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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 21, 1899)
LOBSTERS RISE IN PRICE. FILIPINO IS GULLIBLE. Th«»« ritls Nat la Shown hr Very Ubo Are Foad of SAWDUST GUNPOWDER. TENOR MADE A BIG HIT. tbe < ?••- res« tarraaa Ulll Have ta Fay Mara Sealy Triaba of the Ì fur He I’hriu Thia Year. Mee Soldier». CoBiaa'f lad«r«land Wk, Anfleae« Uefbrd u< HI. Leve Su««. ••This year people who are fond of The man that »harpened shoe pegs TU nativ« native Filipino ha» Th* hai the reputa rating lobuter« will bate to pay dearly at both ends and sold them for wheat tion of being the shrewdeat among the for the privilege of ir.du'g ; g tbdrap- Th« tenor of a local concert company wan a genius, but he has his equal in Asiatic race». Uke the Pamt, be »• (»etites in such m 4 food, .r the rtason made the hit of his life recently. It was Mexico, says Stray Stories. known a» the Yankee of the orient, that the rruatuc •at s * re Sv.:rctr now at an entertainment in a town within Some months ago one of the habitual says the Philadelphia Pre»». than ever before, ’ said a w hole sale den! ; 100 miles of Chicago, and it ia safe to revolutionary fiareups was abaut to He luat no opportunity to trim up er in fish in New Y urk 1 say ihat the tenor’s voice will never be commence in on? of the belligerent lit his occidental Yankee brother when day or two ago. -Ute I heard in that place again, says the In tle South American presidencies which ever the opportunity presented itself, present selling at 20 cents ¡>er polin’d, ter Ocean. masquerade under the title of republics. but the Ainericau Yankee, and particu and as only comparatively »mull catch- He is tall and angular, built rather on A couple of hundred n <n, marshaled larly be of the Pennaylvania breed, i s are daily reported by the fishermen the fence-rail plan of archi‘e«*lure, and in opposition to the government, swore usually gave him a Roland for his Oliver. of Stonington, Block Island, and ether is, withal, rather exceisivciy (liguined. solemn oaths and met nightly in an When th? l’enn») lvunia left Baa Fran well-known lobstering grounds as far On this occasion he had been intrusted abandoned hut at the entrance to a cisco on their way to th? PM!ippin«a cast as Portland, Me., the indications with the duty of “opening the ball” swamp. the Red Cross society gave each on« of urr that a further advance of from five with a comic solo. Although comedy is Enthusiasm was them an aluminum badge the size and to ten cents a pound may soon be looked not exactly the tenor’s strong?«! Lol I, were scarce, so a purse was made up •hape of an American quarter, bearing for. he found this time before he hau :rly and three of the party sent off to buy the name of his regiment, his company, “Ten years ago almost any quantity commenced that he had the large m.di- ammunition. and hi» company number. of fine lobsters could have !>• evi pur ence with him, and he sailed in and did ’ll < y went to Mexico, where a cargo Shortly after their arrival in Manila chased in New York at the rate of five his best. of | wder was delivered to item, and the officers of some of the companies cents a pound. The average size of live From start to finish he was greeted after inspection was shipped to the found these identification badges in the loimters that then came to market was with applause and at the end of the revolutionary h<ii<!qnarters. \ signal hands of the Filipino merchants, upon 20 inches long, not counting claws. The verse there was such a storm of laugh gun was mounted on a hilltop, and whom th? Pennsylvanians had imposed largest average now is not more than ter, hand-clapping and even cheers when the day and hour arrived the fit Id them n» quarter dollars in return for ar half that length. There used to lx* that the singer felt obliged to rcspoiid marshal of the rt volutionarv arm) ticles of barter. plenty of 14-pound lobsters and I have to the encore. tout Lt d a match to 1 be of the » ice. Another trick of the Yank?? soldier seen them weighing 18 pounds. A lob As soon as he could make himself There was no rrsp. nse. The marshal was to take a new copper penny, mill ster as large that would have to be heard he essayed a love song, but be used all the matt hrs in bis silver mutch the edges of it w ith a file, polish the coin years old at least. This shellfish grows fore he had sung ten words the laughter box. but