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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 9, 1912)
FRIDAY, AUGUST 9, 1012. NOTICE FOH PUBLICATION. petartment of the Interior, U. S. Laud Office, at Roseburg. Oregon, May 29. 4912. Notice Is hereby given that Lester j. Crawford, whose postofflee address 1,' Hoqulam, Washington, did, cn the :th day of January, 1912, file in (Lis office sworn statement and ap Bllcatlon. No. 07801, to purchase the W4 SE.'NE14 SWi and SEM . .. Ifl 4 n ... V. I M n n N VY setuuu xv, iuuiui) OS s, range 7 west Willamette meridian, nd the timber thereon, under the provisions of the act of June 3, 1S7S, Timber and btone Law", at such . ... - V. v. fx J "ioent, and that, pursuant to such ap- plication, ico iuuu uuu iiuiuer inere od have been appraised, $490.00, the timber estimated 600,000 board feet lt 75 tents per M, and the land $30; that said applicant will offer final proof in support of his application end sworn statement on the 1C day 0( August, 1912, before register and receiver United States land office, at Roseburg. Oregon. Any person Is at liberty to pro test tais purchase before entry, or initiate a contest at any time before patent Issiues, by filing a corroborat ed affidavit in this office, Alleging fa ts which would defeat the entry. BENJAMIN F. JONES, Register. NOTICE FOR PI RLICATIOX. Department of the Interior, U. S. Land Office at Roseburg, Oregon, June 28, 1912. Notice Is hereby given that Alma It. It ii ii die, of Kerby, Oregon, who, on November 22, 1911, made homestead entrv serial No. 07685, for lots 3, 4, 5 and SrlM SWi. section 18, township 39 S, range 7 west Willam ette meridian, has filed notice of In tention to mak3 final commutation proof, to establish claim to the land above descrlled, before Herbert Smith, United States commissioner, at Grcnts Pass, Oregon, on he 15th day of August, 1912. Claimant names as witnesses: Ed. Tycer, David Coulter, Mahlon nv-'-ker and Jasper Garrison, all of Kerbv, Oregon. BENJAMIN F. JONES, Register. XOTICX FOR PUBLICATION', DtpHi-T.uirt of the Interior, U. "S. Land Cfflce at Roseburg, Oregon, July 2, 19 1 2. Notice lis hereby given that James Z. Parker, of Wllllums, Oregot, who, on August 28, 1907, made homestead entry nerial No. 04296, lor W',6 SW'U, Hfrtlon 28, townsbin 38 S, ranee 5 west Willamette meridian, has filed notice of Intention to make lfflnal five year proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before Herbert Smith United States coiiimisisiaher at Grants Pass, Ore gon, on the 20th day of - August, 1912. l Claimant names as witnesses: Frank Bryan, Mrs. Fran Bryan, 7. J. Sumner and Arthur Ulodgett, all of Williams. Oregon. BENJAMIN F. JONES, Register. NOTICE FxJr PUHIO.vT Department of the Interior, U. S. Umd office at Roseburg, Oregon, June 26, 192. Notice is hereby givea that luis M. Nadel. of Kerby, Oregon, who, on Ma 13, 1912, made hom-eetaad entry serial Ne. 07674, for lots 1,-2, 3 and 4, section 17, township 89 B, range 7 .est Willi mette meridian, has filed notice of Intention be ;mako final rom nutation proof, tc establish cla;n to' the land above described, befoie Herbert Smith, Utiited States con.txissioner, at Grants iPass, Ore gon, 'ju the ,1.5th day ot Aiu. . 1912. i'.'!a:mant nanes as witic6ses: M:ks Purdit, Mahlon U!iey, Mary 'Robidean .and Ida Turner, .all of Kurrv, Oregoi. BENJAMIN F. JO.VJii. Reclster. Xw'fciCK FOR 'l ULICATJiOX. . r, ,,T ... . ,h. 1,,,-ri.r f' K oitice at Ro;eburg, Oregon, J a.e :n, 1912. Notice k, herel y tiven that Jtlary Z. Robideat., of Kerby, Oregon, who, tt May 18, 1912. rade hometAead ettry seriai .No. 0767V, for &Vz. settion 17, township 9 S, range 7 Lt Willasuftte meridian, has noti, e of int.tit!on to final com ttuution pr.