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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 1, 1900)
TERRIBLE UPHEAVAL I PUNGENT PARAGRAPHS. •They say his wife has QUEER (OST MARKS. money." SCIENCE AND INDUSTRY sleep nowhere» eke but on th* back door mat." “Kind o' dogmatic, ain’t he?"—Cleveland Plain Dealer. Gotrox -“1 wish you to know that I am a »elf-made man." Cynicus “How noble of you to assume all that respon sibility."—Philadelphia liecord. Y.—“You say that man who just went by is one of the best known men in town.” C.—"Yes; he couldn't borrows dollar to save his life!”—Yonkers Statesman. “Women are queer.*’ “What do you mean, sir?” “Before we were married you didn’t like it if I bought you cut- rate presents; and now you scold me if I don't."—Indianapolis Journal. IIarduppe—"Leud me a dollar, will you, old man ?*’ Wigwag — “You haven’t paid me back the laat dollar I loaned you.” Harduppe—"Weil, then, lend this one to Bijones and I’ll borrow it from him.”—Philadelphia Record. An Atchison mother was complain ing recently to her daughter of the manner in which the husband and fa ther behaved. “Well, J don’t see whj you complain to me,” the daughter re plied; “1 didn’t pick him out,”—Atchi son Globe. Va A New Jersey Inventor has designed Volcano in New Zealand Which Is "Well, that isn’t his fault. They’ve a marhiee that will strip tobacco leaves only been married a short time."—N. O. Ten Letter Words and Phrases of the thick stems and turn them out Equal to Vesuvius. Times-Dcmocrat. read* for manufacture. Chosen as Secret Signs» Presumably.—"Nop, th' dog won't A ia LOUDON IN 1784. FOR THE HOUSEWIFE. The larget t match factory is in Aus tria, and each year it uses 22,000 pounds of phosphorus, turns out 2,500,000,000,- ( ko matches, and for the boxes uses 160,000 feet of wood. A manufacturer uf certain machinery in England inserts an adverti»ement in some of the technical periodicals in which he uses French, Spanish, German and Japanese side by side. It is re|K»rted that in Jaj»an the rather extensive arrangements are un der progress with the object of trying acetylene gas for train illumination, i he carbide is to be manufactured by a r ative concern. Queensland is being gradually con- verted into a large orchard. The Aus tralian orange in particular has a great future, as it ripens at a time when Spam, Italy and ( allforma cannot pro vide the fruit. In Russia a sentence not exceeding one month’s imprisonment or a fine uf not over 100 roubles is imposed upon those who manufacture, pr«j>are or sell, for commercial purposes, flax which contains foreign matter. At the large quarries at Furnace, on Lochfyneside, Argj leshirf, Scotland, a blast was recently made in which four tons of powder were used, and it wiu estimated that some 30,000 tons of rock were dislodged by that blast. The height of the rock over the mines wus 75 feet for a distance of 4o feet.—Rail way and Engineering Review. The largest etone ever quarried, so the manufacturers say, has been ex tracted from a granite ledge near Vinal- haven. Me., to serve as one of the eight columns destined to support the great dome of the Episcopal cathedral of St. John the Divine in New York. In the rough the stone measures 64 feet in length and is 8% feet thick and 7 feet wide, its weight belog 310 tons. To turn it into cylindrical form a lathe that will cost more than $15,000 must be specially built. Cocoa is now much used In the place of chocolate for icing cake. Beat the white of two tggt and stir into them nearly a cupful uf powdered sugar and j two uaspxjnfuls of c < j coa, or simply I stir tLe sugar and coei i»a to a ¡>uste 1 with a little cold wah r , flavoring with vanilla. A third rule for icing calli for four tablespocnfuls of granulated 1 sugar boiled with the same quantity of water fur a rnomeut, then add two ' teas{»oonfills of cocoa and a teaspoon ful of vanilla, and spread. A "mountain d«w” pudding that mak«»« a simple and inexpensive but withal a favorite dessert calls for a pint of milk, two eggs, three table- I s| >oi.fuls of coccanut, one half cupful of rolled crackers, one teaxpoonful lemon juice. Mix all together (*a»ing cut the whites of the eggs), an«i bake one-half hour in a mo<lernte oven. When firm and brown cover with a meringue made from the whites of the eggs and a cupful of sugar, and stiffen In a slow oven until a golden brown. Among the new varieties cf ice cream cherry bisque, which had its origin at Newport, and the Klondike. whi< h hails from the far west, are {«erhaps the most popular. The first Is mrde by adding canned sour cher ries to a plain »ream, while the lat ter is of almond paste m?dr In corn ucopia form filled with a whippe«! «•ream and soft custard slightly frozen. Over this congealed mass is an abun dant spread of almond*. Fat in any form should never