Image provided by: Josephine Community Library Foundation; Grants Pass, OR
About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927 | View Entire Issue (July 8, 1897)
An Open Letter PERSONAL. Snowy Butte again leads the market. Redfield can fix your watch to suit To the Editor Oregon Mining Journal, W. W. Hale came up from Leland THE WEEK'S JOTTINGS Grants Pass Oregon : Clemens, Drnggis*, opp. Opera House. Monday. Dear Sir; Having read your leading Willie Taylor came up from Wolf creek editoral, entitled "Small Business,” is Redfield always s--lls tbe very best Kitchen safes $2.75 at Hale'«. sue of July 3d, I wish to correct some Pickles 10 c per quart at Mash A to spend the Fourth. Will Jackson resident deutist. ol your impressions. First, tbeen- Pike's. Mr. Wm Bvbee if Jacksonville spent gagement ot lion Win. J, Bryan to C. St. Louis mounts gold nugget«. speak before our assembly, was purely Ex-Senator John H. Mitchell is in the Fourth in the Pass. Snowy Butt« flour at Cornell's. a business proposition, imlieving that Paris. Miss Vergie Woodford returned to her our people, irrespective of party atlilia- Oranges and lemons al Bartlett’«. Buy the best bicyc'e in town from home in Medford Monday. tion». would be glad to hear so distin- PINTS - . . liOc B. A M. handle Snowy Butte Hour. Redfield G. W. Kearns of Wolf creek was doing guiahe.1 a speaker Secondly, from the QUARTS - . . 7(k' promised revenue from such lecture. If Get your ice cream at Redfield's The vegetable crop thia year will be business in tbe Pass Tuesday . you think a moment.y u will know that large down tbe river. HALF GALLONS - . soc Calhoun Bros, for Snowy Butte dour. Miss Maggie Eaton ot Jacksonville is tbe vast four years have l>een exceed ingly hard ones for all kinds of business, Freeh vegetables everyday at Bart Jacksonville celebrated the Fourth ill visiting friends in the Pass this week. including the running of Chautauqua lett'«. j their usual enthusiastic way. Kenneth Root will go to Briggs creek assemblies. Mr. Bryan made a prop The tire bov» did good work in put Ladies’ capes and jackets at a big re- Thursday to look up some mining propo osition to us and we accepted it; neither party can honestly change the same sitions. ting out the dames. duction. Dixon A McCroskey. without the consent of the other. Fur E. T. Buchanan and wife and Susie thermore, you announced that Mr. Bry A big hue of clothing al right prices at A first class girl wanted to do general Muir went to SanFrancisco Monday with an would «peak for the space of twenty- Dixon A McCroekey'a. housework. Call at Dr, Kremer’s. live minutes at Granta Pa»«, on July 10. the Endeavorers. If you want fiesh fruit for canning Tbe Cot xiKK is rather late thia week And 1 am advised that this »as done Charley Nickell of the Itemocratic leave your order at Bartlett’s. I on account of the fright caused by the without consulting Mr. Bryan, Mr. Bry Times enjoyed tne Fourth with the peo an's secretarv, Mr M. A. Miller, Mr, ' The tire came too close to us yester fire. Bryan’s representative in Oregon , the ple of this city , day morning to be comfortable. The Jess Brothers on Applegate com 8. P. R. K. Co., whose trains would. ! Misses Emma and Anna Helms of have to be held at your place, or the ; Jewel A Dodge shipped $1200 in gold ■ menced their summer fallowing for fall Jacksonville came down to spend the Southern Oregon Chautauqua assembly. sowing last week. bullion to San Francisco this week. If you have without authority made an I Fourth in this city. 1 announcement, and worked your peo- New supply of wall paper at the Granta We presume you use soap, and if so Mrs. Dr. Jackson of this city end Mrs. ! pie into the belief that they can better the best iacheapest. Hoe Cake is strictly Pass Furniture A Casket Company, F. P Tynan of Roseburg visited friends in , hear Mr. Brya.i al Grant's Passband I Go to the Novelty Candy Store for a pure with no free alkali. they are disappointed, please place the Jacksonville this week. nice dish of ice cream. Conklin build | blame where it belongs and not on the We feel very grateful to the Observer P. O. Wilson of Rock Point, father of ’ Chautauqua