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About The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942 | View Entire Issue (May 8, 1906)
Press Paragraphs Saturday And Sunday ball. Elgin vs. the Yellow Kids. D. 0. Kirk was in town yesterday from Weston. W. D. Chamberlain was a Pendle ton visitor yesterday. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Boy Pa in born, May 1, 1906, a 6on. Tom Waloh, O. R. & N. superin tendent was in town yesterday. A new line of Leghorn and sailor bats has arrived at Mrs. Miller's. Just received, latest styles in belta, shirtwaist sets, back and side combs, at Manasse's." Mrs. C. 0. Brotbertou has been vis itiug at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Brotbertou. . Mrs. J. R. Beard of Walla Walla, speut Sunday in this city at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Dnnlap. Robert Tharp, Jack Weir and othors left this week for northern Washing ton, whore they will look after land. 2 Bert Warron left last evening for La Grande for the pnrposo of selling a ranoh owned by him near that place. Mrs. Lillie - Miller desires to pur chase a good driving horse. A gentle horse for family use is desired. Mr. and Mrs. Starr Charlton will leave tomorrow for their homestead near Kamela, where they will spend the hot weather. Rev. Wm. M. Spoor, of Adams, is assisting Rev. Evans in speoial meet ings at the Methodist church this week. The second annual convention of the Oregon Ubristinn Missionary Congress will be held in Milton May 15, 16 and 17. The ladies' aid society' of the M. E. church will serve dinner on Main street during the two days of the Cal edonia n picnic in this city. Mr. Harlow Kiohmoud, all arouud good fellow, was numbered with the Helix people who were in town Sat urday. For Rent The Rush farm, north west of Athena, containing 640 acres is offered to rent for $8 per aore. Address. 10 North Tonohet st.rant. Walla Walla. Mrs. Anstin Foss will give lessons in embroidery work eaoh Thursday afternoon at her home on Jefferson Btreet. Her charges for instruction will be only teu cents per hour. Saturday was a busy day with Ath ena merchants. " The hitobing racks were crowded with farmers' teams and Main street houses were crowded witn people au day. Sam Baunister worked out his Caution Ally, Gretoben, at Walla' Walla Saturday, a quarter of a mile in 34 seconds. He has a prospective buyer for the fleet mare at $350. . J. D. Baddoley disposed of ten Cau tiou borses at the Portland horse sale last woek. His horses averaged very well with the others sold under the hammer, netting him $184 per bead. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Dell, Mr. and Mis. Johu Pcebler, Miss Gertie Luna, Miss Ja uie Rocbe and Mr. Lee Hire- uiau formed a picuia party that Snnrltiv nn Pino Prpptr north nf Joseph Rainville Sr. came down from Nez Peroe last week and speut .a couple of days with relatives here. Mr. Rainville left Saturday evening for Portland. From there ho will go to Montreal on business. The success of the colt show held in Athena last year was such that horse raisers are becoming interested in oue to be held here this year. With this object in view, a meeting will be hold Saturday afternoon at Charles Korris' harness shop, at wbioh time arrangements will be perfected. Peebler & Chamberlain, implement dealers have one of the new McRea weeding machines on exhibition. The weeder, which is bnilt on principles of recognized practicability, is being examined with more than passing in terest here, because Alex McRea, the inventer, has an extensive acquain tance in Athena and vicinity. The "Made In Oregon"annual spring exposition to be held in Portland May 19-26 inclusive under the auspices of Oregon Manufacturers promises to be liberally atteuded by Eastern Oregon people. For the occasion the O. R. & K. Co. will give a rate of one and one third fare for round trip, tickets lim ited to May 27v For Sale. One Niagara Pitts Sepa rator, size 36-72; 1 Buffalo Pitts En gine, 25 horse power; derrick tables, derrick wagons, water tanks, cook house, stove, dishes, in fact a com plete threshing outfit in good condi tion. Will be sold cheap for cash in part or whole. For particulars en quire at the First National Bank, Athena, Oregon. The city council met in regular monthly session last evening. The committee on street improvement an nounced that arrangements bad been made with the Athena Truck Co. to snnnt. I IUU II. 1 ll