be gives to the sick, because it in large globules, and, therefore, difficult of digestion, (’ream small globules, an<! therefore, to digest than fats, but skim say the dletarians, is the best food for children and invalids. Milk given to the very sick should be diluted the some as for infants. Mice are said to object to the odor >f mint, a suggeal'rm that may be utilized to a«lvantage by the house keeper who objects just as strongly to the small rodents. If fresh mint is not obtainable, liquid peppermint ap plied to the shelves of store room and pantry is said to be equally effi- caciou«. Con mon peach baskets lined with glazefl | ¡per cambric make a con venient receptacle for sweepings. a maid »an readily take one of these with l.»»r from room to room, using it to receive the content® of the dust ¡Mtn and hair receivers. An English ex}»e<lient for saving the comers of tablecloths from being torn on. the constat« in reen forcing tape. The ta}»* is hemmed down for two or three inches each side of the corner. T » clean cork carpet, wash all over twice a week with skim milk, or pol ish with beeswax and turpentine as you wouhl a stained floor. The lat ter method darkens the cork and gives it a rich appearance. A large rug of linen crash placed un der the sewing machine will catch threads and clippings and save a deal of sweeping. Hall rugs, intended to break the long narrow npp«*arance, are greatly in vogue.—Washington Star. In 17-(.M. La Comb» puKi.hi [1 a book, of London.” in entitled “A Pict sac st ••TL«- high- which inter alia round London are roads 31 and ay inc fi’led w th true, fuotpad >n "filled” some- though the rx| tion. The medical w Lai of an exu rears ago s«-em» to student of 40 c rd in 1784, for M. have been ant that "the brass La tel which cost from knockers of «J ts to 15 shillings, are stolen at night if the maiu forgets to unscrew them” » precaution which serins to have ne out of fashion. “The arrival of our author soya, "i® un- e mail rtai at ail times of the year. Per- ca Wbc frequently receive letters should recommeiM d their correspond- ent» not to insert 1 loose ¡wipers, nor to put the letters in i covers, because the tux is sometimes i treble, and always arbitrary, though i in a free country, are the dei- Eut rapac’iy and injustice i ties of the English.” M. La Combe does not give ua a fiat- t» ring character! “An Englishman,” he says, “considers a foreigner as an e aemy, whom he dares not offend open ly. but whose society he fears: and he attaches himself to no one.” Perhaps it was soin 1781. hut such feelings have nearly died out — at least among edu cated people. M. La Comb«, in another part of his book, exclaims: “llow art you changed, Jx.'idoners! Your women are become bold, imperious and-expen- siv«*. Bankrupts and beggar**, coiners, spii-s and informera, robber» and pick- !»<•■ kets abound; the baker mixes alum in his bread; the brewer puts opium und copper filings in his beer; the milk woman spoils her milk with snails.”— Gentleman's Magazine. The white terraces of Rutom&hana rose up in a series of 20 platforms in Among the old-time features which the form of a gigantic stairway. Each are disappearing frou. tl*e city stores terrace waa perfectly horizon tai and of th l>ecause of the modern methods is the dazzling whiteness. The top step was caljalixtic cost mark which the mer vertically 80 feet above the base and sat chant once thought as indispensable aa 300feet back. From every platform bub the counter over which he sold his ble« copious clouds of steam. A stream wares. of boiling water continually flowed T*he man who started busir^ ss for from the geysers, and as it fell slowly e he himself devoted nmny hours b* from tier to tier the silicates with made his first display of wares to ..»ak- which the water waa heavily charged ing up” a cost mark. This Lad to be became deposited, on its exposure to the unlike any other mark, and wa«, in air, and wonderful lace-work designs of son*e instances, composed of ten hiero infinite variety and of dazzling while*- glyphics, often of transposed figures, ness and purity were formed. Not far and more often of a word or two, the from the white terrace was another letters of which could be used to ex termed the "Pink Terrace,” where, ow press figures. A large wholesale con ing to some coloring substance in the cern in New York used the mark “God silicious waters falling from the gey save us," and made up the tenth figure sers, the deposits were of a delicate with a cross. Through this business pine hue, from which was derived the house the pious cost mark became name “Pink Terrace.” known all over the country. Clerks Unfortunately New Zealand no long from the establishment entered the er possesses thia unique apectac.e, for mercantile field on their own account the terraces are no more. The various