Image provided by: Josephine Community Library Foundation; Grants Pass, OR
About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 1, 1900)
White House Grocery Quality and satisfaction Guaranteed at Pike's. I Tablets of all kind« at tbe Coi Kian office. Dr. Flsuagsa, W. F. Horn n»a.Hi a »usineea trip to Sweetest Roche Harbor lime 42 per barrel at Resident Ben list. Jacksonville last week. Cramer Broe. Things on X. Shoes repaired at Hackett's. Attorney 1. V . Stewart made a visit Take your »Loes to Hackett for gemi I __r> to Woodville on Saturday. C. Stlxmia for waU-b repairing work and right prices. Is our Granulated Sugar. »Ve Whips, 10c to 42.50 at Hackett's. Attorney George Colvig went to Jack Gerden S»ed., Grasa Seeds, Cypress have lots of it by the sack, >4 sonville Friday, to spend a few days on If yon want Dried fruit: Go to Pike's Seed, etc., st Pike'r. professional business. sack or pound. (Market indica - Cash urocry. The law firm of Smith A Nortou ha» J. II. Booth, of Roseburg, ia in San lions are that it will be higher.) Harness of all Kinds, Gradee and dissolved partaerehip. Francisco, having been called llrere by Extra C, Golden C, Cut Loaf Price« at Macketl’e. re» Geo. J. Hiller is building a neat ' the illness of Mrs. Booth. and Bar Sugar always on hand. rjri rnv photographer ideuce on *'D” street near Eighth. Mrs Rodenburger of Central Point, is Opp. Court House Farmers, lake your teams to Harper' And there are other sweet things with her brother, R. II. Dean, who is that will please by reason of You all know 8eott Griffin put the new brick feed stable on E. air set. very dangerously ill at hrs home near J. S. Windeil end family have remov- town. their good quality and season price on Flour belew 75cta a sack. Good Freeh Butter, 50c. a Roll, also edtoJ. C. Campell’s house on Sixth R. B. Wilson, traveling freight and able price. Mackerel, Cranberries and Bulk Pickles street. passenger agent for the Burlingtou Route, at Wades'. A first class line Ot goods always un Pure White Honey—new crop—only.. ..................... r»Jic J Do you need a pocket knife? Re- hand at Pike’s, you will be pleased if spent a few days in Grants Pass last wesk in the interest of hie company. Our Rock Candy Drips— a No. 1 Syrup—at ................... 6oc member tbs 20 par cent discount at y»“ buy your Grocries of him. Mias Belle Sturgis, one of Josephine Sunshine Syrup, good value at................. ................... 5°° Cramer Bros. Geo. Quine, of Riddle, kil'e-l an un- county’s successful touchers, is unend Best Golden New Orleans—Try it......... ... notice , usually large ................... 75c Plasterers and ______ ___ ______ _ . panther near Cain's mine a ing the teachers training school depart Mason» lake Pure .Maple Sugar....................................... . that Reche Harbor lime ia only $2 per [ «(»>• »2° u weighed 125 pounds ment of the Ashland Normal seboo'. . 5. 10 and 20c. dressed.—Review. barrel at Cramer Bro«. Maple Syrup in pints, quarts and gallons. Tbe body of Conrad F. Gegax, who The '•Cheerful Liar" company who Don't buy Dried Fruit until you see For quality our celebrated Tea Rose beats them all. attempted suicide some time ago, by Qoan- played here a abort time ago, were stran Pike's Duplay and get bis prices, shooting hiaiself, was recently found in ded in The Dalles, the manager eloping tity and Quality always considered. the bay of dau Francisco, and was taken with the leading lady. to Dunsmuir for burial. pike is making a drive on Canned j Red Top Clover seed, Utah recleaned Goode. Better see bun before buying. Fred Wall, formerly conductor on the Alfalfa seed, Timothy seed, Willamette | i C. B , R A E. K. A N. Co.’s road, left for Price by the Case very cheap ! Valley Tame cheat seed, Winter Oats I’ertlaud Thuisdaj moruiug via Drain. Dr. Evans, oculist-optician, office at : Sixth Street, P. O. residence. All cases of defective vision 1 and Wheat al Scott Griffin’s He with a number of trainmen were laid Free entertainment« accompanied by off on the 15th inst.