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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 28, 1899)
r. Ali I xdxi - rxdrxt Parxa, D xvotkij Earxciauv to tux I xtkxksts or S oi ' thxr » O rxuox . GRANTS PASS. JOSEPHINE COUNTY. OREGON, THURSDAY. DECEMBER 28. 1899. VOL. XVI i Boer’« house, a boy romea out iietae- (or Philadelphia, by a majority ol ou« liataly »nd bold« your bor«e, »ltd «• vote in the national committee. The I Views of David J. Hadley. Formerly a Resident sooa aa you are inatde the beuae you are Chicago coe.unite« thought they haJ a offered refreebmente. They «>w«y« certainty and enjoyed themselves call of this State. Who Mas Just Returned have coffee, »nd their home« are »lw»ya ing done the bluff and bluster of the Home From South Africa. Bicycle hospital for all repairing al open to etranger«. 1 have cataped on New Yorkers, while the Philadelpbiane Cramer Bros. "The war that Eagland ia making in their land, »nd whenever » atranger ia were quietly gettiug vote«. Now York 6. F. Cass started Friday «venina for on a Bovr'a laud, be la given proviaiona, never had aven a chance to be cboaeu. bi» home in Iowa. He will rature here South Africa on the Boers ia an unjnst Every matt wants to look well dressed ut possible and if a beef or mutton ia killed he ie re The appointment ot Maj. Gen. loon- one. ” eave David; J. Hadley of Oregon in the spring. to do so without a good, well-fitting an<jv Shoe. membered with a piece. ard Wood to be military governor of J. N. Gotcher, one of the prominent Mr. Hadley ia just back trom South Africa “1 wish to correct a miaataiainent about Cuba, ia considered by the president te We have a full stock of that kind of Shoes a rt ison- few Jay« where ha apwut fourveara Hi« neopl« re Brillait being in .«treated by Boera on the be a long step tewarda the reatoralioa of citizens of Williams, »j*nt able prices will surprise you aide at Tillamook, where he formerly iu tow n last week. lived. Probably no on« in Oregon ia hot border. When the Britiab are handled civil government on the island. Gen. R. W. Clark, treasurer of Ilia new ter informed on South African affair, in all I al all roughly it ie their own fault, be Wood would have been appoiule-1 civil water and Hght company, left for Port- their pkasee than he, a. be waa over all cause I have found that when a man governor, had it not been slrougly lanu Thursday, to spend tbe holidays. parte of British Sooth Africa and the miuda his own business, the Boorswill pointed out to Mr. McKinley, by Gen. not molest him When Englishmen Wood himself, aa well as many others, An engine collided with the caboose Tranavaat as well. cross the border and meet a Ruer they that the appointment of a civil governor of an extra freight in the canyon near “The tight,” eaye Mr. Hadley, “ia Rubber and Oil Clothing and Rubber B. the use brom the way you made us jump during Chsisttnas trade we re j Glendale Friday. The caboose was con- being waged in the interest of great com generally begin l.y spitting on his dog. would have a bad effect at this time, ful articles this kind of weather. Ci me tot these sure you had a merry time; we had! »iderably smashed up, but no one was panies that wi»b to put their compound This they lollow up by criticising Uta among the Cubaaa, as it would give the goods. ; hurt. syatem ia force in the mines ot the boots and making (un of his whiskers. protesaional agitators a foundation to T. H. Warford and family returned South African Republic. The mines- By and by he gets angry, and proceeds build stories upon the intention of tbe We Sincerely Wish You last Thursday from Vallejo, Calif, where controlled by the big companies 111 Brit to give his tormenlor a thrashing. And U. S. to keep Cuba. Although Gen. . they have resided during the past year ish territory are now being worked io that is the way the British are mis Wood will be military governor, his administration of the whole of Cuba, They will probably remain here per thia way. Coder