Image provided by: Josephine Community Library Foundation; Grants Pass, OR
About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 21, 1899)
Ice at lliake'a ____ Th< ConltrcM __ Mia. J. R. t'aaey and daughter of Ash- l>r. Flanagaa. ; land, cauie down Tuesday to attend the fine thirty f urth teseiun offcoluuibia Resident Dentist. annual conference convened in the M ; reunion. Alfalfa Hay at Scott Griffin'*. MW Col. James Jackson, Inspector General E. church South in Granta Pass al 10 Whips, 10e to 12.50 at Hackett's. Shoes repaired at Hackett's, Lee Sill of Murphy was in town Mon of the O N.G. was in town Monday o’clock ThuraJay morning September 14, Horseshoeinc at Trimble A Raclirr's day. special sale on trimmed hats at Miss look mg after the discipline of our militia Bishop W. W. Duncan preaiding. Jr.a. L. June« waa elected secretary, C. StLouil for watch repairing Clevenger's Geo. Sartwell of Gaik* is in town this !hoys. and vlioee E. R. Skipworth for aaeiatant Flour, 70 cents at Scott Gridin'« week. All kinds of guns aud ammunition at J. D. Gnxile of Med lord who haa been and Victor Moeea for itatiatical eeere- Redfield's Harness of all Kinds, Grades and if. M G rhatn of Winona was in town here attending the conference, returned tary. j to Medford Tuesday after a couple of i Friday. Where do you get your hair cut? Try Prices at Hackett's. Hon. E. R. Skipworth waa appointed Farmers, miners and all: See l'ike be i Will Mallory. Frank South came up from the Victor days ot quite serious illtiese. correspondent tor the Portland papers, fore buying groceries. Mr. Auberry, postmaster of Agnes, on andC. A. Hyatt for the local paper*. ! Junior Monday. Cameras for sale or rent. Inquire of * One dollar's worth of iroods for 80cents A. E. Voorhies, The adopted Santa Roea J. Sowell of Altliouse is attending the j lower Rogue River, who has been here .... Vnd the General Public for a short time past left Wednesday on college a* the conference school and rsumon this week. Twenty per cent Discount Sale at the at the Sew Variety Store. Ilia return, and ex|>ecte to return some pledged ite support to the same. Hop yaid supplies a speciality, at Pikes New Variety Store. Miss Burnett of Leland came up to time during the year to resided perman Cash Grocery Prices cut to suit. W. J. Fenton and E. R. Skipnorth Grants Pass Sunday. See those Photographs for 75c perdox ently. were appointed as a committee to pub Weekly Oregonian and Cot num *3. at Clevenger's gallery. Geo. Porter of Grave came over to Our new. large and commodious store, having C. O. Pearson who has been holding lish the minutes of the conference. Gentner A Johnson—Blcycls repairing Grants I ass Monday. Take your shoes to Hackett for good been especially built for our busitiess, is com the poeition of night operator at the de The following appointment* were an and lathe work. All work guaranteed work and right prices. Eddie Paiuier returned Mouday to Eu pul for some time left Tuesday evembg nounced. and prices reasonable. pleted, and we are now occupying the same, gene to attend college. Dr.Lowe, the well known optician,will | WILlAMKTIK DIBTKICT. for Portland. He will be especially Don't forget the location of Cleven arrive soon. The wise need only a word. having moved on Tuesday, September, 19, where Miss Daisy Stites of Williams has gone linseed by the Camera Club as lie is an H 8. Snangle, presiding elder; Alb ger’s photo gallery, -»th street, half te Corvallis to attend school. nur DV photographer amature photographer of rare ability. any. W. J. Fenton; Corv.lli«, C. A. we will be pleased to see all our old friends block from Layton hotel. 