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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927 | View Entire Issue (July 8, 1897)
NEWS 01 THE WOIII I». bill to pax $«>o00 to the famiii«*« of the | three I ih I iuiin I v m*he«l at New Orleans. A BENEFICENT BANI». collision Itetween the steamer and the schooner '•arramento, that wa* lying at anchor in Mindon bay The heavy The Good Work of a Kentucky tuii'o i w.c dr.'.'U With gr»-.«t I ■ t> • ; Musical Organization. through ti «- pl *»l-h > •-<•, and Us end crushed the revenue official against the after wall of the h >u»e, from which »pot tin injured man dropped through , an a|*erturv tc the engine-room I m — neath, crushing hid head in the fail. l.lmlll»* •«•- D*-,h Tlie valuation of all property in bu ,,ur national I-«’ »>»«• tene, Or., arrording to the Aaaessor. h nnah of 'b-' “-'"*2 nc $1,502,!««, and in school district No- 4, clomal period, an.l 1.r.«r,lH- '«• d.ath prnalty for a la«T* »umtHr of Lane county, is sl.*d l,.r*. \ bill lias been |>u*sed by con- The Atlantic and Pacific railway, Effort« to Reopen a Once Famous . rin„_ Property. • which mbatitut*» har.1 labor for which was recently absorbed by the bt. death («*naln in all but «'eHtoae- Santa Fe, was taken puw>« *»iun of by o!.r ,„.* ;l,;dp.*rniit.-th.-1uiu->'bst.tu* the latter company thi* week. 1» u T»*' *• H“‘ '•¡‘Ä , even iu certain of these das» .* lean to l ump •<“' ,h* W?,M a U jh Angeles has about 99,000 barre s ’ hen .¿e jury m its .erdiet direct- that Ha« Accuaiuiatrd f«*r Twenty of oil in rewrve. lh*alrr*a»k >1 a bar Eight ïewra- ,Ll. penalty .-hall be -without capital rel for it. As consumer* object Loti.« pri< e there is a pr«*»|M*ct of a giuttcl oil • \fter lying idl« for over a quarter of punishment. market Ilequeat • G«»armitn«l. H oantury the Allison Itaneh Owing to the »rarcity of help to care famous a» one of the former big produi- \ Belg an gourmand of Mons has I m - fur fruit, th«* price of cutting apri««»ts . . , . , fr„.n.G for tut mg properties of Grus» \alley, i** ’*’ H lias been a«ivanced in many orvhanls reopened und worked to its fullest ca . nnual tlituu r. which they mu*« attanJ from 4 bents per forty-pound bvxtuo pacity. Thera is ample capital l- himl or.---.ii i. mourning, entering the ,,..ut with a tlatr to the miwic of an cents per box. the ent. rpri«*. for the mm* la ‘ •'« Jhiring the first half of June there pioperty of John W. Mackay and James „.•cordion, the bill of fare toroittsinhi.1 were shipped from Huntingtoil ani tavorita tlishes and win««. Ontario fiUO carloa«ls of cattle, or about L. Flood. THE CALM AND CANNY MULE. 16,000 head. Tins, at an average of >20 ton among ( olitanM» ne* '' f' '' u hea«l, uouhl mean 6300,00*). •i*ck aa the early sixties it »asconsid I nlltlr.1 < ra-m <"• M"r- '*'"*' Th*“ Georg«« B«*tts, of Anaheim, (’al., has ered one of th* Imnner gold prop* rties III« Half-Brother, the Horse- • Horse K- sense sued the Smthern California Fruit Ex of the »tate. In the height of it- pros n^aaoa ” has Iseome a byword .• ... chang»* for >1451 damages, claiming the perity it wav purchased by J. B- Haggin fur a cei rtain practical sort of lntelli- defendant refuse«! to accept a < ar ioa«l nnd A. E. l»vi«. Davis was krown as gence, but dcconlimr to Prof N. S. of lemons pur< ha»e«l from the plaintitf. a minii g partner of Jam« «>• H‘ir. aud Shaler. “mule M-ns< ’’ would I m * a more , .saw one. He says that » mule. 1 Senator Clark of Wyoming is arrang the rumor was current at the time that appr««priate ¿ell known to all people familiar ing a senat«—iioiiae basebail contest, to| .he property bud fallen into th-* baud» as , is we** ’ ith the animal, has a good deal more lx* played when th«« tariff bill is in c«»n- of the ' Big' Four." who were then be A FLOODED MINE. During a thunderstorm at Dakota, Ga., lightning Btrn<k a viiivict «amp, A MEXICAN LAWYER AFTER A BiG ami uh a re»ult four convieta ar«* <lea«l, BLOCK i F LAND 1 ten ure dying un«l twenty escaped dur- 1 in if th«* |>anic which en-u«*<l. More Wnr i F«»r the 4 «»»•! Tor A Hp«ciul from Valparaiso, C’hik*, MoUi'lttry («»ut tu i»«l«>ii fàoea tu I says: If th«* g«jvernment does not noon Loudon — 4 J ««ieavur Dele« take ntepH to In* ter the condition •([ the gat«*- Killed I m ■ 4'ulllsl«*». Abraham Klanlier au«i eighteen other i working claeses throughout Chile, there "Music bath charms to soothe a will be a dark outlook in »tore for them. plaintiffs brought an action against T. | butane, to rend u rock and burst a cab- J. Higgins ami a large nil ml »er of de Miss Maria KtratPi, well-known a* a Th«* conntruction work on the Gi’s t»aga,” quoted the hotel clerk to the ronijMi-er of liy uiin-, died in Ciiicag » a valley, (rlobe hik I Northern railway in fendants, indiiding the city of Kan giM*»t from the mountain region of Ken J>ieg«t ami the Boar«l of Harbor C >iu- lew days ago. Arizona will be punlied to a »peedy tucky, a» that individual dropped a niisaionera of the bay of ban Diego, John RiiMsel! Young of Pennsylvania conchiHioH. It in expetlvl that the nickel in the tin cup of la bella ltal- has bean uppointeii iibarian of c»>n- roa«l l>eiw«*« n I >rt Thoma» and Gl«>be claiming certain tide lamia in >un ■ ianna-organ-grindera. Diego bay. Th«* lower court decid» d in grem by President McKinley. will I m * built at once. "Well,” he laughed, ‘’here’s a cab- favor of the <lcf<*n«lunts. An appeal The Globe Jluilding and I>>an Assoc Improve«! weather han greatly bright was taken to the Supreme <’«>urt, which l«age it can bust every time it hits it, iation of I>»uisvilie, Ky., has faded. ened tint pro»|M*ctH of th«* harvent in has n*>w bustaim*d the decision of the and I’m glad of it. I’m a great believer in music ami its power over the tutored The