Image provided by: Josephine Community Library Foundation; Grants Pass, OR
About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927 | View Entire Issue (April 5, 1900)
tout can be done ia a question upon which there are two dec ¡«led opinion«. I*uUi»hed Every Thursday, Hi« understood that tbe votes to ja»- A. E. VOORHIES, tha bill have already been pledged, but HBOIklkiroM. tbe republican »enature who favor free trade tiav« threatened to filibuster to BATES Or St BMC BirTlOB : prevent a vote being reached on the bill One Year, in edvan'«, • • |1 25 Confereuce« are still going on and aume Fix Months, .... agreement may be reached. Mean Three Months, ... bingle Copies, • • • • .<J6 while, tbe money which haa been col- SILK WAISTS Advertiaimr rate» on application. Copy I sc ted under the Dingley tariff 1» avail- > for change of' ad"mu»l I* banded in before able for public u»s in Porto Rico, and Tuesday noon, Otherwise »ettlnir of Ibe General Davis haw been directed to SATIN WAISTS 1 » k « r » .«* charged for m th« rats of 5« per running inch, »ingle culunrn. Altera freely uaa it. PERCALL WAISTS ilon» and addition» to copy will i»e charged or at the rate of 10c jxr running inch, "in A bill authorizing the Pre»ident to appoint a coiamiMiou to visit China aud gle column. SKIRTS, ALL UP TO DATE. Filtered at the tiost office at Grant« Pa*», Japan for tbe purpose of studying com mercial condition» aud a report Oregon, a» aecumLclai»» mail matter. a« to the b«»t method of increasing our Cornu now trade with Uioee countries, ha« been T hursday , A pril j , 1900. paused by tbe senate. Duiing tbe dis Bliss is being prominently advocated cussion, Senator Hoar took occasion to i as candidate for the vice-presidency, reiterate hi« opinion, which is shared I by many, that «enator« and re prevent a- ’ with McKinley live« are conatitutionally ineiegible for I t DEAN, & CO., Propr. South African report! have been ot a appoialmeut upon auy «urt of federal . Post Office Building different tenor thia week, and Roberta' uwmajiaiiun. It is expressly understood ; easy advance to Pretoria now iooka to be that no member of congre»« is to be a [ K j -Ah dk dh 4 indefinitely postponed. The Boers on member of thia commission Saturday surprised a detachment of Brit The house committee on foreign affairs ish under Colonel Broadwood, whom will Ibis week begin an investigation architectural and decorative art, will be ctiaasre run no riait in buying fora raise. splendid handling of bis men ia aaid to of the charge made by Mr. Macrurn, ready, and will be found a surprise even —Oregonian. be tba only thing that saved the whole that while be was United State« consul to Lib own people. This is the day that Iceland Rifting« force iron, complete destruction. Aa it I at Pretoria, Lis official mail wa« opened Chnxt, at His Last Hupper, instituted All quiet in our town. We miners are waa, the British lost 350 rnen and .even by British military official«. Mr, the Biassed Eucharist, which is the sub gun., making a total of 23 gans which Maurum ia in Washington to testify and ject of special Catholic devotion that day all happy. We have had a long run and we will have g>xxl cleanups. Some oi the Boer a have captured. The Boera to produce auy other evidence of tbe throughout the universe hold the waterworka of Bloemfontein, truth oi his charge, which officials of tbe Father Hickey will give explanatory us were in debt, but with our long run, occupied by Roberta, and are cloeing in department of state believe to be en lectures during Holy Week. No • we can pay our merchants and start in on both that city and Ladysmith, where tirely baaed upon imagination, worked doubt many non-Catholics would be I next year with a clean sheet. We are Buller ia located. The British disaster <*P by prejudice, glad to hear these discourse«, and having fine weather, mixed with refresh on Saturday occurred almoat in the Representative hilzgerald further ad- especially fiom such a well-recognized ing showers, good for vegetation. auburba of Bloemfontein, where they vartiaod a dirty book, by offering a competent source. Good Friday and Ix-w Browning has sold his store and walked blindly into an ambuscade, resolution providing lor the exclusion of Holy Saturday can hardly