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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 9, 1912)
rnww; At GI ST i, 1Wl WKKKLV ItfXilE UlVtR COURIER PAGK SIX - V v.l TWO HORSE BRAND YwAlST OVERALLS f ' Copper-riveted A new pair FREE if they rip vr--. uvi smia i ra . &. 'Look for Ue Brand" Fiutur. I mi MHKi)-i:i:i it ai.i. (.ami: was 1111:11 i. i(.. ctii.'ht. A perflat ions husky named Matt ley from Yteka guarded first, r kl-r was on iii oiid, Ilai greavc s of Ko.-ebiirs look'd after short, and ycni',' Pushy,' the Albany lad who soon )4n-d to the Vancouver. H. C, lit) (if tin- Xnrtliu f.-ti-rn c:.::'ie. .' .itched third. (iill, Isaacs and Antic cVe:;:l times distinguished themselves l.v 11: . ! ;i n - m: s ( at- hes. jTiai!y I.-aa' s and '(.ill, and more especially Hill, who I load'.' two of tin hardest catches ever I seen on any field. J The came .-ee-saw ed. one tea 111 l'adiir and then beinj; di-ddaced hy tln other, Inniim' after inning, until i the largo crowd which overflowed O' t Illl .l(,ii lF I.I (i TI HEAR 't'tiM'KsMiiN OF FAITH (lor 'Hie Courier l) I. I . Ilniile).) At M f' i' 1 e.stenl.i alternooli, h' :'i U' a (inrtd estimated to ii'ilnher l.Oio it.-iiih. noil In a L-aine as In-t-r. s'ini!. exciting, spectacular and s .'in-'iiii.ii an any ever seen on a !-o .tl,iii (rcoii diamond, over the icvill of which. It was dei lured, re sulted the champlonhhlp of northern California and southern Oregon and th jmssesslon of a purse said to con tain ."'"I iJIsteiiihi; kopecit, I'lison's - l.-nt and heterogenous anreua 1 1 H defeateil the treat Weed ten 111 b a score of $ to S. It was Weed's fecond d'feat of tlie Keimon. The en me was featured hy the hrll llant work nt hat and In the field of three Grants Pass players - Catcher P.aker nnd InfMdrr Wceklor with Medford and Third nnseninn Kenneth Williams with Weed. Wckler, In four times up, smash ed nut a douhle and two slimleH, i scored tw0 runs lnrliidln-,' the win nln? one, nnd drove In an additional Winders' put one over the fence. f If w;u,'"45t C J ! I iiipire West ici iliou the - tnl I'siilm lo "Slmit)" of I'lison's Kouiil or Mialciiv. Medford run. Maker, in four times lip. had a I'rriMil of ;i doillde, two Hltliiles 'cured 0111 e, ;t!ld drove 111 two other Medford tallies Willlains, for Weed, hit safely tuiee times In four vnvanes to the1 1 ohlolil, scored two runs and drove in I Williams seemed to have cauuli; another Weed run and plaed stnsa- Itiusliy si feet cominu into third grandstand, hleai hers and iield en closure, palpitated and throbbed with the tenseness of the desperate st runK'le. I M-ven nuiiiireii persons came troin W.crl on a special train to see the name; ('.rants Pass sent 1 . "i 0 , Includ Ini? Manawr Koper, who was one of I I'm so n's hoard of strategy. Over $1,- lOn Is reported to have (handed pos sessors as a result of Medtord's vic tor'. Two Incidents occurred dnriiii: the strugslo which would have delighted the near-tTi'lhle and alli ned-teirilile Teddy, nnd brought cheers nnd hisses from the multitude. In the llftli, Cmpire West of Weed called out on strike First Baseman Mattiev, Knson's helliucrciii importa tion from Yreka. From th press ho. the decision looked ill-judijed, If not raw. At any rale, Mattley dropped his hat and proceeded to 1 punch West around the rlnc. Hut West's angora was undisturbed. J 11 a spirit of chivalry he tore off his mask nnd waded Into the irate and rowdy player, and was nlviim him a ood lacing wh'ii three of Medford's Finest In "lu illiant nnifornist hat would create envy In the