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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 21, 1899)
ROGUE RIVER COURIER, rt'BUMHXD BTUY YWtB»DAT, PRICE A VOORHIES, T h calada y . S eptkmber 21, 1*99 lmst week we announced that we would send the Cocaina and Toledo Blade ooe year tor 11 50. This week we can anonnoe a still better prie« of 11 25 for both paper. This offer ia goo>f for a'limited lime only and nay be with drawn at any time. All new .ubsenber« who send in *1 25, and ali old subscrib er, who pay up arrear, and one year in advance will receive the two papera. no ooe can Marne him Many petty olfiews» are such egooatical maninela, and so puffed ap over their inaignificent pueitioB» that they fail to realize that a mere private soldier is a man at all, and 1 it tnom be exasperaung alosoet bnyomi .he limit« ot endurance, f«jr a man of in tel ligenee Io have Io submit lu the in to Its of some bullving petty officer, Any officer vho insults or abases his men, or even treats them inconsiderately, ia acting like a traitor to hie country, because he ia tending to lower the st and- , ard of hie men as men, and the tendency io to deprive U*w army of ilo gr*-are«t ! point of superiority. The strength of tbe American army is tha spirit and in ’ tell genceef its private soldiers, and it is certainly the moot foolish policy to allow any system hn exist which will, in any way degrade that spirit. Discipline to. oeceoaary but insult and abuse* art aot,1 and things should be so arranged that any officer who does not treat hie men fairly and decently should be bimseif court-martialed and abet full of holes, because be works as surely for downfall ■ and defeat of the cause be is sworn to | sopport, as though ho were enlisted in the enemy's ranks. MvÜaax’ » TnaL Tlte trial «< O»nk Mcluowi wbo>« held ia jail ia Portland for the «.ur.lrr .< Clara Fi'cb will probably not ia«» P **' noli) MB.eUu:e in <Jc»ober. T'a. pra«ecu'ion eiaim« <« h*r* * itroeg cw. rfoarr b ba»eon»tan«ir b»en <n»Je far oe« eriJen'-e. and .».m» n»» fact. n>«y bite been found. McOanir’ aunta.n« bi. u«a»l «elf-po»*»»»«. and Jackets STRICTLY CP TO DATE AST) HONESTLY MADE . ¿¿J Corne and Examine them at the j < < Merit« lie««>**d Mr. Mid Mr». Br*«* «< Hotel «P«» ’“* Wed. U h* *<*k- ri.^ V m > fora i»r* * dance la»* •ail repreaented 4*, mghl Mrr!*** «“ •cd ell bxl » pirtiMlt t me, > gxvekneoteT- The C««ey fontilj • ■ bail tom« tainmrnt at th* Hoitot M... are in Merlin ageia xad will i>»» »° ce. nattatBr- «niertaiamept. and dal Mr. C»«*y <• 1,1 e> day nixfit * : -e »ho like good cei.ent vkh nisi and .s the entertain ment d RO aiuaic »bau and «laoc». Dr. H , od at «•O' fair last seek- Th« HuoMtructKM» et Cab». Tbe «lory of th« reeonetructio« of Cuba by Mr. »ranklin Mallbe««. wt> . b « to be published in the xatumn und'r tbe tilia The See-Ben COe, u in i..»n; te pee te on« ot the mo«t interewling book« «b>ch lhe war ha« called forth, and it u»ay be «aid that thu«« who a re .ated Mr.» with war literature may turn to lb>« boo« Crater Lake M> with ibaaartaiaty ot finding it a r-ireab- time o catch tb< ¿Dg change. Perhaps nu m'>re striking rep«>rti having a contra«! caw be présente*! uf theeon»h »rants f»»», «»« «port- Bob Tn: lion of Cube at tbe end of tbe war , ar ùü J Merl ih Min- nica ri and at .the present time than tbe fol r ing a very zl, i m alone either le aio u ■ Jay, and i lowing paragraph from tbs^chapter"Ha l»edon their »on < jiie »'• Mrr. at d Mr«. « vana Coder American Military Kake "And as night tell," writes Mr. Maith* in Lis »«*d camp► near *he summit be- ews, "with a sadden blanket of darkoes- ‘ tween tne «aa-uiiùî and u»e Pase. )aat and tbe lights on the struts in building», Sunday. Ibtyng Day. faring. It ia the mission of women to re street ¡amos, and io hundreds of cabs 1 Ifxrry 1.4*wis fnMn bel k>w Galke, left. \enezueia la having a revolution all by Ths Reunion. Next Sunday, the 24th, is the rallying dashing about like so many, iuie liera suffering. bi. borse in Meri: n whih? he went lo the ' heraelf, and 1« demonstrating the Span The Solders and sailors reunion U*gan , Will the day come or has it arrived day at the Bethany Preeby^enan Sunday out; as the throng appeared un the Pue Moo. lay. ish-American capability lor «elf-govern Monday. For several days pist, wagons I when war shall cease? War is not an f« hool. A special program has been ar streets, and tbe sound of music reached tbe woo«! train natural ment. She evidently intend, that neith decked with flags and loaded with camp I unmlxed evil, and peace haw ita danger» ra t la t-.