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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927 | View Entire Issue (April 5, 1900)
------------------------- - VOL. XVI. No, 33. GRANTS PASS, JOSEPHINE COUNTY OREGON. THURSDAY. APRIL 5 «9«o- HARTFORD BICYCLES, $30.00 and $35.00—CRAMER BROS. ■; L I | | i JÇ l------------------------------------------------- * ui uiiui v, A VISIT TO THE CITY OF CANTON, under granite an-hwavs, through waEa Carpets, Tin.vai«;. I twenty or thirty feet thick ; streets lined Picture Moulding, Lamps, INSURANCE and UNITED «TATES- - - _ . * un both sides with shops, endless shop«, Char It os Ptrkins Writes of His ExptrKnces in Wall Paper, Linoleums, President ........... . . William McKinley REAL ESTATE interspersed here and theie with dwell the Dirtiest and Wickedest Tools, Mirrors, Vizepresident... ing houees or temples; then shops again Life, Fire and Accident Insurance. Education of Mother. Secretary uf »tale M. Clemens, Prescription Druggist. r Mattresses, ....... John Hay Glassware, City of th< Orient, Office with Price de Voorhiea. Secretary of Treasury... ..Lyman J Gage and restaurants and open stalls in wider By Kat. Lindaay. M D.) Cutlery, Pillows, Where du you get your hair rut? Try Secretary of Interior .. .......... ON Bliss G kants P am , places, where native artists might be O mkuun . Will Mallory. Graniteware, Cots. (OmhnMcd frw* L m I Wwi.) .... Elihu Root Set retary of War ....... At the sun was setting, the long while seen plying their trades, and shops Secretary of Navy......... John 1> Long Bicycle hospital for all repairiug al steamer backed away from tiie dock«* in Much lima and much money have Headquarters for Everything in the Housefurnishing Line. were set, more »ffluent merchants dis Secretary uf Agriculture James A Wilson Cramer Bros. lloug Kong and headed across the t>ay posing of wares made elsewhere. Little been spent, and endless experiments postmaster-General ... . James A Gary A C. HOUGH, A Few Interesting Items from the .Hany in Our Stock. John Wagner, of Ashland, came down for the mouth of the Canton river, up if any sunlight struck down into these have been tried *" perfect a» infant e food Attorney-General.. Joseph McKenna FURNITURE. ATTORSE Y-ATLAW, last Wednesday evening fur * visit at which we were to steam during the ways, their narrowness would have pre which will tie suitable to noitrieh the STATK OF OREGON. Suites with Cheral Mirrors, Goldeu Oak finish................ Ju 50 up night, en route to the Celestial City ef vented the intrusion, of any but vertical little one for the first years of life. In- (Geo W McBride i'iacticesin *11 Siate and Fiderai Courta this pla'*e. Rocking Chairs.................................................................. 1 50 up V. 8. Senators... elinct and intuition had failed to teach Canton. Iu the dim gray of the morn (Joseph Simon Rtv E. A. Holdridge, the evangelist Urtile over First National Bank beams, or these slanting parallel with Immense line of Dining Chairs. Couches; handsome (Thus H Tongue G bamts P am , mother* the simple fact that it is a ing tiiis grand floating hotel approached * - Oaaaoa. has accepted a call to a Presbyterian the street, and to guard against even Congressmen........... •• (M A Moody goods, rich effects. See the new Spring Mattresses. ! tiie city. An ever moving iuaM of those, a shade loving people had bung matter of yrave importance what the ehurch in Visalia, Cal. CARPETS Attorney-General... .. . D K N Blackburn little one put* into hie stomach: and ( btrange figure«, scenes and colors, a wit- ............ T T Geer Governor ................ It is reported that S. A. Henderson 1 derness of uniranulatable eights, sounds, matting overhead. This gave the city that it cannot digest and assimilate food The choice of the best looms in the United States. Fl lmnbar J~)R. J. JENNINGi Set •retary of State. . WALL PAPER will be the conductor m charge of the and odors; from winch certain nebular the aspect ot a huge struggling bazaar suitable for adults. All the paiuslakinu .. Ch as S Moore State Treasurer....... sheltered beneath a great ragged roof. new Albany local train which will be The correct colors and patterns. 