Image provided by: Josephine Community Library Foundation; Grants Pass, OR
About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 21, 1899)
The round trip rate from Ashland is only $11.50. with local rates from Giants Pass to Ashland. Pike’s Cash Grocery. ilverware, Carvers, Lamps, Cutlery, Chinaware, local tjappenings —................... ......... A DM I ÌJF. CF TEE AICXE FOR TH 4 Arrangements can he made for a 30-day stop over. For particulars sec posters or call on A. E. Voorhies -Holidavs Dr. Flanagaa, Resident Dentist. Music Rolle at Clemens. Shoe« repaired at Hackett'«. C. St Louis for watch repairing Whips, 10c u> $2.50 at Hackett*«. Ladies tine leather purees at Clemens. Harness of all Kinds, Grades and Prices at Hackett's. • Take yo«r shoes to Hackett for goed work and right prices. Mask ball at the opera bouse Christ- uias night, December 25. DL4 CDV 1 H C 13 I GOODS FOR SANTA CLAUS. Staple Groceries of all kinds at like prices. Pike is the one to see ' when buying, from now on. Get photographer others' prices and then came to Opp. Court House. Tablets of all kinds at the Coctuxa office. DON’T FAIL TO SEE OUR CHRISTMAS Plain Mixed Candv, 4 lbs......... 25c Brokeu Mixed Candy, per lb 10c Best Candies, you pay 25 and 30c per lb............................... 15c Cranberries, per quatt........ . . 05c Walnuts, Peanuts, etc., 2 lbs for....................................... ...25c Pop Cora, 4 lbs ................ 25c White Figs, per pkg .. 10c Fancy Cakes and Cookies at re duced prices. Aud many other things. Call bclore buying Pike’s Cash Grocery. i personal Ì John Ryan, a prominent mining pro moter, reiurnt d last week from Chicago Mist Adelia Harth returned from Portland Saturday to spend the holidays with her pareute. H C, Tay'or for many years a remdeat of Granta Pass is now «topping in San Francisco. Miss Gertie l>immici returned laet Thursday from Fort land, where she ha* been attending school. Mias Clara Wertz left Saturday eve- uing for Roseburg end Portland where she will visit for two weeks. Mrs. C. F. Dixcn of Igerna, Calif., a former resideut of tbis place, spent a few Says m the city during tbe past week. R. H, Gilltillan baa spent the past weekin Tellamook connty, looking up the advantages of that eeetion. Iwunia Stovall of Corvallis, came in Wednesday to epond the week. Ha will enliven tbe order of Maccabees in southern Oregou. Erneet Duden of S ab Franciere, tu prams secretary ol the Order of Fendo, spent Wednesday in the city in the interest ol the order John R. Harvey ol the Old Channel Mining Company came in Irotn the mine Saturday night and returned Monday morning. He r«|»rU groat activity at tbe mine. John F. Wickham, manager of the Big Yank Mining and Milling Company, was in town Saturday. He says the company is extracting seine very rich copper ore from the Big Yank ledge which also earrise gold and eilver, Hon. J. W. V'rtue of Leland is regis tered at the Josephine. He bas just re turned from Portland and saya great interest ia being manifested by the metropolis, iu Southern Oregon mines, and predicts a bright future for this pait of the state Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Rodgers return ed to Gran's Base Saturday after an absence of about two years During that time they have lived is Idaho, Missouri and tbe past 18 mouthe in Victor, Colo., but they have failed to find a place that suite them at well as Southern Oregon. They expect to make their home here now. R. L. Demaree and Fred Mensch value ill Friday from Ditch creek where they bad g me on a prospecting tour. They were driven out by a snow storm, but have since returned. They bad a wild bicycle ride through mud and water. Ou coming in, one of them, we are told, even eat down in a large pond of w ater which he had attempted to ride across, bis wheel balking midway. They found encouraging pro«|iecta, but were not able to do much work on account of the enow, as tho altitude is rather high. Holiday Announcement Calhoun Grocery Co w* * 1 n-— V- A - tr-r-xi y ■--------------■ ’ •* •*. "I Perfume Atomizers at Clemens. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Campbell left last You all know Scott Griffin put the Linen books for Children st Clemens. week for Oakland, Calif.; Clarence price on. Flour below 75cte a sack. l.l J ■ A man from Japan at tbe opera bouse Purdom and wife will occupy the Camp ...jj.l.Lii Chicken and fish market in connection bell house during their absence. December 2(ith. with the meat market.—J. H. Ahlf per Fresh pork eboulders at acts, Miss Mollie John was in from Wil Good Fresh Butter, 50c. a Roll, also liams one day laet week Williams is Mackerel, Cranberries and Bulk Pickles pound at tbe City Meat Market, at Wades'. j City farm and mining property for making preparations for a good time on And ought to have a Christmas by having a Christmas tree Go te the Novelty for your Christ sale J okkhh Moss, Real Estate Agent. ODD FELLOWS BLOCK. and appropriate exercises. good supply for Christ mas candies, oysters, etc. Blake always Messrs Bole and Major, electrician«, GARLAND STOVES. STRAXSKY STEEL WARE. Ad. Wells, tbe genial engineer at Vic carries the best in stock. are in town wiring the Palace hotel for mas. Our prices thia tor Jr., mine near Placer, started tu San This is the best grocery ----------------------- ------------------------------ --------- — — Scott Griffin is erecting a store build electric bills. year are interesting. Francisco on Mondav morning's train to ing on the lot recently purchased by him Tbe email boy and tbe equaker should in town for Christmas spend a few days during ths holidays. CANDIES at tbe corner of Sixth and I streets, relegated to the woodshed if they want purchases. Everything He will return in about two weeks. Plain mixed per pound A train load of refrigerated hobos , to be together. J. M. Fades, who lias been on tbe By 44 «4 you want for your Red Top Clover seed, Utah recleaned came in on the Southern pacific Tuesday Broken “ 121 bee ranch at Merlin for the past three 44 <4 night. Hoboing in winter ia not what it! Alfalfa seed. Timothy seed, Willamette Christmas dinner is here Chrismas ' * 12.' 44 Valiev Tame cheat seed, Winter Oats years, spent the past six weeks at Ores 44 is cracked up to be. Assorted stick 12J and your marketing will cent City looking for work, but returned 44 44 All unsold county and state rights for and Wheat at Scott Griffin's laet week. He thinks Josephine county Ribbon mixed If be made easy and satis Large size composition books for 6c at I it far ahead of 1 >el Norte for him. the sale of the Improved Harrington 44 44 Chocolates the Cornu's office. Washing Machine can be bought of factory if we get your 44 44 A full of Geo K. Rogers, who spent some time Bon Boris Joseph .Moss. At reasonable prices. The improved Harrington Clothes here laet year in the interest of the Wood 4< 44 orders. Taffy lump Quality high Tbe holiday vacation of the Grants Washer, can be seen by calling at tbe men of the World will again tie with 44 Cranberries per quart 10c. Pass school will commence the Friday Real Estate office of Joseph Mose. Fruit candies 44 tbe lodge bare, and on Saturday night before Christmas and continue until Crystallized Fruits 30c A 50c Citron, lemon and orange Ths displays la the windows of the the lodge gives a big supper at the 1. O. Tuesday, January 2. different stores of Grants Pass ia un O. F. hall. peel 20c. Get your writing paper by the ream usually line thia year, and shows that Mr. Alexander, j prsmlaeat capital Seeded raisins and seedless and save money. We offer a ream o the business men expect a big holiday ist aad mining man of I .os Angeles, and note paper, 480 sheets, 2'a pounds, for trade, and from all reports we here I one of the principal ownors of the Alex raisins. Coming Attractions. 45c. We get the paper in large quanti they are having it. ander-Bent mint on Galien creek is at Currants in packages 10c. ties and can sell chvap; tbis is not chesp Dec. 25, A'teruooe,"A Cheerful Thos. Armstrong who recently sus the Josephine Hotel. Currants per pound 10c. psper but first class goods.