Image provided by: Josephine Community Library Foundation; Grants Pass, OR
About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 21, 1899)
/ il. a am local Isappcninfls Dressy Shoes Every man wants to look well dressed but it is impossible to do so without a good, well-fitting and dressy Shoe. W’e have a full stock of that kind of Shoes and the reason able prices will surprise you. •CK, ially to ths I st « « i » t » or Boera ■«■ Oaioo« No. 7 GRANTS PASS, JOSEPHINE COUNTY. OREGON, THURSDAY. DECEMBER at, 1899. XVI ‘Î kixQ IxDirtMDiMT Paria, D bvotbd E»r«< Rainy Weather Clothes > > > > > Boots are the use > Rubber and Oil Clothing and Rubber ful articles this kind of weather. Come to us foi these goods. Welch's Clothing Store, Opera Hcuse|Blo<k. (»ruutN I’ ussm , Oregon W WMF W 5F W5F 3 Bicycle hospital for all repairing al Cramer Bros. The lodge of Wooduien now meet every Wednesday evening instead of each alternate Friday evening Mem- her a will please bear thia in mind. Nothing will please a camera fiend more than an album or something else con nested with the camera. Make Christmas gifts of camera supplies — Get them of A. E. Voorbie®. The school recesses hav® been short- ened 15 minutes which allows the school to close at 3 ;30 during the short day® This arrangement will probably contin ue until the middle of January or until February. The Firemen will give a mask ball at the opera house on Christmas night. De»*. 25. A costumer with a full assort- mentof costumes will b® at tb® Fira- men ® hall on December, 25. It will pay tboh® who intend to mask to rent their cos t times. Stone Throwing Tramp» As th® northbound passenger tram was uearing Medford, last week Wed nesday the occupants of the Pullman car were considerably startled bv a shower of stones, some of them as large as a mans list, which cam® crashing through tb® window», breakiug a large mirror in in the car. Koine of the passengers nar row ly escaped being bit by the flying m issiles. Some of th® stones entered the dining car, doing considrable dam age. The storjes were thrown by four mar« presumably tramps. The southbound freight tram that left Medford uamediately after the passenger train pulled out was assulted in like manner by the asms party, but no dam ass was dor.s, so far as could be learned. A machine that makes change has lieen provided for Hie stamp clerk at the Portland postoffice. It is somewhat on ths order of a cash register or ths ma chines used in banks Bv means ot this devise the clerk can make change from 1 cent to $1 by pushing a key. This machine will be of great assistance to th® clerk during the holiday rush, espec- tally. prated and continued obstacle®. O r ® of the cheif euemie® tbe veteran® had to contend with waa "Cxar’’ Re®d, for at Ong a® he was speaker, that autocrat of tbe congreteional ball« opposed tbe mat ter an i by bit dictatorial ruling! and p iter foiled every attempt made tabring tbe matter to the attention of the prop er aulhorit’u*. Shortly before "Caar" Reed resigned he admitted th® jutliceof the claim of the Indian war veteran®, aud had b® remained in eongret® during the pretent testion would have atoned for bi® past action® by furthering th® measure. The firtt bill introduced in congreat tikis tim® was a request for a pennon for tbe veteran-«, th® bill being fathered and introduced by Congreaaman Thomas H. Tongde, of the Oregon delegation. In the senate, Senator McBride introduced a similar measure, and these bill® will be referred to the coiiiiuilieet on pen sion® in a few Jay®. Th® Oregon dele gation has taken conaidarnble interest in tbe matter and will ®xert all of ita in fluence to achieve this end. There are now 1000 veteian® living and 300 widow®, tbe petition bill asking _____________________________________ Great Britain and the United State« have always figured an the two great peace loving powers of the world. And just now the war leving French, Ger man«, Russian« and the rset ot them ar« «landing quietly in a row watching ua kill aud be killed—8. F. Balletin. A Cheerful Liar. “Count, Weigh, Measure or Guage Everything You Buy.” All lovers of ruusic kava a chance to enjoy a treat al Ashland at tna third urn ual Musical Convea'.isa ef tha Rocua River Valley Choral Union, to ba UelCOue 26 to 30 Inclaaive. Not only is thia convention of interest te singers, but all ebo have music ia thair souls have the opportunity to hear high grade solos and choruses at the concerto to be given on the last two eveaiags of the convention. 