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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927 | View Entire Issue (April 1, 1897)
SPRING Capes, Suits & Skirts. T hursday , A phil i , 1897. THE WEEK'S JOTTINGS April E-vol'a Day. County court, April 7. Dill pickle, at the B. &. VI. Will Jackson resident dentist. Circuit court, April 19. Field pea. for sowing. Calhoun Bro.. In addition to the large stock of E "W Shown in all departments, we place on sale Today, some elegant values in Spring Capes $2 to $12. * TAILOR-MADE WOOL SKIRTS $1.25 to $5.75 Elegant values in Shirt Waists at 40 and 49c 8, ALS The hit of the season is our line of PINGREE & SMITH Cloth and Kid Top Shoes, in the extreme razor toes, lace or button at $290. Another shipment of 3 1-2, 4 1-2 and 5c caii cocs placed on sale at 'the CREAT CASH EMPORIUM o Sweet and sour pickles at Bartlett'» The rainfall for March wa. 5 inche*. Go to the Grant’s Pass Racket Store for low prices. Easier Sunday April 18th. this year. Clemens, Druggi.', opp. Opera Bouse. W. II. Flanagan, physician and dentist. surgeon Brand new Kimball organ foi less than cost. A. R. Yantis. Fre.ii nut. and raisins al Bartlett’s. Freeh salt-waler fish at AhU’s meat market. 1896 Bicycle, for $35.00 at Cramer Bro*. We don’t want the earth, only just enough profit to live on. Calhoun Bros. Cow for sale—will be ire->li soon. Ap ply to W. A. -Matchetl Grant's i’ass. Coin» and ere the 1807 Whitney Baby carriages at Terrell's Furniture store. Utah alfalfa seed 9c in small lots. Less price on quantity. Calhoun Bros. Terrell & Son can sell casket, and cof fin. as cheap as any house in Southern Oregon. PERSONAL. OVER THE 8TATE Rogue III »er Mining Items. Win. II. Payne of Portland is preftar- Henry Hiller went heck to Sisson Sat- [ The Review says that Roseburg ba. the I mg to put in a pumping plant io tiydrau- on lay. worst tailrosd depot in Oregon. I lie the gold out of the liank of Rogue ri- The November fieeie injured 90 per i ver, 7 mile, above Grant’. Pa.«, on the Mr. EredUurry is visiting (riends at , San Joee Cal. cent of the prune tree, in Benton couu- ; other .ide of the river. Messrs. Payne, i ty. i Wing ami Morri, have been .hoveling Mrs Gao. S Calhoun «ent to Ashland Saturday on * iisit. Floats in Umatilla county have m pla into sluice boxe« on the Cundel place for c » taken oft the top. of the gram a little, ' several day. by way of prospecting and I J O. McGee of Williams cam» in Tues but no serious damage has been sustain , have made $2 a day to the hand it the day ou busiiie.-1.. , proceM. Mr. Payue is a practical miner ed. ' and consider, the ground justifies a mor. Constable Colby made an ultkial trip ! armera in Sherman county have 1 ex|>en.ive plant than embodied in a Mt to Merlin Mouday. about ti iishml plowing and are now wait of sluice boxes. John Slagle of Kerby r-ni»tered at tbe ing lor the ground to dry enough to bn- J. V. Taylor will »hip 16 tons of ore gin seeding. losei-hine last week. Irom Grant's Pas. to Ashland tbit week. Mrs. Sarah Kansan returned Sunday H. Bryant was appointed assignee iu The rock comes from his Prv Piggings from a visit to San Francisco. Albany -Monday of the personal estate of imine , some 4 miles from town. It is !.. E. Bain. Bryant’s bond was fixed at ' ' hauled by wagon all the way except O. D. Saraent ilueed hi» butcher »hop ♦40,600, and wa. filed at once. 1 about 150 yard, where it is sledded from -Monday and quit tbe busiueiM. The fund to erect a monument to the the mine to tlie wagon The roads are in Mis. tuna la-aman of Applegate, went victim, of the Silver Lake tire, iu Lake lawful condition for hauling bags of ore to Montague tai by Tuesday'» train. county, uow aiimunt. to ♦ 1500, and nego at present. ( apt. Brown of tbe copper niimw ia ex- tiation. for the marble have been enter J. H. Weston of the Griffin ledge sent I net ted ba< k from San Francisco shortly ed into two men out pro«|>eeting for quarts on I Mis. E. L. Gray lett for San J<-e Cal The Portland Tribune is aliout to be Indian creek recently and they found a ' Friday lest. The lady intend» to remain come a morning paper to battle with the rich of gravel high up on the hill tn that city. Oregonian