assets and liabilities arc estimated Austria-Hungary un<i the Balkan lower court. The np|M*lhinta rlaiinc«! st $4(10,000 each. ■tales, h is now expected that only title umlvr purchase of swamp ami and untutored mind. Of course, there William F. Hoey, lietter known to the maize crop will be brluw the av o\ • rflowed salt mar-h lands an«! Ii«!e J ia a margin of ¡xwtry in it, but its prac tical workings are no les». As an in- The Iikeli I i « mb 1 that other the theater-goers of the country as erage. landa belonging to the State. The >u« H'an<e, jet ute tell you my experience. ••Old H«‘S-s” Hoey, died at New York a crops will I m * above il prvme < oiirt uphehl the act of the lx»g- I am, as you know, in the lumber busi few days ago. . Tin* inoniiinent of the Fir-t Minne islatur«* reserving such lands from sale. ness in the mountain region of Ken President M< Kinley has approved sota Regiment wa» dedicated on the 1‘repaiations for the ie«-eption of the tucky. and. as you are also aw are, that < r i \ - 11 > M ■/. I *. , i. , ba tie-field, lul the bill providing for the a.lmission of li’hriathiii Emleaior convention dch— (»articular section is not entirely in- I foreign lalw.r to I m * euipl«.y<-«l on the in tlo- picM*n«*e ««f a number of •li»tiii-| I nates at Sun F rancisco arc altoiit com* iiabited by Quakers. I h4«d employed at guished Minnesotan«. The iiioiiuiiicni Omaha ex|toaition to be held next I pleted. 1 he Mct hanns’ pavilion Ims my mill about a dozen men who were a ih out* of Hi«* fincHt in the field and was | year. Is-en arranged with great tiers of seats fair average. That i» to »ay, as long as ferenca, the procee«ls to I m ? given to the ginning to loom up as formidable cap There are forty applications now on erect«*«l at a coat of S2tJ,0U0. they were not drinking they were not charitable institutions of Washington’ italists. Subsequent developments m « j as to have seating room for thou- William IL < opp, a ( hicugo glazier, t-amis of visitors. file for admission to the Colorado An immense arch shooting, but when the wine was in the A. Weingartner of Shasta county, »¡lowed that Fair was not interested in soldiers’ home. The home is so rrowd- tried to murder Dr. and Mrs. An«lr<*w has l»een built across Market si reel pistol* were out and civilization wum not charge«! with the murder of A. \«« hh , a the deal. * rd that only the most fedble and «lesti- Rankin, In* wife’s parents, also his an«! is now Iteing decorated, The rail- greatly advanced by the »ubaequent pro Harrison gulch Th«- mine proved a good buy for it* miner, was fotimii Ht* shmiird tin* Wife and her »¡»ter. tnte can In? admitted. road companies figure that there a ill ceedings. Among my men were two guilty of m.«iislatight«*r, an I sentenco«! , new owners. In 1S66 it led al« Nv'ada a ith a razor, b«*at- Judge Diaseit of the Common Pleas doctor M*veral lime* county mines in the matt* r of divi who played the fiddle and it occurred to ten years imprisonment. lie twenty thousnml visitors. court of ('leveland, O., declared the ilia wife bii'lly and might have killed to me after reading about what Prof. dends* Two years later it hml paid over Speaker Bee«! sai<! a few dayi* ago The jury in tlie Foley estate matter, tlicm but for tin* arrival of help. Smith lynch law invalid. The law Somebody had done in the Chicago that he ha«i the matter of appointment which ba» lieen on trial for several U.OOO.OOO in dividends. One day a is a riot law ftermitting persons injtir- Aiin*rican cattleni«*n who live a'oiig him« with music to try it on my |**o- miner's pick tapped a vein of water in of the committee« un«l«*r cotisid *rntion, weeks at Reno, Nev., brought in a ver v«i in riots to recover from the county. lli<* M xi'-aii line an* diverting I m *<* miim «« ple. So I railed them up and talk«*«! to one of the levels. The fluid gushed ami that, unless something m>w un dict in favor of the eastern heirs. By President McKinley has pardoned tl»«*y arc not allowed to ride liicir own foreseen should occur to change his them on the subject, suggesting as a the verdict the eastern heirs will re through th** aperture with th«* force of a geyser, driving the workmen I m *- Charles R. Felishman, sentenced in horse* •*»•• into M« xi<*o in »««arch for l«ersonai inclination, he would pivpare kind of inducement that the company ceive $7#,500. fore it. Almost in an instant a proper Illinois to five years imprison in ent in stray »t') *:«, u hih* a corresponding priv the lists ami submit them prior to the would pay for the instruments if they An anti-saloon Icagm* will be organ would organize and hire a teacher for ty valued at millions was thr«,;iten«*,i the Milwaukee House of Correction in ilege in an«»ttc«l th«* Mexiian vaqn« k » h . final adjournment. ize«! at Hanford, Cal. One of the chief x brass band.” i with absolute ruin. Hugir naml Davis December last f«»rembezzling the funds A complaint will la* nia«h* at Wanliing- object» of tlihi organization is to secure 'l iit* < uban rebel ieadera, Geiif*ral ton. fhe clerk put his hand» up to his ram. made »one ineffectual efforts to stay the of the National bank of Illinois. "Oh, that’» all right,” laughed the by legislative enactment the privilege flood, but the water iluw«•<! faster than Jiidg»* I'arlangr, in the Lnitv'l States ft \« ra ami C olonel Batnilao, n<>w A sweeping reduction in wages has of voting on the question of prohibiting Spanish prisoners, will not lx* »hot. timberman; "I know that a brass Isind 1 the pumps could lift it out, and after a made among the cmplovers of the General Wcyler has rcccivctl a cal le practicing isn’t much for pleasure, but 1 mh I ooiih every two years. few weeks of this discouraging work Nanta Fe Pacific railroad, formerly the ex-Pr«**ident