—Marshtield Mail. corrected, including astigmatism. lectures are being given Ibis week in the Rev. and Mrs. W. J. Fenton, of My Cow givya lots of milk and butter, opera bouse, by a traveling medical I feed her all the Alfalfa bay she will eat. company whose specialty ia electric Albany, arrived here Monday morning for a few days visit at this place. Mr. I buy the best. Scott Griffin has the belts. Fenton, who was formerly stationed best Alfalfa 1 ever aaw. Savage Brothers, have entered a pro- Cash paid for old Rubber,Copper,Brass test against Grant Orme being allowed here, is now pastor of the M. E church, and Zinc at Marshall's second hand store j niu\H final proof on a homestead South, at Albany. Geo B. Archer of Le'.and la spending on Front street, opposite tbe Round situated on Savage creek as they claim a few days in town this week with tils House. Grants Pa»». the ground as mining property. family. Mr. Archer operates a large and The contract for the construction of the If you want extra Burbank Potatoes important hydraulic mine on Giave Mooney Mountain wagon road w as aw ard go to Pike’s. creek below Leland. He lias had a very ed by the county court to Geo. P. Fur Tbe “Bon Ton” dancing club was or steady and profitable run this «eason and man and George Hartman for 49. ganized last Saturday evening in Cleei- feels the need of a vacation. W. H. Fallen, in a severe coughing fit I ens* ball, with a membership of nearly Circuit Judge H L. Benson, of Klam on Suuday, injured hia aide, and was 30. Officers were elected and commit confined to his bed for several days. He tees appointed. Demaree’s orchestra ath Falls, arrived here Mondav morn ing tor a short visit at this place on his is now able to be around again. furnished music for tbe occasion. return from a trip to Portland, Salem The California Rose Co., I.os Angeles, j The following promotions were made and Roseburg. His niece, Helen Per Cal are head quarters of tbe coast for at the last drill night by Capt. J. A. kins, accompanied him from Salem to $50.00 nice field grown rose bushes. All the Tate of company H., O. N. G.: Quarter this place latest and best sort». Send for a cata master to let sergeant, A. E. Aoerhiea; Hartford, $35.00. $25.00. Alva Lamar returned to Grants Pass logue today. corporal to quartermaster, M. T. Utly; on Thursday evening from several years R. L. Coe A Co. have put up a large i privates to corporals, Arthur Edgerton, absence in California. He lias been en Samples are now on exhibition at our store, where and handsome sign on the front of their I Floyd Patrick, Louis Gentner, Robert gaged in mill work in the vicinity ol we will lie ¡»leased to show them to you. n*iw store buildiug. McCulloch. Sisson during a great portion of bis Tbe new Palace hotel in rapidly absence, lie notes a great improvement Work has begun on the new saw-mill We shall carry a full line of north of town, as the site is being pre- nearing completion, and will be ready in tbe old town, and thinks it has good for occupancy about tbe first of March, prospects before it. pared for its erection. Tbe plastering is nearly all done in the The new cement sidewalk on Front H A. Rotermund aud family, now of upper rooms, and tbe wood work is street adds materially to ths appearance progressing rapidly down stairs, Thia Montague, Cal., where Mr. Roteraiund of the town and gives it quite a metrop will be, when completed, one of tbe has charge sf the 8. P. railroad ollies, olitan air. finest and best equipped hotels in stopped here Sunday for a few days visit We are requested to state that it any southern Oregon. The upper boor is on their return from a two weeks' vaca ODD FELLOWS BLOCK. town of this state is w illing to give sub is occupied by nearly 30 rooms, all well tion trip to Portland. Montague is a GARLAND STOVES. HARDWARE. stantial