7c per double roll up. Su pt l’ub Instruction .. J H AckermaH RESIDENT DENTIST. of sciential* have proved only one fact, coherent or incoherent forms and rec The awning over my chair interrupted Ruas W H Leeds j put on the road April 16th. State Printer.............. and that is that no perfect anbetilut* for ollections have taken »hape in my mind. 30 Years Experience. (C E Wolverton A few Manufacturers' sample patterns to close out. Does your friend have a camera? A From the^e impressions I shall endeavor vision. I had it removed, and when, a? mothers milk Lae yet t«en found, and Supreme Judge*.... .. a R b Bean Hometimes happened, we came into Office inOpera Home block; see the sign flexible, leather covered album would HOUSEFURNISHINGS. J ( F A Moore that lor the education of the comin, mau to tell, in shadowy outline, of a great of The Big Tooth. Dover Egg Beaters, 10c; hotel size............................. make a spieudid present—$1 and less. living reality, and of one of tiie dirtiest places where the dazing sunshine was so and woman out of the habit ol dyspep . 22C Clerk Board School LandCom.. WllOdell fierce as to be a ¡meet painful, I held up G rants P ass , (»UE'.OM Cake Cutters, 3c, animals—fancy patterns........... A. E. Voorhiea has a stock of albums. . 2C sia there ia nothing so efficient as that FIRST JUDICIAL DISTRICT. and wickedest cities in the Orient. an ordinary umbrella, but often had to Zinc Oilers................................................................... • 4C | Get your writing paper by the ream Western Division... .Judge H K Hanna The river wav mu ldj and swiftly flow close it lest in should catch in the walls they shall have mothers capable of furn 6-in. warranted Butcher Knives................................. .22C Eastern Division....... Judge H L Benson ishing them with good mothers milk lor and save money. We offer a ream of ing between low lying banks of bright C. PERKINS. or doorjiimB on each side of the way. Prosecuting Attorney.............C B Watson *• '• Skimming “ ................................. 23c note paper, 480 sheets, 2l2 pounds, for green, level fields that fade into thin Once or twice when a coolie wearing his the first ten or twelve months of their Member Board of Equalizat KA Emmitt “ " Sticking ” ................................. 23c 45c. We get the paper in large quapti- haze A few Chinese boats lay anchored, large flat head gear passed us, he atopi»ed life. Certain lawn govern th* develop U. S. DEPUTY U. S. LAND OFFICE ROSEBURG. Solid White Metal Spoons, no brass, per set............. . I0C ment of Ibis very important maternal tie- ami can sell ch »ap; this is not cheap or beie and there floated with the MINERAL SURVEYOR and tilted his hat upon one side to pre Receiver ............................. Henry Booth Rim Door Locks, complete.......................................... 23e paper but first class goods.—C oi rier stream A little gaudy colored toy junk, vent it being knocked off* by the chair. (unction, which should be understood by Register...................................J T Bridges ( j H ant . P ass , 18-in. Farmers' Saws .................................................. . 28c I »KKGON all women ; and an so much of the rucee«« office. decked out with bright paper and tinsel, There was not room for the chair and JOSEPHINE COUNTY 38-in. " “ ..................... .*............................. •45e RAMBLERS are fitted with G & J drifted seaward, passed close to our bows, the hat side by side in the same street. of life depends upon how the little one* ......... C E Harmon Joint Senator. .. 14-in. Meat '* ..................... ..................... ... .22c are fed during their first years, it ought | and disappeared, under our great paddle ........... Al>e Axtell Tiies. The best Wheel and the beat QOSHOW & SHERI D a A N, County J udge . . The thoroughfAtes in the older portion 3-qt. Granite Coffee Pots .......................................... .23c I Nick Th oss to be Known to all parents, what sur wheels. It was an offering to Joss, an Tire, price $40.—Hair Riddle Hardware of the city vary from about four to six or Commissioners .. Datning Needles, 35 for.............................................. MINING ATTORNEYS, ’■ (Dick George • <c inarticulate prayer for the repose of a seven feet in width. In the new roundings, what care, and what obedi Co. .. . Roy Bartlett Whisk Brooms.............................................................. County Clerk . . . 