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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 9, 1912)
4 FRIDAY, AIGI ST 0, ROOSEVELT NOMINATED. i ('oiitiriiitU f.o:.i I'd l i iui at Its concliiiiioii a great roar of j.hy distriit, was arrt-bH-'l ty Cou il. wring literally drowned out the j -. Handle Wedix sd.'.y afternoon iirtiidh whlrh J"ii)-d In with the wave. 1 1 shouting. dreat 1?iikiiMiii(iii. It waa jiinl 2:11 when 1'ieiider tat's peroration btarted tlie ouiluit v. !.! li iMlowed his hjieerh. The dele- C.ii.s btod on (hairs, waving their l..i!idl.enhi-f and f lieerlng. A '-, l:i.:i in the gallery lowered a bl Ai ei haii flag, to w hh h had heen at- t j ' ied a bis I'hotograrjh of Colonel i; onevelt. The pandemonium broke the din of the deinonstratlo'i I..-.1:.' deafz-liillS. Then the New York delegates rted a pro1 ebinn of standards I li r.ju feh the aides. New Hampshire, .': lb Carolina, Ai Umia, W est Vir ginia, Ohio and Texas followed, the i!e gates keeping step to martial alra f uni'hhi'd liy a veteran life, and drum cirp. General .McDowell, a Confed erate ol tli i-r, led In the theerliiii, v a v iiiK an Ainel b an Hag. fter tli" ch-erln had lasted Jail, for having beaten his wife till tv emy in i ii ii i s , the llfes and drum- her arms ami sliouMei were I hi' U 1. -is Ilbd Into the aisles and leaded and blue. pro' ei's ion, adding to the en-' Kruell tried l tore a Jury bi.ihin with "Dixie," and the "Star Wednesday evening In Judie Hol Hpangleil Manner." 'man's- mini on a rharite of assault When 3u inIaiiU-8 of uproar bad 'and buttery, the complainant being ; ..i -hd a new American Hag with a' Deputy Prosecutor Van Dyke, and circular arrangement of the star wan J Mrs. Krimell, w ife of the defendant, dropped from the girders of the Col-'the person assaulted, l-eiiiu and the entire assembly atop-1 The witnesses who test Hied in the I ' d cheering and sang "America." 1 1 a-- were the wife and the two The enthulanin, however, re doubled its the song ended and liev eiUUe, who had tried for order, drop ped baili Into hi ( hair, all a-grin. Mrs. l(iose'll Siiliili-l. At the height Of the demonstration, iJ'uie to I.os Aniteb-s to enter a hos Mr. Kuotevelt i-ntered the hull audlpiial for treatment, taklnu the alrls was given the Chautamiua salute ! with her. She received no word or with bandanas. The hand started up J the neressary cash for support from ' U, You beautiful Doll," and Mra. i Krusell during the M months, and Hoosevelt anilled although greatly a couple of wwU as?o came to ei'.ibarasbuJ. j Grants Pass. On her arrival here, the l.lndsey Seconds Xoiiilnailoii. j husband refused to live with her, Lindsay called Roosevelt "the oiu- but did nuroe to support her and the wan In Anieiba who fights the fight 'two puis If they would reside on the of the average man." Ho said the Krusell farm nt Murphy. They re only real opposition to the former J moved to tliy farm, and Krusell de rroshlent came from "dishonest bus-j posited $'i in the Murphy store for Iti'.-s" and insisted that tlu- colonel ' I heir support. waa mire to win In November. Uu l-j Kninsell va: w-n A:vi an a !