sprinkle Main street at 40 cents per hour. The ordinance committee was instructed to draft an ordinance estab lishing and regulating sewerage with in the corporate limits of Athena. The marshal was instructed to enforoe the saloon box ordinance. John Fisher, a former resident of this county, writes the Weston Leader from North Batheford, Saskatchewan, Canada, as follows: "I like thisoouu try fine. It is a vast prairie. One has an uninterrupted view from hori zon to horizon. It's a new country yet but it is settling up fast. From 20 to 40 cars of immigrants go through this place daily, besides what unloads here. It gets cold in winter. The mercury sometimes drops as low as 66, but yet this doesn't affect one so much as 16 below at Weston. I am working on the - Canadian Northern Railroad as inspector." Jerry Stone is minus a saddle pony. Last night the horse was tied at the hitobing rack at the old Fair Store building and when the owner was ready to go home the horse could not be found. It is believed by some that the horse was stolen. Mr. Stone gives the following description and will pay a liberal reward for information leading to its recovery : Bay in color, roached mane, branded JT connected on left hip, S on right hip, weight 800 pounds. Had on saddle and bridle and a pair of shaps was tied to saddle. J. P. Conder. of Portland, the Sun day sohool evangelist for the Christian church, preached here Sunday morn ins and evenine. Mr. Conder is hold ing a looal Bible sohool institute at the Christian cLuroh with the object of iustruotion for teachers and officers in the Sundav school. A session will probably be held each evening this week. Mr. Conder will preach next Sunday morning and evening. Mr. Albert Gould of Weston moun tain and Miss Birdie Gettiugs of Basket mountain were united in marriage at Walla Walla Wednesday, April 25, 1906, by Rev. A. L. Thoroughman, at the Methodist parsonage. They re turned Snnday to Basket mountain, where the parents of the bride gave a dinner in their honor. Weston Leader: Elmer Downs. 18 years old, died Friday morning at the home of his sister. Mrs. Bert Graves. of tuberoulosis of the bowels. ; He was a son of J. W. Downs, formerlv of Weston mountain, who is now on his way to this city from Fruitland, Wash. His mother has been in at tendance at his bedside. Fred Rosenzweig was over from Milton Snnday and spent the day with friends. Fred is now manager of the Bee Hive store in that city and is eminently satisfied with his new position...-' !' -. The May term of the Eastern Ore gon Supreme Court oonvened at Pen dleton yesterday. There are seventeen Cases to be agreed on before the court. Misses Myrtle Hawks and Grace Crockett, of Pendleton, spent Sunday in this oity. . Doctors are Puzzled. The remarkable recovery of Kenneth Mclver, of Vanceboro, Me., is the subject of much interest to the medi cal fraternity and a wide circle of friends. . He says of his case: "Ow ing to severe inflammation of the throat and congestion of the lungs, three doctors gave me up to die, when, as a last resort, I was induced to try Dr. King's New Discovery and I am happy torsay it saved my life." Cures the worst coughs and colds, . tron- hitis, tonsilitis, weak lungs, boars ess and la grippe. Guaranteed at cBride's drug store., 50o and $1. Trial bottle free. FEMALE. EAJCfJESS 842 1-2 Congress St. Portland, Mains, Oct. 17, 1901. I consider Wine of Cardui superior to an (l.)jtor's medicine I ever need and I kno-.r n-hereof I spesk. I snf ;ered tor niai months with suppressed menstruation which completely pros t rat id me. Pains would shoot through my back and sides and I would hare blinding headaches. My limb would swell u.i and I would feel so weak I could not stand np. I naturally felt discouraged for I seemed to be beyond the help of physicians, but Wine of Cardui caiuo as a God-send to me. I felt a change for the better within a week. After nineteen days treatment I menstruated without suffering the agonies I usually did and soon became reifiilar and without pain. Wine of Cardui is simply wonderful and I wish that all suffering women knew of it good qualities. Treasurer, Portland Economic League Periodical headaches tell of fe male weakness. Wine of Cardui cures permanently nineteen out of every twenty cases of irregular menses, bearing down pains or any female weakness. If you are discouraged and doctors have failed, that is the best reason in the world you should try Wine of