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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 21, 1899)
I Wa.hingion Ger Regular • ,>rree|»mdent. W v..i:>aTuX. Dee- Htn, let»» I came from field* rv BUSH KO KVKKY THIBMDAY, 1 make a »uklen shiny, fieBa'.ur Mason WUl > iM t-ODti’i*“1'® >n Adown tber j-i'l my s-in-l*.-» thud. ____*a maker, if he bi. .bthiy »• • •eDi0,i I’m m J way* in a hurry. aiteii’P1® in !bat line KDITOHH AND l'R< »FK1KTUK«. mat- » a a« hit rttoHlion of -.kip along to Bayarnl>»>ng. that lall •• *1** BATHS OF SI BM B1FTIOM ; Boers and hie speech I aaalde down tbe highway. »ympa'hy to*l,,° One Year, in advance, • • 1125 dodge the waiting kankt* throog Six Months, • • . - .65 t bet eon. If he really thinks, a. 1.« says Ami flutter up a byway. Three Months, • -3® he doe«. tb*t lb« case is similar to the bmgle ('copies, • • • • .06 case of tbe Cnh s when mey ««re in Kuinetime* I polka by the bay. AdvertiMimc rates on application. <’opy > J« And see tbe pebbles sunning. revolt again«1 t Spain, be think, practi for change or* ad’must l»e bareied in before Then turn again aixl da»h away — rally aiont- Tbe «ar inCuba was at our Tueielay noon, otherwise netting of tbe matter wiil be c harged for al tbe rate of 6c doors and affecting tLe interests of For I am ever running. They are Bcifeld*« Goods, which insures per running inc h, «ingle column. Altera thousands < ul Americans, «biletbe war tion* arid ad*iitiuns to copy wifi 1« charged I uhrnkle. chuckle, in my Hight. B'»y ei)i ling a Jmlgc or at tbe rale of 10c j»er running in< h, «in Style and (¿ualityto be right in Bunt b Africa is thousands of miles And then again I giggle* gle column. the int^raat ot abo^t h * Tbe action of the member« of the bar For Yanke«-* think they have me tighi- away an 1 s ’•<*'• any foregin war could. in a city in the neighboring state of Rule red at the pom I office at Granta Fa-a, few Amereanaaa Tfiey don’t know how 1 wiggle. J» Jt Jt Oregon, an sec ond-< Ja.M mail matter. Washington, in boycotting a judge of Of course, e'«ry American wuuld like to the Superior court it an unusual and al I skip, I sneak, I slide, I swoop, pea« »* over there , but a* ths belliger- T hübsday , D kckmbkh 31, 1899. most unheard of spectacle. Lawyers, I flutter down the valley, •nt« have not a.ked fur our good naturally, and on account of their call by the president in I dodge the noisy Yankee troop offi<-ee, a fact no ,t«,l ’ Tbs currency bill pawned the home ing, hare a strong respect for judicial in- And orf again I «ally. bis message, it would be a sort ol inter - Btitutiona. Betide«, to attack them ie to Monday, by w vote ot 1V0 to 160. national impertinence ior us to interfere I rise and run nt early da* n— reflect upon the profession of law. Be in any way, a® 1 the ioption by »iihcr For I ’ m an early dawner ; W. L DEAN. & CO.. Propr. Manila, l>ec. 19.— Geaeral Hefry Law- side« this, as in every profession, the branch of congress, of I a i»solution of And when they think my hope i-* gooe ton has been shut and killed at San Mateo. strong naen are conservative, long-suffer iide would certainly sympathy for either sidt Post Office Building They find that I’m a goner! He was standing in fruat of his troops, ing and alow to ang»-r without the beet ef aad rightly be regarded as interference. | was shot in the breast and diod imme -*eaaont, while th« weak are fawning «yn- I da*h along the timbered h.’ll, Th:« u-.verntnenl i. neutral, and be< «u»e diately. General Lawton was born id copbanta fearful of offending and find- I bear the bugles tooting. of that neutrality, the president referred . Toledo, Ohio, and appointed to tbe army ing opportunity to ask favors in the And while the echo** gaily trill Leland Riftings a petition lor the Ho'landere of Miehign. ‘ The Williams Literary society reor irone Indiana hour of trouble, The bench its often, Another way I’m scooting. asking him to °®'e* 10 Dr. Muore made a professional visit to ganized Saturday evening Gao. Spar much too often, a retting place for in- ila was chosen president We are gla<l I hop from railway tie to tie, bring about peace, to the department Oregon's «en«alionai murder