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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 1, 1900)
Takrn I |> ROGUE RIVER COURIER, Ihiblished Every Thursday, A. E. VOORHIES, FBOCKIKTUM. BATKS OF SVBaCBlFTIUN . One Year, in advance, - - 81-25 Six Months, • • • • .66 Three Months, ... .35 bingle Copies, • • - - .05 Advertising rales on application. Copy for change oL ad' must be handed in before Tuesday noon, otherwise setting of the matter will i>e <-barged for at the rate of 5c per running in. h, single column. Altera lions and additions to copy will be charged or at the rate of 10c per running in« b, »in gle column. baas had in the town, and tn view of lhe several tockadmsieal and futile attempta, which tbe lalaiodad victims have fruatralad. tbe theory haa plausi bility. Toe tramp ia a degenerate. Who "let down bis jaw" and “elatilad | bar k his brow ?” The rich man, ‘‘grind- ! er” of the facea of tbe poor?” Stuff and | nonsense. Ils did it himself. He is the culmination ot idleneaa and aim leeanew, and all their attendant vicwa, coniined in human form, whu-h haa little room for anything else. We are told that he haa a soul and tbe germ ot, manhwil in him, but they are so, ametbered and covered up, and he is so morally blear-eyed that the word» are i meeningleee tr> him SOCTMERN OREGON GOLD Don’t Miss This History ol the First Discovery of the Prec ious Actol There. R oyal r S On th- night of ftec 14, there come t. m, ranch a 3-y«ar old til ley with wh,,, «pul in forehead and one white fo*. branded on ri«b« lhi(li. Owner have «aim-by payimi ebanp-a. M u an a ILt, Real Estate Bargans. It has l»een pufelishe«! and republished, bsolvtely ure iterated and reiterated sotn** thousands Makes the food more delicious and « holesome of times that James Clnggage ami James Pool in paasiag through th« ealhy from 44 44 »S ■T b Xi U I Buy« 248 acree oi land. 7 n „ tbe Willamette lo California, in the fall Jj-tDW |,O|H Kerby ami the same di», 44 44 ii tanre from Waldo; 3U acre» meadow; w of 1851. camped on Rich gulch, within acre- »la-bed and burned, all valley land 2 tbe present corporate limits of Jackson ii 44 M-laiid bi til ng. diu hes anti « reek running through Tbe AafnandCty cuureil h.- property, good feaews and 2 acre or.h^ ville, and that while in camp Mr. Pool Tbe grana at preaent is aa good as it 44 44 •4 did some prospecting with a pea and nnually ia in April on account <•( 'he * orth.Pi.r^oid^^h Water power sa* mill, capacity about Km eel per dav Good demand lor timb» 44 4« 44 made the discovery, save the Ashland !arn<eu- d«»»n secure», th- open wiater • alance on ume. —Brice and Voorhies Tidings. Nobodv disputes the prospect —- C. D. Burnett carat uut frum bis Mt. Entered at th- ••■‘tt<e at («rants Para, ^Ii«nm «ere n°< W » ing by Mr. Pool, or the finding of gold, Oregon, aa aecon<l*ciass mall matter. Like Reduction on all Wrappers and Skirts to close. Reuben mine* in poor liealth and went Room plastered Douse, barn, two wHjg but was this the first discovery in South O brick ceilxr and 2'a a< res of land m to Grants Pas» to gel medical a. tend- When war waa declared between Eng- | Examine our new line r idics* and Children'*» Shoes S! : nd m bearing apples, peara. prunes, peaefisg ern Oregon? The purpose of thin paper T hursday , F ebruary i , 1900. ■ land and the Dutch republics, tbe wurld once. cherries, grapes and l»erries, located in thh is to show that it was not. .... denieJ. Tills tbe coitncll « m W city, fur I-’IOO. flWO down and txlanceua expected a abort though sanguinary con Koine of die men that have bw n work* Mr. J>avid Linn, who baa lived in tiiue. ______________ not make »P »,Bd 10 d°‘ * * text, and the sj»ee<ly crushing of the bel- FAY UP AND GET BOTH PAPERS. Jacksonville since early in the spring of ingin ti e mines by the day have quit , «-rre« ol file •'»•’“P“ 10 “»"•°" r ligerent burghers, not without a g'»d work and are going prospecting. This ■ x Acres of red land 1 vtng with west n. waal 100 new tuborribere to ear paper '52. and whoa* word is as good aa bis anr eour^. Wrn<-d >he m.tter ove. to 1*1 iK».sure. live acres in cultivation. Thu and are going to do it if «re can: we have there deal ol calamity to the Bntish. The bond, says he left Oregon city in the fall is a very promising field for prospering. the uw.pi» to vole on. Tbe 1 alley Ket land is one mile from (»rants Pans, on rhfe W. E. DEAN. L CO., Propr. Times are good here, an«l there is or.l «ava potnledly. that they h.esf ‘O« ground and almost perfectly protected fro* fore made arrangement* with the Farm Jour . calamity baa been greatly in evidence, of ’51 in company with Wesley M«.