the compound system, treated. “In Ca|w Town and other British South will be largely performed through Opera House'Blo k. manently. all the laborers in a mine are surrounded African possvasious there are ‘nigger’ civilians, just as it has been ia Santiago Miss Laura E. Jones, of the Drain by a fence, ou taide ot which tney ar bare, aud colored men, and women too province. I Watchman, has been appointed one of not allowed to go. Inside, the company There is one district in Pennsylvania, ( the representatives of the Oregon Press hat great stores and at ttisse the natives can patrouue them as much aa they cbooee. It la a common eight to see which has two tapreaentalives tn the are obliged to buy everything they need V\ e thank you all for your liberal support and generous patronage Association, at tbe Nation <1 Editorial negro wenehea so drunk on the atreet house, one a republican and one a dem Batfoute. Association, which meets in New Or up to the amount of the «alary due during 1899. We promise to do more aud letter in 1900. IASS AY ER, they can aearcely walk. In the Trans ocrat. Thia isn ’ t as strange as it them. One eouipnny has 6(X) Kaffir« For eun.lune, and oranges take lean8 March 1st, 1900. vaal, negroes are not allowed to buy a sounds, as one of them, Representative W. G. the Sunset Rogo"« Angeles to all An article bv Lieutenant Peary, in working icrit in thia way and there are drop ol liquor, and if atty on« ie caught Gaston, ol Meadville, Pennsylvania war Gen’l Agt. for Oregon many other«. [•oints East Vcur-mn ears and the January number of McClure’s Mag THIS WEEK .SHCIAL SALE oF pi ac A rthi b -F obbibt C yanide P rocess . "In the Transvaal the companies are selling it to them, he gets six months, elected from the district, while Repre chair cars to ElFort Worth, Kan azine will desciibe his visits last sum sentative Davenport, of Erie, ie one of without the option of a tin«. Un the F | Cyanide and Chlorination treatment sas City, ( biccinnati, Houston, mer to Greetv’s old hea<h|darters at Fort trying to force thia way of doing buai- second offense he gels a year. Drunken the two lepraeentativea at large (or the |of Ores. New Orleans uiington, D. C. Conger, the most northerly houiie in the nvee but Oom Paul «aid 'No. The work negreee are never seen Ion the streets of atate. The latter beiug a republican Some mighty intereating figures on two or three couches Bullion Relined and Shipped. For rates, god information ad world, and his conversion of it into a ers in the mines of the Transvaal arc controls the federal patronage in iue Johannesburg.” left over. ■..(» >■7'.» G rants P ass , • • O regon . dress. C. H uam , G. t*. A., headquarters for himself. Herbert L. free to go and come as they please, and Mr. Hadley greatly admtrae Cecil district. Portland, Or. Bridgman, who commanded the aux they can spend their money as they Representative Wachter, one of the Rhodes, who, he says, is one ol the iliary ex|>edition that went up te Peary please.’ mile« inland. It appears that their C. PERKINS, “T e petition oi the Uidandeis for su - greatest living men. “Rhodes,” he uew membersol the house, from Mary capture at Balsr was due to an ambus* defend on it he Las been rated accord* last summer, will furnish an'-intre- land, regards coating lo congress as a Ing to his behavior. Boy« cannot afford says, “ deprecates this war and would duction telling how he fo nd Peary, and ierage was a farce. Every one of the rather that the South African republic matter ol business. He said: “I did not cade The Filipinos drew them up in to adopt the habits and conversation of U. s. 1 EPUTY long list of names to the petition was ob what Peary's ¿present outlook is for line to ebool them all down, but Aguiu- MINERAL SURVEYOR, tained by fraud. The companies oper should aland. Rhodes desires that there come lo congress ¡with the idea of gain aldo interfered, and since then the men loafers and rowdies if ;they ever wants reaching the Pole. chance to be called