the gun rt-fused to fire. till it shor e like gold, and then pass It slowly, and at three years old is not broke out afresh. In vain he threw his An investigation by the “war office” upon th? guileless and unsuspicious na much bigger than a crawfish. A lobstei soul into the tender words. It was no followed, and the cargo of powder tives as a five dollar gold piece. under five years old isn’t fit for market, go. and the hilarity of the audience in- proved to br nothing but mahogany The gullibility of the native in this re tint thousands of auch youngsters have < reased until ut the close of the first sawdust, which had bten vigcrrnisiy gard led some of the men to write home to pass muster on our fish stulls nown-1 verse he rushed bewildered and furious stirred up with powdered graphite to for samples of confederate scrip, w bich, days. from the stage, amid an uproar greater give it the propt r coIorand appearance. when duly received, were put in circu “The present dearth of lobsters in than before. lation among the yellow packets a« New England waters is largely due t< Behind th»* scenes he found the other STORIES FOR ANGLERS. bona-fide American greenback», the na the enormous number of undersized members of the company speechless tive» willingly accepting them ns atand- ones that have in the past liven caught with laughter, and it was »everal min ard paper money of the United States. nnd sold for canning purposes in Maine. utes before they were able to elucidate A Trnut Thut Un« (iinaht Tweaty Fuur Hour« After It Took Millions of small shellfBh that should the cause. The tenor, before leuvin^ tbr Fly. THE CREVALLES. have been allowed to develop nnd breed his hotel, had pinned up the tails of his were thus annually exterminated, and dr» as coat to keep them from show ing A well-known Albany angler had a the the result has been that the supply of below* the bottom of his short summer eatable lobsters has dwindled from 30.- overcoat, and uf>on arriving at the hall unique experience this summer trout 000,000 in 1880 to probably less than he had forgotten to unpin them. The fishing up in Canada, says the Argus of 5,000,000 in 1HW. spectacle of the coattails pointing sky that city. He was sent out from camp Children looking at the crevalle» in “The regulations concerning the cap ward was too much for the ris’bilities to calc h a mess for supper. Hr wus fish- their tank at the uquarium call them ture of lobsters in New England waters of the audience, and the tenor could nut 1 ing with three flits O on a single leader. At the first cast his fly was taken by a the merry-g<>-’round fishes, !»?<•« use are now as stringent a- any game law. be induced to sing again that night. good-sized trout that leaped from the they are constantly circling «round in “No lobsters are being canned In water to grab It. He evidently got the their tank, following one another like Maine for the reason that the short lob AUSTRALIAN CATTLE-RUSH. leader on a “slack” before the line was the animals of the merry-go-’round. ster law has killed the business in that The erevalles are singularly nervous state. The canners do not find it profit VI hrn a StamjRrde Occur« the Very tightened from the rod, as he snapped it off and went swimming away with and sensitive, and they are always on able to buy lobsters at the present high H«»t of llorumanship 1» the two Hies and broken leader trailing the go, says the New York Sun. rate, and they cannot purchase short Callad For. behind. Next day the angler revisited These erevalles have now b«?n in cap ones or shellfish weighing less than ten tivity more than a year, which is per pound». When a cattle-rush comes In the the lake, and as he was looking over the haps longer than any were ever kept tie- “For the last four years energetic ef blackest of the night, among thick- side of the boat hr espied in 10 or 15 fore; certainly longer than any have forts have been made by the United standsng, low-limbed tree», with the feet of water the big trout that had been kept in the aquarium, these being States fish commission to restore lob nature and levels of the country un taken his leader the night before. A the first to be curried through a winter, sters to their former abundance bv known and invisible, to stem it calls closer examination revealed that his which was made possible by the exten planting million» of lobster fry from for the finest and fiercest quality of the