for public favor. The stock side. A ditch will l>e dug and giant mounted shortly. Indian creek has been i Miss Alice Thornton spent Sunday company is incorporated with a suppos worked for over a generation ami a fabu ed capital of $50,000. visiting her parent, from the Jackson lous amount of gold has Iteen taken out. ville seminary. George IKtnahoe fourni a prehistoric Crow and Taylor aliipped a carload of T. 8. Clarkson, Commander and Chief mammoth's tooth in the Virtue mining ore to Ashland from Merlin last week, of the G. A. R. was a passenger on .Mon district recently. The tooth weighs SV, which netted (2500. pounds, measure, nine inches in length, day's north-bound tram. Tue winter weather has caused a tem and is 5x3 inches across the (ape. porary suspension of operation, al the Keeler Gabbi rt of by-gone journalistic Parties are trying to lease the Wallace mine. fame in Grant’s I’sss is .pending a few day. in ibis city. He has a quarts mine canuery for the purpomr of reviving the Gold du.l in a steady stream finds it. fruit-eanuing industry here the coming on Grave creek. season. The prospects are that there way into Jewell A Podge', office from all Mark Hubbard of Gold Hill left Sun will be plenty of fruit, and the cannery parts of the county these days. Thia is day for Kossland B. 0. w here he goes to will probably be run al it. full capacity a good time for placer miners. ply the blacksmith trade. during the season.—Salem paper. Travel smoothlv in the same route—at least we find it so. There is an infinitely small profit in the following, but they bring active business: $1 00 KEG PICKLES, plain and mixed, per Keg PETITE PRL’NES, Fine stock, per pound 5c BROWN BEANS, best quality per pound 2 l-2c SMALL WHITE BEANS, not very clean per Ib. 2c ROASTED COFFEE, crushed java per pound - 20c POTATOES, common stock per pound - - - lc FIRST CLASS POTATOES, not a poor one in the sack per pound 1 l-4c EARLY ROSE ’or SEED, if you take a full sack per hundred - - . $1.40 NO. 1 TOMATOES, three cans for 25c GOOD CORN three cans for 25c ELOl’R BEST BR ANDS, we are now sellingat $1.20 We are now receiving fresh vevetables daily. Merlin Matters. George Thornton and Walter Crockett Tom Kelley was expatiating in The returned to Dunsmuir Sunday tor the Dalles the other day on the twautjes of a Will Ht-fling went to Wolf creek Sun We have a job of $1.00 corsets which summer. little machine for nipping off the ends of day evening. We are dosing out at 50 cents cigars, and to show that one’s linger W. T. Emery of Oakland Or. is around could not be pul in the machine, slues i John Keiiy cMiiie iiuiu Grant's .Make your exact wants known and buying st atlle in Josephine county. his little finger in the hole. There was I we will save you money and Utue. Cal* He lias t> gh .mm 6 0 head in the a click of the machine, and the finger I Pass last Wtslneatlay. DF houn Bros. Sinitb River V-.ighboriiood. Mr. and Mr* J. D. Haye* want * a Make Them Qua<1rentiial. wa. drawn out without any tip to it. Proving t’p. (vrani’s l'asa Saturday returning Sunday Saturday was cold and wet and very Henry Boat of W iliiam» creek w as ^R e ■ So satisfactory L " arc the " general results Settlers desiring to make final proof At the am .al meeting ol the Oregon ii evening few person, were on the street, It wav badly hurt by bis horse faljmg uudei Fruitgrowers' Union, al Millon, th. toi- a il the Oregon legislature's failure to or on their claims can save trouble and ex a dull day fur business. him. The extent of his injury is not Rev. Hunter rreached at Pleanant pense by sending in name and number lowing directors for the ensuing year ganize itself this year that a gratified peo Arbuckle and Lion coffee only 20 ct. j known at this writing. were elected: M. D. la-eiiy, Cyrus Pow Valley m hool house last Sunday morn Ule are lieginniag to consider the advisa- of claim with description, and names of ing and at the Merlin school house the M D. L. Crooks was in from Deer ell, H, L. Cauvel, E. J. Davis, ,1. M. Ev »ility of abolisiiing the biennial session four witnesses. Applications made out Calhoun Bro*. 