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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 2, 1912)
M0m liter VOL. XXVIII. GRANTS TASS, JOSEPHINE COUNTY, ORF.GOX. FRIDAY, Al t.VM a, 1012. XO. 10. GOLD COMES FROM WALDO PIACEHS J s. i.ogax p.rixi.s I!i;icks. IX MINES RICH AFTER 21 YEARS Twenty .Mile of Rilclir Supply W li ter for Operation of Giants. When Jim Logan cornea gliding In to town In his smooth-running au - tomobile and puts on the soft pedal ; as he nears a local banking lnstltu-, tlon, the people of Grants Pass know I instinctively that another cloan-un has been made on the Simmons-Cain-1'"1"" Arnn-I.oean filacer mine ut Waldo I ' Trips of this kind have come to be K0..;e ?.,t,.rri.,v ft,,.-noon bivim ; , .... . ', .... , i i-o.. .e .......rc.u a.te.noo.i, aa mg ; promises to be one of the features of ,itu licenses. The revenue derhed rather frequent for Logan. Twice In wade the entire round trip afoot. In-ilhe fall. xhe,.e are u,n ranges u 'totals $1,22!, which has to be re- tne past month has It been repeated, .eluding the side trip to the Marble ;the ,.ountv am, whUe all Ulav not be 'ltlltt(l(1 t0 the statt trea9urer to v on Mr. Logan's last trip, made jCaves. the ladies covered 220 miles. ' represented in the contest It Is come part of the state fish and game Thursday, he Incidentally exhibited They loft Credent CIry .Monday 'known thnt enough of them will to 'fund used In the enforcing of the pro- one brick of a dull yellow hue that morn::;.;, although they wallJ btit'malie lt nu interesting race. 'tective laws, and for the propagation weighed up $3,500. And that was 4 1-2 days of the six la covering the, Tnei.e has been some agitation .of flsh and game. not all that he brought with him 110 miles made since that time. i along the line of holding the fair on J The state law allows the killing of either. But Mr. Logan Is not the The hardest day', travel of the .,he vacant strip of ' land along the tbuck oVer only, and the bag limit Is stamp of man to parade his affairs , hike, the ladies say, was Friday, ; raiiroa(1 .,rack. Including the rail- !flve dnrhu the season. before th public. He will tell youjwheii they visited ti.e caves. The roaa- parks, but Mr. Turvey does not1 that a clean-up of the boxes is made '6 1-2 miles of mountain trail that t.ilnk It practicable, tlw ball park P. l' I IST-MKI IIOOIST IIAI.1. every week. That sometimes he j was climbed to re;.di the groat na-eiuc well fenced, and more avall brlugs In a brick that raises his bank tural wonder is steep and difficult uf 'ai,ie for the purpose. account as much as f 3.S00, and that once, the first time he ever drove taa automobile to town after he had pur chased lt fonr years ago, lt carried $9,000 worth of the precious metal. But the public Is curious. It mar vels at this country where nature has denoslted such a store of wealth, and It wonders Just what manner of mine lt Is that pays dividends so regular-'their ly and so bountifully to man's Intel - llgenl labor. a nnarter of a century' ago gold 1 - . . I l 1 was being taken from the Simmons-! paper office to the Commercial club j juvenile court and sentenced to the, by catching Summers In masterly Annls placer ground on the Illinois 'rooms, members of the I.adle3' Aux-j?tate reformatory for stealing Li- style, as did Earl Smith for Carner, river. The pay ground lay In the Miliary escorted them to the club par- cycles i:i this city were given into the latter the selection of tlu Calvin high delta between two branches of jlors where they were regaled wth:i,!s , hare for safe delivery at Sa-jistlc-Disclples' combination on tha the Illinois, about one and one-half j ice cream and other refreshments em. Aboard the sleeper the ladsusty hillock. Master Aaron Brat mlles east of the present Takllma land given a cordial welcom home. v eie stowed away In the .upper berth. ,ton clouted a home run the only nrnnertv l" --." Logan came to Josephine county 21 years ago, and soon after com - menced work' on the Slmmons-Annls mine. A few years later, or twelve a nA Todd L v .-tii .T. Mmmons In the ownership of the,of his enthusiasm on the hen que?- mine and undertook development on .tlon. and believes that the coming o tensive scale. A saw mill was constructed, and mnes 01 flumes were built and of ditches dug. . . r .: u ,.. , v 1 lllia V IWt-ULJ 1111 Its vk u...