be found less hotel to Wilson and Virtue. Lew wishes They were to completely at the mercy of "Hapbo" from the mails. Why thia interesting than the earlier part ot the to have luoie time to devote to his the Boera that the latter hesitated to fire, particular publication should be singled week quarts ledge, which assays very high. but called on them to surrender. •«» ","1« thousands equally as duty We print herewith We are looking for much investment ----- --------------- _ and aemoralixing are in circulation, Mr. «ervices: in quarts properties here in the near Dispatches were received last week an- Fitzgerald's reeolation faila to point out. Sunday.— Bless, ng and distribution of future. There will be a large amount nouncing the death of Geaeral Joubert, Senator Wolcott, of Colorado, is the palms. High mass and instruction, 9:30 of prospecting done in this vicinity this the comrnander-in chief of the Boer first member of the senate to own an o’clock a. m. Evening services, lecture forces. The cause of hie death was automobile. He uses it every day in Ion Holv Week , its meaning and its elab summer, far more than ever before. The big mines have plenty of water stomach'.rouble, which bad been aggra- going to and from the capitoi, the de orate ritual, 7:30 p in. yet and will have for some time. valed by the privations ot camp life, pertinents and the White bouse, and Wednesday, the 11th.—Lecture, the He died at Pretoria. Ilia death lease- »aye he does it for economy, because it BleMKcd Eucharist; Protestant and Cath We understand that Mackin Bros, vere blow to tbe Boer cause, as he was is cheaper and less trouble than a pair olic positions defined. Scriptural proofs will rai«e a large amount of vegetables universally recognized aa one of the of horse« and a carriage, There are for the Real Presence; 7 :30 o’clock p. in. this year to supply the large force of shrewdest and most capable generals ia quite a number of senator«, however, Thursday, the 12th.—Vesper prayers men who arc cutting wood for them tbe field ol war in the (resent day. He who get along without carriage», using There is a large amount of freight The Real Presence continued; proofs waa the hero ot the fonner war with the «treet cars to get about. from reason and tradition. 7 .30 o’clock being hauled up to the Greenback and England and haa been prominent also in After Laving eerved for sixteen year« p. m. vicinity. The agent at Leland Las no civil life for many years. Ha waa a and in every important division of the Friday, the 13th.—The “Via Cruris.” easy job, he Las to receive to much brave soldier, universally respected, and United Ntates patent office, including Sermon on Christ's Passion, 7 20 p m freight. conducted his part ol the war in an en that of commissioner of patent*, Mr. A. Easter Day services announced from The health of the people is good and lightened manuer, recognizing tho regu P. Greeley, who resigned a few days ago, pulpit in church. no sickness is reported, The hills have lations which have taken away much of leaves it benefited by bis ruanagment, taken on a green oat and «lock on the war’s horrors. The Boers have now loot hie example, and his stern repression of Quick delivery—The Weekly Oregonian. range are happy. The frogs are sing two of their ablest generals, and it re of rapacious swindling patent attorneys, ROGUE RIVER COURIER, Ladies Tailor-Made 1 > ► > > > > > V W. mains to be Been whether or not their successors can worthily fill their places. Joubert is succeeded by General fxiuis Botha. uiany of whom, including John Weddir- burn, were disbarred through him. There is too little inducement for men of Greeley’s calilier to remain in the ¡civil service. The government should The new warships, the California. pay the commissioner of patents a Nebraska and West Virginia, whoa« salary sqtial to that ol justice ot the plans have just been completed by the supreme court of the United States. naval construction board, are aaid to be Mr. Greeley, who is an able lawyer and of greater fighting power than any ever Bi authority on matters relating to heretofore constructed. They areaaid to foreign patents and trade-marks, will be really formidable battleshipa with the practice in Wa»bington D. 0. ■peed and staying powers of ocean liners n resolution ,, A has been offered in the Each haa an armament of 66 gnus, - » and | house saw.ireo and senate, by Representative the magazine is cuastructed to bold over of Ohio, and Senator Allen, 400 tons of amuiunilion. They are ar rwpectivsly, dsmandiug the recall of inured all ovsr, from balo* ths water fe.ter»l troops from Sboshana county Ims to the siiperstruetura. The con- Uaho. unless the permit system of ■Unction board ha. also practically com- Work „.