to responsible po should be a United South African re ing glory. There are about 20fi lawyers atmg the mines Io the Transvaal are Mark Twain will ap|»ear in McClure’s < >MKOON. MtiKANTs B abb , public, with what are ;now British poe- m the house, each one of whom thinks have been following the fortunes of th» sitions." Magazine for January in thu new British concerns. Their «ole deaire to Filipino army. Several hundred Span aeeaiona forming a part of it, and this ia be is smarter than the others' They --- --------- character of a poet. Ilia poem is ad get eufferage was to force the compound Senatorial invutigationa. a hope not im|K»atble ol realization yel. cau du the speech making. I don't in ieb prisoners and some seventy Amen* system uj>oii the country and make ¿11 |(JOSHOW& SHERIDAN, dressed to Howells, Aldrich, Cable, file action of the eanata in inveati- There are thousands of British subjects tend lo make a speech unless somebody cane have escaped. Where Aguinaldo ia legal, he they took around these peti Stockton an<l other of his fellow authors, 11 MINING ATTORNEYS, in South Africa who are ready to assiat treads on my toes, then I shall express nobody seems to know, but all organised gating the charge« ol corrupt intiueuce and is prefaced by a typical Mark Twain tions to the Uitlaudere, of whom there in the establishment ot a republic inde myself in unvarnished English. My opposition, and indeed all serious guer* in the electiuue of Henator Clark of Special attention given to Mining YO story in which these friends of his have are thousands, entirely dependant en the pendent of the mother country, Rhodea election to congress was purely a busi rilla opposition appears to I m » weakening Montana, and ot Senator Scott of Went [ and Land Laws, and Land Office practice. part. Tbe contribution will lie ac mines, and demanded their signatures, gives away a fortune ev. ry year, and ao ness matter with me, and I shall try to constantly. General Otis's report te 1 irginia, will no doubt reault in acorn- TURK Those who did not sign got their time companied by a recent unpublished port K oseblrg . - • O regon . the War Ifepartment laid great stress pint» eioneration. The public expect, MEDIC. / the Marne day. When they went toother one who has a just cause has ever sought attend to the businsss ot my consti rait of Mark Twain. upon tbs influence of anti imperialists it, and will be dieappointed at th» rmult tuents.' ’ his assistance in vain, ” SULPHI ' mines for work they were refused, and OBERT G. SMITH, Tbe senate haa re arranged all of its in prolonging the contest. Letters are of the one act for»». With nine-ten th« Mr. Hadley expects lo return lo South RUSSIA so it was everywhere. They must either Choral Inion Con vent Ion. orVAB ' committees land is now ready to. get published from persons in this eunntry of the mem bent of that body bolding The regular holiday convention of the nign or give up all idea of working in the Africa in about lour months. H D. NORTON, down lo business, but as it has been showing that Aguinaldo bad fairly good aeate aet tired by bribery either by money At your cc^in your own Imine Rogue River Valley Choral Union is be mines. To show where the sympathy of Washington Letter. agreed that congrees shall adjourn until reasons to believe that if he could hold directly or indirectly, or be premia«« of ing held this week in Ashland. This is the Uillanders lies I need only to cite b my (From Our Regular Correspondent.) January 3, on Wednesday of this week, out a little 'longer public opinion here federal office«, it lx to be expected that the third convention since the ’ organiz- the fact that 8 -00 of them have joined A ttorneys ani > C ounselors W ashington , l>ec. 18th, 1899. aud many senators have already left would support hie claim for independ* Senator« Scott and Clark will but aay the Boer army. ation of the Union. The leader is Prof. Turki’ Cabinet The first and shortest step of the at L aw . Washington, little