--ey ('(included: joining farm, and Monday afternoon "Dishonest business fears Itoose-jthe wife sent hi in a not'1, asking that veit more than it does any other II v- he rome to the Krusell home, statin? Ini; man because he Is Just In every-I that she wanted him to clean out a thing." well, the wat'i- In wli h was unfit .lane Addaius of Chicago was thru i fr use. recognized and nt one ot the gieat- There was some conflict in the tes est deinoiistraiions of the convention jtlniony of husband and wife regard as she began her speech. She sild in lug the battle that followed. Mrs. part: : Krt'se'l, who is regarded as an ia- The new party will become the j valid, said that the bruises upon her American exponent of a world-wide ! ann.- and shoulders weif taused by tnovement towards more just social a beating which the h,:.tud gave conditions, I second the nomination i iot with a tlr . t i k '''.:'. '. l.j too!: if Theodore l!o"seelt, liecause he Is away from her. She said that he one of the few men in public life who ! stuffed her month full of dirty rags. Las hrti responsive to the social. a- I and attempted !' s,aUi her ia ;!'? peal and why, has taught the sknili tame of the modern movement. Ite cause of that and because the pro gram will reiiuiro a leader of Invinc ible courage, open mind, democratic S inpathb'S, endowed w ith the power I to Interpret the lominon man and who will Iden'itv himself with the common lot, 1 second the nomlna- tlon." "Vote for Women. " When Jane Addatns concluded her speech, she unfurled a big yellow ' Votes for W omen'' bauiux', and the women delegates started a proces sion of their owti about the hall. I, When order was matured, Colonel , Alexander Hamilton of Georgia. Gen- eral 11. C. Kin of New York and T. P Hoyd of lioiid.i. volt's nomination, otided Hoose- 1 i:TY lll l los I olt MAX MKK v iim-m;iiik. NKW YOKK. Vug s. Ten mil lion dollars a vear for two ears of wedded life This Is the w.i !: figures out here t vlay for tlie v.iejjg w,,nv of John ' i.yle. Ho 1 ...ili.i i , e New York m.ll rhant Two ago Mrs. I. vie was i plain miise !u a New Yoik hospital, '.vie married her I !, died recetl'lv When his will w is read tlie ex-nurse V a - .oV is. .. fi-ir'uti.' I'll hi k mi in 1 1; vis mii i nun: ;tl)SI'l "g v .:; I oiu p. - ; r e'.ghtv oth. : .. .'.-. i d.i . when a '...(.:. . :'e Haven !;.irt! L.I.": ailed near I e- '' I !i'.!',: Ve ' i v.i.e . ,v u : "A : llngi.ivi'd r (. ,i ' w ji i: iikuino li :.t: .vi. w wi j.-.iiv m:i i Jk!.u Kriitti:. wlio 1;cd ia I'he Mj:- -n a complaint sori; out by It-puty I'! t-riitiii,' Attorney Vanl'yke, ! lar-'iiu' aranli ar.d buttery. T'.f trluie is sllfcd to have been i (.n.tiiiit.'rd lai-t Sunday when Kru hell beat hU wife till her i-hoillders allJ armi wew. lliCi ;,ri h,ie. the woman Willi; (.mniirl to h-r he 1 ,,inr.p the nfstilr It U s.iid that Krn- (-f., j,aj i,ef.n away fn.m limine, and ,nat the wlfe fenl f,,r j,m l0 , orue an, (lo i01ne ne,-ded work on the tlu aKsanit follow In;: his ar rival. Krupell was broiuht to Grant Pass and arraigned befure Justbe !I "l'linrt. whero lie tnterel a ilea of nut eullty. He liii demanded a jury trial, whhh will be held tni.s after - noon t From Thursday 'h i'ally t. It rout J(din Krusell $:u, or its equivalent of 1 da in the lounty ;Voiiiik daunhters of Krusell fur the sta'e, and Krusell himself for the 'defense. The evidence developed the fact lihat six months at'o Mrs. Krusell had good 1 1 ' d i.ishi uo The wile's test orated b) tlv tw, I 1 ears of i: lit d to ha itig s.