Image provided by: Josephine Community Library Foundation; Grants Pass, OR
About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 21, 1899)
DRIFTED 1,400 MILES. WRECK MANY SHIPS REMARKABLE TOWNS i Henris are sometimes found in mussel A The Manacle Rocks Where the Mo hegan and Paris Struck. One I b Built on Stilts in the Ocean the Other on the Ice. Mr. II. N. Warner, of Mird»-i Neb., said: •• In 1894 I was attacked with paralysis in my left side. You might stick a pin to the head into my left hip and I w ould not feel it. I was unable to do any kind of work and had to be turned in bed. I made up my mind that I could not be cured as I had used all kinds of medicine and had tried many doctors. I n as ad vised to try Dr. Williams' pink Pills for Pale People, and com menced their use last S-Member. Before I had finished my first lox I felt better, and by the time I bad used six boxes the disease had en- tirely disappeared, and I have not been so free from pain since I was a boy. The paralysis also disap peared. and although two months have passed since I finished my last box, there has been no recur rence of the disease.”— Frem the Gazeite, Minden, Neb. MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS T h>- Origin <H Pliy s»l’d«»gt<-«»l Pay DISEASE shell bats measure sis f<*< lu< tbe v Ids S »0W times the light Th of thv _ ____ A male child wLen born weighs one- The geographers of Europe are talk ing about a remarkable journey, last t : ita-n uf the Kid» ■ I II * very common sdmeot. year, of a little ichooner from Tahiti, Lika all chronic duteaie* sixth more than a female. and are inclined to think that its in Tht re are 54 ports in the island of Che symptoms com« ou voluntary wandering« throw light on iM.puIre along a insidiously. It proper but only 15 are open to the world’s the long-vexed question as to bow it treatment !■ obtained in ( och ineM«iirrment happens thut so many widely separate«! its early staffs, Bright's I regard« I s« hnpos*ibta,il being ?upp«»sei it post office wax opened The marine village of Tupusclei In s|n*cks of tand in the vast expun>e of | Diaense may be cure<L Th I have baan at aonte pain, to collect the Pacific* oeca» are inhabited. Thej New Guinea, would take a lot of Ixating that the flight at the nervous nupnl I'»42, in England in 1561, Hl DY AN will uf» It 11 I’a ria Information .. •» the “““‘‘""'X believe thut many of thes« isiamis were on tbe score of singularity. Here the I was praciitally instantaneous. it is taken In time. Hl’H- n 1710. u.ltiee that have taken plac Utterly peopled by natives who, while out at hou»ea are all supported ou piles, ur.d Heimholtg. readily demonstrated V AM wifi Tellers all the h« > are adulterated now Even r • itbin two or three imle. of the Mana symptoms. Do not delay sea in their various cruft, were blown stand right out in the ocean, some con- |contrary, showing that tbs u»rvc ror<1 i<* ry are dipped into aniline TI llerlia. «•lea. One «ho la at II In the away from their own islands and rar too long. Don’t wait un sidcrable distance from the shore. Tbe ■ them look fresh and pink, la rulaiively ahi^glsh me- ¿«g»** bearer. til your case become* in dye to make middle of Hie recall.J*- L ried to others of which they had no pre object of this strange |M«sition is to pro marriage« the woman is al According to bis ex|»eiinients, first p r In Jew ish i curable. Begin th« u«e «„r «a incomplete, fur more than 5< tect the inhubitrints against sudden at vious knowledge. to the right of Ler mate, 1 formed upon th« frog, the nervous “ cur ways placed ot lit DY AN u- - a , while bare happened during the po.t 30 je.rv In March last year a party of Tahit tacks of the «Ir«?ad- ti hctid-buntt rs. who other nation of the world I With every • Of the« eonaidernbly more than half ian natives sailed from home in a are always on the lookout for victims. rent” travels less than one hundred feet you may be cured. ceremony is to the her place in tbi may be clawed a. total wreck.. 1« schooner of only 32 tons, i hey were ; Other villages in (his happy land art , per secund. O her ex pertinents per tun. to the lifeboat record.. ‘‘J*’“» not afraid to venture far from home perched up in all but inaccessible trees, I forme«! soon afterw ard bv ifelmholtz Water colore by Dante Gabriel Ko.- that the Portbouatoclt I—». » by and, in fact, were bound for Penrhyn 1 for the same weigh*y reason. | himrteif, and by various iu!l«»aera, chiei trices in London. the way, w.. »ent to the hamlet in cun k . iti broughtt these I Another curious piac«? is a town with island, in the northwest, and over 700 J 1 CHRONIC BK'K OR NAUSEOUS among whom was Pti ifoie-R.» ymond. “Beata Beatrix.” «■’• •35: "The Loving . ..ueuce of three quickly en.uing \ H HUDYAN "reek.. I.»» •»>•«*“•« >’**■ ,h71 ‘T'.’S miles away. These native sailors and , out a name on one of the arms of Lake mtidilied Souiewhat the exset figures a> Cup.” $1.44* ; "Lady in Blue Dress, will relicv« the iuslantly. their little boat were caught in a | Duron. This consists of some 5i,o wood first obtained, but did not change the uctlre .er. ice 1« time, .nd rxà; “Udy in Whit .