8c ence to the laws of hygiene will insure to dweller in the regions of death. Special attention given to Mining ......... Ed Lister quarters there are frequently ten and A Southern Pacific baggagman re Sheriff................. IO PERCENT DISCOUNTON QLOVES and Land Laws, and Land Office practice. the coming baby a good supply of healthy On the south a tall pagoda rose boldy ... J W Virtue Representative... cently met with a peculiar and very fifteen feet of space between the houses natural infant's food. At present lew ......... J T Taylor Treasurer............. R oseburg , - - O regon . serious accident at Martinez, Cal , while on the river side, a graceful column 129 on each side. School Superintendent. ....... J I) Hayes mothers think of food as an important or 130 feet high, built in ten or twelve loading baggage recently. He threw a (7V be continued.) .......Tom Smith Assessor .. factor in infant education. Like Man certificate stating the cause of death tiers, each slightly smaller than the valise on top of a pile of baggage, when . B O McCulloch D OBERT G. SMITH, Surveyor.. . King ol Orchard Puts A I lag for Your Suhoolhousr. oab, they aie many of them anxiously but ho never warns the mother of the Dr. F W Kremer Coroner .. . a loaded revolver inside the valise ex one beneath. Birds had carried hither Every school house in the coun.y inquiring what they shall do ter the Orchardisu will find interesting read seeds of the bannuna tree or thick foli convulsions. Unwarned and ignorant, ploded, the bullet taking effect in his HREC1NCT OFFICERS- ing in the report of the experiments of age vines, and from the balconies wo re shobld have a fl ig. If you want one tor coming little one, and how they shall Justice............................. James Holman A ttorneys and C ounselors I abdomen. He was taken to the hospi- testoone of drooping dark green creepers your district write to the C ourier about order its life, but they never .sonsider she goes on repeating the same lino of Professor J. M. Aldrich regarding the | tai aud is now recovering. Constable ................................ JH Colby conduct, tacitly inviting dissa*** and at L aw . it. how the poison of fermenting food, either death to afflict and carry off her lit le ones codlin moth. Professor Aldrich bae CITY OF GRANTS PASS. Repair ing a specialty, all work guaran (ailing sometimes to the stage below and in their own stomachs or in that of the ene after another. Those who live be charge of the etotnological department partly hiding the narrow doors aud win Mayor................................... W T Coburn Office in First National Bank Building. teed. T. A. Ileo»! A Co. The Bcisaora. of Washington State University. In • infant, may dan age and derange the dows showing in the walls of the tower. Auditor.................................................. Geo. Furman The market is Hooded with mat Lines rapidly developing brain ot the little one come Invalids and must all their life long pamphlet just issued he says: G rants P ass , - • O regon . Treasurer................................................ Col Johnson A Good Thing Here was another symbol of Joss suffer from disease and weakness. for separating gold from the sand of the Street Commissioner....... John Patrick “The moths emerge in May, at least Our Great <irandmothei's garrets con worship, a sort uf constant and auto- Cape Nome beach. We venture that before and after birth. The writer re Every educational scheme for the de Marshal .................................. Wm. Lister a week after the blossoms have fallen members very distinctly the ease of a upon tiie matic prayer for a blessing (JEÛRGE H. BINNS, tained the same herbs of all healing ( Frank Felscu none are better than the “Tonis” in mother with an ungoverned temper, velopment of a superior race, with sound from the apple trees, and some of them I Tom Smith ound in Karl’s Clover Root Tea. They fields. vogue when beach mining was a leading who, after a violent quarrel with her bodies, strong minds and tendencies to contiilerably latar. They deposit their j g D Fay As pink and yellow sun’s rays »ere gave our aneestois strength, kept the industry along the northwest Californian husbaad, nursed her six-months old in ward right, must be more or less a fail eggs singly on the young apples, and I E E Dunbar Councilnieu .... * * I T P J udson blood pure, and will do the same for vou ligblingup the sky, we drew within sight coast.