„k.,], u„. right of habeas plated the de.ixn for ths battleships curp,,, restored, and martial law be Pennsylvania, Georgia and New Jersey, abolished m1 OUl„. The hou.e cum nu material MudiBcation fruui the origin- n,ltiee an military affairs is Mill taking al plans having been o>ade. They will testimony in its inve.ligatiun of the use represent as distinct au advance in their of federal troop, in Idaho. The gov class as U>a cruisers do over ins New ,tnor o( Idaho, one of tbe witnesses, has urk and Brooklyn, lbs armament of the courage <d hie convictions, be they t e battle-ships is not to lie positively right or wrong He said to the com decided until tbe doubts turrets of tbe „¡it«,: assume responsibility (er Kearaarge are tested. every arrest in Shoshone county by SPRING SHOPS From the very test makers in the ■and. I feel positive I can please you. Come in and look I never ask anyone to take what they do not want. It you leave the store without buy ing you go with the assurance that your call was appreciated. SPRING HATS. situated far an on tbe mountain side, •nd their bank is com|x>»ed «f red mouu* tain dirt, with only a very (*w slide flbinino Botes. rock», and no evidence of boulder» or “wish.* Their gold is wbat ¡« known An extensive copper proposition ia as “pockst” gol I as distinguished from being opened near Wahto, with Mr Fox , the “channel” or «mouth gold ordinarily as manager. I found in the placer» A high ditch fur- T. Kelley and O. I. McLean are build ui«be« a good w .ter «apply. Tb«y bar« ing an. 18 foot arastra for crushing the a gMxj hydraulic equipment, and the ore of a promisi >g !..lgs wLicli they are dump i« infinite. Tbe nature of the developing on >ardine erew'i. i ground and it« irveduat from ruck make J. H. Fusons of Gold Hill, a propria m W4f|, an immensa smouat tor of oae ■>( ths must promising miners: o( jt tbe boxes in a short baie. proposition, in tbs', district, was visit and when Brown brothers are running Gal ice creek assumes a rich, dark brown ing Grants 1‘ass last week. Louis Or ms, who recently returneJ tint which would put the Missouri to' from Breston Peak, left bere on Thurs shame. The final transfer of the Cupper Slain day lor Alaska to became superintendent quartz mine in the Mr. Reuben district | of a mine at Harris mission. ___________ Willis Kramar, the mil! mao of Myrtle was made on Friday by J B. W>-th< reli Creek, wa. in Grants Pass last week. and Willi« Kramer to E. W. Dana and Mr. Kramer i. one of the proprietor, of others, who have had a bond on tbe - ------------- the Hutchins --------- —Kramer ledge at Galice 1 property for tbe past two years, aud Estimates fur have done considerable deve. -patent. r.suuiaie* are »ru now uvw being made .....a« ... * * -» .k- Ibatligb Line dilch by J. B. Howard. | Tbe cowiideratiuo Thia work will require «oine two month», if 1 $96 uq . This mine will be equipped and when bid« for construction will be developed into probably a« profitable a ! property as can be found in Southern asked. J. J. Fox. who has been st Galice re- Oregon. The present indication« eeem ceatly looking after mining property for to ren«ler this certain. Il i« one of those New Mexico parties, left on Lis wheel mines which have improved un Friday fur Waldo, bi« former location, to der development and the vein has in creased in dimensions and richness with visit Dial section. the depth a« it has been opened up. A McClure A Cux. near Gold Hill, have considerable amount of machinery ba« 150 ton« ol ore on the dump which it per tone. They recently been installed at this place. expected to mill Tbe sale includes four additional loca have a three foot ledge which they are tions. making a system of five claims in developing. tbe same group. The Copper Stain is in W. T. Cope, now one of