• Dress.” S1.6S0; terrible storm, and the schooner lost en huts. During thr summer these lit 2-3 PUFFINE8SOF THE SKIN icerdia.” S 1.470. the re«ue of 112 pertmna. Ihe »< me UNDER THE EYES, <lue to ar- I »■ • n of “Venus Vert her masts und Bails and *u» no longer tle dwellings are hidden u waj In a clear general .bearing-« of the early results record, .buw «hat 11» Ii«« «« '***' navigable. She drifted around on tlie i ing on shore, and the town contains not Thu* the nervou« impulse wav shown to flu: I -iuother words. DROPSY HUDYAN A variai ioi 1 on tbe ordinary game of Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills for Pale People 1 In \ cd by four from the »eMel. to «hich ,he contain, iu a condenaed form, all the de. oceun and her crew were power leas to a single inhabitant. But on the arrival I m ? something far different, a? regards will cause the extra amount of fluid to be chess was r tcently The board was a „, nt out. There were at ha.t 1« other inenta neevasarv io give ne\r life and rich- a rians. direct her course. They had u con »id- of winter, when the lake is frozen over ■ pet d of tran-it, at any rate, from the taken up by th« blood and be «Uiu.nated by young Hu: new to the blood und restore »«hatterKl ».IT into the requi- the Kidneys. V reck, during that iwriod. X"" «•ruble supply of provisions which they with a thick coating of ice. the owners billiard tabi«* nerve«. They are an unfailing sj • iiic t«>r eletric current would tla«h half way and th«* pieces the Io« of 44 live», to which t he lifeboat 4 5. PALE. DOUGHY COMPLEX- site numb r such diseases ns locomotor ataxia, partial largely augmented by fishing, und the , of the huts arrive, and pro« red to move ult-s of different .„old render no H«i.l.»ec- •!»«>>'■>«'»- ruinfail was sufficient to supply them 1 their bouses out on to the surface of the round the glob*? while a nervous im ION HUDYAN 11 restored nted by 1 paralysis, St. Vitus’ dance, sciatica, neural, • > were rrprest pulse could travel trie length of the hu to Its normal «onditlun and cause the cheeks kind. .4 . accut ; ng to th« ir im- .„„<•< » the c rew, rowed ..bore in the r gia, rheumatism, nervous headache, the with all the water they required. Their , lake. Thr floor «if tbe hut* is taken iq . after-ertrets of the grip, palpitation of the *» ; n - -iitt<! by „cvn bunt». In other, a hurricane from to become red and rosy. man body — from a man ’ s loot to h<? n king v portaace. 11 sufferings and anxiety, however, were and a hole cut through the ice. Through heart, pale and salfow complexions, sn«l all lhecu.t made a launch impo..ible. nr. Y\! *n one ot fl WEAKNESS OF THE HEART. 11 bottle of <phampag forms of weakness either in male or female. great, for in the hl days of their drift theae holes the residents fish, carry Ir.g brain.—H aspeh ' m M agazin :: n. it was drunk. When one lofk. at tbi. terrible array they did not sight a sail or land, und ou their op< rations until the spring re •as take and il pieces v HUDYA7I will strens'heu the nerves The Latest Yarn. Of facta it III») appropristely 1« a.ked Or Williams' Pink Pill« for Pale People are rm« must les of th« heart and make H strung and The players were a Is 0 drunk in a very they feared they were destine«! to per leases the lake from its icy bonds, when told by the dozen or hundred, but always in pack, A I'ltGburg drummer teils thic new regular in its beatings. ,1 th.- mean, of ao rting r ami of short time, and the a :aine was nut fin- ish in the ocean. At lust, however, this extraordinary (own iMoi.ce more ages. At all druggist*, or direct from the Dr Wil* uving life are adequate in the neigh 7-8 WEAKNESS AND PAIN IN is hed. when almost worn out by their confine broken up. the shuntiesgo back to th« ir yarn : 1 always carry ’a IxHtl«' of Kemp’b ham* Medicine Company. Schenectady, N. Y„ SO Imrhood. A bell but buoy certainly exlata cents per bo*. 6 botes 12.50. ¡„ the Manacle., it i. of M, little um ment and trouble, they reached the resting place, and the fi*hrrmrn seat«« ! Balsam in my-grip, 1 take cold easily, THE REGION OF THE KIDNEYS. SEEKING QUIET. HUOTAN will can«* the ki I...-..«, to • <rm over the country. This place rvrn that it hardly d. serve, to hc-tnen mn^ Huwaiiaii islands. They had moved al kioasts a curing factory and a church, and a few dose» of lhe balsam always i their function* propeiiy, thereby relieving the most constantly to the north, and their makvH me a well man. Everywhere 1 pain and weakness. XCMI. there exl.ta at Covereck, 2>/, mile, Mrs. Hilltop« Know« Where involuntary journey was ubout 2,400 not to mention severul saloon»—ail on go 1 h I whir speak a good word for Kemp. Would Like to (><* to Spend horn the Manacle», a very eon. the ice. Get HUDYAN al one« and take it regularly. miles in length. ouard .tation. The men attached to the Summer. Athos, a town situated on a promon I i «k*‘ hold of my customers—I take ol«l III IIV AV is »old by all drug»;.sts for »« . per In this long drift they had crossed Thia Station have by their untiring vigl- men ami young men, ami tell them con package, or • parkHge* for 4 j *.». If your drug the two westward moving currents tory on the coast of Macedonia, well de lance M»ed many »hip. from dc.truc “Ezra, said Mrs. Hilltops, “are sani- fi<leutiaIly what 1 do