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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 21, 1899)
AN ■ l.M>KI*INl>K»T l'Akkk, I'kWU SU ÍN'UUU.» TU TMK I m KKKMK UT Sol THKUK OKKUOM. GRANTS PASS, JOSEPHINE COUNTY. OREGON, THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 21. 1899. VOI. XV. The Scissors. Galkt New». Washingt«xi Letter Thia ha? been one of the rm«t pros Certain Eurupeau papers, etirred with From our regular correspondent. perous summers on Gal ice Creek. Ev uaturai indignation over the condemna WaaiuxuroN, Sept 11, 18V9. wvV en one is working who can and wants tion of Dreyfus, compare those respon “Gen. (»tie will be given another op to work. Alexander and Bent have a sible therefore to Judas Iscariot anti portunity to put down the rvbelliuu in Order y<>ur ice at Blake’s, Bicycle hospital for all repairing at force on their flume and ditch; consider Pontius Pilate This thing of insulting I the Philippine«.'’ These words were able development work on quartz and men who have been deaii foi nearly 20O> spoken by a senator juet after he had Cramer Bros. had a lung conference with the presi Ed Van Dyke left for Eugene Friday ledges is being don»*. A. B. Cousin is years is a little unmanly - Bulletin We have a large shipment direct from the East which digging a two-mile ditch, wheels are evening to attend the university. Capt. Dreyfus was probably convicted dent, ami the information seem« tu be Intakes our Midsummer ..nJ Fall Supply the Finest Line running along the river, ami every min Take your blacksmithing to Trimble on the ground that a frenchman has no in accord with the opinion held by war er getting in shape for next winter. lever brought into this town. If you want the Best Shoes, if you ► department official«, although the tight A Barber for tirat-class work. Brown Bros., the sky scrapers, are right to be innocent after being suspec ■ lor the removal of Gen. Otis ns l»eing I want the Beit Shirts, if sou want the Best Line in Neckwear, i* * ted bv a sin»erior officer. — Yamhill Coun For a first class meal, go to the Citv whip-sawing lumber for sluii-e loxes, waged more determmedly than ever, | you want the Best Suit of Clothes that can be had fur the Mutte hotel; B. A. William»«, proprietor. i down which nuggets right from heaven ty Reporter. and some of the strongest supporter« of I you can have them by going to Welch's. B. G McCulloch went to Gold Hill go bumpety-bump and lodge behind a Venezuela is said to have two able- tl>e a«tministration are participating in Thursday to do some surveying fur the block bodied revolutions on hand at ones. It it. It is understood, however, that the 1 Crow hauls in about 18OJ pounds with mightn’t be a bad idea for the Govern information re«eived by the president Braden mine. We seek profit when we buy more than when we sell; the Geo. 11. Himes, assistant secretary of his big wagon and four mules. ment to temporarily take to the woods from Prof. Schur man, whose |»er«onal difference is yours. We have a large stock of Hop-Pickers Gloves, just the thing the Oregon Historical So« iety was in Frank Ennis is atill enjoying the and let the two reltels mix things between relation« with Ganem! Oti« were FURNITURE. MATTRESSES. CROCKERY, LAMPS, ■to protect your hands. phasaut pastime of plying the rod. this city Friday. between themselves for a while — Bulle very much «train«! while lie wa« CARPETS. PILLOWS. TINWARE, WOODENWARE Tom Turner, our old packer, store Rev.T. D Iaewis was in Grants Pass tin in the Philippine«, and from Senator MATTINGS. COTS. GRANITEWARE, TOOLS, Friday in the interests of theOiegon keeper and brother miner, is no more Beveridge, who lias juet 1 eturned from LINOLEUM. LACE CURTAINS. GLASSWARE, MIRRORS. Within ayear five new battie-»hi)w,the Al one of us—lie belongs to another. Children Honi^ Society. there and who has the honor of having abama, Kearwarge, Kentucky, Illinois, anti Dave Spangler is drying prunes for been accorded the longe«t conference Prof. Day Parker of Medford w ill be i Massie, temporarily deserting hi» little , Wisconsin» will be added to the American held bv any individual with the presi Opera House Bio« k principal of the s< bools at Paisley, Lake navy, making it stronger than ever before. dent, con» ineed him that the stand he ranch on the river bank. Co. commencing Nov. 1st. Mr. Hawkins is cpntentedlv “shovel The country value» it highly as a preserv bad taken against making a change in W. Angle of Medford has recently ing in’ while the wheel plays a mourn- ative of peace and justice.