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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 12, 1897)
L. I. VOTAW, A. O. U. W. Plan of A•sea*iuent amette valley on a visit with her grand O C. TERRELL. C M TERRELL mother, Mrs. Carter. The latter g«<e The A. <>. U. W Grand L'wige which W R Nipper went to the city on buai- FVBLISHED KVF.EY IHR»DAV. to visit her daughters who reside near convene«’ in B< r land lo*t month adopt ' policy is not weighed wiih reference to ne*s last F riday. ■ Salem. 1 its beating upon public interests, but is PRICE rd the « lassitied plan of assessment. At A party of men from the saw mill went rxal’ed or condemn«-1 according to the Ben Battue pawed through Kerby Sun- rtrnt we were in« 11 red IO look dis EDITORS AND l'U<'i'l lET<»K«. ov»r to lhe caves Munday. partisan bias of its siipp^r’ers or oppu- • lay from the clr« u* on bis way to ( re« favor i 1| r > q «be a» : ion of the grand lodge .Mrs. C. IHx«»n ami Mrs. U, Lifter n *nts Even the great qu«*»tions involv « ent City. He is making a study of ven > io this ii a ter. but i f eran mv* stigat on, T erms P er Y ear , $1-2.5 are visiting on Williams creek. ing internalional inteiests,questions that tril««qiii»m. and perhaps win join Walter in’o the d tferent pi.a-e- of the qu«-siion, ('Atoll IN ADVANCE. Mr. an I Mrs. Green of Grants a»« are L Main, some later day. are of su< h wan«» emient imitortance as. we have come to the conclusion that it perhaps, to put in j- opardy tlie very visiting iheir daughter, Mrs. Dal Tutti«-. En.ered St IÌMI Boat < H bool dosed in the beyfertb ami *« lhe «-nljr w i^e and equitable Luurse for Oregon, a« »•cund-cla»* mail mailer. existence oi the nation, are frequently Enos Bierce departed last week for Bayne districts Augu-t 6. Mi-s Aliev the lodge to pursue and maintain the ex- ir-ated in the same manner. 'Io on« Kansas, ins family will join him in the Smith hss been teaching in the former istencu of the order in lhe future, T hursday , A ugust 12 1H97. I portion of the pres* a ceriaiu foreign luture. A few older members of this oiganiza- district, Mrs. 6*11 Hayes the other. policy is the most exal'ed patriotism, Barties from various parts of the coun Both ladies accompauiid by Mise Aggie tio^ may n »t be well satisfi-'d with the We know that the weather is cooler- while the other aees in it only the niOBi ty have visited the famous Josephine George, left Kerby Saturday morning on plan, but if th« y will «areiully investi you need not tell us. abeurd form of rabid jingoism No bet caves this seasoD. gate all »idee of the »¡qestion from an un ' their bikes for Giant’s Bass. er illustration of this blind, unrea-sur Andree was on the wing, but where Fiiday, August 6 was the warmest day Mr and .Mrs. Farren have moved in biased standpoint, they ca*>not help be ing and reckless partisanship could pos oh w here is he now ? we have it ad this year, the lhermome tneir new house, which was just coul coming converted at once. "ibly be found than in the disenseion oi A fire, however bright, must sooner or ters registered 94 degrees. plrted this week. 1 liuy formerly lived Secretary b her man i» ru|»orted as say tin- issues of the last nrrvidentta! cam l later die out unle-s fuej is added, so with in California, where they once had a Alex »Vaits took his niece, Mias Lucre-, ing that Spain Is bound to lore t uba. paign. Two great parties uf the country this order, or any other order; it must very beautiful home, but it was de lid Wans of Farmington, 111, and nisi were found at the very extremes of opin die a natural death unices fed from with According to the Auditor’s report lor ion on the economic questions. A tai ill sun ami daughter out to visit Ute c AVtB stroyed by lire. The insurance had ex out. An old line insurance company pired so it was an entire foes to them, the six months ending June 30, 1897. n r the prelection of American industries Wednesday« cannot exist .ong wi bout busine-s. they came to Oregon to build up again. Multnomah county has an indebtednest was the ono thing ntedtul. The tarit!' Rev. Charles Kirk an i family, Mr Older members may pay a little more C MM D. of approximately |300 OK). question was a dead i-sue. The rcha and Mrs. Tiyer ami other* started this under the new plan but even then it is ricada lit Creek Items bilitation of silver would i e the only sal week lu tiie seaside, where they will the ch»'H|*est insurance we know of, an l Eastern business thin* hate authorized vation of the «oiuitry. The maintain* spend several weeks rusticating. George Leason has finished his Lea- how much Letter to pay some more ami their representatives in Nebraska and an» e of the gold standard meant starva An excellent programme was rendered son's clean up with good results. keep the organization in tac*. than to p«y other Mississippi valley states to resnnn I lion prices lor the products ol the farm al lhe Baptist chuich humlay evening, loans on (arm property at low rates o and shop, ami misery and poverty in John Owens is furnishing the Pleas less and let it g»r to the wail. Other like interest. This is one of the manv indi , every imm«*. No mailer what policy oi al CiH'dren’s Day exercises, «un.