assembly. ing Front and Fifth. and Mining Journal the for offers of Miss 8. A. Wilson, passe l north last It grieves me to hear you »|>eak so un Have your dea’er keep Snowy Butte. assistance after the fire scare favorably ot your own town's people. week enroute to Portland. W. H. Flanagan, physician surgeon I had regarded them as the "Salt ot the The merchant who tells you he has E. A. Chilton, a mail contractor of earth.” Not a republican in Josephine and dentist. something else as good as Hoe Cake soap <ir Jackson county has. so far as we Kentueky, was in the city a few days See our special prices on clothing,— is a good man—to keep away from. ( know, said a single word against Mr. ago, looking for contracts. (larth and Son. ; Bryan »{leaking in Grant’s Pass or ex M. T. Utley has been down the valley Miss Ollie Brunk, .laughter of post pressed any fears that his arguments Wall paper 10 cents double roll at the for the past two or three weeks uuilding master Brunk of Ashland was a passen would injure their party. On the other G P F A C Coy a large barn tor the Kelly Brothers hand we have been advised by republi ger on the north bound train Friday. The Kelley Bros went to Eugene last cans of Josephine and Jackson counties Yellow washing |>owder will makevoui Rea Benson returned from California that they intend to hear Mr. Bryan speak evening on business clothes the same color, Avoid this by Tuesday night and went to work for the at Ashland, and not one of them has in For twe or three days, the regular using Soap Foam. It’s pure white. Sugar Pine as book kee|>er at the fac timated that he was not willing to south-bound train has passed in two di pav for the privilege. Rev. Melman and T s Cundy tory. visions. Isn't It time (or the leaders in the went up Rogue River fiihiug Miss Anna W ade came up from Karg "silver movement” to atop grumbling Salmon are so thick in the river at last Friday They came back with an I about paying a email pittance to bear school district where she is teaching, to i present that some are spearing them abundance of fish their leading exponent speak ? We be B|>end the Fourth and to visit her ' lieve the common people will gladly from the bridge. H C Hill, a pioneer resident of A»h- parents. pay to hear him. In regard to your We extend thanks to those who so land, who has been sick for a long time, Ed Newell and J. H. Halleck came I threats that people who intend to come kindly be'ped us out of the dilemma passed to his final rest last Monday. i to the assembly will remain at home, down from Siskiyou to spend the Fourth ! we can only say that if they miss the caused by the tire. One by one the old settlers pass away. in this city. The; will return Sunday or Southern Oregon assembly for 1897, they If C Hutchinson, of Woodville, Or., George Brown, formerly of the Snow A Monday. will miss the best intellectual feast that has been granted a patent for a,porta Brown restaurant, is now in charge of tbe has lieeu spread in this portion of the Judge Willard Crawford went to ' state, and will doubtless always regret ble sawring machine G. Kulschetie restaurant. They serve Woodville Monday and made the Eagle it. The Granta Pass Furniture and Cask lunches oMneals and will give satialac-1 Your personal allusions, I accept ns an scream, The Judge reports at least 800 et Co has a full supply of carpets and lion. addition to my presidential salary. people present. Should Mr. Bryan decide to look out on matting. Come and see them. A. H. Carson A Son report a large crop Mrs. C. 8. Cox who has been visiting your |>eople and your faircity and give Hoe Cake soap anp Red Seal lye are of grapes and prunes at the Redland. you a word of greeting, our assembly the family of L. G. Brownell of this city, made by P. C. Tomson A Co., who have Their peach crop is much better than will tie glad, but if vour people wish to returned Monday to her home in Ander hear a speech of twenty-five minutes or a national reputation for pure and high they thought it would be after the son California. more, you must come to Ashland on frosts. grade goods. Miss Vida Moore went North last July 19th. Rev. w n Wilson, of Dresden, Ohio Thursday