1‘rof W. H. Kisroe« is known lo be an officiant musical director sad the chorus ia sure to make rapid progress under bis leadership. Mrs. Brooks, who received an enthusiastic reception at the Medford convention, has been en gaged for the Ashland convention, which announcement will be welcome to tha host ot friends she mads last year. Other solo parts will be rendered by tha best available local talent. The erchaa- tre will be much better than ever before and will number 2) pieces. Mr. M. O. Warner, cello soloist will assist the or chestra aad doubtlsas fill at least one number ou the program. Mrs. Frank IL Myers will be tbe occompanist at the He Got In formation. A maa who does not take his home paper, but occasionally aaswsrs adver tisements in "story papers'* has had •oms interastlag siperienoes, says an exchange. He Irarned that by sending one dollar to a Yankee he could get a cure (or druakennssa. Sure enough he did. It was to "lake the pledge and W hite H ouse G rocery 1 Musical CcnvcntKHt Mck of it, aad they will be sicker.—State« . , every uiansien in ths lasiaioaable west man. — **'--------- ‘ ---- 1----------- end ‘---- contains an nous and sleepless men aud wooasn Ibis morning, Tbe most carefully studied part of the Ths McMinnville public school has a speech of ths polygamist Congrss.inan was that ia which bs slandered the whipping controversy. Principal Rey nolds (logged a boy for alleged swearing President.—Glebs Democrat. and lying, and is denounced for "brutal Tka pries of quicksilver is up again. ity" by some cilitens. A young lady Thera ara plaaty of undaveluped minea teacher makes affidavit that the boy was in Southam Oregon, ia Douglaa and j struck "Hrs medersle blows," not brut L.U« counties. Enough quicksilver ia ally, and the principal defends and jus the bills out there to supply the world's tifies hie court« in a public letter, during demanda. —Statesman. which he says: "Citizens ot McMinn A Tokio paper nraiaee for their good ville. visit yeur school«; investigate, aad behavior the Americas troo|>e who have when you find that I am doing elher touched at Japanese porta. The stand than teach your boys and girls honesty ard of manhood in our army impreseea end right living, you have but to say all foreigner« who have a chance to in- the word aae the teacher's burden will be gladly laid down." •peel il—Globe Democrat. THE H JVE. ..«ScJVC !! American Grocer. In order to assist you in this good old maxim I will give Free of Charge for a limited time, a pair of FAMILY SC ALES to every Cash r Customer on the presentation of the requisite amount of Cash Coupons which are given with every Cush Purchase exeepting Sugar, Flour and r Specials when so named. Scales now on exhibition at our store. [oliday China and Glassware Department. :tty designs in German China plates for children at io and 15c each, ild’s Decorated Cups and Saucers. Brownie Mugs, etc., at 5 and IOC. ne Chocolate Sets in Royal Blue and Neptune Green, corated Mustache Cups at go, 30 and 40c. aving Mugs, something fine for 25, 40 and 50c. a Set», Beautiful Salad Dishes, Cabarets, ead and Cake Plates, all new patterns, ncy Creamers, single, or Creamers and Sugars, mething Nice in Haviland China. :corated to and 12 piece, Chamber Sets, hite Ewer and Basin, Queen Shape ¿1.25. ina Cuspidors, tnonade Sets. mbo Coffee Cup, (for the man that always asks for more.) Novelties in Glassware wi'h silvered trimmings. Large assortment of Salts and Peppers. Plain Mixed Candv, per pound. Lamps for Christmas. New Crop Walnuts. 8c Paper Shell. White House Grocery. A Pair of Scales Free. White Tile Top, Brass Dial. Mince Meat, Boiled Cider and Sweet Cider 12* Finest cleaned Currant's and Raisins. Oranges, per doz 15c Bananas. Fresh Oysters 20c Celery, etc. White House Grocery White House Grocery Weighs from I oz. to 20 pounds. EOBZIE2ST, SS A YER, W. G. Wright, Gen’l Agt. for Oregon C yanide P rociss . ac A kt ui b -F orreht Cyanide and Chlorination treatment Ore®. Bullion Refined and Shipped. G rants P ass . J • - O regon . C. PERKINS, U. 8. DEPUTY MINERAL SURVEYOR, oaaooN. AMTS P ass , OSHOW & SHERIDAN, MINING ATTORNEYS, pe< ial attention given to Mining I Land Laws, and Land Office practice. R ohkbirg . - - O regon . OBERT G. SMITH, H D. NORTON, A ttorni -vs and C ounselors at L aw . Ice in First National Rank Building. a»Ts l ies. Ousoox. (JEORGE H. BINNS, »5 to 35c Fresh Roast Peanuts 15c New Mixed Nuts of all kinds Beautiful Vase Limps, Meteor Liberty and Rochester Burners, Gilt Fresh Ribbon Mixed Candy Trimmings, Fine Decorations, all complete. Fancy, soft shell Almonds. Imported Dresden China Lamp. Dolton, Vase Lamp, Handsome Globe. Broken Mixed Candy .............. Vase Lamp, Movable metal fount, Decorated