—Statesman. the command of the army over there at Pencil Tablets 250 pages, fine ones .................... 5c made another rich strike at bis mine on , fill tune. >4of a ponud Pen or Pencil Tablets Big one. toe The British and B. kt arinicu are maaaing this time, was a wise one, although Sec Mount Sterling, south of Ashland Butte. “Where angels fear to tread man 8t*q»s Slates, best made and noiseless ........................... 150 on tin- frontier. The Boera have refuted to retary Root ia credited with thinking Rev. Robt. Leslie, J. B. Paddock and I i in ’ ’ is an old adage. It seems that way O ODER T G. SMITH, ■EORGE II. BINNS. otherwise. School Companions, Complete .......................... me J. C. Harper and wife went to Ashland for old Job Angel, leaving camp, met recede from their poaition, and war ia im A rejkirt of Admiral liichborn, who ia Pens, Pen Holders, lead pencils, popular prices. minent. Of count then* can la* no doubt H I). NORTON, on Thursday of last week to attend the ASSAYER, several enthusiastic p»oH|>ectors coining a. to the tinal reMilt. England baa the at the head of the bureau of construc imeimg oi the Baptist Association. ZN ’ o w in. < x <» o <1 m nriiira AVeek: power to utterly crush the Bocra, but the tion and repair of ti.e navy department, Office oppotsite Hotel Josephine, Rev, Father Hickey who succeeds Fa Mai ion Vegteh and wile are expected shows that we have 47 naval craft under Beautiful New Table Covers, Rich Colorings. latter have an army of 30,000 good soldier., A ttorneys and C ounselors O kegox . G bas 1* ass , ther Desmarais as pastor ot ttie Catho- to occupy their little house on Galice construction, many of them almost nuu- I Dilling Fable» direct from the factories we <lo some defiant price and if war comes soiih* hunt fighting may la* at L aw . | lie church in Rogue River Valley was in I again this winter anti will be in some --------- ■ — pleted. According to the department’s looked for.—Albany Herald. making on these goods you'll lose nothing by seeingl the (irants Pass Friday and made the C ovk - I time this month. Office in First Naiioual Hauk Building. percentage method of the amount of goods and getting out prices on the handsomest goods ewr C. HOUGH, A. B. Cousin ’ s mother and niece of iek a pleasant call. General Wheeler’s judgment in matter» work done, the eight battleships stand shown in Grants Pass. GltANTB - • O b KUOK. ATTORNEY-AT LAW, Geo E&tes formerly 8. P. statiou ag Portland are visiting with him in his of war has been supposed worth something. thusly: Kearsage, 95 j»er cent; Ken He finds the country in the Philippines tucky, 92; Illinois, 70; Alabama, 90; ent here has been assigned lo his former ; new cabin. in all State and Fiderai Court» We are sorry to learn of Mr. Finer- much better adopttxl to military o|a*rati«m» pRici: M VOORH1ES, position as station agent at Roseburg, ■Office over Ftn-t National Bank. - ijst - ish’s loss in the death of h » wife, a few than be had supposed, and if his forecast is Wisconain, 77; Maine, 12; Missouri, 1 ; succeeding !.. B. Moure who uomes to G ban 1 - P ass , - - O kegon . REAL ESTATE, and days ago. He ha» been freighting for correct, the insurgents will I m * reduced to and the Ohio, 0 per cent. Four moni Grants Pass. tors range from two to 22 per cent, and INSURANCE. Galice store a goo<i deal. submission very soon after our reinforce The English Canadian Co. on the Illi- A limited lot only and price subject to change without Henry Harth, wife and child, spent ments arrive «nd the rainy season is over. torpedo boats ami torpedo boat destroy ARTHUR P. HARTH, Representing the most relii ^nois liver are making surveys with a ers, all the way from one lo 98 per cent. notice, «5c a pair. Bll V now. | several days at the mine on the moun- — Klamiuh Republican. pames in existence, iboth fire view cf having their land patented, ii. The scarcity of material, owing to tiie «CTOR OF DENTAL SURGERY. Notary Public. i tain side and stored away enough invig ----- - --------------- C. Perkins and W. I’. Wright are mak- The «Irlegatcs to the national trust con heavy demand for steel of all kind», will not to be drawn orating climate to discourage Grants President McKinley suspension in flic U m I upon Smith for his Mpfficu over First N itional Bank, G rants P ash , ... ( ) kkgon . I ing the surveys. Pass doctors for awhile as far a» they are gress are exhibiting excellent taste and judg retard the work on some of these vessels. was made the first honorary member first offenee. G ban £• s P ass , - - O regon . L V. Stewart, of (»rants Pass, deputy ment in refusing to give their views to the A handsome model uf the battleship Il and .Miss Helen Gould, the sponsor of concerned, Fortunately hating it dying out of the ASSAY ER, * district attorney, is assis’ing Mr. Watson Chas. Taylor and wife are camped pnbbt until they •'hall have studied ths linois has just beeu added to the exhibit tlie new «»rganization. New York city older American eollegrt, and in torn« it C. PERKINS, W. G. Wright, I m ttie exaiuinati* n of wlines«« before near the mouth of Taylor Creek. He question they are alsait to discus«. If this in the corridor of the navy department. and Columbus, Ohio sent invitations for hat been entirely eradicated; and in | the grand jury.—Tillings, 14th. If the Hebrews of the Unite«! State« the next encampment, but the deter Gen’l Aut. fur Oregon will start up the works on Lost Flat rule were followed by delegatt*» to all other juttice to the itudenta, it it only fair to Robert G. Smith of Grants Pass ia as soon ms the fish cease to bite. congresses we should I m * spared a vast carry out their threat of l»oycotting initiation of that, question was left to the say that it hat been largely through their M ac A rth ta-F or h est C yanide P rocìts . French goods of all kinds, because of sociated with G. W. H. Davis in the amount of mi information. The trouble is B ert B ell . council of administration voluntary action that the reform hat Cyanide and Chlorination treatment trial of the ca»e oi A. A Davis and wife that most ol them diM’iis» question» tirst and their belief that ( apt. Drey 111» was con There is a disposition in the Pension been accompltahed. The faculty have ut of <tree. Leland Siftings. victed by a pa« ked courtmartial, in Bureau to make merry ever CoinmiNion- course al timet itntrretted U|a>n the ' «gainst the railroad company for dam O regon . study them afterward. — Plaindealer. Bullion Relined and Shipped. G uan i P ahk , ( Received lou late for la»’, ifiuu * ) spite ef evidence of his innocjnce, they er Evans’ return from the em ampment ages.—Tidings, 14th. young men the need of more manly con Oregon HiNturlcal Mocietjr. G kaxth P ass . - - O beoon . will find a strong friend in Senator Stew of the G. A. R. at Philadelphia, where duct, and thete lettont have borne fruit. Dr. 8 Abbott, ttie well-known veteri-| All quiet in our town. jy .1. JENMNliS, Geo. II Himes, Assistant Secretary art, who advocates what would be a he was commended instead of being u<‘n . nary surgeon, ami 1 S. Thompkins, The merchant» are kept busy gelling The effort! of the adminivtration at of the Oregon Historical Society, was in practical official boycott of France by I the genial tonsurial aitist, bolh uf • ¿rants | and »ending goods to the mines. Hiired, as Ins opiMinents had predicted he West Point to suppress the practice are Grants Pass in the interests of that or the United States government. Sena 1 Pass, have been in Jackson county dur- would be His desk was decorate«l commendable, although there it touie We are having fine weather. We ganixilion on Friday last. Mr. Himes 30 Years Expettence. tor Stewart wishes the United States to with flag» an«! flowers and a big card danger that it may tie practised secretly, ing the past week, and spent two nights . think that we are now having our Aug- is canvassing the slate for membership Ofli* *>p •ra House block; see the sign bteak off diplomatic relation« with bore this inscription: “The mountain in which case the only hope of reform 1 in Jacksonville.