Cardui now. Remember that headaches mean female weakness. . Secure a $1.00 bottle of Wine of Cardui today. Foley's Kidney Cure makes kidneys ana maaaer rtgnu I r- ( V iui....i..Jia.... J . -" T ranC9Dj Torture By 8avages. "Speaking of the torture to wbioh some of the savage tribes in the Phil ippines subject their captives, reminds me of the intense suffering I endured for three months from inflammation of the kidneys," says W. M. Sherman, of Cnshing, Me. "Nothing helped me nntil I tried Electrio Bitters, three Dottles of wbioh completely cured me." Cures liver complaint, dyspep sia, blood disorders and Malaria, and restores the weak and nervous to ro bust health. Guaranteed by Wm. McBride, druggist Price 50c Keep the little oue healthy and happy. Their tender, sensitive bodies require gentle, healing remedies. Hollisterx's Rooky Mountain Tea will keep them healthy and strong. , 35o Tea or Tablets. Pioneer Drug store. A Lively Tussle with that old enemy of the race, con stipation, often ends in appendicitis. To avoid all serious tronblewith stom ach, liver and bowels, take Dr. King's New Life Pills. They perfect ly regulate these organs, without pain or discomfort. 25o at McBride's. Certificates of Deposit Are the best form of short-time ' investments. These certificates such as are issued by J. L.' ELAN'S BANK are made payable on demand with interest at 8 per cent and will be cashed any time without notioe, or we will issue yon a time certi ficate bearing 4 per cent interest payable any desired date. THE DIFFERENCE When you put a man to work You pay the man. When you put your money to work Your money pays you. Make ALL your money Work ALL the time. J. L, Elam's Bank WALLA WALLA WASH. 5 If there Is no Piano in the house, one should be purchased or at least hired. And it should be one of the BEST PIANOS shown in our rooms. These instru ments are the perfection of mechan ical workmanship and are unexcelled for sweetness and riohness of tone. STANLEY PIANO HOUSE, 23 Main Street, Walla Walla, Wash. J. D. PLAMONDON PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Office in Barrett Building, - - Athena, Oregon S. F. Sharp PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Special attention given 'to all calls, both night and day. Calls promptly answered. Office on Third Btreet, Athena, Oregor BANNER 8 A LVE the) most heallna salve in the world. To Care Constipation Forever. fake Cascarets Candy Cathartic 10c or 250. C C. C. fail to cure, drutwsts refund moue Oregon Union Pacific TWO TRAINS EAST DAIY Through Pullman standard and sleeping cars daily to Omaba, Chicago; tourist sleeping car daily to Kansas City; through Pullman tourist sleeping cars, personally conducted, weekly to Chicago, with free reclining chair cars, seats free, to the east daily irom Pendleton. ABRIVZ Dally. TIME SCHEDULES ATHENA, ORE. DEPART Dally. Walla Walla. Day. ton, pomeroy, Lw iston. Colfax. Pull 9:12 a. m. man. Moscow, the : a.m. uouer a'Aiene dis trict. Spokane and an points north. Mixed, Walla Wat to Pendleton. 12si0 p id Fast Hail for Pen J ITT ll"IJ , .ieJ I HIIUCi Baker City, and ail cointaeutt via Hun tlngton, Ore., Also for Umatilla, Hepp ner. The Dalles, Portland, Astoria, 4:63 p m p. m Willamette Vallcj Points, California. Tacoma.Keati ie, all ouna roint. Mixed, Pendleton 7:05 pm to walla walla M. W. Smith Ageirt. Athena WM Items in Brief. Buy a Samson at Cox & McEwen's. For shoes see Lee Tentscb, Pendle ton. Lipton'a Teas at Mosgrove Mercan tile Co. MoBride keeps a foil stock of sohool books and supplies. Easter hats for men. See Lee Tentsch, Pendleton. All new style hats now ready for you at Teutsch's Dept. store. New Shirt Waists just arrived at Manasse's. Prime corn-fed beef and pork' at' E. J. Boddy's. See the fine cut glass for sale' by C. A. Barrett & Co. 'a. The latest novels are to be found at McBride's Palace drugstore. For your laundry, call up Parker & Lane's barber shop, 'phone 31. When in need of shoes, go direct to Lee Tontsoh's department store. Try a Flor de Corona cigar at the White House Grocery. Lee Tentsch has a most complete line of high grade shoes in Pendleton. Try one of Boddy's fine sugar cured hams. They are delicious. That Crescent Cream Coffee is tine. At Worthington & Thompson's. . A delicious dessert-Washington Pie. Get it at the Prendergast Bakery. We still have the famons Coles air tight heaters. C. A. Barrett & Co. "Autocrat" stationery, the best kind at McBride's. Can't we show you some of our Rogers silverware? C. A. Barrett & Co. You Bhould see the fine line of baggies and hacks at C. A. Barrett & Co. 