-- , . ha fA.,r -vints." the main ditch being 11 miles In length. A 1 K.tnfla iralOf R fll !l PS :e, 3 One fea - ture of this svstem for conducting n wate to the point of delivery is . . ,i Tv,i- o .Intinn Q irtrt t0t f length. TDW great conductor Is built of pipe- 15 """' ""v' . .. i- i:.n..t.r tha sma - ana a incues in . er size being mstauea ... iu (,;0,J t0 take an 0t"Z was available tc-ive pan In the egg In run the lants from November 25th ry. should be spared the ax to July 7th. During the balance oi .u i..,.u, wnrtr U con- " "C,C,Ur,I " . r.Kt. h." nnuea, power ue,u5 year round for the operation ot the saw mill and the air compressors . . . v.,, present a great cnanne. . through the solid rock of th i btck- bone of the mountain to mae . . . .. .u. n .in siuice-way ior iue mumms . v...- aujateut u.u. In the generation that the mine has been worked, eighty acres of the gravel have been washed. Seven hun- dred acres still remain of the , 0m - pany holding that will add t! t ae wealth of the community in the 2n- eratlons to come The pay gravel o:i this property runs as mu -h as H5 t' in depth, and while no re-ord r. ig - ...,t tha fine :1'.l u,e v- "JU""' comes regularly and profitably , -,.. The Slmmor.s-Lar.iernn-i.ov ' pany Is not lacorpora'.'d: It ha y stock to Eel!. B it It bricks with a charming and Its 'bricks always stand the ai test to the center. CLEAN-UP AT THE OLD CHANNEL MINE : Sheri.T Will Smith has rrturne.l from Galue, where he superintended : he cleanup of the Old Channel plac er iuine on Calice creek, having heei) ! MANY (appolnted by the court to afend to IXTFRFST uinurr uiui seme ine Ulnieult!e ' between the lessee of the mine and' jthe laborers who had brought aotlou ; I to attach the gold In the sluice boxes ' jfor wages due. The gold was forwarded to the jinlnt nt San Francisco, but it Is said j I that the clean-up was not especially! (large, not returning as much, dust as ' .. ,. ,. , , u . . , ;llie Ten Grange l tho (ouiity l'w i Had been expected by some. hen re- 1 ! turns at received from the mint It ' l""'e t',.,:",', ,n" j'Aill be distributed by the court, first j Competition. I in s-cttleiueiit of the claims, and the' (balance to Geo. Sanders, who operat-I jed the mine. V()( N(. , X,y HM,!S i:i:ti rx from trip. The Misses Gertie Call 111, Gussle Parker and Daisy Cole, the three Itnn.vhflra r,f .Via f!t...o Tin... ....Ull " . ,,UUnc 'school fncnltv whn tinvn lionn nn tha ior.; ' n s K ion; .ni-. to me coast, reacned travel. They were able to spend but a short time In the cave, when they ( took the nine mile travel down to , Williams, covering 23 1-3 miles In the day. I They arrived home a hit foot sore!phie hotel, who lias been in Porl-'nnd' .and sun-burned, but otherwise not the worse for the novel outing. which they thoroughly enjoyed. On arrival In the city they were j stopped at the Courier office where they were photographed. Word hav - - ling preceded them from the news-;UOv3 I I . : mcKF.N FAXCIMl no.- 1 IHCTS HK.HKi: PRM 1-:s. j ! Dr. Wil oxon. the chicken booster from Murphy, was in Gran's Pass ! Wednesday. The doctor has lost none:. season will be one ot tue greatest: ....e.t t,-i rni nnuiiru i. lie ?aa,.u . , .1... ....,.. t n 1.', ,.,..,.. - that the chicken crop througaout t he eas- is much short of the normal, the , , ... i hatch having been tw0 ana one-nan 1 million under last season. This shortage, Mr. Wllcoxon says, i - U make the .-.of eggs at least twenty-five per cent highe, than normal, the advance ,n p,e ,o come ear v ti t'",e ff-aso i. He looks ni t'"'.1 ., . ... I jnr.ii li tirettv nvo- the advance s eirly as September, and Il'"l"'e.i a ... . m .1. - r .-. ii'.ji. tipnc thrit t ll'.KS a 'lie nvsur ii". FKAXK Il lK "" THl K-lAV.'llorth part of town , 'enip;oved both night and day. niak- ,'..' .. ' , ., hru. anA Mfrl If hii'.K .1. liJ'eniaii, vi..r i.u.T fci.i. f.,r some time rii r , u.e.i ime rh dropPy, died , uf hU ,,,,,,. Mrs w.'i3l a, a The machine replaces -Tlri:-,,, morning . teams that were formerly em- e' ,, .,',,., , ,he work, carn-ln at each t !.Iie -H terw r- . , 'Hi',!', t'lflert: .4 I i . .. , u itn,.,..n the sermon -o ; y ... k r .s a. . . . ; ''J ' ; n.t , hr, . I . f) () , . - -.' e e, ' ' , a:;J ( e e a r. 1 . i.i i - nt cs jiu ' o.'