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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 14, 1899)
AM IMDKPBMDVMT I Ai-Sil, ITOV UTXD EePKCtAl.LY TU TUB INTERESTS VOL XV. <»r HotTHERM OREGON. GRANTS PASS, JOSEPHINE COUNTY, OREGON, THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 14. 189.; Welcome. A Newspaper of the Old colonial Days. Kaucs U atermdoru Only A copy of one of the oldest new »papers T P. Lee of Gran’s Pass, who is prob in America is in the possession of Albert ably the only man in Oregon engaged Toiler. It belongs to A. E Voorhies of exclusively in watermelon raising, is iu Rtf the Routt: Ri\ er C ourier , who loaned Portland with the fourth carload of mel Order your ice at Blake's. it to the Fort land Press Club temporär- ons shipped this year. Altli ugh enjoy Bicycle hospital for all repairing al Not theirs now the battles -ne-ke. ily. ing a monopoly to a certain ext« n», Mr. Cramer Bros. Not theirs to dare or do. It is the Boston Gai ite. of May 12, I ah * sa)s he is not getting rich very fast They saved their color», fought their fight We have a large shipment direct fr< in the East which Mr. and Mrs. T. H. B. Taylor of 1770, “containing the ireaheat advices, in the melon business, as it is an occu In Eighteen sixty-two. Woodville were in town Saturday. makes our .Midsummer ;.nd Fall Supply the Finest Line foreign ami domestic.” A full account pation whose success depends on hot The site has been selected for Med ever brought into this town. If you want the Best Shoes, if you Our nations welded by their blood. of the Bostou massacre is printed in the weather, for which the present season ford’s new depot building. The black slave they set free. want the Best Shirts, if you waut the Best Line in Neckwear, i» ton. 3-column pages. has net bean remarkable. Mr. I ee has And many slept at Gettysburg, Take your blacksmithing to Trimble Yellow with age and printed in the ■ 75 acres of big, juicy melons now ripen you want the Best Suit of Clothes that can be had for the Mone In Eighteen-sixty three. xt Bacber for firsl-cla-s work. curious type peculiar to the times, it ing on the fertile laittoms of Rogue river you can have them by going to Welch's. seems like the ghost of a newspaper. It valley, and if a few weeks of sunshine For a firet-clasN meal, go to the City O gallant “boys,” tho’ silver haired. | speaks with the voices of those long are vouchsafed him, he will ship 20 car- hotel; B. A. Williams, proprietor. Could nation ask you more, Hop-Pickers’ Gloves. since deuaried. loads before the season closes. He says You st<x>d her friend in greatest need Miss Mabie Smith left Saturday mor We seek profit when we buy more than when we sell; the Its tone it iu harmony with the rebel* he finds prices fair, though he has to In bloody Sixty four. mug for Ashland where she will attend We have a large stock of Hop-Pickers' Gloves, just the thing difference is yours. lious spirit of the times against the un meet eoinjx‘ti{iou from the Sacramento i the Normal. protect your hands. And those who sprung at Freedoms call just taxation of a despotic monarch. valley on the south, and the Snake FURNITURE, If Shiloh’s Cough an i Consumption Not many wen* alive MATTRESSES. CROCKERY. LAMPS. Bitter as the people seemed, however, river valley on the east, but the Califor CARPETS ; cure, which is sold fur the small price of j PILLOWS, When the article» of ¡»race were signed, TINWARE, WOOOENWARE. they were not yet readv to throw off the nia melon, he thinks, will soon be too MATTINGS, COTS, 25 cts., SOcts. and $1.00, does not cure j In Eightecn-sixty-tive. GRANITEWARE, TOOLS, voke; they only wanted the right of self- ripe to rend here, while freights from LINOLEUM take the bottle back ami we will refund LACE CURTAINS. Gl ASSWARE MIRRORS. And now, tho’ many years have sped government. Idaho work somewhat in bis favor. Ik* your money. Sold for over titty years on J Opera Ht use Bio. k And many's gone to rest, Bv a perusal of its editorial page it is finds no difficulty in disposing of all he this guarantee. Price 2.5 cts. and 50cts. It may be a little early to We count the few who yet reinaiu seen that men fought wi h the pen even 1 brings to the city at 11.75 a dozen, I —W F. Kremer . Among our nation's best. at that early dale On * article is direct though tbe market is weaker in the me Major C. N. Gantenbein has been ap- ed against a man who signed himself troj»olis than in tbe towns of the Wil- i We welcome