1 ll L. LJ I Opp. Court House. Rev. Chas. Booth returned Sunday Mrs. R. S. Weiduian is now in Chicago Hyatt; Junction City, J D. Sibert; and as many new ones as our Large Stock, Low The Christian Endeavor society of the evening from Ashland. Good goods cheap Best prices paid at selecting a flue line of Fall Millinery Tangent, 11. C. Allen; Harrisburg and Presbyterian church iu this city will Front Street Second Hand Store. Prices, Prompt Delivery and Courteous Treatment which ebe will have in Grants Pass Brownsville, W. B Smith; Lebanon, Mrs. Fannie Ellis is here for a few You want the fresh bold its regular weekly prayer-meeting about October 1st. Wait and see wliat Fred A. Lark ; Dallas and Dixie, D. C. Order your ico from Blake. He de- week's visit with relatives. will merit. est. purest, and best ma in the church parlors next Sunday at McFarland; Independence, J. M.Turner livers ice front 6 a. m. to 6 p. m. Sol Abraham of Roseburg made pretty things she brings on 6,30 p nt., the topic being: “Gideon's Our store being entirely finished in white will Lewisville, supplied by C, W. Pogue; terial for your cooking, George Hart has enlisted again for tbo For tickets East call on H. A. Roter- Baud;” reference being found in Judges Grants Paas a visit on Monday. Oregon City, T. P. Haynes ; McMinnville be known as the 1'hilippiue service and will soon leave for mund, agent S. P Co , Grants Pass. 7:123. Everyone cordially invited to Mr. and Mrs. Victor Fogle of Marys Manila. George ia capable and deserv to t>e supplied , Roseburg, J T. Cotton ; WE KEEP IT! Trimble A Bather are pre|>ared to do j attend. ville Cal , are with us this week. ing of promotion, and we hope he will em Myrtle Greek H. N. Rosser; Dillard, R. all kinds ot blacksmithing. A. Reagan ; Oakland, T. Thomas ¡Grants You want fresh eggs, sweet but erge from the fray with atrapa on hit A. JC. Dixon 'and family are now oc* Paas, L. C. Wilson; Medford, E. F. Wil ter, good flour, pure flavoring ex shoulders. cupying the residence of Prof. Price. son; Applegate, C. U. Cross, Soda tracts—in fact for best food the H. 0. Berry of thv'Tilinois and Jo*e- Springs and Sam’s Valley, J. F. Wal Flour and Feed a specialty at Pike’s. phine Gravel .Mining Co, came over lace; Klamath Falls, supplied by G W. best things you can get from your It will pay you to see him when going to from the mine on Saturday last, He re- Graig. grocer are none too good. Thanking all our friends for their past liberal buy. ports the work as progressing satisfa.-t- COMVIl.i.K IHSTB1CT. Our full Cream Cheese from Fort patronage, and trusting for a continuance of the Miners, Campers, Prospectors and orily, and say* it will take about a Coquille Station, E. L. Fitch, P. E.; Picnic Parlies, always go to 1'ike's Gro same, I remain, month longer to get the mine ready for Myrtle Point. W. S. Hansen; Bandon, Klamath is about the nicest cheese cery to buy tlieir supplies. you ever tasted. Its the creamy operation. Very respectfully, to be supplied You can save money by buying your kind. Just try a little. We cut it II. C. BOBZIEN. Transfer to Los Angeles Conference. Veterans Attention. Coffee al Pike's. Call and see his stock Jno. I.. Jones. at 15c a pound, or can give you a You fought for Union and Freedom iu and try some of his choice blende. whole cheese weighing about seven '61. A fiercer struggle is now on hand for Remember the place, Oppojite the Post Office. Girl Wanted. Jewell buys Gold at the Freedom from Trusts and Combines. You'll For general house-work. Inquire of pouud at 14c a pound. old stand. Scott Griffin refused to join the G. P. B. Prof. Holmes on Sixth Street. Steady never be disappointed if you order of Trade to keep up any old high prices. employment. Do not forget that you get 20 per cent Groceries here. Scott Griffin is opposed to the Bull Line off at the New Variety store. Plano lor Hale. DIXON & McCROSKEY will dissolve partnership by mutual and Hard Time Company's low wages . For tickets East cal I on H. A. Roter- A second-hand Kimball piano. A consent and will offer to the public their Entire Stink without Re and nigh prices. Scott