(!, to establish claim 0 the L.nd above .described, before Her bert jmitb, Utited Stattfi commis sioner at GrawLa Pass, Oregon, on the I5r.h day of August, 112. Clairiant nans as wittsses: Louis M. Nadtl. MIU-3 Pordin, Ida Turner nd Mahlftvn Becker, all of Kert y, Oregon. BENJAMIN F. JONEf, Reglier. NOTICE f To Whom It May Concern: Nolle ttreby gUen that I. the undsf !gt.rf, owner ot one-half interest I the Shsar Pine inlnc st Gftltre. Or i;i not be responsibly for an' rfebts incurred against said 9uit Vine ruloe or for try labor or In elements performed thereon; al tl V no person enterlas: on said prcrr for any reason whatsoever ta "5moTe therefrom any ore, mlnersl o- rphrusry 23, 191" (Sinned) F. K KNIO" j NOTICE FOR 1 1 BLICATIOX. j t,j ice ir.ter!.r r g . land office at Rosebur? ' Oro?' 'r v -I J'-'-ce 26, 1912 Oregon. rn the Circuit Court of the State of I Notice is herebv Ei"en tha. na ' 'ed:Ha and for Josephine Conn- i Turner, of Kerbv." Oregon w"o on ' p V" , !' "32 S'en-SKU r::d!Ui- ! i "iioi .u. ) i e , i tr.r vi. VPi Sec. IS, and V.. Se, " mwn ' ship 39 s. rang! 7 Vet YiEe" meridian, ha i..t ' : to make final commutation roof to ' ?T ? ' , establish claim to -ne land above de- : n ,he,dmm "'" of ,he 8tate ! scribed, before Herbert SmK rnit if T"0n "l and fr lhe county 0f 'ed States commissioner a, bran ts l''0?1',hn';? nn & l!,JSit renderd iPass, Oreuon. on ,hL "i"1"1 lK" k iu said court April 15. August. I'M 2 - . - - 4 V411 . "I Claimant names as witnesses L '- -M- Nadel. Miles Purdin. Marv jRobidean and Mahlon Ceckev all of Kerby, Oreeon. BENJAMIN F. JONES, Kegister. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. bursements of and upon this writ. Department of the Interior, U. S. ;wn'('h execution was directed and de land office at Roseburg, Oregon, 'livertl1 10 I!ie as sheriff of the above June 26. 1912. " ' named state and ountv and nursuant j Notice is hereby t;iven that Miles jC. Purdin, of Kerby, Oregon, who, on IJune Tth. 1912, made hoirjestead irj serial .no. u.b.b, for at,' tE U . 1 NW. ' and bNN 4 N 1. section l., townsnin 9 S. 1 range 7 west Willamette meridian, has filed notice of Intention to make ll''t.v- ot Grants Pass, Josephine coun final fommutation prooi. to estahlkh i'. Oregon, and also the west one- claim to the land above describe I, be-!nalf of lot - in RIock s of J. fore Herbert Smith, United States ' Bourne's first addition to the town, commissioner, at Grants Pass, Ore-!now '''' of Grants Pass. Oregon, gon, on the loth day of August,! N,ow therefore, by virtue of said 1912. ' execution and judgment and in corn- Claimant r,.iin i: I'iinci.o,. ililiance with ihp cnmninndu of said Solon Curtice, William Halves I M ade! and Mihlnn Rc,.Uv' ,n 'i Lb Orp on 6 Ke 311 f Kerby, Oregon UKNJAMIN F. JO.nES, Register XOTU F. TO ( RKDITORS. in uie Lounty Court of the state of !the Southern Oreson Supply Corn Oregon for Josephine County. Ipany. aworporation. had on the 15th in tne hstate ot Heen K. Rowe, De-'day 'cfnse('' Notice is hereky given to all per - Mins naving any claim or claims against the estate of Helen K. Rowe, deceased, to pre . r.t their c.ain.s duly Verified according to law, on or be fore six months from date of the nrst publicatK-r. hereof to Fred A. Williams, the duly appointed, qual ified and administrator of said estate, at his ol'li e in the Tuffs building at Grants Pass. Oregon. j ine ciate ci the nrst publication ;m. c. Findley. Plaintiff. ) of this notice is tne 2Mb day of: vs. ', June, A. D., 1912. Kliza G. Grav. Hester A. ) (Signed) FRED A. WILLIAMS, iHeston, J. W. Heston. ) Admlnlstraior of the Estate of Helen ItesBio Grcon. U. O. K. Row. Deceased. Green, Mrs. M." E. Mlt- ) Colvig & Williams, Attorneys. jchell, Eli C. Gray, Addie ) iGTay, Harry J. Gray, M. ) XOT.'t K TO CRFDIToRS. Minnie Gray Patton, ) ; Frank Patton, Albert