you tho’ miss the ones , pointed by Gov. Geer to succeed Col. ’ Bostonian in the Chronicle, another pa lamette. Not here to fall in line. So we don’t .say much about it now, later oti we’ll give you fuller Tuttle as Adjutant-General of the Ore-j per. xIt sayn: When he loads a box car with melons, We welcome you with swelling hearts gon National Guard. particulars, but we want to let you know we have the biggest |C^KORGE II. BINNS, IJ OBERT G. SMITH. “A writer iu the Boston Chronicle, he accompanies the car on its way In Eighteen ninety-nine. Are you going East? If so call on has not only been charged in direct not th ward, and slops off at su« h towns ASSAYKR, H D. NORTON. Mai 1» M erritt . 111 1 <111111.4*1 M S F. C aps or E. E. Dunbar at the First terms, but proved, by irrefutable demon a» Roseburg, Eugene, Albany, Salem ¡National Bank, Grants Pass. They j Mining and Water Locations. stration, guilty of i hi pertinence, absur and Oregon City to slock the market, that ever struck Grants Pass •nd we have it exclusively. Come in will sell you tickets via the old reliable , dity, sophistry and foul falsehood. and finally brings up in the mriro|a.lis, (Recorded since September 5 ) A ttorneys and C ounselors and see the goods and the prices and be convinced. Northern Pacific. You <an enjoy your . J. H. Tucker, quartz claim ‘‘Vesuvius” That all this has been done with fair ar where he doses out the bulk of the cat at L aw . j trip via that line and get as low rates . in Wolf Creek mining district. gument and good manners, the Boston load. Office in First National bank Building. as any inferior line will give. Mr. Lee has bean yç C. HOUGH, J. 8. W. Sindh, water right of 50 ian ought, with blushes, to concede. M c C ll re ’ s M agazine for S--¡.-»ember inches for irrigation from Maple Gulch, But should that gentlemen think such « buoiness a number G rant » I’ ah «. - ■ O kkoox ATTORNEY-AT LAW, Another lot just received fresh, new up-to-date goods. opens with a poem on the Dreyfus affair [ on south side of Grave Creek. concession loo great a sacrifice to truth time had consideiabie opposition, but act ice» in ail State an.1 F. Acral CoartS ( .iirpets lull oi taste and style, rich e ffective coloring», all new by Edwin Matkham which prove* that ami justice, it is then hoped that his fu now remains alone in his particular Isaac S Leonard andSallie J. Leonard, TJR1CE .V VOORIllh.s, Office over Firrt National Bank. the mark reached by Mr Markham in ture publications, though unanswered! field. He has tried melon-raising on and up to-date. Popular Prices. Better take advantage of our 40 acers placer mining ground NFJ4 ol XiKANT» P ash , • • O kkuok . “The Man with the Hoe” was not be will meet little attention, and less cred Hood river and on tbe Utnpqtia, but REAI FATATE, and yond his reaching again. Following . NE’4 and lot I, sec. 27, tp. 40, south it. For. surely, when a writer, alter finds the rich, sandy bottoms of Rogue special Glassware Sale INSURANCE. 1 range, 8 west. this comes a character sketch of Admiral such charges and such proofs, continues river beet adapted to their culture, on ^RTHUR P. HARTH, Representing the most reliable Com >ainpson, by Ray Stannard Baker. Miss E. E. Mattison, quartz claim “Big to vaj»or ami froth, in futile strains and account of the hot weutber w inch usual More new Irou Beils, New Dinnerware. panie» in exiftence, I hii I i tire and hie). Tarbell concludes, in this number, her horn” in Gaiice mining district. »CTOR OF DENTAL SURGERY indeterminate expressions, devoid ol ly prevails there iu July, August ami Notary Public. series of papers on Ihe later life of Lin Harry L. Bennett, quartz claim reason or excuse, he cannot rationally September, and ripens the melons while Office over First N itional Bank, assemblage, it is said, and he had the double detention, he will be released at G raxts P am , < ) kegon . Í coin with an account of Lincoln’s funeral. “Lloyd” in Jump off Joe mining dis hope even the countenance of a party. yet the demand cxi-ts. Hot weather, quality that most quickly makes a wom the end of a fortnight. In the mean O regon I There are halt a dozen good strong inter trict. “Such profound ignorance of the laws however, is not only necessary in ripen an love—masterfulness unmixed with time unless the president of the republic ASSAY HR, esting «lories iu the number, including Jesse Cape.quartz claim “Ora Grande” and constitution of our government is ing the fruit, but in creating the appe tyranny. He was twenty-seven, she but pardons him, he will have to be degraded I a true story of army life by Capt, J. E in Gaiice mining district. displayed in the last publication signed tite for it. If cool weather prevails in i three months younger. Iler charms W. G. Wriglit, ’ Brady and a true story of railroad life by again within eight days. A Bostonian.’ that it is very difficult to September, people do not enjoy rating were such that on the day they met he Gen’l \gi for Oregon The Scissors. I Cy Warman. L ondon . Sept. 10.—A special dispatch watermelons as they would on hot days, refrain from expressions of contempt; U. S. DEPUTY M ac A rthcr -F orreht C yanide P roves ». knew that he wished to marry her. He from Berlin says: It is now permitted to General Wheeler savg the Philippines such trifling evasion ami despicable ar and if very early frosts visit tin» melon I I had seen her but four times before mar MINERAL SURVEYOR, are not unhealthy, that tbe country is l»e known that the war cilice hold J Cyanide and Chlorination treatment Leg Broken | gumtnt are below serious confutation. fields, the harvest is suddenly stopped riage; each tune, however, was a day or of Ores. twtter for campaigning than he suppos doi'Uinvuts conclusively providing that Hi t! carloads of fine looking melons arc ' “ To acknowledge allegiance to the O bbgon . J. W. Collins, who has been connect (th. \NTs P ash , Bullion Refined and Shirped. more, or little less. It was a hopeful Lsterhazy and Henry Iwtrayed their ed, and that Olis will make rapid pro king, and deny obedience to the laws of of no furtbur use. Although Mr. Lee wedding, a suitable match.— Harpers ed w ith the confectionery depart merit of gress when re-enforced. The veteran trusts, sod only the permission of Em- G rants P ass , - - O regon . Great Brilian.’ the Bostonian says, may succeed in shipping 20 carloads to Miigaziiie. Seifert A Lambert, was bo unfortunate R. J. JENNINGS, j general will soon be at the front, a«» usu- poror William is awaited for the publi ’would be preposterous.’ As well might Portland, ami in disposing of them al aM to break his crippled leg on Sunday I al, to help push things —Statesman. The Pacific Squadron. cation of documents showing the sentence he assent that an acknowledgement of remunerative prices, be is liable to have of la»t week His crutches slipped on of Dreyfus to be a brutal act of injustice. A h soon as repairs on the t ruiaer Phil the Bide-walk, throwing him down in Yamhill county comes to the front doty to a natural parent was incompat fully 20 carloads more left, unpicked, in adelphia aie •omplvted at Mare island, such a manner that the leg wan broken with the first poslolii e named Dewey, ible with an absolute denial of obedi the fields, when the first frosts visit th • Progre»» of Education in Egypt. just above the knee. and consequently being first will have ence to his unnatural demands. But western part of the stale and the season she will be made the flagship of the Pu Education has made gratifying prog cifle squadron and Admiral Kautz will the weakness of what io here called ‘ pre is abruptly terminated. the distinction oF having the only Dewev He was attended by Hr. Van Dyke. O kei . us ress, though the principle pursued has Oregon melons, like Orrgou peaches, transfer his flag to her from the Iowa. and the broken limb was provided with office in Oregon. Bennett Y Roe is the posterous,’ must be peculiarly evident to Rumors have been in circulation of tor its present end a few youths well those who are acquainted with the spirit have a better flavor jthan the California | a planer of Paris < a«e. Mr. Collins is postmaster—Blue Mountain Eagle. of our laws. And if lame says true, our article, as they are raise«! withoutirrign- . late that the Iowa will soon leave for educated for the public service rather able to get around on his crutches, much P. DODGE, The Cubans find fault with the man Bostonian ought to ba much ashamed of lion ami do not have to be picked bciore 1 Puget sound and then will sail for Santa than a wider dialribn*ion of primary in i he same a» ever. (Apposite (Tourt House. ner in whicn the President, in I hh cen his defects in handling his subject. they are ripe, as the fruit can be placed | Barbara with the squadron for target struction. Still each year sees the num INSURANCE anJ sus proclamation, informs them that “I would choose to treat every public on sale in Portland within 21 hours after , pratice and review Admiral Kautz said ber of pupils increased, and an advance REAL ESTATE Look at the Label. their independence is to be recognized. writer with politenes, but when palpable it leaves the field. Tbe peach-raiser, j in an interview (hat the Iowa would not along the line of modern education from Subscribers to the Coriuxa: You are Children are frequently troublesome to lies are told for truth, in the face of all however, does not depend upon hot I leave this port, in hie opinion, until the 1 Im middle-age programme of learning requested to l«»ok at the date on the pa deal with, and grown-up infants are al prevalent, in all Moslem schools. The mankind, it is difficult to abstain from weather to create a demand for his pro Ph i lade I oh ia is made ready. per opposite your name, an«) if in ar ways the worst.—Bulletin. (IKKWS G k ANTS ¡’AH», 11c had not beard of any plan of the people themselves have shown a remark an appearance of incivi’ily. Tire Boston ducts, and the Southern Oregon peach !— *ruitM. Jell lea, pickle« or catsup are rears, you will be called upon soon to able interest and demand more modern more eartUy, more quickly, more hi putting down the Tagal insurrec ian is call-ul upon to offer the least sha man is reaping a good harvest 1 his year. navy department to »snign to the Pa health fully beah-d with Refined pay up Any who have given us any methods. Schools supported by native P h ratline Wax than by any other cific coast two aqua irons, a» ha» th en re ■H) S H O W & S H E RI D A N, dow of evidence, that the Indei endence — Ort gonian. met bod. Dozen« of other usee will be thing on subscription and have not re tion we are working lor humanity as subscription have been opened for both ported. would convert every province, however MINING ATTORNEYS. ,o‘““1'"rReflned ceived credit will phase notify us im surely as when we Blurted out to rescue The United States collier Matteawan boys ami girls, Euro pea 11 teachers en insignificant, into separate and distinct The Wedding of George Washington, mediately ami the date of expiration Cuba and put an end to the “intolerable states. HjRpei ial attention riven to Mining has airive-l from New Yoik. via. Norfolk, gaged, and government inspection solici conditions that had too long existed at It was a crystalline da*, the fitb ol will be changed. ^■1 Land Law», and Land Uilice practice. What may be taken as more in Va , laden with Pennsylvania coal for ted In every household. It is clean, “ It would require little less than a npir- our door.”—Yaquina Bay News. January, old style, 1759 Up to a col tasteless arid odorless—air, water dicative still of the new spirit abroad is the naval vessel* at San Fran- ¡»co. it of divination to find out what reason ■ KoaEHIRG. OliLG.lN. an<i acid proof. Get a pound cake of onial mansion, tbe “White House,” In Robbery at Myrtle Cruk. It with a Iht of its many uses The rottenness in the French army is or propriety there was in the staled sup She groutKlvd on a sand bank in tbs the fact that the great El Azhar Unlver- from your druggist or grocer. New Kent County, Virginia, a spanking A» Mira Hattie Deinint, clerk in Mr». being disclosed by the Dreyfus trial. Ar Bold everywhere. Made by Straits of .Magellan and will soon have sity at Cairo, the famous center of all position about ‘ the people of Maine.* M A X UARD OIL < 6. team of horses clattered and stopped, Weaver’» »tore at Myrtle creak, w.t get- my secret» have become common prop of Islam’s scholastic theology, has appli |BiUra«luatc <•! H«>rolog\ I Diver The Bostonian surely exposes h»ms<) puffing clouds of breath on the frosty air. to go on the drydock for repair«. ting ready to close the »tore at about H erty, and these secrets are not very com to very just ridicule ! ed for government teachers to teach se- sity, Germany. From the great coach a brisk faced, Toledo W « ekly llla«1e o’e’oek on Tueaday evening of la»l «eek. plimentary to the French officers, show cular Hubjecls. The seed of reform ha» “Matters of greater importance than slow, important gentleman in scarlet >be an» confronted by a man with a that they sought to sacrifice Dreyfus to I lie Toledo Weekly Blade lias a large indeed spread, for it was among the fol viewing the defects and delormilivs of dress stepped out, Britlah from forehead drawn revolver, who demanded the cover up their own treason.