evening. She will spend two The Sugar Pine have cut all the timber Brother, come up to Ashland and at- near their saw mill on Wolf Creek aad pastor of the Baptist church in that weeks each in Salem and Portland visit- tend the assembly, the whole of it, And out how the people who believe in the will move the mill to another location, city, is visiting the family of Mr Joe triends and relatives. Chautauqua idea of education have Griffith. Mr Wilson is a cousin o about a mile up the creek. Bishop Morris came to town from the struggled to present to the people of Southern Oregon such intellectual treats, Those who desire to go to the Chautau Mrs. Griffith South Munday and while here he let the ami if you do not willingly confess that The Ashland Boys in Blue pulsed . contract for building the Episcopal par qua Friday morning early, for less they are deserving of much credit, in money than thev can go on the train south yesterday morning They have' sonage to H. L. Rotermund, cluding the Bryan engagement, and the ha<l a grand encampment at Hood river should call on Mr. Yantis. support of all the newspapers, and all Miss Helen Crowe left Monday evening the )ieople of Southern Oregon, the The Coi HiKH under its new manage for the past week. There were at ths I tor Portland, where she will visit friends Chautauqua assembly »ill, ip addition encampment about 900 of the boys. ment is "independent,” that is, it is tor a few days, after which she will take to giving you a complimentary ticket, nay your board at 11 first class hotel in dumb as an ox on every question upon Reports come from parts ot Kansas the steamer for Kan Francisco. Ashland for the thirteen days of the which there is the slightest chance of that on account of the hot dry weather, Frank Plvmale, tv|io on the Salem assembly. Will you come? Ia>t us I i disagreement —Mining Journal* crop« are light. In the dialricts where Statesman, passed south Saturday to have peace. Very truly yours, The Turbina, a steam vessel recently crops are good farmers are offering good spend the Fourth in Jacksonville, after G. r. B ili . inus designed by Hon. Charles Parsoiuis the wages for help, but they can’t get suffici which he will go to Ix>s Angeles, Cal. Pres 8. O. C. A fastest vessel afloat at the present day, ent help to save their crops. Hayes B.Taylor went home from Rose having a record of 38 miles per hour, Second-hand bicycle in good order and "They don’t make much fuss about it” burg where he has been representing the equal to that of the average railroad We are speaking of De Witt's Little Early Chicago Portrait company to «{s-nd the for aale cheap for caah at Dr. W F Kre train. mer'« drug store. Risers, the famous little pills for consti Fourth with his people in Jacksonville. Cramer Bros, are agent« for the Ore pation,biliousness and all stomach ami Robert Jeffrey, brother of district at Not Ice. gon Short Line. Call on them ami they liver troubles. They never gripe—W. F. I torney Jeffrey, paid Grant's Pass a visit will «ell you a ticket which will take you Kremer. The C's'kerllne's Flour mill on Murphy ! last week. Mr. Jeffrey is studying law creek will tie closed for some time, until through the scenic regions of Utah and in the office of his brother at Medford. changes are made and additional machin The Celebration. -AT- Colorado Try this route if you are con When prepared to guild Clyde Payne and Harry Emery came I ery put in. templating a trip east. Saturday, July the 3rd, the people of down from Ashland on the Fourth on wheat due notice will he given—M. II. Grant's Pass and Josephine count' with Cockerline. There is a time for everything; and the many from other places came together to their wheels in 3 hr» and 25 minutes. time to attend to a cold is when it «arts. do honor to the one hundred and twenty The beet time that has been made on School Itepoit. IMn't wait till you have consumption fir«t birthday of the greatest republic this road. NEXT TO POST OFFICE, Report of school district No. 23, for but prevent it by One Minute CoughCure, ever known. Hon. H. B. Miller spent a couple of the two months ending July I, 1897: The day was a beautiful one—nothing the