-isling ant creek m ners with excellent Vegeta societies were oifcriug better induce ol aiiliiem«, choruses, «¡uarLelies, due tin, ments to young men «nd as a natural m de lives at the end of each period un The tablfs of the old-lin. Companies thought and deep study of some of the cations that better I line* are on the way. ' government might be adopted there i ole* and a good variety. eoios, recitauous and dialogues. consequence they wouhl get them while der the classified system, which is an- I are of no u-e to u* in determining our brightest minds in the world of fraternal ; cunld be no prosperity with »lit the ie* The y'Hing folks enjoy themselves The state supreme court has reruh rec Mr. Ben Bai ey and Miss &ara Harper the Old Reliable, w hich has, b« cau.-e of tnority: r <’e of annui'nentH, and hence of little insurance. oral ion of silver and its fr *e ami unlim I every Sunday by playing base bat . its decision in the Nori imp versus Trea- aero unite«! hi marriage Augiirl 8, at the its age, d*»ne more good than all other Your committee could have crowded Years expectation. .”»* 41 U*e ill determining our a-se^Min^nts. A_e 25 years j ue»i winage at a r-tliu of 16 to 1. F..r I hey play o»i Green ’ s fiat near the urer Hoyt’s cane, oi Multnomah county | residence of J. N. Uutcher, by justice organizations of similar character must •• 343»* Tney are only a gm«l<* in determining the this report with many pertinent static, • 39 *• The court holds that the state’s part o i tiers were assured ihat silver and whr. t Nipper. Many friends witnessed the rioutb of Plea-ant cieek. 31.62 rate ol mo ta iiy ai to age, in which tiesun the subject, and otherwise could Cease to exi-t. 35 “ 27.4u there can be no difference in experi have introduced much argument io sup- Mrs. J. W. Robinson, son and daugh- ‘ 40 “ the tax must be paid before w rrant would rise or fall together. Yet we have pleasing aliair and ail wi&h thtiu a long, The Ancient Orderof United Workmen 23 79 • 45 “ . ler have gone out near Baiuevilie, Crook is permanent, and voting men who are can Be drawn on the general fund of tlx iud land’ revision, thu :gh in a muddle«! nappy ami prusperuus ide. 2 » 31 ence. The rate of lapsaiion, however, is port of the classified plan, but hays con- • 50 “ torm, th* g«>|<i «tandaid has be« n main* i county on a visit. They went by Cra- county. seeking fraternal insurance will do well <1 I 55 “ CoMBKsroND&NT. 16 9o modified by the dill rent conditions, and eluded to merely introduce the matter Allied, when lias gone up ami up while i ter Lake and will be gone about six io look into it»- merits. first day of because of the diffeient conditions our in this cursory manner, recommend its The farmers oi Kittitas v*lfey, Wash -ilver ih ntiii going down, having tom he«i In thi« jurisdicti »n,on the weeks. Below we give »Im report of the com lime, 1*97, we had 1488 members over rates of asses muni must vary. Tne adoption, and leave it to the calm and Galice <’rerk Item» ington, are rutting (hr ilne-t and large» t ie lowest point in its his ory 1 he par George ¡lean of Grants Pass has leased mittee on can ified assessment to the fifty yea s of age. winch means that growth of lhe rates of each jurisdiction considerate judgment oi the grand lodge. hay crop ever known in that Ht*»-r;on, press is now expl lining how pios* Forest fires are raging throughout th« Mrs. Ben Owing«’ placer mine ami is go grand lodge. withm lhe next twenty yea.s we may must depend, therefore, entirely upon hay is worth it) per ton on the cars The pcrotw | times have «*ume in spite of . he I mountains. Church Notice. The report of the commltte on graded 1 expect to pay lhe sum ul |2 00 au each th«* ability of tiie ¡»resent members to ing to put on an 11 inch pipe ami No. 2 grain crop there is also excellent and kn i a king out oi their theories. The Work ha« been suspended for several giant, ami will run it to its full capacity, assessments, appointed at the 1896 ses Breaching at lhe M E. church south the farmers are rejoicing over the good truth t oi these lives, or lhe aggregate sum uf obtain new mem bet a al the low er agea, is usually bet vuen the extremes, weeks at thu Lost Flat quartz mine. le has it leased for three years. Hue- sion. a id *):HhU >i »V M, Colvig.E L $2,976 Oh), b.