—Column tained an injury to his eyes by an ac Dee. 26, Evening, Mank Ball given by John ltyan, a noted mining engineer I cident at the Old Channel mine return) d office. tba Granta I'aaa Ftrvmea. M ince meat 8J to 10c a pound. and promoter of Chicago, is stopping al The Choicest Perfumes at Clemens, Saturday morning from Portland whole the Josephiae. Mr. K. has traveled ex Dec 2G, “A man from Japan, Honey(pound comb) 2 for 25c. C. A. Snow dt Co., Patent Lawyers, op be bas been having bin eyes treated at tensively in all the gold flehln of the Jan. 8. Th« Nusbville Student«. posite the United States Patent Office, the Dr. Brown Infirmary. He returned Pacific coast and says our placers are Jan. 24 Richards A Pringle's Georgia Washington D C., who have actual cli to the mine Tuesday to resume work. equal if net superior to any taut he has Minstrels. ents in every city and town of the United The University of Eugene will launch seen in regard to native richness and ac- j — OF — States and Canada, report that never be a glee club this season, which will make 1 feasibility . Toya, Dolle, Games at Clemens. fore in their 25 years practice bas the a tour of Eastern Oregon and Washing ! work of the office lieen so well up to ton. The club ia under the direction date. They claim that patents can now of Professor I. M. Glqpn, who is a ban be procured in less than half the lime tone siuger of prominence. Edward formerly required. Van Dyke, of this place, is a member of I My Cow gives lots of milk and butter, the club. I feed her all the Alfalfa bay she will eat. Services at St.Luke's church on Sun at I buy the best. Scott Griffin lias Ibi- day next at 11 A, M and 7:30 P.M. Sunday school at 10 A M. There will PRESCRIPTION DRUGGIST. best Alfalfa 1 ever saw. Come the Good Things to Get your camera friend a Flexible tie an early celebratiou of the Holy Com It is natural the figures should appeal to your judgement make up our Christmas dis Leather Album for Christmas, Albums munion at 7: 30 A. M. on Christmas day, Take this tip—Sure Thing—They represent skill and play. -A a a A a A AA A A AAA A AAAAAAAJt rotn 50c to $1.50.—A E. Voorhies. and the usual Christmas services at 10 economy. Clothing that will fit and look right. Strong and The experience social given by the A. M. All are cordially invited te these NUTS, FRUITS, Etc., durable materials. Christian Endeavor society of the Pres service«. Walnuts (soft shell) per Comes from Calhoun’« byterian church last week Wednesday An almost total eclipse of the moon oc An All Wool Suit, dark pattern, Mens’ Round Cut Sack Suit Grocery, For the Holidays pound 15c. was a success in every way, the amount curred Saturday night and was wit a splendid value..................................................................... 50 you want all sorts of good Brazil nuts per pound 15c. received freui tbe experiencee being nessed by a host of people, coming as it nearly $05. Mexican l’ine nuts per things. did so early in the evening and being so Mens’ Round Cut Sack Suit, color, gray, extra long heavy lining. Robert Dunlap, of Ibis place, »¡now plainly seen. Although it came nn Made to wear pound 15c. 6 50 SOME OF THEM. canvassing the counties of Jackson and heralded tbe people were soon out in full Filberts per pound 15c. Mens ’ Black Cheviot, Round Cut Sack and Double Breasted. Josephine introducing the improved force gazing al the unusual light. As Olives, pickles, extract«, “ 15c A 20c Barrington Washing Machine in which tronomers say that only 4-1000ths of an A good heavy weight ............................................................ 6 50 Almonds “ meat dressing, chocolates, Fresh roasted peanuts per be bas bought an interest. This is about inch of the ni on’s surface remained un the simplest and best device for saving covered by the earth’s shadow, but to .Mens' Cassimere Suit, dark mixed pattern, silk thread............. 7 50 pound 15c. cocoa, olive oil, catsup, chili woman's labor on the market. Its ese the naked eye it appeared to be a total Metts’ Cassimere Suit, brown and gray mixture, heavy weight, a White figs lb. package 12Jc. sauce, fresh oysters, celery, turns "Blue Monday" iuto days of ease eclipse. Black figs per pound 10c. wear resister at ................................................................... 