greatest remedy for coughs, colds, whatever of the elements to prevent a i days in town this week on business. He l'upils enrolled, 24 ; average number croups, bronchitis and all throat and joyous time on the part of evev one. returned to Eugene Thursday night, belonging, 23.115; average attendance, lung troubles—W. F. Kremer. The usual noise incident to such an oc where he will join his family for a trip 23.25 MONMOUTH. OREGON. Over two hundred students in the casion Is-gan at sun rise when the first to the coast. The following pepila have been salute was given ; aud the boy, need we A TRAINING SCHOOL FOR TEACHERS. State Agricultural College at Corvallis ask, where was he'’ No, the tirecracker« Elmar Dunbar has gomr’to Colorado neither tardy nor absent, and obtained petitioned for the retention of 11 B. Mil gave evidence of his presence until a very Slight expense 90 per cent or more in deportment; Regular Normal Tuition, Books, Board ler as president of the institution. Mr. late hour, when all was hushed in silent Springs, Colo., to visit his wife who is at Grace Hayes, Abbie Stackpole, Itova course of three yesis. that place for her health. Harry Dun slumber to dream of the good times and Lodging approx Miller s friends here will be pleased to Senior years wholly bar will remain in the bank while El Frier. Blanche Hayes, Bessie Briggs imately > $135 O> per know that he stood well with the stu passed. professional, At 10 o'clock A. M. the bicycle parade mer is away. year. Student« board Mary Croxton,Mary Savage, Huy Hayes, ing depart me i ■ lead by the president of the day R. O. ing themselves $110 dents of the school. Lester Hayes, Kay Briggs, Glen Frier, grades with 2 11 McCrosky OU horse back, and the band G. F. Billings returned to As. 1 .land per year It has been repeatedly announced by uren. Academic grades the Chautauqua management that ac »agon drawn by four white horses moved from Tbe Dalles last Saturday, whither Winifred Savage and lister Myruk quietly down sixth Street from the court W. A. M assik , Teacher. accepted from High Instruction commodations will be prepared for 5000 house to the bank corner, where they be had beea in attendance at tbe State School«. training in g >- Sunday Bchool convention. He reported »•lease Hettle Up. turned west to Third street, down Third Catalogue« cheer people who are expected to attend the tics (Swedish si stem . fully rent on applica address by W. J. Bryan here on July 10, to Front, up Front to Sixth and south a very interesting and profitable time. «nd vocal mu- • lor Aa I am moving my entire «lock ol dry ou Sixth to the bicycle track. After tion. public schools Walter Harmuii will go to Galice creek good« ami groceries in this city to Kerby but it seen.s that people at distant points the parade the people assembled ill the .along the line of the railroad cling to the grove to listen lu the literary part of the this week to work in his brother's mine. < Iregon, I desire all those who are indebt A<1.1 rese : The Normal di E. Harmon's family expect to go ed bi me on either note« or account« to impression that it is intended to have programe. Miss Essie Hartman read Mr. ploma is re< „•■. zed please come forward and settle immedi >v law as a -1 mj the address in the tabernacle and there the Declaration ot Independence in h$r over there to t|iend a couple of weeks ately. J. W. HoWAM. usual clear tone ol voice and Hon. II. L. Lire Cxrrtn breathing the mountain air. will not be accomoiiation» for all. It Benson «ielivered an excellent oration leach For Hale Cheap should lie understood that the address The afternoon was »{lent in merriment H. J. Powers, recently of Redding,Cal A good delivery borie, wagon and har- will be in the open air and that there anil all seemed t<> enjoy the sports ifornia, but whose home is in Michigan, dni at the Second Hand Store. Grant’» Following is a list ol those who won will be room for all to get in to hear the the :e stopping st the l.syton. Mr. Powers Pasa. prizes offered by the different com orator who desire to, while seats will be mittees— is interesting himself in the mines of this Horse rare, untrained, <i0 • yards, best county with the view of buying if he can J. R. H ai . e , Undertaker, office op provided for 50'JO.