32 crei-k this week. He aaya the farmers ans. M. D. Leedy wa. elected presi same evening. — y stem entirely and separating the meet- i tree at the C oi kikk office. Beautiful line of window »hades at ' out there are all late with their sowing dent; J. M. Evans, vice president ; H. L. John Tremble and family moved down P’ <>gs by a spice of not less than four Save Your Grain. Teirel". furniture store. on account of the wet. Cauvel, secretary ; Cyrus Powell, treas- from I Wolf creek last week. Mr Trem ‘ ear*. That the state would really profit ur*r. if you want tlie best shoe on earth for I ÀPîby suuh an extension of the dividing pe- ble i* a fit st class blacksmith and w ill run Few realize that each squirrel destroys John L. Childs of th» Crescent City wear call at Howard ’ s and ask for the .. fxl is shown by the saving effected by $1 50 worth of grain annually. Wake Williams shop. Two cattle-buyers from Kansas were in the 1 News w a.» in town Monday on his way he recent fiasco The quadrennial ses- lee’s Squirrel and Gopher Exterminator Bryan shoes. back from Sacramento where he had a Corvallis last Monday, looking for prime Mr. Massie’s dwelling house burnetl T ion, it is claimed, would be an improve- is the most effective and economical pois I the ground last Thursday morning, One hundred men wanted, to trade hay clerkship during the session of legisla beef stock. They wauled nothing over to »ent upon the biennial session inas- on known Price reduced to 30 cents. »nd grain for buggies and backs. A. R. ture. three years, nor younger than laat year's together I with all it* contents. It is a great luch as it would reduce by one-half the For sale by M Clemens, sole agent. Yantis, Grant’s i’a»». calves. They expect to ship the cattle I io Mr. Massie as the building was Win Crow was iu from hi. farm below to Kansas, and from there to England, loss resent ex|*ense 01 electing ami matn- i Notice to Horse Breeders. A street fakir did a thriving business Merlin Monday. 1'he outlook for a good The prices offered are said to be very almost new and not insured. )|....lining our state parliament, to say no- j Monday selling cement for 10 cents a peach cr p he »ays is good this vear. hut fair. In one instance M2 a head was of- ‘“''hiing of the corresponding diminution of Bill Husted and John Kiester were ar lie can tell more about it on the 15th of le red for last year’s calves. ppurtnniiy to enact objectionable laws. ' Moak II., 18, 10<). standard bred Ham- package on the street corner. rested last Thursday for stealing bac >n May. II the necessary bnsintHs ol the legiala- blelonian. Macduff, 1,486 pure blood from Mr. Devanie's smoke house, i’he Dried fruits all kinds, prices right. R\>re could, it is urged be transacted just Clydesdale will make the season from preliminary trial was held Thursday eve Calhoun Bro«. Capt. Wheeler went to Medford Mon II you liayeever seen a child in the ag ’ 1 8 well every four years as every other April to July at Lister & Cal vert's : bal day on business. He say» the copper ony of croup, you can apprm-iatu the ning before Justice Ladd and Friday ear. Tlie appropi lation bills could i>e ance al my stock barn. Season service* The Junior social at the Bethany mine, will resume operallons now in a morning the thieves were taken to gratitude of the mother, who know that oubled as to amount., and desirable la a s Moak IL ’ $20 00; Macduff $10. church parlors last Friday evening was few weeks. A railroad from tlie mines One Minute Cough Cure reliever their Grant's Pass and place«] in tbe cuuuLy Breeders of horses will be pleased to well attended and a pronounced suc djuld be adopted and objet tiouabie laws , jail to await the action of the Grand Jury. to some |>uint on the coast is projected. little one. a. quickly a, it is adunniater- Constable Colby came out from Grant's • »pealed. Pending repeal, the latter notice that the service of Mr. Cass' cess. Seymour Patton went out last week to ed. Many home» in tin« city are never Pass rnd arrested Dick Kiester whom „ )ul«l be nullified b* n »n enforcement. horses has b»*en reduced to meet the Only a few pair of those miners shoe, run John Rilev,» »tore at llm Althousu. without it. The only obstacle in the way of the | times. Now is a good chance to get a John Kiester and Bill Eusted claim plan left at the Racket Store at $1.35. Itivii iggeid<‘d immvition i* the election of good colt cheap. Mr. l'atlon ha. had »good deal of expe ned the theft. One half of the bacon Pruning Eruit Trees. net:* id *ed Slates senators. A*i»uw arran PLANET JR. GARDEN TOOLS sold rience in mercantile business and is wa* iound buried in Ensted's yard and An Affidavit. known a. an affable and accomodating that there is only a two years’ interval only by Cramer Bins. the other half hidden under the floor of Thin in th» season of Um y vsr that the d u;.