trial, competent attorneys, who understood our burg Bunday. I climb the chasm craggy, of stat» without action. ended in Pertiand Sunday by the'jury liolitics better than law. Unable often Mr*. Fred Brakrnin took a trip out to to sea our young people waking up, (or a well conducted literary society is a I watch the Yankees go rushing in the Frank McDaniel case, bringing to support tnemvelve* in th i practice of the Pass last week The bouw committee that is invisti-: great benefit to any community. All looking for their Aggie. the verdict of manslaughter. While the their profea«ion, by the glad hand and gating Roberta, ie holding daily ««s-mne Not an idle man to be found in uur pA.KWOODtMAN. majority of the jurors believe McDaniel the warm smile, they work their way to great ami glorious city. and hopes to get ite report ready in a Then out again 1 lightly go guilty of murder in the first degree, th**y a position whereby they can pass judge- Church Notice. few da) a. It rrquirea no gilt ol prophecy , A im ! splash along the river Qu.te a number of our citizens are go compromised on maaslaughler, the ex* uaentiupon Iho causes they so ua»ucce«s- ing down to Wolf Creek Saturday eve For Yanks may come and Yanks may go, to say that tbe report wi.l be adverse to ■ The eermuna at the Baptist church, treme ¡anally far which is 15 years in fally advocated What 'paragons of vir ning to ride the Marches goat. Roberts, but the attempts to say just But I race on forever. on Munday, 24lb inat, will be upon the the penitentitary. Cleveland Blain L>ealer. what shape it rill take, which are being tue they become How soli« itious of the Cap. Cole came down on Monday’s “Advent of Je«u«” in relation to the made, are simply gues-es- The com- Holiday Excursion io San Fran Jirighnui H. Roberts tins been refused welfare of the taxpayer, and bow negli passenger train and went out to Arch "Advent of," or the .Second "Ad mittee will conclude tbe investigation vent. The subject al 11: U0 A. M. will gent of the interests of those who seek cisco. ers mine Sunday, where be will work s seat in the house of before deciding the scope of its report be "The Visit ol the Wise Men." The tne courts for justice. As humanity for some tiuie. until the (bargee against him are in A special excursion wiil be run on tbe subject at 7: 30 B. M. will be, “The En S. P. from Salem arid all points south in Mr. Roberta »bows very plainly by his vestigated. A committee was appointed loves to be humbugged, in most case« C. D. Burnett was out from Mt. Reu- talks before tbe conitni'tee. that he for this purpose and intends to make they are bailed as Daniels, until the ben the latter part of Jane week. Mr. quiry of lbs Wise Men." Sunday School Oregon to San Francisco on December ! d-#rn't eipert to get the seat, or rather at 10:00 A.M. B. Y. P. U. at B : 30 ?. "bailer ” is party to a suit. Then he the investigation thorough. Tas com 27, under the personal supervision of C. Burnett is reported as having a very mittee will even visit Ulah and en realizes the narrowness and the cheap promising quartz proposition out there. M. Topic: Our Royal Biother. Thia IV. Barr of l^ebanon, who has arranged to keep it, if allowed to be sworn in; meeting will be led by Mr. Robert M. and managed many of these popular also that be is a pretty shrewd lawyer, deavor to get some idea as to the con prejudice« of the tiny actor who La« G. W. Farlow and son Lawrence, of ditions which exist there iu regard to posed from the bench a« the ein bod Creswell, Oregon,arrived in our city last Eberle. Every one is cordially invited trips. Ticket« will lie good going on the and well posted io parliamentary praliee. j The reaolution offered by Senator IKilygamy. This is probsbly more than imerit of human virtue, The ones who week Mr. Farlow has accepte41 a puai- to these services. overland leaving Portland on the even K ohxht i . ix , pastor. Rolierts and hie followers bargained suffer moat are the attorney«, For some tion out at E. W. Dana’« mine on Meunt ing of Dec. 26. and returning on any Lodge, and adopted by toe senate, re- for. Roberta aaenmes an injured air fancied grievance such a judge cau des Reuben. train leaving