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About The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942 | View Entire Issue (May 8, 1906)
SHUT THEM OUT LA GRANDE WOH STTSDAI'S GAME EIGHT TO FIVE "Jop" Osborn the Iron Man, Pitched Fifteen Inning Without Allowing a Score. With the iron man.''Jop",! Osborn, on the Blab, the Yellow Kids threw a bucket of white dope over the La Grande "Beat Pullers" in Mormoon town Saturday and acquired two juicy scores during the matinee. Osborn was simply invincible and that he bad the La Uranders Haded to a fraz zle, you have only to refer to Sunday's game, was substituted for Willard, who as w"getting his," in the third. Whsn he relieved the lit tle south paw on 'he firing Hue, the Kids bad one lone tally to their credit, and the Mormons bad eight. After that all the inn-getting belouged to the "Yellow Peril." The man from Missouri allowed the La Grande bunch nothing, and when be got through with them they looked like SO cents with a bole in every cent, and noneof them plugged wibt lead, either. Nine and six are fifteen, and for that num ber of Innings Mr. Osborn did out al low a score, aud the railroad burg over the bill bad beard of a pitcher being in town. Saturday's game was good to look at. Every inch of it was base bull, the Kids making sharp, ciisp work of it, with no close decisions aud no oppor tunity for the umpire, who is said to have been boru with a glass eye, and who eats raw fish, to give the visitors the worst of it. ' Excepting the fatal third, when La Grande bunched and wallopod "Tril by" Willard and touched the bell for six with the aid of a choice collection of raw decisions by the fish man in the center of the diamond, the game took ou all the trimmiugs aud accoutre ments of the real article. One more reference to that umpire, aud we'll pass on to the tale the score book un folds: It is intimated that beNides eating raw fish, he eats raw beef steak and drinks raw beef juice; that be is so raw that tbe weight of mosquito netting used by him in fly time pro duces bars on his face that resembles a checkered checker board. Here's the story : Saturday's Game, AB 4 4 i I 4 'A 3 !$ 8 IB PO A 0 3 1 2 0 6 0 3 3 0 0 13 2 2 0 2 8 0 Atbona Koapp, rf Kruger, 8b Millard lb, Pellnnd 2b Lieuallon, cf Davidson, ss Ccrnell, If Knot a, .o Osborn, p Totals La Grando - Carwford 2 b MoCool rf Seigrest lb Kooser If Collins ss Clebs o Ohieders 8b Coltnor cf Betzel p Totals 32 0 2 27 8 1 Earued runs, Athena 2. Two base bit, Crawford, Coll! ins, first base on balls, off Betzol 1. Struok out by Osborn 9; Betzel, 8. Left no bases, Athena .3; La Grand 4. Sunday's Game. AB R IB PO A E 33 2 3 27 17 1 AB R IB PO A E 4 0 1111 0 10 0 0 13 0 0 0 10 0 110 0 0 8 8 0 0 2 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 4 4 4 8 3 3 0 3 0 8 0 4 3 5 5 4 5 4 4 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 11 2 1 1 2 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 7 0 0 0 0 10 3 88 5 6 24 12 7 - - AB Ii IB PO A E 5 12 3 0 1 4 1 1 10 0 3 2 2 6 0 3 4 1 0 0 0 0 4 1 0 0 3 3 4 0 0 2 0 0 4 1 1 13 8 0 4 1110 0 8 0 0 2 0 1 Atheun Knnpp, if Kruger, 3b Millard, lb Pelland, lb Lieuallen cf Duvidsou, ss Coruell If Krietz, o, Willard p Osborn p Totals La Grand Crawford 2b MoCool rf Seigrest lb Collius ss Childers 3b Gregory p Clubs o Kooser If Cottuer cf Totals 35 8 7 27 6 6 Earned runs, Atbena 1 ; La Grand 1. Two. baso hit, Collins. Three base bit, Crawford. First base on balls, olf Gregory; olf Willord 9. Struck out, by Willard 1; by Osborn 6; by Gregoiy 12. Left ou bases Atboua 9; La Grande 2. An elegant assortment of children's Easter hats at Mrs. Lillie Millers. Don't wait until tbev are picked over. Mo-To-BM for Fifty Cent. . ' Gukruutoetl tobacco habit cure, makes went -neti airow hool pure. Wo. W. All druititwUt PROCLAMATION. Whereas, the Secretary of State of the State of Oregon has notified mo in writing that pursuant to tbe provis ions of an act entitled "Au Act wak ing effective tbe initiative and refer endum provisions of Sectiou 1 of Arcicle IV of the Constitution of the State of Oregou, and regulating elec tions thereunder, aud providing pen alties tor violations of provisions of this act, approved February 24, 1903, tbe People's Power League of Oregon duly filed .in his offioe on February 3rd, 1906, an initiative petition con taining 8362 signatures properly at tached to a copy of said measure, certified in accordance with law, de manding that a proposed amendment to Section 3 of Article XI of tbe Constitution of tbe State of Oregon shall be submitted to the legal voters of tbe State of Oregon for their ap proval or rejectoin at tbe general