or no work of im once. General Olis assert« that the war to them, that it ie time that men et the W. H. Kinross ot Portland. Mrs. R.jC. "The Transvaal is a good country to financial legislative programme, map portance will be done; until alter these has not been without its valuable featur I lie name kind «hell eland together. I Office in First National Bank Building Brooks of Eugene, a very able soprano work in. Miners are paid |5 per day for ped out for congress, was completed 00, that I bo people by it had an object Such hint ineinuaUHtly oonveyed will “ old bova ” have had their Christmas. soloist, attends and participates in the eight hours work, and diamond drill today when the house passed the re G rants P ass , - • O regon loooon in the contrast between Filipino «•cure the uaual white-waah report. The The talk of making next year's cam men and other high priced workers convention. M. O Warner, a celloiet of publicAn caucus financial bill. The bill government and that of the Americans, hope of the people 1« that the auguat Reign a short one was diapoaed of by Ilia ability adds to the talent which makes make $175, >200 and; $260 per month. will now go to the senate, where it is and that as a result wherever American ( >RGB II IHNN.V the convention a grand success. Mrs. Board is cheap—only |30 per month. I d likely to remain for many weeks, and action of the republican national commit troops advance they are welcomed by Irudy will couaenl to inveetigato. After Senator Neemith arrived in Frank M. Meyers, of Portland is ac the British possessions miners are where the discussion will be much tee tn setting June Iff, for the holding of the people, who seem to feel that an Waeliinglon to lake hie eeat aaoneof ASSAYER, their national convention and it ia pracl companist. There is a grand chorus of worked 12 hours for the same wage« longer than it was in the house, it is "era of |>eaee and prosperity has com the amiatora from Oregon, in «newer to over 100 voices,"and an orchestra of and they have to pay i^lOs per month understood that the senate finance coup ically certain that the detnocrate will menced. "—Independent. a i|iie»tion from a friend aa what im- Office opposite Hotel Josephine, 20 pieces. The convention will be held for board. mittee intends to pigeonhole the house tlx the dale lor their conven praeeed him; moat, he anewered that tion close to that chosen by their oppon during four days of the present week, "In Johannesburg negroes or Kaffirs hill, and report its own bill as a substi G rants P ass , - - O regon . Advice to Boys. »lieu lie entered the eenater chamber from Tuesday to Friday inclusive. Two are not allowed to walk on the sidewalk. tute. If the señale endorses that and ents, and that the presidential campaign We want »vary boy in town to read and looked around him upon the groat concerts will be given, on Thursday and AH rregrors are^obilged to wear badges oil passes its bill, that will go to the house, will 1« about the usual langlli. That it the following from an «scharig«. Every and noted men, he wax overawed and Friday .evenings. their arms. The English made a great which will refuse to accept it a« a sub would be better lor Ilia country at large ward •( it ia true, and.many a boy and the queetion uppermoet in hie mind woe Y C. HOUGH, The following members of the Grants row because Cape l>ey«, or negros from stitute. Then the two bills will* go to if the nominating conventions were hotel young inanji« today a loafer, a nobody, ‘how did I ever get here." The friend sometime in Heptember, which would Pass branch of the Union went to Ash British possessions were forced to wear a conference committee, and the final ATTORNEY AT LAW, drifting belpleealy from bad to worse, took thia •« • Kt. ¡.j plcaeentry and in A hot«dor '»I** *dy, Khettma land this week to attend the con badge«, and made an effort to show that result will probably be a bill that will compress the campaign into al>out two because of injurioua'babita, formed early order lo obtain hie viowa of the place, I' actives in all State and Federal Courts months time, ie the opinion ot most vention; Rev. and Mrs. C. W. Mays, the Boer authorities had no right to com compromise between the two. tiai'i Nr lorpid Liver, ami Im- in life. Haya the exebango. “When w« aeked what impreeoed aext to that fact, Office over First National Bank. Dr. and Mrs. VanDyke. Mr. and Mrs. H. pel them to do so; but they^cannot make Some men profit bv the experience of business men, bnt ills the proh-saimial pui-ii;e.