's. L. Thuot is prepared to do concrete work and well digging. Orders left at Ed. Manasse's store will receive prompt attention. New Waistings in silk effects, plaids, oheoks and plain colors. The latest novelties. Mosgiove Mercan tile Co. . Your new spring suit should be made by the International Tailoring Co. Mosgrove Mercantile Co. Say Ma. Crescent Baking Powder will raise the dough. Get it at Worthing ton & Thompson's. Over 500 ladies' neck arrangements, a sample line, no two alike, at one-half price. Call at Manasse's. Three little rules we all should keep, To make life happy and bright, Smile in the morning, smile at noon, Take Rocky Mountain Tea at night. Pioneer drug store. Largest and best assorted stock of groceries in the city is at Mosgrove Mercantile Co. losg HATS Gordons Hats in all the new spriug and summer styles. Straw and Canvas Hats in latest variety. MEN'S SUITS ; New line of men's double breasted, two piece Outing Suits, just received. Latest styles, latest out and best values shown this season. MEN'S SUMMER UNDERWEAR. In Balbriggan, fancy ribbed Lisle thread Meroer ized. In great variety of colors. . . MEN'S FANCY SOCKS The best assortment and best values in the city and prioes to suit everybody. - MEN'S SHIRTS In Panama, Pongee, Mohair, Sateen, Cashmere aud Cheviots, all the latest designs and colorings. HOSIERY. Ladies' and children's Hose, all sizes in black and color iu plain or lace. GLOVES Kid or Fa brio Gloves in Lisle silk or lace in black, whites and colors including navy blue and green. GROCERY DEPARTMENT OWING to the destruction of San Francisco, and the loss in consequence of im mense stocks of California products; such as Dried Fruits, Canned Fruits and Vegetables, Beans etc, a general advance in prices may be expected, but fortun ately we anticipated our wants to a large extent, early in the season, and as we now have the goods on hand, we shall give our customers the benefit of our early buying, and while. others that are buying in small quantities in a "hand to mouth" way will be obliged to advance their prices, we will still be able to sell at low or lower prices than those prevailing previous to the great disaster. lossrove lercantile Go. SOUTH SIDE MAIN ST, A simple rule to make lite a joy is to When shopping do not forget that "99" is the best Coffee that can be obtained. For sale only at the WHITE Cash I r.. it! Tea, Coffee, Spices, Extracts and high grade Canned Goods a specialte ZZ5 FiiiiiuiiiiuimiuuiiiiuiuiuiniiiiiiiuiumiaiiUiuaiiiiiiii ESTABLISHED 1865 Preston-Parton Milling Co. mmmm Flour is made in Athena, by Athena labor, in the latest and best equipped mill in the west, of the best selected Bluestem wheat grown any where. Patronize home industry. Your grocer sells American Beauty for $1.00 i Merchant Millers and Grain Buyers 5 Waitsburg, Wash. It may be nothing serious, and probably is not, but wouldn't it be worth something to you to have those uupleasaut sensations removed? I can do it for yon, accurately, and at small cost. Step in some day. The examination will cost you nothing and may be of greut value to you. E- -r T T T T "K TVyT A TVT JU. n X X XV 1VX 1 rove mercantile Go. drink a cup of that elegant Coffee 2 Grocery. HOUSEf Sack per Athena, Oregon DULL PAINS ABOUT THE EYES Graduate mid Hlate Licensed Optician. Of rice, next door to Ht. Nichols Biimple Rooms WASH DRESS QOODS All the new fabrics for spring and summer wear. Fancy cheeked aud striped Uingbauis also great variety of plain colors. Pluiu aud fancy Lawns aud Dimities Crapes Coliues Chiffon voils and Mercerized Checks. , , MEN'S SHOES We have the largest variotyof Men's Shoos ever shown in this city. We can give them better goods for the money than can be ;produoed elsewhere either iu plough shoes cr flue shoes, in calf Yioi Kid or Patent Enamelled Colt skius. LADIES' SHOES. We carry a full line of the celebrated Utz & Dunn shoes in welt or turned iu either high or low cut or slippers. We have them in all grades aud can suit all pocketbooks. Just arrived, Ladies white Cauvus Shoos, latest shape, with or without toe caps. FANCY VESTS Men's Fancy Vests in great variety of fancy Mixtures, Tans and Whites. HOME JOURNAL PATTERNS We carry the celebrated Home Journul putterns, the best aud most sutMactory patterns on the market. ATHENA, OREGON