M. ) Gray, Bertha Gray, also 1 In the County Court of the ?a;e of Ru otner persons or par- I Oregon for Josephine County. ties unknown claimliiK ) In the Estate of Benjamin Dinimlck. i Deceased. ',u "'' 8, .e.; ,o , ,,roperty described In ) sons having any claim or claims' h against tke es'ate of Benjamin I-nT11-1 fondants ) mkk, deceased, to present their . ' claims duly verified according to law. To Eliza O. Gray Hester A. on or before six months from the ' '? J- - "est0- 1?r,r,.G.rT,n" date of the first jntMIcatlon hereof. Green. Mrs. M. h MitCMll, Lll to Virgil L. Dimmick and Edward Gray, Addie Gray ' Harry J Gray. E. Dinnvick, the duly appointed, M- M,,n",e4Gr?y ' Patton' "V11' qualified and acting joint aaminlstra- t0. M- Gra-V- Irtha Cray, tors of the said esta'e. t Grants ,f' her persons pr parties un Pass, Oregon, or to their attorneys. iknown y right, title, ts- Colvig. & Williams, at their office in tate. lien or interest in the real b- the Tuffs building Oregon. The dale of the first publication 'Uf this notice is the 2Sth day of J:wh;, A. D., 1612. (Sinned) VIRGIL L. DIMMICK. (Sinned) 'EDWARD K. DIMMICK Joint Administrators of ti.o Estate of B-njimin Dimmick. Deceased, PolviL' & 'Williams. Attorney?. I . 1 .... j NOTICE TO DF.I.IN'Ql FNT '0-0V- ER tF .MINING CLAIM. : Notice is .hereby given Chris Erdt and August Kulisfh. wto, with Jgnatz KnapSta. deceased. ar co-own- ere of one quru mining claim situat- ,ed In the Kerby unorganized ) mln - Ing district In Josephine co.icty. Ore- ,gon, and hereafter more fully dwrlb- ,ed. have done tnd ptr.ormed aii tne lannual assessmtnt ai.d reprtbnta- 'laws of the Unltr?d States i.nd the f8tate of Oregon for years 1910 ar.d 11911, of tne vaiue ci h'ju ior wu afraid years, and that the Eald Ignatx I Knapka, deceased, or his tstate, nas thereof. That the defendants urn! failed to fay any portion of the as-!f,a(i 0f them be forever restrained 'sessment w-ork for the years 1910 snd lanf Pn-,lned from asserting any 11911, and the full sum of $100 is due !,.Hini whatever in or to said prem aDd dellnqucct upon the shares and PC,g advereo to plaintiff, and for Interest of the said Igatz Knapka or judgment and decree for his costs tls estate, for each of said years. zn, dlsburvnienfs. The Adminl8Lrator of the estate of jis snons Is published In the Ignatz Knapka, dectased, Is hereby Hogue River Ccirler, a weekly nws notified, that unless he shall within j1)a,,t.r 0f general circulation, publish- Inluty days from the date of the eer-it,j at r.ran's Pass. Oregon, by order . t ...-.! V. 1 is rat untn 1 . i . s , it. .. . 1 . T-. is-.l 1 Tinta n f V10 01 U11S COCH upu u, !.- fha ..nHnrXeiiPd. his co-omm. the sum In whkh he Is delinquent, or;,,, for jophlne county, dated the fail or refuse to contribute tls dueith day of J in1. JS12. 'proportion of said assessment work,; j. N. JOHNSTON, together with the 0Ets cf this action, .Vtorney for Plaintiff. that his said Interest In said mining i 'claim will become the property of the one .MN i.o I liNMIlNT underslgnd co-owners, who have ptr-. k,,k PAN YMA '..N L. formed and caused to le rrforrred i such assessment wor I The mining claim and ; remises ) herein referred to code!?', of the 'quartz mining claim known i-PArf!ar.d." located Eeit as tne located Eej teeter l.Jur,.,.ii t,, by the -iiaio this after- 190, and re. oruea .ovt-ini,er 1909. In Vol. IS. tii'.nir t 'Josephine ccutty. Orek-or, rage j Dated st Tor-.'.ar.d. Crtccr. ;7th dav cf May. I c.'HPl? HP.T. 1 Al'GVsT KUI.IHCH, j Ct. 3, v. WEEKLY IKXiVE XOTK K F Ml Eli IFF" a SAi.K. --, ' ..Khra Or Vomvn' a Oregon ) cor. 1 lll,rauon. Defendant ) Mil' ) an anion wherein Robert ;R-t-d is plaintiff and the Southern II".,.., uiuuis x ass, in dusepiiine cuu j , i.ttu:i Mr ply (.onianv. defendant,!.. . . , - i-i f .v ,. ( i i i , . Oregon, on or before six weeks from i.i Uu.i ot saul plaintiff and against ik ,, , , , , , , ,, , tiu;.,. t ,i the date of the first publication of tne said uetendant for the sum of .. . .,.. ... '("! vi .i.v, . . ;?aVuV S i ri h t m rom l rti -ti. ..i ii.,.',.,i. . ion $,.1.