(>an Frost, will make a tine orchard. nal by which we tan tend the Courier far one , but crushing ie not yet apparent. The igal, a man with whom he hail just plenty of work. Some of the men here feet” and that« TP'' ’* year and the Farm Journal 5 tftart, both for British general and troops went there created tbe plains. They walked from are cutting wood to get a grab stake M) iT.mthe »>• -.. tbv Ü.. “carw.ll dk AAA A.AAAAAAAAAM Xi HI One block in town, over Ugg Oregon City lo Salem, and bought their that they can go prospecting in the 11.60. Andve make the euet. offer to all I «Intermined to erase tbe disgrace of Ms ipiTM R f y ear o|j fruit trees. This pkg* comeback ’to the cite ball. has for vears been producing very ai^h. old eubecribera who will pay all arrearage* aad I juba Hill. A general of severe methods, outfit and two |>oniee They parked spring. idantlv hi fruit, berries and garden ir4<^ Buller, was to have the whole op William» Item». Cbleoae New Year tbe jonies, and started on foot for Cali one full year in advance. We ?*aw a letter of Stephen Jewell a Five Cents per Dozen. ! here is a good house ami out buildift« You know what our paper is and the eration in his hands. He would eat Ira Sparlin made a trip to Granta Bass fornia. Arriving at Canyonville, they in a recent issue of the C ourier ffiat A ai.lend.d line ol mo»»«» *n“UiPte also a good well. Five minutes walk k Thia ia the aearon of th« Mongol's his Christmas dinner in Pretoria. There M-hoolor church. Would sell three ioU Farm Journal i« a gem— practical, progres found the town to consist of one log cab man surely has something »«nous ailing (lari naw year, and all over th« fioeery last week pic. urea, .«»><*•• M fc p.r m\l o feet, (corner lot J for 8400. Thukg in, and no modern adjunct in tbe shape of sive—a dean, honest, useful pajmr full of i would be no more Majeba. The burgh Kingdom and him, an we won't make any reply to his v»o panel» lor lour puturea in different would maae a ».eautiful building lot. in Cbinene lalealed Tom Had and son have put in eeveral gumption, full of sunshine, with an im ers called him down with a vengeance, portions el ibis conntry, hilarity reigas. months working in their mine near the a real estate agent to boom the prospects remarks. p.^iUM.a All kind, of mount» on df'LiUI In went »ide of city, 5Oxluo(w and be ate a Christmas dinner of bisown mense circulation among the l>est people of the place and offer corner lots at bank F A nearly new six room hw^ After a few rnooths of McKinley s hand -A. E. Voo.hies.___ words. Msjuba has faded into insignifi China gin fiowa like water, mat doroua old farm ai B. Hall. everywhere. You ought to take it. rupt prices. The two men stopped here pleasant location and cheap. confectionery abounds, tire-works are administration, some people found fault Geo. E. Weber, of Medford, gave quite cant-eon account of numerous repetitions. The old rellabl^-Tha Weekly Or-xonlan. a short time for reinforcement«, as it much in evidence, and there 1» an era an interesting addrere at the Baptist with him, but after such a reason of, The house of representatives made a Lately, when Buller effected a cross was considered dangerous for so small a ( burch in the interest of tbe "WeodflMMi final disposition of Brigham Robert»« on ing of JieTugela river, he said ‘ their of general rejoicing. Our Chinaman, Goon Ixte, hays, how of the World.” After the address, Mr. party to travel through the Rogue river Thursday. The majority report of the will be no turning bick.” He has been ever, that while in China every hotly Weber, with the assistance of Dr. Flan country. The next «lay after their arriv investigating committee, to exclude Rob forced to retreat across tbe river in order has plenty good time on China New agan and J. Klover of Grants Pass, or al a party of three men came along go* erta and declare bis seat vacant, was to save his army. Buller will show ing to California, and together the five Year, that with him, having no money adopted by a vote of 278 to 60. good judgment in future by refraining ganized a camp of 26 new members pursued their journey south, leaving and few aaeociaten, it is "alia asm as from making such rash remarks. They aside from the eight which already t’anyonvil'e on the morning of October Senator Goebel of iKentuckv was shot are too