elec tion to be held in said state on the 4th day of Juue, being tbe first Monday in June, 1906, designated by said People's Power League of Oregon as Constitutional amendment giving cities and 'towns exclusive power to enact and amend their charters, which said proposed amendment is hereinafter particularly set forth. Now, Therefore, I, Geo. E. Cham berlain, Governor of the State of Oregon, in obedience to the provisions of said act hereinbefore first mention ed do hereby make and issue this Proclamation to the people of tbe State of Oregon, announcing that the People's Power League of Oregon has filed said initiative petition with tbe requisite number of signatures thereto attached demanding that there be sub mitted to tbe legal voters of tbe State of Oregon for their approval or rejec tion at tbe regular election to beheld on tbe 4th day of June, 1906, said day being tbe first Monday iu said month, a proposed amendment to Sectiou 3 of Article XI of tbe Constitution of the State of Oregon, designated by said People's Power Lehgue of Oregon as Constitutional Amendment giving cities and towns exclusive power to enact and amend their charters, which said proposed umendmout is as fol lows: "Section 2. Corporations may lie formed under geueral laws, but shall not bo created by the legislative assembly by special laws. Tbe legis lative assembly shall not enact, amend or repeal any charter or act of in corporation for any municipality, city or town. The legal voters of every city aud town are hereby grant ed power to enact and amend . their muuioipal charter, subject to ; tbe Constitution aud criminal laws of tbe State of Oregon." Done at tbe Capitol at Salem, this 28th day of February, A. D., 1906. (Signed) Geo. E. Chamberlain, Governor. By the Governor: (Signed) F. I. Duubar, Secretary of State. (Seal) I'KOCLAMATIOJ . Whereas, the Secretary of Stato of the Stato of Oregou has notified me in writing that pursuant to tbe provis ions of an Aot entitled "An Act mak ing effectivo the initiative aud refer endum provisions of Section 1 of Article IV of the Constitution of the State of Oregon, and regulating elec tion, thereunder, aud providing pen alties for violations of provisions of this act." approved February 24th, 1903, a committee of citizens of Clackamas County, C. W. Kerns be ing the chairman thereof,, duly filed iu bis office on January 22d, 1906, an initiative petition containing 7761 signatures, properly attached to a copy of said measure, certified in accordance with law, demanding that a proposed law, the title, tenor and effect of whioh is hereinafter par ticularly set forth, shall be submitted to tbe legal voters of tbe State of Oregon for their approval or rejec tion at the general election to be held in said state on tbe 4th day of June, being tbe first Monday in Jnne, 1906. .Now, Therefore, I, Geo. E. Cham berlain, governor of tbe State of Ore gon, in obedience to the provisions of said aot hereinbefore first mentioned, do hereby make and issue this procla mation to the people of the State of Oregon, announcing that the said committee of citizens of Clackamas County, Oregon, C. W. Kerns being tbe chairman of said committee, has filed said initiative petition with the requisite number of signatures there to attached, demanding that there shall be submitted to the legal elec tors of the State of Oregon for their approval or rejection at the regular election to be held on tbe 4th day of June, 1906, said day being the first Monday in said month, a bill to pro pose by initiative petition a bill en titled "A bill to propose by initiative petitiou a law for the abolishment of tolls ou the Mount Hood and Barlow Road, aud providing for the purchase of the same by the State of Oregon," tbe tenor and effeot of which in brief is to direct the Seoretary of State to purchase the Mount Hood and Barlow Bond for tbe Pacific Abstract, Guar anty & Trust company, the owner thereof, for a sum not exceeding $24, 000.00, aud to deliver to said com pany before the 1st day of September, 1906, or as soon as said bill may be come a law, a warrant upon the State Treasurer payable out of any moneys in tbe general fund of the State of Oregon not otherwise appro priated iu favor of said corporation for the sum of $24,000.00, upon de livery to tbe said Secretary of State of a deed conveying to the State of Ore gon said road, together with i all rights, franchises and privileges' of every kind aud character pertaining thereto, and as soon as tbe title of said road is conveyed to the state all tolls of every kind aud character are to be abolished and said road free to tbe use of tbe public. Done at the Capitol