(10 attorney's fees and the furth er sum of 10. c'u for costs and dis i ',R'1V '" 1 l au levied upon and am 'dire1 ltd to sell upon virtue of such en-:eeculion and , iudmueut of the ' ourt. the u own; described rea WWy - to-lt: '-'"s and . In H. U. Miller and .Company" addition to the town now, !writ - 1 wiH on the lTtu day of An- st. 1912. at the hour of 10 o'clock !a. in' at the front door of the county , mn-t lionto In C.rnntB Pnua Into. I 'puine countv. Oreson. se.i'at public -jauctlou subi'ct to statutory redemp- tion to the hluhest bidder to cash in 'hand, all riuht. title and Interest which the. within named defendant. , of April, 1912, in and to the above described property, or any por- t ion thereof to sa'is.y said c xecu-1 .tion. Dated this 11 day of July. 1912. WILL C. SMITH. Sheriff for Josephine County, Ore. SUMMONS. in the Circuit Court of the Gtate of Ore?on for Josephine County. any right, title, estate, i In the ) 1 ion or interest in: In the name i f the state of Ore gon you are hereby squired to ap pear and answer the complaint filed against you in the above entitled suit, within six weeke from the date jr I,le " 1 l1"";""""1 V.. , rnons. r.rst puoncauon .June 2Sth. 1912. I An1 11 J'0"' a 10 fl'l" ana ; - swer or otherwise plead, for want t,ereof thp ,. ap,y t0 lhe court for the relief demanded Jr. 'his complaint, substantially as fol lows, to-wit: For a decree declaring ;ah(j ndjudging that the defendant? and ea-'h of thorn, has t.o estate or Interest whatev.r in or to said lar.d ttl,d premises, or anv part the roof. U. - ,,! that t. e plaintiff if Oe legal owner in foe simple of said land ?iid rn whole thoio'f; that the defend- .aii j.n,j ea h of them b required t (i.,,v-y all interest and lahn to (jilVs from n.tiy (,f said decree, and i n rt r a s 1 -; said do roe ?hal! iue (i(.men anil taii'n as equivalent to puch conveyance and stand in lieu :OI tl.e ll"H. i.-,,,,.-,, wrt... '"'- ! . h- f.,,nn v rou rt of the state of Ore- WASHINGTON. A'ig. '.. A one- i go'., rnnieii! i i oe j,roviuii ior ... . ...... r . the I'anan a lar-ai. i oe piuii a ,0n ,, it (a almost id.-nU.a! with . , .... , l.i 1 1 T,. I i t- .ai!L-',,iJ- :. er i.u.- ...... . 1 i -side: Is D"n full authority t 'Oi;, -to. co;f) and opera!' !; ii tavern"-. Artistic Job crl: at Courier ofTc WVER COURIER SUMMONS In the circuit court of the state of j Oregon, for Josephine county. Nolle Mitchell, otherwise) known as Isabella I Mitchell. riaintiff ) vs. ) Marshall A. Mitchell. ) Defendant ) To .Mai shall A. .Mitchell, the above named defendant: in the name of th? state of Oregon, You are hereby summoned aud re quired to appear iu the above entitl ed court and cause at the court house at Grants Fuss. I" Josephine county. si iiiiuons, uuu answer me com- - J - t fHed agains you in said court ami cause, niul in case you fail to appear ami answer or otherwise plead within the time heiviu limited, the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief prayed for In the com plaint, viz.: a decree dissolving the bonds of matrimony now and here tofore existing between the plaintiff and defendant, and for a decree of divorce In favor of the plaintiff and against the defendant; and that the , ....... .. , ... ., . fee Bi,ne. free from any right or I,,,.,.,,, f .if.,,..!,,,,. f fi. ' , described premises, to-wit: Commencing at a point k0 feet east of the northwest corner of Block .so. 2, in II. 11. Miller & Company's Addition to ('.rants Pass, Josephine