Griffin sells Hay, mund,Agent 8. P. Co., Granta Pans. first class instrument. Inquire at thia Feed, Flour, and seeds at new reduced serve. Before we had concluded to dissolve partnership, we had When farmers want money for tlieir office. prices. bought our fall line of goods in all departments and they are crop«, they always go to Pike’s grocery. Choral Union. most ali in. Everything will go without reserve until the entire Try the Mountain Java Coffee at Pike's i will not cash hop cheeks except as Membars of ttie Choral Union are urged received from the pickers. Men bants Grocery. stock is closed out. to attend the first regular meeting at the must not purchase the ti ckets. W. P. Belding, a mining man of The stock consists of Dry Goods, Clothing, Shoes, Mats, Presbyterian church next Monday, Sep- Grauts Pass, waa in town Friday mak J ohn R anxau , J h ., NOT PEACHES Furnishing Goods, Ladies' Tailor Suits. Capes. Jackets, Trunks, . tember 25, at 8 p. in. Friends of the ing arrangements with the Ashland Baby Buggy tor Rale members and those who wish to become Valises. Parasols, Etc., at our old stand. Iron Works for a mill to be put in at the But meml>ers will be welcome. Almost new , $10 buggy. Oro Emo mine.—Tidings. G ko C kamkk , Hccy. i W. G. W bkiiit . Joseph Moes hes been appointed gen Dixon A McCroskey eral agent for the new 1900 style Quaker E. C. DIXON,. Bath cabinet. Latest, best and cheapest These cabinets enable one totaxeTurk R. O. McCROSKEY. ish, Russian, Vapor or Medicated bathe at home at a trifling cost. 11000 will buy 28 acres of good farm ing laud I’... miles from center of town, this is a bargain. See J okkph Moss, Real Estate Agent. Prices Reduced as Follows Quick delivery—The Weekly Oregonian. District Atorney C. B. Watson of Ash Claus Schmidt has opened up a groc The hotels are filled to overflowing land cams down to the reunion on $25.00 ery, ar.d has a new and fresh looking this Those who use our high grade $30.00 Bicycles for week, and their accomodations are Monday. Flour pronounce it the best they 35.00 stock of goods, in the building adjoining taxed to the utmost by the great number Hon. T. 11. Tongue arrived in Grants 42.00 Bicycle for ever bought, tit is especially ex Pa-s on ¿Tuesday morning to attend the 12.50 Mrs. RehkopPs millinery establishment. of visitors to the reunion. 50.00 Bicycles for I G. A. Savage will teach in the Lee dis E. A. Winsell, for many years foreman reunion. cellent for bread, biscuit, pies, etc., It wont l>e long until En District Commander T E. dilla of trict, commencing about the middle of of a railroad tunnel crew in this ssetion, and when used for cake and other (’ALL AM> FEE THEM AT campment when the boys in October. and at present entaged on the Siskiyous, Ashland came down Sunday to attend delicacies it gives results that please the encampment- blue will assemble at Grants has resigned his position on account of Sad but not Fatal Accident. all the family. The high grade J. H. Booth came up from Poseburg Pass fortheir Annual Reunion, A lamentable occut rente happened on ill health. He left for Sacramento quality of the Snowy Butte and Tuesday. E. C. Newell, of Grants Paes, Tuesday morning reluming in the even and we predict one of the our streets recently which threatened Ashland Flour is due entirely to the ing of the same «lay. seriously for a lime but passed away succeeds him.