(lood—$5 00 each. (nt AXT» 1’ abs , • • Oaxooa. C. Kinney, Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Cleven- their contention stick. The newspaper others, but Representative Sulzer, of politician, not the taueiueee men who see boya on the atreeta and in public the prompt anewer waa "well after 1 placea we often womler if they know had been here a week, what impreeoed tPH MOSS, Gen’l Agt 0N Btfta I I II ■ • I. M - N I. 1.11 talk about the Boers forcing the British New York, is not one of them. Not arrange these things, and they appear Parker, Laura Parker, Mary Cue, Ethel whites to wear badges was all without withstanding the failure of Senator lo prefer^tlie long campaigns, which that bnafnwsa m«n are watching them. me moat was how the other follow« got In.avery irank, «lore, and office there here.” Palmer, Maggie Mead . Daisy Taylor, foundation. I Zwa« there during the Mason to make a sensation Willi bit might have.been necessary in'(lhe.early yt. J. JENNINGS To the public that queetion ie friv- Lucile McCroskey, Carrie McCulloch »bole lime an«i know what I'auTtalkiag speech of sympathy for the Boors, Mr. days of ths country, when there was no will aoon be a place (or Rome boy to nil. Drone who have management of tire af oloue, iwtuM everybody know«, why and Ada Umphlett, and Messrs J. E. about. RESIDENT DENTIST. •Sulzer has gone a step furthur ani telegraph and few newspapers, but laira of that business boos» will «elect a aliouhl the aerial« auk it except to ap- "Another thing: Under the Transvaal offered a resolution in the house, de* which are.certainly not neccaaaary now Peterson, T. P. Cramer, Geo. Cramer, 30 Years Expeiience. boy in whom they have confidence. |H-aw the public mind. The fault that Harry Merritt, Edward VanDyke and government a colored man is not allowed daring that this government ought to Have you a Camera? When they «elect one of llrcee boys during the lael eeaaion two member» of Office in Opera House block ; see the sign to take a white man's place in any oc recognize the, belligerency of the Boer Fred Cheshire. Ths camera) baa. become almost a they will nut .elect him for hi. ability to jALL. APPLEGATE, of The Big Tooth. that »uguat liody were under indictment cupation. Colored men are allowed to republic, and stated bis intention to household necessity, Fend parents want talk ’’eaeay,” ««car, nae slang, emoke for feloniea, haa pnrhape conveyed to The hclssors. the Evening of O regon work as laborers only. In British ter make a speech in its favor, and try to G rants P am , to take the children’s pictures every lew cigarette, er tap a keg ol freer. These hitherto Imprrvlcue mind« the thought , The Boers, wuile heading a forlorn hope ritory the ,companies hire colored men force it to a vote. He may be able to weeks, They catch thempa every con men tnny have little to aay, ami some j rv 14th, 1900, i against the British empire, have won at for tb»l the American people will demand all kinds of positions, and the coase- make a speech, although that is not ceivabie attitude, and with feelings of may have a few ol these habits them a higher atateamenabip. The demand armS‘8o far, and beside«, have gained • pie nee is wage« are lower in British ter certain, but it is quite sure that no such the benefit of a j JRICE A VOORHIES pride show them to their friends for their «elves, but they are looking for troy« will ba not for political manipulator« of n Man with a