county, Oregon; thence south 105 feet; theme east at) feet; theno north 15 f-et; thence west 50 feet ;to ,ne ll,i,l'e "f beginning. I Also, an adjoining tract of land, jl - eginnhm 2..0 feet east of the north- W C8t COllller of Block 2 ill II. H. Mil l?r & Company's Addition to the l'in of Grants Puss, Josephine jeounty. Oregon; thenco runiiing ; , south 105 feet; thenc. east o0 feet; thence north 10.) feet; tneiice west 50 feet to place of beginning; And that the plaintiff be awarded the exclusive custody of the minor child, Lewis C. Mitchell. The date of the first publl. alion of this summons Is Friday, August 2, 1 191 2, and the date of the last publi 'cutlon and the last date for your np 'pearance Is Friday, September IS, !li(12, and this summons Is published by order of the Honorable St.-phon 'Jewell, judge of the county court for Josephine county, Oregon, by mi or- Ider dulv tiled herein of date !lll2, ordering service of t luly 31. this sum- jinons by publication for a period f six successiv." weeks In the Rogue River Courier, a newspaper of g'-n-!errt cliculatlon published at Grants Pass, Josephine county, Oregon, and j for mailing a c opy of the same, to gether with a copy of the complaint j to you at your residence and post office addr'ss. H. D. NOKTON, Attorney for Plaintiff. NOTK'F. Notice Is hereby given to whom It may concern, and to resident prop erty owners abutting on North Ninth stieet, from the north line of "A" street to the northerly boundary of . city uf Grants Pass; Greeting: You ami each of you, are hereby notified that F. E. llobson, city engi neer of the city of Grants Pass, has til'd ill the off'nt of the undersigned, at the city hall in said city, a Plat survey and report of the proposed eiM iii!!'-' of North Nlnih street from "A ' street to the northerly boundary of the city of Grants Pass, and that tlie .-ame will be presented to the oin ni in (oiin. il of said city for fur : per notion after the completion of the period of publication of this no tice, the date of the last publication which will be on Cm Hth day of Uwt, 1912. , N . NsTO, Auditor unrf Police .Indue of the , ...,. .,. j ' ,'r-"1"' 1 KANSAS PRIMARY IJJ.I TION IS PiKlMi HELD TODAY, T PEK A, Kits., A.iir. Ideal weather prevailing, a r".-ord vote was i-l.eitod In today's primary t-U- tlon. in '. hl. h iiresidendal tdectors. a state 1i'!.e1. candidate for con'-'rossiuen :r..t) one l'ni'."d States sena'or will b" tiomlnnteil. Invornor Stubbs is confident that the Roosevelt candidates will beat j tl.e Taft men. Stubbs Is the Uoosi candidate for States sen- tor SI III'F.T t All Sl RIKi: t OMINfj. ( IIICAOO, Aug. ('.. "oilowing a fruitions conference between si root .ar employes and of fit lain of (ho company here, It was stated today , ., ..I......... .. uUilo bellll.' ?l" u'e "ln,"' '' J ,,Ke uo'ed at mldnltdit ar groat. The uriorm will i,old a mooting Mien, and unless a ooiupromlse Is soon nr-rlv.-d at. they threaten to j:k out im- II e llately. ( ANADI N I'HAKMKTSTK KIM ENE Vf VANCOUVER. VANCOUVER, H. ('., Aug. C. .he fifth annual oonvontlon of thf j v. nadian I'harma-MiieaI association. iwii;,ri is ooing h"iu t:ore this year oird jfst'rday afti-rnoon and will oMln'i ut.tll Saf .rd.M- Thf v.' i a j '.i i n'tondi)io . of d'l'-- a' s It', t.i nil 1 t,; rf of (lie dominion, om '' I ')' " l.o'n? ro'.''o-eni-i!. RECORD OF VISITORS KEPT BY SECRETARY. WASHINGTON. Aug. . No mat ter who you are, whether senator, congressman, bricklayer, business man or Just an ordinary reporter, ev ery time that you call on Secrctury of the Treasury MacVeash your uame goes down In a little book and Is ma.I a part of a permanent record. If the secretary wants to know who called on him a ear ao he can look In this little book and find out. If there is a dispute about it the book