-c tunny was c.orro'j :i,,'.i' gi:'s T at. ! u.-' ,'f whotn testi : ; '. " f .it her st : ,l,e motile; at !-:i .ir Ki ll only smh for pi -od 1 1 hitnst ; ; - : : li i vi :i g struck at him .th a st; ;. a- i a!!ed him a "dirty skunk." He sa:'. tint tlie wife tp.e ' s'r:ng,-'-t s; ': -vo-luali he ever saw ." ;ir.d thar If sh bad bruises on he: probably iau-e, li;. t ::'. w er :.g d:ag-l w . r r ' ;r. z . over the urn 'tid w : to escape her clur s and !: a' l:e ! i.. it' s lid III x- ibltcd a tern shirt, a s jand a head from whbh :i balr was missing in evi. leu- e The jury cU'liher.ited but :i few minutes and returned a verdict of guilty, whereupon Judge Holman assessed a fine of in default of the payment of whhh Krusell is in the coutitv i-'il. It will leiiuire ten. das of jail to e p' ilie th' flue i The Jut" that heard the i.i- wis i composed iif Win V. hisoti. Klmer ! Halslnger, K. G Harris Sam W!l , Hams, G A. Savage and ,.hn Tat ;rick. Vttoi ne Jo' n i epresen,, the defendant, and mi V a strong ! pie i for his client II st M l M Kv ! SKAG1KT. N J.. Aug - Wood j row Wilson b'ft 1:1s s ininier home j here today for Ne York The detu- irto ti.nn i.,eu j 111 ral pr'sblentla! nominee will re ,'...,. i,,:h! an 1 I'laln away tw.i d.o- eouferrliu wii'a one ..ereh . ' a'!i political advi.-ers and posing for li the New York , '" ""'l-' i'Vt -igr.tplM i:d railroad wa- "" """ He engine top-! Mr. and Mrs C. H. Hildwlu and ! a",l t'le 'a:- two children arrive 1 W.-dnesly ji'Uh: from Meilford to upend two - i weeks with Mr. Paldwln'a slater, Mrs the Goai ier p c. Chapman. PROGRESS BEING MADE ON NEW CiTY CHARTER Tie r.?w iit harttr, whi h U r I ftr adoption to supersede '.he t i.e :. i'. in force, is officially before t;.e i o ii. been ie.tor: 1 1 1 that body s'lti.e tils.e ago by :he ; v -i.'i i " ..u.ittee, at. 1 at the last e.--r:' :. c: . .r. i' c pies vvre or-U-r-,d n.;o!e. and a ( nitiprcheiiaive mJj of the document w..- on.melleed. The iiuiiKil will i'.i-s upon the new ihar re ti 'ii i y s- tin:., approvi..- o:' (lialisill; t'.ie l:.ti..!l;tig Of the Vail":.- si:i- -is. T! ..'. i '..iter w.-s followed in a treat many '. i-s feat,, res, many tions bing word for word the same. The first essential and radical de parture from the old Is in the man ner of the liovernment of the city, the make-up "f th council, and the power and authority of the mayor. ' .t present t lie i ity Is s;overto'd ' ! ' a major and eUht councllniei.. the mayor being elei tel for a term of one y ear, whi: the (iium ilnien are elected from the wards and serve two yea is each. The new (barter provides for a to'.iii' il of but four iiicmhe: s. eb" ( d at la! ,e w ithin the city. . .o h councilman to s rve for a perio 1 ot fn ir yeais. Siiould the new ihaiier i be adopteil two members of the coun cil will be elected for two yuirs and two for four at the election follow ing, but thereafter two will be eleaed every two years to serve for the i'lll term of four vars. The council is made legislative itis'ead of adminis trative, the mayor being the adminis trative of fleer of the city, and the ! charter provides that he shall have the exclusive supervision and control of all tb business and affairs of the municipality. Thw mayor shall give his exclusive time ami attention to the manage. n:rtif of the city aflairs, for whi- !i h slia!! receive a salary of $2,.'io per year. He nrist give a bond ' r the IY.! !'