liable to subject him to ridicule. ditfriint day,” by which we understand reside at this place. Our village was in and seriously wounded at Frankfort, Ky. The Hpionkop affair seems a piece of Goon to mean that he does not intend need of something of this kind and we 2«, 1851. Mr. I.ynn remember» the date ..U«T (•"“‘I I«».» distinctly on aecount of it» being his on Tuesday. The wound ie not regarded stupidity besides which Majuba appears to eelebrale to any great extent. <>ouo are glad to learn that the citizens are «nrtULtTHLjjaf WA«»A»lt0 birthday. Tl.e party went through the as fatal. It is not known who did the trivial. The appearance is that Warren cenaiders the Chinese method of count- taking an interest in tbe good work. »”Cr a '»'»■»"• canyon in a day, a<pl camped at Hardy shooting. A Butler county farmer wear waa deliberately enticed into a trap and mg time superior to ours, an each month • »rfWvn .A k «Vv ElifiTs. Judge Skinner and party were Sunday night, Rev. Davis closed his ing five revolvers was arrested, but shot to pieces. No hops seeius to now han the »alue number of days. Eivery meetings, which he has been bolding in there on their way to Rogue river, claims he io innocent. remain for Ladysmith, A rumor to the lew years they count an extra month various parts of Williams since the 20:h where Mr. Skinner was to take up his in the year to make up for lost lime. effect that Mafeking had been relieved, residenue as Indian agent. The five Oregon may show enough population of December. Goon says they count the lune accord was floated, but we bear no more of it. 1903 to !>• entitled to another congress F. Tryer took a load of D. Vineyard s men continued their journey on the 29th, Are recognized by all Wood>men as the The British public is exas|>efatttd at the ing to the meon and thereby ‘‘keep man. The present apportionment ia one fioe apples to Medford first of the week. leaving the »Skinner party, who had ox slate of affairs and Joe Chamberlain everything square.” teams, which would travel too »low for representative to every 173,901 popula Mrs. J. K. Reaves, who has been the packers. tion. Unless the ratio h materially has little to say, The government has January Weather. visiting her sister Mrs. Ed Tryer, re spent hundreds of millions of dollars, We would call your special attention to the DEXTER tooth, made of special steel, thin back On tbe first or second day of November changed there la good reason for expect turned to .Medford last week. The weather for a part of the peat week tbe party arrived at Perkins’ ferry on 1 and ground on a segment of a circle. Every saw warranted. \\ e carry a complete stock. ing the population to be suflicieut to and haa lost about 10,000 men and has Miss Alice Sparlin ia making ar) Rogue river. There were three or four entitle us to three representative« in had no success whatever. They have haa ' eon of a quality which ia familiar to Prices from 50c to $1 per foot. men at the ferry, and they had built a congress. The population thia year is not yet made a beginning. The Boe re Southern Oregonian» and ia a phase of extended visit in Murphy. have bad comparative freedom from our regular winter weather. Thoae who Miss Eva Sill, who has been teaching stockade to protect themselves against expected to reach 425,000. injury. Their cxHualtie«« have not expect it to rain all winter bete because school in the Burnt district, returned the Indians. They advised the party not The microscopic attndaoce at that damaged them in any material degree. it is Oregon, experienced a nail disap to her home at the close of her school, to cross the river until reinforced, as the important gathering, the school meet An American correspondant with the pointment. Frosty morning», with thin Friday, Jan. 19. Indians were hostile and had killed a I’own and $2000 on time brings ing, in full of suggestion». Ths school Boer army says that the number of Boers ice in tuba ami wash basins, were on Wm. Fitzpatrick visited friends at number of persons up in tbe valley a few good times and prosperity as we have ,"1' ' 1'2 acres on O.«car creek, 5-room is one ol our moat important institutions as compare«! to those of tbe British in tbe daily program, and a huge fog blank this place during the week. Mr. Fitz days liefore. The party, however crossed been experiencing, the people have quit plain house, barn and sheds, 75 large fruit trees. 