-aides.we '♦ill p^y on many and to retain them alter they have been next >unday, both morning and evening times in store for them. aii.l au independent, n hi partisan press I rea» lung at Wuodvdie the louith Hunday Messrs. Moon ami Byron are building ess to you, George. Smith, G H. Durham, George B Dorris 1 lives under filly, who do not «each their secured.” in this month. Rev. Howard a . Wood to carefully, honestly an i cuuncientiou a wing dam near Hamfers’ ferry ami will The midsummer special edition of the During the past twenty eight years of pastor. W, O. Jones met with an accident at and W W. Brannin, follows, and is expectation. It is this cousideraiiun ul ly we gh the great economic and social probably make ii pay. Oregon Mining Journal appeared at our he Ca vert & Stevens ditch last week. signed by the first three only; tlie suujuct which forces thinking men tu experience lhe Order has made provision Southern Oregou Pioneers Meet. questions of liie day and give I borough I he committee was called to meet in lace the issue, and to fortify every posi lor its claims by asaessinenta un the The miners of Galire as a general rub Mr Jones and J D. Stevens were repair de«k thia week. The b w»k a han Is mi • ly digested results to th»? pu >lic has be The meeting of tne Southern Oregon the city <»f Portland January. 1897. but tion which we now occupy hi order that mem »era at the level of one dollar lor all specimen of the print« r * art, « o itains come an absolute necessity. Hucii a are honest, only two of them being abh- ing a break in the ditch and had cut it was not possible to get a full attend wu may tucceasiuil.v meet the liaUlllllea agua ol admission, ami to remain ttie Pioneer Society will be hel at Ashland 74 pages of descriptive matter of South press will prove the great bi ance wheel to “steel” picks so far as can be learned. luwn a tree about a foot in diameter, e.-n Oregon illustrations, and advertise same throughout membership ao long as Thursday, .September 2, 1897. D. Hawkins and otheis are putting in which they were taking to the ditch ance at the tune on account of business 1 of thu luture. ot M M'iety, lite regulat >r of government a < Tiie following named persons are ap res|xmsibilities of the individual mem meats. This book speaks well for the that ay stem might be iu operation, 1 ii la II is urged that lhe classified plan is «Hairs and the great educator ul the i wing dam about three miles below I The tree slipfted ami struck Jones. bers; however, a majority was on hand not just to lire uld members. We answer has been au appa ent success in the pointed a committee on arrangements: ent» rpri*e of the Journal and is a credit I .nocking him unconscious,iu which coa ilia place. They will beg.n mining inassry. The partisan press will still to Oregon___________________ lition he remained for several hours and gave carelul attention to th- ques that argument by say mg,nor is me levei earlier years of the jurisdiction, but Mrs. M. L. 41 ford,chairman, Miss Lydia nave its uses in accei touting theories <>l soon. Ge is aiivt* now , however, and eating ba- tions invol ved. It was considered bes to plan just to tho young members. Hi» when a considerable number of the M« Ca!l, Mrs. Lizzie iloltiurg, Miss Ma government, and in defining sharply the The work of putting in a large flume Emperor William of Germany is vi-i» defer the prepa'arion of this report un bie Wagner, .diss Nellie Russell, George c».n and beans three times a day. old memt»ers have be n fully protecieu m« mbera reached lhe higher ages the ingin Russia and he and the Czar ar» litrerent policies, but the people must, in Rich gulch is progressing slowly, ii Anderson and C. H. Gillette til after the supreme lodge for 1897 had increasing habiliues increase«! the num lor many years at lesd man toe reasona Pleasant creek has some of the best having a loving time. President Fail»« will havs a more fair an I » an h i presen fe'ing w grualer undertaking than imag ' concluded its work, as it was thought C. K. Ku m , President, ber ol assessments tu such an extent in ble cost ot aucli pro ecu >n. Not alum- ation of theories an j facts than can be placer mines in Southern Oregon, mud. of France will also visit the Czar, and important » in the matter of «la-- • he ulder jurisdictions as io lead (lie Or whether these three are to have a join found through the strictly partisan me As Galice is coining to the front a* a »here are lour hydraulics rigged up I sified asMssmentg might be made by uecatlse th y have been iaitu'ul aim (evens have their , stood at the wheel, but because you<»£ der to appoint a < ommisaion to report on meeting remains to be ►een. The world ii um. rich quirtz producer, parlies, to make a iow . Calvert & that body OF PENNSYLVANIA men have come tutu me Order,.