will tell. The idea Is a pet f Francis Tay lor, private secretary to the secretary. Kwry time a man oes to see the sec retary, Mr Taylor :ets his name and If he Is an out of town man his busi ness. It requires a good deal of hus tling on Mr. Taylor's part but he gets'away with the job very handily. Sometimes a group ot six or seven persons or maybe 20 arrive to see th secretary at once. This doesn't worry Taylor. He gets them all Just the same. The record served the secretary very usefully recently In a contro versy which he had with one of the assistant secretaries who resinned. The assistant claimed that since his service In the treasury, or a lar.'.i part of the time, had been unnble to get an Interview with the secretary. The record showed that during a cer tain period In dispute the assistant secretary had 21 audiences with his chief. Mi:i!l( NS DRINK I.FSS ( II MP.M.i:. WASHINGTON. Aug. .'. .Maybe It's the hkli ost of living but any way, Americans aren't drinking as much champagne as they were, wont to In the olden days. A special report from Consul Itar ilel, at Hhdins, France, just made public by the bureau of manufac turers, shows that while the 1911 lli I 2, sales from the champagne dis trict to the United States were a large increase over the year prev ious, still th.' total Isn't nearly ns much as In the years previous. Iu the 1911-1912 year Franco dis posed of 2,775,(124 quart bottles of (ho "trrape" to the United Slates. The year previous the total was only , 1,951,316 bottles. But In 1909 It reached the big total of 5,4 20,3 1 (1 tlv most wine sent to the United Slates in ten years. The consular official estimates that the "decrease Is due to higher prices for champagne Iu France as also with the Increase In United States customs duties on sparkling w inrrt." di:nyi:r i ditor si:nti:n i:d to five days in jail. HK.NVHIt, Aug. :.. -Robert Spoor, former mayor of Denver nnd now an owner of the Denver TIiii'H, was this afternoon found guilty of contempt of court by Judtte Shiitluck and sen tenced to live davs In Jail and to lie lined $1,000 and half the costs of his trial. Spoor arranged to ask (he state '.iipiyiiie court to Intervene.'s contempt was committed! through editorials 111 tlio Times in .onno'tion with a libel suit against the Denver Post by William C. Kvans. i:n(.i.iii idi as iioi:- ROWED HY HOOShYELT. LONDON'. An,'. '.. The newsia pern hero today devote lino li spac. to dls"usi,inn of the workmen's I n hii I' ii 1 1 feature of former Senator llev erldne's Speech .'H lelilpoi V ( lilllr- maii of the now national progressive parly In the United Siftles. The News Loader say the Ronsovolt men have borrow od (he pluinoH of Chan cellor Lloyd Oeorgo. Otbu- papers also refer to the "theft of Lloyd (leorge's thundor." CONVENTION' ADJol RN ED. CIIK'ACO, Aug '.. When be end ed his sp-ch In die nailoniil conven tion today, Colonel Roosevelt start ed back fiom the front of the plat form. He was surrounded and on iratulated while (be delegates i .leered and the band played "Mary land, My Maryland." Colon 1 Roosevelt at nine returned to his rooms at the Congress hotel. Chairman Knox of the credentials committee, reported the action of that (ominiitee us aareo.l on eailler In the diy and t was agreed on utianlm- 0 ily. 'f.-r report of t he rules eo;u- 1 ''!' l,:el t . ii odopl.d without dl v ' si ;j . (be i o:i vi ii i i, . i.t 3 ; ' .) p. in , ; -'.'