40 acres of good placer mining ground and it would appear that »very one the battles, are ndicuieusly small. The et rolling up from the aea enveloped us patrick expects to join the Wood men’s tbe river, and went alxiut two miles and growling, all except a few who are on place that can be covered by ditch. should be interested. It may be. bow- British soldier is crediied with being ia its fold», so that the early morning camped for tbe night in a secluded bend prejudiced against the republican party. Farm in summer and mine in winter. lodge. over, that a few citizen» can transact «me of the best fighters on earth, and he nun might cause no harm to the tender of the river. The next morning, after Some good ledges have been d fl- — OF — F. Tryer has rented the rar cli belong U L4 | Seven and ««ne-half acres of the necessary ham neat an well a» a dues tbe beet he can. It is not his fault frost-cohered grana. After the frost wan starting out, they met a man on horse covered on this creek and its tributaries n A f ]un<j within city limits. ing to L. Loveless, and will move his SOUTHERN OREGON. large gathering could. The important that be is not impervious to Mauser gone and it waa of no further uae, the fog back, whom McGariigal recognized as an during the last year. The ledges that! Two story, ten-room house, nearly new. iamily there in a short time. Good out buildings. Nearly all of the land matter is to know the needs of the bullets. It is the fault of the othor fel blanket melted away and vanished old schoolmate by the name of ¿¿ills. have been opened have been of a perm t- is in fruit bearing, consisting of choice vari F. O. Bryan, one of our saccessful After greetiug each other, Bills requested school and to proside for them in the low, who has no business to shoot so Then the aun shone warmly, the air nent character. eties of apples, pears, peaches, nectarines, straight and no fast. It has been a long grew balmy, and a desperate longing miners, has purchased the house which us to camp about a half mile south of only method we know. prunes, quinces, etc. Also a good variety We have had several sharp frost9, formerly belonged to Mr. Morris. time since Britain was such a subje t for came over one to do nothing but to Receive deposits subject to check or oo of small fruits. A deep well of excellent the rocky point, a noted place for Indians water. This is one of tiie finest, if not the A ton and a hall of gold. A pound humorous remarks as sbe is now. ‘‘Mr but at present, we are having cloudy certificate payable on demand. I.est locations in town. Overlooking broad stroll around ami bask in the bright Win. Mesky, who has been a resident to attack travelers, and that he would re avoirdupois of our ordinary gold duet Dooley” says that the Ixmd n printers weather, with the appearance of rain fields and rugged mountains. Offered for Bells sight drafts on .New York, San Fran They say it makes a person turn in tbe evening, as be was only go sunshine. of Williams for several years, has now sale on aecount of poor health of owner. ia worth about 1260, at tbe rateof a little keep standing a line of ty,s» saying.” I There is certainly a rented * ranch on Missouri Flat, belong ing to Perkins’ ferry for same boards to and that ir whal we miners need in our cisco, ami Pul'.land. lazy to live here lean than f IK to the troy ounce. A ton regret to report.” business. The miners have had a good Telegraphic transfers sold on all pointe in strange temptation cover bis cabiu. About sundown Bills ) wl^ huv s” acres five mile» ing to D. Sheehan. B ackwoodsman . of it 1» worth about |',o i . iksi . It ih ■ tong run this season ami more gravel the United States. M m / Jron) town> About 20 acres returned and McGanigal weut with him « lear and balance in timber. 12 or 15 acres Wood-Hawing Machin«. reasonable Mtimate toplace thia coun lias already been moved this year, than Special Attention given to Collections and iein-etl with up the river to B.g Bar, and there found m a board fence. Three or try'» production thi» year at something in any previous vear for a long time. general business of our customers. Our i»»< kani-al genins, K. E. Rsdfisld, lour acre-' in fruit bearing. General varie young Bills’ father They were engaged near a ton and a half. Till», II melted who hut »«vvral practical and We miners know that we will be paid Collections ramie throughout Southern ty of fruit. Land lavs lacing the south, in mining, and had apparently !»een .lust the plat e for fruii • ullur. A 5-rouni together would fall somewhat abort ol ingenioiia