Family. the admiration of the world, with un- ritory, and the proportion of white men resolution as that will be voted upon. approval and applause. At least, that wbo are aa near gentlemen in every Qaay, Flatt, Croker etripe, but men REAL E s STATE, and lying fame. Substantial and lasting in working for good wagen is about six They do not belong to the legislative yfC)0. - - Supper 25c is what the proud fathers of thia oilice sense of the word aa they can And, an I from whom it need not be eaked, "bow insurance . dependence ought to be theirs as a reward times as great id the South African rr. branch of the government, and could do. they are able to give the character of came you here.” The situation calle for j mu’ic, and a good time for their courage and endurance. The public as in the mines outside. Representing the moet reliable com- not get action, even when backed by Well, it’s a pleasant custom, and in every boy in town. They are not look man of the highest integrity Com«* and have a South African Boers aie a race of primi "The sny»r<iment exacts a overwhelming public sentiment, as was pmieH in existence, (both tire and life). addition to the present pleasure, ths ing fur rowdies, and when a I m .) applies class ability II we can not w and help the needy. Notary Public. tive fighting men,, whose like eiists no license nf |25 on a miner's claim and the case with numerous resolutions just pictures will have increasing value as ter one of theae place, and ia refused oar colonial system will tail O regon jranth P am «, where else on earth in this age of soft forces him to do 30 feet of development before our war with Spain. the years go by, and the boys and girls they may not tell him the reason why not to 1.« found aiuouag the ened muscles, diplomacy and^tnachine work a year. In the Transvaal claim* Numerous gentlemen from New York become, wren and women. they did not want him, but the boy can are in politic» for power. giit.e. They are strong and simple and pay 19« a month, and that is a tax that and Chicago, who came to Washington I can’t boast ef any big collection of •lanng, little learned but much endur never changes.No^development work well provided with cash, gall and mega • bi Id run's pictures, but 1 can show you ing, slow^io anger but fierce and tena is required. After yon'.are'producing phones, have arrived at the conclusion a eel of views. Why not perpetuate the Thle School la Now Und-1* Control. cions —Yamhill Co. Reporter the English.chartered company that he« that Philadelphia is not ao alow after all. joys of your vacation outings by bring It the Largest end Most Progressive St Southern Oregon. <*ontroi,of all this territory by virtue of « The reason for their change of mind mg^home a series of pictaroe of the most Sew building*, new apparatus and fixture h‘ ' ' .ii"», delightful Oregon's delegation to congress will «barter from the. English parliament was I he capture of the republican nation* Ihurti»’. e>' «¡lent inrlueiu es for 4u lent*. beautiful er characteristic scenes?,. Io takes 50 per cent of all your output' not permit the Indian aar veterans to I Course of study the same a« st other Normal • 1 al covention. which is to meet June 19th other words, why not have a camera of I Best advantages in Vocal and Inatrunrental mu'fou n ' oU,ll,*rn Oregon. is* fl-eced into paying |25 to pension Think of that! Thi« tax in the Tran« your own to do with as you like? ■ Training «cbool fully equipped and in charge o"'1?1*. « i i ..... attorneys for receiving ¡»eneion«. The vaal amounts,to 5 per cent, .aj-x that x.1 have < ameras. ( second,.hand, as low [ Tuition |»».25 per term; ninsic >5 and ||o per ,a“ (V;'’’ an< •* certainly is not'.high. p»nsion*bill , provides that* the attorney week, student« furnishing lied clothing, farm *’an<18>. as |2 50 which are guarantee«! to do lee I m ? only, |10. Representation wa* "One company put £77,5uO,OiJO capital 1125 pay« all trpwet Jar anr yen if, ’ “t,n^ good work. Now cawieras from |5 