£tween tbe exp ration of tin* two aena- young gentleman. the house where the Kiester boys were This ib to certify that on May 1 lib, I Prune trees to trade for wood, fruit, or tree butcher gets in hl. work. The "ex \Vr:'.»r;al terms, and to overcome this ditli walked to Melies's drug store on a pair Commander Booth Tucker of the Sal pert prunor” with ax, naw, and a pair of batching. It is a very fortunate circum Btock of any kind. Riverside hursery. illy it uouid ht necosary to hold a Hp stance that some of the thieves have of crutches and l>»ueht a taittle of Cham cation Army was a passenger on Thurs ç-al legislative - mioii or io substitute berlain’s Pain Bahn for inflammatory The high winds of last Thursday did day's north bound train. He is a tall, tiedge .hear«, ami who trim. tree, down been caught at their tricks in this vicin to mere .tump., i. about offering hi. .er- ity as such d>at>oliuul work has be«m go • ^'-iennial regular sessions for the exist- rheumatism which had crippled mo up. somedamage in Portland and the Will fair-complexioned man who might be ta KG0>‘>6 system The election of United After using three bottles 1 am complete amette valley. The blow did not reach ken for Buffalo Bill with his long hair, if vices. Orcbardixta should give him a ing on here for some tune. It would be wide berth. Tine inapplicable to all part, ;ate* senators by dire< t vote of the peo Southern Oregon. ly cured I can cheerfully recommend it were not for the alvation uniform , of Oregon, but the tlimight han been nug- a great credit to the reputation of this e would, of course, remove this i>a rriwr it.—Charles 11 Wetzel, Sunbury, I’a village if several of such masculine char Large shipment of wall paper received geated by Institute worker, returning acters were landed in the pen and a few the filling of a long-felt want John Kiley returned from a trip to Cor- I Sworn and sub««-ril»ed to before me on Soon or late Um time between leg i sta - \ugust 10, 1*94.- — Walter Shipman, J. P on the 20th at Terrells ’ Do not fail to . vallis last week and report. bu>in»»s a» I from Soutlleru Oregon alio report over of the do nothing, street walking girls ve sessions shall Ire extended. Notili* For sale at 50 cents |s*r bottle by all get our prices. dead in the iVillamette valley. South- pruned orchard, a- about the worst fea sent to the reform school. of orcharding in that part of the j ient reason! van be given why tlie stale druggists. 1 Howard keeps a full line of groceries, (>-rn Oregon with its never failing output ture N kko . ^gislattires shou!<] meet s > frequently . ' ami will take all kinds of produce in ex i of gold ha* lime far had a great advan- stats. A healthy tree well headed at the atari, >r can it be shown that there is any tag» over the rest of the slate, devoted to change for goods. Robbery of a Siuoke House. It will l>e an agreeable surprise to per iblic demand or necessity for most of ' agriculture and stock. I the head twenty to thirty incite, from the Oliver Chilled plows are th» best. We ground, need, only to have deformed, sons subject to uttucks of bilious colic to e laws which they •* ia ’ <)i the hun John Kiester ami Wiu Eustid, two learn that prompt relief may ba had by c Is of bills jm-j-c'l at the bebsion of a young men of Merlin, were brought down are sole agents. Cramer Bros, Many cases of “Grippe” have lately crotched, and crooned limb, removed, taking Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and gialature. a very small |»ercentage are I nd ty bv constable Brit Williams, to re- What is the use of your coat been cured by One Minute Cough (.hire. with now and then a branch taken