Image provided by: Josephine Community Library Foundation; Grants Pass, OR
About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927 | View Entire Issue (April 5, 1900)
Tea With a Friend- - - - Sometimes tastes so much better than that which you get at home— but not if you have been using our celebrated Dr. Flanagan, Resident Dentist. Shoes repaired at Hackett's. C. St Louis for watch repairing. Whips, 10c to 12.50 at HacksU’s. Choice Seed Corn at Pikas Grocery. Bicycles sold on instalments. Cramer ! Broe. Bargains in pocket kaives al Craiuer Bros. Circuit cornt meets on Monday, April 16th. Take vour .hues tv Ila. Lett lor good work and right prices. Wool wanted on subscription at the Comma office RAMBLERS. High grade Bicycles 440 Hair-Kiddle Hardware Co. Teachers' exxminal'm begins on Wednesday, April 11, in this city. Genuine Early Rose 1’otat >es at Pikes, be sure and gel good seed tc> plant. Every thing for tbe Cyclist, a full assortment of Sundries and repairs. T. I H .i . ■. Quality and satisfaction Guaranteed at Pike's. If you want Dried fruit: Go to Pike's Cash Grocry. Harness of all Kinds, Grades .ad Prices at Hackett’s. Sun Tea Garden S ms I s , Grass Seeds, Cypress the finest young leaf and dried with the greatest care. It is one of Seed, etc., at Pike's. the brands upon which Uncle Sam has placed no conditions of admis Judge W. R. Willis, of Roseburg, was Any one who is contemplating attend sion. It is like our celebrated is town on Thursday. ing the Normal at Ashland will do well DU CQV photographer to correspond with the Cot'aiaa. Breakfast Tea r fl L.D I Opp. Court Mouse. A first class line ot goods always on A board of trade baa been organised at hand at Pike’s, you will bp pleased if Roast Coffees- -hard to beat Gold 11.11 with 28 members. you buy your Grocriex ot him. Our Climax Coffee is an excellent breakfast beverage, 4 pounds for You all know Scott Griffin put the L. L. Jewell still pays cash for $t. Our O. B. is a little better at 30c. price on Flour below 75cts a sack. Gold Dust at the old stand. We invite you to get a sample of this Coffee for comparison with so-called County court meets today, Wednes Mocha and Java at a higher price. The city of Gold Hill has entered in of the day, to trausact the liuaineea to a 20 year contract with James Braden, If you prefer the very finest Coffee to be had ask for Chase & San term. who has leased the water plant for that borns celebrated Seal Brand Mocha and Java to be had only at the “RAMBLERS are Strangers to repair period. Shop«.’’ High grade Bicycles, (40. Hair- Lawn Mowers sharpened at Cramer Riddle Hardware Co. Bros. Don’t buy Dried Fruit nntil you see RAMBLER Bicycles have a distinctive Pike’s Display and gel bis prices. Quan "style” of their own. See the aauiplea Street, tity and Quality always considered. al Hair Riddle Hardware Co'a Store Pike is making a drive on Canned The price ia 340. Goods. Better see him before buying If you want Redfield to fix your watch Price by the Case very cheap bring it around right away, as be will New wheels now here and more com c’ose out hie jewelry business inside the ing. Five good lines to choose from, next few weeks. come and see them. T. A. Hood A Co. Patton's Handy Package Paints are Rakes — Hoes — Spades — Forks at Cra niiinc ail bear till» All 8tyl«» and Mau for ... 2 a k 'kwait just the thin« for touching up scratched >.nrv Kind of Fuel. in -r Bros. vi Itn Italic its. places when cleaning bouse Cramer Work has been begun on the new Bros, have them. school building at Ashland. Il is to be A. E. Voorbtee has installed a dark finished tor occupancy by the first of room at the C olbikk office, which bia September. photographic par on s may find conven A DIRECT My Cow gives lots of milk and butter, ient in their camera operation«. i feed her all tbe Alfalfa bay she will eat. NEW Typewriter paper at the C ovkikk I buy the best. Scott Griffin has the office. best Alfalfa I ever saw. Royal Gem Dried English and WHITE HOUSE GROCERY. Opposite P. O Sixth » ..Just Received FROM FACTORY STOCK $ 9.50 and upwards. 