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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 12, 1897)
« An Independent Paper, Devoted Especially to the Interests of Southern Oregon. VOL XIII GRANTS PASS. JOSEPHINE COUNTY. OREGON. THURSDAY. AUGUST 12 yyiLLARD CRAWFORI) attorney - at - law . Itelaiion Between Parent* and Teacher*. practice« in ail Federal. State and Su pretue Courts. Notary Public. Pure Drugs... Properly Compounded Office at re« idenre—Third St. North G bant ’ s F ans , • • O regon OOBF.RT G. SMITH, Are very essential to the tecovery of every patient. To be sure of always getting the pure article go to the drug store opposite the po t office. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Practices in all State and Federal Court Office over First National Bank. G rant ’ s P ass , • • O regon EASTMAN KODAKS are OI> the way. Don’t buy until you have seen them. J JENRY L. BENSON. (-LEHENS, attorney at law . *rwrl*ll.» Draxfl.t. Practices in all Courts of the State Office over f irst National Bank, G rant ’ s P ass , - O regon . J^RTHUR P. HARTH. DOCTOR OF DENTAL SURGERY, WOLFF & ZWICKER Office over First Ndiomtl Baek, () aeg n G rant ’ s Pa»B, IRON WORKS OFFICIAL DIRECTORY. UNITED STATES. President......................................... William McKinle.' Vi *e President .............. Garret A Hohar [INCORPORATED] Secretary of State ............ John Secretary of Treasury ...Lyman J Gag- Secretary of Interior .............C S Biit- Secretary of War............. Russell A Algei Secretary of Navy.......... John D Long Secretary of Agriculture James A Wilsoi Postmaster-General ... James A Gan Attorney-General.. Joseph McKenna STATE OF OREGON. — MANUFACTURERS OF---- {Geo W McBride U. 8. Senators ... • ) --------------------- (Thos li Tongue Congressmen........ MV R Ellis Attorney General . . C a M Idlemai . . W I* lx>r<i Governor....................... .......... If E Kincaid Secretary of State. State Treasurer .... .... Phil .Metachan Supt Pub Instruction ........ GM Irwin ............ WH Leeds State Printer for iC E Wolverton . -¡RS Bean Supreme Judges Mining (F A Moore F A Marcum R R Commissioners -.J B Eddy / 11 B Compson ---- ALSO----- Clerk of R R Commission Lydell Bako Clerk Board School LamlCom . WHOdell BRIDGE WORK. BOLTS RODS IRON SHUTTERS CELLS FIRST JUDICIAL DISTIUCT. .Judge 11 K Hannii Western Division WINDOW GUARDS. DOORS. AND Ju«lge W C Hale Eastern Division Prosecuting , 1 ucw I...».»» •• Attorney ...7 ...J A J efTre \ Member Board of Eqnalizat AC Anldon U. ». LAND OFFICE ROSEBURG. Receiver ............ ..RS Sheridan Register................................ RM Vea’ch JOHEPH1NE cotNTY. Joint Senator. . . . ............C E Harmon J M Chile» .‘ORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. County Judge . ESTIMATES FURNISHED (Fred Croxton Commissioners {Dick George John Goodell County Clerk Sheriff....................... ............ J G Hiatt .......... H L Benson Representative Treasurer ............... ................. A Bartlett School Superintendent.... ...JD Haye» . . . Eclus Pollock Assessor . ..BO McCullock Surveyor . . Go to the---- ... Dr. J Meyer» Coroner........ PRECINCT OFFICERS. Justice................................... James Holman Constable .......... J H Colby CITY OF GRANT’S I*ASH. J VV Howard Mavor.. . J. E. PETERSON, Proprietor. . . Thomas Smith Auditor ... . .......... Col Johnson ALL PRESCRIPTIONS filled by Mrs C. M. Stone, a registered Phar Treasurer. . T B Elliott Street Commissioner . macist of twenty-three years’ experience, and Patrons can rely Dave Keenan Marshal............................ upon being served with accuracy anti promptness. fill’ Kinney I Harry Smith I C E Harmon Councilmen | T B CormdI I I t ieorge Calhoun Dr. Win 1* lannegan Regular meetings of th© city council ol Grant’s Pass are held in the, council rooms in the city hall on the fir-t and First-class goods kept in stock and at third Thursday evening*of each month. CIRCUIT COl RT prices, quality con-idercd. Meets on the thir«i Monday in April and the fourth Momlav in September. COUNTY COURT —ALL KINDS OF Probate court m«*els fir*t Mondav of January, April. July and >et»tvmb« r I County commissioners court meets t;re» Wednesday after the meeting «»f the county court. Portland Oregon Hydraulic Pipe And all kinds of Machinery Purposes. Cast-Iron Structure Work. FOR PURE FRESH DRUGS CITY DRUG STORE Groceries! sold the lowest Staple and Fancy Groceries HARDWARE. TINWARE. TABLEWARE. LODGE DIRECTORY. P aran E ncampment . N o 20, I. O.O. t meets 2nd ami 4th Wednesdays of each month in I 0.0 F- hall. W ill S mith . T. Y. D ean , Scribe. L * I. G rant * P ar * L oixjx . No. nJ, A.I- A A M —meet* every >»turdav on or before fall mom s I’. M. Ml bi Hier, i good etamlin^ cor<lially invitvii J a - H olman . M. M R i mmagb . Secy. w.M R kameh C haitbb , R A.M , No.