out to Diairnoea Remedy. In many instances public benefit. Heures of schemes for i t?ul«* in th»* county jail till court sets in a'eeve when you can buy .good handker This preparation seems especially adapt thin out the top. The .hape of the tree the attack may M prevented by taking rporate or private advantage are acted default of $3*MJ bonds each. They tia<1 chief for 2cents at the Racket Store? ed to the cure of this disease It acta should be governed by pinching, and re this remedy as soon as the first symp vursbly upon, md n often ap|n*arM us broken into James Devaney’s smoke quickly, thus preventing serious oompli moving .mall tw iga with a budding knife toms of the disease appear. 25 and 50 Second hand lumber wagon for »ale cations and bad effects in w hich this dis- All other pruning in unneceeaary, und a ... legislalur«’H were organiz-’d for tbe «ole | house and stolen 9 pieces of bacon. The ' irpose of doing tlie will ol such inter meat was found in their posesaion. Jus cheap apply at this office. wanton destruction that seriously im cent bottles for sale by all druggists. ease often leaves the patient. pair. the vitality and uselulnenn of the t«. The carelt -snu^K with whit h lawn tice* Ladd thought the evidence sufficient Kitchen safes $2.75 at Hale's. Residence Property for Kale. tree.—A. O. <J. Bulletin, e written, the Mp»*e<l with which they to bind them over for burglary From Far-Off Mine*. Sweet Cider at Bartlett's. -, a - c parsed, nMIlie the meeting of a legi?* Dick FivMter a as brought in Sunday Two-story house of K rooms, with halls, Ujuliurt * very serious thing to eoberlv re- morning tc ansuer for the same crime It is surprising what a "wee bit of a Dr. Will Jackson's iron building on j I Tacoins paper* report more strike* in cting people, who are b ginning to and this made three members of the Kies North Sixth street is about completed. ! thing" can accomplish. Hick headache, closets, etc. ; partly furnished, if desired ; the Olympics. including good 2-slorv burn and out g.k fOW a disposition to limit the opportu ter family in charge of the county. The* It will cost $300 constipation dy.pep.ia, sour stomach, He lias lease-1 the j ties of ambitious IcgHlatot* —Portland old man w ho lav h and groans while under ground from Mayor Axtell for $10 a | A rich copper I mj II is being staked off dixxiness, are quickly banished bv |>e- buildings; good well and city water; lot sentence of death for drowning his wife, year by prospector* on Barclay ground, Van- Witt’s Little Early Risers. Small Pill. IOO x KK i . Inquire on premises D St., op ■jxnFi1**«“- posite baptist Church. Safe Pill. Be.t Pill. and the two «nils charged with this ba | couver’s island. During the winter of 1893, F. M. Mar- WE GUARANTEE our BICYCLES for T. E. H oward . poiwi, of Long Reach. West Va . contracted con stealing. There has been a good one year. Prices from $35.0 ) to $7 i.OO The largest diamond in the world has Turwday Evening * Entertainment. deal of petty pilfering arouud Merlin re severe cold which left him with a . arrived in London from Kimberly. South und payment easy. Cramer Uro*. cently and the ¡»cople there are getting An elderly man named Cooley died | Africa. It is Mid to be worth <2,500 OiW itiowUgh- In spea ng of lu>w he cured it Ihe scries of tableaux entitled “The suddenly at the Denise farm on tlm low tired of it. Alfalfa hay to exchange for wood. I »ays: “1 used several kinds of cough uncut. Old Man ’ s Dream ” ami the comic oper Monday and Tuesday considerable de Scott Griffin op[»oHite Court h >u*e. er Applegate yesterday. , /up but fourni no re i« f until 1 bought lay was encountered while the prosecu The last return* from the greatest etta “The Milkman’s Bride” were en Hour 60 cents to $1.25 lOttle of Chand>erIain's Cough Remedy joyed by a large audience of the Grant's tion ami defense were arguing be:ore depth yet obtained in the Ls Koi give the There Is Nothing So Good. ” lich relieved me almost instantly. and I Subscription* taken for the San Fran- 1’as m elite 1 uesday evening. The 'old Justice Holman on points of law. R. G. a short time brought about a complete Smith represented Dick Kiester and Abe risco Examiner at the C ourikr