breast of. a Holivian jel'e politico, separated the warriors. Koth toreadors yielded a little iore. In the ninth. Tube Hrons, w ho had heretofore Iveii going along smooth- was forced into the linielighl. tlonally In the field, timing his pick ups to a ill'. et and sending his throws to first with tlv speed and ac cural of a rltle ball. WiMiains also perturbed his old friends In his elim ination of crabbing, helming the urbanity of a cavalier an dignity of a lord chief Instice ler played his usual br.ii:;'. name, never erring on e Ibitii boys ha, fallen in a heap, and Williams emerged wiUi the pellet ur raised as t.lence that he had tagged his man. Tobe did iul see l that Way or luabe did not see it all. as with It was a 'pilck play and called Higs the I'.v sale. A little Weed rooster, wi'ighing about Klu. directed three or We v-teadv , four sw lugs a: Tobe. b Maker 1 arlilt."!' grinned bo ish raught Mnrrss ami Mutler, ili'ed t'h little Southpaw in flf'h in his alwas v.'Ii.t !'!.. gin w ho j nimbi out of dauge t he j Weed team pulled g.-ry 1 ( earth. ;t the Medford slopped am A. i It was a great Score W 1 Medford . 's way, uinil (he he b.mtain bai k le. oll bet 1; il 1: s 1" ;; : 1 2 :; ll (.1 I FY's ( s 1 V.s Ki l l s . WASIUNCTDN Vug .". Why th, SV ' or'-ihution of .lames 1". liuffy of I'eiuls Ivat'i. was refn-' ! 'y the national cor.vritt.v in I !'v w as to t 'day to the senate lanipaign i'intri butions commi'te!' toda by Norman 1' Mack, who assetted till' it was generally belie.'d a: the time that tiiirf was riMiii' with the Stan dard Oil. Summer Itch. (ii.inl l'a- pilgrim. aliliongli pull ing for Modloiil, ete proud of ''l'inWy." The a.toiillol lad in the UutiliU iilt K nie Pattoii' fa vorite bcir. n-lwn. and allowed ,,;.!-. one s-oteti lnv that t. Williams in l.e second With the evccpMoi e:' the pitchers, a a I l'usi'1. s thl'i.'1 cinl o.,t tleldet s I - .1 .1 . Anile and I'.i'.i. the Mediord te,ni ss compeiol of no a resident of t l.e : .1 ' 'e S.i n !'i 1 . . o ' '.'..-! Instant r.lief fur all kinds of sum mer skin troubles i r.nw found in that simple wash P IV l Pres. rip tton for Fceni, iV-t a ;',"h trial I'ottle tod. 1 and prove lvr ou:se: tl.e fits ot 1 1: '.s cn.'uM f r,i ;u r,i' tton We alwas recoiuiv.cud it for S':m 11 ei Itch; in (act we give ou a reg ular sUe bottle on our pers in.U g' antee that 1 l 1 w i',1 take a , ' i' "li .it 1 !' e or it w j:; t; it cos: .e!it '!'.. fs si ! !: niodic outhiirs's which always uar.-c planted" demonstrations. A Teddy Hear IteMil 1 ecled. CHK'Ac.O, Aug. Knthiias'iii :'0f 35 minutes not a delegate re- aln.ost without parallel was s'..o.vr. s ...i-d his seat. At that time an ex- nere ,o,av when Colonel Theodore ''':-v possessing woman, idea.- i: v.-;"a,riel in the - invention ou ,!,e sUse hall o. the national progn-sive party T -v ! J- sf 1:er ,, : -:d shook hands with the lO.oIiel. to de!;ver his address on tl.e 1 on- ' . .. 111,, 'i'o-'i Stat." Senator of Iliuu 1-. fcs.-.on of taitn. upon whh!. he ' ... . , ih- 'regressive candidate lor gov- hases h'.s hoie to again become eu:- 11 . ..1 i-.o ic, .... ti, 1 erm.r of that state, mounted tl.e idenr of the I lilted btates. The dein- . 1.1- .,.) .platform and literally threw his ha, onstration last 4j uilnutes. 1 , . , . . , into the ring. He had an old telt It was l::.ii o co 'I; when former "' ., . , -oiniirero, wliich he sailed out into Senator iievendge o Iudiar.a as . . temporary 1 1. airman, alled th.- nui- . 1 . . , ., After th ' ii.