—Times. u»t weather, very favorable for gather and material, collecting fact», documents of Tbu I ig Tooth. France on the ground that the country labored and brought forth a mouse.” If you are in need of Harness, if Shiloh’s Coqgh and Consumption ing in the fall crops. w ill rest U|>on the shoulders of touie and relies, and every thing that bears has im government worthy the name OKEIiON. G raki > P am «, either single or double, Halters, I cure, which is sold for the small price of courageoua aecond-year elate setting the We have had a little sickness on the on the history oi the State, lie ia anx He also advcM'ates repeal of the law pro precedent of treating the "•plebe" with Sweat Pads or anything else in the ' 25 cts., 50eta. am! fl.00. does not cure creek. T. J Mackin was quite sick for ious to colloci all documents and arti viding for our participation in the I’aris Hazing at West Point. that chivalry tu which lie ia justly en I take the bottle back and we will refund | P. DODGE, Harness line, don't fail to goto the ' a few (lavs, the result of a »evere cold. cles of historical interest which will be The dismissal of Cadet Smith Of titled,- Bulletin. i your money. Sold for over fifty years on Mrs. Ed Browning has also been on tU»* safely kept by the association in a tire exposition, of 1900. It is doubtful Front Street Harness Shop. whether either of these thing« will be Nebraska from the Military Academy of INSURANCE and I this guarantee. Price 25 cts. and 50cts »ick list, but is better. People an a rule proof vault. Mr. Himes receives many The Chinese Emperor. done, but it ia certain that there is a West Point for hazing Imn revived ill«- Shoemaking and repairing neatly ■ —W. F. Kremer . REAL ESTATE in and around Leland are in good health. articles of value as loans, giving a re wide-spread sentiment in thi« country, cuasion of thia reprehensible a nusement The Emperor himself was an almost and quickly done. Are you going East ? If so call on Life. I ire «ml Accident In»nranre. Everybody in busy. ceipt for them, and it would be well for in favor of some method of «bowing the which has so lung been practiced by tbs , unknown quantity, He waa believed to S. F. Cass or E. FL Dunbar at the First Ulh Some of the prospectors have come in any one having such articles or papers world American di«gu«t for the disgrace- students of many of our most prominent be a youth endowed with considerable ' National Bank, Grants Pass. They O rkgok . G ka > i > P ass to lay in a new supply of provision». of historical value to loan them to the Dreyfus «flair. colleges In this cane it was Smith’s intelligence, of a kindly but somewhat will sell you tickets via the old reliable society, where I hey will be kept much Ex-Senator Washburn, of Minnesota, second offense. A year ago he hazed melancholy diapooition, whoa» a natural ' Northern Pacific. You <an enjoy your Some of them have found good prospects. We learn that a man at the Greenback more safely than is possible for the own wh«> has just returned from Europe, and another “plelre,” and ths court-martial infirmity had saved front the gross temp QOS H O W & S H E R11 ) A N. , trip via that line and get ..8 low rates ers to keep them. The object of this who is rrgarde«! as one of the world*« which tried him sentenced him to a tations which beset an Oriental prince mine fell down an incline shaft quite a I as any inferior line will give. MINING ATTORNEYS. collection is the preservation of articles best wheat expert«, raid of tills year’s