—Ashland Tidings. of 3, prize $5 0), won by Pedro lind »omsthirig to suit him. posite Kremer’s drug store, where Dixon A McCroskey are making a big 2 in out 36 seconds, owned by Ed Ames a discount0'1 .adies' shirt waists. Prof. Thomas Newlen, President of Pa he may tie found, either day or night Foot race, handicap, 100 yards, free for Wedues.'ay morning at hall past one all, prize $5 0o. won by Will l^mpke, cific college at Newberg, Or., a cousin of time 11 seconds Sack race, 30 yz ardo, ‘ We have just opened up a new store of o'clock, Tom Galvin discovered fire in free for all, puree $1 00, won by El '.men O. C. Terrell of Ibis city, in coui|>sny the clothing store ol Felsch Bros., the faiwis Three legged race, 50 yi iarda, with Mr. ('. K, lewis a school mate ol alarm was at once given but before the free for all, pArw-$1 50, won by ri rank Mr. Terrell, passed south Wednesday Boy’s enroute to Frisco to attend the C Jewell department arrived on the ground the Delevan and Robt race, under twelve, free for all, SHELF WORN GOODS. EVERYTHING NEW ami FRESH fire had made such headway that almost foot prize 1 00, won by-Wm Moore Girl's Con vention. the entire stock ol goods was consumed. egg race, won by Miss Dimick Run- Among those who attended the Young The Fetsch Bros, reckon their loss to be nmg jump, won by f Geo Hogue People's Meeting in Ashland Monday I, Martin Jor- Having made arrangements to about $14,000; they were insured for Standing jump, »on by High jump, won by from this place were Rev. N. F. Jenkins, buy from a factory outside of the dan. Btanding (' ’’ $8,000. The origin of the fire, is and Geo Hogue Bicycle race, one mile T. P. Cramer, Mrs. Robert McLean, probably always will remain a mystery. amateur, open to Josephine I county Robert Eberlie and wife, M>»es Bertha combine, we now sell our entire cup, Barrie, Allie Pool, Jessie Hcovill, and line of Coffins and Caskets at one- 1 About the most reasonable theory is wheelmen; prize engraved «liver Lowest Prices. Gire I so’(nil. half the former prices. ' that before closing ttieir place of bosi to remain in hands of winner for one Raymond Hcovill. year —given to Herbert McCarthy, no We carry bv far the largest stock ness some one negligently dropped a opposition Bicycle race, 3-5 mile, Among those who went Uz Han Fran- I lighted cigar which ignited cloth «-rape open P j boys under 15. prize, medal, ¡cisco to attend the Christian Endeavor to select from in the county, and WOODVILLE. OREGON’. which after smouldering for some hours won by Carl McUrwkey. time, 1 44 Convention were L. I. Jewelland wife, the Goods are equal to any on the finally ended in a conflagration. The Bicycle rare 1 mile. hst>du-*|>, open to T P. Cramer srul wife. Mrs. A. Bartlett, market. Wc will not I k - under all amateur riders, prize, medal, won Fetich Bros, are enterprising and ac by Loren Adams, time 2 minutes and Misses Ethel and Maud Bartlett, Miss sold on Undertaking Goods at d comodating business men and we are S'-’’, second« Bicycle r«ce, 3-5, beet 2 Mary Coe, Bert Calhoun, Jimmy Will will furnish our elegant HEARS! pleased to learn that they contemplate in 3, won by Harry Boynton, time, 1 iams. J. IL Ahlf.and others whose names . to our patrons FREE. opening business again soon at Grant's minute and 31 1-5 seconds. Baseball game, »on bv Medford Nine, purse, $.)> 1 we did not get. FIRST NATIONAL T hursday , J uly 8, 1897. eduction in Prices OF For this week we will sell fruit jars at sdüTHERN OREGON’. 3 > O I W e also make a special inducement to close out our remaining stock of MORNING GLORY SUGAR CORN 5 cans for 25c. MAUX Best on earth. Large and every one guaran teed to light, 3 hunches for 5c, 18 bunches for 25 cents. FRiri Ot all kinds—Large, Juicy Lemons , 20c and 30c per dozen. Oranges, 30c and 40c per dozen. Peaches. Apples. Apricots. Berries fresh every morning. B. &, I CP CP no > o m z m X M. gw SEE THIS! ARE COMING < m m 7Ñ $40.