Invautlona to hl. credit, ha» for onr work. Tnat means that the Oregon, and on all accessible pointe. Hou'»- -mall barn and good well. Come in there for some time. W ben M <«•. re making a three foot cul>e. la a law invented, and 1» now preparing to con merchant will be paid for his goods and J. D. FRY, President. and let us tell you more about it. turned to camp be wae greatly excited. year», we are going to have a five foot ■tract, a machine for »awing wood, which the farmer for his produce. J. T.TUFFS, Vice President. He said there were thousands of Indians Room house, 2'^ acre» land. well, barn, cube to represent our gold pre luetion. if it ia a »ui-eeaa, and an eiamiaatlon of R. A. B ooth , Cashier .shade trees, etc., near town for 83.5U. At present, every one is well. Our up there, but that young Bill» and his About KKM.OOO ia produced by two of it» plan» and principal» leave» little father told him the Indians would town is a quiet one, only a few calls for, •) Acres, good healthy location; 4 room our mine« alone. room for doubt in that line, will lie ini * plastered house, barn, 12x14, good well not disturb the party, ami that doctors, and none whatever for lawyers, for $525. inenaely au|wrior to anything of Hie kind they could pursue their jeurney in safety. | i We have widows ot all kind?, large an I Notwithstanding that ths eyes of the hitherto constructed. small, grass and genuine. »So that if Al re" 0,1 lerome Prairie, 4 mile« In passing up through the valley, the world are centered on lbs Transvaal, 7 from Wuderville aiul 7 mile» from Th« power will l.e compreaaed air, only evidence of .civilization met with ! a man comes to town looking for a big Kentucky mauagea to be conspicuous Grant« fan», 35 a. re« in cultivation, 5 r--otu which will b« furnished by a gaeoline was a log inclosure four or five Hgs high widow or a little one he can be suited box hou.-c, barn, wood house, »make in the field ol war. Kentucky in oar house, mower, plows amt oilier tools, t or engine. Tin», which will be ao light that at the back and one log in front, the here. On that account, we are <x- national skeleton, but won't remain con •> Ion» of liav also; 5 spring» on place. >1100. one man will be able to lift anil carry it peeling comiderable activity in matri sides ia|>ering from the back to the front cealed in the closet. What to do with around, coiaprraeee the air Into a reaer- monial afftirs in the near future Our M ) Kour tt(Tr> in orchard; small Wetklag els* » ‘ and forming a sort of scoop shaped camp her ie a veiing question. It 1» suggest to the charm of the drawing « rx r housean«l «tutbmldings. These voir or tank, from which it ia carried by room or boudoir »» the softly radi- without covering. There were some school is not represente«i as it should be trees are in good bearing, and atijoining ed that we construct a high fence around * '• ’ ’>RI»«)V A Candles. a long rublier hose tn th« »awing macli- Nothin» will contribute more to the blankets and other things in tbe camp, in proportion to our population. the elate, and leave its iumales to their ijrr artistic aucceaa of the luncheon, fl ine proper. Thia will have a cylinder M iner ' indicating that some one was stopping ,ea ur dinner The beet decorative fate. At the and of five years, there are H I I'h'ft) a- it > near town. Both gr candle« for the eimple«t or the 30 inches in length, it, inch«« in diame —-v *-t t' . ' r < ■ (here, hut the party saw no one. This red uud dark soil. This land eipected to be vast tracts of fertile, un- Si or inanition. Made in all color» Talviils K«*('ugnizetI lavs well sheltered, and is well adapted to ter. of which the piston rod 1» attached ■y and the mowt <le!icate tints by was at the Willow Springs. When the occupied land which will lie open to fruit raising. The fame of our only Stephen Jewell MTANDAHI» OIL CO. directly to the aaw, and the atroke of tbe party arrived near where the flouring settlement from the neigliboiing states. and sold everywhere. is going abroad over the land. Wit saw 1» the »am« aa that of the piaton. |()(l "u Applegate, a tine gra«a mill ditch irosses the county road fariii, 2u> acre« in cultivation each ness the following from lhe Oregonian : i No new» 1» good aaw». Thia aaying, By an ingenioua, though very simple above Phoenix, they came across three i year. Entire larin * an be covered with A Josephine county man named | while it'» truth might lie disputed by contrivance, the aaw which will lie mu.