year’s suspension from the institution. brought up in the corrupt atinoaphore distance, and whs badly bruised but not I Joe Parker haw taken a posit ion in the of histurical interest. grain supply: ‘‘The crop« throiiglmut In mosteases so severs a warning as the the harem, impulsive and irresolute, and Ppe tal attention given to Mining seriously hurt. Southern Pacific freight depot at Granta lighten! Mr* Himss will be here soon for a Europe are good this year, with the sin disgrace of a suspension would probably subject to violent tils of childish |>etu- and Lai d Lawf?,and Lami Office practice. The Mackin brothers are nearly done longer stay and exfiects to get out in the Pass. He commence I upon his new gle exception of Russia. There the have served to humiliate the culprit to lance. The first of the two photographs the ■ obkbubg . - O regon . duties last Friday and if The Mail is not i baling bay. They have baled a large country and interview a good many of wheat yield is poor. In Germany, Aus at least a degree of submission,but with we have obtained from private sources load— I much mistrken he will cleave to them amount thia fall. the old timers. Any recollections ot im tria and Hungary, and. in fact, in all I Smith it had no effect whatever. On in China represents the Emperor Kwang I with a tenacity of purpose that will in- aliorteni We see Stephen Jewell bob» upocraa- portant early events will be gladly re- other part« of Europe, the cron i« better j the contrary, upon his return to the Shu as a child shortly after his accession flya* nate of Horology Pah.»au Univer , enre him a permanent stay with the com* ionly, If we knew what was the matter ceived by him. There are men in this than ith«s been in year«. This will les i class, lie promptly proceeded to haze an the to the throne; the seco nil represent« him sity, Germany. * panv and as well fnqnent promotions. with him, we would like to prescribe for county who were in the Indian uprising sen the demand for brea«l stuffs from other “plebe,” and was summarily din about the period of bis marriage, which road. i I Joe is all right at every turn of the thor- him or take his case under consideration in this country in the 50's, and they the United States to some extent, but misted in disgrace, as stale«!. took place in 1HH9, and, as was to have . oughfare. He neither drinks, «mokes The miners are all busy fitting up should not fan to see ami talk with Mr. with our short crop here, there will be That the Military Academy serve«! the i*een ex|>ecled has produced no issue. helps the team. Saves wear and j n >r uses profane language — in fact, he is He a good market for all that we have pro young man as he «lesereved there is little their mines getting ready fora good win Himes if it ia in any way possib e expense. Sold every where. Elie foreign diplomatists who when re ¡a model young man—and a credit to ters run. make m tel is anxious to receive all information rel duced. India is aw yet hardly a factor doubt. Hazing is the most malicious ceived in audience have been privileged » ¿V ' STANDARD OIL CO. ! himself and the parents who raised him. ative to the Indian war and the various Mr. Howard and family have moved in wh«*at production. Argentine is fast species of diabolism in which the cadet to see the Mun of Heaven seated on bis ....PRACTICAL 1 —Mail. battles fought; Table R<x*k. Hungry getting to be one. The United States can engage It is nut only unmanly, throne, ami even to exchange with him | to Placer. WATCHMAKER. Hill, Stony Point, Battle Mouatain, or will, however, for a long time to come, cowardly and vicious, but a strong de a few words of formal salutation, agree Battleship Wisconson. any others Also information relative l»e the leading wheat-producing country terrent to the prosperity of every college in describing bis aoi<esrance as by no Prier* Moderate ; lull rKOSFEQTSKJ ATTENTION---- <. The battleship will be ready far her to the early settlement ot any locality, of the work!.” in which it is practiced. Young men means uaprepoeeeeaing. His small oval Guara i ee Given. One Away Free With Each Subrcription to the Courier. Send in $t 25 tot ' builder’s trial trip in aliotit two weeks. oi the llrst schools eatablished will tie ol The attendance at the first encamp who attend institutions of learning are and delicate features lack virility, and Had it not been for the delay in »up Front Si .