and took the cost mark with them, and WOMAN’S IDLE TEARS. Agencies of nature which originally within a few years it was in use in near built up such curious forms served in ly every state in the union. The Modern Heroine of Flrtion turn to destroy them, Mr. Falconer Another cost mark which found many Mu Longer a Wverplaa gives a graphic description of the event. admirers was “Make profit,” and this Uaakllnif. He was residing at that time ai»out was only a trifle more popular than mUes distant from Tarawrra. In 1HH6, What has become of woman’s tear», “Quick trade.” “Jobny Miles” served on June 10, the night was clear and ax a sign as well as a cost mark for one calm. Heavy rumbling sounds like Idle tears? A cynical okl bachelor late concern, and one sentimental Irishman ly remarked in the hearing of a woman rolls of distant thunder Ailed the air, who opened a linen store in New York but there was no very great alarm. that hr wondered what had become of in the days when NI bio's garden was The next day dawned dull and gloomy. all the crying members of her sex. lie “away up town” chose as his coat mark said that he had not seen a woman cry About 7:38 o’clock the morning grew “My Bridget 0.” darker and light gray ash, very fine, in home jears, and that, so far us h<* When the campaign of 1860 was at its could see, there are just as many things began to fall. He says that, although to cry over as there ever were, and just height an ardent republican in Boston, they surmised an eruption was taking To St«id> the Northern I.UfhtN. in whose store a cost mark was in use place In the Hut Lake district, there is many womru. He did not object to that had been invented by his grand A Danish expedition has gone to the the absen» »* of tears; he only wondered were no definite tidings to that effect, north coast of Iceland for the purpose father, marked all his goods over in so that he could only wait to set; what about it. of studying, during the coming winter, order to use the mark, “Abe will win,” This thing has received attentions of would happen. By the aid of a lantern th«* northern lights, which are maguifi- various kinds before now. It was first and this mark remained in useforyears he succeeded in groping his way to the cently displayed in that country. Elab after “Abe” had won the fight*against noticed in the novels. The young w om GOLD COINS “ SWEATED. ” telegraph office, and there he learned orate electric and photographic instru Dougins, Breckinridge and Bell, who that a serious disturbance waa taking an in modern fiction does not<lo nearly were all candidates against Lincoln. ments, in the use of which the mem so much weeping as she used to do. To place at Tarawcra and Rotomahana. bers of the expedition have been be sure, she has not always so much Alx»ut that time the cost mark “Hit Alxjut 11 o’clock the darkness lifted. trained for several months past, were excuse for it. When a young lady wus Douglas” was invented, and thnt and All round the ground was covered with taken along. The leader of the expedi carried away by a fierce and determined "Republican" are still in use in place» a thin, filmy pull of fine ash to the depth tion is the head of the Danish meteoro lover whom she did not want, and told where plain figures have not superseded Since the beginning of the year It has of half an inch, and it was afterward logical office. Dr. Adam Paulsen. There that unless she married him at once her the puzzle marks. been noted at the Bank of England that found that the intense darkness was are many mysteries about the aurora, family and all her immediate friends A large dry goods house, which hail an unusually large number of light caused by a thick cloud of dust blown and Dr. Paulsen hoi»es to clear up some would be killed, there was really a con the pntronnge of hundreds of ¡»ack, bas gold pieces «re in circulation. Finally, out by the volcano to a height so tre of them before he returns. N. Y. Sun. siderable excuse for tears and swoons ket and wagon peddlers, used as a cost the mint authorities instituted an in mendous that it passed above Tauranga :>n her part. This type of heroine flour mark the wrords, “Revoch Gilt,” a Yld vestigation, n Multing in the discover} and dispersed over the country some shed in the beginning of the ¡»resent dish phrase, w hich means, “Profit tells,” that such coiiib are being »ysteinati- miles way. century. She was followed by the hero and the translation was also used by cally "sweated” by immcislon in adds. The manifestation was accompanied ine who cried as a child dors to get the same concern. Those ••nguigwl in the o|M*rations are by intense cold, the thermometer regis something she wanted—-and usually “These marks were useful,” said the not common swindlers. They have c*aj>- tering five degrees of frost. This is ex got it, if