when I take «old. gist does not keep it,Wend direct to the HI 1>- known as the south and north equa- serves tbe title of th«- most curiou? town Y AN RAM EI>Y COMPANY, Smi Ft •; tlvn. Only a .ingle coa.t guard >» »ta- ?” tariums iiuiet , in the universe. The peninsula is known At Druggists, 25«: and 50c. toriul currents, and the current be Cal. Reinember that you can call and « -»nsult "Well, I guess, Elizabeth.” sai«l Mr. tionedut Porthouetock, but previou. to as “The Mountain of the Monks,” fr«.m , the Rl'DYAN DOCTOIIN fr'HFE. < i ll and tween them moving to the vast, known Look at the Label. the- wreck of the Mohegan It was de Hilltops, “that that depend» a good deal the fact that a score or so <>f monas ■••them. If you cannot call, write to the doc cided to increase the number to three as the equatorial counter current. teries are «lotted about the rough hill Subscribers to il»e L' oi kikk : You art* tor« and they will advise you. The advice will on th« sanitarium; some are quiet and These «*urrents are marked on our maps and to erect cottage, for them «“» some are not.” sides or the valleys. In tins« < Pub request« d to look «t the date on the pa- : be given free. Address cove. It may he pointed out, however, ns though they had quite definable lish rnents dwell a numerous bod^ of us- A Farm Library of unequalled value—Practical, “Well, Ezra,” said Mrs. Pilltops, ‘‘if iMjundurirs and regular direction, Gut per opposite your name, and if in ar | Up-to-date, Concise and Comprehensive Hand that from Porthou.tock only n limited HUDYAN REMEDY COMPANY, you can find some quiet sanitarium cetics, kind and hospitable to wander they seem very little to have affected rears, you will lw calk'd upou soon to somely Printed and Beautifully Illustrated. view of the »en I. to be obtained and w here I «■;•;. go this summer I want togo ers, but full of superstition, and believ the movements of this helpless vessel Any who have given uh any none ut nil of the Manaeka. I’ereon. By JACOB BIGGLE there in. :• d of to the ■. - hare.* ing in tbe doctriuc of separation to a pay up which was at the mercy of the winds thoroughly acquainted with the .itua thing on subscription and have not re- j And this a . i - all on account of the won«lerful <!rgr«?e. No. 1-BIGGLE HORSE BOOK and waters, and the sum total of their lion are moat atrongly onnvlncd of the children. The hour was 8: ) p. tn., and The actual town, na distinct from its reived credit will plea«e notify uh im- I All at»ut Hornes—a Common-Sense Treatise, with ont 74 illustrations ; a standard work. Price, st Cents eminent <1.•airnbllity of .rationing thew influence was to carry hern little west monastic environs, is called Uary< s. and mediately and the da'e of expiration! the smaller children had just gone to of north about 2,400 miles. This ex SUM MONS. men on Manac le point Had they been No. 2-BIGGLE BERRY BOOK bed after a daj <-f unbroken and unflag supplies the simple wants of the monks. will be changed. All about growing Small Fruits—read and learn how • there la.t October they would probably perience adds force to that of the cap- • Here are to lie found streets of simps, In the Circuit Court of the Slate OÍ ging uproar hih ! activity. Tbe noise of contains 43 colored lite-like reproductions of al! trading tains of the steamers plying between have been able to .ignal the Mohegan tn varieties and too other illustrations. Price, 5c Cents crowded bazars, flourishing tradeh and planing mill would have been as the a Oregon for the County of Josephine time to prevent her from being British Columbia ««nd Australia, who all the bustle and energv <»( u i. < < - rn NEW PLANS. No. 3—HIGGLE POULTRY BOOK buzzing of 1 ./v bees in a summer gar William F. Hathaway, Ì Action assert that these currents are not stead- , ■trended. AU about Poultry ; the best Poultry Book In existence , town. But one thing soon sirik«s the den compared with the noise the Plaintiff, to tells everything withij colored lite-hke reproductions* Next, the fact that on the night of the fast, but are quite variable, and «liffer visitor ns strange. There is not ii fe Secretary Ion« in Illa Annual lieport vs. dissolve children had b- « n making all day long. of all the principal breeds; with 103 other illustrations, very much from season to season in ■ Will Recommend the (¿atabliah- i rice, 50 Cents. wreck of the Mohegan the rocket ap- Rebecca J. Hathaway, I marriage male to I mj seen anywhere, for th«* The silence fell now, cool and grateful, nient of a \n\ nl Reserve. contract. paratu. at Coverack hail to be lalioriou.- force, and to some extent in direction. gentler s«*x is rig«>rously bnnlsl.» d from Defendant. J No. 4-B1GGLE COW BOOK after the turmoil of the day, but the if there are such extreme variations ' A’l about Cows and the Dairy Business ; having r great Iv pu.hed l>y men up a great hill direct, thr (dace. Even the small T urke I gar To Rebe«x*a -I. Hathaway, 1 fefendant : reaction had left Mrs. Hilltops a little sale; contains 8 colored li fe-hke reproductions ofeach In hit annual report Secretary Long attention to the unfavorable poaltlon in these currents as this evidence seems i rison, from thr commandant «tawn to In the name of the State of Oregon: liinp. breed, with 13a other illustrations. Price, 50 Cents. to prove, it will l»e all the easier to ac- ’ will r 'coannend the establishment of _____________ _ __ _ ....