«ml have | lie advisability ui « hanging tiie mode of aim ali fill.-d up, there has been an *• will wonder what next, (’.in it be p<- -ah*, are figuring on having a ledg« Last Th u i »«¡.iy evening, il (' felfo’d Your committee is at the opinion that in h pipe on it lor two y«-as and now borne mure than their share ui the gen doing bu-inees. This commission re A Living Object Lesson for Dr. Miles' Ntw sible that France and Germany will en i» >xv«l and p .eked in from Merlin. »1 tlie Grants Ba«s LumhurCo met will* the time has now come for this grand they arc to put on an 11 inch and N ». 2 eral risk, and have kept down the aver pone«! la.-t year hi favor of w nat is now ter Into an alliance with ea« h other Hal Austin. one of our most populai v very painful acci«i»«nt. Ii»» was feeding jurisdiction to change its system of x ant. Chaney & Ruefly hive an 11- age age oi lhe Order hi the jurisdiction. • ailed lhe classified asr*essmeni ¡»Ian, Never so long as Alsace Loraine remain« he rea saw at lhe factory, and had just ba- helor miners, haa laletv purchased *• asses»men!s, and adopt the cla-sifi'd iiich pij»e and No. 2 giant. George Lea- Al this Huie,w ith louiieen a.-sessmeuib which was ad *pted by Die supreme a German province. ■ »ut in the last boar»!, and as there wa« large cook stove, lie will no doubt a« I plan propo.-ed by the supieme lo«lge,and sun has an 8 inch pipe and No. 1 giant, already seems probable that we ioilge, ami which provides protection ut • oilier board coming to pu-tli it on,he vertise for a cook soon, through 111» which is u »w in force ami working ad iiick Colans has a small pipe on his vvili rudcu twenty oi mure assessineht» •id cost, and equity secured to all. This Joaquin Miller, tue great poet of th* sik a small am k Io give it a shoveand nidiri.'ge bureau. mirably in the following jurisdictions, claim ami there are a number of miners fur the year 1*97. Gieal energy ba« been scheme, as recommended by the supreme Sierras,who is now on hi* wav to C’loi» i some way his right band was i auzht viz: Pennsylvania, Ohio, Kentucky, It was recently reported in one of tin whoare ground sluicing B vch el >R. exhibited by our grand iecviiier and by udgu oi tiie A. O I . »V., meets tiie com- dyke to write up a reliable deaeriplion «• »«iwe»ui lhe rolleis of tile saw, and h 1«cal pa|H*rB that Chris Lamiera and New York, Illinois, Wisconsin, Tennes the brotherhood generally to increase im ndution of all friends o¡ safe, secure that, country and its mine* for the Ex ^¡»■ee uf board cut a deep ya»li in his Save Your («rain. see. Cal'fornia, Georgia, Texas, Nevada, »oils I im «I mortared out $7<HI from a ledg* oui membership We have held our own and enduring pro.ection. Ils table of amine»-, is nothing if not modest, lie i land. The wound is a painful though m*ar this place. The report is withom Few’ realize that each squirrel destroys Arkansas, Biitish (. olumbia. during the year past. It has require«; •i sessmeuts is based not only upon its neither a prevaricator nor an exaggers •ot necussarilv a aerioiB one. foundation. It is true the party <lisc*»v pl 5 » worth ol giam annually. Wake All these juris<lictions, except British great effort to do so. Young men view own experience of twenty-eight years, tor, hut th»* fa«*t that lie claims to !>«* bn eu’s .squirrel and Gopher Exterminator er»*d »'»me rich r<»ck, a bowlder, iron is the most uffuclivu and ecuiiumieal puls- Culumoia, are hi.'h grade jurisdici ions, Chief Jii«!ic** F A M »or«» of tlm su- , with financial suspicion lhe burden u. j mt also up m the aceeoled standard ta- 56 years old make» one of our Gran ahu ll they m «flared son:«* gold, but no and nearly all have been t r some years carrying lhe 1488 old members who un • I bles «»I mortality that form the basis of! m known Brice reduced to 30 cents. • eme court, is spoken oi as a « amlidat»* Bass cilisens, who has known him f<* ■ the amount cre«lited them. For sale by M. t lumens, sole agent. past the recipients of supreme relief. ir governor on the republican ticket many years smile audibly. We wii no!. Under