the owners of the same district ai the w ell known Gold tbe Oax Flat placer, «pent several day« Bug mine, and there are a number of in town last week Th« property is others also in this district which promise «howiag up remarkably well, *»d a good well and need only the systematic devel cleanup i« confidently anticipated. opment which has been given tbe Cop F. T. Kii'.herlantl, general agent for per Stain, to demonstrate their worth. the owner« of the Victor Junior or Jury List. Greenback quartz mine returned to The following list of jurors has been Grants Paes last week after an abeenc« of several month«. He wa« accom drawn to serve at the coming terin of circuit court which will be convened on panied by Mr«. Sutherland. Wilson and Meredith have been mak Monday. April 16. GBANTN pass . ing a survey for a new ditch on tbeir John Pool, property, to be constructed during tbe VV A Haskins, J Christie, R A N Raymers, coming aummer. The indication« are Robert Sexauer, B F My rick, that there will be a good many mile« of J P Banfield, William Frakes, Oscar Paitlow, John Ranzau, new mining ditches constructed this W J Savage, P B M Burrow, Meaaon ia Josephine county. H S Wynar.t, J C Randle. B. E. Stahl and family returned to tbe MKBLIN. A. AB. mine at Galice Thursday, after W T Pine, Cha« 1> Sexton. «(»ending several days in town. The run MUftPHY. at this mine was considerably curtailed C I. Swindeu, R A Lindsay, ibis «eason by breaks in the ditches and L L Sharp. flumes, necessitating the expenditure of PBOVWLT. considerable time for tbeir repair. Jas Carter. WILLIAMS. W.H . Lee brought in a fine lot of gold Rial Cousle. and quartz ibis week from Mt. Sterling, WILUEHVH.LE. to be melted for shipment. He had Will lngratn, pieces which prospect as high a« |300- DRYDEN. OX) to the ton, being over half gold, and j W Harmon. 15000 rock wa« no rarity in his col KKKBY. lection. It was not taken from a mere J T Logan, “pocket.” He is developing a defined H S Woodcock. vein ot remarkable richness ALTHOl HE. mountain The Isabel mine on Green W L Babcock, W A Leonard. in the Grave creek district haa been «ALICE. bonded to J. M. Walstoin and W. T. J C Mattison. Emory of Oakland, Cal., for $8,(MX). l>e- Light After Darkness. velupiuent will l»e begun immediately The Medford Free Press, Major J. J. and the pro|»ertv promites well. It is Mituated on the Cow creek »lope of the Howser editor, «ays in its last i»sue: The citizens of Grants Pass hgve sue mountain and was discovered about ceeded in cleaning their city of that three yearn ago by Marlin brothers. S. N. Butters, of the A it bouse Tunnel dread disease, smallpox. Consequently, Hydraulic Company, came in from Alt- no one need fear contracting that con house laat week with a |lt)0t) gold brick, tagious disease by going tn, or receiving a partial cleanup from that mine. Thi« visitors, goods 01 “school teachers“ from mine is an instance w here a considerable the above-named place. fi tionîtû U/onn rdiiiiB nar8 0 Warranted not to Chip, Scafe nor Discolor •> A First-Class Article made in America for the American trade........................ Hair-Riddle Hardware AT JEWELL'S OLD STAND MARBLE AND GRANITE WORKS J-. B. PADDOCK, PROPK. I am prepared to furnish anything in the line ol Cemetery work inu. of MARBLE or GRANITE. Nearly thirty years of experience in tbe Marble business warrant, tny that I can fill y< ur orders in tbe very best manner. Can furnish work in Scotch, Swede or American Granite or any ky ? Marble. _ . _ V Front Street Next to Greene*» Gunshop. J. 1L PADDOCK, The Painting Season Is now on; all Nature has taken on a fresher and brighter ip. pearance and is setting us an example. We should renovitf the house, brighten it up here and there with a little paint and beautify the walls with .. q - yfsijnfiej .. Which is a most d urable, sanitary, economical and l>eautifu! wall coating. All tints in stock. If your house needs painting, or if you are building do not fail to give tne a call. My stock of Paints and Oils is com plete. F. H. Schmidt. Glendale is in the race for a beautiful ¡ diamond ring. PLENTY OF STOVE WOOD Ready for quick delivery. Prices are right. Leave orders at Marble Shop, Front street. Putnam Fadeless Dyes Are juu Married To the old-time belief that consump tion is incurable? If so you are wedded I to a mistaken notion. Shiloh’« Cough ' Do not Stain and Consumption Cure has overcome I The Hands. many a serious case, and it never fails when taken in the early stage*. One bottle will prove more to yon than a whole column of argument. Try it. i Each package Colors either Every bottle guaranteed. 