- You are hereby required to appear and in which the machine I. placed. Have the privates. consi»ts of bac helors No. 5-BIGGLH SWINE BOOK “It isn’t rest I want, Ezra,” said Mrs. in the actual cave it«lf there la no road count for the distribution of the Poly Just out. All about Hogs—Breeding, Feeding Butch* This extraordinary law iscarrie«! out >. national reserve, ( apt. Crownin- answer the complaint filed against you Hilltops; "it’s quiet.” nesians all over the ocean instead of I erv. Diseases, etc. Contains over 80 beautiiul half fihiel'l. chief of th«* navigation bureau, in the above entitled Court ami ( ’ au?e along the shore from Coverack tn either even among thedom«stir animals. Only “1 know it. Elizabeth," Mr. Hilltops tones und other engravings. Price, 50 Cents. BV.I (apt. I.artlett, t ltifi of the auxil- »tlltitt/ix week, from Tliiirwlay, Auutl-t along certain lines marked by the cur direction. In fully nine cases out of ten the wild birds evade it. and then oid.v The BIGGLE BOOKS are unique .original,useful vou never i 10, A. I> , 1890, the dale of the Hrs! pub- said; “I know it, and I wouldn’t object saw anythiug like them—so practical, sosensible They a steep ascent has to be made with the rents. Several years ago the Sun when free, for no female bird is ever ¡ary naval force, which was recently 1 ¡¡cation of this summons, and if >ou fail to a little quiet tn.’, -«‘If now and then. ate having an enormou« sale—East West, North and, have the matter under ad printed a long article telling of tin- apparatus before it can be conveyed to brought to table: the fowl one has for Ro to ap|>ear and answer »aid complaint, I should like it ii we could have quiet in South. Every one who keeps a Horse, Cow, Hog or visement. Capt. Crowninsbield will many authenticated Instances of in any point outside a half-mile radiua. As Chicken, or gn us Small Fruits, ought to send right dinner is sure to I»« a cockert I. I < r this : then for want thereof the plaintiff wih the house after dinner; if I (ould smoke away for the BIGGLE BOOKS. The horses are a scarce commodity in voluntary wanderings in the Pacific unparalleled state of affair», there is draft a bill which he hopes will be apply to lh** Court for the relief prayed my cigar in ¡wuce and tranquility; but parted by congress. which find been collected by th«* lata Coverack human labor mu.t be em ■ for in the plaintiiFs complaint on file in only a legend to nrcoiint. Although to j The bit» will provide that the naval bahl Court and Cau-e, towit: For a de somehow th«* meal that makes me calm ployed. Obviously the best place for Prof. Quatrefuges and Mr. Otto Sittig. our practical minds flimsy to a «1« gre« ly happy -eems to fill the children with militia of the several states shall be all tending to prove that the misfor cree to absolutely dissolve the marriage the apparatus la St. Keverine, where it is implicitly lielieved in by theinhab- | responsible first to the state and then contract heretofore exiwling bet a ven the boiste..¡usne-M and make them noiser horses are always to be had, whence by tunes of native sailors had the means itnnts. It appears that in our of th» Is your paper nude for vou and not a misfit. It is 23 years than at any other pa« t of the day. Am an easy descent any part ot the neigh of spreading mankind over the greatest ' chief monasteries on thr prom« i.ti i \ > *0 the government. It will also provide plaintifTand defendant old. it is th»? great bed led-down, hit-the-nail-on the head,— Thie fuminonM is published by order I right, Elizabeth?” that the reserves may be eallecl into quit-alter-ycu-bave-said-it, Farm au«l Household paper in boring coast may tie reached. In the of oceans. Detroit Free Press. there is a miraculous iron, which th a! the world—the biggest paper of its size in the United States of lion K. Hanna, Judge oi the abuve “You are,” suid Mrs. Hilltops, “but I active fei ’ rvict* in time of war. either great bliaacrd of 1821. when four vessels of America—having over a milliou nnd a-half regular readers. picture or Image sacred to tnctnberh«d ns an crganlzation or us individuals.| entitled Court, made in chambers at hear it all day long.” CORWIN DISCONCERTED. were wrecked In two days, the delay lit the Russo-Greek church. This partieu j Jacksonville, Jackson county, Ore., on "I know it. Elizabeth; I know it,” Thr plan contemplate» placing one Any ONE of the BIGGLE BOOKS, and the FARM JOURNAL getting the rocket apparatus to the lar pietur«* is a representation of tin* the 7th day of August, A. D., 1899. said .Mr. Hilltops, “and I have never The < itllfM«* Student I nder ■■•■nlna> officer in personal charge of the re 8 YEARS (remainder of 1890 Joo.