.' s ' l!i " , " I'.i-I'oi1 "'.ng ,',., R C, Water "."',, umbel es. t al l'l 1 hmi..-. i f ."S f L"s i (Iran's Pa - , 4th. ami will y y - - M y rhrrh South at' ' . .... Waterhousu is a v ;i. hi in.;, .r , packer and It will be well i ir titue to h ar l.lm. l fruit yr" MANY GRANGES WILL COMPETE IN OllHlt OK PKI.K P.Y POMONA. 'DISPLAY FARM PRODUCTS J. W. Turvey, president uf the Josephine County Grange !'alr asso- deputies were still being hard work elation, was in the city from his Wll- ,ed to supply the demand. Yesterday jliams creek farm Wednesday. Mr. jTurvey says that the offer of a J50 prize by the Pomona Grange to the i,,(ijV i . .t o-ranee tiiat inauPS the .1 ' I ,beg eMhlt of the produce of the. ' .. . . . . . ivauey is arousing miicii interest . MFlst IIAX WINS i;i';F.F. FOOT HACK. , pr. H. L. Metschan of the Jose- land for several weeks giving the Im- prial people lessons In hotel man-'vitu aseinciit, returned to his duties here. with the great Baptist southpaw, Wednesday night. Summers, giving an exhibition of when Mr. Metschan left lure to 'classy twirling that might make even make the trip to Portland, the two who had been convicted in the iUr. .Metschan taking charge of the, nit f their clothes, thinking this !W((uld effectually head off any at-j itempt at escape. At F.ugene the ',,1)rtf,r mtnuon to the fan ; , . . s;Imm.i 0ut of the ..... p,h .nulr.g around en,, ,lf , car. Metschan. gath-'ed. e, iU hU uetner Baiwnf!( der an ,,oNfouled in purBIllt and ran itne i; u,- m a ,poli,.Hman in a ,ace of a car length 'or twfi. The runaways were returned ;t() fhir bertlu wh(.re they were kept In durance vile for the remainder or the trip. Metschan's run minus the all important articles of wearing ap parel is said to have equalM any thing sh.'U ''t the recent ss'ockholm lympii". , i, ...! I lilt K ilium si w i J..I...M f. c. i,on n,d r,,tw, net,), s. are now employing one of the big trucks recently brought down from ! Portland In hauling crushed gravel from the crusher to the street im i provement work in progress In the The truck 1? um a iimu i'e - - t,)UT yards of the road-making mater- r,jU r.-. u - - load four times the amount laKen on I t..nUl llira a wagon, anil man mi; m ' " im.. trips to one of a wagon. (,toi FOR THKsi: lill'.i.s. x-lmc vntiu- vn-r i lie ause the f.'teman and other male employes ;cf a lit oo Hyn factory were addicted members of t, profanly. " Ithe luessninkers' unl"n. todav are on 'strike. The girls hope mrlke. The KirlS liope ;o iioi'i c i .. .i . . . . nTv - In other factories and to put a stop to the use of profanity anu buse in tV. work rooms. Mrs. M A Powers went to Merun Thursday to visit for several days. i HUNTERS WERE READY ! TO DROP THE BUCK i Thursday liionilng, August 1st, the open season ou dear commenced, 'and the nlinrods have been busy for $30 a week overhauling the hunting out flt. Many parties have already gone to the hills, where they have estab lished camp to be on the ground at line ni st nreaiv 01 nay tomorrow. lien they hope to -eaten tnat duck w hen he is easy to sneak up to. leer are reported to be plentiful this year, and w hile gentle and trust ing now, will be alive to the danger, and become real game when a few 'shots have been taken In their gener al direction. A total of '.G4 hunting licenses had been Issued In Josephine county up to noon today, and the clerk and his 47 licenses were Issued, and today promises to beat that record. In ad- dit ion to the 564 straight hunting .licenses that have been Issued. there . . have also been 511 fishing licenses. 1 comiiinej minting ana nsniug u ti:am ai;i. winm iis The combined efforts of the Presbyterian-Christian baaeball alliance were unavailing yesterday evening on High School campus against the 'coalition effected by the Methodist Baptist teams of the Twilight league, and It went down to defeat a thud, by a scor of 0 to 1, Hubs Maiquard shiver for his lau- rels. Coburn showed his versatility tally made off Summers, and one 01 the three nits me portsmer uuuweu. Four beautiful young women, Uieir lips more persuasive than those of Bryan himself, passed their Gains- boroughs, and a collection of a bak- er's dozen of silver washers result - which sum goes to the Ladies' .Auxiliary of the Grants Pass Com - merclal dub for city pan. monr ........ ; , v.ion ' "' itorn: no. 4 sfpt. .i. Service on rural route No 4, the Frultdale route, will not be com - mencpd on Is', as the depart- 'ment had authorized, bdt will bo de - Jlayed un'il September 3rd. This 1 'in accord with Instruction? Just re - ippivp hv Postmaster Donnelt. and r.hlln the official communication does not state the reason for tne. deiay, u Is supposed that shortage of the avall- able appropriation Is responsible. The department only states that the order Is modified to conform to a j other plat e than a public hall, the II change of date, and that the post-(cense fee shall U- $3') for nu ll such master will not employ a temporary j performance or lecture. Home talent carrier before September 3rd i shows are exempted. Alt liitevt Rim en lie Architect Bowen, who drew the nlan for the new city hall now in process or rnnmrunmii, was here ... I ul,Unl Tiirwil.ll' overseeing iruin nnmuu ...v...- work on the building. He found that the brick masons had been laying (county ores, using some of the avail some of the Pacific faced brick wrorn; j able and surplus samples from the side up, giving the wall a rough. ap-old exhibit. He proposes to have the ' i.i.arnnce mat ueiracieu num in.i.une uum ....... - beauty. This brick Is made with a slight bevel to the face and must I." .laid right side up to get the proper effect. Some of the brick wrongly laid whs taken down and put back properly, so Mr. Bowen stated to 'lie Courier. R. I. MiN'utt returned a few days ago irom rai ramenio, hi-iit in ua-. spent two week. TO REGULATE PYROTECHNICS lOlXlll. COXSIDFRS OKASTIC FIKI WORKS LAW. WOULD PROHIBIT SALE Caps I'iMoK, Cunc, Ciiiiuoiis, Pic, Are A No I'nder the I tan. Several near-serious uccldcnts with fireworks during tlu? late season . of enthusiasm and celebration, In one of which a lad's eyesight was all but destroyed, has started an agitation for the prohibition of the sale and use of the death-dealing pyrotechnics. At Thursday night's session of the city council 11 11 ordinance was pre sented and read first nnd second times, and Is now ready for enact ment Into law ut tho next session, regulating the fireworks traffic. Fu ller the proposed ordinance the sale I f lin.u nrl, u 11I r.itull !m nrohlblted ami 110 public display may be held un less permission is given by the city authorities, the place of tho display meets the approval of the chief of the fire department, and the pyrotech nics bo burned under the supervision of a competent person, The storage or sale of fireworks within the city limits Is also prohibit ed except on special permit to be ob tained from the auditor and police Judge, but the premises shall be ap proved by the chief of the fire de partment before such permit shall be granted. The 'ordinance nlso puts the ban on all pistols, canes, cannons, or other appliances used for explod ing blank cartridges or caps contain ing chlorate of potash mixture. Councilman Strieker, who Is also health officer, Is a champion of the new statute, and says that it Is being adopted by all progressive cities. Councilman Herzlnyer, however, evl- dently had vivid recollections of the time when lie was younger and de lighted to pull feathers from the eagle's tail, and tried to get the ordi nance tallied, but lt will come up for final action at the next meeting. Will Kemilate Motorcycle. Other ordinances Introduced In cluded ore regulating the runnlg of 1 motorcycle w"" the city. The speed limit will be fixed at the next j session, when I, .'