at Salem, this 5th day of February, A. D., 1906. (Signed) Geo. E. Chamberlain, By the Governor : Governor. (Signed) F. I. Duubar, Secretary of State. J (Seal.) , , A $15,000 SHOE STOCK TO CHOOSE FROM That means we can please you no matter what kind of a shoe you want. When in Pendleton, don't overlook us. We are showing all the new things in White, Tan and Black Oxfords for women and children, at from 60c to $4.00 a pr. Men's and Boys' Shoes from 98c to $6.00 TWO FIRST CLASS SHOEMAKERS IN OUR REPAIRING DEPARTMENT. TEUTSCH'S DEFT STORE I. O. O. F. BUILDING, PENDLETON. OREGON, Star of Kansas 9669 Famous Clydesdale Stallion Will make the season as follows: Monday and Tues day at Waterman Station; Wednesday at A. li. Mc Ewen's; Thursday at Whiteman's farm, Gerking Flat; Balance of week at King Bros. Darn, Athena. -Star of Kansas- was bred by Senator Gregg of Seneca, Kansas, and was foaldcd April 9, 1900; sired bv Carmichael, 7915; dam, Kansas Bell, 8725. Color solid black with star in fore head; weight 1750; has good action and fine speed for a draft horse, and has exceptionally good disposition. TERMS: $20.00 insurance, payable when marc is known to be in foal. In case of sale or removal of mare fees become due at once. , SANFORD STONE, Manager. A. B. McEWEN, Owner. Bargains at Pendleton's Big Store Where it Pays to Trade Dry Goods Store. Children's 15o black ribbed hose at per pair - - lOo Women's 20o black Hose, at per pair ... 150 Women's $1.50 blaok sateen Un derskirts at eaob (1.00 Women's $1.25 white Shirt Waists, at each - 95o Women's $5. Drees Skirts at each - - $3.75 Women's $4.50 Wash Suits, Lin en, at - - $2.25 Women's 50o Muslin Drawers, at each - 35o Women's 75o Girdle Corsets, at each - - - 50o 12)0 white Embroidery, i to 8 inches wide, at yard - 8o 12)o figured Lawns for waists or dresses, handsome pat terns, yard -. 10c 20c white Indian Linens at per yard - - - 150 50o white mercerized Silk Waist ings, at yard - .- 85o Send for samples. Men's Clothing Store Men's best $10.00 Suits in grey, brown and black mixtures, any size; we can fit you at per suit - $7.50 Men's best $12.50 Suits, extra well made, tailor finish, all sizes; blaok, navy's or mix tures, at per suit $10.00 Men's best $15 and $16.50 Suits, handsome tailor made suits, band, flanished, positively tbe best bargain ever offered, at per Suit - - $12.50 Men's 75o Underwear, at 50o Medium or light weight; extra well made. Men's $1.25 dress Shirts at each - - - - . $1.00 New patents in soft or stiff bosoms. Tbe biggest.and best stock of Men's aad Boys' clothiug, Hats and Fnrnisbiugs here at a saving. Shoe Store Women's $2.00 Shoes, in me dium or heavy weight, at per pair - - - $1.50 Women's $3.00 vici kid, patent tips, extension or turn soles, at per pair - - $2. 50 Children's $1.65 School Shoes, sizes 10 to 2, iu box oalf or kid, per pair , - $1.25 Extra good $2.25 Misses' Shoes, iu vici kid, sizes llj to 2, per pair - - $1.75 Misses' Oxfords at - - $1.50, $1.75, $2.00 Ladies' Oxfords at $2.50, $3.00, $3.50 Men's best $3.25 Shoes in all shapes and widths, at - $2.50 Men's $2.50 work Shoes, the best wearing shoes made, aud in any width, at - $1.75 Men's Oxfords at $3.00, $4.00, $4.50 Boys' Oxfords at - -$2.00, $3.50, $3.00 SAVE YOUR CUPONS; they are given free with each 10c purchase. Over $700 in beautiful presents given to our customers last month. Come and see what you will receive, absolutely free, by saving our cupons. N. B.-We have made arrangements with Burns Bros., Pendleton's leading Pho tographers, to supply our many customesr with photos at greatly reduced prices. This arrangement is for a short time only. For particulars write or inquire at the store where it pays to trade. THE PEOPL E'S ' W A REHOUSE PENDLETON, OREGON r FOR COUGHS FOR COLDS THE WONDER WORKER FOR THROAT OR, AND LUTJGS CHAS. EBY, SR., of Elizabeth, 111., writes: "1 paid out over $160 to local phy sicians, who treated me for La Grippe without giving me any relief. I afterward bought a $1.00 bottle of DR. KING'S NEW DISCOVERY, and after taking contents of this one bottle I was entirely cured." Price 50c tnd $1.00 ABSOLUTELY GUARANTEED! Trial Bottles FrH SOLD O RECQHSEMIEO THE PALACE DRUG ST(i FLOUR! FLOURI FLOURl Sno-w Drift Per Sack $1.00 CASH This Celebrated flour is made from the choicest Blue Stem Wheat grown in the Northwest. SOLD BY THE PACIFIC COAST ELEVATOR COMPANY David William Agent,- - - - Athena, Oregon, Dr. A. B. Stone. PHYSICIAN & SURGEON Calls answered promptly day or night Office in Post Building, Athena, Oregon We Have a Few Boss Washers Number I That we will Sell for For a Few Days Only C. A. BARRETT & CO., - Athena, Oregon