Gardes ami «*x-< a**lii«*r from Minister of War Ascanaga to in- it’s a good d« al safer and mor«* agreea- It is sai«l that the Chino sugar factory Allison Ranch was left to its fate. Atlantic and Pacific, ami will effect Waiter W. Girault each to eight yearn definatcly suspend the court-martial nh* t tian shoot ing chunks of lead around will spell«! this year >125, O mi for < rti«le That was 28 years ago. During all several thonsaml men l»eiween Albu in tin* l’nil«*«l States Pc! ;!. :;!;ary. Th«*y w«*r<* recently « «»iivieted of wreck B<-iiien<-<*s of death “j»emli?ig the clone town and our brass band was intro- petroleum fuel; will take 140,0 mi tons this time the mine has be« n a waste of querque ami lx>s Angeles. of hostilities, ‘ when their pai «Ion may lured a» a public MMither, so to speak. < of l>«*ets, extracting therefrom I x . immi water. Tunnels and machinery were ing the Ameiii an National Bank. 1 he cxcessiie heat at Chicago one b<- expected. of sugar worth $1,300,000, ami pay long since abandoned. Now and then \t first our musician» were disposed to tens i Si n it«*r 1 liurston intro«lu< «•<! a* a bil* day Hist week enusrti six deaths. One ‘shoot up the town* becauae some in- I the farmers about $150,000. an expert was asked to inspect the prop A t« p«»it from Vienna says that the the piovinion prepared uh an anieml- died from sunstroke, five others, mark discreet |s*rson made remark» about always un- Nome twenty-two justice«» an«l cou erty and the report wa ment io the tariff lull l>v the Judiciary (■rcco-Turkish peace negoli«ins have ing relief from tin- heat, went i what a brass band sounded like, h ntable«, nearly all the township officers favorable. Tbere were those who be- Committee t«> prohibits triHt-. The suddenly been accelerate'! by the (’zar luing, the high temperature of put th«* wickedest man of the lo outside of Bakersfield, have joined lieved Shat the bottom of the mine had iinieiuliiiviit u uh l»as«*d upon a sugges addressing auotlit^r letter to t!ie Sultan, Iwidif** iiid'ici-d cramps and they th»* heud of the band, for he wi issue» and will test th«« constitutionality fallen out. Haggin and Davis spent a tion made l»y Senator Nelson, but a a* appealing to his love of peace, ami ask drowned. leader wherever he was and I told him of the new county government act in s«> fortune in their efforts to stop the big p«*rlerte«l by a ►iilrroiiimitte«* consi->t- ing in the friend ie-A terms that he Five Indiniis, including Chief W. far as it relatra to their fees. leak and then gave it. up. leii' Unce his unreusonair e* « >aini-. i lie how nvrrsstirv discipline was. ing of s*vnator* Davis and Spooner. Fug, arc «lend at Malone’s point on “He caught on at one«* and all the Eight years ago the property passe»! Sultan, it is added, immediately re- A young man named Burntrager wa- Scn-retary WiUon, of tin* Agricultural Milic Lac lake, Mum., and several young fellows wen* ufraid of him. He drowned in Marble «reek, ¿i«*ar Oro into tl.e hands of John \V. Mackey and D«*pai I ni«*nt, «’Xpert» to bring a tnimie tpivsted liis represdilalivcs to m-cep others lire ex | m * c ted Io «lit*, as the re- moii had them train«*«! as soldiers. I’he the indemnity ami frontier ratification ville. The <le» «*ase«l was 20 years old James L. F’loofl for a mere song. milt of the drinking of pain killer, hair decorticating maeliine from France for teacher wa« a city man of courage and and the son of A. *Burntrager, an recoinmemled by the p wer-. Oa Ic Since that time there has been no ces oil ami other preparations containing experimenting in the course of a con a gentleman as well and his influence sation of the water flow until at the templated development of the raiini«« It is semi-'>flicially announced from helped, t<M>. so that within six months land capitalist. The water \\a* on IV alcohol. present time the water is actually run industry.* i bis machine will be testml Germany that, owing to tin health of you wouldn’t have known my |»*ople four feet deep when* he fell in. Three persons were kilted outright snd compared with American ma Baron Mtus« hail von Bivbeistein rend or our little town. They worke<l near The steamship Arizona, of 514 4 tone ning out of the mouth of th«* tunnel as and about thirty injured in a rear- if from soni«* enormous monster. chines. ering necessary his retirement from ly every night till nine o’clock at their register, which hel«l the recor«i for end t-oHisiou on th. ( hi< ag > ami North Mackay and Flood made th«* purchase <q»«*e«l lietween New York and Liver the poat of Minister of Foreign Aft.iirs, Within Hevrnty-two hours four build music and «« soon as they could play | western road, which occurred thirty with the ¡«lea that some day possibly the Emperor lias trmpoiiarilv intrust a piece fairlv well they went on vxliibi-l pool twelv«* years ago, is l>eing fitt««l ing and loan associations of Lou ini i.l»*, miles west of Chicago, between excur the leak at the bottom would exhaust 1 up at an ex|M*ns«« of I.'SMI. immi , for s«*r- ed flic portf«)!io of Minister of I ’ oreign tion with it. and wh«*n summer (••¡me I Ky., whose estimated as»ets ami lia sion trains carrying Christain E ideav- itself. Now they ar«* determined to bilities f<M>t up to over a million anti a A Hairs to Heir von Bulow, who will furnished the material and they built I i vice on the Tacoma-Hongkong line. pump the mine out in any event. An or delegates to Nan Francisco. assuinc the duties of the Foreign Office Daniel Magone, one of th«« men im n public music stand, w here they played quarter tlollars, have gone to tin* wall, ♦ Dormous pump w ith a lifting capacity Thomae J. Kenny, master-at-arms of finding it impossible to conduct busi on the return «d* his majesty to Bei lin, j «•very night* for an hour or more. I plicated in stealing the I mm I v of W. N. of 1,080,000 gallons a «lay will I m * put the battlv-sliip Indiana, was murdered 'J'iu* present administration lias de- never saw such an improvement in men Ladd from a Portland, Or., cemetery, ness tinder the recent decision of the to work. It is estimated that even w ith on boarti of the ship as it lay at its (’<»urt of App«*als in regard to the legal terniint-«! to s««l vc the Behring sea ques and it extended to their friends and the was sentence«! to serve two war* in this machine two years will I m * required moorings n the Brooklyn Navy Yar«l. tion l«y branding all seat pip s found on I whole community. prison. 