troutship was safely hitched to the dead sion of the aquarium's warmed salt wa Fisher’« Island sound vast along the horseman, says u writer in Harper's branch of a tree which hail fallen into ter supply, so that some others than coast rr far as Maine. Meantime the Magazine. As he dodges, swerves, and the water. In swimming about one of tropical fishes could have the benefits chief supply of live lobsters comes from clings in the saddle to avoid mutilation the two free hooks on the leader had of it. The crevalle goes south in win the British provinces. The »hellflsh from the rmddng treeB, he must bee to caught in the branch and that ended ter, where, in some waters, It is abun are shipped here in »teamera »‘specially it also that the horse shall win to the the migrations of the trout still firmly dant. It does not come novth in num fitted with wells that have a rapacity lead of that thundering multitude be- hooked by the fly he had grabbed. Rowing ashore the angler stripped bers every summer; its visits are ir for holding from 15.000 to 20,000 live side him, if hands nnd spur may com- regular, and sometimes there are none lobsters. These steamers touch at Bos pass it. And when he doe», the inad- and dove for his prize. He secured it here worth mentioning for four or five ton and New York, and from these two (lest of the danger i» still to come. The and a piece of the branch, and to-day years; »0 that on the whole it is rather a cities the lobsters are shipped by whole rider's hands must do double duty now has the stuffed trout with hook still in rare fish in these waters. These speci sale dealers all over the United States.” as he lets loose the w hip and guides the his jaw and the other hook imbedded Washington Star. mens were taken in Granveaend bay; horse as well. The rout must be turned in the broken branch mounted as a they have doubled in size and weight and directed against itself. The horse piscatoriul study und souvenir of the since they were put into the tank. TAKES MORPHINE IN PUBLIC is dragged inward, the whip hisses and incident. Besides being nervous and sensitive falls; the man, silent until now, opens nnd easily frightened fish the crevalle is How the llrplnrahle Habit «fa Wash- throat and lungs in the stockman's bat ROYAL FISHERWOMEN. initow llellr U ri Accident- a fish of beauty with its sides of solid, tle-cry. If the leading cattle swerve silvery pearl. nlly Discovered. and swing away, carrying confusion among the rest, and breaking the di UNCLE SAM SLOW. “While I was in Washington last rectness of the rush, it is the finest mo month," said a Chicagoan the other ment of the drover's life. As the beasts The only “killing’’ form of sport in night, “I »aw something which fairly that come thundering blindly on feel gave me cold shivers. We were sitting the scorching of the thong on head nnd dulged in by the ludit sof the royal fam in the street car, and in the sent just I m flank, nnd hear the note of man's su ily is fishing, the princ»*ss of Wales, the »ide me sat one of the hAndsoim st premacy that they have feared since duchess of Fife, and Princess Louise, A grizzled veteran of two big wars women in nil Washington, a tail, well- marchioness of Lome, bcii g all enthu branding-time, the eddy spreads. and several smaller Indian com but a developed. well-groomed creature of siastic fisherwomen. \\ hen acting as The blind rush becomes a maelstrom, W'HH relating stories of his experience perhaps 30, with dark-rimmed eyes nnd the maelstrom spreads into eddies of vice queen of Canada Princess Louise while in the service of Uncle Sam. One bronze-tinted hair. J knew her for the corifuslon-- the dash of horns and huge used to go out in n canoe with natives of them that will show your Uncle Sam widow of n man who was something or muttering sounds. Then the herd set for guides, and on one occasion she dis uel one of the real business men of the other in the state department under tles down and spreads out. When the patched three of her finest fish, of world is told by the veteran, us follows: the Cleveland administration, I believe. sound arises of big muzzles’blowing course securely packed in ice, to the “I went through the civil war, ami I know »he lives in a dninty apartmvnt The princess of and nibbling at the grass, the horse queen at Balmoral. rose from the volunteer ranks to a first in the newer part of the northwest man knows that his danger is past. Wales