-’s. meet* 2nd and J'h Wednesday e.«eh in mth n E. M. All companions in <ood etaml ing rorilially invited to attend. J. E. P btbruon , J- «’’ xf’oM' Hecy. ”• • • G rant * 1’ a * s A hsrmbly , N o . 4'-', I lifted Arti.ana, meets 3rd \\ edner 3»yeven ing. in A. O. C. W. hall. C. K. R oot . a . E. V oorhik *, Secy. ” "• JonxrHINB l.rrlxfK. No. 112. A. <> I . " . meet, every Momlav evening in their hall in Dixon bik. "■ I- M.T. I'rLBV, Rev. M "• Jo.BrSDfB L odge N o 21. I*. ”f 11 •' .* ’ V. W. Hall. Dixon blk. \ i.iting member, made »elcmne. M ay F. S mith , M ary S immon *. Kec. C. ol 11. GBNXBAI Ixxt.N I’o.T, .1”. ' I‘ in et» let We<lne*<i*v evening of •■*< n month at A. <>. Ù. " h»L. Da Mixa» A bb A bt » ll . Com A<1i' CALIFORNIA BAKERY G KUTSCHELIS. Prop Just removed to the Jennings Dean brick, Sixth Street. The Restaurant will furnish MEALS ALL HOIKS The Public are invited to call Mo To-Ba«* for Fifty Lewi«- GoæaaWed tobáceo La c n a neo »’rotg. blood pure. 50c.ll A ¡ Wanted-An Idea ? Fmtoet yoor l«*m«. tb»f may Wrtl* JÔHS WUfoRMMt'RN A ' ' » . ••ra. Waatiagtea, D <' . f** tb**tt •• •' •al îtot f *wo sob irei U»»a»’k oa ; '-’c*r 4<r-. Ever) article sold warranted as representid. Farm Produce taken in exchange. J. M CHILES. HOTEL JOSEPHINE N orth S ixth S treet ,‘G rant ’ s P ass , O r . This well-known and popular Hotel is the Great Headquarters for Commercial Men. Trannieiit Families and Steady Guest*. Its sightly location insure* rest aud quiet from ti e noise of loco motives. while the distance (one block from the depot' is not enough to cause inconvenience. Board and Rooms by the Day, Week or Month. J. 0. BOOTH, PROPRIETOR ASHLAND ORE’iON The L.rge.t «nd M >et l’n gres.ive School in outhern <Iregun. New building», fine c«ni nu< good w«ler. he.llliiul I,H»tion.<l*li>zbUuI clim.le excellent influence* for student*. CocBe.* Sui'-Nomi*. of one ve»r. IWttl.r Nortn.l of three vewr-, Bu.mes., NhoribanJ *nd rt|»ewiit- ing. toilege f‘rep»r«tory Mu-ic, Art. I Th* onlv < nimr .». * bool in thi* p»rt of the *i»t* i* one ot the promi nent deperiment« of thr .< bool, «nd i» roniltn te-l in l’li.iiie-* < olieire-t> le lhe Training School i- gr»le<l •nd in ■ bariteof tlie -eruur I**, the full ye*r »nd ui ,ter dire« t sujiervision oi a , nti tea, her trained 111 the notel Holbrook >ori»al.of I .el .an on. Ohio The ural M"en« e* are t*u-d alniort cen-tant »or the lai'oratorv . an<l hl tion l»el-«rie and I traiuinx by i tbew line* i lags* 'n bi*h i. . and liter* dem* The wiib«* furti fe. l|» n» The nei «•.»•m addr«** President Being neither a pirent nor a teacher, you may think me unlit to pronounce upon thi* ubject of (he ‘ Relation be- tween Parent* ami Teach -rs in <>u- Pub lie S, bool«,” but on the principle that an ou'vider the most of the game, it may be for this v*iv rea*on, I can ap proach the subject with fairer appreeia lion of th« position of each in the mat •ter. 1 should say from my own obMivalion that the relation, in a large majority of calcs, which exists between parent* and le.clnr*. might l>e described as that of iuatiuetive antipathy—al beat. armed neutrality. Teacher* wonder what »oil of |eople can send such restive, un trained ignorant children out into the worul.and parents, tee ing an<l resent ing oftimea the pet hap. uneom-eiou* re- tieciions and criticism* east upon their manner* and opinions by the iiiHoencea of the schoolroom, wonder what teacher* are paid f r if it is not to tram, to curb, to prune, not to say Iran.form these same children, w ho are ■<> bard to gov ern at home, into obedient, orderly, in telligent, respectful boys ami girls, a credit to themselve*. to their