..mes no for final iniprovt- passage. When tills bill liecomes tne law of the land, lights will have to be I displayed fore and aft on all motor ccles running between the hours of p. m. and s a. m. Higher License for SI reel Sliou. Another statute started on its way 1 regulates the licensing of shows and exhibitions. I'tub-r Its provisions a how (barging an admission fee of j 5 cents or will pay $ln per i week or per day for the privilege i of show lug in the city. If the adinls - i ision Is over 25 cents, the liiense sball be 115 per week or 7.."') per eu' h day. It Is provided, however, that If the performance, lecture, or other ex- i hibltlon be given In a tent, booth, or Novel Plan for Fountain C, L. Mang'im advances a novel plan for the cons'rurtlon ff the pro- posed fountain In Railroad park. Ills j Idea Is to build the fountain, base .and basin from samples of Josepnine various working pro,ertle, and gold I bearing nc K, inciuuing some o. high rade, to l worked into tue 'tipper portb-n. This would make not !on!y a handsome structure, but ono of great advertising value as well. ( 1 Jack llanseth arrived In the city from Los Angeles Wednesday even- mn, ... - friends for a month. MVSTI.KV OF WO.MPX S I I.OTHFS XKAU IUVF.U. A mystery, deep and pregnant with possibility, has developed In Grant Pass. Have two women disappeared from their accustomed haunts to now He pulsing with the motion of the cruel waves In some deep eddy of Icy and murky Rogue river water? Or has the twain, Burprlsed, rViphne-Uke, been seen, hurrying away through the underbrush that lines the bank of the river la thfl neighborhood of Deadman Island, searching with shy and startled look for a kindly fig leaf or a deserted gunny sack! Oh, for the penetration of a Burns' operative or the nose of a Sherlock Holmes that this awful, nerve-rack Ing, soul-stirring mystery be unravel led, and a great array of feminine wearing apparel, which Its present holder Is unable to properly cata logue, be returned to Its rightful own ers. Rlsewhere, In the advertising col ums, of the great family Journal and public elucldator appears an Inof fensive little want ad. It details that an honest man wants to return some tnlng thnt someone else has lost. Something for which the advertiser has no personal use, and which he finds difficulty In describing under standing. But the married man snyst that there are wrappers, Moth- erhubbard or otherwise, corsets, and several other things. In fact, they are all there excepting only shoes and stockings nnd the wearers. They the dry goods, not the wearers were found Tuesday morning In two neat little piles on the dreamy banks of the Rogue on the north side, op posite Headman Island, and on the property of J. A. Smith. Their own ers have disappeared, hence the mys tery. Md, en n Party Return-- Rev. Robert McLean, Robert N'. and Kdward McLean returned Tues day evening from n week's camping at the mouth of Steamboat creek, two miles above the Hutton postof flce, and about one-half mile from tho California line, They report ex cellent fishing and saw an abundance of game, although they were not 011 n ti 11 1 In expedition. Miss Chris- Una McLean went out to camp with Prank McLean lu the automobile to return with the party. Telephone Officials Here P. II. Coolldge of Berkeley, Oil., general commercial superintendent of the Pacific States Telephone and Telegraph Co., accompanied by Geo. Ilurkett, general superintendent of plants, and D. P. I'ullerton, division superintendent of plants, the two latter from San Francisco, autoed In from Crescent City Tuesday evening, and spent the night nt the Jose phine. They are on a tour of Inspec tion of (be line. They were Joined here by A. J. Vance, manager of tho home office at Medford. OiiurtHtr of VHrriiiw Here John A. Kltterlng Is the fourth of n quartette of G. A. lt. veterans 1 from Pullman, Washington, who i have (,mie to Grants Pass nnd th Rogue river valley to find out Just what manner of country this Is any way. The three others, Messrs. K. P. Allen. R. Lanntng and K. Laney, arrived Sunday, having driven over land, and Mr. Kltterlng came In on No. 13 this morning to Join them. They will remain in the valley for several days. Iiiilgo Jewell Returu Judg Stephen Jewell, who, with Mrs. Jewell, has been enjoying a va cation at resorts In th" Siskiyou mountains for the past few weeks, returned, and Is again on duty dis pensing Justice for Josephine county. Vrki Piirty Hei Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Jacobs. Mr. and Mis. T. Jones and I M"- H(ni com posed a party from Horubrook. who were In the city Tuesday, leaving again Wednesday for Crescent City. Mr. Jones I proprietor of the leading hos'elry of Ilornbrook, and Mr. Horn Is a member of the pioneer family from which the town took us name. Mrs. Frank Leet left for Portland on a visit Weduesday night.