Ban Fraociscn between ■ Ideating the department of state to in- Taken Cp. but seemingly it determined to tight to troy th« practice of a auppoesd enemv, or Dec. 28 'and Jan. 4, inclusive. From veeltgate the report that Great Britain Our citizens were greeted ’Thursday O. the night ot Dec 14, there cum« to Ashland the round trip fare will be was negotiating with Ecuador, for tbe the end. We hope he will, it will in build up that of a scheming friend. It i« with a light fall of "the beautiful" but my ranch a 3-year old lilley with white sult in the exposure of polygamy, and well they should for by their cowardice 111.50; but tickets must be purchased at purchase of the Galapagos Islands, has and conHervatism, their envy and jealousy it did not last long as it rained all after pot in for« head and oau white foot, least three d n s before starting. Excur- been referred to lite U. S. Minister at will pave the wav for reform. they |>ermit such creatures to adorn the noon and night making it very dis branded on right thi^li. Owner can aianists mav have baggage checked from Quito, for an investigation and ¡report. I have .auie by paying charge«. The war spirit seems to be spreading. bench. Under any system weak and in agreeable under foot. and to starting point. For tickets and It is kt,own. however, that there Las This time it is China and France, who competent will sometimes find place, Fosters are out announcing a grand M avbicx I i . kh . further information apply to A. E. Iteen no negotiations by Great Britain, are facing ea< hnttier, the trouble arising but nevertheless, the effort to find able, mask ball at A. 8. Webbs in Leland, on and thought that the sole object of the Voorhies, C ockier office. The Modern Mother. over territory leased by France at Kuang courageoua and upright mea should be January 1, 1900 This undoubtedly will resolution is to ot>en the way to the pur- the Cbt iStina» Attraction at Has found that her little one« improv Chu bay, France wants three times an constant. 'Ihe members ot the bar know be one of the plea«antest dances ever cliace of the islands by thin government, Opera H uum . much territory as China is willing to who such are in their profession, and to held in Leland, g«>od music and an ex ed more by the pleasant Syrup of Figs, to be u-ed as a naval station, their lo Xmas matinee the farce comey when in need of a laxative effect of a give. The empress dowager sent Mar such they should endeavor to awarj tbe cellent caller have been «ecurad . cation making them especially desirable “ A Cheerful Liar ” will be produced at shall Hn with 30,0)0 well drilled troop« nominations rather than to the ¡>ol- • Extensive preparations are being mad3 gently remedy, than by any other. for that purpose, after the Isthmian to uphold the Chineae cause and fight if itician« who have only the impudent to make the Christmas tree at this place, Children enjoy it and it .benefits them. the opera house by an excellent com Canal has been constructed. The navy pany of recognized merit. “ A Cheerful necss.*ary without further orders from presumption to anx for it. The best one of the moat enjoyable events of the The true remedy, Syrup of Figs, is man department has already bail the islands Pekin. The «kit mish between the two time to boycott is before nomination and season. An interesting programe is be ufacture«! by the California Ffg Syruy Liar” made an instantious success examined by an officer, and asertained the East, being produced in New in torses rssulterl in the wounding ol six •lection. ing prepared and an abundance of candy, Co. only. York and Chicago for 450 nights and is that only one of them is now inhabited, Frsw.h wild <'4) Chinese. QUte, apples and oranges Lave been se Ranta and Hi« Derr. being presented throughout the West by and that only by one man, a naturlizrd President'* Message. cured for the little folk«. Calhoun Grocery Co. must have made a this company, headed by Miss Stella Ameiicati. The president's muasage is u compre The president iu hi« message touches E. W. Shively had the misfortune of special arrangement with Mr. Santa Bomar, an exception I y clever com- That speaker Henderson