-| .. - teachers, par the ear ffum the public equare—one of 1 ; It too« e. Mr F ry is buss. ! m e u» r running o en’s arid friend» are requested to be in the most unattractive ot all tbe p azas in er San fiomingo nor any other micro- equipage and mimitation« of war had ’ ** The fire • begin lo «b o» up again on* acopic nation «bail get ahead of her in ‘«tn rolling into town and a city of tents Two-ti»ifds u# the men of the second attendance*, and to bring everybody else Cuba—and scores oi masked women were . ' tbe moon’ am», s nd thie atm*--¡»here i» the revolution buaineaa. In San Itomiu- nad sprung up in the p ne grove near Oregon were sons of veterans and by who will come. seen riding to a dozen ba:1s, it was in- -'.nulte. go, Jimenee ha« been in power for eome Che bicycle track. 1 their action the veterans know that when t-re«ting to vlan»! on some balcony and I getting ra Iber haz:y with L m Allen s Foot-LaM in Your Gioves. days, and it ia about lime to grind the watch tbe attractive and seductive life Each succeeding train bronght fresh i Mmy are gone, they will leave b?hin«1 A lady writes, "I shake Alien's Fout- machete« and bold another election. « cration of visitors, and before wc were ! them men who will keep I be ti ig nnaoii* I oi lhe place. Tbe light on vid Morro, Eaae into my gloves and rub a little on , ' awsre of the change,the town was tbrua - I ed and the Cmon unbroken. my bandr*. It »aw» my gloves by ab I across I be entrance of tbe harbor,shot it« The Dreyfus verdict caused such a ged with people. Mr. Tongue concluded bis addr* - sorbing perspiration. It is a most dainty i beams up the Pra*iu, over the long row- wave of indignation over the world that Monday was rather a quiet day, occu a mid a »P>rni of cheers from the audi- powder." Alleu’s Foot-Ea-e ! of Indian luur»*l-trees that line lhe »irutu- Fran t is trembling for ter Paris Expo pied in most part by the visitors in lo : ence,which exhibited the most unquali* toilet m«kes tight new shoes easy It keeps enade of that famous street, ami it was sition. The court never thought of that, cating th»-m«elves tu their surroundings. . tied approval of his remarks. the feet cool and comfortabie. We in espy not to notice tbe t^eggars, who, aitei or Dreyfus mignt have been acquitted. to M-d:vrd where Tuesday evening was Ashland’s night A program was provided for the even vite the attention of physicians and all, the children eliminated, were not Mi' heel Davilt says France taught Eng ing but no special entertainment for the fur entertainment, and the corpe ami mure numerous than along Park R »a in land and Europe the liberty they now lay. They were, however, r>me feat post of that place provided a very inter- nurses to the absolute purity of Allen's New York in the tnmiu<rlime al night, The infant eon of Mr. and Mrs. Jess pontes», and therefore the English preaa ures of amusement. A striking machin e , eating and well executed program i for Foot Ease. All drag and shoes st.»re» and it was difficult to realize that the Gotcber is quite ill. sell it, 25r. Sample serti FREE Ad should abstain from unfavorable com was in operation in the aflernoM al ( the evening. A narch city had fell the horrors of war fn the march and drill 3'*“ by b; old dress Allen S. Olmsted, l^e il oy, N. Y. one of the hopyards James Hall ment on the matter, but .Michael it Hackett’s corner, and was well pat run-; ^diers and ladies uf the lie he I Corps starvation of thousands in its street-» and near Grants Paes t Satarday. weak both in argument and application ized. The entertainment conainted of an *idrtrss by District Attorney Watson, A Bargain. public placée only a few months before. Dairy Miles started1 toOrvihn Man on that proposition. lhe city was brilliant, happy, and «trikingan iron pin with a wooden maul, *hd various »umbers of vocal and instru- A whole block in Grants Pass, with a jay where »be will erner the<>. A. C. anile a register measured the fore* ot (he mental music, which were all well ren ' giKnl bou.-M* and out buildings, with city there «a» only an occasional od >r her»* It is to be sincerely hoped that Cham blow James Turvev hae ’ . nod ir jin iuSe- Fur the insignificant sum of 5 i®*ed and very interesting were ili« water, also a good well. Over 150 8- and ttoeie to remind one that it wai not berlain and Kruger will tie able to adjust phine creek and is n jw rinpioytjd in the yet entir» y « van ” cents you were licensed tu smash the principal features of tbe program, ; year old fruit trees in good beanng on their difference without reporting to war. thing two times just as bard as ever you i Rising S’ar. tbe place. Five minutes walk to s< bool An Incipient Blaze. VI hat 1» Hhlloh? A war between the two nations they The manager? -d tl li.