'Hie same s«*ntence a.* w as rut«* of iliteicst. lo clean the mine of water. After that The murderer, Philip Carter, walked instruc "After a tiin<* thej were playing well given each of his companions. The nowHpaprrs of lx>ndon expr« -'* Fiibylov islands this seiiaon. development will be begun. up to him ami without a work of warn tions to this ctlect have been submitted t nough to go to the neighboring places H. W. Coffin, sin erintamlent of Owing to the sli|>»hod manner of do ing plunged a baynot blade up to its anxiety at tin* occurrence in India, in to I’roft•>s«tr D.ivi'l Marr Jordan, tiie to play at Local celebrations, and once Juniper min«*, Jamestown, Cal., timating that the n a'» of the iii<t\<s ing business in the early day.« no arcíl hilt in his hack. seal expert, w ho w ill leave Sail Fran they pluyvd three days at a county fair formerly a sui'cesaful min«* manager m late record or survey of the under there arc less contented nmlcr Ih itinlt A dynamite explosion blew up a bus n, where, and made «¡uite a little sum of money. N *\a<la, »hot himself in tin* temple in rule than was gencrallv belirve«l, and cisco July Mtli for Behring sea, ground workings was kept, with the re iness block and a «louble dwelling ow ti with Ira aKsisliinlH, he will brand all When they went away on these trips, the Juni|M*r mine office, and «lied in a sult that lM*yond the fact that the low that a rrltrlliun of unpleasant pio|>«u- ed by l./eon <>'« hofski at Scranton, Pa., the sea! pups in Milch n way as to «lea- which were not numerous enough to few moments. Ht* left not a line as hi* lions may be threatening. ('oiistant est level is at the foot of a 750-foot in ami injured to some extent twenty interfere with their work, their conduct reasons for the act. communications hi *«* passing belwicn ti«H thr « oniincr* a! vaum of the skin^. cline, neither Mackay nor Flood have other houses, causing a loss of $25,0(Mi. was something to I m * proud of, and they | the Indian and Ixmdon governments. The Fresno Flume and Irrigation any definite knowledge of the interior Olchofski was seriously injured and would as soon have thought of getting company has been sited by a niiml>er .arrangement of their propertx. A< soon Gordou Blair, on«« of th«« cl«*v«‘r<»st A GREAT INLAND WATERWAY. may die. H«* said the explosive was drunk or raising a row as they would of of its employees timler an net passed as th»* pumping is complete«l a definite “ gentlemen ciook«« ’ in the countiy, caused i>v somut«t ilia <Jmr. h or politic throwing their instruments in th«* river. by the last legislature, This act re underground survey will I m * th«* fir«t who is awaiting trial at Boston, M h -* h ., The < lilrago l>raln.«K** < "'»1 an«l It« Com al enemies in hopes of killing him, mrrt-lal Importance. "They stopped their nightly gam- j quires corjMirntions to pay their eni- work un<!«*rtak«*n. \s well as can I m * re- forthe ronftmsed lar« « ny of valuables W. E. Ryan, State se re tar y of tin* The Chicago druiniigr cuñal is the bling and sav»*<J their money, and after 1 ploye«** in full at th«* einl of each thirty rienibere«! the ledge is a big one and worth from Butler Smith, iHNUvd most important public work now tiring two y»*ars of that band I wouldn’t have' days. The company Imlds tin* law is regular in its formation IllinoiM Miners’ Ass ociulioii, isaiied a After this a a remarkable signed ztatenwnt. In it executed in the world. |Hirt<-<l with it for a 25 |M*r cent, divi unconstitutional and will tight it in the big stamp mill will I m * erected. notice that all work on Illinois ffeld» lie diRcloHeM f«»r the fir*t tun«* liis i<l«*n- wouhMx* st<»pp<*«l at once and that a dend of our company." Washington < hicugo occupies the vantage site of 4*«>urt». The projectors of th«* enterprise be tity and the surprising fact that for national susiiensioii uns a eertainity. the hirgest urea of resourceful land Star. The San Francisco grand jury com lieve they have one of the best gold years ho ban h*d a career of crime while which our race can occupy. Between The miners in the Wilmington field moving nnan**|»<•«• t«-«J in the be*t so« i«*ty mittee on gambling, <!»* ii « uiik «* s the propertie» on the coast somewher«' the great St. I.uwrcnce valley on the I miei the pres have st«>ppcd work, TRYING TO BE FUNNY. U»«* «>f sl'it machine* as the nmst pop- down among those countless gallons of of \\ Millington, Baltiinor«« ami Neu north and the greater Mississippi to ent scale they c.aini they can umile water. At od . v rate they will spend a York. II«* coiifeHho «to Mexeral forgeriv* llruoit larrj Mail llna III« Pet Joltr. u ar form of gambling now in iih ««, the south lies one puss two hundred but nine cents per hour, The strike Strain will be declaring ilmt a more |M*rft*ct school ft>it'iü.