Shades to match, very cheap, Texas Pecans, Pine Nuts, Filberts. Nickle Lamp, Plain and Embossed, White Dome Shades at $¡ 35 to 2.50. Glass Lamps, plain and Decorated, at 2£C, 35c, 45c, 50c, 60c, 75c, 85c. Chocolate Creams................... and ¿t.50. Kitchen Lamps with reflector, very cheap. Brazil Nuts, new crop. The celebrated glow-night Lamp, none so 'good, never smokes, mast Fancy Mixed Candy economical Lamp on the market. Lanterns and Lantern Globes, Lamp wicks, Lamp burners, Patent Chimney Cleaners, something naw. White House Grocery. Hand Made Creams, Bon Bons, etc. at IF’ZEÒOIPIR, Northwest Herald Suspends Publication. for a monthly allowance of but $8. Tbe 1 ke®p it." I«al®r on b® sent fifty two* Beit Winter Route. The Northwest Herald suspended pub- original number of enlistments io the For sunshine, flowers and oranges take cent stamps I o find out how to raise I lication last Saturday afternoon, lu hi® Indian wars of thia ®tate was 70<)0, but the Sunset Route via Los Angeles to all turnip® euccosefully. II® found out. ASSAYER, farewell editorial George 8. Hutchin. tbe all have died with the exception of 1000 fioints East. Tourist eicursiou cars and "Just take hold of th® top® and pull." proprietor, reviews the history of the nnd nearly all of those remaining are ol chair cars to El Paso, Furl Worth, Kaa- Being young he winhed to marry, and Office opposite Hotel Josephine, paper and its success iu uniting the tac an advanced age. •as City, Chicago, Cincinnati, Houston, sent, thirty four nne-cent stamps to a Chi* G rants P am », - - O regon . Small though th * pennien is, it will be New Orleans and Washington, D, C. cago firm for information a® to how tion® of the democratic party, which The Elk creek hatchery will turnout greatly appreciated by the defsndtrs of < For rates, guides and information ad to mak® an impression. Whan the had been at out® for sometime. 3,000,000 fish tbi® year, besides ship* i I civilization and will a®®i®t them ina dress. answer cam® it read, “Hit down on a C. H. MaaiueM, G. P. A., ping 2,000,000 egg® to the hatchery at ¡ Mr. Hutchin went to Portland nearly pna of dough " That was a little rough a year ago at the request of leading large measure, for very few of them are A C. HOUGH, Portland, Or. the mouth of Rogue river, This is the x A. provided with a surplus of this world's . but be was a patient aian, and thought democrats in Oregon for the pur|x>ae of utmost limit of the present capacity for ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, goods. A tardy recognition of their serv The Qunen Weep*. be would yet »nursed. The n<*«t adver founding a new®pa|>er. He started the Practices in all State and Federal Courts propogation at Elk creek. Tbe govern- Northwest Herald a® a weekly. At that ices is considered better than none at all,! A dispatch to th® l{®rald frvm Ix>n<l®® tisement be answarod read, “How to mentis so well pleased with the season's and if the bills pa®® suuce®®(ullv the dale- J double your money in six months." II® Office over First National Bank. output that tber® it iu contemplation a time it was his intention to make it th® gation at Washington will receive tne ®ays: It is stated that th® queen’s man was told to convert hia money into bill®, G bawh P ass , • • Oaioox. nucleus of a daily pa¡»er. It has been tai aniiety gives the gravest alarm t® move to so enlarge the works so that sincere thank® of the Indian war vete the royal houaahald. Tha queen insist® fold them, and h® would see bis money announced that the publication of the from eight to ten million fish will b® rans. on receiving tbe minute® information doubled. The next tim® he sent for turned out every year. Eight men are weekly paper ha® been suspended until January 1, PX)0, when it will appear s® from the war office aa to the state of af twslve useful household articles, and got The Scissors. employed in connection with tbs in T^R. J JENNINGS a package ef needle®. ila wan «low to a morning daily. The recess is taken to dustry. It i® belived by competent ft is recorded that Napoleon once said fairs, yet she is completely ev®r<*eme learn, so he tent a dollar to And out allow lime for the preliminary arrange when the particular* of each ®ngagenisnt RESIDENT DENTIST. I person® who have examined the site that the British urniy was "a band of ments necessary to launch a morning j lion, led by jack eases." The repeated are related. Even when discussing j "bow to get rich”—“Work like th® and all surrounding favorable con- 30 Year® Expel tence. I devil aad never spend a cent." That flition®, that tbe Elk creek hatchery ia paj>er on tbe