-, 1 xu, 1 3 nnd io 3) will be scut by mail aeenes of the eutastroplirs is locally A bb A xtei l . Virgin, nod the Irgend says that urn to Itiv . '.Ire. I A DOLLAR Bil l heard you speak of it before. I don’t serves and tbe assignment to each tlon Turned the I.anali '»» hold to be responsible for much uunec- Attorney lor Plaintiff day as Empress l*»ilcberia. who had lib I bamplcoi FARM JOURNAL and circular describing BIGGLE BOOKS free. s«— bow you can possibly stand it. an«i state reserve of one or more officers the Orator, casary loss of life. Finally, it might be erally endow«»«! th«* «•lnirch, a? wi II a? I wtLMBB ATKINSON. Address, FARM JOURNAL i ’ ll l(M>k for some good quiet sanitari ns instructors. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. .uggested to the lifelxiat institution CHAb. F. JENKINS. j HILAfiiELPBlA basutified and restored it, w»s « i g;ig- i um, sure." “The general impression is,” said the Ships will be furni hed by the gov that about stationed at Coverack would Land Office at Roneburg, Oregon.l in her devotions the Virgin .q l.« .tt*k i And then they settled down on either professor, “ that Corwin was never dis ernment for «trill purpose«, which will be likely to prove useful. OrcMsiuuallj Septeinlrer 15 1899. f ing what sbe, n woman, was «l«>iitg inti.« side of the table and read, very com- Hut be Fupplh'd with suit able guns and am very se-laus wrecks indeed, accom concerted by nny antagonist. Notice ’H hereby given that the follow church. The pious lady. n«> <!«>«.! t there was an old story current in cen- munition for target practice. The na panied by great loss of 1>fe, occur at st. ing-named pettier ha? filetl notice of hi» fortnble. I m »th. and both thankful in ninazcd, (lid not r«*ply, whcrettp«>n th« | I tral Ohio 35 or 40 years ago, showing val mil'llihmen will lie given sea serv intention to make final proof in snpp->r! their In arts for the children that had / visit DR. JORDAN'S oRt.Tt Keierne. Four wrecks alone within j the contrary. Soon after Antio<*h col- voice commanded her to have, saying ' ice under this plan. It is proposed to of his claim, and that »aid proof will be been given to them, and who were now the last l»o years have result’d in the that the feet of a woman should in v« i 1 send them to sea on nivn-of-wnr for- made Irefore Abe Axtell, county judgn. sleeping quietly. —N. Y. Sun. drowning of no fewer than 4T0 peraone. [ lege, at Yellow springs, began to ngain tread the floor. 7 f ! >.llltIFTIlT.,inFtlKliCI,ClL. f The ••m| i»sh. In such eases one lifeboat is manifestly achieve a reputation under Horace probably surprised at the set tning in several wi cks each year. It has a!>o of Jo.-ephine county, Oregon, at Grants A V u in. Museum tn the A Pass, Oregon, on October 5. 1899, vix: Il Grew on Sungay. been suggested that it would be i d-1 Mann, there was an outbreak among In.uftlcient. Hosts coming from “ dis ▼ - r si , < ntra -«d V gratitude of th«* speech, as well as ntu ■ | A puoitisrly rared >>y the el icit A vantageous to adopt tbe British plan Allin 1. Reynolds, on 11 E No. 7742 In a country town not far from New tance, however brave and skilled their th«* students. In attempting to <|uiet struck, left the pUtc«;, which no f« n :dt '-year.. F for the > NE*,. HE 1 , NE'., Sec ’6, York an <>i«l-fasl.i«| i» acher hud ex -ifi J tR. J330AN DISEASES OF MENG crews may be, cannot render much the disturbance one of the prof«' - is has since entered How the prohibition 1 of assigning officers of the grade of S.. It. 'I W and SW>4, XIV',. a e !ô, horted his flock on« Sunday not to read ensign and lieutenant to men-of-wnrl was roughly handled. The professor * * rii il 1 w ■ ,-hiy e-idi- v- 1 4 service. It is not possible for men who Tp. 10, S R V W thus arbitrarily « stablished came to t r e tl«-rrury ▼ have no intimate knowledge of the insisted that the ring-lea<lei in the haz comprehend the length and breadth of to nerve . ix months in every four years. lie names the following witriessea to the Sunday newspapers. On the follow I russe» an I i(<ft. Hadi- A ral 4 urr Huptasr«-. a <; r k . - 1 F Mnnacies to tuke tlielr craft safely at ing frolic threatened him with a heavy the promontory is not very clear. As a Certificates from th» comman«!crs-hi- prove nis continuous residence upon and ing Monday he was strolling tbreugh re f I'llrw. Flsvura »• I \ the market place when he >pitd n.nw UUul». ' y I >t JuruAi.’» spe» pa.u- g night through all the intricacies of tin cane, and finally struck him. The stu residence for li'i^hlul bHchelura. we chlef ai e given British officers for such cu tivaltort ol said land, viz : l-s, OK <K X service, which aid« them both in n unusually tine asparagus, a vegetable Mr Ivin B. Murphy, of Waldo, Oregon ; / -cult»- dent was arrested on complaint of the •\-rvT* Trwatmrntprr g treaaherous waters. At I overack there should imagine. Athos would I m * bard to ■ ' ' 1 ¡re i rvery . e ▼ Fie.* [turkey, of Wahlo, Oregon ; Ernest professi?i.nI and business way upon of which he was almost gluttonously officers of the college, vv I o were repre are enough experienced ................... ac l-IIU OSIH-IIY ,,r A surpnas.—House bold \\ ords. Inirkey, ol Waldo, Oregon; Catharine fond, in the stall of one of his parish il tlilll % 4.r . v ■. 