* to find out and robberies, lieu rites his real name feet lower than any other. I aually Killy. At the will effect 20,(100 Illinois miners. utilized as the pumping power at first, lor teaching the young how to gamh'e is Lawrence 1*. (iralinm. “ Did you ever stop to think, ” said the licurt of this pu.sN sits!’hicugo Nature The United State« Monetary commis although it is probable an electric pow Reports from ( entral Kansas indicate bus given her claim to the title that I’cenaed iniMintlirejM*. “what a lot of couhl not have been invented. sion, lit a«led by S«*nnt«»r Edward O. that the hot winds prevailing in that she has taken to herself—“The City of If«M»ls men are?” Georgt* Bartines». «»n<* of the best- er plant will I h * erected this coming Wolcott of Colorado, in in London, ¡summer. section are causing Horious damage to Destiny.” Without waiting for a v^ply—the li- known pioneers of I nion «•oiinty, Or., having left Paris lawt week. 'I he coni- James L. Floo«l, his private secretary. was found guF ty of iiian»laugliter for crops. Particularly gloomy prospects ceruM«] inisanthrofK never waits for a There was a time, say« Harper's iiiissiom r* exprcH«« thioiiMolve* ns l»eii:g al«*h. and Richard \ . Dey. who repre th«* killing of Henry Seivlell on April come from Larned ami Great Bond. In Weekly, when at a higher level, the i it'pli lie contlmied: well satisfied with the results of the that acct ion of th«* State liarv«*»t hands lakes pourt-d their flota! of waters down 25th last. Bart mess qiianeie<l villi sent« Mackay on th s lately made “ The tlreary imbecility resulting negotiations in I'aiis and tlie mone- were driven from th«* tichl*, la'ing un the present valley of the Illinois river from the Xincrican national disease of Neidell over the po»»« »»ioii of a piece of a personal inspection of th»* pro|H*rtv. tnr> outlook. There is a strong bvliyf They are enthusiastic over the pros able to cut or stack the grain, and tin* into the Mississippi. To-dav. stand trying to be funny is something awful land, and »hot linn through the heart st the French capital that the comi.iis- pects. They believe that the Allison corn «Top, it is reported, lias liven ing on the low summit of the water to contemplate. Now, I iuet a man this with a riff««. ■ioners have arconipollislic«| something Ranch is destined for a new and long shed of the Illinois, one is but thirty morning a man with large interests Ncorchvd beyond rri’ovvry. II. J. Allison, an old sohlior, who has lease of prosperous life. San Francis tangible in l-'i ante. feet above the rocky le«lgc of Niagara. in the city, . hi oj ’ enitor in reul estate, a Four masked men mad • a d«*sperate tieen janitor «»f one of th«* Nau Bernar 'Flit* monthly comparative statement Iler«* lay the physical opport unity to iMtnker ami a ‘prominent citizen.’ He dino schools tor the past thirteen years co Chronicle. attempt to rob the Butte County •■ink of tlie government leceipts and expen renew the ancient southern outlet of thontc<l out to invsclf anti my compan at R«*lle Fourche, i kxitli Dakota. They and who was lately told by tin* n««w HIBERNICISMS. ditures h I iowh that during the month of the lakes, and to complete the circle of ion ‘Well, you’re a nice |Miir to draw »« bool lM»ar«i that lie c«»uld step «I owii il all the « ash in sight and start Two *«IrtshM llnll* Sot at \il ( i hargr «ble June the receipts from all sources grablied deep waterways by joining the Gulf of to.’ and I doubt if he I ihm seen two of his A posse gave chase and out, demurs to the onler am! will aiii<>unti-«i i r-.H, ;in,j ,.x. c*d for the hills. to lrl«hm«*n. M44.7Ô8, Nt Lawrence with that other distant acquaintance» together in 15 years sn«l overtaking the robbers a lively fight it in court under section of an The SpiM-tator records p**n dit lire 934,004. Icav .•ng a h 11r- gulf of the south without sjiririging that poor, ¡»ale. set of th«* l«*gislatnre approve«! March beruictsnm” which are not < tight riiMird in w liicli one of the rob* pirn« for the month of IS, >n.oi| II, 1 he canal was projccte«! primarily to shrinking jest 31, 1 n 9I, relative to the employ ment of to Irishmen, One of them was r« « . nt- Rurplui during June, 1K9( w as 42,439,- bers surrvndert*d. insure sewerage removal. The |a*riod- “Tlx*re’s another man who has a big rx-l'iiiun »««hlirrs. The hm I iuoii Hva»'>ii ly uttered by the captain of a “bovs* 430. The itatement shows that the de ical IL mm I n of the Des PlaineN. which mercantile buxine»» down the street brigfide”- a jiopular militai \ « »• m /«- • cum w . .. ». licit for the tl** al year cloned June 3<Hh fin«» thia year at Monterey Bay, Cal. force«! tlie city drainage to Lake Mich who mo er me«-ts a friend without ask was ||X.523,lHh, a reduction of J3I.S2I,- Very interesting facta, not generally tiou in a certain Eugl >.« parish. He E. laud uas dangerously hurt in a igan have already ls*en diverted into 9S5, aincr March 11111 of ihe present runaway accident at Nan Jose, i al. a |M*rinancnt channel. The sewerage ing: ‘How does 5 our constitutionality known, about th«* iron minea of Spain add r»' ms cd the corps on Hie subject of sagaeiat«*?’ lie’s consitlerett a man of the death of I’rinee Henry of Lutta-n- year. Hi» physician is uncertain a* to the re of a |M«pulation whose st«sk yards intelligence, too. and yet he’s beenchirp- were discussed ut a recent m«*«t ng of make it e<|uivalent to that of a city of ujpathetic tlie iron ami steel institute of («rent burg, and in •ndtng bh. E. A. <iaxara, a Mexican law ver froin sult. ing that Irt of idi<M\v at every I mm I v hr Britain. It is from northern Spain, in remark» chose an appioj riatr hxuin to two anda half millions will I m * rendered Monterrv. Mexico, Inis been at >ania Pasadena taxpayer* protest against knows for ten year*. eloHt* the sen ice. the lieighl»orho<Ml of Billmo, that th* Fe, N. M., coi isulting with proininvnt th«* pr«ipoMV<| new B«*wvr system on the harmless by dilution ami borne away ’’Thru there’s the head of abigmnnu- "And now.” hr said. "let us sing tln se In atldition, new harbor conditions will greater (»art of the iron oie iiiqati ted attorneys r<*»| teefing the filing in tin* •round that it will imrea*e the taxes I m * evolve.I for a |s»rt first in fa<*turing firm in the south emi. a man f«»r th«* UM- of th«* British st «-I maker* .¡nos in solemn silence!” Lnited State • land court of another too lllltcll. of wide eulturx*. a man of the world, Th«* other remark wan made by a eler- the v«.untry; and the bridgt* problem h obtained. Steel is mad«* ly tlie l»a»ic l'cral ta-gran t claim, betide which the ho R Flvth»«r was »hut, and probably which has wasted the time of hundreds who ought to hove Home sense, , riH*vs» from iron ore contain.i.g pho»- gyman in a discours«* on the trail is i tory Itogli» claim of J. A. I'eraltM-lteaiit was so delighted with his discovery of of thousand*, will I m * solved The tie phoru»; but for th»* lw*st <|iial ii«-> of nature of raithly things. ■tamia »« a inert* hagalrllr. («arsa fatally, in a sh«>oting gall«*r\ at llan- niands of the ex|M>aition perfected the ‘Nit’ a fevt years ago that hr regard* sl«*t l, w Inch is ma«I«* by th«* <>| < n hearth ”Look,” lie saitl, "at the gr«*at ionl, < tl., h\ the accidental discharge cla«ms to bine st seeM to the original it as a brilliant wittirivin in itaelf, and railway service^ of the city. Street Kx-« ss, n purer ore must be used, and of antiquity; «here nr«* the\ Rpanisli archives to subatantiHtr the •>f a 22-cnlil>vr rifle never I«»sr» an op|s>rtunity to inject it transit with its net work «»f cable,elec t is th it which England imports f«om Why. some of them have perish •d so validity of the Pei ralta grant for 5 o ,(MM>,- Jack (owgvr, who ha* I «ven prospect tric ami elevated ayatvius, has kept into his conirrsation with an air that S;«ain ”Nat ures«*ems f<»ha\«• des gnat«*«l completely that it is prolMiblr t hey OK) acres of Isnd in Arizona, Mexico ing in Nie\ada cuunty ( al., hiih « K» it pac. amounts to a demand for recognition of with growth. an«i terminal track never existed!” lie Irills of north» rn Sj .i.n « sp» <• alh ami Southei rn New M» xico. and who has made an«l -pent many elevation, altolishing railway grade bi» mot. for th«* use of th«* stv«*l iinikepi.” I ntil I hr Mrae« In llnrmati. The Navy r ilepartmeiit st \\ ashingtoii fortunes, is violently insane. crossings, has Itren inaugurated The "And so it g«M* N in«* out of every ten rrcM'ntly practically no ctTort has ln*vn The new woman should take I, r u ay is expected to take steps to increase tinal housing of the great inrr- men you meet have some ¡>et phrase .1 ulvs (’erf, nie of the must influential mail«* t*v manufnellire steel in Spain. to Burmah. There, travelers s.i\ the Pacifie squadron » bv building more chant« in structures whose location like that, which has ceased to mean merchants of s¡m Francis«*«», and fou ti . ml moflt of th«* ore ha» b< vn f\|.< itcd only ¡>u»4v or « art h « here 11 u • vessels on the Pacific coast. N« dvr uf the firm of ('rrf, lt hloaa a < . ami mechanical design will relieve the anything, if it ever did. ami which they to England. Th«* iron mine» «»f rorth- lM*fwr«*ii t he .'*ex< s exists, It retary Long { is expected to rrcoininemi c .ngestetl team trafile of its business |firr at the heads of ill with whom they tiietl at hi* reside nee there from heart •rn Npiin are dfs<*ribcd a* I m ii - rather thi». it is claimed, no won lt> cougrvM at it* next Moaion that au- streets will stw»n come. Chicago will come in contact. Dr. Nordau bus de disease. qliarrie« than mine» in the onl’narc wonmnly than the Burm w «»mm. thority I m * fivrn for the constrm tion of Is intrenched in commercial advantages fined thia affliction a* echolalln I I m *- «ruse of the word. "Th«* mountains whose ip«»«! sen*? enables William Yotin g, an old resident of without a |*ossiltlv parallel. ni to ne < mi'li t ion al battit-ships and |lieve. but the pro|M*r draignatioi« «or it tlivinarhe» are just hen)»» of iron ore the line where th»\v ought Berkeley, Cal., . Jird of starvation in Stop. In lioats. I’hv large cotiimen-ial line of the ca wouldn’t look well in print.” Chicago me of the for con rc«l naturallx with but a th:n layer the h’gher c I amm !1» a woiih whips . (| hi* little home there. i ■ T dax a the nul. aside from the piactical extension Journal. luxloubtedly Ii ••t earth. This is rrtnoveti, and it <»nl\ « rty of her own and inui ng <>hl man had »<*ar«*vlv a n •rari of food, of Lake Michigan thirty miles further M ichigi for by I’ fie const firms. remains to break up the or«* ami load it hi the Io a er c I ohm ’« < s t the he« improvement of (he and I m * whs too proud t<> eg for MU«tr- west, involves t ion a I THE SILENT CITY. into fitting receptacles, when it i con (luot* Mini runs her bit I Illinois t” II«* JIllK-tlMll with th»* Mi-ssi«, na femvw Wvn.tM-rul Mirage ..r a Towa Thai ta TP teyed down to th«* water’» ««Igv bv ila rraponaibility, the I si ppi. I hi* should a«!iiiit th«* pa»Miig « 1 >ast w « i I I >il<lanlia«<l. own o| «‘t at on.««, ard ii own gravity.”