It happened not to be the moon manager of one of the large New York ital and brains and are not actuated by plained by the fact that the columns □r anything rcjually unattainable. dry goo*!» stores, “when houses had an an overreaching greed. The Bank of of steam as they came hissing out of the Sometimes she was a young lady of ’asking* and a 'taking* price. In those England records show that the average craters expanded a» they ascended and religious predilections and shed tears «lays a man behind the counter had to amount of gold “sweated'* has been six absorbed their own heat, which became >ver the sorrows of others, or over her know what the goods cost to put on the groins from each sovereign, which Is now reaping a rich harvest. Medical statis laent, so that the heat was abstracted >wn religious sentiments. It has been ihelf so that he could regulate himself would mean a profit of about one »hil tics complied by the beat from everything neat. A day or two ‘stirnatrd by careful statisticians that sceordtagly. An offer to 'split the dif ling per coin. Apparently, the mem physicians of the world later the government geologist arrived Miss Ellen Montgomery, heroine of •how that ever ilxty per ference’ when one ¡»rice was asked and bers of the gang vary their iisrthodsac- at Tauranga, and preparations to in “The Wl<!e, Wide World,” must have cent of the cases of acquired another offered could be entertained •ording to the character of the ¡»ersons spect the seat of the disaster were shed at least five gallons, t wo»|uiirtsand CONSUMPTION ar» due to then, and salesmen were often com to whom the “sweated” coins are to be pushed rispidly forward. On the fourth me pint of tears in the course of her LA GRIPPE. There are also pelled to 'shade* prices. ‘We will do tendered. Some sovereign« are bare day after the eruption, the party ar adventures in two volumes. But the other points of weakness. this for you.' and 'It’s the lust of the lot.’ ly a grain short in weight, while other» Refer to the numbers on the rived at Walroa, the Maori village. young lady in the modern work of fic or 'We want to make a customer of you’ 1 an* as much as 14 grains. The coins chart. 8tudy each one care There was scarcely a vestige of the set tion does not cry. If she is of a ¡» hs - were among the reasons given for'com- < appear fresh minted, and it is impos fully. Familiarize yourself tlement to be seen, the whole village »ioiiate nature she now und then "bursts ing down'on prices; hut all the time the ' sible to dete<*t the fraud except by with them. If yon havv an had l>een crushed beneath volcanic lava, nto a storm of s<»bs,” but she does not salesman had the cost mark before him, ’ weighing; but few-persons except bank attack of LA GRIPPE begin and the charred and battered remains »ften do it, as old-fashioned people and knew thnt hr was on the safe side.” ers the use uf Hl IF YA Ni as • keep scales delicate enough to of the little village church and other would say. "before folks.” She is more —N. Y. Tribune. soon as the acute symptoms 1 weigh a single coin, and a majority 4n Inexbnustihie Subject. buildings protruded above the surface likely to preserve a calm and more or keep no »rales. Dr. Lewis James, one of the leaders of ba vb subsided. HI DYAX will bring about of the deposit, which at first measured less tincomprehended silence. Another the restoration to perfect health. I’p to the precent the post office has the Greeuacre Chautauqua in Maine, be LIVES BY KILLING WOLVES four fret in thickness, but afterwurd type of modern heroine is the cheery sides being a scholar is a good deal of been the chief sufferer, and the matter settled down to half that depth. On» <irl who endures all her tribulations in I has become so serious that the post a wit. Meeting a friend who was at young Englishman was killed, am well silence, or laughs about tliepi, and is master general has ismied a »¡»erial tending the recent summer session of 1. THE nucou* nEHBRVNE LININ0 as the Maoris who lived in the district th«* sunshine of the family circle while wvirniug to officers in his de.|»ar1ment. the famous inst itution he asked how he THE BACK PORTION OP THE NOSE.-It be and exacted tolls from visitors to the her heart is secretly breaking. It must comet inflamed and thickened, and a Chronic He warns the staff that all gold coins was enjoying himself. “ Excellently, Hot lakes. The acene was the wildest be confessed that this type of young Peter A. Watson (“Wulf Watson”), of received at post offices should be sent until yesterday,’’ was the reply, “when Catarrh is the result III l> YAY’ will reduct imaginable. The air rushed over the lady would be considerably more to the to the Bank of England for examina I heard Prof. X----- .” “Didn’t he lec the inflammation, and leave the mucous mem land with cyclonic fury, uprooting, taste of the ordinary man than th«* old- Omaha, Neb., draws a salary from the brane in a perfectly healthy condition. tearing and breaking trees that had fashioned tyjw of tearful patience. The Nebraska Live Stock association to pay tion, and that those found short should ture well?” asked the doctor. “Not at «. (THE EAR DRUM) THE MUCOUS survived the hail of rocks, leaving here “man’s woman” courageous, gay, tol him for putting in his ent ire time kill be rut in two and th«» deficiency- ma«le all,” answered his friend, “he simply up by th«» officers who received them. told us what he didn’t know.” “Ah!” MEMBRANE OP THE EAR.