-h ‘ill'll taken trum the Applegate. thia packers who had been killed by the Jewell says ‘‘the sultan of Turkey, Lord I farm could la- made very profitable bv an our couain» across the Atlantic, appliea like the ordinary crons cut, can be made Indiana and thrown together, and the ' .<• Jt JI up-to-date farmer Worth 450an acre, can Chamberiain and President McKinley now to the Philippine» We receive no to run level both at the top and the tie bought lor ball that amount. flour sacks cut open and the flour will go into history as tbe three great atartling dispatches from that aource, bottom of the cut, or to aaw in any poai- poured over them As assured by the amount buys one acre of criminals ul the century”; that “the which go»« to »how that matter» aro lion. Tliie whole machine, outaide the two Bills, the five reached Yreka with Do they like milk from the y good land within 10 bloc ks of people of Oregon in the coming election me lu.-torth y . Mnali but c-usv coey nume, home, wen, well, going aa they should, and that compar engine, tank and hoee, Including aaw. ■ ■ '■nan uuv out being molested. -mall orchard. $■ 'mall luUUdown -mtdown secures the place will have a chance to renew their ative quiet roigna. An era of reconatruc- cylinder, rode, tube» an.I attachinenta With monthly payments .. ................. for the balance. 1 Your correspondent expects this state wjth allegiance to the principles taught by i tion haa been begun, and government will weigh no more than 7.3 pounds. ment to call out a strong protest, if not a ’2 ' north <>1 town. Good i Jesus Christ, Thomas J«tfer?on and W. suitable to the need» of that fieoplo in Enough hone will be need no that a whole vigorous attack, because when an idea frame house, land in g«>o«i cultivation J. Bryan.” Notwithstanding the crowd I being eatabliahed. Home fighting »till tree, or perhaps several tree« lying near concerning auy important matter or \ ed condition of the asylum at Salem, 1 itcaust our cows are all high grade, goea on. and will for aetne time, but it 1» one another, may be eawed up at one event becomes crystallized iu the public ¡{cause voti get it night or morn in ” . $525 A >lor ' * ni1 » lialf plant* rel the superintendent will Jo well to make aetlingolthe engine I luring the inter of email im|>ortanco and by no meana mi ad, it becomes a sort of cherished ccauM it is pure aod clean. nou>e, tour rooms and woo«i>hed room for one more in the ward for the | geueral. Inside of five year» there will vale ol moving the aaw from one cut to d««wn stairsand lute of room up stairs; K memory, and if tbe idol is shattered or mentally defective. a; re <*i irrumH. g0()(| bioA-kn In.ra be aueb a tremendoua improvement in another, tbe engine will keep on steadily its foundation shaken somebody is sure J oatofliee._ Half * u.n aecaren tbe place. the condition of tlie Filipinos that tbe pumping air into the tank. There ie a to kick. 17 Quart Tickets for $1. Pettigrew of the day will lie eensidsred minimum of machinery connected with \ 1 .ih small h Stop the New Wagon '«ated in heart of city, (food residencs Jnat out of reach, is where every man a fit auhjecl lor detention In an Inalitutlon the concorn, and the power ia applied Many llich Ore Hamplm or busineas location. would like to be when .lunger threatened direct. There ie not a cogwheel, pulley, for the loeble minded. One ol tbe best mineral exhibits ever him. Disease is more dangerous than bell, chain, sprocket. or any such thing M M ) l^cntv a< res. mostly in taken out of Oregon, says the Telegram, any wild beast To be just out of reach (’ I, , or( han I. and bearing fruit. The tramp question is one which is in the whole machine. Many machine» of disease, ie safer than to engage it in : ’ p ‘^»Idings. ThHisib will be on exhibition at New (irleain __ __________ E B BROWN, Prop, being brought right home to ue. The for thia pntpoee have l>«en placet! before a death struggle with doubtful results. tree ’ » I ’ le frwt »«earing. Yuunf ¡during the'National Editorial A smocia The secret of keep- ! fraternity are numerous in (¿rants Paes, the public, but heretofore, nothing lias tiun convention, to be held there, begin ing just out of reach and are causing us to be more than been evolved which could more than «M()00A !arni of 160 acres on Grave ning Mar« b 1. The idea of a mineral dimly conscious of the fart. In times compete with a big man in his shirt-1 .vreek‘ 1- acres in cultivation. exhibit to be taken South and East psMt, it has bwea often