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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 12, 1897)
T hursday . A ugust 12, 1897. JaulLNon County Notes. J U. lake came in from Althouse last Friday. (CoirnNl’fcD VHog viaar eaoa.) THE WEEK S JOTTINGS H. Boot1’ o( Met Im was in town Wed Snowy Butte again lead, the market. ti. W Ikirwin went to Sau Francisco There ate at least a dozen fruit cars a* nesday. Wednesday. the de^»ol in Ashland Clemens, Druggi»'. epp. Opera lloiiee. Shoe# repaired at Hackett’». Mt*a l.illie Patty went to Ashland John Saunders came up from Wolf The Southern pioneer* will m »f*t in W. li. Hanairan, physician .urgeon U. St. Luuix mo'int« gold nnggeto. Wedneaday. and dentist. creek Monday. Ashland rburrday, S ptvm er IS. 7. Orange«» and lemoaa al Bartlett*«. Janie« Porter of R.^eburg was -een ou See our * i * ki »1 prices on clothing.— R. F. Miller of Jack* creek was iu ' Geo. M Love and wife, with Mr. ami Ue no satisfied with conducting a good grocery tore • our street* thi* week. Gel your ive craam at Redfield * STRONG Hurth and Son. town last week. Mrs. Mike Haw ley have gone out to Har the best only satisfies us-the best quality of goods at the Mis* Jesaie Seovill will teach th* Cen snowy Butt« flour at J. M. Child*. ney count* for a muwlba vacation. Wall paper 10 cent* double roll at the John Whitehead of llappy Cautp.Cal., best prices—best for our customers. That pleases you-that tennial «.-liool next term <i PF A C Co. is spending a few days in loan. laptaiii Drown of Grant’s Pas« wa« in Tea« B. A M. handle Snowy Butte flour. 1 at our expense Colic«*« pays us. We carry the BEST line of Coffees and Teas in Mart 'll Veatcli of Galtce «pent satur 12 t* x>”< parlor matches tor 10 «•ill II. Cunningham and faintly of <>old the county last week neg<>tiaiiiig for a Seiet, s Freeh vegetables every «lay at Bart- Fx»ra*t» town. Chase & Sanborn s celebrated Coffee will please the ' letl’*. day and Sunday in the l ‘ a*«. or boxes for 25. Mach A Pike. saw mill or bis mine on the iliiuoia kwder .■ if you're net pleased Hill, spent Sunday iu Granta Pass. I most fastidious. This grade is 40c per pound, and is abso Leave your order for fruit and berrie* Sweetland A Co. always have a Marshal Keenan mad* a trip to Med fu) Work lias already been commenced on river. ford last Saturday on bu*incss. goal supply oi choice cuts of meat. A band of about (id horses were driven | lutely pure. Broken Java, 15c per pound. Then we have at Mash & Fike. the Reltkopf brick on Sixth street. a good one at 20c per pound, and a still better one at 25c It you want fieah fruit for canning Tlie beet place m town to get your Mr*. Goodell ami Gail Benson returned C. Mingus came down from Ashland through the valley dm ing I lie laatoi th« | aiioea repaired is at Hackeita* liarne.» Monday from a few days visit at Merlin. last Wednesday to visit his son, Dr. E week Iron» Idaho, on their way to Hum I per pound. Then ve have all grades of Green Coffee from eave your order at Bartlett'*. boldt county, California. ai.d shoe »l.op. Ben E. Stahl came up from Galice dingus. 20c per pound up to 35c per pound New supply of uall paper at the (¡rant* creek Saturday to *| h ' h J a week in the The regular quarterly examination ol A grea: deal of interesting matter was in John II. IX'uula* of Spokane is Pass Furniture dt Casket Company. And a good one can be told by applicants fur certificates will be hel«l at crowded out thia week oil account of Paas. of lirnats l'a»s working in the interest (¡0 to the Novelty Candy Store for a every housekeeper who usei the Jacksonville court house Wednes lack of space and time. 8. Simpkins and faniilv left Tue*<l.) the onic lodge. nice dieu of ice cream Conklin build day, August 11, at lOc’clock A. M. our Spices. There are very few for Eureka. Col. They made the trip The merchant who tells you be has Ralph Hutch of Ashland was seen on ing Front an«! Fifth. thirty men are at work constructing a spices iu the mar ket today that something else a.