know, how to . hensive review of the conditions which iif>on a number of pointe which are ol surround us, and io full ol broad minded especial interest to the American ¡»eople. throwing his left wrist out of joint on Claus to be on exhibition in the «how •dean, who 1« making her first Pacific drop a liiut was shown when lie said: “1 statesmanship as to dealing with them. He first alludes to the gratifying con Sunday, while working in the Steam window. The fat jolty man is there Coast tour. Miss Bomar is not only never had any thing to say toany speaker, But some men are so politically blear dition of the Treasury, which will have Beer mine. It seems he was rolling a seated on a «led filled with good thing« behl in high esteem by the people of the regarding my personal wishes or desires. eyed that they can roe nothing in it that a surplus of $40,000,000 at the clo«e of large bowlder and was standing on an and is drawn by a pel dear. Calhoun’s eastern states, but is al.-o held in high I do nut remember ever entering Car is good. To their distorted visions and the fiscal year. The President urge« a other when the one he was standing on other window contains a well displayed evteem in London, Paris, Berlin, in faot lisle's room when he was speaker, ami 1 assortment of Christmas candies. throughout entire Europe, Frank De only called once upon Crisp, and that acrebaUe imaginations, it is full of con maintensnee of the gold standard, and rolled over throwing him on his wrist. Camp and Max Steinle a duo of clever was with my delegation 1 never went spiracy, deceit, and “imperialism." recommends the Secret«ry of the Treas eastern cuinedeans, assume the princi to call upon Reed, save to pay my res Each one of these wish is trying to in dry be given additional power to sell pal male roles. Bernard Jaxon, Syd pects, unless be sent for me. I knew Hate Mark Hanna into a bugaboo. Any bonds on long or short terms, with a ney Platt, Eunice Murdock, Rose Sim they had two much Iodo to Ite both«ring thing, to bs “ag'in ths government " fund created for gobi holdings, from mons, Leonie Leigh and Robert Han with me.” Utterly unfair, stupid in their opposition, which greenbacks will be redeemed on croft are among the p(incipal members During tbe first week of con.res., wilfully obstinate, we have no use for presentation and when redeemed shall of the company, of the comedy itself it more than 3,500 bills and resolutions them. Where io their place in thio coun no) be paid out thereafter except for may I e «aid I bat it is Frasirs best, being were introduced in the house alone. try now? There ie hardly a canyon in golfi. written in three arts and is a continual Niue-tenth, of these w.-re introduced in this county nowadays to which they can Concerning ti lists I he president speaks howl of laughter from start to fini.-h, the last eongresa and never acted upon, repair and esca|>e the spirit ol progress in emphatic terms against any combin intro lin ing clever and taking «penal ai d the same fate is likely to meet an that is in the air. Perhaps such men ations for controlling the market and ties. Up to date ringing specialties will equal terientage of them again. The •re nece«Mary as an example to avoid suppreHsing competition, advising strong be introduced by the various members, number of bills introduced in the senate PerhapN it is well that we are enabled to legislation ngairiHt such oppressive evils. and 'he resilient« of this town after par is much smaller, not only because ol realise to what length« habits of preju He favors the early construction of taking of a hearty turkey dinner may smaller membership, but because s.n diced thought can lead a man, that we the Nicaragu < canal, and its net es ity, settle their stomachs and avoid a violent atoie,do not as a rule introduce eo many may observe and avoid such habits. also urges the construction of a Pacific attack of dyspepsia by having a lot g bills in which they feel no personal in cable. One who gosa out in the lulls in al Referring to Cuba, Porto Rico ami hearty laugh. Taking all in all the at terest, just to pl ease some constituent. most any diriction from Granta Pass, the Philippines, he