up, aas given lhe“p»n into the Rand two y»*erw sgo, w.fh tire e shorte*<i and most thorough route to a -tat1' ate 15 norn,aI coorse. Re made that unless a splendid one taking 1x5 picture», for classes for teachers throughout the year. eions would,be’refmred. Contracts made expectation of .'paying that ail t»a< k in K>. V Pierre « medi<W when Dr M ______________ For catalogue or information, ad<ire <-< three years with a dividend of33;M per o«»d, for this,amount .will ¿not lie recognized ” write« Mr«. H/ li lacobe, -»f VV T V A>• I’re,,*enl• A*hlaii‘L Oregon. You can And all kinds of amateur sup Johnson ('»»unty Ina - „ J ’I Rm« I when presented.—Junction City Bnl* cent on the entire amount! And they fur<rr«rille, not heard m Dr ... . Pierce . « __ medici mrdidnr« three plies including a large assortment of let in. are going to do it. That is the grea te« year» ago when I wa« (unfinrd had tn «suffer A. E. VooaiiiM. •Im»>at death Be-forr Iwby ~ waa burn Irould not albums. geld country in the world, Why, J lx on my feet without two p; noi'ling mr The Iwby waa a The church people of Holland are Save seen at the end of the month four llapKl Advanoe ta the Philippine. l»oy writhing holding prayer meetings in behalf of the horse teams carrying away gold for ship nine and three The An.eri. ari tr'<»pg neem te be bar quarter pound«, J. B. FABBOC FEOPR. Boers. There fit it* attain—^helping ment all afternoon—one after another and for some inf it prett, much all their own way ia ' x wrrk« after hta I am prepared to furnish anything in i- 1,1 1 l‘rJ ••,lr 10 *n7 * th ae who eevin quite able to look after and full load«, every one tlrern. the Philippine«, their edreme bem, SV irlh I «offered themselves-—8. F {Bulletin. wverepain La«t "Now, as to the war. The Boer ia a tARBLE ,r GRANITE neaewred w.lwlr by their xbility to keep fall following the [Nearly thirty year» of etperience in the • “’i*** «•»»•’>'• ’“T »»ring slow man to anger, but when he doe» advice of a neigh ,t> clnea i<»n< b with their h»«e of gnppli- tx>r. my husband 1 iIV »viiiit «lini iJ«»rK.y ivu hi . ivuii , Wars and rumors of wars. The latest get te fighting he is gorei and dii -1 The R I ran dll jonr order» in the very beet r/« i Ho far e« can lie learned but one bought me Doctor ee .^ricaw Gr snite or any kind ol Pierce’s Favorite is to the effect that France and Chios Hotri are the beet shoia in the world. I Can (urnmb work in Scotch, 8 erede •rgenixed force renitlna in Northern The w t nml tender hot griddle take, Prescription are about to engage in a little war of their A btn one goes bunting he never carries which I took dur l.uxrn, while there are , omparatirely rbie. ing the winter, I. PADDOCK, own. All Europe is treading on'dsnger more than two cartridgee with him, and Th«- li.'ht '’■nd delicate «.rust, wrak bodice in,the Catlte province and and in March, i*>H I gave birth oui ground, and an explosion may occur be «hoots, he always returns with gam«*. mt Str»- *f »it to Green#»’# G sm I m io the iciand ot Fanay. Vigaa on the to a baby b»py The finely flavored waffle and muffin, at any time which will result in a general During he last two years the govern weighing ten and north weal eaaat ie in A<aer>< en hand», three quarter conimulal war; and if this country orient has enrourage»! tai gut practice, pound« I waa •• aleo i« Bay neibori,, and the ocr opaiion Tiu cri p an 1 delicious doughnut, «mly in Urttot two 'Mena to such men s« Maatn, of Illinois, end has iseoed ammunition fur it ol Zamlemrixa in Boutherri Mindanao 1« hours snd w«« on Til,- whit-, w<-et, nutrition bread anil roll c will boon be entangled in torse Shoots conducted by field cornets were * TV «4* t** •/ « " my fi-rt without oaaplele. There lie. been almoel no fight help until thirty of Europe's Iron bies —Lebanon Cri- held every Saturday, at targets at rar- minwte« Vforr my baby are« horn He is sow ir.g in any one raw. The rexupation ol Delightful to the taste and always wholesome, month* ol«! and