* good a* Hoe Cake soap witii wagon*. old mfr streets shaking hands with The Opera House meat inarke« i* ditch ami laving pipe for the Ashland ! is a good man—to keep away from. Mrs Creed of Chicago with two child friend» this week. are really ai d entirely pure. headquarter* fur tlie kind of meal you Elec ric Light Jc Power Co. Thi« will ‘ ren arrived Munday morning and look Yellow washing powilerwill makeyoui It is so easy to adulterate them Mts. R J. Everitt went to Colstein want lu gel—the best. enable he company to increase its str- clothes the saute co.or. Avoid tins by the stage (or Wilderville. Monday. She will also visit Me Iforu and so che.qiun their cost that Two good miich cow* for sale cheap. vice materially. May Lovelace, who live* at Igerns before leturning. using Soap Foaut. It's pure white. most every manufacturer does Ue can give you your choice of seventeen different kinds. Y'all on or address W. A. Matchi'tt. 41.,» Ikiii’t be misled into buying soap that California, i* in th* county visiting re I Ralph Hutch, has sold hi* interest in ' Mr* Xora Spurlin went to Roseburg the photograph gallery to Mrs, Mar j it. We believe, however, in The large sales of our 30c Spider Legand 5oc S. D. Japan miles east uf Grant’s 1’au. attv. ’ son Williams creek. contain* marble dust, talc and other ruesilav. From there she will go to gar«»t Herrin, who ha« been in charge ot Have your dealer keep Snowy Bute. the economy of using absolute speak well for the excellent quality of these Teas. Mi** Allie Pool returned la*i Wedne« Portland for a slioit lime. worthless tilling Buy Hoe I ake and save the gallery (or «onie time. Mr«. Herrin The (¡rant* Furniture and Cask the wppeiis. ly Pure Spices. Good cooks day from an extended visit to Ashlan i Eddie Binns and F. L Smith left Sun- w ill conduct the business in the future. et Co ha« a fnd aupp y ot carpel* aud Prospectors with pack animals loaded Medford .uni Central Point. sometimes have poor luck be lav morning tor Crc’cent t ir_,. They matting. Come and ?ee them. William Heeley, an ohi time resident tor the iii»iiiitaina and camper* with W. E. Dean *|>ent Sun lav in Jackaoi. • xpect lobe absent three or four weeks cause of poor material. A of Jacksonville, left Saturday for Port J Pardee ha* purchased the E E aagon loads of camp conveniences are ville. He wa* o i lit* wav home from a small -poottful of our “ JJ.J- The fruit crop in South Douglas county land, thence to Clond' ku. Mr. ile«*le\ Dunbar cottage on sixth street un i will seen on our streets daily. |iro*pecting tour ill ippiegate. is unusually large tin* jaar. Prune tisH been street commissioner for Jack .UOA'.l” spices will season move into it the !a*t of the month The C oikixk this week received the Mr. Perkin* of Drain, a brother of tree* w Iticb have been too small to bear aonville for many years past. as much as a whole tablespoon See those sponge stutF -d sweat pad» at Oregon Agricultural Catalogue for ’ttti-7 W. r Perkin* of tin« city, went to Crer any considerable amount until this year Parties inter«»ste«l in th« Elk creek ful of ordinary cheap spice. Hackett’s They absorb the sweat an«l and ainioiincement for 'US. It* 5(> pUgt-8 i-ent City the firs’ of the week. are loaded to breaking down It i* e«'i mines have organize«! a joint H’ock com Keep tlie horses shonldcis dry a> <1 ate full of infotuiation concerning tie Why ? Because ours are ab Mi-* Iza Djkewill leave the la«t o< mated that there will be 1,000,14)0 pan v called Hie Mining Comp my with • ool. college course, etc. solutely pure, lu-ing put up by the week lor l.elrml. She will teac!: pounds of dried prunes from this part ol headtpiai ters nt P«>rtlan i; capital si uck J. \V. Howurd has put hie accounts in C S Koteriinind ha* «'cured the con the next tc r.S in the Kerby distiict. the county and should tins product