1,. ... A v.1 „A.,le . K g returning to civil life. qualnted by reaaon of their vocations sented in court by Tom Corwin. for men ) Call »r •r «rite \ I’l.irrowof Waldo. Oregon. ioners. There iy no doubt In the minds of the “ Corwin ’ s great reputation and bis DR Hi DAN A CO, 1051 Market St. S F. 9 with every rock and cove and shoal unci J W. BKflt ,E-, Ii gtsler. A Perferl Perfome. department official? that the navnl re "Mr. Smith, ” said the parson, “ I will manner took nearly all the fight out of headland In the aelghborhood, to man This is jilst the time to gather sweet buy some of your asparagus, if it is not NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. a boat. These men in a ilfebout might the students who were standing by the I clover leaves un«l ufter <i partial drying serves rendered valuable s< rvices dur too dear.” ing the war, and out of the excellent parties under arrest, (orwin wus car have been able to save many of the un Land office ai RoHtburg. Oregon.! to store them away with your linen Now Smith was a confirmed reader rccor«! made by the Illinois reserves PARKER fortunate passengers and crew of the rying nil lieforr him, making witnesses September 15, 1899 t There is nothing more exquisite or grew tills plan for one of a nationnl of his unday newspaper, ■. and the str hair balsam octor Mohegan, who for a till»- «ere kept say almost what lie wanted them to Notice is hereby given that the follow rie*r.. i a :<1 l-«: ’ more refined than Hie light. •!< In . character. >t <1 him ut i all. He de- Pron><-tM a hnunaM C •*„ j atloat by lite licit» only to lie dashed say, when on«» of the principal offenders mg named pettier L hh tiled notice of hia man had not pl Never Falls to f•torer/r?1 fragrance of this abumhi nt green. Se cided to play -on his pnstor. More- Hair to its Youthful Co «1 intention to make final proot in su| p »rt took th«* stand. This y«>ung fellow ad Anally against theclirts and Is.wlderaof Traveled tin Live flt«»<*k. Cures s- • p <1 »«*•• • * bt:r UuJj ol hi.« claim, and that said proof will be over, he had so »id hisaspm ragtis nlrt ady, mitted that the profc>Nor was threat lect the top shoots and br en k into Mina I! > ._____ M the inhospitable coast. well- Mary A. Livermore, the sprigs, You can't us«* too iihk I i «»f it. made before Abe Axtell, county jndgs. though he said I not a won il about that, Perhaps If the proposed coast guard en «•<! with canes, but denied that lie was i social reformer, ome traveled ol Jo.-ephine county, Oregon, at Grants and while it is so light as to odeml “1 am sorry, . doctor.” n aid the crafty These pbysfciMM have been station were established on Manacle «truck by anyone. He said, in fact, the e «tork ” in order to keep an ap- runng weAkness and eon- Paws, Oregon, on October 25, 1899, viz: Smith, "but I would not the most fn ’astidloiis, it v.ill last ’ not like to have it 50 YËAR3’ irafU-1 ailmeuta since 1H91. point instead ot in Porthoustock cove. boys only w anted 1«> scare th«* professor, i « nt to *| » ak nt a meeting in They have the tarcest and Nlelveo B. Murphy on H. IC. No. 7741. a f u 11 year in the chent* or drawri- on my conscien •ct that 1 sold such‘grass' EXFERIE^' lest euuipi-ed medical in It the rocket apparatus were removed ami had no thought of hurting him. nati. Sht had miw««l her train, for the S ‘ a and N W l 4 of SE^, and S' 4 us H at.” stitution. and the m<*t el- where your wearing apparel is kept to Ht. Keverne and if a lifeboat were T he witness was a <|uiet, athletic fel practice in the U S- rattle tram wa« to leave in ««even NEl4, so . 2«», Tp 40. 8. R •.» W. \N hen ¡uirtially dried, strew along I m * "What is the matter with it?” >0 Pity Till Cared. wnt to Coverack. the force of the plea low, and ns h«* made this explanation he lie nam«'N the following witnesses to mic •*. "You wee that I can ’ t take tween the gHrmrnts, taking care In claimed the preacher in surprise, Unfortnnat« men who can- for a lightship at the Manacle» wouhl I* smiled ut- the exaggerated look of undam,” «aid the <*onductor. prove his continiiona residence upon and never saw finer.** n<A call should write for ad- shake It back when th« ’ } are rei::«»ve«*. cultivation of said land viz: oce and private buok— amazemeut on Corwin’» fave. greatly diininiahed.—Lviulon 1 imrs. ig hi* instructions, which for- “Oh, it’s all right that wav,” CSTABLISHCO 17 YKARS. ALLYRKE. Allin I Reynold?, of Waldo, Oregon; “Corwin made the witness show* how or, if you can’t g« t such large <|unnn litn taking any freight but live Tbonaands cured at ». me, Smith, "but, yi u see, 1 picked it < tics, dry what you have perfectly ;n- ! I r ed Durkey, of Waldo. Oregon; Erneal A. urae- n:. at. No Chxrge for Consultation. the eanrs were flourished ulxiut the 1 hr Dtanlty oi thr Law. “ You will have to wait for the i TrtAOt M’t”> Durkey. <d Waldo, Oregon; Catharine early this n • mini’. It «prang up and make into large, tint sn«*hrts of tlnn 731 x . Oss- a« A celebrate«! judge waa once trying a profrasor’s head, ami «juestionrd him | Barrow«, of Granta Pa««, ’ Iregon. grew on Sunday. ” X. Y. Tribune. silk or cheroe cloth. You ure sure t( C opyrights 4r case where the accused couhl only un- iHTsistntly ns to how «’lose the <* him * s ' --- .-i. »SW.* J. W . BRIDGES. Register. delighted with the result. 1 he v i \ Anynn«» sendtna a «ketch and *■•» deratand Irish, and an interpreter wax went t«> th«* professor’s nose. II«- began ' quickly ».