—Del Norte Record. ure if the education of mothers for the fant. Tba child become at once danger duties of maternity is neglected. The not rarely scatter them about on th* of a multitude ol roo a and buildings. A I N E McGrew if you say so. Price 25c and 50c. 1 / Office <>|i|H»itc Hotel Josephine, foliage also. The eggs are small, diffi ously ill, and ere the family physician | M M Rummage dull pall of smoke liunx over the whole divine (command to Manoah’s wife, to There are many Gortnanixed hints of (HE Smith H uants P ass , - - O kkgon . Mining Transfer«. city, smoke having rieen during I lie past a “dark horse” to be sprung at the could come to Ike house, the child was take heed to all things which were com cult to find, whitish in color, and hatch Regular meetings of the city council of night and evening from the milliou fires, Kansas City Convention, but they are still and cold in death, as surely kjlled manded her, is still binding on tlm moth in a few days. The young worm ia (Recorded ninee March. 26.) Grant’s Pass are held in the council the illuminations and the incense sticks only the merest political bubbles. as if she had given it a most powerful ers of today. The laws which regulate extremely email. It makes its way to E II, Uhlberg to N. F. Meelen, Lj rooms in the city hall on the first ami drug poison. In startling cases like this the working of the functions of her own the fruit, if not already upon it, and interest in placer mine on Rogue burning in this human ant hive. third Thursday evenings of each month. Bryan will be nominated by acclamation, river, consideration ..................... I 250 Boat life soon b--gnn to be vigorously as McKinley will bi* at Philadelphia.— where cause ami effect, follow so quickly body are as much a command from oil begins active business by boring into the CIRCUIT COURT. J. M. York to North Side Apple and with so marked and terrible results high as was the augel’s instruction to skin. Once under this protection, it animated; hundreds of crafts swarmed Telegram. Meets on the third Monday in April gate Ditch Co , right of way it ia not al all strange that oilier mothers Hamuel’s mother of old. No one can s^t can bid defiance to spray or anything about us, vuis'e plying up stream, others and the fourth Monday in September. across hoc . 36, tp 37 south, range Oregonians who are thirsting for pause and think. But no one ever seems aside the decrees which regulate the else until it ia full grown, ft is a com COUNTY COURT. 5 west, consideration................ 1 downstream, soinet inns, as if his very i i mj I uuare in j *opardv, a native boat-man mining experiences have Nome mines to connect a restless night lor ike baby structural formation of his own body, mon habit of the first brvod, however, Probate court meets first Monday of J. B’ Wetherell to E. W. Dana, January, April. July and September. two quartz claims, in Mt. Reuben struggled to cross our bows, and having right here in Lane, Douglas, Jot phine and its distressing pains with the fretful withou. suffering the penalty for broken to enter the apple in many instances at Repairing of all kinds. 2 County commissioners court meets first mining district, consideration. . . succeeded, rests idly, g.izu.g at the ship, aud Jackson counties, and over in Bak disturbing day the mother bad because laws, which in parents involves their oil the calyx or blossom end, in which case Ladies’ garments dyed without ripping J. B. Wetherell and Willi« Kramer Wednesday after the meeting of the and waited until he saw us steam away er couaty. It is Better to be at home if of something out of joint iu the arrange spring to the third and foui th genera it feeds for a lime upon the remains of county court. the seams. to E. W. Dana, 3 quartz claims, tiie blossom before entering the flesh. from him. Then came to us ths clamor you should go broke than to be u thous ment of the family program, or some tion. “Golden Hope,” “Copper Stain” Works next to Clevenger’s Gallery. Upon this peculiarity of habit most of of the boat city. There were apparently and miles from nowhere —Eugene Reg trouble with the servant; some |>ereoiial and “Elbertina” in Mt. Reuben the success of spraying depends. mining’district, consideration ... 