bring |4(M) (MX), they w ill handle th«*ir ore by the Pure Food Company, of he hands of J. A. Jennings and those in tract for tbe carpenter work on the new Mi«* Kiltie Moore returned to her I cents pet pound, then» would bo $30,- the Beam furnace proce*i and have »« nt San Francisco, and are doubly debted to Mr. Howard Mill save niouey I. O. O. F. hall. Coron «& Son w ill do the Imine at Salem l’u**lav evening, after • >iM) to distribu'e among th* fruit men foi east for machinery which will arrive in strong, and lull weight. The bv payingtheir account* immediately. Hntii’g The contract for the brick work an enjoyable visit with Dr. Moore'« fam prunes only. September or October. prices, too, you will notice, are I ha* nut vet been let. Burning,itching skin disease* instant!) ii,y J. <' Barnes,an expert in < a’mining, reasonable. Quarter pound Field Days Art Aasuretl SuvceNS. John T. Flynn, a real-estate boomer relieved bv DeWitt’s Witch Hazel Salve, Mr. J. \\. Hunt of Kerby gave u« a a gentlvnittn who has had mu« h to «Io can* of Pepper, Mustard, Gin unequalled lor cuts,bruises,burn*;it heals well known in this section, is located at pleasant cal! last week. He went away The gentlemen inicresied in the pro with coal in the east, has given the without leaving a scar—W. F. Kremer. Chicago, w here he is suceeMtully con leaving us bap)>v with something to jin poned field day# for Gram'» Pa»« have- ger, Allspice and Sage we are Evans Creek coal a thorough lest and The Plaindealer sav* “J. M. Tremble ducting a magazine called the “Gentle- gle. heid «wo meeting* this week an«! have pronounced it the pure anthracite, Th. selling at ioc. of has arrived in the city am! will mun Farmer,” says The Times. Prudent housewives find Mrs Mary Montgomery, Mi«h»r to Mr« done an immense lot of outside work, so mine now shows nine solid feet of «•• al “They don’t make much fu«s shout it’’ remain permanently. He will lie a**oci- Ixmgley moved to Glasgow, Montana, j dial the field day will be an assured sue md’the slate streaks which were found that they make their table al We are speaking of De Witt ’ s Little Early tied with Hods« n and Hamlin who will last week where «he will reside perma cesa, a* the financial pail has in a great when the vein was first op ned ait lowance go fartbest at Calhoun go into the general blacksmithing busi Risers, I he famous little pills for consti- nently. measure arranged for. pinching out. It is «aid that the coal Bros., where prices ate uni An executive committee wa* appointed can be put into the valley tow ns fur ft» ness. They will erect a bui ding forth- ! pation,biliou'n-**s and all stomach and Ross l’atton w«*nt to Portland Monday I liver troubles. They never gripe — W ’ . F. to have the whole charge of arrange with on the corner of Lane and R-ise formly low—quality uniformly per ton. — Tidings. evening. He think.* strongly on I Kremer. ments and to appoint such other commit street.” high. A h « rioiiM runaw as accident occurre«! to Clondvke but had not quite made up lees as may be necessary. Thu commit Calhoun Bros, for Snowy Butte flour. Hoe Cake soap and Red Seal lye are it Jacksonville Satiirdav morning in | his mind. tee is made upas follows: Dr. Van made by P. C. Toinson A Co., who haw Don’t let the cat lick the dishes but V. 1. Plummer, of the firm of Sweet D ku, ci airman ; J. A J« linings, W. I. vhich Mrs. Man I'. Kime was 4 lite >•* i national reputation for pure and high make nice soft soap with Soap Foam. riously hurt. Hen>y Murray. a vegeta- land A Co.. 1« ft Saturday night for Ba Coburn, J. >. Purdom ami F. Fet.-ch. .rade goods. Direction« on the package. »le dealt»r and a little son to Mr. Colvig ker City, where lie will engage in th«» The »•(>'18 wiu be mil for two days J. N. Vuorhie* writes from the fish were riding in Mr. Murray’s wagon when i’he A J. Anderson Commitsion Com mining business either the last of August or the first o. tiatchery at Eik creek that the giant pany will slii|> another rar of peaches, 1 pirtimi «»t III«» li irn'».