-ing “tar mine please. Many a brawny Hercules smote| A ¿rand old remedy for Cough», Colds A disastrous fire was narrowly averted or church. Would »ell three lute, mak represent would be a desperate and and Mrs=rs M Jchn and “colt are eru- with desperate force, but Ben Holcomb ing a corner lot 150x100, a beautiful and Cmsumption ; used through the at the home of Capt. May Tuesday even- bloody one, and the issue at stake is ploying a num -r oi mea and are work- held the record at 2)75 pMinds. . ing. A lighted lamp on the dresser in a building site, for |4‘X) The whole plate world !->r half a century , has cured innu nowhere near important enough to war At sunset the veteran cannon, loaded merable cases of incipient consumption ing night and day. bed room exploded, saturating the top can l»e bought for 11500. rant such a war. The Boers are bora witb Evening Bulletiua and news papers 1 and drawers with oil, which instantly Mr Walter Dyke a . begin teaching an<l relieved many in advanced stages. The Medford Arson Caae fighters, straight shots, hard riders and from the C ovbikb office, belched forth Sept. 25th in district No. 10. If you are not satisfied with results, we look fire. The Captain, woo was at fight generally for all there is in it, but The grand jury brought in a true bill :U awful thunder, and the air was filled Capt. Evans and wiie came up from home, took a comfort from the bed and against J. Carlile and wife, held for ar- will refund your money. Price 25 cG., 50 ot course the English have the power to with the fragments of thought and un 3 their fruit farm Thu r-Uay to remain a smothered the Hames at once as far aa son in the -elting fire to a Earn and oth eta and II — \V. F. Kremer. obliterate them entirely, but there is no spoken words It is even said that it faw days on thvir t arm on upper VVill- he could reach, but Hames still threateo- er property belonging to Mr». Carlile’s adequate occasion for any war at all in Wanted. gave the place quite an intellectual air. ed danger in tne rear and underneath brother, Bud Hamhn, near Medford, a tains creek. We will pay 11 2.00 a week salary t - this matter. The evening train bronght a whole the dresser Mrs. May finally anccoed-| few weeks ago, and the former was ar either a man or woman to represent the Mrs. >. Davidson i. i n l¿rant« Pass f or host uf people from the valley towns and The work of th* Oregon Ilitlnnctl So the crowd at the depot was dense and ed in putting out the flames in tho«e raignt-d before Judge Harina, yesterday Midland .Monthly Magazine as a sub medical treatment. ciety ia one that all th« people of Oregon dust and confusion were somewhat in places. Neighbors were alarmed by the morning —Tidings, 12th. scription solicitor. The Midland i« the Chas McGee was in your city last flames and arrived on the scene about ought to bn inf«re«ted in. Not one per evidence. Mrs. Ko«anna Carile who with her same size as M Chi res or th* Cismo week. the time the danger point was passed. hu-band. luhn A. Carii'e has l»een in politan. It is now in its sixth year and son in fifty in Granta Pane known any The program for the evening began a- Fred Ho«e paid o •ir village a «hort thing worth mentioning about tha early bout eight o'clock opening by two selec Capt May’s fingers were scorched a lit dicted (or burning tbe barn and grain is the only Magazine ol this kind pule visit not long since, Fred i- ni'icb im- tle« — Tidings. hiatory of tha vicinity in which they tions by the band. The choral union stacks of her brother A. J. Hamlin, near lished in the great Central West. \ proved, h? has been q lite prosperous live. A Inlier knowledge of the hiatoiy followed with Keller's American Hymn, Medf»»r«i last July, entered a plea of guil handsome premium given to each sub • lurir.g hi- slay at [.■■fikvilie and Like l>raineMM « aiifiot tie <-urr(l. of thia .late would reaull, for one thing, which was rendered with very pleasing by lot^tl applications, as they cannot; ty, and was sentenced by Judge Hanna scriber. Send 10 cents for a copy of the View, ami intends to g - to school next in a better appreciation of the work of effect. Mayor Coburn was on the pro reach the diseased portion of the ear. to the pen ¡(entiary for a term of l ine Midland and premium list to the winter. “!ENK1KW.