- ; . - hail lasted 4- vent 1011 to ord-r. while the delea'cs , ,. , minutes .'r rueant-at-Arms Depevv among wio. m were man wcn.i-h. , . . . ,, and the ic i . . a dettrmmed et- gave ihe ne om' nil! ironi all over 1 , . . fo;t to i leal' tl- aisles. They were the great As soon as or- , ' , , , ,, . ,. ,, ,, gr'e'.ed bv a steady 1 hant of "We der was lestoiyd the Kev. Father An- . . . , , j Waiit Teddv." .Mrs. Davis, who drew .-spet. of ( lilcago delivered ;n , .. . . , , , ... Parted the Roo.-evelt-Hadley demon- invoi at ton and i-e' iviar (. K. I 'a is ., ..I 1 .1 ' stiatiou here in .line, was espied b - then read a telegram of congrai ula- lion from W. K. Nelson, publisher of th" 1,v r Unr- M the Kansas City Star, approving the 1V'"1 l",u,,i,,:i a!'1' 1-""-''lt . , ., ,,0 'nondt-d bv giving her the "railroad movement. Kverv seat In tlv hall " - , , . j high .sign" with his bandana. Mrs. was occupied and little groups stood , , . . . iliavis. e-corted bv Senator Dixon, back 111 the aisles. Colonel Koor.evcl. Appear. .,h- ,;','l" ,0 ,,,e !'latl'"nU 11,1,1 Chairman lteveridge then an- ,m'iveJ ,he ,ol",,el's '"'1. nounced that a comnil-tee was wait-' I'cridge's intrnlnction lug to introduce Colonel Roosevelt ' f r"1"'1"1 K"l-"vt w and ewrv delegate came to his teet. Pointing to the pre- The colonel reached the platform at 'Mn' f"r,"',r I'bMit. he ba;d : j:;s p I "(leiitlemen of the convention; Immediately the demonstration j The hour and the man. Theodore started. Then thousand flags and , H"osevelt." r'd bandanas waved as Itoos.-veU ! Koosevelt Speaks, stood smiling, bowing and waving his ' Colonel Roosevelt advanced to the hand to the galleries. Shouts of j frotrt of the platform at exactly 1:49. Hz? clutched a printed copy of hl3 -ceedi. Refore turning; to the text of his set address, Roosevelt con- I "We Want Teddy," drowned oit the band, and the colonel's face radiated happiness. While the uproar continued, Col onel Koo.-evelt shook hands with a Grand Army drum corps who stood gratulated the convention on tlw? work it had performed, declaring the progressive part' dedicated to "jus- heside him, and at his suggestion. th "'''e fair play and equality be veterans started iii a marching tune, 1 1 ween man and man." increasing the enthusiasm. As tli"( "'t was with real significance." noise subsided somewhat, (ieiiora! . shouted Colonel Roosevelt a moment M'liowell of Tennessee, a Conf'der- j later, "that this convention should ate veteran, shook hands with the' I'1 opened with music from fifes and colonel and patted him on the back, j drums by men who faced death In This started the cheering again, the j 'heir youth. It was significant that, colon. d himself participating, waving beside them, stood the men who wore his firms and shouting lustily. ! fbe gray. While I stood her," two men Tim WoodrulV Starts Tiling. I'ame over. One said h wa- a rebel .lust at this moment Tim Woodruff Johnny, tlv other declared he was a of New York s,"i.e,l the New York I Yank, 'but.' they chimed in unison Alvayc Ready Frciu the r.;cr.icnt a Clbc::::: (Flanders) '20:' is delivered, you have a cr:r ready to go cn the job. It will stand 1 p to its work c ay in and day out- take t c hills r.rd rovrjh places as cheerfully as the and the o;.ly care it asks is lubrication. f tudebakcr cars are built for honest everday service, rnd will give you sen tee not excuses. You can start on the longest journey in full confidence that you will f nish as strong as you began. Mechanical stability, beauty of design, simplicity of control, lew price and low up'::tp cost combine to make the Stude baker "20" an ideal car. A 55 . ... The $800 Studebaker (Fi.nder.)"20" . . , t? I a !n f M k ri.. Pr, I Fauippwl bov. with Top, W.ndihield, Pr..t-0 Lit. T.nW and Spdometr, 885. A.n our dealer for th neu Studebaker art catatogua or lend to u, tor It The Studebaker Corporation ' Detroit, Michigan C. G. ALLEN, Agent Fashion Garage. t:iiii; iiit.i.s c iii.mi: i ok Tiimii: ( ori'i.iis. 