25c., 50c., Silk, Wool or Cotton ■ at One Boiling. body of rich placer ground waa not pro To Car« La Grippe tn Two Days. vided with the necessary amount of fall i Take L axativk B romo Q uinine T ablets . Real Estate Transfers. for its successful working. The valley All druggists refund the ineney if't fails ol the Althouse is separated from tbe to care. E. W. Grove’« signature on every (Recorded since March. 26.) 10c per Package, lower main valley of Sucker creek and I hjx . 25 c . O. A C. R. R. Co. to C. F. Gentner. the Illinois by a narrow ridge and a tun SW*4 of SE l 4 of sec. 9, tp. 37 Strayed or Stolen south, range 6 west ..................... |280 nel was run through this ridge to provide Sold by Just received direct from an Ilastern Factory, one of a dump for the ground. The mine is from my place Friday night, March 30, a J. R. C. Thompson to M. E. church General Merriam or any one else.” Smth, lot 11, block 29, Grants the most complete line» of Spring Hats, in all tile latest Last Monday evening’s celebrali'in of well equipped and is an excellent prop 7 year-old bay mare with bald face, four Pass ................................................ Representative Payne, of New York, ”5 white feet and the left eye gla^s. a small the victory of the bonding proposition erty. styles and colors, which were made expressly for me. Keturah and D. G. Gay to Mrs. N. floor leader of the majority of the house, was a glorious affair. The band was out IL A. Corliss, tbe Dry I iggings miner, amount of grey in tail. Finder notify L. Croxton, tract oi land 34xo rods repudiated sad denied the public re|>orts D. A lex andkb , in NE*4 of NE'4 of sec. 17, tp. 36 discoursing music, and fireworks and has been experiencing some trouble late Sheriff Lister oi SI‘RIN(i SHIRTS that contributions to the campaign Houlh, range 5 west...................... PRE-CRI PHON DRUGGIST Grants Pass, Ore other fxiwder burning testified to Ike ly with midnight prowlers who have .1 L. Calvert to Harry Smith, Nl2 of fund were in some way involved in ths If you want an up-to-date Shirt‘see my lines. I've wide spread hilarity of the occasion. been infesting his mine and working in Kcrhy Items. lute 7 and 8. block 77, Grants Pass Porto Rico tariff bill, He aaid that the everything that's new in Starched or Solt Shirts, and at But the fact that there was free twsr at his race. He estimate« that they have Mr«. Kate Kruse is visiting in Hol two great trusts in sugar ami tobacco W as Nut Smallpox. the corner saloon threw the rest of the worked two or throe hundred feet of the land. the right price. Come in and look them over. It is no would benefit most by getting theii City Physician Wheeler found the re entertainment completely in the shade. ra< e and thinks they may have secured Harry Akerill and J. M. Smock of trouble to show goods. sugar and tobacco from Porto Rico free P irt from the Dewey lodging house a Fetich's corner was occupied by an im several hundred dollars. They were dis HollanJ were in town Saturday. of duty and not by paying 15 per cent , false alarm, for instead of finding a case mense throng, converging al the door covered by accident and will probably The Odd Fellows are preparing to duty, and consequently that if there and spreading out like a fan. The come no more, as they realize that the celebrate the 26th in grand style. of smallpox be found nothing more seri ous than a ease of flea bites. screens swung steadily, ixmdulum-like, were any “boodle” influence, it wan in shot gun is the universally recognized an Particulars later. favor of free trtde.