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About The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942 | View Entire Issue (May 8, 1906)
AN INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER. Twiob-a-Week Tuesday ard Fbidat r. B. BOTD, PCBL18HBB. Entered as second-class matter, March 1, 1901, at the poatofflce at Athena, Oregon, under an Act ol Congress of March 8, 187V. Subscription Kate : I'er vear. in advance I2.U0 Blngleooplei In wrappra,6c. Advertising Hataa: Local reading notice, nrtlnertlon,10cper ne. Roh subsequent insertion, 6c. AH communications should be addressed to he Pit EBB Athena, Oregon ATHENA, MAY 4 1906 A Woman's Clnb at Westou has ta keu the initiative in a crnsade for a cloan town. By the efforts of the clnb members, the mayor and town coun cil have been interested in the move ment, and two duys have been set aside in which to give tho town a thorough cleaning up. Thus Wes ton sets the pace for a cleaner and better town, a pace that Athena will unite with in step yet. The beautiful is needed in every community. We all have something to build, to strengthen and maintain. We need the beautiful. Dress and live like savages and we would soon become savages, in fact. The city or village totally void of beau ty would be the abode of the sensual, immoral and lawless. A community of taste and beauty must necessarily bo composed of refined and cultured people, and true culture leads to high er morality. There aio about our villuge many things -which commend it. There are thiugs that are capable of improvement. Publio sentiment will do much toward beautifying our dwelliugs, our stroots and our alloys. Noatnosa, taste Bud Deauty will help us all. Our moral life would be high er and our social life purer. President Roosevelt in a message ac companying Commissioner of Corpor ations Garfield's report on the investi gation of the Standard Oil company, makes the following recommenda tions: Insaniuoh as the Standard Oil com puny is aidod in maintaiuiug its mo nopoly of the oil business through the refusal of the New England aud Wes cru aud Southwestern railroads to pro rato, aud as this advantage is woith hundreds of thousauds of dollars anual ly, the president suggosts various methods of relief, among them : First Th at oil be placed on the free list, as was done with alcohol in the urts. Sooond That tho ruilrouda b e placed uudor govnrumeut regulations to jirevoiit rebates. j Third That the remaining oil lauds j of the couulry bo carefully protected, j The president criticised the trunk Hues 1 sorviug Now Ypik City as to their relations to the Staudard Oil aud sugar ' trust Tho abnormal Republican majority oust at the late elootiou will uover be lopuated iu this state. That is the general cousousus of opiniou. Siuoe that elootiou, tho dirty f ruuds, involv ing all tho leadiug republican politi cians of tho state have been exploited, louse Furnishings. 1 he homo is it ready for spring? Curtaius uooded? Mattiugs? Rugs? Is thoro anything uoedod to brighteu up tho homo after winter, making it more iuvitiug aud comfortable, uioro pleasing to tho eye? Our big dopartmeut storo is devoted outuely to such things. It is now one of the most iuterestiug and attractive places in the city . The stocks are largo aud the assortmeuta are magniflcieut. The newest styles aud effects in home furnishings of all kiuds are represented iu their fullness. Artis tic decorations that is the thmno. Different from the ordinary uewer riohor. A superb aud unusual display. But uot alouo iu quality aud stylo do the many beautiful thing exoell. We f nrtbor suve you a good auiouut in tho cost, as our prices are always the most reasonable. We also pay the freight where bill for goods amounts to $10.00. Use Our Rest Rooms THE DAVIS-KASER CO. Everything to Furnish the! Home. 12-14-16-18 20-22 Alder Street, WALLA WALLA. -: WASH the "Mathew's wing" has been hurled out of power; there la chaos in the rarjks and the "fine Italia c hand" ia darkly visible everywhere. Jacob never sold Esau a more better mess of pottage than, that now offered Candi date Witbycombe. One of the things that Russell Sage says be would do, if he had his life to live over again, would be to make closer study of charity. How prone we all are to think that our happiness might have lain along the paths of life which we have never pursued. The joke aboutthe"father-in-law of Europe" has gone to its long rest, but the old, mother-in-law joke will continue to circulate in Europe, America, Asia, Afriea aud the islands of the sea. A Freucb battleship collided with a submarine the other day and had to put in for repairs. It is an able navy that can keep its own ships afloat. Of course, if Tom Lawson had not been gadding around the country on other busiuess tho copper trust would have never dared to form. A Pittsburg flrni wants permission to pipe oil aoross the Isthmus of Pana ma. Theoouutry is more interested in getting water aoross. A Geruan professor says there is con siderable alcohol in sawdust. Now watob. the tramps crowd around the sawmills. Mr. Cleveland has decided to keep bis 12,000 iusuranoe job. A great deal of bait can be purchased for 112,000. What we need is a rovival ot that moral code that called a liar a liar, whether he was big