and her daughters go out almost lieutenancy, and was unsigned to the quarter. There was n man with her Low down in an embrasure of the wood» every day when staying with the duch regular army. In June, 1873, while at on the cur, a mere boy of a fellow, and Mar lodge, a white planet burn»; it ¡ b the herald ess of Fife at New tached to the quartermaster's depart he gazed nt her with admiring eyes. and some two years ago the duchess of the dawn. ment of my troop 1 disposed of some oil There was a hint of chilliness in the air, landed the largest number of fish Avei to private parties. In selling the oil I and tlx* woman shrugged her hand taken in one day on the Dee by a fisner- HE CERTAINLY WENT. sold one gallon more than 1 bad, nnd some shoulders. woma n. turned the money over to headquarters “•My!’ anid she, ‘I’m afraid I’m tak The prince of \\ ales doe» not now own to before I discovered rny mistnke I then Ing cold.’ a single acre of land in Scotland. He wrote the department at Washington “ ‘Can’t 1 get you something before was the owner some years ngo of Birk- nsking it to return the price of the oil, wc start ?’ asked the boy, anxiously. hnll, but he sold tic property to the so that I might have my accounts “ ‘Oh, no,' she answered. ‘I'll just The football squad of n certain educa queen in 18S5, and though he nlways straightened. As only 16 cents was In take some quinine. I always carry it tional institution not far from Chicago pays n long \isit to Scotlund each au volved I thought the matter would end with me a habit I learned out in In lined up for practice the other day. tumn he invariably stays with the ex by the return mail bringing back the diana.* These honored young collegians were ception, perhaps, of a flying visit to amount of the claim. In that I was “She took a folded paper from being taught to fall on the ball, says the Balmoral with the duke and duchess much mistaken, a» 1 am still forced to purse and opened it. She emptied Chicago Evening News. of Fife, sav« Lippincott’s. answer documents that read: ‘In reply white ]>owder it contained upon Discipline in football practice is, as to yours of June, 1873.* and so on anil tongue. is doubtless generally suspected, of an so forth, till I have in my posschsi<in a SHOPLIFTING IN PARIS “‘It’s nn («Id wav to take quinine, exceedingly strict nature, and there stack of documents weighing not less isn’t it ?’ she said, with a smile. ‘It’s the fore after several fulls had been made W unten In Ihr French Capital I ••• than 50 pounds, and still they come.” way they do out in Indiana. I dpn't and the players were lined up for an Their Tors to Steal Fab mind the taste at nil.' other, it was with considerable sur rica \\ 11 h. RESTLESS ANIMALS “'Then the ear started, and the empty prise that a voice from the line was paper fluttered into my lap. Just a lit heard announcing: “1 don't think I'll The ways of women shoplifters are In tle of the whit»1 |M»w(|cr clung to it go this time!” thus described in a foreign journal: Quite without any purpos»* whatever. I It is true that the young man making “At the Bon Marche and the Louvre, rubbed my finger against the paper this assertion was an only child, nnd in Paris, a regular allowance is made and touched mi tongue with nn in one who had been accustomed to hav- When you see the animals in the park finitesimal quantity of the powder. The ing hia own way, but he certainly did for shoplifting in the debtor nnd cred menagerie» juicing buck and forth rest woman turned and looked nJ me just not understand the situation properly. itor accounts; the daily sum thus reg lessly in thrlr cages do not take it for then, nnd as our eyes met she blushed. The captain looked at him queerly for istered is surprisingly high. Besides amateur kleptomaniacs, female thieves granted that the creatures are unhappy It was an odd way, indeed, to take, not a second or two. make a continual raid on the counters, □r even discontented. It may be that quinine, “Come on,” he said, mildly. but morphine. ”■ < hicago the lion or the tiger or the polar bear Chronicle. “No, I don’t think I’ll try it this time,” and, notwithstanding the vigilance of the inspectors, they manage to reap a that moves alxiut with apparently the voice repeated, decisively. •easel?»» activity ia only taking hi« Just what happened then the rest of good harvest. These women usually daily exercise, without which he would the squad will