____ _____ i It appears that County Physician Mc 40 strokes to the minute, a constant tidote to such proceedings. Corliss has Boaters are up for a «rand ball, Io be Kay was first called to see the sick child. stream of humanity passing in and out. been working with day shift only and it I'hc Rest Dress Shoe on ' He readily recognized tbe email pimple« Inside, they were packed together like has not been thought necessary to st«« given at McCourt’s nail, May Dl The pant week wan a busy one in on the «kin and so informed the mother. I Earth. sardines au<! the air was mo thick with tion any guard over the race and boxes beer fumes that its intoxicating power during the night. Il is never the easiest t Kerb»*. The hotels were crowded to The mother was satisfied that the i * doctor knew his busineFg and that flea was little abort of that of the liquid it --- - - ■ ■■ ■ —■ ■■ - -w thiug in the world to get much gold out their at most to entertain travelers. bites was the correct diagnosis. There! self. Several young men, haviug se Mrs Lacert, of Wallowa County is at of a race that is full of waler and gravel. After Oregon Timber. ing, so it time for us to go prospecting, If the gold were in the sluice boxes the the Pioneer. was another woman in the house how-1 cured positions adjacent to the Ixr and Portland’s principal hotels are so if you don't hear from me for a while robbery could be accomplished much ever, who knew better. She claimed to the beer, hung on like grim death until There is alno a rumor afloat that two thronged with Eastern lumbermen don't think it strange. they were gloriously drunk, and ehouted mure easily. new saw mil?» and a Woodmen's hall be an expert on smallpox and insisted these days, and, according to the We don’’ think much of the registry at the top of their lung« that Fetich was Billv rMes a wheel, and »ay» it mate will be erected during the esming sum that the child bad the disease. It was him Uncle The Victor Junior mine at Placer 1» «oxi all over. ft must. E*en tti* opinion of the newcomer«, the rush law. The voters have to go too far to this old woman diagnosis that led to the back feel all right, that there was nothing the weaiw a pleased expression! 1 If you wwt mer. now running on full time aud working a Coastward from the depleted forest« of register, ho we think the law is a failure. a Bicycle th.M wH MARK YOUR BACK GLAD, nutter with him, in fact, “Who is IleArniond, of Grants Pas* has pur call for City Physician Wheeler. Dr. flow 1 «ele Bf.:y did, buy it of the AC ent » Minnesota, Wisconsin and Michigan has It will do for town«, but not for the large quantity of as rich a grade of rock Wheeler at fir-t thought he was jobbed, Fetich T” they query in beery chorus» throughout a« can be found on the coast. chased the Logan saw mill and intend» only just begun. country, ai the people are «o badly Il 1» credited with a monthly cleanup of to m ove it nearer the market. Grants but a« the eld woman appeared in earn and immediately present the solution to “ The timber laud oi Oregon and scattered. M iner est he made allowance fer her ignorance the question Irelure the house, “First in about |15,0U0. Severn! jear« from now rass^ Washington will soon become the pro and took the situation ■ good naturedly. war, first in peaca and first in the hearts „------- w.y . Thos. •utli mine« as the Victor Junior will be The heartv looking man who thumps perty of Faatern capitalists,” said J. C. The sick child is today out of bed and oi hie countrymen.” Coburn was also tropoli« no iufrrquent sight in this county, a* I his chest and say« he's sound as a dollar, i Nutler, of West Superior. W is , Satur apparently entirely wel'.—Telegram. declared all right, but Fetich was un • ioes not take into consideration the ca day at tbe Per kins, “and then their tarrh which bothers him occasionally. several have already been developed and out having had any hr«ir breadth doubtidly the hero of the occasion until escapes. their existence demonstrated. Il was a value will rise rap dly. Timber land is “Oh! every the time limit expire! and beer began to Mr and Mrs. Lukin» and family, from body* ha« hard pull at one time against the d«*ep- low n*»w, because its price is governed cost money, when the clamor subsided. more or les« *rt idea that this was a “p«>ckvl” couu-^ Waiiowa will soon be at home in the largely by forest reserve rcrip, which The scene was scandalous and disgrace catarrh. fry. A few mine« in operation like the Nauck« house. Mr. Lukins’ intention 1» can be purchased and la<d on vacant That'« noth ful , and It is hardly nvcesearv