office. highest average values in gold ever ob man” in tbe dream was represented by tained in the history of the mine. There is nothing just as good as Dr. *e." When troubled with a cough or Th** Weekly Examiner i* $1.50 a year and Mr. G. 8. i'ersons who dreamed ail * <1 tito this remedy ami von will not Axtell the state Considerable excitement was created through the play with becotuiug dignity, King's New Discovery for Consumption, you get all the advantages of their pre Wednesday morning Justice Holman <1 it necessar - ro trv .. ral kinds t»e recently in the town of Salnio, B. C., while the pretty tableaux were tollowing Coughs ami ('olds, so demand it and do mium offer. e you get relief. It ha* been in the dismissed the cast* against Dick, deem through the discovery ol a nugget in the each other, representing his career from not permit the dealer tq sell you some ing the evidence unnuffii ient. On and after March 15, 1897. The pri .rket for over Iwentv vcai« and con- gravel exuavate«l from a cellar. The the cradle (o tbe prime of hie. The la- substitute, lie will not claim there is ces on photograph* will be $3 (M) a dozen nugget was worth from 05 nllv grows in favor and ¡»opiilarity. to $10. «Lew and gentlemen and children who anything better, bnt in order to make Bucklin's Arnica Halve. fot cabinet*. Other size* in proportion. r sale at 25 and 50 «•ent* per bottle by took part in each pretty and affecting more profit he inay claim something else The stockholders of tlie lx? Koi .Mining R. J. E vkkitt . to I m * fast as good. You want Dr. King's ,0r- druggieta Tux best salvx in the world for cuts, Company have decided to have a smelt scene, displayed much talent, coupled New Discovery becauiie you know it to '6 !*• " The prolonged winter, though goo«l for er of their own and al the next meeting with evident previous careful prepara bruise«, «ores, salt rheum, fever sores, Ling«*rlng Inters. I m ? safe and reliable, and guaranteed to ; folio» £---------- ---- tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, placer miners, is bad for the farmers of the director« plans for one of .'PM) ton* tion . The heroine in “The Milkman's do good or money refunded For Coughs, eoi blotter« for following parties were and all skin eruptions, and positively who didn’t row their grain in the Kall. daily capacity will be discussed. If is in Colds, Con sumption and lor all affections sup^alleii for at the Grants l'as-« cures piles, or no pay required. It is Spring sowing will be unusually late this tended to build it this year at Northport Bride,*' Miss Bertha Barria, was |»eifeci- ol Throat, ('brent and Lungs, Inert* is no ly at home in the role of kitchen co will ire March 31 : guarantee«] to give good satisfaction or year Wash. quette, while Messrs. T. F. ami G. W. tiling so good as is Dr. King's New Dis coGile Joe Jessup Maud monev refunded. Price 25v per bos. The two rear coaches on Tuesday’s covery. Trial bottles free at Dr. W. F. Toe waste dump on tire 1.« Roi mine a* Winthrop Mr« J. V Fur -ala by Dr. W. F. Kremer. south bound train were totally devoid of Ro-sland B. C . contains ore which is re* A. 1*. Cramer brought down the house Kremers Drug Store passenger*. Jap Waite, the engineer p*>'t«d as assaying $12 per toil. A test in their corre«-t rendering of the British Regular size 50 eent« a$.d $1.0). said they were loaded- with "confl-1 with the O. K. stamp mill netted |7 20 boldier and Ixmdon polkurman making love to the kitchen maid to get some deuce,’* |>er k>u in the bat'ery and an 44s.1v of thing to eat. Tbe landlady, Mi«s Jessie The two-story «1 welling house of W. A. the tailings shows a lues in reduction of Fa<idock was tbe personification of the WEBSTER KKRNM I n thi« «tty March Massie was destroyed by fire near Merlin ♦4 80 per ton. worried mistress who lias been ao un 25, David Welmtcr and Liiiie Kerns Thursday noon. A stove-pipe unprovi- The Ctah mine at Fiaii '»pring-« has a lucky in hiring help. Mr. Voorhees, BACON NI’TT In thi* < ity Mnr'h 21, G •fed with brick chimney wa* the cause. car of ore on the market of exceeding who finally captured die bride was a de H. Bacon and Altea Null. The family lost everything of value and richness. It assays 202.3 ounce« in sil* cided success in hia role of “Milkman.” there was no insurance. tblr city Altogether Ihe entertainment provcxl Bl'ARH A WK - KILL Near ver ami 2A1, j>er cent in lead. Thi« mine March IS, <*. E. Npurhawk ami Mildrwl E. E Turner of Compton, Mo., writes is making a remarkable record and its highly enjoyable ami a succ ess tinam lai- Hill. □s that after suffering from piles for Rev- owners are justly proud of it.