present arrangements, paying calculation foi ad hie insurance contracts ! California adopted the classiind plan in Gal cuiten were startled this week on Notice to Property Owners. lowever, lie wiP probably not allow tn« •uggeit to our friend that Mr. Miiler i according to tire risa incident to tilth ii lhe country. It is, therefore, nut the-1 September, 1896 Since then, and up to aim* to run. as he thinks tin* supreme lhe appearance of what, they »uppose now in the einpfoy of (lie Examiner, an Irdiiiaiu v No 115, appeared Jline 17, ’97. the ldih »lay of June, 1897, there have Hges, and using a wisdom which *.ve van ' u»y but fact on which it rests for security »»•ncIi i« g«»o<j t-imugh for him. Mr. was thu lull wing of the circus that lately is going to write for [hat journal, cum 1 he city ul Grant s Pass ordains as been .’,849 applications for membership not criticise, stayao it,or are very slow t, I • «ml perpetuity. I<»ore is a brother of Dr J S Moore appear»*«! in the Bass, a m >rt ol w ild we- lol lows : come into the Order. ’You wid driv» j Shoul«i the plan be put in operation tux? _______________ file«! in the office of th grand metli a! EART DISEASE Is curable. "For over I portion. Through thu perspiration an* »f this city S>:«-n«»N L the ohl men out n you a luj. »he cladsi- ' nere one assessment wouhl be due and forty years,” writes Daniel Myers of examiner and ihi ty three new lodg«-8 | dust the (ullowing as«ay w as made ol I h.u a granite si leaalk b«» constructed THE BASEST SLAVERY lie»!, ’ is a common expression wi.n pav able each mu :th, if require 1, without' Two Taverns, Ba., on Aug. 10, l«v6. Change in * i* Freight. the party. Siu* ff iliatl, county tress j upon thu w»*si side of Fourth bir»*el, from organized- Wba’. will be tlie eft. ct ul those who have not given the subjec* notice, according to age ami tiie amount “I suffered with heart disease. First a slight Commencing luguu 9 a through tri urer Bartlett, Dr. Kremer and II. ilarih, 1 tie Intel section ol Fourth and F. streets, this splendid record on the snpren.e Many ci’izens of California h»' • palpitation, gradually growing worse. Then carelul i bought Such lias not been in» ■ as fix * I by the table, but only twelve as- jurisdiction for ihe year 1397? S'mply shortness of breath, sleeplessness, smother vrekly fruidit will be put on to leave who were on a *luer ami heir humin» I northerly to Evelyn avenue. signed a petition to Pre»i•h»nl McKinle «licet in those juri.-tl.cUuns where it has «essments jould be called in any one ing sensations and much pain in the region tins: in»teadof isceiving *153.003 reh«*t, 'ortland Mondays, Wedn«*«dayA and F ri trip, ami were joined here by Senator praying him in his annual ineaxage t HxcriON 2. been applie»l. 1 hey can not afford to ^.o ear. Should tiie losses in any jurisdic- ' of tho heart alarmed me and I consulted a as »he did in 1896. California will no' ays at 8 p. in, Ashland, \Vi*dm*sdavH, II ai mon ami proceeded to B< ar cainp. congress to re<‘oinineiid to that law mak built uul, there is n«» place lor them to go ’ion require a greater num than the physician. Receiving no benefit I tried Said granite sidewalk bhall be require more than $7 ipMO r-Ii t for the Fridays and Sum! «vs at 7.30 a. in. Outside of a pack anima) vamoosing ami ing body to pats a»» act looking to th others and a number com- fhe young men are g >ing out very la«, inmunt raised hy twelve assessments th«* yea» 1897,ami in the near future will le of remedies, spending suppression <4 tiis elav«» traffic anmin I’heso trams will handle only throng J tin* Dr. using lat ii .«wear wor Is ut th i uii »er the supervision of limst»eut under the level plan, and are seeking , X* •••*« would l»e paid from the relief fund a large amount of <ill loads, ami will pick up «m h loa«ls ai roughness of ttie country, the party leit ' m tie •. ai follows : being six feet wi ie, a 1 enabled to stan I alone, flius, in ot e the Chinese, e*|»eciaUy in the c ity <» Mlles’ money, but finally be . levatlons »hall be removed ami depres yea: am) in one j iri-diction, the clas.-i- Maternal protection in oihcr orders tha* »1 lhe entire Order. Il a less a nount is •cal stations. here in goo I spirits, San Francisco. came so bad that it was »ions filled, sous to make a good grade, tied plan will have save«! $*3.000 to the «»Hi r a more fraternal prot»c:iuu. ui. ncessarv lhe assessment*« will not be No«. 31 ami 32 will continue to run That slavery of the bun st sort exi-t unsafe for me to leave Noticing that the «la-hing young bach I Hee loro® thin subject w«• q i«»te Iroui the r«*port <». , !**vie«l each mouth, hut only as funds ■»ily north ol Ji nction City. South of ulors oi italic«» are a lonely lot, but with | i and conforming to Hie grade ol Fount! general reln f fund. home. I commenced among Chinese hi San Francisco an * hic U Hoalth using Dr. Miles’ Heart \our commiti<*e d*»es not think it ad the advisory committ e, found on pa/» it«* retpiired. miction City they will run tri weeklv. visible means of siipp »ri, 1 have concln I I -Heel as lar as practicaole. atur oilier coast cities where then* ar«» man In the classified scheme perfect equity Cure two years ago ■*.«v ing Ium iion < ily Stimlay«, Wedm*H •1« *1 to «*puii a marriage bureau iu con -ix i .dies in depth ol vvuiiv gianite tmali visable to encumber this report with 12, ot their report to lhe suprein«.? lodg« , Celestials 1* certain. Negro »Uverv g uid justice is M*ciire<l in distributing the For eighteen months I have been well. Al tabulated staiistics, but a few are neces I8u7. lavs and Fri lays, ami Ashland, Mon- nection with operating a pack train. <c lain thereon and thinly p-tcaed. a deep hold on thisconnhy before civi though 72 years of age I can go where I wish ‘ •The matter of adverse selection ul payments amuug its members in exact and I sleep all night and wake up as cheer bxcrioN 3. sary in onler to thoroughly comprehend iays, Wednesdays ami Friilays ization even attempt» «1 to toot it on Yiiiing la*lie« wishing to procure hu« ¡entrants and withdraw i« but litih proportion to the c*»st each is to lhe Dr ful as a babe and completely rested.'' fhe tollowing sums ar«? hereby ari- tne vital imp »rtam-e «1 the subject. The present condition of affairs h not ’ l Lauds of a K omlyke s »ri will please ad I .UMI \ I '<»»>( Dr. Miles Remedies are sold by all drug January 1. I*.i7 there were 6979 mem umlerslu< ii. Ti.e succos in mo-t j iri - ier. No discrimination is made between be com (Mired in extent to that <»f th» die-s me It will be necessary to send su-su»l against the several lots as In low gists under a positive guarantee, first bottle oi Lowell Roach, a young m in from \«il- bers in go.xl Hiamling in <>regon. I he dict'ons is mea-urei by the «pian.t y lie young.mid.lle age»l or the old. E-cii benefits oi money refunded. Book on Heart negroes, lor there may not be in tin i photos, *'i not for pubin at iun hut a* a *et forth, aa the proportionate shire build- and met with a serious acchlent at Mu r each, of theexpense incUired tn fo.lowing table allows the number in rather than the quality oi new member.-* «ge ha*»ts proper valuation of risk and and Nerves sent free to all applicants country more than two or three thou* guaiant« e <>i good faith,” a- tin* editors in Tuesday, while making his w ay DR MILESMEDICAL CO., Elkhart. Ind* ing »aid sidewalk. each period of classification, thu amount There has naver yet been prepared a in equitable m -asure each contributes to ami souls, but for heimjusn»' « it surely say Old maid'» will commit a great lot Amt wnicii wouhl be paid by each class on a table of lapses ot a iy valuu as a guide the ii;ces*ary cost, and shares equally in is enough to can»* the inhabitants of th north on the freight in s« ar» h ol w iurk. error by *-»*nding photos <»l voiingrr amt Notice of Meeting of H.»ar«l ol OWNER. 1 lift 0 I a ngle aa&essiueni lor a fraternal society. In Hie ol«l ruin- i the benefits derived. Old members on le had mad»* the <li«innce from \-hlaml Equalization. Mis E OreAil . under the infernal region* to blush with shame !• 24 15 OJ Handsomer M'teis. »i-teis. ami 1 will w ill guard pame« members do not lapse at the ages reaching the axe of 55 aiu protected from 1 1» 00 viz : know that innocent and help uss gir ► o Meihn all right, but at Mtrlln ttiu against old bachelors »ending my picture C 11 l’r< »cdtt . . Notice ir herebv given that the county Dura G Howard 21, 22, 23, etc , tip to 35. in such an ex excess bv the listribution ot tiie added b«»ard of equalization will atten«l at the reignt »ide tra» k« »1 to give t >e p.«**s<»ii. er 12 15 HI Class. M embers. Rate are sofii into bomlag«* for evil purpose* Amount. to lure genile hearlM »ver th • ro ;h an I J A Ballon.............. t I 15 0) 18 10 Ji cessive rati*» as they do in fraternal so -mn needed to maintain the risk, being offfoe of the county clerk on Angust 30th, rain the main (rack, and in making the in; fl 20 I 128 40 Some few fanath s (? *o < all»*«l. have ‘Ira. Emma Schmidt . 