( 'i'i d 'it.Cl 1! ii. re tomorrow. PAGE SEVEN A TOWN WAKING I Atitoiiiolviling Summer TouriM A p. pruUe t'lCM-eiit I it) of Its Op. m.i tiniit'es. Critic of the old town may say that It took a long time, but Crescent City, the county seat of Del Norte comity, California, has at lust found itself and is waking up. More general pub li.' spirit is being displayed there now than ever before; there Is liter ally a chic awakening. Touring automobllists using both the Grams Pass and Humboldt routes are responsible for the change of a dead and ambitiouless town to A community with high aspirations. Praise of the magnificent scenery by the tourists and recommendations that the country be brought to the attention of automobllists and tha state generally has caused the ud vlco to be acted upon. The celebra tion to be held at Crescent City August 26 to 31, and to be Known as a water carnival and fair, ts Intend ed to provide uit. ru.luiiioiu for tourists as well as for the people of Del Norte and adjoining counties. The pleasures of the road and the scenery will not be the only recom pense for a trip to Crescent Clty.there will be a series of events during the week that will well be worth wit nessing. The white deer skin dance Is not altogether new to northern California and southern Oregon peo ple, but It will be a treat for per sons who do not live in this section. The acqutlc sports will also have an element of novelty. Close to Crescent City U P'bblo Bench, where abates ami moonstones are found, niul In auoih.c direction from the city Is the "sand mine," where gold Is ex tracted from the ocean sands. For people w ho reside In Del Norte and adjoining count les there will bo athletic and sporting contests Involv ing teams and persons known in this section. There will be baseball games and races lu which horses, automo biles and moiorijcles will take part. Displays of farm products are Invit ed i rom all of the neighboring coun- tl'H. These are features of chief Inter est to outsiders, but the promoters believe that one splendid effect will be to continue fro'u year to year the enthusiasm and new spirit Hint have lately germinated and make the wa ter carnival and fair an annual and noteworthy event, stimulating the citizens to fresh activities In other fields as well. Mori, troi hit: OMINO ON MFMCAN IIORDI I!. WASIIINOTO.N, Aug. ."..-Colonel Steever, lii charg' of tho United States (roops guarding the border at Kl Paso, telegraphed the war depart ment today that lt was uiiconflrinedly rumored that the rebels plan to fire a volley across (li border Into Kl Paso as a parting evidence of their hatred for Americans. HOY Ml. LI D HY I n. .IN. CIIKIIALIS, Wash., Auk. Wll- Ham Cole, ncd 17, Hole support of a widowed iiioth'r, today Is dead, hav ing been run down In a train. Ho was riding a bicycle and dismounted to i rcihs the railroad (racks ahead of die approaching train. His fool, be came lodged between the track and of the driveway and being ij Mil 111- lo e.(irite hl'iisolf struck by the engine. was MoW'S THIS? We offer One Hundred Dollars Re ward for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. !'. J. Cheney K Co., Toledo, O. U'e, lb, undersigned, have known V. J. Cheney for the last I years, and believe him perfectly honorable iu all busliieHs transactions and financially aide to carry out any obli gations made b bis firm. Walding, Kliiiian Marvin, Wholesale Drug gists, Toledo. O. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken Inter nallv, acting dlr'ollv upon the blood and mucous surfaies of the system. Testimonials sent free. Price 7,'c per hotilc. Sold by nil druggists. Tal e Hall s Family Pills for con si Ipal Ion, SEAMEN'S SI HIKE ENDS. PARIS, Aug. '.. Discouraged by the strikers at Havre resuming work, I he seamen's union her' today ended the. long-dmw n-oui strike at. all oth er ports. Mr. W. S. Hunsalus, a farmer liv ing noar Fleming, Pa., says ho has used Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Romodv In his fmn- jlly for fourteen years, and that be bus found It to bt; nn excclb-nt rem edy, and takes pleasure in recom- lliiendlng It. For sal" by all dealer-. this paper o H-nv frV:LJ