-It becomes In and there a guarirti und jaggrd trunk, erant and reserved as *to her private ing wolves. He haa reduced the wolf But the postmaster general has failed queried the doctor, “then he is still flamed and thickened giving rise to almost denuded of branch«1» and »tripped of feelings is coming to the front in fic census of the state so that he can kill total deafne**. Ill 1>YAN will prevent the but 200 a year now. to a»»ume the resultant responsibility talking?”—San Francisco Wave. its bark. spread of the inflammation. The drum will not tion, and this ideal is decidedly worth he killed 500 a ’.ear. of providing th«» officers with coin be affected anti hearing will t>e unimpaired. The next day the ¡»arty Met off for studying by th«* novel-reading girls of llMk«*«l Tun Lonf. Watson’s father, a famous hunter, weighing scales and t he officers want to Rotomahana. As they approached the to-day. Chicago Chronicle. IB. CHRONIC TONSILITIS, OR CHRONIC A jolly old boy from the Midlands en know how they ar«* to detect the coins who shot bulT.O with Buffalo Bill on hot lakes huge cracks, extending hun 6ORE THROAT.—From th» ««me cause as the a contract to supply the Union Pacific which, apart from a few grains de tered into one of the hotels at the sea two preceding. HUDYAX will prevent Its dreds of yards in length ami al»out a SAYING FAREWELL railroad builders with meat, was killed ficiency in weight, are genuine. A live side, and seeing on the slab on the right eomlng on. foot in width, were seen in all direc ly agitation is now afoot, ami if r«Mlress a crab dressed on the shell with legs tions. The scene was one of the strange How It la Iptikru and Srtrd by l’»r- in a wolf chase. 4. WEAKNESS IN THE HEART.-III l>- The son is now 55, as straight as an cannot be obtained earlier, the ag claws and parsley rangeil around, said anna of l»lfTrrent Nation Y’ AX will strengthen th» heart nerves.equalise grandeur of absolute desolation. The to the landlord: "Whatd ’ ye call that? ” grieved officers will have the matter Indian and a famous rider, lie goes the circulation of blood, and caune the heart ality. upheaval of nature had blown the won beats to become strong and regular. from point to point w here complaint is brought before parliament in Feb “Crab,” was the ahswer. “Looks good: derful terraces to atoms; «team was I ’ ll have 'un, and gie us a ¡»¡nt of ale. ” ruary. The Turk wil solemnly cross his made of wolves* depredation*, ridings 5-4. A WEAKENED CONDITION OP THE rising in dense clouds from one end of Bread and butter was added, and the The headquarters of the “ sweating" LOWER LOBES of THE LUNU^-HI DYAV the area to the other, a distance of hands u | hiu his breast and make a superb horse and accompanied by six diner left to his dinner. In about an gang ar«* believed to be in some provin will cause the lung tissue to become strong Dogs anal about nine miles. Rotomahana lake profound obeisance when he bids you of his fine staghounds. and healthy. horses run down the wolves in the open cial town, but all efforts of the mint hour the genial landlord entered th« was a yawning caldron from which rose farewell. dining saloon to see if his guest was and Bank of England detretivea to lo 7. LUMBAGO, OR WEAK BACK.-HI l>- The genial Jap will take his slipper prairie. a majestic column uf steam. The getting on all right; he found him YAY will strengthen It almost immediately. Then the training shown. A wolf cate the gang have so far failed.—N. Y. ground was completely »tripled of off us you depart* and say, with a chawing up the last claw, the chawer Sun. vegetation and covered with lava from smile: “You are going to (rave my could kill one of Watson's dogs, but the III It Y A % will cure all of the »hove symp red in the face, but beaming. '.