35.00 Garland Cook Stoves, Garland Steel Ranges, il ODD FELLOWS ll BLOCK. GARDEN TOOLS. 8TRANSKY STEEL WAKE. We are showing a line of ■ ■■■ Ladies’ Shirt Waists.... IN WHITE AND COLORS QUALITY HIGH—PRICES LOW Come Early to get First Choice .. . . THE NEW VARIETY STORE 300 New Dress Patterns IN MANUFACTURERS' REMNANTS CHEAP. Garden Trowels. Fish poles.......... Flue stops. ........ Treble fish hooks • •5C • - Sc • 7C . . 2C Breast strap slides... Cork eyes................. Tooth picks, per box Cup and saucer.......... Lot of Travelers’ Samples Cheap, At the- New York Racket Store. If you want extra Burbank Potatoes go to Pike’s. Did you get a ticket on that Fair Plow? If not call on Cramer Bros. Red Top Clover seed, Utah recleaned Alfalfa seed, Timothy seed, Willamette Valley Tame cheat seed, Winter Oats and Wheat al Scott Griffin’s • RAMBLERS last”; price (40. There is a one-fare round trip rate on the railroad to Roseburg from all poiuts between and inclusive ef Grants Bass aud Eugene for tbe Bryan exercises, Thursday, Apiil 5. Company ll. of the O. N. G. held an election last Saturday evening lor office of the second lieutenant made vacant by the resignation and retirement of Lee McDaniels. Charles Crow was chosen as bis successor. Hansen Broe. and Schallhorn will build a two story brick building en their lots between the Howard brick and tbe iiotel Layton. The removal 01 of the wooden structures and their re placement by substantial Orick buildings will add materially to the wealth and appearance ol this portion of the town, A mass meeting of the cititene was held on Saturday evening for tbe pur- pose of obtaining light on the darkness of tbe then pending election, ft was not largely attended, not having been fully advertised. Speeches were made by prominent citizeus and both sides of tbe case were presented. The Choral Union, at their meeting on Monday evening, decided not to give tbe cantata of “David" this season, as has been the intention, but to defer it until next fall ¡and take it up immediately after the reorganization of tbe union. The reason for making ths change was that few of tbs members felt able to spare the necessary time for its prepara tion, as the busy season is now opening up. Last Monday a large number of the schools opened for the spring term and Grants Pass has furnished a very large percentage of the teachers A number of the teachers of the Grants Pass schools have secured positions. Miss Pool is teaching in the Centennial district, Miss Colvig at lx)uee creek, Miss Cheadle near Woodville, Miss Day near Eagle Point. Others of the Grants Pass faculty have secured schools in Josephine and Jack- son counties where they will begin their schools later. Planet Jr Garden Tool« at Cramer Bro«. When people come into Granta l’aes since the email pox ecare and see the hum of industry and the buzz of business with their former push, energy and ac tivity they are surprised. And when they call at Dr. Jemiings' dental office in the Opera House Block and have their teeth filled or extracted, or a job of crown or bridge work Hone by his secret method of alleviating pain they are agreeably surprised E. K. Redfield, haviitg sold his stock and business, with the exception of his watches and jewelry, announces that he wishes to c’ose out that line inside of 30 days, and that he is offering some fine chances for rare bargain.. Any one whoever expects to purchase a watch or any jewelry should see Redfield with out a moments delav, as his stock is rapidy decreasing from day to day. though he can still offer fine opportuni ties for selection. Those who have loft watches w ith him for repairs are expected to call for them inside of 30 days. John Hyde and his sister, Miss