housewife in the alcohol flat-iron, which will burn only about a cent's worth of fuel, rather than ten or fif teen cents worth as when you have j to use a stove oi any sort, xou can take this flatiron into any room of the house, out onto the porch, out under a shade tree, or anywhere else that you want to, as you have no "string" attached to you as in the electric Iron, and you do not have to travel back and forth between the ironing board and the stove, as you have always had to do, nor do you" have to stand near a hot stove while you are doing your ironing. Wrltn to me ana 1 Will ten you how you may procure these splendid improvements, as tne urange. is an xious to get people to Know oi tne advantages to be derived from the Introduction of denatured alcohol- Furnish Your Home Without Cost With PREMITMS nlven FBKK for CARTON TOPS and BOAP VKA1'1'KK8 from "20 MULE TEAM" BORAX PRODUCTS SOME OP OUR PREMIUMS tssthsr Ooodi. Pocket Book, Purse. Hand Ban. Chntelnlniw, Hult .'hmk, Triinkn, Collir and OuB I'hhoh, liiiznr Strops, Triivelluu IlttKS, 'lo.lct him fcinw. ilia ('asm, ltnln Coats, llnihrulliw nnd Unlilwr Goods, Jswelry. Clooka. Wiilolius, Chains. Klnm, Ifoiis, BriHKihtw, Burrettos. Bid Cooilis, Braiwlots. Neo ClinitiH, Ktc. , to Sllverwars. Toa Sots, CofTnc Sots, Mum, l)pk Heta, I k Stands, Cuke Uinlios, Candleatioka. Ii'O Pit'lnr, Salt nnd 1'PiM'orii, Napkin Itinm, Jewel Boies, KnlvoB, Forks and Hnoons, etc.. Oik-ar and Olunretts Cases, 1'utl Boies, Comb and Brush Sets, Manicure Olasswars. Napplos, Vbkimi, Bpoonholders, Celerf and Hnlad linwls, lion Bou Dlauus, Punch Bets, Uob. ''oamsi.'" un. Pistols, Air Rifles. Fishing Tackle, Box iiiK Gloves, Tool Clients, Baseball and Football Hoods, Cameras, Phouonraphs, Banjos, Guitars, Books. . , ' Fnrnitnrs, Ruirs, I.aoe Curtains, Cutler;, Lamps, Baby Cari'iaKea, Beds. Send for 40 page FRFF catalogue lltln over 1000 articles given f KLC for premiums. Address lU'sVrd'tonoSL' Pacific Coast Borax Co., Oakland. Cal. for Dlantlnir oxer law varieties of Veiietabla aad Flower Beeds. Invaluable to all. 6"- r"1 D. M. FERRY A CO., OWaih Mloh. Agricultural Club Formed. By J. H.Frandson, Department of Dairying;, idano fcxperimeni otauon, bwwit, i A sudden impetus was given the arrHcultural interests of the Univer sity of Idaho on the 19 of December, 1H7 when the students oi tnai ue paiKment organized an agricultural club. It consists of students deeply interested in agriculture, who are ing all in their power to Duiia up strong agricultural college in the university. It is with a Keen sense of the needs' of Idaho that the move ment Is begun. Idaho Is one oi tne most rapidly growing states of tha union. Over 700,000 acres of land hav been added within the last year or two to the grants covered oy tne irrigation companies." This will fur nish room for thousands of beautiful homes In the near future. It is ob vious that scientific skill will be in demand under the conditions broueht about by this extended sys tem of intensive farming. A publication known as the iaano Student Farmer will be the club s main method of interesting the farm ers of the state in the work of tbe agricultural college, and it is nopea by this method to get a great many students from the farms. It Is prob ably the only student agricultural paper published in the colleges of the northwest. The first and only num ber of the present scholastic year will come out in a week or ten days. The neonle of Idaho should re spond with the true spirit of an ener getic commonwealth. Send in your name and address to the iaano (stu dent Farmer, University of Idaho, Moscow, and receiv the tlrBt copy free. I L y SSSSSBBSSSBa j PN U " IT MADT FOR CN SERVICE and guaranteed absolutely WATERPROOF OILED SUITS. SUCKERS AND HAlJ Every garment guaranteed Clean - Light Durable "v Suits 322 Slickers 322 wiirMSTOtAi.m tmtrwitcM ysio ma ro immkin Km" You can get a splendid premium for 100 Coupon values or less, represented by Carton Tops and koap wrappers. C. Gee Wo The sell known raliabls CHINESE Root and Herb DOCTOR life study ol 1M Na. 1C-C8 rBKN wrttins; to advertisers please mention this paper. 3 is'i.t -sr n i una TTiiinfi n in r A?-. J Ton uinl Iierl.s. and in th ixK'zjffl Hititlv d imov(rttrl and U ai v i the world bit woudtif .WN fuTrtui-e'lii-. No Mercury, Poisons or Drugs UsedHe Curct Without Operation or Without the Aid of a Kntf He KunraiitftM to Cure Cttturrh, Aethuia, Luna. Iliront, ltlieuiautUm, ISiTvouHnm. Norvous Ieb!llt HtomiM'h, Ijivor, Kidney TrnuhlnHiiil-o Ixwt Manhood Feiaalo WonkneHS aud All l'rf vute Uirteurion. A SURE CANCER CURE Just Received from Peking, China-Safe, Surs) end Reliable. IF Y0TT ART5 AFI.IOTRD, DON'T DELAY. DKLAY8 AKE tiANGKliOUH. CONSUL.TATIOIN 111213 If you cannot onl I. write tor sympton blnuk and elns ler. Inclose 4 ct'iita In etenii. THFO. KK WO Oil 1 N Kti K M K D I 'TNE CO. 162 1-2 First Bt. , Cor. M orrlsun, Portland, Oreaoas' Pleuse ilontlon This Paper. If lacs seat. One guart of chopped boiled beef, 2 QTjarts of chopped apples, 1 pint of mc laaeea, 1 pint of sugar, 1 teacup of vine gar Of cider, 1 quart of chopped raisins or currants, 2 tablespoonfuls of cloves and cinnamon, 1 nutmeg, 1 Ul of but ter; cook until scalded through, seal to glass Jars until wanted, or pack In an earthen Jar and cover with melted lard. f vs. Quality " In the matter of food you can't afford to YV ' icrtfice Quality for Cheapness. Economy V I t is right and good but inferior food products are dear at any price. ) ; ftaP'f (P BAlllfiiS (( BBS lilh powder )) filjfls is economical not Cheap. Try f ; fjfj it. The best at any price or J J MRPK your money back. JAQUES MFG. CO. - Chlcaio- M P and -SLZb Wholesome. 1 .. V-1' W'-f '- .ry Fvtltf tHOES T Alt ICC. FOR tVCRY MEMBER OF THE FAMILY, 'AtH. BOYS. WOMEN. MISSES AND CHILDREN. svrvo. W. L. Douglxm - mntt metis mtro -Jft than mriy ofViof manufacture In tha txS world, Omcmumm ihy hold tholr 'ltj mhapm. Hi hmttor, wamr lotipmr. nnd W.L Douelas $4 $5 Ei! ct!ga Shoes Cannot Be Equalled At Any Vt " f ' A I T !!. W. 1- DilMiHiina anrt prlaa a atamrieri on w oin hrtlwhest shoe rlralrs evmywucra. bUoea uiail"! from ''' 1.v ,k,' "i',., , (xu ui au aJarva' Vo Hnl-stUiila. wurln. lllua ruckuis, Slaias (.