«.K n fs I- tss. olii: ment of the ammriation of Spani«h war i naturally supposed to possess a reline- there is a hunted look, as it were, of one year's subscription to the C ourier ,mentioning this offer and plying the army, the Wisconsin would interest. Governor Roosevelt has sanctioned (he veterans, field at Wawhington, was rep I ment conducive to a strong manhood ; iright and suffering in his dreamy eyes, you will receive, in addition to the paper, a ticket entitling you have been ready lo go into commission announcement that at the earliest possi resentative rather than numerous, about ' are looked up to a» particularly piivileged hut a bright ami pleasant smile occasion« to otie Gold or Copper assay. Old subscriliers can secure a last July. ble time he will extend iiis work, “Win half of the slates were represented. | beings, inasmuch as the associations of ally plays about the mobile lipa. Prince The Wisconsin is being built by the ning the West,” over the Oregon Terri- ticket by paying all arrears anti one year in advance. The object of the association is to incor I college life tend toward the cultivation Henry of Prussia was allowed last year Union Iron Work» of Han Francisco. torr. If You want a Ticket Mention this Offer. porate in one national organization all of gentlemanly instincts; but the utter to converse with Idin on a footing of ROQUE RIVER COURIER. Tolrdu H • ekl> Blade of the organisations of soldiers and sail absence of these qualities is too often greater intimacy than had hitherto been Train Robbery. A southern Pacific express train wai» The l edo Weekly Blade has a large ors ol the Spanish war, which have been seen in the ill treatment of the freshman a corded to any foreigner. K wang 8b J’s — OF — robbed near Cochin«* Artz., on Septem circulation throughout the county and formed in different parts of the country, by the cadet. demeanor was at first painfully timid and ber 10. by four masked Inert who blew there are, uo doubt, a large number of and eventually its projectors hope to I The fostering oí a more chivalric man embarraaeed. but after he had overcome 6(>I THERN OREGON. Open the sale and took every thing in subscribers in J'rtepbine county who have them all enrolled. That the new hood is much neede«i in our colleges,'and his nervousness he appeared genuinely to Biirtlett’s old Stand, wight, but secured little plunder. There wish to continue their subscription. The organization is to be non-partisan wa» the espresssd determination of Colonel • njoy the novel experience, aud hie sim $50,000. Capital Stock, ii« no cine to the identity ol the robbers. publishers of the Cot miek and the Blade shown by the election of Gen J. W. Kei- Mills, the superintendent of the Military plicity of manner and unattected cour- offer both for one year for only |1.50 to all ferof Ohio, to la* commander in-chief, Academy, to stamp out hazing at any ’ tesy made a very favorable impression Reo ive deposits subject to check or on new subscri'oers or to those who pay up and of Col. W. J. Bryan of Nebraska to cost will meet with the approval of all upon his distinguished visitor.