favors a free Cuba traction is one of merit and as prices are Sena tor.are much inter.»ten in the will experience a leeling ul surprise at tn reality as well as name, and turns the 25 35, 50 cents a packed house should cases of Senator Scott, of West Virginia the vast amount of good timber Philippines and Porto Rico, as well as be in evidence. Tuesday evening the who is charged with not having been which corers the inora remote districts. the Hawaiian i lands, over to congress piogram will be entirely changed. legally elected, because the vote cast for On some of the creeks, there are mil«» for the character of their future govern | him waa not a majority of the entire Burglar Proof Safe and miles of valuable limber and evsiy ment. III eiiiberebip ol the legislature; of Sen- For sale for |HX> — a splendid large safe tributary, gulch and ridge carries a vast He also alltidve to the discrimination ator Clark, of Montana, who is charged a good as new. Inquire at tbit other invite your attention to my multitude of straight, tall and syninat- against our products by foreign govern with having obtained his election by rical trees; sugar pies, yellow pine, menu, and step« taken in way ol bribery, and Mr. Quay, who claims a Sama Clou*« has been There. cedar and Hr. A great deal ol this liui retaliation to overcome such arbitrary The front of tbe White Honse Grocery , feat, on the appointment of the governor her ie in localities which are at present action. ie crowded with spectators watching of Pennsylvania, ami w ho is oppressed inaccessible by wagon road, but there Much aatietaction is expressed over Santa Claus disarpear up the chimney. ' by ths claim tbs' the g.yernor had no ie a great deal ol tins territory which the settlement of the Central Pacific He certainly had been there as is constitutional right to make tbe appoint The main thing for you to consider is: Don't be too could lie opened with little expense and Railroad del)t to the government. evidenced by the well filled stockings, ment, all of which are now in the hands Delay fosters uncertainty and often disappoint- late. will be, when gceei timber gets a little Our foreign relations are of the most also his tracks are seeu in tbe ashes cf uf the committee on privileges on elect scarce. In none instamoe, an easily favorable character, ami in the South It you delay you can't blatne me if the very the fire place, and hie boot with snuw ions, ami will be disposed of as rapidly tuent. constructed road of four or live miles African war, the administration main still clinging, ie disappearing up ths as possible. The pbarte "possession is Suit or Overcoat you wanted has just 1>een sold. would opeu a large area ol good limber. tains strict neutrality. chimney. This house has a splended nine fvints of the law” is especially Much of this timber lira in such a The message in full is one that will l»e assortment of candies and frails for | applicable to tbe cases of the two sen Exceptional values itt Men's Heavy Underwear position, that by means ot flumes, for commended by every citizen who Christmas, as well as crockerv ators who are already «sated ; the senate Woolen Shirts, Hosiery, Blankets. Etc. wbirh there ie so abundance ul waler, an interest in the prosperity of glassware. never unaeate a member, except upon it could »•* transported the whole dis country, so far zealously looked the strongest kind of proot that he ha- tance to the railroad. As long as mat- under the able administration of no legal right to the seat. And, not- tore are in this condition, it is usless to liam McKinley and his advisers. withstanding assertions to the contrarv. speak of the timber reeoureee ot south tbe general belief in Washington stands County Treasurers Nelice ern Oregon as being any where near as it has from the first tn the Q lay Notice is hereby given that there are developed. These bodies ol limber have case, that he will get the seat by not been touched as yet, for the simple funds in the county treasury for the re a maj irity vo'e of the eenate, ev n if reoson that there has been, and yet io, demption of the following warrant« pro the committee repirta adverse v wh , a large »mount of Gruber which is more tested to Jan. 1, 1891. Interest on lams tlier» are reasons to belisv« it mav do. acceasibls. Bat their day will come and will cease from Ibi» date l»eu. 13th, I ran«* a* I Williams Items. The debate on the financial bill o,w>n nearer date than moat of us imagine. 