— >alt Lake enteen years, he completely cure«] them Desert News. f»l F. I» They are im small that the most sensi hr using three Iroxvs of De Witt'« Witch A partv of prospectors ar reportagi by tive pt-rsons lake them, they are so effect CflENNKY On ____________________ I’les-nut erwk March 211. flaael Salve. It cures eczema and severe a correspondent of the Seattle Post ili* ive that the most obstinate cases of con the wife of Al ('barmy, s native ut Eng skin diseases. telligencer to have discovered a rich stipation, headache ami torpid liver yield lami, aged 1M years. Sunday was stormy ; so was .Monday — body of galena on the Dosewaibps river, to them. That »why De Wilt's Little MARCIJn At Wolf creek March 27, I *<97 streaks of sunshine dashes of snow about twenty miles up from the mouth. Early Risers are known as the famous <«eorga Marcii'a nativs of ( alifurnia aged Is stcadilv growing in favor. The farmers like these seeds Tuesday morning a regular January fro«t The vein crops out lor about 30 Ml feet little year* pills. bt iuse H k . lie CLEAN; because they are FRESH and glazed the sidewalks and the fog veiled and is from ten to thirty (eel wide. Il Hpray for Fruit Trees. mountains betokened anything els«* but *bsays I rota $20 to *120 to the ton and is J. R H ale , Undertaker, office op frt’LI.OF VITALITY, and oveause they are FREE FROM mild weather. pronounced a true fissure vein, in a alate posite Kremer's drug store, where and granile formation. Boil two I'ouii'ls of white arsenic and he may be found, either day or night V;.i A’e-mly -evds are the cause of great losses to Torturing, itching, scaly skin erup (our pound, of sal »o<la, lor tHleen min* tlo The weed'- reduce the quality of hav or grass lions, burns and scalds are aoo€l>ed at ’ nt»., tn two ic.llon. of water. But ___ A Fine Munit al Cuming. into on< e and promptly beah«i by I>e Witt*« ' * jug and label "ptMuou" and luck it up. aanie t ;ne exhaust his laud Witch Hazel Salve, the best known core I When you to spray slake two A fin» programme of biitli i-las.ical gras-. Alfalfa. Red and White Clover and Mil- for pile«. mn.ic will lie 91 ver, sc the Op<-r. Hou-e pound, ol lime and .Hr it into forty gal George Hart has f»eei) taking testimo We keep nothing bnt the best v ¡rieties ol seeds in tins city on Monday evening April 5th. lon. ol water, adding a pint ol the mix ny in the land suit of Carson vs Fenn for This pr<4|rsmiiie will tie rendered by ture from tbe jug. the last few days. The rase is to be sub T ** mixture in the jug will cost 45 our own splendid srlists of this part ol milled to the Judg*» Hanna when all this the state. This is given under the man writs, and this is enough lor MX) gallons, testimony Is in. It involve« the right of or twenty barrel* will require forty agement of Mr*. 0. L M.rigtini in tbe in homesteading mining land on Oscar terests of the Newman M. E ehurvli p mj nd. of litue, which will ojat 20 cent* creek. Admission is fixed at 25 rents. No ex more, making th» total cost 65 rent* for twrrity barrel«— 314 rente |>er barrel. Junin* Bartlett, an inmate of the in tra price for reaervivi seat. Having made arrangements to Ila advantage* over |iari>i green are a* Citi Tickets and seat, can be »ecured al sane asylum, wag brought tn Grant's follow. It 1» cheaper ami tbe ingrwii- buy from a factory ontnide of the V have also a slock of genuine EARLY ROSE and I'as* Tuesday ami was met by bis moth < lemena’ Drug Mtore. i »nt* can be found tn any villa.