< Z. the early pioneer« in reclaiming a lair gram for the address uf welcome, but | There is only one way to cure deafness I years TwKNriETIl C1NTVMY PUBLISH HUI Co., land from aavagery, and might check provided a substitute in tne |»er»on of and tbal is by constitutional remedies. | In view of tbe fact that the evidence, St Louis, Mo. eome ol the unthinking aneere which are the Hon. R. G. Smith, who made a short Deafness is caused by an inHamed cun-1 w '« ls iai from conclusive azmnst Carlile, BORS often directed again«! the “old Oregon arid rem, full of life and patriotism. Dial, ditiun of the mucous lining of the Eus •. a,1<J showed that he bad endeavored to CHRI k TIE — In this city, Sunday, Sept. ian«,“ who made thia country habitable Com, T. E. Hill, who was to deliver the tach lan Tube. When this tube gets m* prevent bis wife from corn mi Ui ng the‘jf, to Mr. and Mrs. bam Christie, flamed you haves rumbling sound or crime the district attorney moved that a son response claimed the right of a substitute There ia one thing in winch the people charge against him be dismissed WtLLACE—At Wolf Creek sept. l»i equally with Mayor Coburn and intro- impel feet hearing, and when ¡1 is entire-1 of Granta I’aa« are bleaeed tar above the To Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Wallace a done by the court, duce<i District Attorney C. B. Watson of ly closed deahies« is the result, and no- son. people of nearly any other place, and Ashland, who spoke ably aud well. less the inflammation can be taken out | For Salt* tea that i« in the abundance and quality ol M um Lula Dyke next favored the audi and this tube rrstureil to its normal con- [ Secondhand piano, steel rang»-, and MARRIED granite lor aidewalka and patha. The sold only in ♦•nee with a well (delivered recitation diUon, hearing will I m ? destroyed forever; ' other household articles, will be sold granite aidewalk ia everlaating, it 1a II AKKIGAX-HAKDIN i—In I»-k«on which was followed by the Choral In ion nine cases out of ten are caused by cat cheap. >¿e J oseph M ums . vil'e. on I bursday, Sept. 7, lh.M, Mr. ameoth aa a floor, it doea not rattle nor m the "Tinkers Chorus’’ a speedy little arrh, which is nothing but an inflamed Edward Harrigan an i Mr» II» • n aqueak beneath the heel of the |>edeatrian H»lf Crct k <«aiherings. HanLng, both of Medford. Judge W. chorus which was cheered to the echo. i condition of the mucous surfaces. no naila protrude wickedly, no aplintera S. Crowell officiati! g The march and tong "Our Flag" by I We will give One Hundred Dollars for Chai ley Mites went to Grants Paes perforate the ihoe-eole. In wet weather THOMBLISON - WHITE — In Gran's Mining and Water Locations. 20 children was one ot the prettiest and • any case of Deafness caused by catarrh) Sumiay returning Monday. P hm , Tuesday, Sept. 5, 1899, G B it ia actually drier than the wooden aide- best features of the whole entertainment. that cannot be cured by Hall’s Catarrh .Recorded since >ept. 10 ’ Mt-Sflarnes McInnis and Hand»aker 1 hoinbliron and Mrs. Artie White, walk. It ia viatble on the darkeet night. Misa Maude Berry followed with a very I Cure Send for circulars, free. Ujtli of Kerby. went to Golden on their wheels Thur» E. P Bennett, 21 acre* placer ground Bordered with (treea, what could lie F J. CHENEY a CO..Toledo, O. day. pleasing recitation, an.I then a realistic BI LTS-WHITSETT-In Ashland, Sep». in Waldo mining disi/i t. bandaomer? The apex of aidewalk per 3, 1899, by Rev. F. G. Strange. Fra* k Hold by all Druggists, 75c. drama, "Treading on Egg Shells" wav Frank Plotnere smiling face was seen Joe. Ki fiard*. 25 acre« placer ground fection 1« the granite. ■I. Belts and Miss Genevieve Whitsett. ably performed by Miss«« Lula Dyke and Hall’s Family 1'iils are the Lest. in WoKCreek mining dirlrict. I on our street» recently. (ilBSON — ANDERSON — In Medford, Tlita country ia the proepectora' para- Maude Berry, and Messrs Will Johnson, Win Knof-ll. l<0> in. * ■I. T. Tuffs went to (»ranis Paes on '•»•pt. 11, 181*9. ny James Stewart, I. Strayed. dine, Tbe weather ia alwaya mild, I.»- Otto Dunlap, Charley Mowecs, Vern P.. David Gibson and Miss Jennie An over 1500 in. from west f A large sorrel home, white face, wear* business one day last week. Creek . derson, both of Medford. Ing is cheap, water is plentiful, There Norton ani Floyd Patrnk. ing bell, bellstrap made c uf flat trace Mrs. J. T. Tuffs returned home recent- WISE-SlMPSON’-In Jacksonville, Sept, Wm. K novi I, 20 acres p i er ground, is do country that will yield more aure The Choral Union next rendered the laced with a string. Last seen »Bout ' |y «tier viaiting «orne time with relative« fi. 1899, by Hon. H. K. Hanna, circuit ‘‘Combination" in Galice returns fur anywhere near the «ame grand chorus uf "ltalm", after which three miles below town, mining dis- Finder will i aoj friends in Granta Pass. judge. Jacob Wise of Yreka. Cal., ami trict. amount of labor and expense, Of courae the whole audience joined fn the sing receive a reasonable reward I on delivery I M hs tarali E Sitnpson,of Eagle Point >. U. Ruble