12 nariuw trails toGalic«*, fix. 15 I u 1 25 tu 29 462 1 30 «• O.uO cieties. The effect of this exce«»iv« divide»! per capita among th«* entire mem- 1897. for the purpose of publicly examin Marg,»rut A Rout . . . I been calling attention to this aubj»-« t for ■ reighl again young It a» h slipped and 15 II .11 tu 34 898 1 44 1,293 12 lapsation ol lhe younge r aged memlans iiership, thus emphasizing tiie fraternity ing the assessment roll anti correcting J i> .*tin«*baugti . . 12 Ivcihv limi« a long time without any one's taking hi* f«s>( was » aught and run over by the 15 (i I : 35 10 39 ail errors in valuations, descriptions, etc. 1332 1 66 2. 11 12 in a Iraternal wrcieiy i> a constantly m lor wh.cii lhe \ (). Haigh I Hey ........ Mil go proudly a heels, lie wm brought immediately oh 30 h«*ed thereto, but nines the Italfickei» E clvs B ollock , 40 to 41 I >29 2 02 3.« »**.5* U e are having amoky w cat her. Camp- >clmol «list No 23 . . 1 2> 0 > 1 • tu 4 * Assessor. 1161 2 62 3.0 r. ». ». 0 creasing number of run uni ig member« 1 -lands, were the sclieiue adopte»! in thi s have become so b<»l»l the p«-oph* «»I < all to (his place, and lb* Moore and Kre era have left files, whi< Ii rapidly spread Irene L Fry................ 2 > <0 . 50 ami uvur 148* hi the huher ages in proportion to en m» r a . ii p ilated the limb jurisdiction it would give new life to the Mr*. Rua» h, 3.65 5,197.2* File»» B Ur.imer fornia are move«l to action and lhe» 5 t 0» in lhe »Iry leaves and bru»h. The Grandest Remedy trant a with each years « xpeii» nee.which | * «/rder, encourage the young to hold Lucy McLean ......... 3 25 u) seem determined, a« t’ ey should be, In* boy's mo hi r was st nt h r and is now 6979 115’tkkj 16 in l»me resu.ts iu an abnormally high , -teadíast ami the old that the protection . . . \ match game of bane ball was play rd Lieu Ii Kelly* Mr. K. B. (¡reeve, merchant, uf Chilhowie, wiih her sun. 50 0 » that something must he done. between the Allhmi»e Mild Kerby boys, Juhli F Kelly . . . 6 From these figures it will be seen that iost. The most natural reason to be > oi their families wrili be secure. It will > a., certifies that he had consumption wa.* 25 OÛ Xnoilit i Ituiiuwa) given up <o »lie. sought all medical treat- Hallie Bai her............ It is to be hoped that cong<»e8S «ill ilu* game vmtevl hi favor uf the latter. it wouid have required, under the classi ’ t juml for this excessive lapsation in the also unable lhe Onler to coin pete sue- j tuent that money could procure, trie«! all lake action and pas« »«»me law when b SaiH-x .1 »’as. 1> 15 11. L Truax ha« b eu casting about i ‘ fied system, eight asse«.*ments in order 1 young« r age«i meml»erH is • hat they find | ! c-MMfully with it* many rivals now in the ‘.o,1iih remedies tie could hear of, got no re The new hotel kept bv Geo Fluyd i* bel -pent many night* sitting un ia a* hair the people Will l»e able to wip«» «»ul thi« fur some time in ttie h»»|«e ol s< curing po to have raised the sum of ^*116 00), as they a-e paying prepurn »natrly iy«»rv I ueld, and remain the oldest, most secure •v a*» iii«lure«l to try Dr. KingsNew* Discovery 'i»»ing a rushing l*u*Hies« “sut'cesa to you curse, and if nce«i la* hang every Ceh « foshm of a horse that would run when And tlm auditor is hereby i in-*rmte»l to »lemamled by tin* liensticiary fund in and wax »ured by u-e of two bottles For urmg»*.” ihat >« what you aet by hav 'ur their protection than lhe onler mem and best fiateruity the world has ever tial e.igaged in the hu-inc--, higher than I,.- wall*.«* I it to blit at no utlltr lime, enter th»» »ame upon the d' l'H ke» of city pa-t three y ear- iia- been attending to busi Oregon in the v« ar 1896 One a>A«-» know n. ing good cook* and pietly girls. ; ben«, ami therefore quit and leave ti.e ileus. pr»»v bled h »w»*vur, lhal ihu owner ness.and say« Dr. King’s New Discovery is Haman. H I. ih«'Ughl he i»a<l just lhe animal, men! would have raised |15,t66 16; uider members to pav ¡or their protic j the grandest remedy ever made, a« it ha* I *itwyer ha« been haling hay n>r 1'1 or ownersol any ot said lots may con Brothers, your cuKinittee »re fully1 done -o much for him ami al«o for others in but in* has » hange«l hi« mind. Mond ty «truct his own cznfoiiuiiy eight assessments would have raided lion alone, with lhe co^t inci»ient to (lie AN INDEPENDENT PRESS. McCann, trying hi* new baler. He will o I h»* mdinam e. pc< \ id-* I lh<» »aim* is »»»re ot ttie l»ct that the subject ol i his community. Dr. King'.« New D;-«overy Mr I ruax ami K'»v B»>ol weir riding be have about 4» tuns to bale tvefore be ■ lone to I Im sa 11-1 a« I ion ot i h • street com 1125,330.28, leaving a surplus over the age ot the older inembt r«. The ab"\e ■ .»•*!