or little. - Be kind to the rioh. Think of the troubles thoy have with such people as Colonel Mann. IS KOOSKVKLT A DEMOCBAT? Portland Journal. Are the republicans of Oregon with the president or with his opponents in congress? And with thepresedent rath er than with them, is there any good reason -why they should not support a Democrat for senator, governor, rep resentative, or any other office, it they think the Demooratio nominee, party aside, is the better man for tho posi tion for which be has beon named? Is tho president a Democrat or a Re publican? Isu't it a fact that he is much nearor, in thought, speech and action, to Bryan and Folk than to Ald rioh and Foraker? Is he the leader as a Republcan president ex-offlcio should be. of his party? Or is he not rather a disturber of his party, at war with its controlling spirits? On the paramount question now be fore congress, the regulation of rail roads, Mr. Goarin, for instance, aud the Democrats iu congress geuerully, are with tho president. Why, tbeu, should uot Roosevelt Republicans vote for Mr. Uearin or any Democrat like bini? Week attor week the debate on tbo Ilepburu-Dolhver bill drags along, and while it has iu apperauce narrow ed down to a questiou of limited or unlimited power of review by the court of the flndiugs of the iuterstate com morco commission, everybody knows that the main ultimate purpose of the real Republican loaders of the senate Ald.-ioh, Foraker, Lodge, Eikius, et al.,is to kill tbo bill or make its oper atiou a farce. When you support the Republican party are you supporting Roosevelt or Aldiioh?Aud if Roosevelt what difference whether you support ajDemocrat, providing both are equal- ' Make Your appointments Here ly supporters of the president on the main issues of contention before the people? It makes no matter of difference whether the Virginia resolutions of 1798 was sound doctrine or not, nor that Hayne made a fallacious argu meut tbat was torn into tatters by Wei ster, nor, if it be true, that the free silver propaganda was based on economic error, nor even that Parker was nominated and supported chiefly by men who belong to the "conserva tive" Republican camp. All these things are behind, and must bo put away; as the apostle says, we must look to the things that are before. And so looking, we see a nominal Republican president who is aparently about two thirds a Democrat, and be ing supported in his main contention and efforts by Democrats. This being so, Oregon Republicans should feel a large degree of liberty in the matter of voting, and need make no apologies to any one for voting for a Roosevelt Democrat for any office. NOT FOR JONATHAN. Pilot Rock Record. Can a newspaper change its mind in a week? The answer to this question is found in the position taken by the Rec ord on the primary law. One week ago when it was thought Mr. Cake had received a plurality of the votes oast for senator the Record was inclined to fall in line with the new law and to urge upon the next legislature the im portance of considering carefully the qualifications of tbat man receiving the indorsement of his party at the June eleotion. Now the Record can do nothing of the kind. Bourue is the only oue of the five candidates for senator whose selection would have forced the Record to take this position. While Lowell from a strictly party standpoint was not entitled to the votes of Republicans, had he been de clared the nominee for the Republican party, on the face of it it might have looked as if tho people knew what they wanted, but not so in the case of Bourne. The people do not want him aud the people may stand assured they will not be allowed to give thmeselves the worst of it by haviug their recom mendation to the legislature acted up on. For Sale. A second hand stove, al most as good as new ; large oven, six covers, nice reservoir. Apply at this office. Reward Offered. I will pay a liberal reward for in formation leadiug to the recovery of a three year old gelding. Description, bay with bald face, four white legs, brand A B on left hip. Ralph Gillis, Athena, Ore. Notice of Final Account. In The County Court of the State of Oregon For Umatilla County. In the matter of the estate of Mary J. Frakes, deceased. All persons whom it may concern are hereby notified that the under signed executrix of the estate of Mary J. Frakes, deceased, has filed her final acoount and report with the clerk of the above entitled court ; that the coun ty Judge has appointed the ninth day of June, 1906, as the time, aud the County Court House in Pendleton, in said oouuty aud state, as the place, where any aud alJ objections and ex ceptions to said report aud ucconut will be heard and t be settlement there of made. Dated this the 4tb day of May, A D. 1908. M i ii ii i o M. Willaby, Executrix. Peterson & Peterson, Attorneys. Lust publication to be made, June 1st; First publioatiou, May 4th. Repair Work Reoeivesjtha-moi,; pmpt utfcTcare ful attention when- brought to us A high degree of skill obtained by years of experience in the work, coupled with the use of the best tools, euables us to turn out what is satisfactory to tho most exacting customers. You have the satisfao tion of knowing that your property is safe in our hands, that no work, however