of Gulden returned Louie a pru«pectur is never sure of getting a ing of our own ever welcome national at Lister A Calvert’s »table. precinct Jesse Cope and Harry (. Saturday evening, after being absent return lor bis labor in any country, He song. "America". placer ground in Galice m several months in Caiiluinla. To Iw Married? DIED. works with the knowledge ol the f»o»ai- At six o'clock on Tuesday morning il»e Real Enste Transfers. If this important event is lu take place bilily of complete failure. But then he cannon again poured forth its volume of Curie Johnny Hannum left for Grants GREGG—In Jacksonville. Sept. 7, lfcyj. Recorded s nee Sept 10 also has chances ol finding a fortune, noise, after which breakfast was inorder. soon you should secure tbe invitations I pg» i>s Saturday afternoon, to attend the Henry Gregg, aged fi? years. Sult reunion. ills possibilities are much I k *tier lor a The forenoon wait occupied in various in good season. We have samples of ¿-Jdiere W. F ami Alice Kremer tn D L. Browning, lot 105x50 n b.k 2 small amount of ex|>enditure here in military drills, and at half-past two in the Copper Plate engraved invitations, an- Mrs. W. A ALInnis of Leland, visit- Miller« .-dditiun (<> Grant» i’asw, an(i «« Southern Oregon than in almost any afternoon, a large crowd assembled at the nouncetnents and cards that we would j rj w|lj| llandsaker, dur- consideration other country, The abundance of water pavilion to listen to an address by the i»e pleased to show you. They are the U1 . t||e week G and Katherine Mmrres to John correct thing. Tbe wedding stationer) is a great boon to the prospector. It is Hun. Thu«. II. Tongue J. H. Mullen oí (irania l*a«s was seen E K-rlv. lots 7. 8 an seldom that a man can get more than a It was extremely warm in the pavilion priuted at the office is as nice as can | •li our »traéis last Sunday, with his best block 77. in Grants Pa» mile from water anywhere in the moun Parasols were raised ami bad to be »up possibly be made with type. sidération girl. If you consult us about wedding eta - , tains ol this region, and thus»* who know preased. Fans wave«! and the air was G. W. and Blanche Bu Mr. and Mrs Dave Lehman, also Mrs. what it is to carry dirt in ss< ks can ap strongly tinged with dust The audience liunery we never "give it away." H. Kirktmtrirl 'am Smith, visited the County Seat (Opposite <f our! House. »ec 8 ip 53 sou h, i an P bick A Vooaiitki*. i preciate this feature thoroughly. waited Impatiently for the great man to Wednesday, returning in the evening consideration t>egin. At last be was introduce.J to the Two .Majorw to I»«* F.l<*< ted Ja» T. and Ad i J. E. Farmer ag»-nt 8. P. C’o at Oak- I he trust confcreuce terminated in a audience and liegan an address which National Guardsmen, both in Portland n. Aitpeter, great blaze of oratory, and a great gust held tha undivided attention of bis listen and up the Valley, are becoming inter ' land, Oregon, spent a few day» here last ithwest ci Lol 8 in blk. of wind and nothing more. Nothing ers throughout the entire speech. The vBtrd in the election of majors for the wi ek, <»n his way to Dunsmuir Calif. Lot 15 In blk. could b«' dons, no conclusion arrived at. address was forcible, sensible, elixpient Mr Reese, > I’ , agent at Mon toro via, two battalions of the Oregon National H B. Miller A no agreement reached. Most of the . and rang with true Americanism. Guard now organized. The four com Cal., is «pending a few «lavs io this city blk. II; lots 1 delexatws were solidified in their opinions Mr Tongue expressed his gratification panies in Portland are to have one ma fishing, hunting and enjoying our de in H. B M A by yearn of strongly prejudiced thought | at being chosen to address tha men le- 1 lightful climate jor, an I companies B at Ashland, C at these lots are in the vicinity of the new < A . on one aide or the other. Nothing can fore him, and among other things he ! ! . B Haml akei and Ira Gilstrap M*huolhuu«e. am! will be euld at reason Eugenie, K at Salem and H at Grant» be at cotnplisbed by such cohleren« es un said; Die veterans of the civil war are ' ¡»taited for the Willamette valley Mon Pa»», another. General Beetie has able prices at easv terms. less the delegates can with more men who made history , who had a part I thought this method uf organizing the day morning to ho gone a few days, go Also several lots in M >sa at! I next to than one eye. Given a conference of rea I in the greatest events and most striking; H. Barton's pr«q>ertv This tract han re companies into battalions as soon as tng via bicx de route sonable an<J intelligent turn who hon j achievements of tha century. When ; sufficient