not sav. They only smile wear skirts as full as fashion will allow, pin« and di« soon. When the wild when itsked for further details, and in with very deep and eiqvacious pockets; creatures are in their native jungles order not to seem rude to the question they also wear shoes, not boots, and they are kept pretty btisy hunting er, usually add: “He certainly went.” have stockings cut off, »0 as to leave the food. Thus each day they walk many This is doubtless true, for it would toes free. miles, j»erhaj>R, In their narrow cages They press close to the counter, where lx» far better to shake a red rng at a In the jmrks they are plentifully sup bull than to say to your superior officer a rapid motion of the elbow, favored by plied with fixxl, but their brawny on a football field: “No, 1 don't think some dangling fringe, catches the cov bod it« «till demand a gr.nt amount of eted article and throws it down. Then, I'll go this time." exerciae. Mlle after mil«- i paced off quickly, the foot slips out of the shoe, daily by th? uneaai » reniun - I «unlly and the tors, exercised by long practice, The Thrifty Yankee. they move with a long, awinr i g stride, The Kennebec Journal tells of a man draw the lace, or whatever it may be, but when meal time come« ¡trout.»1 then who catches seals, cuts off the nose» under the long skirt, where it remains the step quickens until, when th»' keep and gets the one-dollar bounty offered hidden till nn opportunity occurs of er appears with hip baskets of meat, by the state of Maine, after which he quickly secreting it in the pocket.” the tigers and lion« nnd other animals collects the tail« anti hivs himself to leap against their bars n d crow I nnd Al lnventrrae. Massachusetts, where hr collects the whine and lash their tail»« I u fa< t, th» \ bounty offered for the tail of every seal The woman who invented »atchel- act like great, bungn la vs do after a caught in Massachusetts waters. Then bottom paper bags was offered $20,001) lung day’s tramp if th?) find that sup- he returns to the pine tree state to work for the ¡mtrnt before »ho could get j>sr Is late. the skin into glutes, hats, pocketbooks, away from W.nhii gton «fr • • Where du vou get your hair cut? Try NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Will Mallory. l and office at Rusebnre Oregon i I**-«tnbtr ft, Ui< Alien » Foot F.ase ia Your Glove#. Notice is hereby given that the loliuw A lady write»; “1 »bake Allen’» Foot- ing named »ettler has filed notice of hi» Fas« into my gloves and rub a little ou intention to make final proof in support my hands. It saves mv gloves by ab of In« claim, and that saitl proof will l»e Sl.igt*s run both ways daily between Grants Pass, (Oregon, and Ciescvnt sorbing perspiration. It is a tnoet dainty made bvfure Abe Axtell, countv judg« : of Josephine countv, Oregon, at Granta, toilet powder.” Allen'» Foat-Easc Paas, Oregon, on January 13, 1VU0, vn. City. Cal., passing through the following interior |xunts: Wilder- makrs tight new shoes easy It keep» tiib»<'n \ Savage on H. E. N » 8235 ville, I<ove a, Anderson, Kerby Waldo, Shelly Creek, the feet cool and coaifortable. W« in forth«* nw 4 4 I x M * Patrick’a Creek, Gasquet«. vita the attention of physicians and sWi4, rec. 10. Tp Jfi. X K 5 W. He names the following witnesses to nuraet to the absolute purity of Allen’s prove hi» continuous residence ti|>on and WESTBOUND RASTBOUND Foot Ease. All drug ami shoes »tore» cultivation of said land viz : Leave Grants Pass .......... g a in. I Leave Crescent City 6 a. tn. W W. Helm» of Giant» l’as-, Oregon it, 25c. Sample sent FREE Ad Arrive : at Waldo.......... . . 6 p. ». | Arrive at Waldo............ 1 p. tu sell dress Allen S. Olmsted. Le K »y. N Y . William Bishop, of Grants Pasa, O'?g >n p I. | Leave Waldo............... 6 _ 30 a. m. Leave Waldo................ 8 b Isham of (Hants I' ab ? Oreg»«, William Helm* of Gran's !*»»■», Oregon, Arrive at Crescent City.. . 6 p. n. | Arrive at Granta Pass .4:30 p. tn. J T BRIDGES k?«st?r I Grants Pass & Crescent City Stage Line. (~«.rries I . S. Mails, Passengers and Stage Express. TIME TABLE. The scenery through which whu h this line passes is beantifui. A de- Ightful mountain road from Gasquet to Crescent City. Excursion rates during summer season. J. C. HARPER, Granta Past, Or.. Manager. Courier and Oregonian i year for $ ORDER THROUGH THE COURIER. To Wiltlvrville To lx>ve’» ................ . . « • • To Anderwon To Selma.................. To Kerby.................... To Waldo Shelley creek Gaequet........................ Creacene City . » .. » .75 »1 00 wa 1 - • ♦ i y5 »iso U.OO »3 <>0 »4 50 .. »S 00 th. 00 Abnve rates »object to < bange notice. Hound trip ticket» an •ionpart im al aperial ratal. 'LA GRIPPE : * as S»»r»body a»/« < adirti« the o wc® , of U « P'“ tbr Ír.irtn dl«l«l "*¡*5 . .. u roapM by f*1 « tlclam »< “• -0,,d • tl.a( ;llty p*f jBt ot lb, <-,w, ot Wl’.ulrv« COMt'MIHWf *-'• <!“• LAUUIPFE- Tber« other point, ot wearn*WA Keler to th, oom be« ou I chart. Study earh on, « tally, taatlanw >our. with the«- I* y°" *“**' *“ »fact ol LA OKIPFk telff» lb, w of Ml »1 a * « .oou a, 11*• arut« .yuiptoin» HI Ml " lhe restoration to perfe'^t toc» tn- by ail ÖHMgteU- mí thia Southern Oregon State Normalsin S,w buUdinri, new apparatu* and tiiturea. tin, caiupu. cluuale. excllent influence, for atudenu. r Cours, of »tudy th, »naie a» at other Normal, ot the .tate Be.t advantage, in Vocal and Inatrumental ntmicto lie loundla Trainine wbool fully equipped and in charge of a thorough entu 0^ Tuition »-..25 per term: murtc »5 and »10 per term, loard M ¡wr week, .tudent» furnishing i«d i lolhinn, family I* mh I I j ’J i m, »125 poy» off tjpeiuufor onej/n^. mkeefi»,, The ahorteet and moet thorouirh route to a stale ceniti,-at, >7, ***1' view cla.'»e, for teachere throughout the year. ’ “ “*« For catalogue or tnforr lation, address w.T.vWwW)ft^ n th » îe it is The Parts Affected Are B. FADDOCK, FROpj^ 1 am prepared to furnish anything in the line o(t ,rnet«ry „ i. T«e rwcouft nan«««’« UN,%0 THE BACK POHt¡O'* *>F THE soul . aMUW iuAamcd an*l ■ III I» " lb. Infiatninatlon, uud leave th. »«<<« “vu> braue In a p«rf»ctly health, eoudltlon. i j I MARBLE or GRANITE. Nearly thirty year« of eaperience in the Marble buainee, »,rlan that I can till joor order« in the very beet manner. Can furniah work in Scotch, Swede or American <ir,nit. or M irbie. t. (THE EAR DPI M THE Ml CO' S MEMBRANE OF THE EAR -It be o -, lu- Haroed and thickened, rtv n*« r «> " ■«IMVAR spread ot the Inrtammati-'i* Th,drum * D‘ bo «ffeeled aud bearln, will b, uulmi'aire l Iront Street Next to a. CHRONIC TONSILITIS. OR CHRONIC SORE THROAT.—From 'he «ami * au-*- < : - two prmdlLg III U1AN »Hl preruutl« eoialng on. 4. WEAKNESS IN THE HEART.-HI l>- YAX wBlstrenztben tb» hsart nti < • ' the circulation of blood, and cau*e th» tcart- beata to become strong aud regular. ■ -B. A WEAKENED CONDITION OF THF LOWER LOBES of THE LL.NU*-II I l>b AN will caua» tbe lnug llasue to become strong end healthy. 7. LL'MBAOO, OR WEAK BACK. - Ill I»- YAW will strengthen it alinu»t Immei.aD ; IIIIIYA W will cure all of th» above syn d - toma ana leave your whole ayatem in a per'v t condition of health. Go to your .irnif.-'.at at one« end procure a package of III I* A " for fiO centa, or six par kagea for I If your druzgiat does not keep it, send dlrf t to tl »* Ml ISY.tX Hfr.MF.I’Y < <MIP yreueiseo. Cal. Reinember that yon can ronau : the III l»t AN IMM -TOKN » Hi I end see the doctora. You may call and eve them or write, aa you desire. Addreaa Is the largest h. .us.«. .f u. ; ■'••country. OoeA for •// kind» of Skins aod Ouras^.rting is cohuderci ti . .. < , d tances th? most prompt. We r?n it bv draft or cash on the same day the sliipment amv« no commission on furs, and pay express or fr?w| when same do not exceed 10 per cent of the vah_ mvnt. We keep you pu»»ted at all tin .-s . n h *. kinds cf furs. Write to-day for Price List and ol—J1 As to our responsibility we refer by |-n Smith -Labor trouble» Jones—With the union Smith—Yes; m.v wife strike.—Chicago Evening News. METROPOLITAN NATIONAL BAM(. Chic«»« CONTINENTAL NATIONAL BANK Ch«.«« DESERET NATIONAL BANK, Salt I ak/Stv PEOPLE’S NATIONAL BANK. Rock IOWA NATIONAL HANK Ottumwa, low. noNTOOMERY WARD 4 CO W b.. e.