(X) and $50.00 1897 HARTFORDS, $75.00 Î897 COLUMBI AS, ‘Standard of the World” We Rent Up-to-IJate Wheels. Repairing Quickly and Neatly Done Dry Goods! Croceries! Provisions! W1JIER A Co. GRANTS NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. I.ANiiOrrtct at R oskhi an, On.. June 2, 1897. \TOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN THAT V the following-named «ettler 1 ' has tiled notice of his intention to make final proof in «upport of hi« claim mid that said proof wiP be made before J. M. Chiles, county judge, Josephine Co., Or., at Grant's Pass. Oregon, on July 111, 1897, vis: Henry Brier on H. E. No. 7138, for the E NE *4 and,lot 1 of sec. 2-1, Tp. 3»> 8., R. 5 »Vest. He names the following witness«» to ' move Ins continuous residence upon and cultivation of, said land, via: file Severson, Charles Costain, Frank Randle, L. E. Woolfolk, all of Grant’s Pass, Oregon. ]937-42 R. M. V satcu , Register. Something to Depend On. Mr. James Jone«, of the drug firm of Jone« A «oil, Cowden. III., in «peaking of Dr. King’s New Discovery, «ays that lai-t winter hi« wife was attacked with l.aGrippe, ynd her case grew so serious tiiat physicians at Cowden and Fans could do nothing for her. It seemed to develop into Hasty Consumption. Hav ing Dr. King’s New Discovery in atore, and selling lots of it, ho took a bottle home, and to the surprise of all she be gan to get better from first dose, and half dozen dollar bottles cured li.f aouud and well Dr. King'sNew Discovery for Con sumption, Coughs and Colds is guaran- teed to do thia good work. Try it. Free trial bottles at Dr. W. F. Kremer’s Drug Store GO EAST Library-Car Route Itis-k Meals in Kinin« < ar a In < arte Balta.-., TIIK ALL-RAIL BOUTK TO KOOTRNAI MININO DISTRICT, —VIA— NKATTLK AND RHIKANK Quickest Line to St. Paul, Duluth, Minneapolis, Chicago AND ALL POINTS EAST. OREGON STATE NORMAL SCHOOL. ENERAL MERCHANDISE! It heals eveything exepta broken heart may be said of Ds Witt’s Witch Hazel Slave. Piles and rectal diseases, cuts, 1 burns, bruises.teter, ecz. mi and all skin ■ troubles may be cured by it quickly and permanently—W. F. Kremer. Shortest and Cramer Bros. 4 Re<»ive deposits subject to check or on cenidcate payable on demand. Sells sight drafts on New York, San Fran cisco. and Portland. Telegraphic transfer» «old ou all points in the United States. S| hs ini Attention given to Collections and general business of our customers. Collections made throughout Southern ' iregon, and on all accessible {smite. J. D. IKY, President. J. T. T U Fr 8, Vice President. R. A. B ooth , Cashier. VIA DOWN STORE $50,000. Capital Stock, THROUGHPALACEaiKUOURIST SLEEPERS, DINING and LIBRARY OBSERVATION CARS. Daily Trains : Fast Time Hl Kill K ANU HCKNCBY I NF.ql ALSO. For tickets and full information call on W. T PERK I NS, A oixt , Grant'« Paas. B cn A laiWKi.i, AgentWoodville. \ B 1 DumtM. It. i'. H tkvkm , C P A T A, Portland Or. G W P A. Seattle, Waeh. 4 !c To Secure the Best Results in Preserving Fruit Demands that Granite Iron stew pins be used, as the iron kettle gives the preserves a peculiar taint that spoils the flavor and renders the otheiwise tempting prest rves almost unpalatable, We have a splendid as- sortaient of Granite ware and we can supply you with anything in that line you may need. Fish arc Beginning to Bite Prepare for sport by laying in an assortment of Fishing Tackle. Come in and look at our rods, reels, lines, flies, etc. We also have a good stock of guns, ammu nition and sporting goods' Hardware. T J swell ¿o Dodge — 0000000000000000000 00000 1 ’ASS rk Pricking J. R. IIALE. H J. H. AHLF, Proprietor OF KÏÏW t Quality of Hams, Bacon, Lard. Etc., at Wholesale and Retail. lie Cash Store Opposite Round House. es a lull line of Staple and Fancy Groceries Flout, I«d > »ions. We have a new stock of Fruit Jars this year. Parties wishing .0 ' <hould;gct our prices. They are the lowest, MASH & PIKE. 1 \ i re Medicine« National Drug- Store, That’s where we buy our goods and that's w hy you buy so cheap from us, our store is w here many people tindjbargains. mi 0 o o i Dr. W. F. Kremer, Prop. This week you may find Silk Waist Pieces for less money than manufacturer's prices. Another lot of new goods in this week*-*O>me and look them over New supply of Tin Cups at 1c each. JSTKW YORK 4 Latest Forms!