‘Like the toms and leave your whole system in a perfect the mountain. The lava was red’iced despicable house in your honorable six show team work, and so divide the V Queer Msilran l'r<ic«*sxl<»n. crab, sir? ” "Yes, he was capital. I condition of health. Go to your druggist at animal’s attention that they are seldom to the consistency of flour, ao that the journeying I regard thee!” Several young men belonging to good never tasted one afore, but I think you once and procure a package of III It YAM explorers sunk, in it neatly to their The German “lei»«' wohi” is not par injured. families in Pacucha decided to greet the baked ’un a little too long, the erm-t for 90 cents, or six packages for 90. If your I pon bis hunting 1 rip Watson carries »nd of the world announced by Prof. knees. Thus in the space of time was ticularly sympathetic In its sound, but was so hard. Let’s have another pint.“ druggist «Joes not keep it, send direct to the North island suddenly shorn of its it is less «»inbarrasaing to those it only a revolver, and seldom needs to I Fnlb in a royal manner. They, there III It YA W UKM> It Y < OMPAJV Y, San He had eaten th»* lot shell, daws and moat peculiar natural features, in six k | m * c <) s than the Hindoo's ¡»erformam-v, use even that. When he nerds it. hr fore, hire«l th re«* flat cars which they all complete. London Spare Moments. Francisco, Cal. Remember that you can consult who, when you go from him, falls in nerds It badly, for though a wolf will 'adorned with a profusion of Chinear hours the whole aspect of the countr) th« HI It YAW IVStSTOKM PRICK. Call the dust at your feet. never attack a man so long as he might J lanterns. The first car was occupied by was changed, and what was one of th« and see the doctors. You may call and •« s No Whitt* Hower«. them or write, as you desire. Address The Fiji islanders cross two red run, a hard-pressed wolf w ill sometimes a splendid piano which was plant'd bv most l>eautiful B|K»ts in the world was An absolutely white color does n<»t feathers. The natives of New Guinea srll his life dearly. transformed into a l>arren country car I the well known Prof. Arturo Jiminez; seem to exist in any flower. The fact Hudy«o Remedy (orop«ny peted In lava and covered with debris. exchange rhocolatr. The Burmese Once a big gray wolf Jumped at Wat the second car was or»*upied by an estu- may be shown by placing some flow tin The geysers, however, still abound in Iwnd low and say: “llib! Illb!” son, clawing the flanks of his horse and iiantina, and th«* third by an orchestra Corner Stoclrton, Market and Ell 19 Street». supposed to be of the purest white, Ilk» profusion, and it is possible in time The "auf wlrtlrrsrhen" of the Aus the rider’s right It g ami hand. Wat »»f wdl-kn«»w n amaateurs. These cars 6AN FRANCISCO. CAL. other terraces may be formed.—Wind trians is the most feeling expression son reached over with his left hand, j were followed by a long pr«H»es.sio!i of the lily, the white campanula, or the sor Magazine. of farewell. drew his pistol and fired four shots at «*yrlists with their wheels adorned and wood anemone, on a leaf of ch ar whir» Does your friend have a camera ? .The Cuban would consider his good the wolf, but didn't harm the brute all carrying torcbr». Th«» effect of this paper. It will be found that the white flexible, leather covered album would ■lolled Chritnati. is really washed with yellow, blue or by anything but a cordial one unless much, as his horse danced about sons i f pro<»rssion, ns it traversed th«' streets, A algn reading “Boiled Chratnuta,” orange, nee <:i: g 1» what flower i make a splendid present—$1 and ¡ess he was given a gixnl cigar. The .South to spoil his aim. Watson had but one I was very pretty. A E. Voorbiea has a itock ui albums. Flowers, confetti taker. displayed on a. chestnut vender’s stand S«*a islanders rattle each other's whal<* • ’ e press. shot left. IL put his pistol in the | and serpentines rained on the merry wrm so unusual un to attract attention teeth neck lave. wolfs mouth ami, at the risk of blowing makers from the balconies as they sntl even this vender sold roast chest I he Rioux ami Blackfret will at off his own fingers, firetl. That shot passe«!.- Mexican Herald. nuts, too. Years ago such chestnuts us ¡»arting dig their »¡«rars In the earth finished the animal, after which the were eaten cooked were much more as a sign of <*onfidcii«<* and mutual rs bleeding man and horse had ten wearj commonly boiled than they arc now, term. This is the origin of the term miles to travel to the nearest town. and it was not unusual then to sec them “burying the tomahawk.” But, weak as they were from loss of thus offered In the street; but nowa In the islands in the straits of the blood, they took the wolf with them day people almost without Exception sound the natives at your going will Chicago rim* s Herald. prefer them roasted. So boiled cheat* stoop down and clasp vour foot. nuts, once familiar, have come to l»e n TTw Russian form of parting saluta novelty. —N. Y. bun. tion is brief, consisting of the single word "praschai,” said to «out <1 like a I sneeze The Otaheitr i aider will twist the md of the department guest’s robe ami then aolrinnlv shake his own hands three times Chicago Evening New s demonstrates its superiority over o' het . ü blood remediea It matters not how b- Trv A Bargain S. S. S. GOES TO THE BOTTOM l ie Alka • foot f at« in Your Glove». \ lady writes, “1 shahs Alien’s Foot Carries U. S. Mails, Passengers and Stage Express. Ease into my (loves and rub a little on itiv hands. It M ves mv gloves bv sb Stage« *un both way* daily l>etween Grants Pass. Oregon, and Crescent sorbing per« pi rat ion. It is a most dainty City. Cal , passing through the following interior points: Wilder- toilet powder ” Allen's Foot Fass ville, I/ive's, Anderson, Kerby, Waldo, Shelly Creek, make« tight new shoes easy It keep» Patrick's Creek, Gasquet.