Emma, experienced a runaway accident last Friday which might have resulted so much more seriously than it did that they are to be considered as rather fort, unate than otherwise. They were re turning from a trip to Louse creek, and io coming down the steep hill above A. Morris’ place, the neckyoke broke, mak M ISS KATE CARY, ing it impossible to hold the vehicle, the tongue dropping to the ground. The team ran away down the hill, finally INSTRUCTOR OF striking a stump, throwing out both of VOCAL AND PIANO MUSIC, the occupants and making a wreck of the vehicle. Miso Hyde's right arm was broken near the wrist, but Mr. Hyde es- Is prepared to receive a limitednumber ef pupil«. Studio at Mrs. K. K. Montgomery’s t caped with only a few bruises. ! f s ! k Alarm. On Monday, a breathless perspiring bey I hereby announce myself as sa iade- peadent candidats for sheriff of Juoephino came running to the city ball, exclaim ing at U>e t>p of his voice that sotan- county. J. H. C olbv . body a honsa wa> afire. Ths alarm war Cixuaty School Supz.-inUadznt sounded immediatelv, and tbe fire com To tbe Voters of Josephina County, Ora : pany ree|>ondod promptly. In an io- I respectfully announce myself as ■tent the streets were thronged with a candidate lor the office of County School people running to the fire. A heavy Superintendent, subject to the decision shower a short time before had made ol tbe Republican County Convention. the streets muddy aud «1 ppery, but the G. A. S avaus . tire company never faltered. They plunged bravely through the mud with County School Supcrintcad>nt the two heavy hose carta in the direction To tbe Voters of Joeepbine Couety, from which the boy bad emerged. They Oregon : ran two blocks and stopped to see where I respectfully announce my »elf aa they were at. They saw. There was a candidate for th* office of County no fire. To their ever lastii School Superintendent, subject to tbe it said that they had grit enough to race decision of the Republican County Con back to the hoee house. The boy was vention. L incoln S avaux too diminutive to be amenable to the laws of the laud, so there was nothing to Th« Election. Tbe important election to decide on be done. Palacs HoUl Opening. tbs bond is.oe oecured on Monday with the result that both propositions w.ut The new Palace hotel was opened on through with comfortable majorities. Sunday with a grand dinner which was The vote on tbe first proposition was participated in by a large nuiut>er of very decided and carried by a vote of the beet represeatative business people about hve to one. The election was of the town. Proprietors ot the leading quiet but very earnest and many varied hotels attended and aided by their and inlense opinions found expression presence to make the event an unquali during tbe day. Tbe many different fied and complete success. The dinner points of the water question gave room itself was one which might have done for an infinite number of diverse stand credit to a town of much larger popula points and opiuione, all of which wer. tion than Grants Pass. Mr. Woods has fully occupied aud expressed by the been fortunate in securing the services various voters. The result of the elec of a thorough artist in the culinary line tion was Celebrated in the evening by to preside over the kitchen, and he interesting exercises, including free lieer himself is a provider of much ability. at tbe corner saloon. The hotel aa completed is most neatly Following is the vole by wards: and conveniently arranged, handsomely finished, very comfortable and commod HgWKB SYSTXM. Yea No ious and well stocked with a fine new Ward No. 1...................... ......... 67 13 line of furniture. The dining room at “ “ 2...................... ......... 56 24 present is furnished to seat 48 people at “ “ 3...................... .........54 6 one time and can easily be made to neat “ “ 4...................... ......... 