are mustered in the be*t. The Mi«» Olive Owens c’tw.1 her term of rently been plotted, and has anew street, estly want to arrive at the best solution they are gone, the nation will realize as elections will l»e ordered within atsiut making the property mine desirable. ... | of a vexing question and some good re never before, that their heroism and two weeks. There is plenty of good ma priste exen i«ew ami left for her horns in Th » is one of the best residence proper sult is #ipe to follow. But intense, un patriotiaiu has no superior in hiatory. > ties in t lie town, tbe laed being dotted terial to tie found for field officer«—*men Myrtle Creek the same evening. reasoning, prrjudiml psrtiaansh.p is too ( Mr. Tunaue regretted that he could not with fine oaks ami laurels. Also svvt ral who a»e exp**ri-‘nce l in bin-l ing tnxips 1 • rn > pl. hi, to the wile of J. W. often the stock in trade of our pr.unin* • lake every >ne of these men by the hand in larger than company organisation.— Wa'lace a nine p »»ind boy, all doing well pietes uf in’proved farm properties. < : -e ent politicians and statsmeD. U have ami call him comrade,—a word made } < »regonian. J owkph M-«.«, and it is to be hoped ttint Jeff will r* - to the city small use b r such men Contortion an<l | sat red br < oinmon dangers »hared, corn* R -al EMate Agent. cover witb careful attention. I irt Mar Ash'and. bellowing were once common sutatitutes , »uon rejoicing thal the cause was won. lit MVKH for fact and argument, but we would N<w Harvesting Methods. Cltarles Henrv, living at the C<»ve, 15 Mere word« are trivial rampared with like to think that day past. More bruad- ¡magnificent deeds,--the talker shrinks miles horn Ashland on the Ik-ad Indian Shake Into Ycur Shoes ny the ititrodu« lion of the big new j •- mindrd conscientious, honest seeking tie'ore the actor. n ad b»sl hie barn and 34» tuns of hay, by Alien’s Foot*Ease, a powder fur tern of ihrvsbers the work of svpaiatiug after the right thing is what we want in In the present war and the recent fire, on Monday, the Illh. The fire was It cures painful, swollen, smart! gram from the »Haw has undergone a our Btatesnsen. Partisanship we haxeiu i >paniuh war, the »¡am are numtiered by started bv a young «on «4 Mr. Henry, who vmi-» (ret ami instantly take» tl change in I man la county. A few y<ais over abundance. We shoul I endeavor | imndrvds, in the other war by hundrwda was playing with matches in the barn. out »4 corns stid bunions I ak ' a g ’> i .a\ •> w rs at thrr»ini>g was V» thin it down a little at the first opi>»r • d thouHinds. The men in the civil war Mrs. Henry endesvored to extinguish greatest < «unf rt disc /very of I 15(M tu 1’ m 'O bushels. N"w there »re tuuily, _____________ met foreman worthy of their steel. A lhe (James, but being unable to a>vnm Alien’s Foot-Ease make* tight threshing mavhiuvs at work that turn It is a certain rui | splendid army of > million men < ame phen that, slie made an effort to save a shoes feel eswy out from I v O tu 2 •»«> sacks, & cording to A WyuuiHiK «oldier »truvk hi« tuprr- forth from the cities, the valleys aud the pony which was lied in the bain, and «wealing, callous and ho», tired, a< the cond.tion of lbw straw When the iorotther, «.a court-mxrtialvd «ml mu mountains, leaving home »nd pleasant staid until she was quite severely burn feet. Try it (.«.My Sold bv all straw is a trifle tough, the day’s work b t«*iir«d lu be «hot. I’reehlent M Kiule) I MWnea and loved faces, relinquishing •d. >l»e got the t»uy out twat it w »« gi«t« an i elj< e «tores. By mad I only about IMOaecfts, or more than 1 00 lie. cum in ute,! hi« »enienie 1« diahuoor ambitions, an I »q p »rtuutt •*, sacrificing badly burned that it had to be shut. cents in stamp«. Trial package bushels When lhe straw is in pr »e able dixh.rii,-. (orfeiture ol hi« •*<«», ami risking all for their country. They Mr. Henry was at a- rk in the field st Addrvee. Allen H. Olmsted. I>e condition, dry, the btg tuacDines thr» .u and impriaoniMnl al hard labor lor I nobly fulfilled their grand mission. The the time. N Y. 2t>M) sac*» evriy day they are in op r three year«. Tina iiKi<ienl bring« up a toll and sutfermg ar* the rs, the glorious ation eerious problem In aruiy matter«. results are ours. Four thon-an»i sacks w ill makr on the Svtbing <• mure meeaaary than diarip AH nations are pr »u I the cowrage av^rsg*- Mkml 4 »»J busheG. as the sa as line, bu* tber« ia n«> adequate proviaion and sacrifice of the tmencan soldier. cver.’un twu bushelg considerable. Th made to compel the officera to treat llieir The true hero it km to all humanity. support of health ! combine harvesters, which rut, thrr«l rente Pre men decently. It ia the private euldier > Perhaps the greatest part of the suffer and sj » c U the grai i as the rn t* bine in -re ant v wit fi who dues the work of tha war, and the ing was borne bv the tms'i An women.