parents and to the community. It I* only jus tice to the teacher to remember that this miracle is often performed. But what wculd be thought if I should penly advocate the adoption of the children by the state? What if I should say that now many parents, unconscious ly, but none the less firmly, believe in the u ost radical eoiunmni.m, when it come* to the training of children? Anv one or every one can or must have a Children are hand in the training, turned out fr< ni home to receive their education upon the street by th© fir»t kind individual who may encourage them in social manners; they aro turned over to the school board* for mental training, who sort them somewhat after the manner ol a pack of card* only age and size rather than color, being t he cri terion ; they ere sent to Sunday school for their religious training, and often.r than not, they fall into the hands of im mature girls in their teens, whose igno rance of all things, including tlie study of religion, is simply appalling, and where the only safety lie* in the fact that each undeveloped intellect can no tin re imbtlre the realities of what ie attempted to be taught, Ilian ao many i parrots. Now, why in the name of every thing sensible, putting such re- [ sponsibililtes upon teachers, demanding so much of them, trusting the whole future hope ot this nation to them, do we not hold them ill higher esteem? Abetraetedlv, peril*ps, we that think I about the matter at all do, but. com rete- I life The result* of their labor* shin, more brightly after contact has pa**ed Th* dignity ol their profession lies in the material they uw and in their OWI- h gh aim«. Too few |wo|>!e remember that th. public school is in the hand* of the pub he, that it belong, to all of us, individu ally a. well a* collectively, to aay »ha shall be taught and how it .hall be taugh in it A. with too many other dulie. and right, of our government, we turn these right, concerning our m liool* ov.i into the Land* of a few, *• much a* to *av, ”My time i. to, valuable to b wared upon »chooi matter*,” as it there could lx anv huainea. which concern» u m 're closely or should bo placed befoit '.lie education of the rising generation Hut a. an evidence that the general public i* growing morn oonH-ioua of tt duties iu thia respect, there are being f *rine«l in acme parts uf the East what are known a» “Ed cation Societies/ the object of which is the bringing to gether of the citizen« and teachers in an organised club for the study of schoo work and methods and the inlerchang» of ideas thereon. The first society meet ing for th® purpose of mutual help and understanding was organised in Bro »k yn, Mass., in May, 1&06, an«! the printed records of the first year'« work. 1893<», are full of enthusiasm and help tulnvsa Its avowed purpose is to draw «chooi and home into closer sympathy, to promote mutual conference« between teachers and parent«. This clu • con- dsts of between four aim! five hcmlred tnembere, representatives from all «ec tions of the town, and a special feature to be emphasized is the social feature, m order that citiscn and teacher "ma* be able to know each other and co oper «te heartily.’’ This example has alread* been followed by other cities and towns in New England ami it is worthy to be t-opied in every city and town through out our broad land. Rea«l at the June, 1897, session of (he Washington State Federation ol Woman’s Clubs, Olympia ) Have A Purpose In Life. NO. 23 1897. Wawhiiigtoii Letter. ICuRREMMRDEN T uR TUkCol KIKR ] “lk> you know why the adiniiiietratio 1 hanged it« plans as to sending out troop«- .0 lhe Alaskan g dd fiel«l«? asked one p ominent arm* officier of another wlo iad just arrived in Washington •‘No* rrplied the other, “I don’t, and the ex planation« I have srrn of the suddei change of the programs have not been at <11 aatisfactory." “Well," said the fir» •peaker, “1 can tell you the real reason but you will not find it in the any <>ffi •ial record. It was in short the feartlia the troops would get the gold fever am h-rrt as soon a* they got within read »(the gold; it was conclude I that th* werage enlisted man was not ol the soi 'opass through such a temptation a wou d nrc s-aiily be place«! before then '») their proximity to the Clomlvke