«certain <mr «»pinion 'r’,p * hnrlf y. newest l«lru for |M*rfuming on«- « invention I« probably patent « On Tuesday the grand jury found a « k- artf r* accordingly sworn. The prisoner said with five invites and forv««l th«* witness tiersntri«?tlye«»nfl<iertl.‘»l. Hnn<! clothes is to have the l.iutnlr«*« boil >rary in the Sun- sent tr«*»». «»I lent agency f «• aometliing to the interpreter, and the to sav that the distanve was not greater , tr le bill of indictment again?! Joe Friz- a t u. n Patents taken thmutrh V ■ ’ i in one of Port than three inches, two inches, one inch, i either a piece of orris root or a small regi latter replied. tpfcuil fkfticr, w'thoiit clt.irr“. 1 ell • for asi>ault upon the persons of I aw es rtcenlly de- bag of pulverize«) orris root with tin- the “What does he aay?” «lemanded the Then, triumphant, he took th«* rune re nee and Mat Dunn er, of this place.— the I •« ks in the — VIA THE from the hands of thr witness, ami, lingerie. Either of these will give the paid judge. E e. k proper for Sun- A hand«nmo1y (Huntrat m w L flourishing it aismt th» young (« How’s article a faint frngraine us mysteri «wir “Nothing, my lord.” eulatlnn <>f any »rientifi«’ ous ns it is •!« ! hlful.- N Y. Times. took it li por year; four month«. <1. (*"‘4 ' “How «lare you say that, when we head, so close as to make him «halgc, !«• Ila* IH all ht nrd hiiu7 Gone, air, what wna thumlere«): ’If a man should flourish — of tlie — V t r . p rr were of a hig) n f r «1. Branch «>fflce. F 8L, W - - a heavy ciinr about your head like this, it 7“ “Mister, •! « f rem imiter thot ye. said “.My lord,*’ »aid the Interpreter, be and thi«, w ithin nn inch of your none or i one doiM* n v i pills wud make another ginning to tremble, “it find nothing to car or hair, what would v > t t Im k. w bat num of me t lierr Crescent City and Grant« Ps*« Mit« would y«»u do. sir?’ Th« iii i>-iit. who «1«» with thr. ease.” book l rains Lr»ve Ifortlan«! Dsilv “Yea, sir; ml «lid you find my words Line I’asnengr r Rare*- South. over the “If you don’t answer 1’11 commit you, hud been dodging this w \ ami that, true?” I Nortb ' much to thr iimusrinent < l the speeta- sir. Now, what did hr say?*’ *• F. M From Grant? Paes out the volumes which did LV Portland at . “Thru«* ti th’ wur<l, sor. VVbln me 9:15 a w t meet 1 ,31 U' V. M LT. “Well, my lord, you'll excuse me, but tors, sud<l<*iilv sprang t<» I. k feel, and, father starh their ideas of what the Su -school 7.4. 15 a . m . AT. Hrants pans lv . 6 :20 p. m To W’ilderville.............. I inkin’ (him lie was a hdvr >an h ran co LT. ht said: ’Who*» (hat ould woman with imitating Corwin’s inti 8:C6e. m To Love ’ s. . ................. ...... standard should l>e, having [Dull, lui fai h whin he ho«l finiahe«! lie v iously the red l*-d curtain round her sitting ninntirr, and hm humor determined that they shi •ve train« top at ail stations bttween To Andeiron.... ............ wna a dead moil.”—-C hicago E«cning burned. j ‘I would wrl<*om«* him. • up there?* ** and and balem, Turner, Marion, To Selma............................ When th« v had be< n 1? News. (!e, how- -on, Al: ■aity. (Ottaue Grove, Tangent, To Kerby..................... ... | hamls to a hospitable g ever, it was decided C that At thia everybody present roared. t«o bud To WaLin........................ , il am «burg. Junction « ity. »hr « ottl«!n*l <arl lllm. to burn them, and the matter was “And what «lid you say?** said the plication «if the famous H4 •. Drain ««ukiawa » _»i ..... •’ aklan«l. nudali stations Shelley creek................ win’s s|»r«*eh on tin* Ethel f-’t < t <» her engageni' nt finally compromi i«*d by voting judge, looking *i little uncomfortable. Koseburg, tc A-hlauU inclusive. ting to pre pre- Gasquet .......................... .................. brought down the houst' ring) D ’ \ - > rrirt hi< taste? “1 said: ‘Wliist, ye aphalpeen—thut’a sent them to the library of the other Crescent City................ ( M.iml > r ; * j welry is v m- the ould i»ov that'* going to hangyci.*“ great orator off Ids base Rtneburg Mail Daily church in town.—Kennebunkport (Me.) In every test made S. 8. 8 es Above rates subje«'t to change ter Ocean» erm««1 < > • .. I h«|in«t-r. —(’olurn ^ass* urn ah** ------------------------------ •‘monstrates its superiority over o' «.tn snJ é ®«1 . lv . I’uriiand Round trip ticker AL I 4 :3o r. a. notice 4« blood remedies. It matters not how P, Mi.« or Decfivt*. M. I Lv. Albany 44 1,1 1 ire« < '«»ntIRK Into I »«• 81 M MON 8. LV. I 12 :2ftF. M. >,ion part ie« at special ra’e«. hhen You Rule Your Uhcrl 4 r. ». xr. l»<M»eburit -»V. I 7: :3»» \ . m The reflection in the mirror «l»»es n«>t Broad t r.**for farm wagon« bave«*o the Circuit Court of the state U Alwvys ahakt* into your shoe« Alien * ment or remedí.» bure failed. 