0800 millions of people in boats; the water ister. anxiety which caused the milk on which UKKAKrAIT I11SHKS. T. S. and ( . M. West to N. Merritt The spray must be put on while it ia the little one depended lor its existence, S nowvi . akk T oast . Heat to boiling a was alive with them. Boats lay against The lat€»st news from the front-in to be injured and spoiled iu quality, quart of milk to which a half cup cream yet possible to get into the calyx cup. et al, Sl.j of S‘-a of S\V’4 ofSW*4 boats, Chinese gunboats, junks, house- of sec. _i, N’oof NEl4 of NE*4, Kenlucky-shows that the Beekliam field l’ain, suffering, and nervous depression and a little salt lias been added. Thick After the blossom falls, it is only a few Iroats, sampans, slipper boat-«, canoes, ’ . ■ I ei NEK of NW t. cornets have been commanding at a in both mother and the baby are th« en with a table.,xxrnlul of Hour rubbed days until this becomes clueed by the and NW'4 i Nl< , <>i Me. 29, tp all full of busy figures. The great steam A number of especially fine Ani rapid rate and both ths Democratic and sure result« of (retting. Overheating smooth iu a little cold milk. Have little green leaves (sepals) just outside 35 south, range 5 west, and ditch er oyershadowing ail in size, threatened Republican laagers are full of men. It over the cookstove, many long hours at ready the white« of two eggs beaten to a the Hower. When this occurs, the time mals and Heads are offered for sale and water right of 300 io. con through this endless her way slowly 10) sideration...................................... may be added that many ot the men are I the sewing machine, fashioning an elab- etiff froth ; and when the sauce is weil for effective spraying lias gone by, since at very reasonable rates. Among humanity, (.'loser we maze of flotsam Nathan Merritt to T. S. West et al full of lager.—Oregon City Enterprise* [ mate wardrobe for the little one, all are cooked, turn a cupful of it on the beaten the )nisun cannot be placed in the one the lot are the following : VIA THE drew to the city, and the lighted craft quartz claim, “Continental” in Louse Cieek mining district. . . . gathered around us, full of yelling gest- Only men of absolute integrity of .o many sources of miseducatien of the egg, stirring well meanwhile so that it spot where the wurtu will be likely te iculating men, women, and children all character should bo put up for office, baby's nervous system. Restless niglits will form a light frothy mixture, to eat it.” Mining Locations. Ue«|H'cting the banding ol trees, Pro shouting for the custom of the hundreds men who have established a record by cotae from worn out nerves, and waul ol whicli add the remainder of the sauce. (Recorded since March 26.) of their countryman who were passen the custom of paying their debts sleep adds to the production of nerve ea- If the sauce ia not sufficiently hot to co fessor Aldricn says: Shasta Route “This consists in placing one or more J. F. Kanger, B. F. Bradley, Carl gers by the river steamer. The wharves promptly and of treating all mon fairly haustion in the mother, which rests up agulate the albumen, it may lie heated Winijen, quartz cla m in Waldo mining were built out into the stream, and in in business. Offices should be filled by on the nervous system ol the child. A again almost to the boiling point, but bauds of cleth about the trunk of the the recesses between them lay the slip men who have run their own business mother always excited aud nervous in ahould not be allowed to boil. The tree to give the wurtae a place in which district. TraiiiN Leave Grant»« Paws for Port any condition ef calmness and repose, or sauce ahould be of a light frothy coneiet- to spin their cocoons. Befur* they have VV’. 8. Webb, water right of 300 inches per boats, packed together like driftwood well.—Albany Democrat. land and Way Stalloni» at 4:20 with every nerve on a high tension, is ency throughout, Herve as dressing on computed their transformations, the a. in unit 0:15 p m. from Rock creek in Wolf creek mining an a quiet eddy of a flooded river, ami so A contemporary in ikes the ra her un burning up her own vital energies and nicely moiatened alice of xwieback. band is taken off and the worm des named because they resemble nothing district. If you wish anything in this line T omato T« a « t . Moisten slices of troyed, after which it is replaced to in the world so much as an old slipper | necessary staleni"iiI that Speaker Hen those of the little one. The poisons of F. A nates, Gust Johnson, quartz or have any specimens you wish Lv. Portland . . . 