gob «inters and their suddenly acq iirv« fortunes. Individually the office seeker« wh« have crowded lhe lobby just outbid© o he Preside nt’s office, on the tecond fi«s t <»t the While House, tnay have lacked he weight needed tn get what the) wanted, but collectively they were heavy enough to have made the L’oor»ag in thi enter to the depth oi four inches. Hail the crowds which frequented the Ea room, which is direc tly underneath, on President McKinley’s hamlshaking day Known the coiiditions of thi« tl >or a they waited for the President, Maj*»» ilcKinley would have shaken man* thouraml fewer hands, and there m:>.hi even have b en few office seekers ha« dtey been mloruie«! ol the danger the« were in every time they tried to «ee 1« © President. Workman are now engag«-«i in strengthening this fl-»or. Adminiatratiuns may come and admin ¡Strattons may go, but the Secretary ol lhe Navy who doesn’t find it necessai > to ‘ iiifpvct" something along the Allan tic coast during the vacation season is yet to assume office. Secretary Long, aboard of the Dolphin, has gone to ca»i his oilicial optics u|H»n the naval Stati«»i> at New London, Uonm’ct i« u?, and lilt War College, at Newport, Rhode 1»- land. The last prop was knocked from umlei lhe industrious newspaper men wh< nave b<vn engaged in iiiamttacuirmg new- showing the certainty ol a war be tween the United «States and Japan b» the «»tlic.ul announcement that Japan had accepted the pro|MJsi I ion of ILiwai toarbitrsie their dispute concerning tin immigration ami ulherlawsoi liawau* Members of the adiniDistration »a- that this government wall hav© nothing 10 do with the arbitiation, unless it should tail to be concluded before the I«».- mal ann -xaiion uf Hawaii to the I i»« led btales. In that case Japan woub. «ical dirtelly with this government ailv* ( annexation. rt.rre are lots ot men who would gi*« anything to be in lhe place ot Samuel ( , Dunham, who bus started for the ne** gold ti«rida of Alaska, aimed with a »p*-« ¡al cuiiiuiiHaiun tu make a tboruugh in WHiigation ah«l lepurt just what h* ¡»•ariiH t«> the United 8 aten government dr. Dunham im a mining «-xpeit and i Attache«! t«> (he Lahm Buieau. Il wu» | know'll that the guveinmeut intvii«i «. IkMin County New«. The meamire- ments of death are a few inche* of trivial dis orders, tnulti- Mrs. Cook, wife of Vint Cook of the iilied by many it rling mine «lied in Portland last Turn ret of neglect. -ay. If a man or woman will lackiwm county laat year paid ofl take care of the 15,000 of her great burden of indebted- little trivial «eM. disorders, there is no need to Miss Fannie Cheatham of Grant’s Pa»» fear the big was visiting in Medford and Jackson maladies, am id 1 lie last week. long - life and happiness will Dr. J W. Robinton and family of Jack- be the reward. •onville are camping at Colestein for th» The little die- »eneflt of their health. _ order, that the majority of big sicknesses, sre John F. Miller will aonn b* installed cause tile trivial derangements of tile digestion »Ost master at Jacksonville. Clarence that most people pay no heed to. Good digestion feeds ami builds up a man ; bad frames w ill l»e hi« deputy digestion starves hint in every tissue, Fruit is now leaving Ashland by th* muscle, nerve-fiber, and brain-cell. • ir loa«l. Two car load« of early craw Bad digestion leads to consumption, blood and skin disease*, and nervous ex- • »rd» went to Chicago last wvk. haustion and prostration. Dr. Pierce's J. A. Whitman of Medford U «hipping Golden Medical Discovery correct* all 1 great deal of fruit to lhe ea»t, from disorders of the digestion, invigorates the liver and prevents and cures cunsmn^- t hk h he is realizing a fair prke. tion. biou.i aud skin diseases, ami nerv- The Mail savs, “a meeting oi I**« I ou. troubles. It is tbeu sat bloodmaker, Jackson county sugar beet c<»iiianiitee 1» flesh-bunJer.ant. nerve Uou«, -thin, called for Saturd iy, August I4ih, • sell it and hate goM •’ '■ I h.v. I. m A' ••»-••1 L.c Parties are trying to«ecure the releas* ical Dist..vtrv a tria! Xl of Newbank«, the accomplice of Dr of Houston. Harris Co., Texas, pletrly cure I me of very serious and obstinate dis- Scruggs in the Quisling murder cate. order* in which the heart's action was impaired Dr. Plckel of Me liurd spent a week at 'olesiein with hi« family. The city of Ashland will p y OIT « iOD bond ot the original bonds irtSlieH ••n years ago for the city’s first water- vol ks. Mister Maty Kuphemia will Iiav« burg«» of St Mary’s Academy al Jack miville, Sister Mary Stephana having ,one to Srai tie. The Earl Fruit Co. will make large iiiuments of fruit from Jacksun count* .li« jear, though it is nut likely to be narked Oregon fruit. Lust week a robber entered the dwel- ing of A. Hald rnian in Ashland and re isved that gentleman of about |6. The liiei has not beeu canglit- During the month of July this count) ♦•(l. emeil $1032 GO worth oi warrant» • lore thill the eotiimis-ioimra court is u© 1 f »r the am«* leu. th o’ tin e. W. II Parker of Me liurd has gone to lie 8011ml c »untry on bui'iness. While h‘*re he is likely to contract the Uluii- ivke fever, ami if he does, there is no • llmg when he will return. The county treasurer of the county •eo. P. Limiley gives notice that he ha» umlson hand with which to pav oil’ all »iitstanding warrants to July 1S91. ihi- 4ii«»w« that the county is «till behind six «rears 11 >tW’i<lnt.i’i«lin4 claim tha*. rlfi mH) of the indebtednes« was paid oil ast year. Th.» Monitor M ner »ay-, “Miss Edith A’mte has rv-igued her position as caclier in the Medford public «chool and ias accepte«I a position ut Jefferson Cilv, Gklalmimi, where she will get a »alar* »1 |40 a month ami eight months ol chooi. Mi»« Whit ? leave« n»*it Sator lay for To|»eka ami Smith’s (’enter, Kan as, where she will visit fiiemts for a ime prior to entering upon lier dutka flm rixx I wielie* ofmitii.v fricmJ* will with h*r to her new tlehl ol labor " I co* rn I KK on local i - age ] “It puffed like a locomotive," sa d a boy ot the donkey engine ; "it whistled like the steam ears, but itdidn't go any where.” The world is full of donkev engines, of people who can whistle and put!' and pull, but they don’t go anywhere, the;' have no drflinte aim, no controlling pur pose The great secret of Napoleon's power lay in hi* marvelous ability to concen trate his force* upon a single point, AÍ ter finding the weak placo ill the ene- iny’s ranks he would mas* hi* men and hurl them upon the enemy like an ava lam Im until lie made a breach. Whai a lesson of the power of concentration there is in that man’s life! He wa« I such a master of himself that he con'd concentrate liiw powers upon the »mall- est detail a?1 well hh upon an empire. When Napoleon had hiiv thing to pay he b I rhih went straight to his mark. He had a purpose in everything he did; there was no dilly-dallying nor «hilly- fthallying; he knew what he wanted to -ay, and »aid it. Il was the same with The hl '*!« Itisi we hold, the pnrp. all tris plana; what he wanted to do he ^ending a man un tbiseirund. but it w>. hat we i'lierixh. itre but «top* in the l*<l did. lie always hit the bull's eye His purposely kept secret win» the man a a ■er of life. There lire it* m«<iy »hove »• gieat succeaa in war was due largely to umil aker Mr. Dunham got rtarted. 1 .plow them ; «nJ it i> a (ar *inaller mat liia definitcne-H «*( aim. He knew what is liut expec.ed that lie a ill be able l< ter to *t«nd upon anv particular one thaï he wanted to do ami did it. lie waw max© a report beiurs about the imddi. « to kn >w ilia' we are steadily pur.ii like a great burning glass, concentrating ut next year. ng the upword path, the rat« of the sun upon a Mingle spot, I --------- No«v liiat the War «1« partmvnt han d Keep Your Ey»*« Open. he burned a hole wherever lie went. cided jiiid what tort uf a uiihurin lhe « x The Min’s ray« scatt* red do no execu I'll«» youth wit » «tarts «»ut in lif-* <1 *ter I 41 iiij-utllcer in«i> wear when taking pai lion, but concent rated in a burning . io oiin lal iuiiCiiutiM abr« ad, ai.d a *uuii*. iitnr<| I*» in <ko th« moil o' hi« «*y *s an f gla«s, they melt solid granite; ye«, a dia mail has had hini«ell appointed tu an I ' et nothing »*•*« ip • him which Im can po- mond even. There are plenty of men uoiiuiary miiiiaiy utiice un a Governor’« mblv ii-»» for his <1*11 a<lvan«*em«*nt, wl»< who have ability enough, the ra)« of -itatl eolely lor the |»urpo-r ui enabling keeps his ears op m for evory ho in I tlia1 their facilities taken separately are all ¡»Im to w«ar a Khuay umiorm at the an li«*lp him ■> 1 hi« wtv. wit » k* ps bi" right ; but they are |*owrrlvt>s to colled an Is ojien tin* h • 111 <v «1 itch ryery op- cuurtol 8paiii, wheiehe iian been utfLi them, to concentrate them upon a single any *>tau«me«i a« an attache of tin* United n rt'inify, wh > is rv«*r on the alert for object. They lack the burning glas» of -)tuu*s lx*ga«ion, it seem« a »out time io» ever In 1 ' win«* 1 ca 1 help him t» g ,t o*» a purpose, t<> focaliz«* upon one spot the ioiur Uun, r?M, the President or the D» I in t»»e w> I 1, w 1 > »« 1 •« e,* »rr et.irrl separate rays of th* ir ability. Versatile par«nirnl «»I state to fix things au that n< *n«*r in life a 11 fin h it up info p<in« rnen, universal geniuses, are usually • iipioinatic representative oi thin uuun- o- hi« life« ot piu’.ur *, wh > ke *p« h « weak. because they have no |»ow?r to J I .i v kliall I m ? allowtd to wear any oilier rart th it lie iu *v catch every loble 1111 concentrate the raja of their ability, to nil«« an I everything which miv inspire Until a private citizen's < lotii©» while 11 focal'ze them Ufron one point, until they pel lolu».*n« e ul I hh dUiim ahroiul. Th»- ' 11111. will h«*« ire t ) live a <11 • • ’«dill life . Imrn a hole in whatever they under ; adup tun ol gold lace ami tin«« I b? then* are no ifs or aruls about it. If !»» lake. American dipfomata and th< ir undui- I naa his he<1 ill n »t 1*114 «*iu kop hi u This power to bring all of one’s scat tingb aUl maae ua lhe laughing atü«, k ui from Huc< es«- Marden. tered forces into one focal | oint makrs Euiope. i be giealeal «iipiumaia ttiir all the difh-rence between success and Delicate articles, a .ch aw edging«,rucli f'ountry ha« ever produced though« failuie. The sun might blaze out u j > oii piam clothe« goo<l enough iur (hem, an« .ng, larrw, mid g«»»H«nier will not hl nd mieli rubbing. Soap Imitn W Railing I*« »tv the earth forever without burning a tkrnjamin Franklin c*en «luck to bi» fore rann thi'iii perfectly without damage hole in it or setting it on fire; whereas Quaker clothes wni»e he wan reprr»t*ni »r trouble. a very few of Itiese rays concentrated in mg uh abroad in a diplumailc Capa« ily a burning glass would, as stated, trans Il the umiorm Labi 1 1*5 not «lopped Soon, rHE WONDERS OF SCIENCE form a diamond into vapor.*—M ar - ae shall be made to !•■«! ahiiaim *1 o. Luug Troubles and CoasuwptioE f>KN »ome of our oilicial repre-.viHaiiw» Cau bo Cured. Guod Thoughl* abroad, just as th« rich American toadie» ■ abroad have long be« n making u« Let every r»i,e am erttin his special tn Eminent New York Chemist and Sci bustnera «nd « ailing ami then stic< to a-burned of them Ir, what does it amount to? We recognize them upon tho street or s' church. We may stop them to a-k how Johnny or Tommy is getting on in hi« stu«li' **, thinking 1-------- . nothing could b*- more interesting for them to talk about Nay, we may even visit the sell to ! room, and with a highly superior air, listen to a recitation or two; it gives 11« an oppor tunity Io show polite interest In th« in atitution at amali expense to ourselves an«l it makes the tea« her feel like a trusted upper servant. But do we in vite them to uur homes and by our tr« al merit show our children (hat they are valued friends, to t>© cherished and tí» be r« »p« < lv«i ? Do we meet them in society, do they add tone tu any of our »0 ial gatherings, <1« j we ask their advice or deter to their judgment? Perhaps m some instances, or in some fortunate place.«, but not in ordinary circumstan iv« or ¡»laws. I admit it is in a large measure the lea« hers own fault. Fifty years ago they did have a different status in the E »st at leant—even in the fashionable society but it is not eo nowadays. You un«ter- stand me to »peak of the rank and file of teachers, of course, and not ui the bril liant eiceptious, or the college professor who always ha« a «ocial st Hiding ot his own. But with the large demand for teach ers caused by lhe enormous increase in population and the, fo a great extent, discredit «»i those emp’.oymenta which necessitate manual labor, whivli have become depreciated by the influx of Die ignorant classes of Europe, hundreds of um ultivated, ball taught men and wom en have croW'led th« r*n'<s of teacher« necessarily lowering the wage» as wel’ as lhe whole ton*? and «tan ling of the profession. Our system oi education is at fault. In how many p a es «1 > the means serve the end» How often the t* acher is 1® tained, or promote«!, «imply because be has paased the technicalities of an ex amination, without the slightest inveati gatiun made a« to whether he gives evi dence of being an e<lu<*alor. Tho man who ba» a political pull on a member ol lhe school board, or th« woman wh*» can 1 bring fo bear enough personal influence, rand- « t” i'»-f nai.'» at r.-ta.n ng hi* position than one who «imply «lo®« hi« own work well ati<i let« th** rest tab»4 care of iteeif. Ihi« should not be; or ra1 her, since we must ha*e teachers and at the sain«* time need models for our children, fU« h a high standar«! sb< il Id I n * raiard an i «n h pn rotative« should l»e given as to attract and k« p the most «-ulture*!, thr most ambitious and ti>e worthiest of our men and women. And among the greatest Í the-- att/a «»nr, fo my mind would be the *e>«'iai recognition of the teacher, the trainer of your aon« and daughters 1 ) a culture*!. rHIfi® I «-»* ial tiring what «an be more discouraging than lhe constant thought that, with heart a id brain surging with helpful in spiring ideas for the whole future of mankind, there should te no outlet for it, no sympathetic hearing, no discern- inure -/-»itio 1 f-»r one « highest a*pira among th»* < ullivated mm • g t t*> form it.—F ka ^ kun . I received a l**il«*r from a lad “He wh » follow« two hare» i» »ure to mi- to liibl him an ©any berth. Io thi* i atch neither ” replied, “Yuu can nut ue an editor ;d None ser, l« his arrow to the mark In nut try the la* . <lo not think of the min view ; mtrv , let aiont all ships, shops aud mer- Wh<»«e hand is feeble, or hie aim un cimridiM , abhor politics; don’t pia« iiMe true —Cowrxa medicine; t»e nut a farmer or a metallic, lie who wishes to fulfill hit mission neither I m * a soldier or a eaiiur; don't must l>e a man of one idea, that is, of work ; dont study ; «lon’t think. Nour ol one great ov«*rma8tering i jrp »«e. uver- these are easy. Oh my SOU ! V'.u hav« ffhadowm/ all his aims, «nd guiding come into a hard world 1 know ol out. ar I t onlro Img his entire hre -B at « one ea»y pla.e ill it, ami that is the grave' Ilenry ard Be» « her. The -hjrtesi way to «Io anvthing is to do only one thing at a time —C h il . Bucklin** Arm« a Malti* The power of concentration is one of the mo*l valuable of intellectua! attain- T hk BF.8T « alvi in I lie world for cuts bruises, sores, salt rheum, lever sores, menta, — H«> ra « t M ans letter, chapped hands, chilblains, curri«, The pow»*r <4 a man in« reases steadily and ali «km empilons, and positively by continuance in one direction E ukb cures piles, or no pay require«!. It 1» guaranteed to give g*ssl saiistactluii 01 MOK. Careful one thing often muiiev relu «tiled. Price 25c per box. h-»r »ale by 1 >r W. f tremer. proves superior to genius and art Cic ea<>. Snowy Bulls (hur at Cornell'« There is no road to su* < ess but Don't nan«M*atf* your stomach with tea* through a cl* ar, strong purr "Be A pur and oilier herbs, but regulate y»»ur liver poee undern»'« cl are* t r, cnltur«, p »al , ai <1 sick head.«-lie by using ih<>»»* famous to«», attainment of whatever a »rt — lit'le 1'iils known a« D?tkiit’« Little Early Risen»—W. I*. Kremer. M woaa R-memtier la« of »• n , a f u I heir wo.» ,r>l a me w ■••••<* ! do not he tl>. in.U-rial Dong. of ay—H all you have not a smew ’trengih is rml a« ii> n ; you ullv <4 b -1». mind or • ul. impjo. Hilo not «i»er» enlist Makes a Free Offer to Our Readers. I took it for two week- I lx‘<an to experience (iii*comh»rt from my illness, after about th« fourth dose, ami in f«»ur or five days still leas, and several dav» after I was aurpri*ed to find that I was actually better Two weeks having paaaed v had ' t^rs The titan or woman who neglects con stipation is storing up in the system a store of disorders that will culminate in some serious and possibly fatal malady. Dr. Pierce’s Pleasant Pellets are a safe, »ure, speedy and permanent cure . ’or con- atipation. One little “ Pellet ’’ is a gentle laxative. an«i two a mild cathartic. They never gripe. Druggists sell them. EAST and SOUTH ---- VIA THE ----- Sliasstii Route — of the — Southern Pacific Company. E xuichh Trains Leave Portland Daily 1 North. M)Ulll. 1 0:<M) p. N. i i lv . forti '.nd *r. | !» :W a . m s :U& A.M i1 lv . tirai.!» l'a * lv . ¡ 7 for.M 7.15 A. M. 1 Ar. >un iTRii’eo lv . | m ,( juf . m . Above train« »tup at ail elation« be- • ween Portland aid Salem. Turner, tlariun, Jefferson, Albany, Collage Grove langent, Shedds, Halsey, Harris- »urg, Junction City, Eugene, i >raiu , Oakland, and all stations from dose burg to Ashland inclusive. Ro.eburg Mail Daily Lordami Ar. i t :Jr)T. M. Aitittiiy LV. 1 12 :50F. M. <LV. 1 7 30 A. M. Kusel »urg ft .31) A. M. 1 LV. 2.2.1 F. M. 1 LV. 5 ;2u i*. M. . , at . DlNINU UAHS ON UCiDEN ROUTE Pullman Buffet Sleepers — and — S econd C lass S leeping C ars AtU« lied to all tlnoiigh train« For further particular« inquire of J, 8. I'uniom, Grants I’anH. A est Side Division between I'ortland and tun allis. mail train daily (Kxearr S unday . « m k Portland ar • e. m - I »i*. m . <r. CorvalliN lv . |1:05 f . m \l A11-liny un«! Corvallis connect with ain of • >r entral A Kaslern Ky. «• Jll'HkH« TRAIN DAILY (KXCBPT SUNDAY.) » or. m . | lv . Portland ar. ¡~ n :25 a . m . 3*> f . m at . McMinnville i.v. | 5.An a . m . D«rv. t c*»un «tu n at San Francisco «in < >< cidciihil Hint Oriental ami I’auific dail Htu:uii*hip tines for J APAN AND 111N \. >aiIing dates «»n application. But«*» ar.d tickets to Euniern |M»int« nd Eurom*. Al*. I ADAS. CHINA, oxul.l'l.l ami A I’* I R «1.1.«. C«n *• obl.iiied from I. S. I'lirilmn Grant, «>■*. C. 11. MARKHAM, K K0KHLKB, Manager. r E A ff. Agt. I'ortaiid. Or. I. STAUFFER, D f . ii . er I n Largest Stock of HAY in the City 1 Ail Home Grown. Good Eating and Cooking Apples At Lowest Prices. Pay-Call and Examine tn y Stock. I STAUFFER. N. E. McGrew The «listinguieh» <1 New York chemist f. A K.ocum, «leinomurating his dt.-cuv ly of a reliable ami absolute cure foi onaninption (I'liumutary rubt*rculo«iw) (• rant ' s I’***«, O rkoon . md all bronchial, throat, lung and ches 'iHHMsew, stubborn roughs, catarrhal «1 -ctions, general decline and weakness I «» Cure ( oonl Iii-ition lorevrr. »••s of flesh, ami all «•••m|»f ioiis »•( wl 'i' li t i i *•« Candy Calùnnia loe or Aa ft «'.<’. fail to cure, druggists refund money ug away. will semi I 11 REE !• REE B >1 i I ES (all different) ol his N«*w Di-r«»v riee to any atflirted reader ol the (. oi i< ii -. r writ mg for I hem His “N»*w •Scientific Treatment" li »> iired thousands I’vrmanrntly by it Iturly n-e, ami lie coiiri lrrw it a aimpl* proirswional duty to suffering h ii manH5 o donate a trial oi his infallible cure. Science «tally develop« imw wotnlerr. — OF aik I this great rliemia?, |»a'i»,nt I v « x p ri menting f r years, has pnxlmcd result» k« benetirial to humanity as can h. SOUTHERN OREGON. -laimed by any modern uenuis. Hi» «»«aertiori that lung truiiblea nnd con «urnption are curable in anv climate i* proven by “heartfelt letters of »frail n«le ’’ fil»*«l in the Ameiican ami Euro iM*an Hlsiratoriew m th*'«isamls from Ib. rive -l< ; -it-« «iibject to check or *»n th*»we cured tn all parts of the world. »»rti tii-alr payable on deman I. Medic»1 experts concatle th it brooch» >rliM-iu'lit «Irai** <»n .\ew Y«»rk, San Fran- <1 che-t ami hrot troubles Irud to Con -i-co. ami P<»rtland. sumption, wlthh imintrrrup.ed, mran» Telegraphic transf-n sold on all points in -|M*edy ami certain death dimply write to I'. A Sloruin. M (’ , he Uniteit States. 9H Pine street, New York, viving | wa « i Sp « ial Attention gt*cn to Collections and nfti e and ex ore».« a«hlie—. and 'he free ruerai bonius»» of our riHdoiusrs, .Not let* medicine will t»e i»r**tii pl v sen I. ‘duffer made thr»?*ighout Mouthers Advertising bill, to July I. H'i7. ar erw shnt«ld lake m- ml advaipag** oi l*t« Oregon, «nd '»n all acrr-^sihls point/i. l’a,al,¡e t*. .I'e ,11,'¡e i • i S ue. I. ♦ dr- grnrrouw pi*»)**r*ii i<n*. J. D. tKY, Pre*lent. Hoti* are u> »*• paid to the near firm, Pieawe tell «be d >» tur that yots -aw los 1. 1. i’Ur »• o, V K.-e Prrwideoi. Prue A Voorbie*. J, Miman • offer in the Coraua R. A. B« m » th . Caahier. FIRST NATIONAL _e A. 1ST JK. Capital Stock, $50,000.