'we hoth now are Americans, hot.h l.rosrosslves and we are f.T-lns the future.' " This deprirtiire from his forma! ad dress was loudly cheered. RefeiTins; to tho result of the re publican national convention, Roose velt .started another demonstration when he said: "I want to say riaht here that I think we have ta'isrht the bosses one h'sson they will never forcet. and that is to he careful in future as to the men they pick our to rob." Roosevelt frequently departed ma terially from the set copy of his speech. Prolonged cheerin.' mv-e'ed Roose velt's .demand fur the initiative, ref erendum and recall. One Pennsyl vania delegate jumpef to his chair a-..' lvcall'd A- and shouted; "We 'etiro.-e iilreadv." state standard, and as the sta' ". blue lianner aiMieared from below the sta.ue, a wild demonstration throunh the aisles was renewed. The gray haired lifers and drummers contin ued their tune, and Roosevelt uncon sciously fell into time with their strains and kepi arms swinains rythmical!' and his feet joualna; to the time of the music. In another moment all the state standards were beinu paraded through the aisles, while the jdlow banner of Califor nia. Colorado's white placard and Pennsylvania's "Hat in the Ring" standard were grouped in the front of the hall. At this juncture Mrs. M. K. Ferdinand of De'roir. with a hune ""ot"s for Women" tla pinned aero hie' breast, was hoisted to the shoulders of four his Michigan men and i arried about the hall. passed hitu Colone! Roiweve'.' s!;ool; hands with himself, imiicat in.' that he would like to shake h.-r hand. Then an el lerly woman ?;;;!!.: with the C.ilifiirtiia delegation sen- i bin lana to Roosevelt and lv waed it about Ins head, jelling like a s In 10'jioy. At this time all 'be ai-le blocked w ith shouting. , h sin UitU ent',i;i,ists, Who e chorus Ildn.i May's f.inio'i l'ol.ow On," Roosevelt no sweatinn profus.dy ati, mo;.;, brow w ith, ti. California lund.,: I.tue ibl.iiii'. on the Platform. Ciiainc.i;, lleveri.Ue in . .1 r:, Add 1 n:s o: il'ii; Hons,.. , ;,t At. : .;,,. .,, ; ame I K .ose-! a week i .c ross tlie s-to court." '.. '.owed. redd, i.ed and At 'his sta,e in his s;ve h, a! ''" '",1"v"!' K '"se-1 thouali he was only about one-quar-'-M"ted !i..r t., a M. in ler thro'uh it. the io!or.e! had been .; 1 ;tcl f.i-' ;dafor:.' He !. strenuous with the ;.rined copy 'I a Hoy Scout who waved, of his speech, and had so used It 'in Judu'e Stephen Jewell officiated Saturday at two wedding ceremon ies, first, at the residence of the bride, havin; pronounced the words that united flv? lives and fortunes of Alanson Ij. Kniiiht atul Mrs. Florence Colvic. and later, at the judges' chambers In the court house, having tied the knot for William A. Florence and Nellie May J'anis. The last nam ed couple are from Waldo. A third wedding to occur Saturday was that of Herbert G. Koch and Clarice V. Wilcox, both of this city, who were united in the holy bonds of matrimony by the Rev. F. M. Can Hebi, pastor of the M. E. church South, at tlie parsonage, at four o'clock. 'a'ltime ere rill, d in "Yes. you have iv ailed Penrose," Rooevelt answered, ' and we will se that you keep him recalled. If you had had a direct primary in Indiana." i.e said, niarcliini: over to where liev eridue sat. ' I would ssunrant.