w^tgh» Mnet»«eii p*3ea4«. ienon. tons range«, and fine prizes were bung three I know it was Dr Here* ■ medirine that «seed Be,e >,bong waa eliaoel ledii reualy eaay. me fr -m wffrrinj I adviee alt w»>r->en to take up. The burghers considered it a gira' Dr Pierce • Favorite P',r«crip<i-m. al«o hl« There waa a Filipino uarriaon of eight Ü, Fill HOUSE Tbe nt most proof that ail existing r no nor to win thia prise, a< wr|| they * ptraMnt Petlet« ’ If n»-« eaaary ” hundred men ; Lieutenant Monro« tap political li n»'i’ntions «Io nut «I»-serve de Kovtii Buk'uiq Powder is mude ' Following the advice of a neighbor” might and would coma for m. es to ait What ped the telegraph wire and told the a weight of confirmatory evidence • t k ■ -n an ae Herr M >«t »st conte coni- ’ id«, H*. u A t - A M..1 ■ I.r rw t (•nd. there i« in tlwee «is word« The neighbor <-otw«ao'ter that he ha I bailer ourren r>ur *»*^uee J* W »n it by ini ft f»rder found in the fart that ex »«ting*political had tried the " Favorite Prescription " and from Pl Rt GHAPL CREAM OF tane*« th* nv . k r, gjnvr» W »■ chare» ’! »uppoe« tl»e ler ax ha waa eomiug with a larg. force recommended it. Mre J«mbs ha« al«o inetitnfionw do not dref roy men of the nxw» »< f—trhi «-here»» ually, but many tried it an*! proved its wonderful propertie« (be barf really about fifty twee,. Th« tr ’ í-r 4« nf tk küp- Herr M'»<t stamp, but let them wag their whrt. ,imÄ r<v»» >4 <di be dead and burred before |he war end«. «ed now «he rr- -nimm-!« it Be«u!e »uch Filipino coarnander that h» wo a id ear TARTAR <ind is absolutely free testimony a* this its maker • word« are un A*k"*C taJ- Pr«U.*< ‘JuMetMM. Vmgoee onceaem. ly.—h F. Etaminer When a R»er drawe a liead hie mark p imp*/rtant. Mr* Jarob«' eipenence ia a render to a “ouperior lore».” Tliereup. fa* t Her neight>»< « eipenence i« a fact What 1» Mhiloh? certain lo be hit. •>n the liaatenaut aeol word that he S Alt* Al. MH The w nt ten eipenence« of ato.cno other from limi*, alum ani' >mmoni<i V a T k À I BA'k uMcefe- A grand old remedy for Cough«, Cold» "No race is mure religioue than the women «re fact« There la no theory about would outer lo rocoiee the ourreder with cn*’T,S^r«yi «IJ*Mi tteh. Eft.-««- ’« ar.»f Coneump'ion; seed through Hie Boers. Th *y live up to their rehgmo it. There ran be no q«»e«uoe a I »out it. la a an,all ad tame guard. The aur render P£°P1 h KI iHtBWivkB b**« neighborhood >a this broad laud world lor half a ceotury , ha« cured inno strictly, an«i will fight an«J die lor Uwir every M,*‘ aw«v br-rwaO. CMaaga. • aa e .mpteiod. arm« and aiutneaitioe there are w-»mea who have been cured by KiM'iO'-J; /J, Mg «MS Patern, catease There are many imitation baking powders, urerable eaaet of incipient coaanoiption tburch. th* Favorite Prescription ” It ha« cured i were lamed over, and the American. SEI E«* fi,, ; V ,r t a-e M«a v«^ • <■ •»- ■ female cotnplaiat than all made from alum, mustiy add cheap. Avoid and relieved many io advanced ttagre "I lived for four year« among the Bocis aie«- l«** M«b YsrOe . eero in lull control Iwfor, the rune wee • * for wo«»*n combined It them, s» thev make the iuud unwholesome If you are *<h«fie«J with reeuha, we and I believe Urey are lb« moet ne»gb sPlMif BROTHERS. .»■ du me of its kind invented by d.ocevered New« liaa At leal been rm ’** aliM in medicine—• regularly will refund yowr oxx»ev Price25eta., W burly and h ^rpitable people on earth I pin«tcian •»( more thaa thirty I reived from l ieutenant^ Gilmore, who ia»-n4 » »»**= * --------------- I cu and II—W. F. Kremer. 1 WUea you nde up an J stop before a /«»I« sLtnal < b per Knee | with aavtu ot hie tale abewl 25 WAR OF GREED IN TRANSVAAL local Davvcninoe »> »> > > Welch's Clothing Ss, > » > 4 A “Happy New Year Wright, ODDS and l-NDS—ONE-HXJ OFF J J At SII Cost.. U ith J e Southern Oregon Stairrnial School. will <nd the “What a difference in the suffering at time of childbhlh Ir í»T R Marble and Gr»te Works. y r I I no other agent will to make !,. w- cook dS