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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927 | View Entire Issue (April 1, 1897)
POSITION OF FRANCE- COVILO LOO* SEYE^E m M5E.Ì TO BE PUNGENT PARAGRAPHS. »< GOOD SOC ETY freaks of the MI'D A CCMMCN.SE**SE APPtA .f ». r.« »•«« ra- •» »-*«.»»•* B— 1 I — , arr.lM W< of ~ ■-«■ »•ax -» t r »ii.**. te^rc- . *Pi re at* lie Laiud *■-»“ °< *>“ t tie terjp-A» axt »« wio«e tAtt.«« .re JB oar ■ P* day. E»<l«ad. »bo reee.v-4 Ckr.w-ea.iy W y«*« =*- icre tie fiaeawry of Aseric*. -io*« repeal r- -tier * trace it» - --4-..-T -•<*. tiro /i nearly r-t»er- u.ot» of ka<« «» < pnaew w Alfrad tie ' j rea*. *ai beyaad, tie eoar.iry «aya «kick for hun-ireeJ. <f year» i«e played * leryer pan a ’*♦ *• >***'• b.tvory than ie y Mier «¡xuoa ■ ‘ tie e*rii—th:» j» eraaUer *n *r>y one of .re tK.» • ecoreof er « t A tee France .jre r end vet not —one-ifteenti toe ireA of the t orted >*Atee, excluding a »»». About thrre-f ;rth*x*extena;ve A* AFMT- A rt'» a bvr ., TexM. * little o»ore tnan fow time» he » re of New York.x.moet preeieexy eqnrralcBt to tie four note* Indiana. 1...BOU,^AE »nd Wleconein. Trance, too. ia one cf the few eountnea of enorenorr i:»wnra; importance. To day her populates® »eema to hare reached mix.x-tn: » new impel.»» to colonial exponwon b»». to be »u»*- been rvn. but ’bew eoloniao are m the EAin to » tooted ae to be capable, for a >on< time, if not forever, of addinr •t.* to the ttreugth or --revti^e of the metier country; ao th»’ °ne may rea- ■oaab r •: •- -bat the in ternational political influence of France ., likelv. compared with that of oeveral other leading power*, to prow lean and ;»*< Her importance in other direc- tkraa. however, may not. and. one may trust, will not. correepondinrly decline. —Prof. Charles F. A. Currier, in Chau-, tauquan. fattorr as torr rradix; ■d. "4o «V j asd Bryvi *» tb* * 1 ,Ub a Po«*, teils a story . a Wsskingtoa whe : the rXber »J. COI * AMERICAN In aT ' He •!«*>- ‘ r. *‘r* '. •-*X * • • Iin//wl*<}g* of toera .’ry is r many sa iapnetawl .leanest >■ k« refi«M-w>er.t and > -irore; >n mrl -r -fny. sr-.->s-d;.-.¡r to -ray ’ *-f'«w‘- pert o' tire ^Ju*»tosi of a toAdr lad *« and g* ft ’ !ö »r** ’-* rrature and th* »et», teer f ' I sind t te - «Ctzrít of B* r&L's >* jwsi *• o’brr dXsul lr»<!if g «f trrtiOft t4> ■ of ttoif arust*. ia Am*r»«« • *pp*'*rr law and order i'ni/ed beraldry That we have to« J th- -»Aintry'r aJflsœt from the sert lense nt ranaot ra 4.-r«x»4. *wl tbr/o*h its prerep*• bave kWtg t»*m dih- oijeyed, th* tim* La» s*ri *d when |>o* pl* »-^«n to r»f*/g .z* ’h«* fact and se«k iBetruc* r. h* a .?>)** ♦ Eu- g* ue Zw» I- pp r" * sa« a«#f era. It waa an od«i » - -»rt ng advero tur* that bef«* ! B*v R l* A* l * a rrii^- ak/ftary in Afrwa whue urarrag on a biryrir H* had g*d far ia advaaor </f tew jMwters. and wba a.'/og al a pretty g'M»d ape*''! wilh fa.» *ye <«. ih* patto. wh*n * A i hn'y b* h*ar J a n/>raa a* '/f «toiora.» g* mp.z.g tolta Traerirrag* ♦-* gram-ing to th«- right !*e diAe*/v*r*d n«sg'. Bona tee*ping bit» «/xnfrany 1 n« y WB99 twenty « thirtj yard« V« and kepi a. rag «vitto non for ¡ertosi a handred yard«. Tb*n tte*y M«^ped, locirad al toirn fur aMraen’ a atra g b*ing b* m *t bar» 'e«k*d in tL*ir *y*s and hrrandad away al righi augira. stili ab/pping now ami tn«-n to look tenete, t»il tteey «B«rapp*ar*-d in Ito« long grana Y'/uth * * */<npam>/u. PUUCK- Tí K w a» Iw !**•• Afrar ta* rira •r isa*. • Th* f* arfo I » : - no*, eruw. -?«r hoenraer. af»d erxz.mjtte*s teer* ua- Mediately af^r» nu^i V» . x*‘. *L d the ritia—i.” aapa the Whip’ ;>’Bg aa*i Cr/masercas'. List of April 1*. rataAb&g tr*** tor* wb^ New iurte twenty-fl ve ZO1. mis.xxi d*/» ