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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 19, 1897)
« An Independent Paper, Devoted Especially to the Interests of Southern Oregon. VOL XIII GRANTS PASS, JOSEPHINE COUNTY. OREGON. THURSDAY. AUGUST 19 s yyiLLARD CRAWFORD 1897 The spuria Cìtthl Find. Jackson i'ouniy Notes good sense and a willingness to do hon est, hard work. J. A. Wright and P. L. Kelly, ot Spar Max 1‘racbt went to Roseburg “Now, that's a title lol of young men Practices in all Federal. State and Su ta, arrived in I nion Monday bringing week ob business. You may learn in many schools. A preme Court». Notary Public. for you! You call them, I suppose, the Fill your head with facts and ruler, with them chunks of ore carrying big J. s. Herrin ot Ashland haa sold And I* studying something new where'er 'Hope of America’ and all that!" Office at residence—Third St. North. piec ■ of free got i, a hieh were picked sheep at 11 50 per head The fact is. our cities are crowded with G bant ' s P ass , • • O begon you go. from a newly discovered led^e a mile an«1 Judge E. B. Watson of Portland, with I And yet mi« the pre -lout knowledge. men, ao there is a surplus tn every de a half vuuth of Sparta. The find was his family, is visiting in Jacksonville. partn-.cnt of labor. The country liar- Never taught tn school or college. made Sunday by a man in Sparta local ROBERT G. SMITH. | Of how many, many things you do not been emptied of the braw n and muscle Mrs. W. 1. Vawter of Medford is visit | Are very essential to tbe recovery of every ity as “Kanaka Sain“ who ban been ein know ’ that should la* given to agriculture. On ing relatives in the Willamette valley, j ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, ployed in Mr. Wright ’ « ¿tore. A boy ri patient. To be sure of always getting the a farm a man can at least raise food You may study hydruNtatiCN, 'Die Normalites of Ashland are going ling on horseback in the locality Sun Practices in all State and Federal Court» pure article go to the drug store opposite the enough to avoid starvation, ami if he is And the higher mathematics, to give an entertainment in the Opera I day also lound an outcropping of an ex- po t office. i And proficiency in Greek and Latin show, Office over First National Bank not able to purchase land, ami cannel tenaion of the new ledge, and picked out House August 28th. Yet you still may be unlearned. tied labor in our cities, there are farmers G bant ’ b P ass , • • O beoon EASTMAN KODASK areon the way. Don’t buy with his fingers |7 50 in gold. Claim» Frederick Burrall of Minneapolis, a Aa to how a dinner's earned, in nearly all parts of tbe country * lio have been located by J. A. Wright, P. L mining engineer, is in the county learn until you have seen them. ' Or the way to ra*>e a crop or bend a bow. “O woman ' lovely woman ' nature made J-JENRY L. BENSON. will lie glad to employ them. Kelly and “Kanaka bam.” The find ing what he can about tbe mines. thee to temper man ; we had been brutes You may master engineering. without you ’’ Woman more than merits CLEMENS, rrwrlttu« t. ha« cause«! no little excitement, and a ATTORNEY AT-I.AW. Miss O-ive Brunk lias telurned from all the good tilings that have been «aid of Yet a lad can Is-at you steering Waalilngt«»ii Lecter. big amount of quarts ha« been buxad up her by the wits and poets of all times. her Willamette valley visit and has re Ami a woman « an instruct you how to sew, ? Ì i i 1 Practice« in all Courts of the State. u>d her charm« [CORRBMPORDBNT OF TUB Cul'RlBR ' tor shipment direct to the mint. It it >uined her duties at the Ashland pom When man laud When me« hanics, soldiers, tinkers, and virtues, he has in his mind's eye an Office over First National Bank, ideal. That ideal is always a healthy wo Though despised by > outhful thinkers, The return of Secretary Sherman to estimated that it will go at least $10,(OJ office. man. No man makes pretty speeches and G bant ’ b P ak «, • O regon , Arc all adept- in the things you do not Wavhingtun and his resumption of hi« I to the ton, hut of course no one as yet Chris Girich and family, with a num witty toasts about woman, with the picture know. duties as secretary of state, at this time, know« how extensive it may l»e There her of others trout Jacksonville, went in his mind of a weak, sickly, nervous wo ^RTHUR P. HARTH, tortured by pain, and suffering from wln*n almost the entire administraihm i« a well settled conviction in the minds into the mountains last Thursday fur u man, So with all your information. depression and despondency. It is in the of all practical mining men that there i« lk>n ’ t fo r get your education ie oil vacation, has «carted the rumor power of every woman to be some man’s DOCTOR OF DENTAI. SCRGERY. season’s camping. ideal if she will but build up and guard Stretches tar beyond what colleges cun null to workiug over time, although .Mr in Sparta vicinity a rich feetier to tlie I Mr. and .Mrs. IHt l.auiater oi Josephine her w kith. Office over First N.tional Bank, bestow ; Sherman declares that bis return has n<» placer de|M»*ils of that district which best of known remedies for all forms county are visiting tn Jacksonville pt io. of The Ami a wise ami humble grace disease peculiar to v. men is l)r. Pierce's Gaiar’s Pass, • ■ Oato<>i< significance whatever; that he resumed have yielded perhaps $1,000 003 in the io their departure fol California, where Favorite Prescription. It works directly on Will your crude conceit replace, work because he felt like it, and that In- last 30 years. Some «lay this mother but one set of organs in a w man's body. As you mu*e upon the things .you will they will seek a new home. It allays and eradicates pain. Il soothes in intends working right through the rest lode will be uncovered, and the b parta OFFICIAL DIRECTORY. never know. J. 11. Stewart, near Phoenix, the great flammation It invii rates and purifiec It of the summer, unless a spell of warm will be««vme one of tho prominent mining restores complete health to the organs dis Iruil man ot tins county, has been ship tinctly ft iniibne and banishes weaknega, UNITED STATES. Progre«« of ReprraentaUte Govern- weather should drive him away for camps of the world. President ............ William McKinley plug Ins fruit east. Page A ?on °l 1 or*’ depression ami de-pondency. It is the dis ■sent another little rest. M »st of the rumors I iilquv l’lacei- Mining Vise President... ......... Garret A Hoban covery of Dr. R. V Pierce, chief consulting [INCORPORATED] land ate handling Ina fruit. are connected in some way with Japan physician to the Invalid’s Hotel and Surgi S-ecretarv of State John Sherman More than a hundred years have A scheme for placer mining has been cal Institute, Buffalo, N. Y. If you wish to Kepresenlalive Houser and J. A. Jeff Secretary of Treasury . ..Lyman J Gag* elapsed since the formation of the gov ami Hawaii, but this may t»e because of developed in Cochise county, Arizona, know more about it write to him. Secretary of Interior ........... C N Bliss rey, two leading populists of Jacksou the reported intention of Minister bewail “This is to tell you." writes Sister F.liia L. de ernment of the United States an«) still Secretary of War ....... KiiHsell A Alger that is new to the mineral curriculum, I county have returned trout the inuun Falcon, of Corpus Chriati. Nueces Co.. Texas, io declare a protectorate oxer Hawaii, the predictions as to the failure of Dem- 1 „.................................. John I) Long ---------- Secretary of Navy ....... “ that I had been ill tor twtniy-ouc years and and niUHt take rank with the great dis was finally cured bj. \ mr nn urines, the ’ «’.olden Secretary of Agriculture James A Wilson oc-ratic government, so freely uttered a which was brought on one ut last week’s coveries once made in M«Jiitana, when tains, where they have heeu cam|>iug. Medical Discovery' and Favorite Prescription.’ " Postmaster-General ....... James A Gary Messrs. Barron, Thompson and Butler century, and even half a century, ago steamers, or becauee of Secretary Sher sapphires “of purest ray serene” It is as easy to be well as ill —and much were sold J. E. i’atton 400 Head of cattle Iasi more Attorney-General .. Joseph McKenna man having officially notified Japan that comfortable. Constipation is the » have not been realized. The govern- STATB OF ORKGON. unearthed, • > to speak , from the stoni cause of many forms of illness. Dr. Pierce’s —MANUFACTURERS OE i inent of the pe«>ple haa not achieved all the United States would not guarantee achs of sundry turkeys and other barn week for Thompson, the Chicago cattle | Pleasant Pellets cure constipation. They (Geo W McBride II. 8. Senators ... that was hoped of it in certain directions «he carrying out of the verdict of arbitra yard bric-a-brac. It appears that one buyer. The cattle will be taken east in I are tinv, sugar-coated granules. One lit tle “ Pellet " is a gentle laxative, two a tuild jThos H Tongue September. but it has more than answered expecta lion between Japan and Hawaii. Congressmen.......... cathartic. All dealrm in medicines. (WR Ellis if Mr. Preston, Director of the United ■hian Corrilla, who is a farmer in the Mrs. W. W. Cardwell of Roseburg was tions in others. The people also, while Attornev-General ......... CM Idleman southern ¡»art of the county very near the SiMtes Mint, is a tru>«l worthy prophet the visiting relatives in the county la»l freely condemning the shortcomings and • W p l«ord Governor......... ... Mexican line, haa the moat unique and .HE Kincaid Secretary ot State....... lailures of their representatives, have decline in (he price of silver is likely to valuable salt lick in the world. Hereto week. She has gone to Eastern Orego- ..Phil Metschan State Treasurer....... still the fullest confidence in the system 1 continue until about one-fourth of the fore Carrillo’s chief industry has been to spend ths winter w hile Iter husband EAST and SOUTH Supt Pub Instruction . ......... G M Irwin and have not the remotest thought oi present price has been cliuppetl off. that of raising cattle for eastern markets is in Klondike. W 11 Leeds State Printer............... . And all kinds of Machinery tor ---- VIA THE ---- S|M-aking of the matter, Mr. Preston ever going back to kingly government Mrs. W. T. York, wife of Secretary |C E Wolverton Recently he set apart a number of steers Mining Purposes. and institutions. Not only this hu( in said: “I see no future for silver what to be fattened for domestic use, and a York of the Southern Oregon District .Supreme Judges ... -RS Bean Slicistci Route (F A Moore other countries the republican principle ever, 56 cents an ounce is the current few days ago he killed one for the imme Agricultural Society, has returned to Iter i F A Marcum — of the — has been at work with almost equally 1 quotation. It is my honest opinion that I diate consumption of himself ami neigh home in Medford alter a visit of some K U Commissioners -’J B Eddy notable results. Frame, the most vola w ithin six months silver w ill fall to 40 bora. Carillo had the stomach prepared length with relatives tit North Dakota. HI B Compson ---- ALSO----- Southern Pacific Company. tile and fickle among natiois, seems «•ent« an ounce. There is no demaml for ■ for tripe in the» usual manner. Upon Clerk of R R Commission Lydell Baker Profs. T. A. Hayes an I A. O. Thorton Clerk Board School LandCom W IK Mell BRIDGE WORK. BOLTS RODS IRON SHUTTERS CELLS steady in its devotion to republican in I it Anywhere; China is not buying any, I Ex ureas rrains I xm » ve Portland Daily submitting thia organ to the customary • >f Ashland say that they rhinbed to the FIRST JUDICIAL DIHTRICT. stitutions, despite all that the Monar I spin is out of the business, and there process of cleaning he found its entire l. |> of Old 'ha-ta last week. They ought ^outh. I Sorth. I Western Division Judge H K Hann« WINDOW GUARDS. DOORS. AND seems to be no demand (or it in any coun- chists have been aloe to do in the w ay *r. I 0:80« st Eastern Division .... Judge W C Hale lining filled with a hardened »tibalame to know whether or not they reached tt:00 r. m . J lv Porti mil ■ lv . Grants Pass lv . 7 :3U r. ■ «•f influencing etntimeiU. England is ■ try to any extent, even to use as subsi that was nothing leas than free gold* the lop. Prosecuting Attorney . . . J A Jeffrey ian Fran'co lv . H.uo _____ ». M. Member Boar«! of Equalizat AC Auldon tar more free and democratic than a»uy diary coinage Other men of promin and with careful saving and washing it J. W. Macksbiirg, formerly a merchant Above trainsstup al all stations be l . 8. LAND OFFICE ROKFHl RG. ence who have Ntudied the silver ques- state in the world was one hundred I is Haiti that he procure«! nearly four oun of Gold Hill, but now of Medford, lias tween Pori hind a id Salem, Turner, Receiver ......... R S Sheridan j lion long and earnestly decline to ¡mt v«*ars ago, except the United States Marlon, Jefferson, Albany, Cottage Groye Register.............................. RM Vea’ch ces of the precious metal from that one made an assignment of all hie property Tangent, Hhedda, ! Germany, though nnninally imperial, • themselves on record as poatively as Mr. aiomach. Halsey, Harns- JOHBFUINK COVKTY. to Senator Holt Mr. Macksburg's as Junction ,, __ w----- • Preston does but nearly every uneque- City, Eugene. ....... C E Harmon * is rapidly a«hancnif in its conception c«f, ■Joint Senator. Carrillo and his neighbors were inl «c s considerably exceeded Itis .iabtli- ourg, Hrain, Oakland, and all station« troni J M Chile« CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED ESTIMATES FURNISHED the true princip’ef of government not Honed whose opinion is entitls«i to 1 mensely astonished at the big find, and County Judge . ties, but he could nut make sufficient Koaeburg io Ashland inclusive. (Fred Croxton withetandiiig H m passing phase of abs«» weight expresued grave doubts about the 1 set to work to discover a theory that Commissioners | Dick George collections on outstanding accounts to Koseburg Mail Daily . future of silver. Litism sign tied in its emperor. The , John Goodell would account for the presence of the meet obligations. County Clerk a . M. __________ i v. Fui Hand ar. 4 :3>»r.M ____ J <I Hiatt The interior department is now »r st g »hl in the steer’s atunach. It was same spirit * slowly «lominating almost Sheriff................. i2.2>r. M. ; lv . Albany 12:50F. M On Sunday night last, at about 10 •'> ». M. . Ar. Koseburg ___ H I. Benson Representative every cour*’.'’ *n Uie world, with per ring witb a new problem, which, while it : learned that the animal had been pastur A Bartlett o'clock the Huntington Rotary Mill on Treasurer .............. does not involve an) great or really itn hsps th' <*xc«»ptl’»ti of China. The ing in the nail In k fields, a rather large School Superintendent ____ JI) Haye» DINING CAfRJ ON OGDEN ROUTE. reign o*l,e people has fairly begun and p »riant <|ii«*stion is nmre or les» interest • rather saline deposit on the Carrillo Moody’s "Golden Fleece” quarts nt:ne, . . Edna Pollock Assessor two mid one-hall miles from Ashland ing. because in it are tangle«! up the of i , B O McCnllock • (u tlia H ‘ ‘ K"* on« e fully inaugurated, it Pullman Buffet Sleepers Surveyor 'lanch. It has been known for many ---- Go t<> the----- . Dr. J Meyers Coroner ... i is sa) to there will he no en«l a* final fortunes of two individuals who | years that almost tbe entire regi »n took fire and was entirely destroyed — ami — PRKCINCT OFFICBRM. Tito origin of the tire is unknown, but is have been nominated, and confirmed by abounded in g«d<! placers but the shin Ion/’ human institution« endure. second C lass S leeping C ars Justice................................lam«*« Holman fe last ot the nations to follow the the senate, for the same office, ami wh<» mg particles ar«? of such a degree «»f fiuo- supposed to'.av« been caused by sponta Constable ..................................I II Colby Attached to all through trains neons combustion, for there were many eymple of the United States in a«lopt- ate both on their way by different routes ne»s aa to defy either the sluice or tliu CITY OF GRANT’S FASH. . . J W Howard Navor. a federative form * f goTflrninnnt ii to the scene of their future official la- rocker, and the pln«*era could never In? chemicals tn the building. The loss is lor further particular» inquire ot 3. J. E. PETERSON, Proprietor. Thomas Smith Auditor .. All PRESCRIPTIONS filled by Mrs C. M. Stone, a registered Phar-|«e Central American «lates. All fly«- bora; but the offnial labor of one of them profitably work“d. A careful inspection alHint J3000, on which there wee no in 3. Purdoin, Grant» Pa-s. ........... Col JoluiHon drear urer. ’* • of (he Central American republics by a I will be short lived, as his resignation 1 of the salt lick tinder a strong glass dm surance T B Elliott tnacist of twenty-three years' experience, and • Patrons can rely Street Connoissioner 11 treaty ------ ‘ signed a lew week« a^o, and to I m * will be demanded • • ............................. I,. <’. Coleman returned T.tosdav from iVe«t Side Division beticei Ptrlludud Dave Keenan uh noon as the ufli* ial closed goo«l “color” Init o’ excelling upon being served with accuracy and promptness. Marshal . ( H C Kinney ratified by the reapective congreawra > papers can catch up with him. The fineness. It appears that Die steer had San Francisco. While there he ha l the Cerve! lis. : Harry Smith i befoic September 15, are to be merged I story is not so complicated as might I e | licked up more than four ounces of free Western Sugar Rt tinerv, Spreckh-s’ con J C E Harmon Counci I men j in one union patterned alter that of th»- supposed As soon as the sundry silver g' >l<l in Ims than (wo months. The »«Il cern, analyse four sugar beets raised on | T B Cornell I George Calhoun ! United State» in moat renpecti, but with «¡»propriation bill, which authorized the in the earth had chlorcdized the metal tirilliu creek, which were pulled two ( Dr. Wm Elannegan perhapa an improvement in one, though <Pi*ointment of ad htional United Siat«*s and th«? lining of th«* stomach had served weeks ago. The result prove.I the lieets Ai Albany and Uorvallia conneol with Regular meetings of the city council oi that remains to l»e proven. The Commissioners f >r A'a-ka, became a law , ill the manner of the coarse blanket al to average 10» in weight. 100 trains of Or. rentrai A Ea-lrm ity.____ Grant’s Pass are held in the council RXHKKMS ll.tlN I-Mit ( F V KIT M'NlU Y. > parts e.mlaim-d 10 53 per cent in sugar "Senator Wilson of Washington, siK<*<*ed- ate countriea aknunio toward the fcd»*ral the bott«>m of the sluice in preserving rooms in the city hall on the first an«! First-class goods kept in stock andyU at government practically lite same rela el in getting W. J. Jones of hi» state, the and co efficient of purity 85 per eent. 4 fOF. m . | lv . Portland ar. | 25 a m . third Thursday eveningsof each month. gold. 7 tor m at . Mt Mmnville i.v. | 6 -50 a . m . CIBCVIT COl'RT the lowest prices, quality consider*- tiun aw the great atate« of the American nominated for commissioner at St. ( arrillo immediately slaughtered s ime Aa these beets had not yet matured the Meets on the thir«l Monday in April Direct connection at San Francisco Union, their rulera being calle«) govern- 1 Mi< haul, and his nomination wa-< pr«»iii|»'- sheep that ha<l been feeding in the same percentage of sugar was splendid ami arM the fourth Monday in September. Oc«-idenlal ami Oriental and Pacific Iv confirtne<L Then Mr Jone« wrote 1» pasture, ami with re«uits as equally "at- Mr Sheldon, secretary of tire refbterv, with nura. The cheif difference between the Mail steamship lines for JAPAN AND COt’MTT COURT ---- AU. KINDS OF---- United Slates and the Central Ameri Senator Wils n saying that ho didn t isfaetory, <>nlv that the amount of go'd was very much Interested and pleased. I'll INA. bailing dates on «¡»plication. Probate court meets tir^t Monday of January, April. July and Bentember t can atater, a» reaped« their method want tin? place and wouhl resign and I. if was 8Qiiii*wliat smaller. Ho believes As a comparison to go by he pl»< e<l uii* Rat«*h at. I tickets to Eastern points County commissioners court meets first Also JAP\N. CHINA, of government, lies in the fa« t that in Senator notified the Si-cr-tary oi the In that hs ha«- struck a rich thing, mid say» <ler the head of remarks: "Good beets ami Europe. /' Wednesday after the meeting of the I HONOLULU ami Al S« R ILIA, (’an the Central America republic the gov terior. In order to save time Mr. L. B. lie will keep a biiueli of rattle always contain 14 |»*r cent sugar and have co la? obtained fruinJ. H. l’urdoin Granta county court. ernor» of the state» in the alphabetical Shepherd w as nominated amt «-«mfirriird, feeding in that, pasture. If each steer efficient of purity above 8> per cent Pas*. C. IL M \KKIIA.M, I - K KOEHLER, P. F. A P Agi. , order of the slates in turn become the arid started for St. Michael, the Klon killed will yield four ounces of gol«l, or Average wright I’® lbs." Mr. Coleman Manager. LOIHiE DIRRCTORY. Portand, Or. president of the republic. Thus the dike gold exci tenient having ad«h*d iniu h even a little less, there will s<s>n l»e ■ays these beets will go 20 per cent in , PtKAX E ncampment , N o . 20, I. O. <). « j i United States of Central America is ini)»ortance to the ftosiiion. When the started one of the greatest slaughter sugar, which is vsry large. The sugar I tepust nb il ■‘,!n l’;°duce • iken about to take its place among tbe na Interior Department beaid from Mr. houses in the world on th«* Mexican and Iteets require alv.ilt 120 days to grow in meets 2nd and 4th Wednesday« of each ' »■k. !•:very article >">1'1 w.irranteil in exchange. J. f CHILES. month in I O. O. F. hall. ami as the 2 0 .r 300 patches in Ja. »son tions of the world with constitution and Jones, in«t*?ad of g«-ttmg his n-Mignation, Arizona Im»* Western World ! W ill S mith . T. Y. D ean , county were planted in the middle oi laws < lonely fashioned after those of the it got his bond, properly approved, au«l Scribe. C. P. I hr Kxodua. April the tuns for pulling is near at ' greatest republic in the history of na- the notification that he had taken the laterally thousands of intelligent hamI. The Western Sugar Refinery will (.»BANT, P ans L odgb , N o . til, A.F A .« M oath of otfiue and started tor St Michael. VIJL lions. —meet» every Saturday on or before Bull) men « annot hold the same office, American citizens are ruwhmg into a semi ea< It farmer a separate analysis full moon S 1‘. M. All brothers in ‘Mollit* Young Fellow« and the department has decided (hat Mr. country where in a i»‘w short weeks the Mr. Spre. kies lias been ill of labt and good stalling cordially invited. An American who had lived in Mexico Jones ha-« got to live up to his letter to thermometer will range from thirty to Mr. Coleman reports that he wilt likely .» aa . H olman , M. .M K i mmaok , Seer. W. M. I for twenty years cairn? back to this coun Senator Wilsou and resign aud it is sup sixty degrees lielow zero, and on special visit this valley ill the fall if his health try a few months ago, and visited the po«*ed that he will do so as soon as he occasions freeze the mercury by way < f is good.—Record. N orth S ixth S treet ,:G h ‘ ' 5 1 A ss ”K K xamkh C haii er , K A.M , No. 28. meets , Meal, tn | places ami peoule that were once famil gets the communication sent hirn, but «■ntertainnient, to suffer and s(ar«e CoSTtNI Ml* NEXT WEEB. Kork 2nd and 4th Wednesday each month.8 Dining Baila»! I (ar to him. His opinion of his native suppos«? he shouldn't? There might be thiough a long tedious winter ami tin n P. M. All companions in good stand • ar a la be turned ha< k from tin* pronii«e*l land THE WOND l KS OF 8CIENCE ('arts ing cordially invited to attend. ian I, an reported by the Mexican corre no end of trouble in Alaska before lie This well-known and popular Ho1 le/'T31 Headquarters for by the red coated minions of H«*r Majes J. E. P eterson , J. S Pi room , spondent of “The Boston Herald,” is by cgu I'J be removed Commercial Men. Transient Families' •stea,ly (»nests. Secy. H. P. ty ’s domain». It is folly to supposi* Lung Troubles and Consumption Its sightly location insures rest ‘llIlet from the noise of loco no means flattering. They are ‘ nice Hon Benj. Butterworth, commissioner ill I th • I rili-h goiernmunt will permit Can be Cured- G bants P asb AaasMBi.v, No. 40, Cnited motives, while the distance one bl<- ,,om «he depot ■ i. not enough to people” here yet, but he thinks that tbe of ¡»¿tents, has issued an urn'ei requiring Artisans, meets 3rd Wednes dayeven prevailing tendencies in American life all patent attorneys to he regist ired in A mem ai s i<» usurp the Klondik«* * »un An t minant N«?w York Chrmist and Sci To KOOIENAI MIMING DCSTBlCT, cause Board inconvenience. .. cek or Montl* ing. in A. <>. (J. W. hail. favor extravagance. pretension, hurry the Untied States patent office, and Btal-i try if a« rich as th<* bo >m has pictured and Rooms by the Da '' enti»! Makes a Free OfTer to —VIA— i it ; and if it is not that rich then, alas, C. K. R oot . A. E. V oobmuh , and worry; and along with the over ing the requirements for registration. Il [ MK A rrt.E AND bl‘«»K <NR Secy. M A. Our Reader». what will becoine of th«* stranded mil 0. BOOTH, PROPRIETOR driven man we have the lazy man also. in conaidere«! to be one of the most im JossrHtNB L odge , No. 112, A. O. I'. W., "Just to test the labor question,” tbe portant order« ever issued by a coinmin- lionaires whose dreams of w«*ahh have The distinguished New Yoik chemist, meets every Monday evening in their visitor told the correspondent, ”1 went «.uner of patents, and to I m * a long step turned int<> the riderless nightmare*« of r A Slocum, ib inonMtrMting his discov »•ty of a reliable ami absolute cure for hall tn Dixon blk. W. T. C ori bn , ' tn plantations in Virginia and to farms towards I he reformat ion of some of the i the glacier befre« bled highways ut the M.T. U tlbt , Rec. M. W. < cmsnmptiori ( Pulmonary I'nbcrriil «» pin ) (■ontinent? A dilemma, with two horns in Ohio, <i reared in my old duds, and abuse» of patent ¡»ra< tiee. ami all bronchial, throat, lung and chest upon it ns tot bidding a» th<»se of the Tex diseases, stubborn coughs, » alarrhaf af St. Paul, LAM) OREGON. Minneapolis’ asked for work. There was plenty of it J osbi ’ iiini L odge No. 21, D. of H. A To Operate Bonfa on th« Y ukon as inaverii k, confronts tin* pilgrim to the iections, general decline and weakness, < V. W. Hall. Thxon blk. Visiting Tbe planter* and farmers were willing to Duluth, M Progressive School in Southern Oregon. Chicago lows of tlufh, ami all omdiiions of want The largest and members made welcome give me ten dollars a month and g«xsl Articles of iucor¡»oration of the Yukon Eldorado of the north. That he will ing away, will »«-ml I IIK EE 1- IIIE B f I- M»vF. S mith , M any S immobs , I seize one of th« in goes without AND ALL POINTS EAST. ►aj ing, I I LS all (litlen-nf; of Ins New |>i«uov board and a « lean tx-«l all the y ear round. rrsn»|H?rta'ion Company were filed Kec. C. of IL i New building», fine rani- nuN. gso'1 waler, healthful I reckoned it up that 1 could “axe on« rhitrnday in the oft « of the county clerk. I but, like the Irishman who seiz rd th«- ei it-« to any afllicteil reader ui the Cot k fix ation.delightful climate O bhbkai L ogan P ost , N o 39, G. A. K sxcellsni influence*« fur hundred d'dlars a year at that rate, ami Th«* objects of the < oi poration are to nav I time-honored Irish bull by the horn», !► i< w riling for them “New Scientific Treatment” has meet« 1st Wednesday evening of racn i student*. get fat, too I have worked hard in my igate the < ohimbia and W111 a rn»-t I e riv he will congratulate himself that he in rii llis »<-«I thousan«!« permanently by in- 81.1 El’ERS, DINING and LIBRARY ^- qub * b « Sub-Norniai Hub-Norniai < Cora»«» I «luKed his hilarity before Hist month at A. O. U. W. hall. , event tim«- in rough employments, and have no ers. and the Yukon river, and its tribti one year, Regular Norm timely n«e, and Im considers it a simple one y« OBSERVATION CARS. took piace I‘a Mirim \ ■ three year-. Businr pr• ) • --I'jiial <luty to sulTcring humanity tear of sweating. of th tarie*, from St Mi< hael» to |)a«i»<>h City, Com Adj. I .'■‘horthand and Typew The babe« in th«* WOChfs, < * flilied by to «lunate a trial of his infallible curt*. “ Well, then I met some young h llow« ami to render towage, ami operate and ■ ing. College Frepara ’»• i«-m e daily «Icvelop« new wonders, in Washington, 1 -.«fing about the bar maintain a g«-nrral steamljoat and trans i th<* sparrow s a d embalm« I in story, ami tliHgr« it cht-mis*. patienth exp-n M u-ic, A rt. I ] «X. VI« K A MKNBBY tN».qi AL»n. Tbe only Cumq^e rooms ami in front of the hotels, talking portation business for freight ami pa*- never exer« i*»« *l mor«* simpli« ity than the inc *' r vears, ha- proibì« ed r»siilts For tick«-:s a -in I full inf >r n i i »«i • ill on hwol in tbra parton I hordes of im-n who are n«»w ¡»lunging .