difficult to treat eleeven Thia one, however, is an en puriM.,. r?iL Wdtt*r for irrigating BORN In the -Corner" Heloon originated with Mrs Edyth Weatberred, * .J. 1’ il'' a bargain and you of tbe trarnp fraternity without involv tirely new departure, ia full of original want to >ee it beiore it is sold. On Friday evening, another Itaraa and she is looking alter the matter ing honest working men, unable to ideas, an<l if it fulfills reasonable «spec DANNA In 1 *ertland, January 25, V.MX). to Mr. aad Mrs Rilph E Hanna, a (1 personally. secure employment. It has been the Cations, will t»e a great erwdit to the in occurred tn the “Corner” aalixin. in A number of especially fine Ani i On a recent visit to Grants Pass, Mrs. cam*, that such man have been com ventive grains for which Mr. Redfitdd which two half drunken men mauled j son. mals and Heads are offered for sale ing the pulled by fore« mrcamstancee to take has already far mere than a local reputa one another without infiiclin( any RUMMAGE In Roseburg, Jan. 22, to Weatherred met a large number of Fore Mrfotis physical damage. The partn-n Mr ami Mrs. C. M Ruminige. a dau enterprising citizen? who at once at very reasonable rates. Among on something of the appearance of a tion . __ . , hreedini ghter. were Adolph St. Clair, and J orb Moot«, appoin'ed committees to collect an ground for dtm-ase germs. Rich bio » tramp, but there is no need of it now the lot are the following : Fille Away, both comparative stran(ers ia town exhibit. Mrs. Weatherred was greatly creates a vigorous vital force to resist dis No man needs spend a great deal of ease. This ideal condition of the blood Wm. Hammond, wno was a con- MARRIED They were arreatwd and required to pleased with the enthusiasm manifested is best obtained by the use of I>r pi»-t v s time without ee< uring work ol some tractor fur the car|w*nter work on give b nd» lor their appearance before i by those interested in »Southern Oregon Golden Medical Discovery. In thou- h if be really wants it Ho that it 111 NDRk K4 Il lYS — In Roseburg on l^mplir s, Kessler's and Wood’s build I Judge Furman on Saturday. Some may be set down an a safe rule that 3, 19<M), B. Hendrick« and I mine« and this part of the state will sand, of cases where there has beenob. I mgs, fnldid hi* tents like the Arab and j friend- ol M-i-re'» put up IliHo guarani. « vol cam take a Miss I fonn G. llavs of Woodburn, send a very rich lot of of samples. Tbit stinate cough, bronchitis, spitting of those who beg from doo»' to <iu >r belong •ilently stole away on the night of last his appeaiai.i e, but St. Clair in.ured hi. Rev b 1*. Bsntgen of Roseburg olfic- town will be represented in tbe souvenir Wood, weakness or other ailments which to that most contemptible of all classes if neglected lead on to consumption, TURKISH, rating Thtiredav. Mr. Hammond neglected appearan«e by remaining in the city jail book. ‘‘Golden Mr-dieal Ihscoverv" lias hri'ci of so called mon, the professional tramp medicated to state lua future addresa, and several until his trial on the following morning the dises«- and pat the life just Mr. Hendricks ie a Mrs Weatherred has tirade asptcial or bubo. It does sometimes happen SULPHUR. ’ out of reach of the destrover. business men of the town mourn his They were subjet'l»<i to the regular on ths S. p. railroad, study of Oregon mines and has writi« n that a real laboring man is out of money, There is no alcohol or other RUSSIAN, departure, and leng for hie preseme. known here. raiea, 45 each many articles on this part« ular re intoxicant contained in out of work, and bungty. bungiy. That or VAPOR Mr. Hammond took his eontracU (or a »une of lhe ‘ta'e. The souvenir boox “ Golden Medical Dis- h you w>sh wything in this ljne condition should be 1*0 very temporary DIED coverv. *' a low figure, and knew how to carrv bTATK or Onto, C ity of T oliidoj ## ■'t your conveniene in being prepared to be given away wul nowadays, but might hap|»rn But .' ,VI. Sr», ' After your own born* or have any specimens yOa wish Li ci m Cor nty , i them out profitably. He gave no bonds of I>r Pieter s Gvhlm ouch a man never asks for something with tny F mknk J. CtiKNKY makes oath that Ol.