•<* giv * way and Rev. R »burl McL'an, G S. l’erson*. September, ami a ill cm-ist of hose con- l>owder fiend* are at work above them plums ami pears Thursday or Friday. Tightened the spirited horse, Wil! Irelan I and R•»»•and Bert » McLean tests, ball games, ad kinds of racing ami and «lead salmon fl*mt d >wn and lodge This company does their packing at the iiorse became unmanageable an«l are on a fishing excursion to Bybee field spurts. «guin-t the «lam ili«*y are building B nto Mis. Kime’s cart, oveitnrnmg M warehouse bridge this week. Tlit* next meeting will he held al tin dr«. Kime was thrown viol« nt y to Tuere is quit«* a tor«*e of men busily en A new fru't shipping company lias W. J. R• »gors and \V. T. Perkins w«*nl | city hall rue-lay evening, and the c m ¿round ami ih«» cart overturn««! on gaged in building the lialchuiv, dam | oeen «»rginiz , l umler the name of the io Crescent Ciiv on their wheels the first ' mittve wi-li to see a’I the citizens win ¿ramlson who was also in th«* «art. flumes, etc. Miller—Perkins Fruit Company. II. H. I of the week. They will spend a number ! Hre interested ill making the Field Day p vlnrrav ami vonng Colviz went lo Miller ami W. r.Perkins are the gentle .Alining Items. a success. of days at I h«< Coast. uodittanee of Mr*. Kim«* wliil«» horse* men composing ’lie company. They ( Internal Revenue Collector, A. J Sail Ending t«» a II tint md vegetable« Were f peeding <l«»w n the J W. Robintoii of Winter wn* in town will <1«) their packing in the ti. P. D. A 1. I Barlow received orders last week to j •V< <ln<’-’iay and brought in Home gold warehouse. Mi Kirk of Wolf (. reek was hunting treat. Mrs. Kiim» anpears to hav«* r«» make a ‘rip through t..o Klamath coun lu»t. deer near (»olden Sunday ; ami hearing eive«l serious internal injuries, while Tin re is a lime for everything ; ami th«» dmrav's hors«» was belly hurt and th«» You serve to vourguestscre- A. W. Fox, of th.- Free ami Easy mini- time to attend to a cuhl i« when it atait*. try to collect revenue h i tiHlin * in th«* bu*hcn, hw hid behind » a!i». J. S. Magladrv of Merlin, af’rr i. lump ol brush until the deer, as he sup vagon a total wrieck. it K* i by, went to S-tit Fram-i-co Tue* Pon’t wait till you have consumption at’’-. as <1;.(inct an impression • lay for a couple of weeks «lav. but prevent it by On«» MinuteCough Cure spending a couple ol weeks at the home j p<»-«»d, «lion!«! approach nearer. " hvi among them as your silver, < I’y Council A ditch crew oi (rout 2 I to 25 men i- the greatest remedy for cough«, colds, of Mrs. L. M. Kane of this city, went about 10 paces away Kilk shot. waiHm your linen or your china. If Tim city council met in rt-gul tr *'•* kept bi:*y working on the five mile ditch croups, bronchitis and all throat ami away last Frhlay night. a moment in the ho|»e that others migh you want extra nice Tea, and mm Tlim*.| ty evening, \iigu-t 5, ami Dr. Mingus, I] E. Dunbar, Harry for the Victory mine at < lendale. iing troubles—W. I Kremer. • i>e following Heming nothing moi« the very finest flavored coflee, rnnaaclr.l ill* iolluwi 'g***: l>r. pence of Kerbv knows how to Dunbar and Johnnie Booth made a trip Kirk went to nee the result of his sin» Mr*, .la*. Baylor of the Gold Bug 1 li* amli ’ or w . ih iiiitritcic l to |>iibli*h t<» Ravage rapid* Sunday on then s heels. you can surely depend upon ! .mil there fotiml the dead lardy of E< mint’ went to I'orllait'l last week to meet ; prepare h e berries for market. He Fourth Ion«*«, a voting num about 30 years <«i irdinancw concerning north the “ h' l.]f()A\r’ brand. ’ from Keiby last week with a load They report a pleasant trip. relative* and friend* Izom the east. Mrs John GootlelI and children went age, who came to Wolf Cr«»«*k last winho •irwt *i<lc«alk Betttr be sure than sorry. !> F. Brandt of |,os Angele«, Calif , j of blackberries ml when he got to this It w** tlci i.l’ il to |>iircha»r 50) f.-*t of to Merlin Friday night to vitut while iruin Lagrande. Col. Jon«*« was kill«*« i my tiis berries were in excellent condi wa- ill the city the first of the week, ip ’ Hton* fir* h ■*><• for «1.0, delivered. tion. lfall those who have fruit wouhl , Mr. Goodall is away at the coast with instantly, the bullet entering the wide in le i* looking for a good quartz iniue. l'li* following bill* were ordered i ihe region of the heart. handle it lik»» Dr. Spence handles hi«, Mr. R A. Booth and lamily. Tinner at.d Saunder* came up from Of CofT es broadens daily. A •aid: Kirk is about 55 year« old and no buyers coul«l not complain. Hon. II B Miiler, who has been at ¡«lice Sunday with a sack of g"ld which printa donna cannot sing in very well known. Alter the shooting In I.Coron, repairing damage, on citv The cir. ii* train in »t with several ac- . New|M»rt, will remove with hi« family to they <li*jHj-’-d of at Jew, Il A Dodge'*. * 115 (Ml 11 a 11 went to W«dl Creek ami gave himself u| type, but a newspaper column < ¡dents after it ¡»-ft here. While luav- j Eugene in September Mr Miller visit I « isoli tk Wilffon. painting « ity hull to the Constable- We have just received our import order direct from the fact< ry R. J. Jenning* of Cottage Grove was mg Yreka, Calif., two- ar* left the track e«l friends in the l’.ib* last w«-vk. may announce Iter singing. 50'0 it tin city katurday looki’igttp mining ' W Coffman, hauling gravel 14 411 and rolled down a bank some «iistance We cannot print the richness (inatave \\ ilsou, the Russian vice con i A lit < ’ !*»•• livery property. Mr* t* inteieyted in Germany. It is specially adapted for fruit preserving 1 In \M»olf . I I 2'1 rhe damage done was small, however. sul at Portland, wa*on the Friday morn of tin- 11 tv it of our ll.l.MO- 3 ID V Iordan “ ”... * nine* al Co taze urove and ill the Slier !'♦•*« her "A *cl«e»p’ enamele«! «am*, \t si-M'ii the car ««mlaining tin* l»or-e> ing train lor San Francisco. Mr. Wil piece white inside, and blue or brown mottled on the outside 4 00 aeoif mines at Riddle. A\1 Co flee, but the pout can pan coet» 20 cent® am! laat* ihr«* I' B Elliott, extra polir»» work 2 > I (' Randi«*, special police . . wa* discovered to b<* afire, but the flame • son was the lir*l county clerk of Jose mniith.a. A Slrati*ky Htvel (imporled R G Luark catue tip from Silvei announce it. See our Window phine county. were soon extinguished. <me cust« 50 <ent* ami I hi I h rivv yrar .-* •reeK Wedtnielay to lot ile *ome plater It tieni* pvuytliinx *xvpt • brnkeu lie.rl Mrs. Fannie Feister revived* a tele A. I*. Bryant, traveling agent for th<* I Which la « h«*aper ?” nining ground He will visit A.hlait i ■ nay be *ui>l of II* Will’s Will’ll ll.izl* gram from Redding Tuesday slating Santa I «• Fruit and Refrigerator Lin«* Hie ah «le cla««: “ Stramiky alec •r a few day* ai <1 then go to Kelsey, s ave. Plies and r.’vtal .I’w.i*..*, elite, that litr lather. L. C. Oxindin, ha ! fallen was ill the < ity last week looking up bus- Aa«u, ’cause it lawt* for years” 'alii , to *|H*nd the wittier ■urli», brill*.’*.I*t*r. < i'Z m » ami all -kill from a freight train ami w ts killed. Tin i less for his company. He went t«» Teaclmr : ‘‘Where can it be had?” W \V and ti L. Hale left Monday a • ¡«1 nt probiblv occurr ed b,tw<‘Mi Ashland on Saturday. rouble* mu' be cure.1 li. it quickly and 1 in* cla*« “In Un* city only at Cra light for the Clontlyke g’Id field« pei manenti!