‘iii -.i i* not at .ill under- j . i« guaranteed tor Cough.«, (’old* ami < on- The necessity lor an iml« pemlent, non hind the Imrse admiring its g»»od | nt* ’•umption. It don’t fad. Trial bottle* free ropiiremeniH uf lhe benetiLiary fund of we find to l»e a normal exp»!rienc**, even h-rstood by the tn jtt.ber.hip throughout at mittee on or be lure >«piemt»vr .1st m*»v rs th<’ ma» him» to some o her farm . F Kremer's Drugstore. partisan press is lM*c<»unng in *re appar and keeping a weather ey«» <qtn t<»r f ».333 28 »897. T homas * mith wnli an abnormally low d»*aih ami a-- lhe jurisdiction If it were, the adoption 1 Ni«’ku.«*'n. Bi« Nauvke, Will ent every day. The stump ►p« ak»r is faults, wht*n the carriage w heels w »11 l'he eight a-'cs-ments would have cost segment rate But it s.i mid be borne FOB HALE. •d ti.e plan would not be delayed an hour. giving pla» u to ih<* m-wspspur, and the into a rut ami «tarih J lhe horse, Ihm rr«fvthen ami Stanley have just re the individual members of ea» h class as distinct y in mind that the rale of l.q»- Sum .thing to Know. >»e ought toact in the matter at lhe com 1OO act«* of land, with an - foot masres, wi»*» were once mov»*«l at th«* was i lor a lively spin So turm«l home Saturday from a trip (<• tin- follows, viz satioa among the younger aged entraii s mg seMion of !»!»;, and not wad until ditch which water ot the came covers may be worth something to know ihat Ci ass I ai will of some magnetic orat* r, are n* »v the I a tm first dumuh*h great Or» g«»n caves. They report bavin» •.» H in a fraternal society wid materially ami the lingers of our present sitúan >n have 10() acres. al»o a mill Rite with pen «toe» ver» l»e*«t mrdi» i ie lor re-l»»rin»( the li.i i hr ei j y ab e outing. «• •» being quietly mould* d thr »ugh ttie i- Illg 1 Mr. Truax and 25 ami about feet of flume; l(K) acres I »»ul nerv»»u« - em t»» a I ealthy vu»<r rapidly increase in lhe number of assess overtaken us. 30 eme of the silent mcs-engeis that enter Roy Mr. and Mr« So»tk«* ami two s ns will go so f.i-l and they teheed ami 50 acres in grass*»!»; 1 large I»-, .ri Bitter«. I lli- medi- i >e i- puriey ments, when all are paving t«i lai It is uf no u-e to consider any other barn, 1 small one and «1 welling house, 4 ’table, a 1« by giving tone to the nerve every home. Tlial lhe pre»» i*. for th« got < • ran »«•»« ral bl«.>CMh have heie in a lew d.iv* !<»r (ilemloia, er« in the -torn.i-'ii, gemlv -naiu.a.«*’ 40 ■«mo lots without reasrd io age of a i- p an by which we may seek (o ex ept lhe with 4 >0 winter apple trees. moat part, bitterly and enfaHlv partisan turn» *1. lhe («ova will enter college there ■i« ami I: « ii w«‘hi l>» Liver and Kidn«*v «. nn«l ai»l« the-e <»r- H I • mission. W «• would ref» r ’o the lorim r present membership (rum its operation. 40 ■ ■*- ■ laud j Uning the ab vtj i in throw ing oa Hiipuriiie*ot the bloo»L in the pl*mentation »»I the p««!.« n*- upon «king a «in■’»• around Ilu . have iente<| their lann to Join» 50 ¿5 w-re« fenced, with waler right; snd «•xperium e oi New \ urk, Pennsylvania. «ric Bitter« improve lhe appetite, ai«i« The supreme law does not a it bonze it, which tiie parti«« «livid»* is b«-y«»ml *pt- *- 1 »v «« r« »i.«»ing h i» Vmlrr.-»« ii uf Kerliv. •»lion, and 1« proimuncmi by tho-*»* w ho Illinois and kahiurnia, and the ctirreu; nur will the supreme lodge ratify an in ■6)a» re« within a mile of the above, 20 u res leuced, 9 acres plowed, with water lion. Ii>«• tea*I <»f a <alm pf« -< n'ai i <» ii > f Bl • i; a* the ver» In*-I bh»od puriner am! t I i.e velik'h* was Ml«- R hv W’.ipp’w m I .»I el.»8«*«| Aug- »*xi»t*rieiice uf Michigan for proof ui the « o ilion on the general plan proposed, r,gbt. Apply to e b»ni' I iv n >old tor or $1 <»o acts ami of principles « arulul y weigh- I -t ! M •»• W hipp is going tu tin* Wil »ottie ai W I Kremer - Drug *mre al»ovtf.” G. '.V. HbxiB, fliis pan ie the emanation ol careful 7 8 - Williams, Oregon. there is, too often, an apfwal to prrjudi- ROGUE RIVER COURIER ; tvs and to party mter**sts. An economic WilliAin« lirruw <1* Vuotili IES, I l RXISli THEIR Beautiful Funeral Car FREE to Patrons buying the better grade of Coffins and Caskets. (io to this Company for anything in the line ot Furniture,Carpets, Wall Paper, Window Shades or Picture Frames. LEADERS OF LOW PRICES DANIEL MYERS, H I TODAY WE PLACE ON SALE 10 PIECES OUTING FLANNEL, PINK AND BLUE, FIVE CENTS These goods are exceptional values at 85 cents, and as the colors are light and patt3rns are small, they are very desira- ble for Night. Robes and Childrans wear THE BIG CASH STORE R. L. COE & C9.