-Harper’s certifie * e payable on demand. FLOUR AND FEED. all arrearages to the Col kier ami one t>e one of the 12 mernla-r« ot the council who are interest«*«! in the welfare of West Magaxiue. Kelb rht drafts on New York, San Fran of administration, and the election ol 1 Point. He has declared that any other year in advance cisco» and Borland. rim an Fian<i»«o Weekly Bulletin Lieut. Hamilton I! Blunt, a negro of «'adet caught following id Mioitb’s iuot- TMegr q hie tranef'T»« wild on all pointe in Oregon Induvtrisl Exposition. fxjuisiana, to be a member of the same | Mteps will not only »hare Iris fate, but with the Cot huh at the reduced price of the Uni’ed States. The great Ex posit ion building in Port council, in«ii«atea that the color line is will be denied the warning ol a year’s >1.75 per year. Spei I Attention given to Collections anC land, which is one of Hie largest on the genera ! «uninetf ef our customers. <*u«Ht, is undergoing wonderful trans Coil. made throughout Southern Oregon » nd on all aceesidble pointa. formation now, and will la* a daxxling M «*ne oi splendor dor ii g this years fair, J. D. FRY, President. J B. PADDOCK. Propr wbnh Iregins KrpU»Hib«*r 2Nth and last»« J. T.TL’FFS, Vice President. Having purchased the Yailde Stock and Bnsine-- heretofore owned and con north. The building will la* illuminated R. A. B ooth . (>ui hi er ducted by Will Jackson, 1 am now in position to furnish anything in the line of by 0 electric lights. Just imagine Cemetery w .rk either in MARBLE r GRANITE I bare bad over a quarter 31 for a moment what a brilliant went a century of expenero «* in th ■ Marble an<1 Granite Business and can fill your or will make 1 ders promptly and give you the be*t workmanship. All the products of the Northwest Will make a sp«*cialty of construction work from your own designs. ta$ on exhibition, and the bent lull tarv band on the Pacific coast will J-. B. T^AZDTDOCK. < n^erts day and evening. The Florenx 011; try troupe and bisters Ms< arte have I m - mm A cts gently on the engage«! and fbey are wonders in aerial ’.■rd .1 utlrofity. ami acrobatic feat». Major (Jan's, the smallest man in the worhl, will be on ex- bitdtion, and there will be many aUrac- tiuas of great inter»»t. The price of admis- »ion will b<-only 25c. A perfect repro ( , ea NSES THE ¿YSTEM duction of Multnomah falls has been XX .irnih t <»it»i” ’•»• t’ built in the budding with real water EFFECTUALLY y» daily between Grants Pass, Oregon, and Crescent splashing and «lashing, and visitors who mg through the following interior points: Wilder- a'tend are sure to lie pleaded and interest i !» * M : u. » 1*1* Ander»on, Kerby. Waldo. Sheily Creek. ed. This Stock Consists of •'Premow”, "Pocow” "Alta Automatic'', " Vives", ‘'Vee,", and "Cyclones’* Patrick’s Creek, Gasquets. tir. on These Cameras are all up to date and first cla«s instruments If you ue thinking of buying a Camera do <» ( l’u'.y, who liveton Big Appia not delay, but call while the line is complete WESTBOUND EASTBOUND ttite, «il thè rietini of in incendiar, G.&€*. ’ferr!aftiCo.,Pnblt*h A g'ol stock of Albums, Card Mounts, Glass Plates Ik-veloj tng Outfits, Rex, Lithium, Aristo Pla I ' Spring; He Id. Ma*«. 6 a. tn ,TSBtHiFmEr*CTS tire osi thè night of Tnewf.,. ih. 12th. Leave Crescent City Leave tino, Itekko and Velox Papera, Etc., Etc. Arrive at Waldo.......... « p. m. The fi re destr*/yed two larg. barns with Arrive C*» 1’0' [.eave Waldo............ < Y30 a. m ale,ut 200 toni vf bay tin« bone., two Arrive at Granta Pass .4:30 p. tn. oca» and wagon., barn...' and fa ruling bi / t T»e «tMvixt o line passes is beautiful. A de (ALICIA fiG,SYRVP(§ marhio.ry. Th. suspected incendiary • as brought to Jackaoarilla on Thun- to Crescent City. ~ Excursion lay, for trial by th. circuit court which ** •*. •• ra *. ii now in mm .ion. raw mu imai r s rwu •* «uvwa J C. HARPER, Grants Paw, Or.. Manager. .......................................................... ..................................... —» local Uappcninos I Hop-Pickers’ Gloves. Welch’s Clothing Store, Interesting SCHOOL Items A SPECIAL JL7AC2E CTJZRZTJAIJSrS. Harness and Shoe Shop J. L. Yokum, M ica [A xle C rease Joseph Kessler, S FIRST NATIONAL BANK A.. LET. HŒSS, Staple and Fancy Groceries,Previsions Grants Pass Marble and Granite Works Grants Pass & 0:accent -STAGE Li NE , L City K idneys B owels Carrks I'. S. .Mails, Passengers and Stage Express, iver and Magazine and Folding. The Finest Line of Cameras EverShown in the City Ranging in Price from $5 to $15, TIME TABLE. Gvt a Camera for use during the Encampment. A. IL Voorhies