—W F Kleiner. Raiding and Junction City, a« that was N. DtdamatiT an«l family of Kerby ar- mer Bron. Il ar«! vi are Store next to po«t lale Brother* owned a hydraulic mine hi* i gular run Mrs. Feiffter look th«* NEXT TO POST OFFICE. it Leland, winch they *ol I some three A'fd¡i«*s l<«v morning train for Re«lding. rived in tliecity Monday on their wav oilice. to Redding. Cal , where they will make FISHING TACKLE nontli* ago to J X Wilke of Medford M until D HARDWARE. A ladv at the depot Momlay evening th«‘ir future home They took th«» over Mr. B’-rden of the BorJea A Howell caused some little exciiement by rush-1 land south, Wednesday. «MS »EH—BULL— U Wilùerville Sua nine on Evan* ereek, wa* in townSatur- ing across the track only a few feet in d*y. VUgU*L8, M A. Cuilgef wild Mio lav getting pti < » on hardware and «tip front of the rapidly moving train. The1 J. W Hunt, W. T. Reunie«, A. N. 80- Ida Bull, .Squire Bruwn ufli< laliug. liss, J M Horton, ami Mr«, Wiight, pile«. Mr B ’rden *eya they are taking hearts of the onloo^r« gave a big jump. | B klLEY —-li AKPEK - Al ilio resideme t 12 utile ditch from Evans creek, and they saw the woman'« «Unger, but nil«» j the greater number from Jacksonville, ut J N. iiuirher, Oli William« crveg MOXMOl'TH, OREGOX Demands that Granite Iron slew pins I>e used, as the took the Crescent ( ’ ity stage Friday buoday, Angami rt, Brìi Bade/ am hat they expet t to lie working 3 ") men hastened up the street apparently mi-i morning for an at th* Coast. . mi « n Bara 1 far pur. J tu. ice Nippei iron kettle gives the preserves a ] eculiar taint that A TRAINING SCHOOL FOR TEACHERS. n a »l.ort time conscious uf anything unusual happ« n- R E. I’icr« »• «■( Williams creek left last j ulti latiiig spoils the flavor and renders the otheiwisc tempting There was a party of 15 young men ing. Plight ex|>*nse week f-»r Holton, Kansas, to look at the' Regular Normal 1*11.1*, Tuition, Books, Boar.' fi-otti Denver City, bound for Clondvke pres, rves almost unpalatable, We have a splendid as- Mr*. 1. <». Barden, mother of Mrs. R. course of three years, II«* i an«! Jxxiging (approx in Friday evening'« tram, among whom L. Coe of this citv, ami of Mrs. Scotch- I country with the view 4 locating sortinent of Granite ware and we can supply you with "•entor year* wholly BARREN — Al We^mglon, »South Daku imatelv) $ 135 00 p» ’ rnav take ft trip down into Texas to «ee professional. Train la, iuriu.iy, August J, Mrs. L <« Bai year. Stuflenl* boar«’ was W. X. Aiueabxry, city »'torney of brook, now of Wessington. S »nth Dako how he wiil like (hat part of Unde anything in that line you may need. ing department 0« li ol thI» place. in? them-« ive* |110 ,rand J unct ton. < 'ol , w II’» expic**e<i en- ta, died ruesday nialit at the home of rade* with 200 per year ire confident* in reaching the góhi the la’ter Mr. and Mrs. Barden left , Sam’s domain. ren. Aiaflerni«’ grade», R A Booth and family are sojourn ielde this fall. the Pa*« only a short time ago in the accepted from Higl Instruction Baker and < .lea-on are going to Open h«»pe of strengthening Mr« Bar«len'ff ing at Crescent City. They went over -clino!« Prepare for ,H>it by laying in an assortment of Fishing training in gymnas la*t Friday and will remain two nr three Ca’ahikfue* ch^er t|> their new mine on the llliti iis rivet health which ha«l been much weakened tics (Swedish Restent Tackle. Come in and look at our toils, reels, lines, fully rent on applica weeks to enjoy a rpiiet rest by the sea bv rlmtirnatisin Mr«. Barden had many ilxiiit one mH'' above the mouth of Sil ami vocal music lion. flics, etc We also have a good stock of guns, anuuu- public schools. ver creek. Mr. Baker was in town latt warm friends lie e who«le«-ply sympa Mr. Booth ha* been quite ill for a week I or more. nitiou and sporting goods- *eek lating tn a aupplv of tool* etc. thise with her family. Add ree* The Normal Government land inspector !. S. How readv for work. He think* they have a Judge Willard Crawford of this city ploma ia recognised 1' L. CziMI’HXl 1.. T V » y A1 ’ 5 - TÌ <• 4 *> bv law a* a S tatic Président rood mine and they into id t > develop it ba* bought out the lessee of the Tolman ard of M «*<lf< r<l with bis sun J sh Ifow’ard J.ira CiRTtricATE to A W a . x . s . tt on< e. **•> la «pring* above Ashland. The Judge E. A Bliss and surveyor Andrews are We have tdded Picture Molding«, teach. I acuite The well known Miller ledge on S il ha« alsj m id ■ arrangement« with Judge out in the Kerby s«‘dion of the roiintr' Furniture Coverings andUpholsten lier creek, abmtt 35 ntde* from this Tolman that when the lease expires lie looking up the government surveys M iterials. Porteires, Children s Car T'h»*se They will goto L'nippia when Ihrougli ’iigt-s Vetociped«, Tricvcle«, atn' plaee wa- sold last Thursday to A. F w ill continue to h )'<l poffsewsion .’».