** lai to li il mali ity as caii b«- about hard times. •w-ngeia, iml to < omlm t a general mer- mate is one of the W I PKi KiNd, \.FNT. eent depart nt ent«^ !n nny ni >«h-rn gemus ili» ‘ Boys,’ I ►«)«!,* there is no need of < ba mJ IM* busines«; also to <j|»erate ah ¡«ell inell into ll «* Aia-knn interior. It Grant a Pass t • ihal liing trmibh-s ami con •cbool. and b < oie Tbe I is true, the mounted p *li »* of the ( 'ana- N \ Lown.i., A mtW.wwtviiie loafing and grumbling I'll tell you manner of v«-**«- ■ l-etwecn I* >rtlan l. A- G KUTSCHELIS Prop Business < olleg»grade<j aie ciirable in un* cliniate i» X B br.NMISTOM. •iian goveforn nt will turn back fr Training tk'boa eeniuf where yo»c can get work . g«» over to Al lona Heallle, Ta< >«ma, British Columbia ‘ li«*A«tiel( leliers of grati It < . S tkvkh «, P PA T A. Portland Or ami in charge* Bnd un (} W FA.; aule, Wa-h. ■ I in ih«* iiiiviican and Euro emindna, and there’s Mr. .**•> aml-.-o Jilnratl. I hen, Kkaguav and M. Mich j Ih»* borderà «»f Klondike tbowB who Ml it- the full iMoti of a i no: provi»ione<l (or a & •ar But w ira'orieM in ihocisAmls tronf Just removed to the Jenning- want« a man, another wants three men aels Capital stock, 110,(MM), int-orporai der direct mr>e<1 in the • In al! pari* of thè World, lo»- th»* ri'turn tri,» m» hi tu li.« »iH* s 1 critic tea* he Normal .of Dean brick. Sixth Street «nd still another two Wages ten «lol nrs, I B Jone«*, Juel F <>r«-r, G .»I Me. i-ip« rt* « om-»*«|e ih et bronchi note«! Hoik. The nat- ¡are thus turnr«l back? What «io s lars a in*»nth. br**a«l, b .:t«-r and meat Htearo".—0« rgoidAn. I rh< lehanon. Are taught by I awiul j'iirney oxer H lie mountains ura. •* >*^ant w.rk in *n«l peach»*« and cream in the M-aaon, The Restaurant will furnish almost ty. and Kkw u Hui’klm*« Arm« a Malte • JtiGcan mran? Or, ¡»e Tcham-e, the “You «an read Sundays and learn tbe laMe and Phy-i* 'al , t'rmpt tu descend «he frozen w aters ma* lung ami come out with mopey in MEALS ALL ¡KURS. t n Dy • a I i M in T mk hk * t aai . vb in the world for cute, thè Yukon ? Already the bones of tn traiuia special ad ran your |ss set at the end of the year Why bruises, sores, salt rheum, fever so res, tbe-eigher rnaiheraat- than 2 OKI pii ¿rim- lie »hr<m<li' -■« ii| Mir-e tie oaf on yotir fri*-n<!* and talk politi«*«*' tetter, < hapi* <1 hands, « hilblams, r«>rne. Drawing | Alaskan eoli. I such wi re the sorr The Public are invited to call. tare-.te-ature ics The reguiar Normal Better w«>rk,” an t all »kin eruptions, and positively I and deprivati K< w' “My rerepUtwi by U m »•« r. 5Ui per week, «tudentfer cures piles, or no : Sip*n**« Tuition >■ ZT* «tard at hall.91 *5, (. rant ' s I* » sw , O regon It I» . will b«-<'Otne r • :>» furni-he- ite «Imienl d. |2 fki i»-r • :ng be«l clothing only family «a. not enthusiastic. guarantee«! to give »• TeRar Firty tents. »n or i that is nuw ¡»< . tuition fur on at • • « i anna bad never worked at hi <>uaraot«ed tobacco bartt eurr n » •- »▼er th* work -a im»nev refunded. hot. Vrrdy, «ha tu Bsc «irusg. b 'xxl pure. 5 mc |l Ail dr-«-»is Grade- are a« epted fron other *»ch oois d tbe the y« t> .r Alt»- rs hated farmin Tescberw review fla--*» any t: ► «•r «ais by Lr W. , _______ ..ortual. ____ Iteen tobi. I V »T r *»r ata«» Tbe nest school vesr open« -epu Prnfetf y <v>r ; t wr may trita« v.« w^aita. the ithr-greai crii Writs« JÓHM WXDl»' Kill RN > CO , r«lentA»tor- W T VAN HCOY, President T« < wra ( MMllpaDsHi !»>re»et. -re Wuhiuttm, D. «’..fur thair gi.*» pe»w offer ven Western Mining Wc k«4 lla< of iso buAdrrd luTaaUoor wanted. A Neglected Branch ATTORN EY-AT-LAW. MY rm ¿CILLA IKONXMI* Pure Drugs... Properly Compounded WOLFF & ZWICKER IRON WORKS Portland Oregon Hvdratilic Cast-Iron Structure Work. FOR PURE FRESH DRUGS CITY DRUG STORE. Groceries! Staple and Fancy Groc^ies HARDWARE. TINWARE, TABLEWARE HOTEL JOSEPHINE Library-Car Route Shortest and Quickest Line to »UGH ME arò WIST Daily Trains Fast Tims CALIFORNIA BAKERY N. E. McGrew Pioneer Truck and Delivery Warned ÄnldeaZsSäB T m ««< Msa etR Cwedj Causartic. b* or • r * <’■ C fai. to rurw. drugs « au raCuad t»<-