-' drug Below is the programme. er. widow of to« late H. F Bartlett combine, we now sell our entire EARLY SUNRISE Seed Potatoes. store, it is easily prepared, and easily The young ix an wa« taken to thg home Part 1 kept ready , it will keep for any length ol line of Coffins and Caskets at one- »f his n other on Grwwn’s creek. Hit 1 Plano Duet. Mid Summer'« time , it is uniform in strength ; it do»« I life is despaired of. Dream -Mendelssohn. Mrs Edwar<l fl. not injure Hie leaves of trees or plants; half the former prices. About 6 ieet of snow ilea on the »um- Wa ter* and Mis. Izetia* M Davis. it colors the leave, white, showing how We carry bv far the largest stock 2. bop.-ano Solo "Jaime" -Mollor. mita lietwern V^ahto and Gasquet, on easily it is distributed.—A.hl.nd Tid to select from in the county, and Mr* J. (3 Booth. I the Cres« ent City row«] The mail has ing*. ck. J to be packed over by loutmen for a »pace 3. Tenor solo. “Ah ' lioat Tlton Ixive the Goods are equal to any on the lion t allow the lung* to be impaired Oi all kinds in bulk and package. Flower seeds in great <>f 3 mile*, while the paper mail has lieen Bohn. Mr George p. Cramer We will not be under- by the eontiniMMM irritation of a cough, market. left on the road this si«le of the sn«>w 4. Violin Solo "La ."«." variety. All at lowest market prices. II is easier to j-re- ent eonaumption Ilian sold on Undertaking Goods ar.d line Pammgev traffic haw of course Fantaaie Singelee Prof. C. J Kurth. been retarded while the slow is master 5. Vocal Duet “Fe'l Rammc-nti" to cure it. line Minute U-iugii Cure tak ; of the situation. Campana Mr*. H. C. Kionev and Mr*. en early will ward off any latal lung will furnish our elegant HEARSE trouble. C. I. Mangum ■ | to our patrons FREE. IV llld Y ob Ever 6. Recitation 8<*le*te«L Mr John <»oo For Mair dell. Part 2. Fry Kletric Bitter« «■ * remedy for your Ths Rogue Hivw Brewery in Grant's i troubles’ If not, get * txHtle no» «nd Mal»* Quartette loe ted. Messrs P sim w Vi KF barrel Copper Kettle, Keg-*, ¿et relief Tbi. rued trine ha* been found Cramer, Kinney, Cramer and (lodge to he yernliarly s hipted to tbe relief 2 Piano Horn ' A eakeaieg of tlrli- Mad Kiln and modern Bowling al'ey, Duelling Home g rooms, -table, Ursn- and core ol all Female rimiplamts, el one" 1» Mi.« Belle HvUnwin fruit trees in gar nrtu.g a ■uwjerfel direvl lafloonce in ♦ Tenor Holo uuen i by Casement" VX. e|c. J h**rc are den. Its property ruciains 4 acres, or firms «treneth ami tun* to tbe organ* Grech Geo B G O’Brien 26 building iota faquirs at Uns offlev f you have L jm <d Appetite, l oo*lipa $. B«a« Solo "Tbs Bnaler" Pinauli il ► X wf Mrs. v^su. Waiter, Ur ant's Pass. ’Ion, Headache, Farnlmg bpoiia, pr are , Mr K. P Dodge. Nervous Bleeplesn, Excitable, Melan- A. Clarinet Holo Fantasia "Looisa 4y < Dr Vanderpool ! cboty or troubled with dissv apeBs, Miller" Bergson-Verdi Dr. F. W. Van Elmtric Bitter* is the medicine you Dyke need Health and strength are fuacao Fkyeic, th. Oragou Liver and Kidney 8. Soprano Solo Magnetic Walts -g teed by its mo . Fifty rent« and |1 M “Io Hn Vo lav" Ardita Mrs C. L Man mvuialur, take, the lead with us. For 'll- It Kremer's drt< More. gwm. FOR RALE BY ALL DBUGGI h TH .ale by W. F. Kremer; 50e per buUle :IE1 SMALL PROFITS AND ACTIVE BUSINESS Calhoun Bros R. L. COE &, CO N I "’I We have just opened up a *.?’• GENERAL MERCHAND a EVERYTHING NEW and FRESH NO SHELF WORN GOODS. Dry Goods! Groceries! Provisions! Lot vest /'rices. Give Us a Call. ■nil ib j. <». c Wi ll ER A Co. •1 WOODVILLE, OREGON. 3 ^-in. Wagon, $85 5-Tooth Cultivators, $3 Spring-Tooth Harrows 15-tooth, $19.76 Only a few left. t JEWELL & DODGE IMPORTERS OF AND DEALERS IN HARDWARE SIXTH STREET BLACKBURN HOUSE BLOCK < ’iifili 1 <'«>■*< ■<>!<! Diiwt A ZK A A A A A A A /W A A A A A A A A A A A A v V W W WWW VVVVVVV-v-v-w 11 Medicines V 121« A CIIEA1». National Drug Store, Dr. W. F. Kremer, Prop It Is a Good Thing Soinctimcs. to let the people know what you arc doing. We are getting new Mdse, in every day for the Spring season. We will still sell at discount our mackintoshes, over coats, oil skin clothing, blankets and duck clothing blanket lined. We also give good bargains in hats anil clothing. (live us a call before purchasing elsewhere. F. FETSGH & GO I ^■ARDliX SE KPS n ’ t : Good Seeds and Insure a Good Crop The B. & M. Grocery. J R. IIALE. GRANT’S PASS Pork Packing House I. II i h L r, Proprlrior Finest Quality of Hams. Bacon. I-a rd. Etc., at Wholesale and Retail.