1899 Nos. Cramer Bros, have received from the •<l in the house today amt wilt tie ion- J. M John was in the city Thursday. 254 20J 259 Southern Oregon timber supply 170 Wilhelmina Society of S.«n Frinui-co, a tinned all the w-ek, tile vote l > lie 256 Ed Tryer and wife 47 not lie eiausted In our hie time 240 list for hii I hi ripti i* in h»h ilf of tl.« taken next Munday, Ihebiil wiilnas. Thursdav. J. T. T a y urn Tbe Preaider.t says that if congress drunken man in a Walla Walla Old Glory is now Howling over < ur Red Crt n -4 Society n»r the it i?f . f ths Cutintv Trrawurer wounded and the willows and orphans Will revive the gm I.............. , saluon atteiMpted to kiss a dog, which I «» bool house. will nominate both Samps ,n and Schley 9!<>O Itwward: StOO cares« was reeenleJ emphatically, tevia Mr and Mrs. M M. Chw|Hii«n wont to I of the Transvaal and Orange Free State Boers in their war with Great to the poeition, ami thus end th« I, ng stitches bring required to patch the I he readers of this pap<*r will tw plea* Medford Monday. controversy. Britan. Those who with to give sub mau's lace after the excitement was over. a I to learn that there is at leant one Ira Sparlin was in stantial evidence of their sympathy The dog should bo exonerattHl. U« was dreaded disease that rndenew ha* been i bndnesa Thursday. the umet decent animal of the two. A able to cure in ail Ils Mage«, and that is I Clark Taylor was on the streets ol with the Boere, can bring their contri butions to Cramer Bros, hardware store man ie mippoeed to be the highest in ( atarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure is the Williams Sunday. from whence it will be forwarded to San A cts gently on the the aeale of leireslriai being«. Bathe • ’illy p unlive cure known to the medical Charts 1'atvti inatle a I asiness trip to Francisco, end from there it is senj ha* con cocked a beverage by which he fratrrnitv. Catarrh Iwia, a conMItU to tbe Red Cross Society in Amsler*! m cau transform himself into a braM, and tlonal Hi.caaa, rvquirr. a eunatitutional Williams last week. Mre C) rua Dixon of Calilui ma is \ isil Holland. many amuse themselves in thia way. ti«atm«nl. Hall'« Catarrh Cura i« tab I eehle attempts are maile to regulate •n internally, acting directly upon Iho mg friends at dliarns. Stink Breeder* Attention. thia insane amusement ami eome men blood an.I m<i on, riirfa. .>1 th.- ay«t«in Mesara J. Pence, Geo. Hoxie and We have for sale a few head of extra leanses the ystem «eeiu to be ah'e to regulate themselYee. thereby d«.trovtng the footidal.on ol th« David ViQeyard wart* hi the city Mon line short horn bulls nearly one year old B Olbera are not. The town of Grant« d .(C. aud givmx the patii-nt atrangth day. They were sireei by a fullblood Kru k effectually m I’ a «« ha* an ordinance which forbids by building up th« conKilution and a. Mias Abbie, Rohl and Eddie Stites shank short horn imported Ir»n the ld a he U U giving liquor to a man intoxicated or to ■i.ling nator« in doing ita worl. The were in the city Tuesday and Wedens- C - t Kcn-lal1 ville herd of Cresco, Iowa. The Z. £ one who is in danger of becoming intox proprietora Uav« eo much faith in in day. Kendallville herd of Kroikshink short icated. But in going home late some eurativ« power., that they offer One I • M» hs Grace Bigelow has returned from horn cattle have taken tu >re first pre OVERCOMES u. 5 evenmge (rum working in the sanctum. Hundred iMllora for any ca>* that it California, where she has been StS) itlg miums than all other cattle in the United • e ha\e seen stianxe sights. Not so f.i,. to curt*, -.