to state Victor Junior and the Gold Bug, with a to establish a roller flour mill, if timber lands at i a cost of II au acre. ing, ” he sava. that it was not sanctioned or approved is no Easter for the children But lie ia mis I combin«*d output of about |X»,000 per sufficient encouragement is given. This io rest- reserve * scrip was issued by by the majority of those who voted to without colored eggs. You taken. What G ix Nix 1 year go further toward exploding that the Government to ths Northern Pacfic bond. For an hour the sights and begins in ca- idea than oceans of literature. It is object on account of the fuss Catholic Church Bazaar. Railroad Company, to enable that t h r r h may sounds around the corner saloon were end in con claitnetl that there 1» enough high grade attending the coloring That uorporalioo to recoup itself in lieu ot Our Catholic fellow citizens of the hideous in the extreme. sumption. It ore in »'ghl at the Victor Junior to keep what waa lost through reservation ol is entirely unnecessary . All Paw are making elaborate preparation» is a foul dis the ten stamp« running fur two years. Cascade« lands in the State of Wash WaihiRgum Lriisr te hold a grand fair shortly alter Faster, ea ae at its you have to do is to dip the The work on the new ten »tamp cus and it i« plea want to note that they are ington. The company has already ob l«*st and a fa (Frutn Our Regular Corre«|»oii<lent. boiled tal disease at tom quartz mil) being built by tbe Gold receiving strong support and encourage tained pe-session of over 110,(Ml) acres W amhinuton , Mar. 86, 1900< its worst Hill Quarti Milling Co. of which Mr. j in Oregon with the aa»istanvw of this ment from all the other denominations. Congrsas haa lakva the first step when it in- ¡scrip , and private parties can purchase For Sale By volves the Ivan Humaem i« manager, i« progress Die j astor. Father Hickey, is a gent’e towards the vreclion oi a suitable me FKEHOJ, FOQOS Î2 1 the p iper from the broker«, lung tiMuea. ing very ratisfa«<only. Engineer J. 6. man of cultnried taste» and large ex mortal, ia Washington, Io General U. II. HARTH A SON. For catarrh Howard heated the corner« on Wednes perience. and in antious to put hi« plant Mr Sutler represents a Wisconsin b. Grant, Without an opposing vote, in a cup containing the dis-' CLONES and for «lie svndh ate org.xni. < to purchase Or« g n day, and foandation timber« are laid on a larger and broader scale and to the house passed a hill appropriating eases of the l*»im Muuilay Itervivea solved dye. Let it remain ? It you »re on the market for a Cam-ff» and ten carpenter« and lal*orers are at limber landn, and be will start for the throat and make provision for the inevitable rapid liO.BOU to be spent in securing design* fix a few minutes and you not fail to *ee my line. Next Sin Ity, the Nth of April, w huh I southern portion of the state in a day or lungs in gen- work, A. M. Cowgill, recently of growth of Giants Pas» as a missionary i memorial to General Grant. is called l ai m Sunday, the beautiful and stan'lani I medicine is Dr. Sumpter, i« the superintendent of e>m- center. Several donations have l»een two to look ever the timber resources have the daintiest colored A complete stock of Card Mounts. I** The b.II pr«>vidvs that riuiiient artists i unique sarvice« of Holy W eek will com ioMea 1 Mm I heal Discovery. •tiuctiuu. After the quarts mill is com ol Josephine, Coos ami I urry Counties, received and many more promised, egg imaginable: isn t that r<loper«. Toning Solutions. Plate«, P«|'<’r*» imetvicd by physicians who •hail be invited 1« submit i-umoetiUve mance. The*« levotiona in the Catholic, with a view of re|>orting on lhe quaiilr haw tested its efficacy and wromtored pleted and it 1« learned just what treat ami the bazaar stock is certain to le Etc , Etc constantly on hand. deaikiut. Every distinguished European Epteropal and Ritualistic churches, easy? Twelve pretty colors of the iiiuls r and tie conventcmw to at i’« cut»*. It not only destruís the ment tbe or«« of tbi« section of gold •u<.h varied character as to a«:oni«h visitor to the national capital coututenls which brut (tbe Lent to a dose, never for five cents. You will be FREE DARK ROOM navigable «ireains or lu rai road« dim* uw