-I- n at.d .1 a ue* -ampson of Eureka. •prings an* situated about 10 miles with their work at K«-rLv. Expri ’-s Wagon«, House lining and Mr. King, one of Hie proprietors <»f tn k-, Ham mocks, Cnxptet. I'oldini alif., for ♦-G.dO.) in cash This i* a above Ashland, are 2M00 feet above s«*a V tillable property, a* the ore rima from level, alxjvc th»* smoke ami fog of the “Wheeling”, a cycling paper puhlishe • Camp Furniture. Clothes Hats and Judge Crawford inform« us in L?« Angeles, (’al., was in town Satur Racks, Music Racksand many other ,)• 0 to f 15 I a to ■ and exf» rts *ay there valley ----------- DEALER in ------- is from f I t in'to ♦" >.<»> worth in sight that tie will imme iiatelv s|>end a con «la). Mr. King is on his way from S »at «mall articles. We intend to make ■fe**r* Nelemt and S«mp*on are going siderable sum of money adding improve tic to San Francisco, making the trip our stock the most complete of it right to work on the prop-rty Jhey ments to th«» pU e so as to make it a overlaml on his wheel. He has ls»en kir.d in Southern Oregon. •hipped out a load of tupplie* Wedner winter resort a* well as a resort for the riding for about four months and ha* travelieif between 10 0 ami .'»(>30 miles summer. Corner Sixth and I Sts . Grant s Pass, Oregon. lav morning Will Jackson resident dentist. PERSONAL. I Nash A Pike t .r snowy Butte dour. Good, Not Good Enough Of Tut ‘ “ 'f f0Cp PROPOS' A Spicy Tale Come and examine the largest stock of Teas and Coffees in Southern Oregon. Every piece Warranted to last 5 Years Lour coats ot Enamel on Steel Ths Tea and Coffee S teli E nameled Tha Range \\ are Cramer Bros. The Puro Food Grocers. To Secure the Bc*t Result's in Piescrving I ruit OREGON STATE NORMAL SCHOOL Fish are Beginning to Bite Since Last Season Hardware. Ju .* -11 ¿0 U-uJu F. II. SCECIÆIIDT Agricultural Implements, |.R HALE. Gimme one of them BIG glns-es of soda fur 5 cents. Its the best 5 cent* worth lever seen. Ma says that and so does l’a. Our folks thinks this is th best drug store in town anyway.” IRON and STEEL. HARDWARE and WAGON MATERIALS. I n L lrge V ariety IN E R S The Cash Store Opposite Round House. Carnes a full line of Fancy and Staple < and Miners SupnV Flour. Mill Feed. Hav and Grain Choice Butter in 1 -th cakes and 2 rolls Full weight; Fresh Vegetables and Fruits every day Prices al! right: if good* are not as represented your money back. MASH & PIKE. NEW YORK RACKEIT STORE IS SELLING LOTS Ol GOODS. i -m ill boy” *»y« Dit« of propio agree with him »11 I *liow it, th mglt they don't tmt h in quite this way. H you don't agr,-e witii bin eonie in and Uy one of thouu "big'* gla*-e« yon ••■II. And that i* not all i ev Tythiog wo keep is the best i l it* kin I-' «la Waler, Dr tg*. Toilet Arltvluu, all tlie beat value fur the niouey. Our salo are increasing. What is doing it.’ Hie people have found out the New York Rouss sys- turn with our bottom values arc better to buy from than goods sold at cost, Anything you want ask for at the New York Racket Store. let Black Ink, 3c per bottle. Face Powder, 20c. Machine Oil. K per bottle. 1()c Leather Watch Chains for 5c. Shoe Polish, 12c nice l«>t of LaJio- Belts. All kinds of Lishing Supplies very cheap. Lace Ribbons. Tin and Granite Ware, Leather, Nail- and Cement. SMITH (lie F(X)t Fitter-N. Y. Racket Store. : national drlg store , hr. W. F. Krenter, Prop. Latest Forms! t OI’IGEH OFFICE