—Youth’s Companion. of vens« I* draw ing fourteen feet of wh t*i v n t A-ia Many »lories have been w ritten about I r the men flometimes st er It i > unfot tuiuetc that th«* govern CompanhiR of m«. l><>( Star. ( ering. white the worn •nt w I'tksin thi* really n«»!»l«* riv«*r mirages kik I delusions. Imt none more WugurI Siriua, the dofr-star, which i- the fhe retail trade f interesting and curious than that of the a uld not have I m *« ii planile*«! with bet- Silent City illusion, w hich makes its brightest to our rye of all the fixed Flag iff r refer • iicc t«> th«* future IL inoval apiH'nrsree near the P»< ifte glacier, in -tars, has a eery rvu.a kable cum| union, bond» io i I ii.I of his f i he «>l< I dam* w iII I m * mi|M*cativ»*. and Alaska. never visiblc except u it 'i pow erf ul 1el« tract h « •-* -I ret** On New Y i well thi th«* Meiiitarv district ha» The discovery of thia wonderful «copra. It was first seen in 1*62. ami ii He U *w 11X in broke tlie Nine tliotity under the liiweof it» erra She takes mirage. sa\. the New York Weekly, ’ '•*»» it dijmp|Maarad, the reuM»n of it in w to tl lavement ii to "lifeguard tile* new IL mm I, and others Aaü wiu a uru r. vt aa.i waaniadebv the Indians, who ofteu d «.ip|H*arncc taring That it had mvu ui • m » «loiiig to make a proiM*i •r initiative 4HUH Ii tell of the city which was >>uilt in the ho el««*«» t«» Siri«i* «»«• i«» I»* l<> t t<> view ii xar«l carry mg the deep w • aterwav to N. < i. W. Y a cloud*. the mirage can lie seen in the the (nerpuuering light of that great f Mississippi i’he Missi iv tppi com JOHNNl m MW VF.ARS HHI A* w orlb early part of July, from live to sis p. ni. *tar. During the time t»f it* Msibilitv «I to aaahet Mo., is It rtaea front the side of the I’acihc the fact had t»eeii ueertTain«*«! that it was lUetf will glacier It tirst appear* like a heavy revolving al*>ut Sirius ut a rate whh*h t A in< I h»«v th» |.«k«- * a »toragv rvM*rv«»ir to I tuist, and aoon becomes clearer, andons* would carry toW II.-H I* aid their lat»»i can distinctly aee the apecter citv. well «onte 50 yea i I I an W>mtii i defined atreeta an.l trees, tall apirea. w hich is an id«. A l>ay with the Saltan. f»r sett huge and <sld shapatl buildings, which \ it in one of the feci, leinirval« \ writer in tiw* I’ntrlv say« that the i John Hr II appear to be auciou* tuoaqmw and ca 1n»non>«*r* felt certa workin< day v lie nuDaji of Turkey. thedral* 1’4., fol T years the vinodied ««ta w it.h hil M-crr •*. is from ail o’clock It is a city large enough to contain at f'oiutnit ■ti thv m<*rni inti! naan, when he least twenty-live ,«• thirty thousand «« it none«} into a nori to have distant fr ^ht breakfast, and inhabitants iwr'tbkrs of » slight As yet no one ha* been II .iftrrwar«! gsw for * a walk in his park, able to identify it. although several h.«» now I which lias tier »igtwsi after the F.n<- have claimed to recoguiae the place ti«ti fashion rn ha rwW»’T>a to the There u no cit . Ilk. it in Alaataa. ncria I va !■<**» hr gi*r ds ners up td| right any country about it for of .t cloth hi the n ling Hr dine« rn«'#t mile» > n>e . laiin it t» a city in Hua- ly slonr*, otra >f it i, a uly j.;n<lso4 it ally in the c«»m|»anv sis other, afi ntnl»a»*4 In the evening he but none can tell what or where it is nrirajn waa give* the name of plais with on f hl* children, take^ I --Students of hiato a turn at the itio. which he Lwrs, "■’«ilent City. " *a it appuar* to one like believe, from fhr co* J II «• I 9» favorite r ■ mition la* mg Mlat a dead city; then* 1» uotbmg to iodi- dragon traditxHi in itmoaf ri tl d cate that it ia th«* picturs-d of Filie «Ir Mme, try, that a «rr|*nt-iihr animal w an Inhabited place limbi " hat shall we do with him. grand- feel probably nnre existed r Ih» gnbblrr — Harper’s Yount YWnfe sense than a horse. He savs that the mule is much the T ' - - . _ t M .Lo V ». » k. ♦ l<-»s demonstrative, Even in the lient .tillen, and lacks humor he appears capers which give such those playful ,—. — expression to the well-bred horse, par ticularly in its youthful state. It is evident.' however, that it discriminates men and things more clearly than does the horse. In going over difficult ground it stud ies it» surface and picks its way so as to secure a footing in an almost infalli ble manner Even «lien loaded with a pack it will consider the incumbrance, and not so ofteu tr> to pass where the burden will become entangled with fixed obiects. Old People Old people who require medicine to regulate th«* bowel*and kidneys will find the true remedy in Electric Bitters Thia medicine dues not stimulate and contains no whiskey nor other intoxi cant, but acts as a tonic ami alterative. It acts mildlv on the stomach ami bow el-, adding strength ami giving tone to the organs, thereby aiding Nature in the performance of i I hi f®nctk)ns l.lectrir Bit tert* is an excellent appetizer and aids digestion. Old people find it exactly what they need. Price» fifty cent« and $1 00 per bottle at Dr. W. F. Kremer’s Drug Store 01 the Knife. Mr. Lincoln Nelson, of M irshtield u write»: “Eor six year* I hare b«.’ sufferer from a scrofulous atiecti^* the glands of my neck, au<l all tg“1 of physicians in Washington, b c4 Springfield. Ill., and St. I.ouis failL , reduce the enlargement. After ,, months' constant treatment here > physician urged me to submit t0 ! moral of the gland. At this critical ment a friend recommended s.s" and laying aside a deep-rooted pre," «lice against all patent medicines,C gan its use. Before I had used otieU, tie the enlargement began to ■! .-.«ppear aud now it is entirely gone, thonghlra not through with my second bottle w* Had I only used your S.S.S. loni, ¿L' 1 would have escaped years of nn^L and saved ever $150." This experience is like that of all suffer with deep-seated blood trouble, The doctors <111 do no good, and etej their resorts '< the knife prove etthn fruitless or fatal. S.S.S. is the onlv real bloo«l remedy; it gets at the root of the disease and forces it out pern«, neutly. S.S.S. {guaranteed purely vegetal,, A Real Blood Remedy, is a blood remedy for real blood trouble, it cures the most obstinate cases o. Scrofula, Eczema, Cancer, Rheutnati«, etc., which other so-called blood rem« dies fail to touch. S.S.S. gets at th« root of the disease and forces it out ptt tnanently. Valuable books wj]| be sent free to any address by the Swift Specific Co., At lanta, Ga. sss Weak* Men Made Vigorous What PEFFER’S NERVIGORDid! It acts powerfully and quickly Cur«‘s wb«*n tl others fall Younx turn regain lost tuanbood oM men recover youthful vigor. Absolutely Gear- Hiit«*ed to 4 ure MervouNnm, Lo«t Vitality I in |><>t»*n« y. N’i/fhtly EndssioiiN l.ont Power either sei, Failing Memory, U Mating bit caaea, und all (fret» of self-atmte or ejctttn md in.iiAt retion Wards oft iusanltv and conbumptlon. Don’t let druggist impose a worthl* s substitute oa you because it yields a greater profit ImUt oq ha»- ¡nr I’EH'LK’S N FKVK.Olt, >r «• i f rit tn t arrl«*d In vest pocket. Prepaid plain wrapper D n't nauseate your stomach with tea- $1 • « per box, or 6 for <5, with A ritten Guar and bitter heaabs, but regulate your liver nntee t<» « tire <»r >4« iui.d Money, i’ami 1..