«. the feet cool ami comfortable We in vita the attention oi physicians and TIME TABLE. nurses to the absolute purity of Allen’s WESTBOUND KASTBOUND . 6 a. Ul. loot Ease. All drug and short store« .,8a ni. | Iecavc Crescent City Ixave Grant« Pass .. Sp. m. sell it, 25r Sample sent FREE Ad 6 p. m. I Arrive at Waklo. Airive at Waldo............ 6:30 a. in. •ires» Allen S. Olmsted. 1^ Roy, N Y . I a. in. I Leave Waldo.... Leave Waldo.............. Arrive at Crescent City.. , .6 p, m. I Arrive at Grants Pass .4:30 p. m. The scenery through which this line passes i« lieautiful A de- lía cur siott lghtful mountain road from Gasquet to Crescent City rates during summer season. J. C. HARPER. Grants Pass. Or . Manager. Courier and Oregonian 1 year for $2 QMDÄR THKOUQU THJi COUJUHR Crrs» «i»t ( li) aittl (trtnoi Paos Mtagr lonr l*aaarnger ICatea Fron (iianta l'ass Î0 WiMervill« ............................. » .75 to love'e ..................................... »I ÜD Io Andereoti .............. .................. »1 .• I« Selma • I M) To Karby ................................... |2 00 To Walde............................................. Id 00 Shelley creek Gaequat . . C reaven t City IM.OO Above rates subject to change without notice Hound trip tutela and si cur- sum parties at special rates M indies ter Call al this Dr.Williams’ Pink Pills for Pale People is on every package of the genuine. vr, Fanrl» B Stoffie, of Martinsville. Mo., says: “I used to1 have I r. * nt years they were Retting worse. A few years ago I took treat- merit of aupBCialist in Kan»»u»City, but It only relieved ine \\ r.< n I came here two years ago mv health wus miserabte. My bus- isni ubo hud irre«it faltb in 1 r. Williams’ Pink Fills for I ale > *>!»«> II - <ed that 1 commence using them. After taking a feu dose» I could mi * > improvement, and my headache spells J • r I-OXCH, ami siu«*e thnt time I have not had any of those al- U*cu8, and 1 never felt no well la my life." ’ —the Republican. Bethany, Ma. No discovery of modern times has proved such a blessing to man kind ai I r Williams’ Pink Pills for Pale People. Acting directly on the blood and nerves, invigorating the body, regulating the functions, they n-t .re the strength and health in the exhausted patient when everv effort of the physician prove« unavailing. BIGGLE BOOKS A Farm Library of unequalled »alue—Practical, Up-ti>-date, Concise and Comprehensive—Hand somely Printed and Beautifully Illustrated. By JACOB BIGGLE No. 1—BIGGLE HORSE BOOK Allalxjut Horses—a Common-Sense Treatise, with over 74 illustrations ; a standard work. Price, 50 Cent*. No. 2 BIGOLE BERRY BOOK All aliout growing Small Fruits—read and learn how ; contains 43 coiored life-like reproductions of all leading varieties and too other illustrations. Price, 50 Cents. No. 3—BIGGLE POULTRY BOOK All about Poultry ; the best Poultry Book !n existence , tells everything with23 colored lib.- l ike reproduction» of al! the prim ipal breeds; with 103 other illustrations. Price, 50 Cents. No. 4 HIGGLE COW BOOK All about Cow» and the Dairy Business ; having a sale; contains 8 colored life-like reproductions ot each breed, with 132 other illustrations. Price, 50 Cents. No. 5-BIGGLfi SW INE BOOK Just out. All about Hogs—Breeding, Feeding, Butch- ciy , Diseases, etc. Contains over bo beautiful half tones and other engravings. Price, 50 Cents. The BIGGLE BOOKS are unique,original,useful—you never saw anything like them—so practical, so sensible They are having an enormous sale—East West, North and S ulh Everv one who keeps a Horse, Cow, Hog or Chicken, or gt ws >mall Fruits, ought to send right away for the BIGGLE BOOKS. The FARM JOURNAL Is s ys yeur paper, made for you and not a misfit It is 33 years Did .Id; ; it is the great boiled -down, hit the n all-on the head,— luit after vou have-aaid-it, Farm and Household paper in the world—the biggest paper ofitssiie in the United State» of America—having ow a million and a half regular readers. Any ONE of the BIGGLE BOOKS, and the FARM JOURNAL '■ ”” *odwU1 b' »**’ Sample ufFAWM JOtRNAL and circular describing BIGGLE BOOKS free. WILMBM ATKiNsoif. Ad drew, FARM fOl HXAI CHAM. V. JENKINS. J " x Y a T k LF.IA . , , ..... > ery few remedies claim Vicureauch real, deep seated blood disease« as a S. 8. cure«, and none on»‘r such incontrovertible evidenceot merit. H 8.9 it not merely a tonic-It la a cure I It foes down to the very seat of all blood dlteaam, an«] gvu at the foundation of the very wont ca«e s, and rout« the poison from the syatem ltd w not, like other remedies, dry up the poison and hide it from view temporarily only to break forth again more violently than ever; 8. 