77 » - 1 twice as many. Tbe rooms are all Total ........................ ... 244 62 thoroughly lighted and ventilated and are finished aud furnished in a very WATKB A LIGHT PLANT. Yes No complete and handsome manner. A Ward No. 1................... .... 28 42 fine new piano of excellent tone occupies • 4 4« «> 44 the parlor, w hich overlooks oue of the .37 ” “ 3..................... 45 15 most attractive views the town affords. ” ’’ 4 .................. ........ 60 24 Altogether tbe new hotel, in its equip — . - ■■. Total......................... ... 170 125 ments, management and the building itself, is a credit to Grants Tass and to STOVE WOOD—ANY AMOUNT. soul hern Oregon and tbe traveling pub 1-ow prices—Prompt delivery. I .eave lic will be pleased to learn that tbe orders at Marble Shop. Palace hotel is completed and ready for and transacting business. To Cure a Cold in One Day. flour« lor Kent. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablet*. All druggist* refund money if it fails to cure. Neat Ave room cottage to rent furnish E. W. Grove's signature on (Mery box.’ 25c ed or unfurnished. Inquire at Una office. BORN. INDEPENDENT CANDIATE FOR M1EBIFF. personal J Winders apeut several days in void Hill last week. J. T. Tuffs, ot Wolf Creek, visited Grants Pass last week. Frank Norris, of Wulf Creek, «Ma visitor to Granta Pass this week. C M. Holmes of Ashland, 8. P. train dispatcher, visited Grants l’ass Suaday. T. H. White end W. D. George of Kerby were visiting Grants Pam last week. Will Smith has been up Item Wolf Cieek for ths past wsek, making a était at home. Ed Hubbard is building a new raai- adjoining his deuce on Iowa etreet, l father’s place. Adjutant General C. U. Gantenbeia of the O. N. G. was in town Monday on a business trip. Attorney A. 8. Hammond of Medford has been spending several days in Grants Pass this week. District Attorney C. B. Watson of Ashland, returned Thursday after spend ing a few days In Granta Paw. Joseph Fetxner and family, who have been spending tbe w inter in California, are expected to return shortly to Grants Paas. Ivan Wild, who has been holding down a position on the Comic* force for several months past, returned on Mon day to Ashland H. II. »parfiii, one of the old residents of this county and a prominent citizen of Williams district, was visiting Grants Pass on Tuesday. Fred Colvig arrived here Thursday from Corvallis where he lias been at tending the O. A. C. to spend a ten days vacation at home, C. T. Payne, of Kerby, made Granta Pass a visit last week. Mr. Payne has recently taken charge of the Union hotel al Kerby, which he will hereafter con duct. W. G. Wright expect« to leave inside of a few day* for an absence of some length, He will travel up and down the coast and buy platinum for Baker A »on, of New York. Mies DwiSy BtitM, who lias been attending wbool at Corvallis for the pest six months, arrived here Thursday eve ning and has returned to her home at Williams. Mies Maude Merritt went to Wood- ville Sunday to assume her poeitioa aa principal of the school at that place. Miss Lula Newton of Gold Hill ia assist ant teacher. Wm H. Hill, special agent for the Agricultural insurance com pan v was in Granta Pass on Friday in the interests ot Ilia company. He was accompanieil by Mrs. Hill. Conductor J. M llansbrough mid En gineer K. Morris went to San Francisco tn represent their several brotherhoods at tbe conference al Ban Francisco, Mon day with Colle P. Huntington, legarding tiie "relief” insurance measure, which heeaiH to be generally unpopular with tbe railroad men 11. E. Ixiaiiabury, of the traffic deport ment of the Southern Pacific Co., was here last week and, with R. K. Mont gomery, visited the Applegate country with a view to establishing a creamery in that valley. They found a very lavor- ablo opening lor such an enterprise and further steps will, in all probability, be taken. The valley of ths Applegate and its tributaries contains a large area of very fertile ground, with fine possibili ties for irrigating and alfalfa raising. MALLORY—In this city, on Saturday, March 31, 1900, to Mr. and Mrs. W E. Mallory, a daughter. MEE—On the Applegate, March 22, 1900, to Mr. and Mrs. Warren Mee, a eon. STEWART—In Medford. March 17. 