aid toward tbe construction of lighted by windows or skylights, and small but lively town aud an important ’ a short-line of railroad, that those inter tbe establishment will be equipped with stock-shipping point. ested in the matter should communicate ail the modern conveniences. Earl Cline, a voting man who lives with Geo. Howard, Salem, Oregon. near Talent, waa seriously injured Sun Drop in Cramer Bros’ Store and have The meetings at the M. E. church, them show you the Columbia» and Hart* day evening, in an attempt to board the blind baggage to ride out ol Ashland. South, have been attended with quite a fords for 1900. He missed 'he eteo but clung to the roil, degree of sucess, and several conversions Mrs. Ruie D. Meeke, impersonator and waa carried partly across the Ash have resulted. Rev. W. J, Fenton of and ventriloquist, gave an entertainment Albany, is here this week a»-i»ting Rev. at the I. O. O. F. hall, on Monday even land creek trestle, where be lost his L. C. Wilson, as is also Rev. C. U. Cross, ing under tbe auspices oi the Ladies’ hold and fell some 35 or 40 feet te the ground. His left leg waa broken and of Williams. Benefit society of the Presbyterian At tbe K. of P. installation last week, church. There was a fairly good atten bis head severely bruised, but hia in the following officers were installed by dance, and the audience was apprecia juries are not thought to be dangerous. Mrs. Belle Huden, who is teaching the Geo. 8. Calhoun, I). G. C: W. IL Flana- | ! tive. .Mrs. Meeke gives a very pleasing gan, C. C.; E. W. Kuykendall, V. C.; ¡entertainment. i Her voice is both pleas Kerby school, spent a few days in Grants T. Y. bean, prelate; E. E. Dunbar, M. ant snd powerful. Tbe birds’ love aoi g Pass last week. Her school at Kerby is of W.; J. A. Jennings, M. of F.; W. T. i is worthy of special mention. She is in a very prosperous condition, and Coburn, M sfE.; L. V. Stewart, K. of | also a very clever artist in the ventril* allows itself te be one of tbe most enter prising and patriotic in the county, by R. and 8.; L. L. Jennings, I. G ; F. W. oquiatic line. Chausse, O. G ; E E. Dunbar, I1. C. 1 being the possessor of a largo and hand- Are the beet goods on the roins flag. Mrs. Huden reports that The C E society of the Presbvterian market. If you need a Kerby is now in a very prosperous con church will bold its annual sumi^e pray WWW W VVVWWWWVVVV^ stove call on Cramer Bros. dition as regard« busine«« affairs. The er inerting, on neat Sunday, Feb 4, Christian Endeavor day. The meeting i ; The council committee which wa« great development of mines in lie local will be held at 7 o'clock a. in , and a full I apf>ointed to confer with Attorney ity during the past year lies brought THE POPULAR attendance is expected a»1 the observance Moody, of the Water and Light com Kerby right tn tho front. There is not of this meeting is a strong indication of pany, concerning the dumping of the a vacant house in the town and all the the interest and faithfulness of the so | sewerage at the end ol Fifth street, failed merchants are doing a large business. The valley ol tbe Illinois river is ricli in ciety. . tc reach any agreement, and a special agricultural and mineral land and tim Baron I«empke Las issued cards of in council meeting was (ailed, at which ber, and tbe town of Kerby has a prom is Bromo 25c vitation to the grand opening at his tbe council decided to go on with the ing future before it. new saloon, The Iziuvre. Gentlemen sewer work as originally planned. The Pine Li nc iln Smith, brother of R. <i. Smith, are expected to appear in evening dress. terms of the franchise provide that the 1 he invitation states gravely that roast water for the city’s use shall be lairen returned laat week for a visit home, after Four Throat, goose will be served after the entertain- i j from the river at a point above the a two years absence. For the past year, merit. That will be in tbe usual