?::! pel f ;rn.a;ti'e of his tint'. the S'lm of not !ess than $1ii.ihii'i. .si all preside over the meetings : i o:..:':i.':: ( - :;ncl, b::t shall ha Vi i:. Hi. no .vote exi ep !;i ( ase of a tb'. wlic ! ... si :.!! ;;s t!:e do i ling vote o;. ;.!! t :t st:o:,s. He shall at least c;. . a year file with the cpy re'-ord-:-. a limvuial statement slio'.ving the . n -diiioti. fltiiiix ia! or otl'r'.vi--(, i f he i Ity. and of all financial luisim--; itratiacteil by or for it during -ii-(pu" eding year, which statement shall I be l.ept on file With tile city . ,y,. ier. and subject, during all business iiiours to public Inspectiiiti S,:id Itinaiuia! statement shall lie ju;blished lit tlu" common council hv onlinaive ir r-'soi'ii ion. shall provide and re l '1 u lr--. i fpP t!';,.':' shall have the .point Mng pow r and !iail app-iin' all ad I luinisiMtive officers under him pro v:de,l foi by the charter, ami he shnll b- responsible for the performance of tl' dutie- of sui h officers; and he ;.-ha!l h:f iiower of removal in his lis ret' n, and of making f '.nli'-r ap j point men's as n.av in his dis-retion I be deemed for the best interests of i'.v t ;: . .'. ;. i miv renuire of any of :'t -r :' a;:., appnitred. a b.ind con-Uti-.r.e 1 for tl' taithful pert..: malice o; his liut.e- 1- shall b.. the d'iry of the iii.iv or i er.-'in.i!! or through his appointee to evi . , :: ! . a. r. into effect, all r . 1 i : : i:, and re.,.,: ,tion, iui' tu.iv pas-' 1 ,:: ! in; fed hv th" corn n: : : tv. i ti e i:::;; ..r ,h ill lie in.t. and upon ti 1 .d fai'hf'il in't- '. ex-, i;1: e and :i l; -,in-r ' ', ".:: '! , f him by an" re-ol 'it ii ti. exiresh- i-'r.1 'Tl ' ; full i ,; 1: .; :; to arry 'he saiv.o Itv i fo: a.'.d efTe.'t. and f'.'.lv a -: ' -h :.' express or implied oh s a;. 1 ; :i .es thereof. J The m i;. - ' t" : pp.iir.t an audi or and poliij j;:,!,. and a dty attor- tlt'V w ! se duties and ilualitbatiotH sh. l'.'. he as herein provided The u..i"or !ia'l also appoint Mich other police atid adiuiuistrative officers as may from ti'iv to time he pr"vdd for by ordinan es ena"ted by im com mon coitti' ;t. '.nt the man or shall have f "i dis feiii'iiai) power of re moval and of ai'tiointnietit of thir success, O" s 1, '.Sj,:"v 'ro- t i nit inie to nxii.w ui Mi'i us V(H Ml WHIT sritlkll. CHICAGO, Aug v - Oftli ,,14 f tlie City Railways tvre an' confer ring today with the leaders of th" 1 1 , libit emploves in the hope of avert ing a strike If no agreement can be reached tlie dispute will be arbi trated, T!'j other companies wi'J probably , e; : the settlement mi'... by the City Kail ivs' lompanv. ROGUE RIVER LIME CO. TO BUILD TRAMWAY T! . Ko?ue River Lime company, .;.! !, h is been dolai a great amount o: je-.e!opi:ient work on Its jtroiierty on f !.e..e creek, a branch of the Ap; Legate, sixteen miles southwest ii Crat:ts I a.-s. has iKchb d to in stal! a tramway ;.t the quarry. T( is company has lately completed a road up ihe creek to the point wher- the lime rock supply was to lie obtained, and lontemplated put ting in -he 1 "v. "'.'