«od lor h.t of tetituon* since iaet spring. States, they are noi only the largest and very long ago, on uno of the voidest iala. t»eat beef cattle, but the beet for milk returned John Newcomb ha« y 7 nights, we saw a man, or something in F. J. CHENEY a CO.. Toledo, O 1 and butter ■ H hams Mr. Newcomb baa been Sold by, "Sc. Uio "emGlance of a man, wallowing in “ c. Not w ilh-KtSliding the sir« when ten for quite a long li&e Hall'. Family Pill, are the lw«i. tbe mud at tbe iateraecLon of Front z 3 months old cost 1150 (K) in Iowa, we Joe Young anti Johnie Kinghatnan re and bixlh street. A man was re- B ut tm ( frfiNviNt - m «x r t> By turned to Williams Monday after an ab • ill out what few ere have of these uionotratiag with bim anti trying to extra choice animals at I >5.00 each, if sence of several months. make him get up. ll<»g like grunt« were taken quii i, Call at the Cass ranch iu he only roapon«e. lie wa* dead to the *ca * 1» m . N Mias Abbie Stites returned heiae Sun l>eerCrtHk valley and see them.or write FCU W* R* world. Some time ago on a 8uadav day from Bridge Point where she has S D Mooat, evening, with therein falling in torrents, WHY PUT UP been leaching for the past three months Dryden. Joseph ne Co Ore. we saw a young man reel bailees and A par «liable mark st tbe last resting J. P Anderton returned home Satur- coatleM out of a saloon on Front street. your leveil ones when you can • lay, to visit his family, Mr. Andereon lien Menth a brick house on F. strini He was uureiug and shouting in a hiyh act ■ g>od marble headstone has been working in the Green Back wna purchn»e.| Inst week by V lark CONSUMPTION pilch and ma.uauai vui< e Bv hay x • Grant. I’aa. Jaalar loi |l.> to fit Nuke-eon mine for some tune. ROGUE RIVER COURIER, PRICE V<M>RHIFLS, wide and clear track, be managed to keep the sidewalk till past the depot, where be capaized in tbs mud near, per* hapa on ths railroad track. His friends went and picked him up. A drunken man on the streets of Grants Pass is no uncommon sight and excites lit tie com ment at any time, yet Grants Pass is fully as moral and proper as any town in Southern Oregon. People of other towns who read this article need not ex claim on the conditions in Grants Pass. They have plenty of exclamatory ma terial on hand at boms. Tht fcw< of AguiaaWe > Cut Prices on Capes and Jackets W>ÏA The Absolutely purc B a K i no P owder Made from Grape Cream of Tartar. RED STAR STORE Money Saving Clothing Sale Men’s Suits and Overcoats K idneys , L iver and B owels C ROYAL RAKING POWDER ¿X>., NEW YORK. Silverware Call aud ex mine our line of these goods if you wish to find a desirable holiday present will find our stock new and complete. AT JEWELL S OLD STAND ***♦*♦♦♦♦♦♦* BORN. DEAN—On Mondav, December 18, 1899, to Mr. and Mrs. T. Y. Dean a daugh ter. Xmas .Matinee, HOLMAN & SON, "A Cheerful Liar UNDERTAKERS EMBALMERS 2 O’clock, p. m. Office on 6tli St. oppo. Court House. Residence North 7th St. Tuesday live. Dec. 26, GRANTS PASS, OR For Sale. House ami Lol, «ell located. of W. II. M erritt . Inquire The Man from Japaa U1 Int< r preted by a CapableCom- pany of Comedians. Gun for Sale. A bevy of Pretty Women bursting >iUW A 44-calibre, ’73 model Winchester the late-t sonir-, oyrtlowing wilh .pec- ■ rifle lor «ale at a bargain Call al this ialtiea. office. Team for Sale. A splendid team, (about 1150 weight) spring wagon and new harness for sale for $225. These are good driving or work hor-u* and the mtfit is a bargain, bor particulars inquire at the Courier office. i .At Small Cost YOU CAN TURKISH, MEDICATED, SULPHUR, RUSSIAN, or VAPOR ( )pcra— l'arce — Comedy I Combined into a refined evening'* pleasure. OUR PRICES: 25, 35 and 50 Cents. Sea’s now on sale at THE COURIER OFFICE. 11 AT THE RIVERSIDE NURSERY. GRANTS PASS. ORE.. You will find a nice lot of healthy Apples, latest keepers as trees. earliest. Pears, Cherries. well as At your convenienoe in your own home Plums, Peach Prune, Nut t>d w ith my Shade trees, as well as Berry p.ans- Turkish Bath Cabinet Get my Prices before you buy. J. T. TAYLOR. Death Lurks in Drugs If not handled by an exf«" enced pharmacist. pharmacist X011 tie assured of good remits f you have your prescript’00* compounded here. JOSEPH MOSS, (xn l Agl. ■ SIXTH SYKiET. 51. QLflIR JTEEL 5T0VEJ AHt> RANGE5 ¿ D'^^ S^- - 6 5 ja = ¿ * Baking powders made from alum and ot'^ harsh, caustic acids are lower in priced inferior in work and injurious to the stonuj? 1