order' mouth of the sewer system which is ho he has been located at Goble, Oreg., 40 of events, for many a man’s goose has ling tug constructed uunouiHivtu to ID dump uuuip mtv vuv river miles north of Portland, where he lias into the at been cooked in similar establishments, at a point considerably above the water had the management of a store. Since PRESCRIPTION DRUGGIST. ere the inauguration of thia one. company’s plant, hence the controversy. his return, he visited the Hainmernlsy local tiappcninge j L. One of the Sweetest Earth « 1 rl L. D I WHITE HOUSE GROCERY. Opposite for I9OO. Chainless, Í and $75.00. Pennant, Bicycle Sun dries. Cramer Bros. personal □ mine, in company with soi io mining men, to examine that property. F. I' Dunne, managing editor of tbe Chicago Journal and famous as the writer of the •Mr. IXwley pspeis arrived in Granta Pass Friday morning, in company with Mr. Grier, who is in tereoted in the 0 A I uline on Jump eff Joe. Thev were met at the train by W. D. O'Brien, manager of the mine, and lost no tiaie in starting for Jump off-Joe. Mr Dunne io spending a vacation in making a tour oi tbe west and cams to this locality in quest of quiet and re- tirement. lie did not come bore from Chicago in search of oxi-iiemeut, aa some would have us believe They remained a few days and returned to Grants l'a«s to take the train for San Francisco, wuere Mr. Dunns intends to spend about three weeks. W. D. O'Brien ac companied them to San Francisco and expects to return in about a week. Jim l>eaa is suffering from an ulcerat ed tooth, which compelled him to re- tura home on the first oi the week from bis father'« mine at Galice where he has been working. Mr. Dean haa a large body of good placer ground lying on the river on ths opposite side from, and about two miles below Galice, Tbeonly serious drawhack in ordinary reasons is the slioi.neas of ths water supply, but Ibis year, they have had an exceptionally good run If this mine were equipped with good water privileges and ditchss, It would rank among the large produc ers of the county. There is water avail able, which could be applied to this mine at a reasonable outlay, and it is only a question of time when this will be dune. Iksrr Work F.«Joln«d. Judge Hanns baa ordered an injunc tion against the newer contracto» pro ending will tbe sewer wurk and against the city's auditing any claims for such work, on a camplaiat made by Levi H. Ferry, with the secretary of tbe company as bondsman. The plaintiff alleges that the city has not the legal right to construct the sewer, and object» to it on account of injury by increaaed taxation. liie aaeesiment roll show. that Ferry pays city taxe« on $ô0. At tbe rate of taxation, bis city taxer amouat to just 50 cents. Of course, every one understands that Ferry cannot be very much worked up over hie increased taxation, and that tbe water company have merely bor rowed hie name in an endeavor to pre vent the sewer construction, nn a tech nicality, having failed to come to an agreement with ths council ou the sewer controve»y. Tbe opininn of tbe cnuneil is that they are safely witbin tbeir legal rights. R. G. Smith baa been employ ed to conduct tho defense. A Beverage For Winter That delights alike the stom ach, brain and palate, is made from our good Coffees and Teas and rich Cocoas. A de licious drink for breakfast and one that will start you right for the day is a cup of that fa mous W. S. Mocha and Java Coffee of ours, at 35c a pound, or 3 pounds for $1.00. If you prefer Tea we can rec ommend the uncolored Japan or Spider Leg, that we sell at 50c a pound. For those who like Cocoa, we sell three of the leading b-.ands. Bakers, Ghiradellis, anti Imperial. To Cure a Cold In One Day. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. AU druggists refund money if it fails to cure. K. W. Grove’s signature on every box. 25c. Get your writing paper by the ream and save money. We offer a ream of note paper, 480 sheets, 21» poends, for 45a. We get the paper in large qaapli- tieoaad caa sell cheep, tbia ia not cheap paper but first class goods.