« no health along Ins fir J, get awsy with >** acres i American private auldier la the beat in There were times when the soldier in >rgans are a «lay. whkli is rqial on an average o the world becauae be ia inlelligeiit, «pirn- i the ■indcnr.-ne Id could slumber undisturbed. A bsolutely ure •”) b i-;»»-!« to U»e acre, to 2000 t 'be ed, and wholly a man, and knuwa whatj The mothers, wives and sisters at home b g sial’unary tl.r»»i:er«, «eL-1 a man'atreatuieut ought io be, a..d it he I k new norm _______ Make * the food more del»« ious nod wholesome Men are agirressivr am! f treated like a brute ba reaente it aad|haedlee« ot daimer, but im,7tte7l'o’i mi chillings Best 3 nines Holman, ìli nùertakcr P I Still another change, BI T WE ARE READY FOR BUSINESS. The successors of Jewell Hardware Co *1± 3 I I'HKA- r- no granite, jœ (run ir-^,. All -«L™‘,‘< Iß aere, on rn-r .. ,,L -»V kivea. re- infr i i -„.a,, uavbuildings, »¡Ui g.^jd »en. ’ I For Sale. Threw hundred and twenty acres, o whi h 260 acres is bottom laDd. On this ground are bars which prospect 50 1 .,r« of gold to the pan ; 100 min er s inch- of water with 50 foot fall goes withit. Inquire of R Thomas. Tell Your Sister *1 or business location » i; 11 you see it. Can be bought for UH! u. value. A bargain rarely orteraL $4500 lance from Waldo; 3U ». re. men,, acres rlaatied an.l l.urue.1, „ dllcties and creek running ■, property, good len and i un .J A aier }x>wer sa» mill, ' apaotv «hwZ leel pw day. Owl deiuana'ltr ta,.k barn«, elc , *300V down Mourn iht balance on 'lime.- 1’ri. e and Voorhi«' ' A Beautiful Complexion is an imposei bi.ity without good pure blood, the sort that always exi«ts in connection with good digestion, a healthy liver and bowels. Karl’s Clover Root Tea acts directly on the bowels liver ami kidneys keeping 1 !,rar FrooDk.««H them in perfect health. Price>i S’U I 50 eta—W. F Kremer. H wood-shed, barn, hen bouse, and «ary out-buhding«. 1x4 ’1‘JUxM». w fenced’with division fence, makiBg was fei > slock or hen yard separate from ur.» closing house. 25-fovl wed ol Uni 1 wily pump; well wailed up aud totem.! w office 1 i..- { r.-|.» riv .. < its cost, on a< count or : rearing uponuH ' Uy, who desire to go io < aiiiorma. HEAL ESTATE. o,‘' b o>" S : a. r»-' of fruit, young tree* «T«.. 1/1/ in good condition, t>-room plas . tag VM £ h tered hou*e dry bou»e, barn, etc., etc., best ha- :--ryrar- been water in town. Only 7 blocks from the dantly in fruit, berries ami gantfn (nul» 1 here is a good hou*e and out builrir^l Fo.*tuffi< e. Ask Price & Vourhie*. also a good well. Five minutes wait A story and a half plastered school or church. Would .«eh thrw ■ ’♦' it- ‘.-e, « ur rooms anti Aood>hed 100x150 feet, (corner lot.) lor WO. down >tairs ami lot- of room up stairs; % would ina»e a beautnui Luildingtot. ;t re of ground, good -hade. 9 blocks from lo-tuffit e. Half • a-n »ecares the place.— Is) a res» one m..v - n;.¡ . town. i- l *'*' tor orchard ur grain. Price and Voorhiee. II4 H M 1 This amount buy» one acre of v good lan-1 within 10 blocks of the Postoffice; -mall but cosy borne, well, -n uii orchard. KiOUdown secures the place a th monthly payments for the balance.— Price A Voorhies. " l!'H>M house. pla-tered. finished ' tiiF .ghout, barn, garden an^ lawn, high and dry. One of the t>e«t residence I rt.periit-s in the city at $12 ¡»er month.— Price A Voorhies. 4i-X( IO In west i . '-" a .* v / a nearly ne a »lx’n-vini. .-*«fl pleasant location and cheap. Si A farm <: 1»^ acre« w. reek r_ a M Good variety of fruit. Water iorimais^H purposes. This p a. t i> a ¡.argain uxi want to see it betore it i.- sold. s* "7/ W k 20 acres tw- iniir< n. - 'j town ail iiuu*e. >■ -''! of rich black bottom. Plenty “7 11 Acres. 3 miles from Grants Pass, acres land. Will make a ill- e .3lie ‘ over 7'A> trees l»earing winter aj ; • - 1 *■ a< re> of this farm is the best fruit and grain. river Ifottom, ami in the mi<l«t of the best .; ity. MMifl apple -t in the country. Winter apples hou.«e of 7 ro i- .uh and ; .r/ are proving the most profitable crop for finish .good well with pump in U km ^L_| the fruit ra^er. Here is a chance to make al out 2 acres m a genera. \ ariety oi a very pro:,table investment There is a one-hali or which i> u mi’r apples. W’iiH , ’ zoo'i a room, hard finish house, barn» sold on easy terms. 