*-tin* and sick hea«iache by using those famous PEFFEB MEDICAL AN.VN, Chi« ago, ill SOLD BY M. CLEMEN n little pills known as De Witt’s Little E irlv Risers—W. F. Kremer. “Oh. dear,” sighed the sw«*.-t young thing. “1 am h «» glad our minister is ofl’ fora vacation—the horrid, old tasiiioned tiling”’ “Old fashioned?” echoed the other sweet young thing “Oh awfully! il<* is still answering ingersol, instead of tigh iiu the newspapers and bicycles.’ -Indianapolis Journal. DR. PEFFER S ROYAL-TANSY PILLS. NEW DISCOVERY. NEVER FAILS _ “1 crave but One Minute,” said the public speaker in a husky voice ; and then h - took a d •-«*<»{ One Minute Cough Cun* and proceeded with his oratory. One Minute Cough Cure is unequalled for throat and lung trouble. ' You have a lovely bead for a 1 wr t- iiu 1 don t think.” sai I the manager. ‘ What have I «lone this time?” asked the ad man. ‘‘Just look at that catch-line for Snooze and Sleeper’s, will you.” and the unhappy manager | minted to a ‘‘dis- pla-” beginning, ‘ Mattresses until you can’t rest!”—Typographic Journal. A n»w. rbllable and relief for «ui>pr»«>WHl, MW«.'«*, ‘•■•Hnty or fit ful menstruation. Now u>ed by over BO,OOO I.AIUEH. Inv .K' -raU* filth organ«. B eware of i > angeroviiim itations per bo«, email l>ci »1 Prepaid in plan« arappe., Kcndlcla «tampH for particulars. FEFFEK MEDICAL ASSN. Chicago, III. Sold by M. C lemens . WE SEND IT FREE TO MEN No ’said M ish Cayenne, in response to a question, ’lie is not musical. At all There are bo many fakes an I quack events, he doesn’t belong to any musical imposing on the public that a man nat organization.” ‘‘How do you know '” “1 heard him say that musics >othe*l him urally hesitaleB before paying for some and made him feel peaceful ’’—Washing thing he knows nothing about. For ton Star that reason, we will send it absolutely John Griffin, ot Zam sville, <>., says: free by mail, in plain package. J'K "1 never live«! a day foi thirty yeHr» with HOI I M w- VITA! RESTO 1. «">t »uife/iiiH iiv. until a !>• x oiDa'Vhta TABLETS, which we guárante« will re \\ itch Hazel Salve cur«* I my pile».” For pile« and rectal troubles, cuts. brui«**s store your vitality, develop every part of sprain-, eczema and all »km troubles De Vour body and make you a perfect man. \\ it - Witch Hazel Naive is une«iuallcd- The wonderful curative powers of Kal AV. F. Kremer. amazoo Celery are well known, ami »e *1 don’t take anv stock in this talk have faith in our treatment, else we about the new woman.” “No?” “Notat would not send it to you free, "’hen al' It the time is coming when woman will d<j the iov»*inaking, »In* isn’t th**one you are satisfied it will restore van and of whom it is to l>e ex|»ect* 1 ’’ ••No'”’ wish to continue the treatment yon ctn 1 se ’AV.-il. | ghoul I sav then send us our pay. nut.’ “Oi whom then ”’ Why, one W estern M edicínelo ., w > ii I naturally think that tin* tailor- made girl would be the one who could (Incorporated > Kalamazoo. Mich pr»*«« her suit ”—Chicago l’«»st. \ ini vigni an.l victorv :-thtwt* ara tl e cliara* tiTHtu < .,f I»*Witt’s Little E:u y Ri-era. tli- f.ininii« little pili» for c insti- l’Ution.«nc«w and all st 'inach ami licertrotib!..--\V. p Kreiucr Educate Your llowela With < HHcareta. Candy Catbat-ti . coir «‘onstipat .»a forever 10c. 25c. If < ' c « ■ i. «‘rtiffirists rrfund money Ihrn't Ta>arr»S|>,t alll| lour life Asa,. To quit 1« >41« co easily and forever be mag netic. full of tin ro^rve and vigor. take No To- Bat. tlx- Wonder Worker, that make« ueak men strong. All druRgiata, 60c or >1. Cure guaran- St'.HlnJ'r"" Adar«., Add resit »ti rllng Keuieily < o Chicago or New York wi | m 11<-t"” HZ*i""‘r"p. LU in time. - J1 a\eu: 1 Trade-Marks obtained, snd «11 Pat*| jent t- c ii iucte.i t. r MooE»*Tr Fees- J JOua orr -c O pposite U S patch - 0^"«} t ure pa i nt in less time U.* ‘ item •fair. i \\ a-hington. J \ \ » t -rge Our fee not lue till patent i. rfd\J J A P amshlct , "Hov.-to Obtain Pater f cost of «auie j-j the U. S. an J foreigu 4 sent free. A«idress, | ;C.A.SSIOW£C0.! P ! 0»»p roctT orri-C. i ,« shinc , tox C* C Wanted An Idea I?--- 5 ôh ; ne.v», Wa.binim*• D r f.?r tb-o li -Pat*nl Attor’ -ui Ust of iw- t ua.ifM'luv7ntXrwï;tPe7e ’ E'ertlMMty Saya ko. Ca«c», ■t» < an lv Catbart <■, th<* most won- <ie*f ... i ,. '■ ' ' '»'-Tv o( tl... ag. i, .a, t.?.'! V 7 lh-.’«•■■ in gen" 1 V'iiki iiieya. llvd undbnivels . . , . " 1*' "'* m. dl.1,.1 ,„|||,. . ' .,T* • •Mtunl < onstipaiion ;■ 7„ V.;'?.' luaranteed . ur by'uil dru'.giu. %LE BY ALL DRUGGIST* “CUPfDENE” A renar m m. win quickly oar*you of n« r w ---- - ?'!*“•• *** h Gwt Mwtb«* L «' nipiea, ^¿-* 5 1 nftinwn« to Marn- S’lu*4 bebilii.'j n«vn}.! .. AFTER ; - before awo o AFTER * BEFORE ... - ... ............... - * • • -if- ... B..«»». Bw Fr*,c¡-O.c*|. ’ For Sale by M. C lemens . ANDY CATHARTIC AURtCOHSTIPATIOH — rtaT». “"'T in. Ï m iM. I.r^(t>, ,, ALL DRUGGL5T5 f “"**«• "•» MS1 u,‘ 1 »»».Muralr...lta < i