—Colman office. A Flag lor Your Schoolhouw. Every school house tn the county should have a Hag. If you want one tor your district write to tho Cot niah ab >ut 20 per cent Discount on Pocket Cut it. lery in order to make room tor a new line at Cramer Bros. Nolle« of DIssoluslon, Trouble it the Waxahatchk. Geo. I.. Roman, who baa been acting as superintendent at the Waxahatckie placer mine on the Illinois river, arrived here last week in qaeet of one John R. Parker, who bad eloped with the clean up The mine ia the property oi Mangum, Stock, Rehkopf and others, and waa leased laat (all to Parker. I'oaeiderable work waa done in ditch work and fitting up, and one run waa made with the hy draulic, with good results. Parker took cbaigeoftlie duet and became absent. Roman came over the trail juat one day behind Parker, and telephoned from Anderson’s to have him detained here, but he could uot be found. He waa heard from later, at Iceland. Roman waa in town Monday, aecming legal ad vice aa to hia course in the matter. The employee are minus all their wage a from the time they began work. Nolic« ia hereby given tint the firm of Price and Voorhiee, publishers of the Room R ivkk C oikikb , bee been dis solved bv mutual concent, C. S. Price re tiring. A. E. Voorliiea will continue the bu.iness, collect all debut, and as- eunie all obligation«. C. 6. P bici . A. E. VoouuiKs. wanted W OOD office. Values The Roasted Coffee we sell at 25c a pound, brings us lots of customers; ts an extra good value, in fact, is the same brand we used to sell at 33JÍC Another grade that gives good satisfaction is our 20c Coffee. Then we have good values at 15c, I2JÍC, and ioc a pound. These are all fresh roasted Cof fees. We guarantee satisfaction, and that after once tasting our Coffees you will want more. on subscription, at Ibi» ASSAY EK, W. G. Wi’itflit, Gen’l Agt. for Oregon M*( AKrill H F<IHHKHT CVÀNIUK PaoCKSS. Cyanide and Chlorination treatment of Oree. Bullion Refined end Shipped. G ramtb P a «», - • O rkoon . Ijirge size composition books forbcat the Cut anea office. 265 Sample Hats Calhoun Grocery Co. BICYCLE ECONOnT The money you pay for a new wheel is some times only part of the price. The bicycle mender gets the rest. If you buy.... We have bought the entire line of Messrs. Taylor & I’arrottes Sample Hats for Springjninl Summer and will give you an opportunity to buy at a bar gain a new Stylish Hat—-only oue of each kind— you have the exclusive pattern. They wont last long—Come early—Remember at THE QRE5QENT to begin with you need have only a bowing acquaintance with the wheel-tinker «T Tern or T HOOD. » Co., XvowGaiV 25c 10c CLEMENS, Will Made of the best selected cotton yarn, close ribbed and heavy weight. Stocking Triple knee, high spliced heel and double toe, tua<le especially for rough Made to usage. Outwear any other make. If you want n dressier lighter stock L J^WEAR ing, our No. 16 will please you. We manufacture "Iron Clads’* of equa[ quality and great variety for men, women and children. Sure Cure for Coughs and Colds, Quinine, Syrup White Frog in A Grand Ball OUR NO. 19 FOR BOYS. P. H. Harth & Son. Hats, Trunks, Valises and Furnishings for Men and Boys. On the Evening of February 14th, 1900, Eor the benefi. of a Crippled Man with a Family. Ticket« |l.00. I SEE THE SOUTH ’WITTIOOW ...Wall Paper... ...Shoes... ■ J Supper 25c. Pioneer Truck and Delivery Last Saturday we moved into our elegant New Building across from the Josephine Hotel, where we will be pleased to welcome all of our old friends and customers. This Week for Big Bargains in - N. E. McGrew AT HOME Eor^Big Bargains in - Beet of muele, and a good time guaranteed Come and have a good time and help the needy. I SEE THE be Given at ROSE HALL. APPLEGATE. The Big Store GRANTS PASS. OREGON.