but it pun tie« the blo««l and prcxlseing ledge« require, a cyanide pro- bard timer« ami calamity howler«. ■|K>n tbe absence of any public monu fail to draw iinmen«« F« the UM and convenience of mv Pairo#* satisfied with our crowds, and the llis people do nut intend to erect saw strengthens the «tmnach and organs o( ce-s will i*e added. Tbe power fur Several lively voting c»nie«t« are in digestion a ml nutritwm. ment to General Grant, and the nutner ten iency of later year is rather towards mills rigiil away, but wid purchase tim Fi't twetx « » rar« I w«* • »«iSR-rrr cutarrh operating the quartz mill •ill be pro e«« of oj»erati)n. Mi«e Fannie ous monuments to seldiere of learst a richer and more elaborate ceremonial, A. E. VOORHIES. waa trv «ted <’«<• th« beW phvsirtans ‘n ber land* for the purpoew of holding «nA t -at in . •» ns wKx« «i< '. the t- ubW obtoistd from the Braden water ditch, Cheatbxm of the Josephine I! tel. Mi*« prominence adds to their wonder why than to a curtailment of ancient usage* M hem for the n*e now considered inevi the tulli will be in It i« expected that TudMr, Ezuninatieo. Hnttie LM'ruix of Grant« Pane; Mfo« there is nona to Grant. »»f C « U- Tr«*'«' ' « ”• Co N V I grew lu the Cathalic church Father Hickey table within a few year«, tie say« w\ww f r > nntil I trwM D» llrrve • mnW- operation by the first of May. The Nolic, ia hereby (ivaa that lor lb* Margaret Oggier of L-lan I and Mis« The senate ia to have an opportunity intend« to mark his first Faster*» pastor «• U I *ak ■•« txwt'.e of IW Ptrn'r's I\»uglas tir, as Oregon hr i»< ailed in the co <>«'!• irn Mr Ikwl IXacxxrrrv «Uh LW «■<» « Ca miner« are taking out ore and fitte* n Mary ^haska are runn ng fora handsome purpose of nahiag an »»amination of to vote on the Porto Rico tariff without ate in Grants I am by carrying out in Stmc'ly cared n»r and today 1 am well East, has already attained a good tarrh • nA hram and t wtU «ay •urther ►»■»I * 'Ttnrr hundred tons are already available for gold watch. Masters Joseph Shasta »ad persons who ma, offer Ihemwlrr. aa outside com plicat Iona. as Senator «daborate detail all the cerrmonietof ■ re c o— msn A» De milling.—Gold Hdl New«. reputation for its sir« ng'h and building nhvatetan P- W M Thousae tialvin of Grant Paws, and Fruni S« . «»ppe«ltr !>• pot. caadilatM lor teachers cl the public Foraker aeked for and obtained a vote H )ly Week There will t>e the blessing I »an quant lea, and tbe belt« er class of struct- wiu cur« »uv <-asr cn Brown brothers at Galice hax« been l^rwrence Weiland of Wolf Crwek are of the senate re-uoinnutting bis bill and distribution of palms on Sunday, mtuvnJ them tv »U ' Let us Fill Your Prescriptions •chou;, of this count,, the count, seboo1 ursa erec tod vaa* ol the Mise i sei ppi r •• i ’r * C<wtim«wi Sense rocuring their «bare of tbi« winter's running for a tine pi«lol to mow down •e-.wriulendent thereof will bold a pub providing a civil form of government k r the significance oi which be will explain, River will tn future omewtne large i »vS |wtgr* is »ent free abandon! Lar veal of nugg«t«. Tory re the Filipinon. Tbe psopla fr ui all Jose lic exam ¡nation at the court boos* n tbe islau'l, to tbe committee, in order and preach on Christ*« last earthly tn quantities of |h»ugla« fir in their ouu- ip» to itnec expense of cently picked up two of respectable di- j»hine Co., Kerby. Aitbouee, Waldo and Grant, Paw, beginuing at » o'clook A. that an attempt may be made to pee» ampb. nd it eme-cent st-wipa ■traction lie figures on 16 cent« jwr M — - Gold Hill w 11 turn out in force a* will tbe bouse bill levying a duty of Ik |W •n Wednesday April 11, 1900. oAcfwd eihtnwi. or JI uieaaions which weighed >47 and Holy Thursday, tbe magnificent “Al thvumud as about tbe price now pmd respectively. Their mine as a hydraulic aieo ihose from Le an I, Wolf t rrvk ami ' th bownd AvLlresn cent on For to Rican proJucLs. U better tar of Kwpoee,” which Wul be a gem of for ttiwber lauds in <>reg >u. and «u t ai« t J. D Hayes, Buffalo, N. Y. I placer i« unique in many respect» It is < Glendato. Mrs. Viufog Rath i^dy oft i Co. Sa pt, of schools. JI. Clemens, E, C. Dixon CRAWFORDS? For Sale By T. A. Hood & Co. EASTER PHOTO 5UPPLIEJ* EGG DYES Slover Drug Co. I ^.n.r.brjou