—Valley Record. largest Encampments held in ODD FELLOWS BLOCK. caie used in the selection of the Bert Du Boise left for his home in without fatal or lastingly dangerous re I The Booth-Kelly Lumber Company Southern Oregon. ! have already contracted for 10,000,000 Minneapolis on Tuesday evening after sult. wheat, anil the skill and cleanliness ■CYCLE KLI'AIRI si. We are prepared for the A popular salesman of our city was en I feet of logs for next year s run at the a short visit to Oregon. employed in its manufacture. ’ large demand which we know gaged in the innocent employment of [Coburg mill. Major L. D. Forrest and Mis. E. A. Thompson and Mrs. Deni Sold in large or small quantities will be made on us for our sprinkling the street, and somehow un Attorney A. C. Woodcock are the con son left on Tuesday evening for Salem to at prices that please, for instance, tractors. They will put <»,000,000 feet wittingly failed to exercise the projier attend the Conference. famous 250 pounds of either of these brands discretion as to the direction of the. into the McKenzie next spring and the Miss Mary Coe returned Saturday from stream, which played gaily upon the [ balance of the logs will be run down to Savage Rapids where she has been en Blue l'lannel Suits. for #3 75- Now is the time shirt bosom of an unoffending passer-by. [ the mill next fail. Forrest and Wood joying a short vacation. to lay in your winter's supply We guarantee every one for 'This new phase of Oregon weather cock are furnishing the( oburg mill with The money you pay for a new wheel is some of Flour, it will not be cheaper but E. C. Dixon has been elected deiegate was, strangely, not received with the logs this year and have nearly 3,000,000 color, for wear, for workman times only pait of the price. Hie bicycle to the grand lodge of the K. of I*., which the chances are in favor of its going best possible grace, ami the saturated feet at the month of Camp creek ready ship put on them and their fit. meets in Portland on October 10. mender gets the rest. It you buy............ higher soon. party evidently considered himself not for a drive.—Eugene Register. A set of G. A. R. Buttons J. E Farmer, formerly H. P. agent at well treated, ami the salesman received a We have received a very handsome free with each suit, We have return shock in the way of salutations edition of the Spokesman Review Wolf Creek, now of Oakland, arrived in the hat cords and G. couched in fantastic language. It was Quarterly published by the Morning Grants Pass on Saturday for a short slay. Miss Anna McCarthy, who has been » a sad and awful scene ami no remedy Spokesman Review of Spokane. Wash., wreathes. » availed but time, which health all illustrated with very hands »rue half spending the summer in Ashland, re Yours truly. to begin with you need have only a bowing I troubles. tones, setting forth the industries, re turned to < i rants Pass Sunday to attend school. The Ladies. acquaintance with the wheel-tinker sources, ami developments ol various lo ► Rev. N. F. Jenkins went to Salem The pleasant effect and perfect aafety calities in Washington, Idaho, Oregon ► a ith which ladies may use Syrup of Figs, and British Columbia. It contains the Monday evening to attend the Confer- 1 underall conditions, make it their favor story of the “Million Dollar ( heck” and ence which will soon be in session W V'Ù ite remedy. To get the true and genuine ■ other true treasure tales, and many arti that place. w WWVW W VW article, look for the name of the Calif cles descriptive of the mining industry. J. M. Payne of Ailhou’e carne over to ornia Fig Syrup Co. printed near the ' It is published every 90 days. Sub Grants Pass Monday. He will remain a bottom of the package. Fur sale by all scription price, $10) per year, single few days during the Encampment and Gents’ I urnishing Goods, Boots, Shoes copies, .35 cts drnggista. Valises, lents. Wagon (lover-.. Etc then go to Ashland. r local tjappcmnoa personal Announcement to Our Many Friends Giocery Goodness. White House Grocery. Dissolution of Partnership SALE $20,000 STOCK Irate Crawfords Bargain. For Encampment Pleased with it. . Cramer Bros BKYCLE EdOHOfiY THE CRE5QENT «Trien or T Calhoun Grocery Co flOOD. Toledo Blade and Courier Si.2 UILDING SALE BARGAINS 10 CASES LADIES CHILDREN’S 10 C Í ÍÍ DONT MISS THE BIG BUILDING BARGAINS IN SHOES AT & C2