1 • ' 1« I a ' . . also permanent running water tn the yard. This property 1 H k Fiv< t - near ■ ¡> uttered for »ale on account of old age O A — ' 7V_/ Uovu i A», wt.iry huut and grow ing infirmity uf the owner. and planter finish, Neariy ne*. Thb«M is dark loam and bus a uetierai ik'M»rt^SBM I tAll.Y RANCH. We have for -ale of iruit, ironi apples aud pears du »a 1 • : . (MMOf Hie -trav» berries, and >ele< u-i irviu lhebe»i»^E •• -t dairy ranches in Oregon, w hich we of- rielies. A good well anl necewan*® :«-r for *aie at a bargain to any one who ba« buildings. Making a very pleaauUha^H money to put into a business of this kind. and wunin lu minutes u a.K ol the I’ d- ■ 1 144 VKE.<. good tanning land three and one bah mile.« from town. 50 to i a re»of this 1- black loam. 4acres in u til fruito, a larue •| *ith -ufficient water fur irrigating garden through the season, two wells, sev- erai 'prn /-> < n the place, (i room house with large i»arn and outbuildings. Twentv tna.l oi h»»r«e« an>i attle and farm ituple- '•.ents will lie sold with place if »le>ired.— ♦1.VJ0. O At'REf just north of town. Good ¡rwiiir h* u<e, laibi in good cultivation Al ut • -bail in frail. A bargain.—|4UU. st re-i-leib e Kxa lucatka» NE of the best r - bwj uew and the city, two story, new lm r< I finish, tl Tl 1 wil- a A ?*| built huu»e, S room»,’ hard well and necessary outbuilding», uf land, at a good elevation at»uve the.»•• uf the town. owing to change of bwaw to another »tate, owner w lii ¡sell al it»*tk cost. Enquire of us. V. )( )( i ' T. I.. town. Alami 2b a. re» • ar and ■ alani e m unifier. 12 or l.i acre, • ■ I hr«-.- ot T a r... ¡11 laaring. General »arie- ■ ft truit. Land lays lacing tbe south .-t the i a. .• tor fruii < u.lure. A 5-room ■ J - '".al.'.«rn and good well, t om, in e : let U. tell you more about it. U 'S ” ma« lot.« for <325 cash .—Price <v Voorhies* *3000 • ■ " ■ h< Ht e w inter apple« 7 and « years old in good •r«»"in hard finish house, out ■ 1 «V.. 4 mile troni Po>t> >1 a«h. (»alance time —Price A O Acres of red land in/with »t<; A*-' po.»ure, live acre.-Hi u.nvauvn land is one mile from Grants Pass, on MS ground and almost perfectly pruteewi “■*; trust, will make a fine orchard. Stock holders’ Meeting. O ¡XU. Noticci 'Htte»| Annual Meeting of the Jupiter Gold Mining ( Qiui -»ny °< J<W^| County, Oregon, will be firid.mjcw®** with Article IV. fctac. 1 of tto ■ the Company’s office, Ko«>n» wl« wav. New York City, on Monday, l _ ■ 2. !*«»♦. at 2 o’clock P. M r lhe ■ ot electing a Board of DirvtursS*». ■ -acting such olber business a- m*.' ' ■ l»efore the meeting. . ,arr I F. K. W ahi LB. | M Ml D' *n an i IJlWon time brings 1 _ acre« on «)?< ar creek,5-rooru plain house, »arn au.i >hed«. 75 large truit irre«, «o K reg Of good placer mining ground Notice of Bankrupuj un piace that < an i>e . uvered by ditch. b arm in -urnme. Notice is herebv given thatobI 1’I >er , and mine in winter. A»k Prive A Voorhies. day of Svpt.,189y, Edwin M 7,1 Leland, Oregon, was duly $1300 IX acre« of fruit in g»n>d condi- bankrupt; and that the li st 1!1 | •ul.bait a unie from the his creditors will be he-I st Here i« an «»ppurtun- Worcester Buildii g, 1’ nlznJ. ' • , a splendid home.— on h • 2d day of Oct.. D ' n the ton-noun, at win* "•* ,A11 ‘ ¿I of land near town. 4- itors mav atlc-nd, prove i fivir tw^- | "■ house, two barns, wetia, punt a iru-tee, examine * down «ecures it. Pn. e A and i reus »cl such o her b »-HivM | I roperly came before sa i '•» e *“4 $1100 'oni p'a'tere<l hou«e,» filet! by the bmknipt di-»* . - milk bouse, barn, no assets. . ♦» lot-, about Dated, Portland, Oreg 1 i, ' pL1*» A lly >*«<* tortlie. Ask Prit e A Referee in Bsnkrup1 Notice of B«nkr«p<eJ - how. Md * L1“? .I,uur hlurk- vf lhe Notice ¡«hereby given i i* T an,«»n» down day o( Sept., l»<V,>uMe I I'«»*’ . ■ land, Oregon, wm du'y yW rapt; and that the hr.i ■ '21 Kin ' T. » . !,■ ■ • ’’ — ear i I r *. ' . . ; w an ‘ " ul buiklinga. This t« al- .l- u: .,. fnu, teXn/ y£± the 2d day o( <M , 15W. ll' 0 Cj „ ■ and . bou« «arta,,. o( «pp,,,. s the lorenoon, al which tm e tn« ' f ■ rs may attend. pr..v. ' ' ' point a trustee, examine th» “ |t,O v i.l- ,, ..,utb ( ..... »V” improved. 10) tree« • and iransvt stseb other bu**n»** ** properly come tielore said sihedu.e fiied by tbe benkntp» J*- do aeeela. ,, ^0 Gated, Portland, Oregon. *'P • ' A lix Wit» Keteree r. J___ m lan.i »Ullin .... —-SirCTot .Ity omit.. ry lei ‘'■ai tiou^e. nearly new. t -• -eyly allo«IÈ.toad t 'Uhng o< rboicw «ar,, tanne«, ir il . I u.'1*" * «tx*í variety SÖUU I',,.,.,tl • i-r«. ib, $ g » Death Lurks in Drags.... iintain. Olierei for >r health ot owner. IÏ4 a- re. of land Thirt. a re* m •run trac. «>. If not handled by an **^1 enced pharmacist. Vofl be assured of good re*®** you have your presrfPH compounded here. . Stone, SIXTH SI B*1’ I