«l< IlnfiLa I NEI SON MORRIS ft CO., Beef and Pork ROSENBALT1 BROS ft CO.. I n. n Stock Yank* CLAY, ROBINSON ft CO., I nion 5tock Yards Fate. we go out riding some- to prevent our complete SILBERMAN BROTHERS, 122-124-122.128 Michigan St. t Chicago < Hudyao Remedy (ompany Corner Stockton, Market and Ellis Streets, EAST and SOUTH SAN PRANCISCO, CAL. “The 8un*et Limited, the Southern Pacific's famous train of the *unret route will commence its service for the winter season on Friday, Decern tier 15th. The schedule for this Beason is con sidered rather superior to any previous season, affording as it will, opportunity for favorable view of points of interest along the line, and making agreeable connections at New Orleans with lim ited trains of oilier lines to and from the important centers of the east. The train will leave San Francisco al 5 p. bi . on Tuesdays and Fridays, pas* ing Lot Ar ge'es about 7 o’clock the fol! owing morning, thus giving a daylight view of the orange belt of Southern California. Its connections at El Paso with th ough cars of the Texas A Pacific for St. Ix>uis will place California passen gers in that city from 10 to 12 hours ahead of all other lines. The trip from Houston to New Orleans, through the interesting plantations and bayous of Southern Louisiana, will also be by daylight, and the arrival in the Gulf city just in time to connect with the fast trains for Washington, New York, Cin cinnati, Chicago and other points. The bunset Limited equipment and service is up to its well known high »tan- d«rd. It is worthy of remark that the distance of 3900 miles from San Fran- cisco to New York is traversed by the Sunset Limited in 114 hours, only 12 hours longer than by the fastest trains through Chicago, a distance of 330.) miles. Thu Sunset is an ideal winter route, the traveler not being subjected to I any of the discomforts incident to in 1 clement a rather conditions of the more Northern routes. Sbastii IB .A. USTK Route — OF — — of the — Southern Pacific Company. OF/AEN yi WOMEN CHILDREN A r _ _— SOUTHERN OREGON. Capital Stock, $50,0%. ExureriBTrains Leave Portland Dailv AB, j borili South. I LV. Receive deposits subject to check qtm I 7:15 e 9:Ì5 A certificate payable on demand. 7'«ir " un a I Portland ¡1:38 a 10:48 p | Grants Pass 4:25 a 6:53 ? Sells sight drafts on New York, San Frio- s 12 a 7 45 p Ar S. F. LV. 7 ;<J0 A « :05 P cisco, aud Puf‘.land. Above trains stop at all Rtations between Telegraphic transfers sold on all pointe d Portland and Salem, Turner, Marion, Jefferson, Albany. Cottage Grove, Tangent, the United States. >hedds, Halsey. Harri-burg, Junction City, Special Attention given to (ollectiunauc Eugene, Drain Oakland, and all stations general business of our customer». from Roseburg, to Ashland inclusive. Collections made throughout Souther# Oregon, and on all accessible pointe. Roseburg Mail Daily 8;30 a . m . j lv . Portland 12 . Wp. M. I LV. Albany 7;45 p . M. , at . Roseburg J. D. FRY, I J. T.TUFFS, Vice President. R. A. I jooth , Cashier DINING CARS ON OGDEN ROUTE. Pullman DkPlERCfö Buffet Sleepers N. E. McGrew — and — S econd C lass S leeping C ars Attaches to all thiough trains For further particular» inquire of George Estes, Grants Pass. GRANTS PAS«. OREGON. West Side Division. MAIL TRAIN DAILY (EXCEPT BUNDAY. 30*. M lv . Portland Ar. ! 5:50 p . m ,55 f . m *r. Corvallis lv . 1:20 h . m Al Alban;, and Corvallis connect with rain■ 1 • "■. entrai A- Lantern Ry. PATENTS EXPRESS TRAIN DAILY (EXCEPT SUNDAY.) 4 '' !■ M. , LV. Portland ai . | 8:2ft a .st 7:30 p . m . I at . M- Minnvihe lv . 6:50 a . m ' ] la '¡it? in kets on >ale between Portland, >arreinento and San Francisco. Net rates i.r-t < sh end |ll second class, includ ing sleeper. halo nnd tickets to Easte-n points and 1 'irone. Also JAPAN. CHINA, HON- "l.l 1.1 anu AUSTRALIA Can be ob tained from our agent, Grants Pass. 1 J H r * turned with disgust from an other- wise lovable girl with an offensive breath. Karl’» Clover Root Tea purifies the breath by it»action on the bowel» de., as nothing elee will. Sold for years C. H MARKHAM. p. P. Agt., Quick delivery—The Weekly Oregonian. on abao’ute ga rantee. Price 25 cents R. KOEHLER Managei. Portland, Ore. and 50 cents. U .F. Kremer. School Training. Teachers who need training in the use of the new state cour»e of study for ! public schools, can get the came by at- tendiDg the State Norma! at Ashland. The Normal training school represents th» country graded school; and this is of , special interest to country teachers ! who must know how to use effectively : the course of stady, as well as how to grad»* the childreu of the mixed sch<M>lH. Miss Applegate, who is principal of the school, is well known her? and at ; the Monmouth State Normal, and her I work shows for itself. The tuition expense for the actual teaching and training is $6.25 per term, and some other line of study mA br carried along with the training ii desired, ! without extra expense. For mforma ion, address the president of the