—Albany circulation throughout the county and lowers of this great school that the the Bostonian demand our instant at io loot—bis Excellency Lieutenant-Gov Ui PISO S CURT FOR money rack which »he had in her hand Herold. there are, no doutit, a large number of bitter oppusitim to the innovations of 'll Iff71 u* tention. ernor Fuuquler, cotne with his wife to The robber eecurtd the money, about infidel foreigners used to be found. I,therefore, close with the very ap g»|M?e the wedding party of yotfng Col wubsrrib«*rs in Josephine county who A troupe of performmg Filipinos at the |.:00, and al»o about $100 in checks and wish to continue their subscription. The Even now the government can only CONSUMPTION plicable sentiments of an author whose onel George Washington, a hvw Burgess ....PRACTICAL Mechanics’ Fair nightly ultra« t the at , order», and made good hi. escape. publishers of the Coi RIER an i the Blade afford a school fund of abunt 11,000 fu strength and life aresnenl in the service i WATCHMAKER. in the Virginia Assembly. tention of many of our résidents. Over offer both for one year for only |1.50 to all ture civil servants. Outside of this, 200, of his God and his country.” The Lieutenant Governor astdstvil the in Luzon another and larger troupe of In the MiiiH paj»er is published a res lady to alight. II h sword clanking as he new tfnbvurioers or to th«»!«* who pay up (MX! children attend the village schools, Prti < - Moderata ; In 11 FK0SFEQT2KJ ATTENTION — performers of the same tribe ure attract supported by local contribution and imill olution on boycotting Englbh goods, followed ber, removing hia belace«! cock all arrearages to tbe Coi'RiER undone Unar.n tee Given. ing the attention of the whole country, grants made by the government to such year in advunce. Ont Assay Free With Each Subrcription to the Courier. Send in $1.25 tor which had been pa-sed by the towns i Front St .«ill LY rs T 1SS. OKI ed hat, he entered, to add to festive —8. F. Bulletin of them as submit to government inspec people« Dreyfu« Convicted. one year’s subscription to the C ol ' rikr ,mentioning this offer and brilliance witbin. The dark eves of the tion and teach a small amount of modern The names of Ihrns who refused to open negotiations for Nicaragua will R ennks , Sept 9. — Dreyfus was found comely little bride, “ the widow Cnstis you will receive, in addition to the paper, a ticket entitling you reading, writing and arithmetic in add the building of the canal and it is abide by the agreement are published that wav,” were bright. Sh»- greeted guilty It was the sentence of the court ition to the old lesson in the Koran and to one Gold or Copper assay. Old subscriliers can secure a ami people warned against trading with can be accomplished hoped that this them with dignity, suftem-d by a desire (hat lie bs imprisoned for 10 years. Al »acred history. The result of this work ticket by paying all arrears and one year in advance. without further delay». A new deal them. to phase into the grai ion-iir?» that is though the Verdiet seemed determined is seen in the requirement that all appli- If You want a Ticket Mention this Offer. A very graphic ac< ount of the Boston Southern. In white satin threaded with | upon before the court retired two hours should be bad with Nicaragua and all cants for positions in the government ROQUE RIVER COURIER. passed concession wipe«! out. The ab massacre is given, surrounded by broad silver, and quilted ¡«efticoat, she wore were ronanmed in deliberation. The -ervice ’•hall have passed certain exam black borders — Telegram Kept. 8. I8W. rogation of the Clayton Bulwer tna’y pearls entwined in her soft brown hair. coiiri stood «5 to 2 for conviction. Exten inations in the schools The work of — OF — The Telegram states that the paper is should be brought about, arid (lie camil Her little feet in high hr» h<l slipp« ««, uating circums'anues were found. Tbe uring the best of public servants has SOUTHERN OREGON. built. There is not a» important a ihe property of Mr. lUridleUe, of Ala *‘ the smallest fives,” twinkled with verdict was greeted by the crowd outside thus been beg in —Harper’s Magazine, question to this coast before the lountry meda. ( al., in tliia the Telegram is mis buckles of brilliants. Point-lai e ruffles with cheers for tbe army. Burdett's old Stand, taken ; the paj»er belongs to A. E. Vor- as the building of tcanal.