00 pop corn, canned fruits, and comfort. Mr. Dunlap is quite a The old plantation melodies seem to Dates pound package 12Jc. rustler and we bespeak for him abun canned and fresh vegetables, strike a popular chord in the hearts of .Mens' Cheviot Suit, straight front, mixed pattern long wool, Raisins, dusters, per box50c. dant success in his new enterprise. The satin piped at............. .......................................................... the people. Again and again were they 00 jelly ai.d jam, pudding ma machine can tie seen at any lime at the Bananas per doz. 25c to 30c. greeted with thunders of applause Ne Metts' Cassimere Round Cut Sack Suit, Italian lining. An Real Estate Office of Joseph Mose. terial of all sorts, coffee ail Navel oranges per doz. 25c sfw Í concert was ever more enjoyed by our extra value at.................................................... .................... 10 00 The irrepressible youth and a equaker people.—Denver Tribune. The Nash* to 50c. prices 10c to 40c. were going down the street Saturday ville students will appear at the Granta Men's Clay Worsted Suits, round and straight front, French and just as they approached a spirited Pass opera house January 8, 1900. It faced satin piped; here is where we shine, and you'll say We Greet all with a Merry Chrlatmaa. team tied to a post, tbe equaker gave will be renietaliered tbit this company they are all—and more than you expected too; Italian lin- forth a vigorous equak so unlike any were here a little over a year ago and thing the horses were used to that they sang to a large house. They gave uni lag ................................. 8 00. 10 00 and 11 00 Good wishes and great bargains. We are ready to add immediately broke tbe rope and smarted versal satisfaction and no doubt will Just received—another invoice of those Stockton Cassimere i quality of goods to our words of greeting and will try to down Sixth street at a speedy gait and have a big house this visit. they never slackened their pace until Trousers, all heavy winter weights 3 00 and 3 50 make you happy through substantial savings and increased Notice to the I'ublll*. a [«ns tree about a mile and one-ball I benefits in buying of us. A Large and Complete Assortment Just Received. beyond the biidge was reached. All It bas been brought le my notice thet went well until the horses tried to sep certain parties taking order! fer picture Make your Purchases now while the Assortment is Complete. | arate and one go each side of the tree. and frames are telling the public thet The horses found this to be impossible "this Store was purchasing frames from so they simply had to wait until their them" ; such a story le a positive false owner, J. N. Ferguson arrived and drevs bood. K T homas . Trunks, Valises and back to town. Fortunately only a few Prop, of Thoma« Cash Store. Head W. F. Kremer, I’ropr. slrai>e were broken. | quarters for fine Picture Framing. urnishings for Mun Boys BARGAIN COUNTER Cramer Bros Xmas Goods! Xmas Goods! Line Xmas Goods. and Prices Low, at The New Variety Store They bike Smeets Good Things For Christmas lie Nicest, Newest, p-to-Date Assortment olidav Good« 6.50 to 11.00 CLEMENS, From the North, South, East and Ulest THE BEST 1 BICYCLE ECONOHY The money you pay for a new wheel is some times only part of the price. The bicycle mender gets the rest. If you buy........... THE CRESCENT to begin with you need have only a bowing acquaintance with the wheel-tinker «L2ZT T. ñ. MOOD. > w w w w w w ww 9 -CHRI5THrt5- 00K5, T2T5, NOVELTIEJ NATIONAL DRUG 5TORE. P. H. Harth & Son. Hats. I and Calhoun Grocery Co. ANOTHER DROP IN WRAPS We have decided to make things lively in our Cloak Department before we move and will close out our Entire Stock of Ladies, Misses and Childrens Jackets. -A_T ONE-HALF PRICE. Remember this sale only includes Jackets. All other wraps sold at a discount of 25 percent. R. L. COE &. C°.