school, FIRST NATIONAL — VIA THE Resume Sunset hlmlieil. A Bargain. A whole block in tiran good house and out buildings, with citv water, also a good weil. Over 150 8- year old fruit trees in good bcanng on the place. Five minutes walk to school orchurcli. Would sell three lot«, mak- ing a corner lot 1’iOxlOO, a beautiful building site, foi $400 Die whole place an lie bought for $1500 —See Price A ' Candles N '• j adds no mnch ' to the charm of the drnwtn* room or t.on 1 r a* t he «oft ly radi- ■ t from CORDOVA Os»dl»a ' . mon ''.the artistic »uccw of the luncheon, linner The bn< dworaliv» candle^ for the eimpleRt or the mart elaborate futictlon-for cot- “ > Ma 1. tn a H colors aukl t he most delicate tint« by •1 OIL CO. and «old everywhere. i 1 I Caveat«, and Trada-MarUablaiaad aid all P«*- ent basino«« conducted tor M oderate Fil». O ur O ffice is oprositc U » R ati nt « ffisc ¡and we can »ecure patent in 1«M u»« tea* the«» iremote from W m I- ' Send model, drawing or photo., wKh ¡tion. We advise, if patentahi« hr aet, rrtt w charge. Our fee not sue t i pataat te *hc»r*4. P amrmlet " How t.» Obtaia P»ta»H. cost <>f same in the U.S. and foreign ctiaainw sent free. Address, d ( C.A.SNOW&CO. O f * P atent O ffict , W* swing tor , ». C. ******** Harness and Shoe Stop If you are in need ot Harness, either single or double, Halters, Sweat Pads or anything else in the Harness line, don’t fail to goto the Front Street Harness Shop. Shoemaklng and repairing neatly and quickly’ done. J. L. Yokara, F ront St. between 8<l PARKER’S HAIR BALSAM e«n»es and kcautif.«« th« half rr'Rint«« « Imrutl frwwth I Mew Vail» to M««tor« Gray Hair to ita Youthful Color? Dww «r«ip d «««••• Ji hair hdî I*'" A. AW f v.k.T DR. JORDAN'S aut.Tl' ‘I J 'fUiH OF ANATOMY Graduate of Horology J’ ä "« u I Diver sity, Germany. * 'imuciwi.tiL. I 1 O I ■ M M ia««»| .’eum in tn the the . i P" ' <vly ror, | y the , e>t ‘«i k»' J* y««rv I 1 w. JORDAN 0 SEA8ES OF MEN . ► ............ j r 'f • Pile«. . : .«il k p<in. I I Joseph Kessler, ....PRACTICAL WATCHMAKER •• ’ « ’ —~tper . ) '•*■« F ■'»Il OMOfH y ON HIS ANKLE À i .f ..... C C entire eiretil.iti*>n is in a dejNtBTf If Th-y DJ U, v< w* are a s.'ver<> ilnin u- I, and ur ■ Btantly aappintf away the vitality. In every ca.-e the p rison mt st be eliminated from the blood, and no amount * f external treatmtn» can have any effect. There it no uncertainty about th*' tn- rits of S. S. S. ; every eia :n made for it is backed up strongly by convincing Vwtimony of th who have Deen cured by it and know of its virtue« by experience. Mr L. J. Clark, of Orange Courthouse, Va., writes: Vxtt-. í A »«luaU« valuable b<A.k I ( ' * V*»RMJ ‘ co. tosi S h MM,« r BO YEARS' EXPERIENCE Obstinate sores and ulcers whi b After Sii Years of Intense refuse to heal under ordinary tret t- Suffering, Promptly Coreil : •• For six years I hivi an obstinate, running ulcer on my ankle, which at time, caused me intense suffering. I w ui so disableai for a lonir while tliat I was wholly unfit for bnsine« One of th«l«<t doctor» treated me constantly but did me no Rood. I then tried various blood remedies, without the least benefit. S. 8 8 was so hinhlv recom mended tliat I concluded to trv it. and the effect was wonderful It teemed to <«t right at the teat of the dieses.' and f ree the poison out. and I was soon com pletely cured." Swift's Specific— —-drives out every trace of impurity in the blood, and in this war cures pcrmanontlv the most obstinate, deep-seated Boro or ul . r. ft is the only bhxxl remedy guaranteed purely vegetable, and c- n tains not a particle of potash, mercury. c>r other mineral. S. 8. 8 curve Contagions Bbxxl Poison. Scrofula, Cancer, Catarrh. Eczema Rheumatism. Sores. Ul-xyrs, B ils. or any other blood trouble. Insist upon 8. 8. 8.; nothing can take ita place. Valuable Kok» nuukxi free by Swift Specific Company, Atlanta, Ga. Prices Moderate; full Guarantee Given. A Grand Ball Will be Given at ROSE HALL APPLEGATE. D m C S. S. 8. FOR THE BLOOD 'I '^»’<1. Thia School I, Now Under Stata c 11 the Urjut and Mort Progroaive Sthool m Sxth^Tiv T rade M arks D esigns C opyrights A c On the Evening of Monday. Jan. 1. For th« benefi- of a Crippled Man with a Hniilf« Scientific Htmrlcan MUNN &Cn itiw York Tickets $1.00. - • Suppff 25c Boat t f m i-ir. an i a < guaranteed Corn«* und h**e good time and help the needy. D octor M eyers a co. PMilliSlS lit iti 1111 1 J U [ q; f « \ * J I tl