.at place. The tv-w itpd 1:". '. a aia'... of from 13 to j '! per cent, however, this being too steep for the ( aterpillar traction en gine to cegoii;. t -, Uh ease. To do away with this climb a half-mile tramway will be erected to deliver the rock nt the bottom of the grade, and the kilns will be constructed and the lime burned there. To transport the lime to Grants Pass for shipment, the big' r.rt-hors? power tni"tin engine of the caterpil lar tvpe. received last fall, will be employed. This will hail the three great trucks, each of which will have a rapacity of ten tons, or thirty tons at a trip. It is expected that the caterpillar will mike two trip? per day when a night rev Is put on, de-iiverina- GO tons In this rlty every 24 hours. Kilns of the most modern type are to be bull and the industry will be developed Into one of the big com-r.vr.-ial Interests of Southern Oregon. , Th'.' capita! behind the enterprise is supplied by Portland men. who are the Incorporators and stockholders. The rock, which Is found In inex haustible Q.uantiry, burns into the lvst grade of lime, and kilns have been burred in a sma'.l way for fifty vr-ars. i'.iY i x.i i in AlTO.Moiill.i: Al IDIhXT. T. '.. Wall, a lormer resident of i.vons. in i. yiiu county, who was go i:,g through tlie iou:.try eiiroute to Oklahoma, with liis family, in an au to;:id i!e. met w.'ith an a' ci.lent to tae machine Saturday night iu which his son. Claude, agud IT. was severe ly injured. Mr. Wall had made camp .it iCugu: rivcr. where he left his family while t.-e machine was brought to a garage in Grants I'ass to have repairs made. .-'at -tvlay night he tame to dri the machine i.ia. k to Kdgpieiiver. The bo came down the road to meet him. Mid was riding on the running board of the m a i bine w hen the sharp curve at the Gtven's creek erossiittf was ap proached. Mr. Wall made the first curve all right, hut the steeling gear I'V'ked and the rever.-e curve was not tal-.ei:. and the aiitoinoliiV'. a f'orsy horse pnw.r lOnger, piuneil down the six t ' emlniiikii eiit. i rus'ii boy badly between the side the the machine and a leaning tree that s'ood by the roadside. The car turned on its side. Mr. Wall rldina it through safely. Or. Kllsworth and wife, who v.ev driving along the highway at th- time of the ;c iiii"iir, offered r'.rs ail to the injured man, and a little later Car! tietuner's car. with a party, as sisted In conveying the injured boy to Grants I'a--. w here lie w as attend ed hv lr. Smith, x,, hones were broken, but the hips and side of tir; lad were sevetviy I ruised. i'iio:; res"lts ;(f" u it antii i,cite,l. ahlior.g'i it will he some days befo:v he be op and around again The car was roMirr.e 1 t., ... in this citv . ;in, js n ,v, ; paired The damage to i; ;. H.,r. ions, one wheel being brol,-:'.. :( .pi,, jammed and engine tnhit; hro'.en I'Ol-VTKt HXIC (OI.I.Ft.K OPENS SFl'TEMRER . Three departnien's: Norma!, 3s iuess, and Engltu'ering. The Nor mal furnishes a strong coirs- for teachers as well as teachers' rovlo-v classes every month in the year; the IMislness course contains bookkeep ing, shorthand, typewriting, and .m coniuii.Tclal work; the Ungineerla .courses are, civil, ele-trbal. ni h a!, and inlulug. dun- The college Is open the entire ' ia r tf twelve months Special teachers for ea: nieut. 