field. blunders of White, Methuen ami liatacis other matter® ¿and conducting ordinary sloped him, but bi® brother wrote to Office in Opera House block; see the sign < orrespondeaue, the queen suddenly destained to be one of th® best and moat in South Allies will incline critics to the of Tbe Big Tooth. Indian Fighter* may Receive Petuion. (lad out bow lo write a loiter without bursts into a flood ef tears and makes pa productive on the coast. While the opinion that Napoleon ••■ at least half l»enorinb. II® was told to use a bad Before the preeenl session of congree« Oauioa. Elk creek business Is common property* thetic reference to the misery and hard G rant ® P ah ®, right, and Hist the British army Is much pencil. He paid five dollars to loam adjourn« the Indian war veteran« of thia designed to promote and perpetuate the i the same now aa it was in hia tuns. ships entailed upon hwr soldiers, a® well how to live without work, and was told state may have the «aliafactioo el know at open the Boers thameelvea. The generals wanted to make s name salmon industry in which the public at on a postal card, "to fish (or suckers ae ing that their effort« toprevei.I Hnscoun No matter where one went last night J}RICE A VOORHIES, larg® is interested, as one of th® impor for themselves, and they have succeed we do." try from remaining in the band) of the there was bat one tepic of discussion ed.—Telrgram. tant b®urces of revenue, it io or local Im* REAL E state , and aborigines has been recognised by the Methuen,! defeat and bis probable leeees Lost . portance to Jackson county a® a perma government and that they will receive a IN8UBAMCE. When tha pleral marragw people of Later in the evening when it became nent industry, furnishing steady em Ixi.t en Sunday a small g-Id hall stick Ulab elected Mr. Roberta to flaunt bis known that General Wauchop® and tbe pin. Finder pisase leave al thia ottica. Representing tbe moet reliable com-! ployment to a number of man who be pension after a lapse of many years. For several year« the surviving Indian record in congress they simply succeed Marquis of Winchester w®r® among th® panie® in existence, (both fire and life). | come consumers as well a® producer®.— fighters have made repeted if Forts to ae- ed in putting their peculiar institution killed, the tension was increaaed. It is Notary Public. A Cheorlul Liar at tb® opera Lu use O m KG o N. cure a pension, but were rnet with re in the pillory, liny are already pretty net an exaggeration lo say that almost Monday afternoon, I Me. 25. G rant ® P as ®, Uoavaution. A rale of one and one- third fair will bo made by tha rail road .osapany and the cilisena of A ah land will entertain at thair house« all mem bers of tha convention chorua. Let ua "•nd a rousing dalagation of gingers to •well tha cborua, and let all interested in music attend the concerts and thus aid In making the convention a grand success. Quite a number have signified their intention of taking advantage of the cheap rate® to SanFrancieco th® 28th. Do not delay purchasing your ticket at least three day® before th® time. For any information ®ee A. E. Voorhiet. Christmas Gifts. What could be more appropriate for a Christmas gift than a high grade camera—Something that will nut only bring cheer during the holidays but that will be a source of pleasure for years to come. I have good folding cameras for and up. Magazine cameras from $1 50 to ¿to, I A. E. VOORHIES. Jz’LÆ JPJE l IR, Just Received Christmas I'urn itti re Beautiful Couches, Fine Rocking Chairs, Rugs, Portieres, Lace Curtain* I IliM t-<*-«->iii>i«>iit ly Christmas Chinci. Beautiful Cups and Saucers, Salad Sets, Vases, Tctc a Tcte Sets, Table 1 utnblers, Fine ¡able (glassware, Sets, Etc., Dinner Sets, Tea Sets, Lamps. < •<><><! II chnoiih Wliy 1st. We carry the largest stock of such goods in Southern Oregon Our Good® are ( SEI I L as well as OR.XAMLX I AL. 3d. Because we are satisfied w ith a very small profit. GRAND SOUVENIR SALE 5 /clock Tea Kettie«. solid t>raM on wrought iron ataods worth ¿350. our pn e ft 75 5 o 1» k Tea Kettles, solid brass on wrought iron stan 1« w »rth $ 1 50, our price ¿2 75 10 in (>o1<l Band Salads t<c » " '< 1» m.h Ci ns L(«»sl I 1 full Kid B >iv D >11« with bait j 1 lot Packet KnireB to lose out, 4c each. 1 lot Fine Gia sw*re ONE FOURTH OFF dou t fad to ¡0 at it. Spc a price-on FINE COUCHES. New G<x>i* this week. Ruga, Portieres, Con li Covers, fable Covera, Youths* Chairs,, Childrens' Chairs. NOTICE We want to ask a fav ’ vn. Please give as early dates for delivery as possible \ These are only a few oftbe BARGAINS to be seen here this s-tk !