-e your MIIAICAV MINKS I.OoTKIk WASHINGTON, A u jr. G. Advices received by the state department to day say the Corral Itos mines, neat Chihuahua, have been looted and an investigation ordered. It Is also reported that Mexican federals have captured Casas Grandes. A Vast amount of ill health is due to impaired digestion. When the stomach fails to perform its functions properly the whote system becomes deranged. A few closes of Chamber lain's Tablets is all you need. They will strengthen your digestion, In vigorate your liver, and regulate your bowels, entirely doing away with that miserable feeling due to faulty digestion. Try it. Many others have been permanently cured why not you? For sale by all dealers. .airman would hav. r.'o lel'e SIX weeks a an with a solid state tioti at his ba'k." J ie r,". erred to tne 'I.c ;s;on ot -ug, 1 x,.v.- York s-ipr-tr. lega- C:-.l ATt: 1 D-..1. Of Southern 11151 nauunai dam Oregon SAFE DEPOSIT VAULT HOAKS FOU REM IX A BURGLAR AND FIR&PKOOF SUE DEPOSIT VAULT. OLR IKJITPMEXT INCLUDES COL POX BOOTHS, INSURING COMPLETE PRIVACY. ROX RENT ALS S2.00 TO 810.00 PER YEAR. I,: Hi'." r.-: his r v.t! form and .1- -I veil ,.d.t: I ill-eet he' ' the crow,; . e Veil tl.e;; t be t ;;', :,. then' -r '0!'i5 11 any enu: : ' ,a wo: .in eiib: icv; 1 w.,nt to co-;r; in declar-1 a! :':. limited I r.v an l the e:n t. law. and said: si- we car. nor :-l; :ng ar.y women :rs a i iy ; days ":: ! tWo i:lo h ..u- n-'ar tl.e p.aMonn an I then A": cXi'l t V. 'Hi : ei . -e ' h, I' Mel mi".'!'... f I Oi ' r ,.e t Mev.e when I: Pole" , a.- in, that it was in tatters. ll'et to s;ii':i , Iiis' then l)ei.:iel I. her'.aud. T I. of I.e. An- denarte l enfire'v tm :'"r.u j his se' s,.eeci, in the marine:- of lan .ii. l thejguago In many Instances. 1 k-u!,' j He de- hired for the fortifiVaMon of I the Panama canal in vUorous terms. ''"' " l R-'o.-eeit declared that he be- . . .... . t -. . 1 I ' sieved th;r it tlie nrtol ra t l,,n .r..-,... had been forced through the senate, Greu Rrltain would not now try to forw us to abandon fortification of the canal and would insist on our withdrawal of a poli.-y of free tolls f"r American ships. "Hold. Wait a ruinate." shouted the colonel, "i had forisotVn the tariff. You win u Kt printed cop. ies of my spee. h distributed after 1 have gone and I don't want to tres pass on your time." ' No. no," shouted the delegates. Co on " ka:r-' m Ik-v-vi 1... ' ' -h: onh in l.-.-ller aided ill t!;e irv.ed the b:g ' 'alifc-T.i.i "ii tin- while a t'.'iiu'i'i- cf women si:ro'iad ed the f!ir.'.:n H .th the d-'es and th- jil'.etics were doing their o 1:1- ' umult ' Hear st.lie. ,ed to a k 1 and ever s -. ure . rde a perfe. t : time r. he t Tin Thivi.'li.vit th.e deiiioti lu wv.a w .is 8'ea ! an 1 id d.'ud i f tho.,. spas- WHY TAKE ANY CHANCE 121 carrying much money in vour pocket while away on your Summer Vacation. It is safer to carry American Bankers Association Travelers' Checks or Drafts. No Mentification necessarv with A. B. A. Trav elers' Cliecks. Payable anvwhere, at hotels, banks and other public places. For sale at the Josephine ank. A good place to do vour Bankin? Business. Grants Pass Oregon. 11 . - 1 j COMFORT POWER nFf.l4nii.iTV j Three Motorcycle Essentials Coml.ined to a , Reliable Iegree In The Flying MerRel ; a-ri.jaj. -stes. : : a le Jt irVPr U ,,a,,-h-n enKlnc, economical. deponJ , l". -fe. All model, eqi,l,,,.H ttl, free enjrine clutch. A. K. CASS, AGENT. Fashion (.'artise. )! M