8. 8 force« out every trace of taint, and nds the syatem of it forever. J Ur«.T W Lew,Montgomery, Ala., write«: "Someyeari Mt" I »*» inoculated with poi»on by > nune who infected tny babe with blood taint. I wm covered with »ore» and ulcer, from head to foot, and in my great extremity I prayed to die Several prominent physician» treated me. nut all to no purpoae. The mercury 'and pota»h which they Îave nw wemed to add fuel to the awful flame which wm evouring me. I wa» advited by friend» who had »een wonderful cure« made by it. to try Swtft'« Specific. I im proved from the »tart. »< the medicine teemed to go direct to the cauae of the trouble and force the pol»on out. Twenty bottle« cured me completely.” Swift's Specific— »• »»’* °»11 y remcly that is guaranteed purely vegetable, and contains mercury, potash, arsenic, or any other mineral or chemical. It never fails to cure tsneer K. «em», Scrofula. Rheumatism, Contagious Blood Poison, Tetter. Boils. Carbuncle«. Sores, etc. Y sluable books mailed free by Swift Specific Company, Atlanta, Oa. ; AT THE RIVERSIDE NURSERY, EAST and SOUTH GRANTS PASS, ORE., VIA THE You will find a nice lot of healthy trees. Apples, latest keepers as well as earliest. Pears, Cherries, Plums, Prune, Peach Nut anil Shade trees, as well as Berry plants. Get my Prices before you buy. J. T. TAYLOR r Shilolis i( ’------- v> Cough and 11 V,0nsiiniptipi» 1 "—- Cure, | Thi* ix beyond question the LgH most successful Cou<h Medi- al tew doses invariably cure the IM| iW Consumptn.n is without a par- allel in thehistory of medicine. Since its first discovery it has been sold on a guarantee, a fest which no other medicine can stand. If *. 4 have a Cough, we earnestly ask you totryit. In United >•«*. <» and Canada 2V . Mk* and |i <«0, and in England Is. Vd . jj and Shasta Route — oí the — Southern Pacific Company* ExjircKH rrains Leave Portland Dailv 1:15 A * > « 1' p I Grant.*» Pasa 1 26 A 6..53 p *12 A 11 vr > b i.v. I 7 <X) a 8:05 P ■ -'ve trains Mop at all stations between I "-i.aii'i ami baleni, Turner, Marion, I 7 (i i ‘V 1,1 v ' Grove, Fangent, n 1-. Halley. Harh.»burg, Junction City, ' I11' ' I’r i n Oakland, and all stations troni K»»el.urg, to Ashland inclusive. Roteburg Mail Daily 8 U a m . 1V. Portland l2:40p. m . Lv. Albany 1 * K» m . ttoaabwrg 4 30 p. M, 12.25p. M, DININC CARS ON OGDEN ROUTE. PUilman Buffet Sleepers — and — S econd C lass S leeping G aps AtUebci to all thiougii trains »or farther particular, inquire jf Osor^s Loie., Granu Pa»». \\1 11« 1(1 IW Z1 f > West Side Division sr • V. 5:50F. M .:2t)r. m -t teen Portland, ' Net rates ' I class, includ- LEROY. N.Y. TORONTO. CAN ’A PA N A Svn.r DR. JORDAN'S a.v*T¿ JSE’JM 0? IMItIUCTlI UiniKtMS.ClL ( w». <1 4»«eAx« w cr aOy fxi'ricj F . .«« li.« CoA.1 L*IJéy«a-k 6R. jema DÍÍAJ.S OF MEN • .».■M ,« j fro* i)Mni vwh «M lk- «.« Werewry V Tw a m I «-*<• «e. W«pt«e* « rrttb «r 1 F r*d>cal f<w FU»«. Fis««r« a* a F«•«•»*. ¡> JdWa.. . spatMi .. . 4 Is* y i »te« «M rtrt'f'y pr*v«-e T pe, á r a rwiu. Xr, F ** b rssn O'nrHi .r * mailid n>i Z Promptly Reaches the Seat of all Blood Oiseases and always m2?*<."'iS3!_"T.:.**; u‘i^k';:*i promptly reaches and cures «ni S. 8. 8. FOR THE BLOOD a< Is the cause of untold suffering to many women; of neglected families and unhappy homes. Pleasure is banished from the life that is subject to these at tacks, and yet it is possible to be free forever from such trying ordeals. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People, by en riching the blood, toning up the nerves, and strengthening the stomach, make sick headache impossible, an I restore ner vous energy to the despondent sufferer. The full name: LA GRIPPE The Parts Affected Are: A whole block in Grants Past, wr.h a good house and out buildings, silh city water, ale»» a good well Over 150 year old fruit trees in good beating the place Five minute« walk to wh or church. Would sell three lots, mi ing a corner lot 150x100, a brant 1 building site, foi |I k) The whole ph can I m * bought for $1500 —See Pric. Voorbiee Headache, ÎI 0 *O--,t r««. . z C.A.SNOWdlOO. 50 YEARS* EXPERIENCE Qw cats ism- »WKX1T *»«*• iBTeotî n »« I». mstHrtlj S»rt • ll FxtMttx • i Scientific .Hmjrican À lk«s<SrMX»«ly lTN«tn».'*l *«•»»* | en.«- • •«* .'f •»♦< ■ A • • —a *! j . L'*ir (L £«44 bya ! ' wssmm