8 :30 a.m. 7 i0O p.m. derson of the House, "despite the (act tissue waste are not properly slluiinated zwieback in hot cream and serve with a capture later worm* in the same way. 30 claim, “Double Six” in Wolf creek min ' wilh a pointed toe. that Le lost a leg in the Civil War, is a Lom the body, and elie feeds it* rapidly dressing prepared by heating a pint ol It would seem hardly necessary to mounted, apply a* the C ourier of Ar. GrantsPass..l0:48 p in. 11 9 :30 As I was with the Examiner ’ s special i ing district. a in. Ar. Ashland. ..¡2:33 a.m fice or call on Ar. Sacramento 5:00 p,m. 4:35 a in. J.G. Hayden, water right of 500 in jhes 1 ■ correspondent, we procured a Chinese | great dinner out." Wliat are people growing organism with food elements strained stewed tomatoes to boiling, and mention the fact that unless the bauds Ar. San Francisco 7:45 p m. 9 30 a. hi . from Burgees creek in Grave creek min guide which was necessary to an Eng suppo-ed to eat with back l ast? 8. F. niised with the poisonous tissue wastes thicken with a tablespoonful of corn are removed regularly and the worm* ol tier body. No wonder such children starch or Hour rublied snnstlh in a little destroyed, the process is a beneHt to the lish speaking foreigner, also three chairs ■ ' Bulletin. ing district. Ar. Ogden............. 5 :45 p in. 11 45 a.m. are nervous and fretful from the time cold water. Heason with salt and a half insect; but so many report* have costs Wm. Van Dorn, ditch and water right one for the guide, one for my friend and The scarcity ef American merchant Ar. Denver........... 9:00 a in. 9 .00 a m. they are burn, and that mind unit l>ady cup ol hot cream. The cream may lie to my atleation ot orcbardiet* neglect Ar. Kansas City .7 :25 a m. 7 :25 a.m. of 500 inches from Big Zigzag creek in one for myself. These chairs, comfort vessels was only too palbable during eur ing the band* that I wish to emphasise Ar. Chicago ....... 7:55 a,in. 9:30 a.m. Pickett creek mining district. able, deep seated tray« or box«« of wick war with with Spain, But the Boer gives way when they are called upon to omitted if preferred. B hkwis . Heat a pint of rich milk to the point. J. L Bear, 20 acres placer ground in erwork fixed on the middle of tws springy trouble has intensified it by absorbing .indure the strain and wear of lile. No Ar. Ix»s Angeles. 1 :20 p m. 7.00 a.m. Josephine mining district. shafts about six'een het long, were pro British transatlantic liners, delaying our wonder that impulse and passion control boiling, remove from the fire, and beat Exchange. Ar. El Paso. . . . 6 00 p.m. 6.00 p.m. W. If. Dana, quartz claim, “Sandoz,” vided with a high back seat, and a commerce and hindering the quick their action*, that many of them find into it thoroughly aud quickly a cup of Ar. Fort Worth 6:30 am. 6:30 a.m. life ’ s ditUcultiea two much fur them, and Five actes in fruit, good house and very fine alale rye or graham bread thicker awning I’wo of the chair war- transportation of our foreign mails. — OF — Ar, City of Mexico9;55 a.m. 9:55 a.m. in Wo'.f creek mining district. barn, lor residence property in Graute Ar. Houston ... 4:00» in. 4 :00 a.m. E. W. Dana, quartz claim, “Lucy R,” era lifted the ends of the shaft to their We should l»e as independent on the end in the insane asylum, become in- crombe. Herve at once with cream. SOUTHERN OREGON. Ar. New Orleans 6:2-') a in. 6 25 p.m. in Wolf creek mining district. B lackiikkkv M ush . Kab a pint ol Paso. Inquire at thia office. shoulders, two others stepped under-1 sea as on the land. We can beat the obrialee, paupers or criminals. Ar. Weshington 6:42a.m. 6 ;42 a tn. It is well known by actual demonstra canned or freshly stewed and sweetened Geo. T. Dever?, quartz ctaim, “Gran | neath and betw«» n them, and w ill» a world in manufacturing and land trans Ar. New York . . .12 :43 p.m 12:42 p.m. Look at joui Face. Capital Stock, ite (»old,” in Waldo mining district. I «trap from shaft t<> shaft a «Hied to carry portation, but *e la< k the facilities