1900, to Mr. and Mrs 0. E. Stewart, a daughter. WINTER—In Ashland. March 31, 1900, to Mr. and Mrs. O. Winter, a eon. MARMILO- Please Youth and pleasure meet when you have partaken of a good meal, the order for which is filled by us. • U I Our Groceries, Vegetables, and Dairy Products are the best -that patience, skill and money can procure, and you will always enjoy them. You Order, Please, in time for Easter. JOHNNYCAKE To be good must be made from the best Corn Meal. We have just received another fresh sup ply of the genuine Nebraska kind. White and Yellow, in|io pound sacks, ouly 30c. We also have it in bulk at 3c per pound. To make Johnnycake taste its very best, you should use some of our Pure Maple Syrup, 20c and 35c bottles, 70c for Jti-gallon can, aud $1.20 for 1-gallon. Calhoun Grocery Co. ¡ Large assortment at economical prices : $2.00, (2.25, $2 50, $3 00, $3.50, $4.00 and $5.00. TABOR—CALVERT—In thia city, Mar. 26, 1900, Mr. Charles Tabor and Mra. Elisabeth Calvert, Juslics J. Holman officiating. VANDERHATDEN-BRYAN-In Jack sonville, March 22, 1900, Samuel Van- derliavden and Addie L. llryan, by Lev. W. M. Hannen. The Chicago Bakery DIED. DORW1N—At th» Jewett mins near Grant. Pass, March 28, 1900, Mra. Gao. W. Dorwin, a native of llliaois, aged 45 year«. BLECH ER-Near Jacksonville. March 28, 1900, Henry Blecher, aged 77 year., 11 months and 25 days. DAMON—At Central Point, March 22, 1900, the infaat son of Mr. and Mr«. W. H. Damon. Tablets of all kinds at the Cochin* Wednesday, PURDIN—In Medford, office. March 28, 1900, Ira E. l’urdin, aged residences wanted, Small, cheap 25 years. Leave description and price at this office. The republican county convention & meets Thursday, April 5. Démocrate and populists hold conventions Saturday to elect delegates to state conventions. UNDERTAKERS EMBALMERS The brick work on Kienlen’s new building on the corner of Fifth and <1 streets is well under way. Thia building Office on 6th St. oppo. Court House. will completely restore one of the two Residence North 7th Bl. blocks which Bull red so severely from the fire. GRANTS PASS, OR HOLMAN SON, For Bread, Pies, Cookies, Etc. Bread, per loaf............................. Cookies, per doz.......................... Doughnuts, |>er dos.................... Mince Pies, sach.......................... Apple Pies, each.......................... 5c 10c IOC lfc 10« JOS. SHASKA. prop. Two doors east ol Thomas’. They Speak for Themselves. P. H I N. E. McGrew Pioneer Truck and Delivery UHANTS TABS. OREGON. Clothing, Gent»’ Furnishings, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Trunks aud Valises. Hogue Hiver Courier $1.25 BIG MILL END SALE STILL GOES ON-CROWDS OF INTERESTED BUYERS STILL PICKING UP BARGAINS This Week We Offer This Week We Offer 8-4, 9-4.10-4 Unbleached Sheeting- at 19c Big- Job in Best Calico Remnants at 5o c° soci: <>rn Big Window Display GOVERNOR PINGREE’S Children s--$1.25. $1.50. $1.75, $2.00, $2.25. Ladies’--$3.00, $3.50. $4.00, $5.00. Men’s-$4.00 and $5.00. People who Wear Pingrec Shoes say that their »«hoe hill is reduced fully one- half. We refund the money or replace with a new pair every pair of the Pingree Shoes that tails to give satisfaction. COMPOSITE: LADIES' lilorand Street Hats FAMOUS SHOE The Pingree Shoe is without doubt the Best Shoe Sold in America today for the Price. They fit better—they wear longer—they keep their shape until worn out. We are showing the Pingree Shoes in every conceivable style. All of the very latest Toes; Kid, (.loth and Scroll Top.