—Oregon fell about plump tapering arms ami bos Dreyfus maintained his inme ence to What I» Mhlloh? hies and was loaned by him to the Press om, ami adorned with bracelet ami m «-k the last, lii City Enterprise. word« before tbe court A grand old remedy for Coughs, Colds club during the trip of the eastern edi la« e of ¡»earls she looked Rwc. n ? deposits subject to check or or <d t»eit affirm that I miii inno- and consumption; used through the tatnr < payable on demand. tors to the coast. rt* admitted to the world for half a century , has cured innu (all bridegroom, in Lis c FLOUR ANU FEED. Mr. Ramilette is the owner of a simi iine«l with red silk, rm Sell- sight draft» on New York, Kan Fran vere first searched merable cases of incipient consumption cisco» and I’.»f land. lar copy and there is one other in ex satin waiatcoat, gold it t«» psrt with even and relieved many in advanced stages. -w-. »hie transfers sold on all pointe in istence, these Hire* papers are probably huckb-s. and sword, Minoi*»’ it s-p.-.-Irt 11 a . If you arc nut eatiatkd with results, we th« t'n. ' -<1 Mates. ihe oldest copies of an American news in his glance ami m i.iff^l flv will refim I your money. Price 25 cts., 5 C km I i I’tiiil Rpr< Attention given to Collections ao<? paper in existence. the bandsoment man and AI — W. F. Kremer. general buMnes.- of our customers. Coin tion. made throughout Southern Oregon Hi stoical Soticty. ■n<lno luf-wibl. [»into. Geo. H Himes, assistant secretary ol J. D. FRY, Pr*-Gdent. 1« Oregon Historical Hex iety passed J B. PADDOCK, Propr ■r.TUF! '. Vi. » Pre-, lent. through here ’•! mday <4 las* week, and Having pitrr-ha»»d the Marble Stock and Business heretofore owne I’nnd con R. A. B ooth , ( »»hier . (J is expected to visit tins locality soon in lucteil by Will Jackson, I am now in position to furnish anything tn the line of the interests <X it»e soviet}. Toe ub^e 1 Cemetery work either in MARBLE or GRANITE I have bad oxer ■ quarter ■' of Ibis Six irly is : a century of experience in th ■ Marh'e and < iranite P.O- ness JT .1 i an All your or lb« collection, pres* rvation, exhibit* ders promptly and give you 'lie best of workmanship. -n and p .b i'Hlion of material e! a his Will make a apeeialty of construction work from your own designs. urical ctia« ter, ?«q*«»« ¡ally that relating f> the history of Oregon an t of the J. B. PADDOCK. United States, to explore all place» <4 depili of archaroh«girai matter; cts gently on the ¡•»»re d'Oirnent«, in an user i pls an« Attthorily, J. I.rewwr» ik-atiorigof every description; U» obtain *. intuirci narratives and «e orda $»f tiepi meer» ot the i Irrgon Territory ; to a«* er lain and preM*rve the Indian names ol motititams, (.MNgS THE ystem streams and I oral it ms in Oregon, and Wnrmlv their interpretations and **ignification« ; Carries I . S. Mails, Passengers and Stage Express. l«^wUtrta „. EFFECTUALLY to gAtber ami preserve the imban *.rs«i> Stages run troth ways daily between Grants Pass, Oregon, and Crescent tions rotative U> the hist» ry of ihe Pacifi« It a 11 ling in Price from $5 to $15. City. Cal., passing through the foilowing interior points: Wilder->!«- Northwest prior to white settlement; Io ville, Iysve's, Anderson, Kerby. Waldo, Shelly Creek, maintain a gallery ol historical portra • Ah i Autoniatic”. Vive»’*, **Veee”, and “Cyclones” Patrick's Creek. Gasquets. lure and an ethnological and hi«tori< si These im instruments. Il you «re thinking of buying a Camera <io TIME TABLE. museum ; to publish sod 01 be raise ‘Eff not deli tupíele WESTBOUND EASTBOUND use informal »on relative to lite hi »torr of A go I Mount« « imi mua» aiis ’ o ria Leave Grants P .flam I^ave Crescent City . 6 a. m < >frg‘ Arrive at Waldo Arrive at Waldo......... 8 p. m. r tc ver a to encourage and tino. Dekko W aldo. •. .... 6 30 ». m. i ly of at Grants Pass .4 •JGp- El. a local toappenmo* New Fall Clothing T Who is that marching up the street With gaily beating drum, Tis only a few of the gallant I ids Who fought in Sixty-one. 3 Welch's Clothing Store, 1 TALK ABOUT BLANKETS NEW WALL PAPER. f * II-c rKRK,NS’ - Smith & Holman, I/hiÒÉitakcrs, ?'’• r ■ I ( I S I I If It A Í 5 I B » K. It i A Preserves »• ♦ Paraffine Wax r Joseph Kessler, FIRST NATIONAL EA1TK A. Capital Stock, IT : bsctss 7 $50,000. Staple and Fancy Grocaries,Provisions Grants Pass Marble and Granite Works J -/< CAMERAS Grants Pass & 0 recent City K idneys , L iver •¿agazine and Folding A’ ebster’s lut ernational ïi , ¿iioa-ary A --STAGE LINE- and B owels The Finest Line of Cameras EverShown in the City ¿ IT5BEHEFmCfECTS t is tieantiful . A nt City. Excurtic C HABI I.R Gran's Pass Or . Manager ,n shall I, I fur the .