8.1 |H>rtrav cur likrnenn with any attempt <iUirtlv into vogue in thi« « • •n*i,rv, 11 alwaya promptly Fraches reach** »nd and cure» cure. »lw»ys >ti for the County oi Josephine. DINING UAR5 ON OGDEN ROUTE Foot-Ease, a powder for the leet. It Pliroc fho U/nrct Pacoc diseitsewherethabloodisinanywayinvoh I> st accuracy. The hair is wrong in tone, now they are about th** vlily k-n I in ti k»eps your feet cool, prevents nwraimg Pullman tJutYel Sieepe 1 Artion uUluQ II C nUlol UudCo. Everyone who hw h*d experience r the rye« are not rorrrri in color and our 4 bill a ss in’ r<v<hi- e I in »Ite Hr» 4 >u l»*i f«*et, and makm your endurance ten fold — and — blood disease, knows that there are no complex ion ■ are hope y libel«*«! bv diswolve laturt* several years sg’1 ! r mont« or troubl. « «■> <•! <t --ato snd difficult to cure. Very b-w rentedir. cl greater, ? lass S leeping C ahs Over 1 wheel people vd K*llv, marriage lilts nperiou« household «lr»‘river. It in the «ompuis««ry u«e of hr« t.-cure r b-'i r. ,<l,de. p -eated bl.Hid diseases as 8. 8. 8. cures, and none can all are using Alien’d Fool-Earn. They all iev> to alt thiongh trains I ‘»■fendant. contract. ' r* oert ....... . of merit S 8 8 is not merely a tor .• -it «’•rtain that if thr Io« king ^Isss told the farm wagon». I'ne tn -a« praise it. it gives rest an<l « «»mfort t.» {••rt b-.xinc^s conducted fi r M ’0<**Tt rd Kellv isacurel ltpesdown to the very seat ot all blood diseases, and Rets at ths I stands nt : *r parti« Ulan» inquir truth,says the Philadelphia l'n«|iiirrr,thr wav oi many bills an-l e.: r Ke ¡0 .« O'rtcc is OPFO* emailing, hot. swollrn, »thing, fret and f, ,• i.! • . .t >•••«.a-1 rvutsthoI...-«, n from the «y.t-m ltd -ei c ol Orrgc s l’aaa. (and we can arm re patent in k- • r 1 ■si« of tarioun complexion n ii«lirn would dure«I or «lied tn routmit«4 not not. like other remed dry hide it from t up the poison and ...Mv ii VU i view i ir n temporarly iruiL"TBr i« a certain cure for in growing toe nails. » appear a 'rr ’• ■' W g ' J" ,, , r*-“j greatly «1«*« reasr, for any fair skin look» membered which ws« l only t ‘br forth »^m mor* violently than ever; 8. 8 8 forces out every [ Send model, drawing nr phot«*. I agatn«t v At »11 druggists and sb *e »tores, 25 We»t Side Divisicn {tkm. We advise, if patent. " i trace of taint, and rids the system of it forever. 9 gray and nailid in a gla*s. ami an* result whirl« it wan lost Io view ■mi Can, It • • • • '. <«* ' * n Sample FREE by mad. \d lre«w A Hen Mrs T. U M.vrtg tnery, Ala., write»! ’ Some years many w«>nirn ruin their splrmli«! com- th»’ it «lid not lermiiv a > PíMS-lY ’ H ' A in» r lerer tesDAT t. reirn ago I was inoculated with poison by a nurse who infected 8. Olmsted, lx? Roy.N. Y. plenum« by tning to improve them be- lia« this to *ay at«oui the bi »»ent free. Address, my balvo with bb*od taint. I was covered with »errs and Any ulc« r«fr .••!! hoa<! to Lx>t, and m my great extremity I prayed « au«v they I«« * a tm 1 tn the n. rror. Y > «1 A Minister • Mistake oue o< « I r to die. Several prominent physician» treated me. but all A city minister su rr«*rntly tiande«l a may lx* certain that however plain yotn I ravy f to no purp The mercury and potash which they noti«*« to br read from his pulpit, Ar la- e seem«, il i« not so plain a« it appear« old slyl< in Save m«‘ »« • med to add fuel to the awful flame which was BAIS »AILI (KKKFT *VNDAV.> iu the telltale mirror. >»«-oni|iv,you can ronipanying it was a clipping from i a a fie evounng me. 1 was adv sed by friends who had »own wav. tn I wonderful run « made by it, to trv Swift’s Specific. I im not a«*ume your natural eip«rs»ion haul ea^ lv . Portland 4i. the * newspaper bearing upon the matter v . ä ».■ prov cd from - • start, a« the medicine seemed to go direct <r M« Minn vibe i v. b.ftOA. M while |H*ering in a looking glass. The aye In thr trv i The clergyman started to read the ex to th»» cause of the trouble and ftvrce the poison out. Twenty thrv an between tract and found it l»rgan “Take Ke’tp’s innwt be in a certain p«»tulmn Ivefort' you m the mud tbev are nvt so <<*» ! bottles curv'd me completely.'* Swift’s Specific— Balsam, th» best Cough Cure.” This e»n see »1 all, and the eye, so tar as ex tun«! «L avs not lr«*Ubfe the farm« was hardly what he ha<i ri|»r t< d. and. press on is concerned, governs the face. ragiun 40 any extent dining th* The <*on«< pieni'c i« ths I vu ran see only is «lung hm heavy lea-umg after a moment’s hesitation, be turned —is the f nly remedy that i» guoFanterd purely vegetable, and e rU”< no GRt.VTSPAP« OFP •,’JI HIN A. HUÑ- one of your exprri ns in the »!»••, and the bro» ♦ Ure» are fin»* ro4»| mercury, l«»taah. aiwrnie, or any other mineral or <4 it over and found on the other side (he il. It nev^r fmls to lh»y tend to ¡»vrl. rather than < an he ob- that on» of tentat cure Ca cor, , Kcxema, ___ _ u « vani mat ion Berofula« Rheumatism, Contagi« us Blood Po.son, ’»rant« Pa»«. »iatt»r intended for the reading. the roadway», and thii« they s A k ’ Tetter, B uis, Carbuncles, Sores, etc. K* |A thing from the standpoiul ol pii M arkham . t.HLKR. Valuable books mailed free by Swift Specific Company, A tian U, Ga Quick delivery—The Weekly Or«g«>n!an ICT- I’ jt Plat »tiff. ** > *r A«t.. Msntgcp Pvrtlsnd, Ore. THE EAKLY SYMPTOMS ARE: BIGGLE BOOKS * I FARM JOURNAL OF AUAT3L1YJ Out* CuLS TalK : D M EYERS i co. Specialisls for Men ’ /* I I EAST and SOUTH Shasta S. S. S. GOES TO THE BOTTOM. Scientific . Route MUNN SCn Southern Pacific CouiDany- Ft tire«« Promptly Reaches the Seat d ot all Blood Diseases and ¿¿STS»;iStSS * I ;u< »ti S. S. S. FOR THE BLOOD t N. E. McGrew Pioneer