'pa- Thoroughniss In all l in- if wo-: ., Graduates will bo aided l:i positions. I-et young men and y iu: ia secui w-iintea Ret ready for th wonderf i. develop- nient of this section of the I'lctile coast. For Information address nu.YTKCHXIC (iil.l.Ud:, A.iblaml, iirt'iron. ni. vcle liospitil at Cr.i::;e: Bros. h:um sax nmtxAitiNo jtV WAY OF CKATKIt I-AKK, Three automobiles from San Ber 'nardino, Cal, leaving home July 17, arrived in the city Monday and will make Grams Pass their headquarters for a few days. The party is com posed of Dr. and Mrs. Lyman, travel ing in a Warren-Detroit; J. D. Gentry and W. K. Vardy, traveling in the "Coyote," a Ford, and V. O. Duckies, also driving a Ford. The "Coyote" is a remodeled car built to suit the demands of the trip, and on the end of the big: gasoline tank is printed the legend "San Bernardino to Rogue River." They have reached their destination and after a few days of fishing and hunting will start on the return trip, going first tp Crescent City and then down the coast. They came to this city through the Crater Lake region. They report excellent roads and a fine time. They will be on the road several weeks yet. , ..VIATOR OX PARIS TO RKRMX FLIGHT- PARIS, Aug. S. Starting on an aerial journey to Ileiiin. Aviator Rrindajoe left the Villa Coublay, near Paris, at 4:3j this morning and landed at Rhelms at ":aj o'clock. He re-asi'iuled at 6:10 and contin ued his journey. His average speed was 94 miles an hour. Tents at the Rogue River Hard ware Co.'s. 6-14-tf FIFTY-FIRST OREGON STATE SALEM Sept. 2-7, 1912 $18,000.00 Offered in Premiums on Livestock, Poultry, Agricul tural and Other Products. RACKS, IKK; SHOW, SHOOTING TOl ItXAMEXT, HAM) OX( FRTS, FIRKWORKS AX!) FKKK ATTRACTIONS. .MINT) FOR PRFMIl'.M LIST AND ENTRY I5LAXKS Ri:il l i:i) RATES OX ALL RAILROADS. FOR PARTK TLARS APDRESS FRANK MEREDITH, Secretary. SALEM ORF.(i()X. FARM OREGON Price 50 Cents GIVEN FREE With each new sub scription to the Courier, or where ar roars are paitl with one year in advance. It Contains What Every Farmer Should Know UwiofAfrrlculture,CrlmM Against Property, Crimes Against Public Health, Domestic Animal, Exemption! Against Ex ecution.,, Fences and Fencing, Fire PreveuUou, Horti culture, Mldcell.ncoos. Public Ways, ActU.i. for Trespass, Warehouses. WeltftiU and l,a. ure, Etc. TliU is one of the im tmeful hooks publbhrd for the Ore Kn f'rr.icr. It (, B nrcesMty for every up-to-date farmer, ami .xml,. he worth many dollar. Get It FREE I.ATK RETUtXS IXR-ICATE su nns for kaxsas TOFEKA, Kas., Aug. 8 L.., returns today from Tuesday, mary election Indicate that Covers" W. R. Stubbs has defeated Char"' Curtis, incumbent, for the i-di,'" States senatorshlp. Stubbg Cai this morninK to have carried f in; no louuiies in me state, and lat er returns increased this lead, turns from the western countiei , . . - - i , , j' coining in niuiii)', If Stubbs Is finally shown to hav been elected, the progressives hav made a dean sweep of the itat jThe latest returns received here in. erase the majorities of eight Rnii. velt presidential electors. WIFK OF MAJOR ( MASK J . IS TMOUJHT lsK WASHINGTON', An::. S.Hav.E! found the story told by Mrs. Edi Chase, wife of Major Chase, V, $ A., now stationed at San Francisco in which she claimed to have b-j the victim of a sensational taxi a'i robbery last June, a delusion, rela tives of Mrs. Chase are today iirepar- Ihk to place her In a private sanltar- I u in. Major Chase has not replied to telegrams of inquiry. Aerntotor engines at $4:."0 are the best for the money. Cramer Bros, agents. FAI LAWS OF R ' 1 1 " A