complicated, is beyond our skill, uud that our charges will be the lowest consistent with the best workmanship. f. II. C00LIDGE, Jeweler Athena, Oregon. HENRY KEEN'S .Barber Shop. Shaving, Haircutting, -Shampooing, Massage ', for Face and Scalp. .HOT BATHS. tit)itiMiiiBea Shop North Side Main Street, Athena, Ore. wvwwvv A Trite Saying. It is a trite saying that no man U stronger than bis stomach. Dr. Pierco'a Golden Medical Discovery strengthens the stomach puts ft fn chape to mak pure, rich blood helps the liver and kidneys to expel the poisons from the body and thus cures both liver and kid ney tron Idea. If you take this natural blood purifier and tonic, you will assist your system In manufacturing each day a pint of rich, red blood, that Is Invigo rating to the brain and nerves. The weak, nervous, run-down, debilitated condition which so many people suffer from, is usually the effect of poisons in the blood; It is often indicated by pimples or boils appearing on the skin, the face becomes thin and the feelings "blue." Dr. Pierce's " Discovery " cures all blood humors as well as being a tonic that makes one vigorous, strong and forceful. It is the only medicine put up for sale through druggists for like purposes that contains neither alcohol nor harmful habit-forming drugs, and the only one, every ingredient of which has the profes sional endorsement of the leading medical writers of this country. Home of these endorsements are published in a little book of extracts from standard medical works and will be sent to any address free, on receipt of request therefor by letter or postal card, addressed to Dr. B. V. Pierce, Uuffalo, N. V. It tells just what Dr. Pierce's medicines are made of. The "Words of Praise" for the several ingredients of which Dr. Pierce's medi cines are composed, by leaders in all the several schools of medical practice, and recommending them for the cure of the diseases for which the "Golden Medical Discovery " is advised, should have far more weight with the sick and afflicted than any amount of the so-called "testi monials " so conspicuously flaunted before the public by those who are afraid to let the Ingredients of which their medicines are composed be known. Hear in mind that the "Golden Medical Discovery " has tub dados of HONESTy on every bottle wrapper, in a full list of Its ingredients. Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets cure con stipation, invigorate the liver and regu late stomach and bowels. Dr. Pierce's great thousand-page illus trated Common Sense Medical Adviser will be sent free, paper-bound, for 21 ono cent stamps, or cloth-bound for 31 stamps. Address Dr. Pierce as above. Th.- COMMERCIAL LIVERY, FEED and SALE STABLE. Best Turnouts Iu Eastern Oregon Stock Boarded by the Day, Week or Month KING BROTHERS Prop THE PALACE DRUG STORE W.M. M'BRIDE, Proprietor. South Side Main Street; Athena, Ore. You know your doctor is all right, but how about the tilling of prescriptions? Our Prescriptions are precisely as the doctor ordered nothing more, nothing less and always exactly right. THE WRIGHT LIVERY AND FEED STABLE nW , -,,v i- 'Ml L1 .US- r COOD HORSES AND BIOS. REASONABLE PRICES DRIVER FURNISHED WHEN DESIRED- Horses boarded by the day, week or month SUibles on 2ud street, South of Main street J. F. Wright, - - Proprietor- ICILLthe COUCH and CURE tmi LUNGS Br.' King' WITH 'ov; Discovery FOR.Ci ONSUMPUONI T fries OUGKStnd 60c $1.00 OLDS Fret Trial. Surest and Quickest Cure for ail THROAT nd XXJUfO XEOUB LES, or MONEY BACK. Cut Flowers and floral Decorations RUSH ORDERS WILL RE CEIVE PROMPT AT TENTION. James Wait. Walla Walla Washington No. 9 South 2nd St. Phone, 327. BLACKSMITH AND REPAIRING SHOP A. II. LUNA, Proprietor. Shop West of King's Barn, Athena. YOUR JvlONEY BACK If yon are not satisfied with FURNITURE AND CARPETS WE SELL. Largest stock in eastern Oregon. Make onr store yonr headquarters when in Pendleton Yours to please M. A. RADER, - - . PENDLETON, Undertaking, Parlors iu Connection. - A PARKER M Plftiifilf BARBER SHOP ' 'J ' Uss - Modern 'llj1 ' SOUTH SICE MAIN sSlS . STRlET . MHBUL Peebler & Chamberlain Successors to the Umatilla Implement Co. Agricultural Implements WAGONS, CARRIAGES, ENGINES, MACHINERY, THRESHERS ETC. ATHENA. Saving at the Spigot Wasting at the Bung" 2Jrf' MADE jr' " WITH, It covers more surface, spreads easier, and lasts longer than any other prepared paint, or hand-mixed lead and oil CALL 1 COLOR Umatilla Lumber Yard : THE . . . I ST. NICHOLS HOTEL I X J. E. FROOME, prop. : iff. uniy rirsi-ciass uoiei in the City. 'THE SI. HIUHULo J Is tbe only one that can accommodate commercial travelers. ... t Iff Can be leoomended (or IU clean and well ventilated rooms. Cob. Maim and Thibd, atjiszia, or. PETERSON & PETERSON, Attorneys-at-Law A1HENA, - - - OREGON 1 OREGON. CITY MEAT MARKET C. II. Sherman Prop. Nothing too good for our pat rons. We cut the best meat money can buy. Fish and oysters in season. Give us a trial. OREGON. That's what buying poor paint means. Paint may be low priced by the gallon and be extravagant to use owing to to its poor covering power and wearing quality. After the paint is applied it's too late , to save. Start right and use The Sherwin-Williams Paint TO PAINT BUILDINGS OUTSIDE AND INSIDE. FOR CAilDS I