for tion just how many and what changes berries. Laving considerable juice, And are if it ia reflec ting health er PULLMAN AND TOURIST CARS on R. G Virtue, Sam Alderson, quartz ' the weight upon th»* backs of their necks. transporting our goods by aea to foreign are induced in every organ aad tissue ol through a colander or sieve to remove Keœive deposit« subject to check or on both train«*. Chair cats Sacramen.o to til* body by alcohol The dissecting the seeds. Add water to make a pint dteraa«. Karl’s Clover Root Tea beau* Ogden and El Paso, ami Tourist cars to claim, ‘‘North Star,’ in Mt. Reuben min Aril then away they trotted merrilv buyers.—Albany Herald. Certificate payable on demand. knife and the microscope have been and a half cupful in ail, heat to boiling, title« li »e fai e and complexion, andas- I down wine exceedingly narrow ami Chicago, St. Louis. New Orleans and ing district. Sells sight drafts on New York, Kan Fran , Washington. flNehela of Money. freely need on the degenerated liver, and sprinkle ieto it a cupful of sifted sures perfect beal .h. All druggists, 25c. 'crooked lanes thronged with rapidly R. G. Virtue, John Alderson, quartz cisco. and Pul land. Thrown away by women annually in brain, kidneys, muscle and all the other graham flour, or sufficient to make a and 60c. Money refunded if resulte are claim, ' Little Daisy,” iu Mt. Reuben I moving people. I had expected soon to Telegraphic transfers sold on all ¡»oints in 2 Connecting at San Francisco with sev mining district. the purchase of cosmetics, lotions and structures ol the man poisoned and killed mush of the desired thickness. Il is nut aalisfactury. j reach the street, but after a while it the United States. eral steamship lines for Honluli powders, none of which ever accom by alcohol. But the effect of the poisons well to have It a little thinner at first dawned on me that from the first 1 Lad R. G Virtue, Sam Alderson, quartz Special Attention given to Ollecticne >r.<J Japan, China. Philippines, Central and It will do you Guwd. ¡claim, “Bob Hardy,” in Mt. Reuben been in the street, ar; 1 whzl k more, in plishes its object. Beauty depends « n which destroy the minds aud bodies of than ia deaired. Cook slowly, at least general business of our customer». South America. A Bljod Purifier and Tissue Builder is infante born and unborn have not been I one hour. A longer lime makes it mon healthy blood and goud digestion, am h the principal streetsof ths city. Through mining district. Collections made throughout Southern Karl’s (.'lover Reot Tea. Sold for half a Oregon, and on all accessible pointe. Franta Novotny, quartz claim, “Iron miles an 1 miles of street ran the l>earer*, as Karl’s Clover Root Tea guarantees ! thoroughly investigated. The infant a I digestible. See J. P. Jester, agent at Grants Pass Leftover graham mush is nice spread entury on our guarantee. Money re- streets tortuous and winding, which you for 25c. and 50 j . per package month old die« of convulsione due to II irae,” in Wolf creek mining district. Pass station or address J. D. FRY, President. R. Driscoll, quartz claim,“Iran Mash,” twisted a< loss one another; over rough Take it and we guarantee your complex I overheating, to mental or «motional ex- on rather shallow tine and simply heated funded if results are not satisfactory. J. T.TUFFS, Vice President. C. II. MARKHAM, G. P. A . Price 25c. a^d 5Ac. 1 ' citement; the physician gives a burial in a hot oven. granite bridges spanirtg muddy ditches, ion R. A. B ooth , Cashier Portland, Ore m Woli creek mining district. OFFICIAL DIRKCTOSY. P. DODGE, j local toappeninos 1 J I J Our Prices are Guaranteed as Well as the Goods. Cleaning and Mounted Animals and Heads. » L Clayman, Propr. EAST and SOUTH 1 3 1 1 1 1 Mounted Elk Head. Idaho Deer Heads. Oregon Deer Head. Deer. Panther. Black Bear. S. II. CALIIOl N. FIRST NATIONAL $50,000. R. O. McCROSKEY THIS WEEK I AM OPENING Ä BIG eine Ob MT IN DIFFERENT COLORED STRIPES. A Big Line of While Goods, including Marseilles India Linens, Nainsooks, White Dimities, Lace Curtains in White and Ecru, Ladies' Muslin L’ndcrwear and the Biggest Line of White Shirt Waists indifferent stylesand make up that you will have the pleasure of seeing in Grants Pass in the year of 1!MM>. NEXT 2DOOJFÒ TT OIR, TH OF BÆ2STFC TTOTJEÒS FOR BUSINESS, R. O. McCROSKEY