óF.X IHIRFF- lu \idiland. on Sun I bare many (»ages devoted to the inine« tie« mounted, a pp i y at lhe Co; . “ Me'.H'al niy bow lie drew bis money from l.empke and he is the senior partner of the firm of I day, Jan 28, T Old ndortf. ag»*d 68 i of Oregon, with lllustratioue of mills •etnu to be all rtuht. •'write« to eat. Ih asks for something to Kessler, and a portion from Wood, J, C henki A C o . doing business in the fice or call on ! * Pnce. o< <>«ark Mo», years aod new mining towns, which will show ft* -L do that he may earn something to Co Ohio He wa< very whoee work city ot T ulxihi , county and state as afore as not completed, and when I commenced • rive i to tbe Eastern people that the minerals bad oat. It io etiquette, when a strong htm th« Medical I h *- went away. I Ils didn't care much for said, and that said firm will pav lhe sum j <d this state and their developments coverv ■ The <h>ctf»rt claimed man comes to the back door and mum he had con.«umption «nd we the town any wav. Baron l.empke found ot ONE HUNDRED I»OI.I \RS (or ea. h are assured facts. bios in a han« il<*g manlier that lie 1» doctored w«th them nnti' he and every « a»c of Catarrh that cannot bills for material unpa <1 fur, to the be enrod by the uee of H all ' s C at »nail wv pw»t walking It ha* been Many of theae samples of ora collected ten eery hungry, and coaldn't you give him month« uncr he «topped amount of eeveral hundred dollars He Ct aa F ranr J. C mkmby . taking mrabcme and ne 1» bv Mrs. Wratberrai will, on her return Mill in vo«r ■ bile to eat, to bit liliu with a tlat iron. < ihm 1 health We had ths tn Kflsslor was dam- Sworn lo before me ami suhecrib«Nl in from the East, l>e turned over to tt e •re very thankfn' t->v<m« The ahock to bia naivoue syeleiu «ill <lo aged in a UNDERTAKERS kw «aviog onr «>n * Wflfld «te aped mv presence, this tith day of Decoasbor, irarnranent mineral exhibit in Portland bim more (Oo<i -.ban a (alien ol rotfee If y “ K |> 1886. A. W. (ii kys < N, uninjured. EMBALMERS Frar The People s Common Serra ”4 ai* in nwd of Hirnes, ' Some of the very rich samples will be and a dezeu blaruils. Ten to one, he (anaL) Notary Republic. 1 Medical A.lvtser is rant free bv n- either lie wae thoughtful enough "ng!e w Halten returned to the mine owner?, who hare Pierve. Ruffialo, N V. on rrce : t will reneat sorb treatment bo »ore Hall's Catarrh < ure ie taken internally rwrwiptg showing that he had kindly placed them in Mrs. Vieatherred » stampe to defray expenra id r » ng Sweat Pi! tli an by mantling something which and acts directly on tho blood and mm Offkw on 6th St. oppo. Court House a portion of (he material, wl onlv. Send >i one cent «Umpe f.«- r arer oussurtecea ot lhe system Send fur Rreidencs North 7th ht. for the New Or eana exhibit. ■ay be iaterpretwd an abuse, as La eiderale action is duly ccvemi editvm. or y sump» fur‘same leetimonials, free. alwurhen away. Tramps ara generally edition in cluth Ending GRANTS PASS. OR the interested parties ° ’71 Shop. F J. CHENEY A C<».. Tuhdo.O Jowephlae I umrij Map« ■ w of a nuisance than a danger Sold bv Druggists, 75c. WHY PIT UP They are uaually too utterly contempt The official map of Joeephine conn tv Hall's Family Ihlt« are the treat. ible io be capable of any Important I A perishable mark st Ibe last resting aero farm 13 mi loo trom Fort land, 2 tin be bad at the Coram office at re- Exchange „ A.. G a S. crime. They know bow fob keo-rooat« piece of your eved ones when you can wiles from l’osi office, to exchange for duced prkwe Folding pocket map. 11 ; ; *•1 < wk Wyraa T*«» „.«» r«s M to tilt* •». 4 »V drwr «• » B m ami clothe»-line«. They are cr»Uite<l a»-t a << h «I marble lieadaiou. xf your Two burses and wagon to exchange Grants 1'ass residence property. Inquire wall mai* in colora, 84 56 Call ami get with tae satiee of hold-ups wbicto w» 1 Grants I’aae doaler fol 115 to »1* iT-TTB b for two cows, iaqairv at ibis offke at this office. one. E rout •»( b,. »dal.U,h All $1.00 Ladies’ Wrappers now $ .75 “ .90 1.25 “ 1.00 1.50 “ 4.50 Skirts 6.00 5.00 “ 3.50 “ 2.75 4.00 ’P A Post Ofticc Building. ATKIN5 CRO55 CUT JZ1W5 JLTTCIJNTS GROSS CUT SAWS Standard of Excellence. Hair-Riddle Hardware Co. FIRST NATIONAL BANK Capital Stock, $50,000. Just Received Direct from the Factory, A beautiful line of Mercerized— Sateen Skirts Candles In Black and Colors. Why $1000 Also a Line of Englewood Dairy? sin^ Corset Waists B l'or Ladies. Misses and Children E. C. Dixon. ENGLEVV(X)D dairf Mounted Aninuils ■mil Heads. Enquire of A. E. VOORHIES. 3 1 3 1 1 ! 1 Mounted Elk Head. Idaho Deer Heads. Oregon Deer Head. Deer. Panther. Black Bear. "At Small Cost Turkish Bath Cabinet. Ix Ar Ix Ar rat c s H. CALIloi N IIOI M \N & SON. Harness and Shoe Shop tli ii han C J. L. JOStPM HOW. G« l Aft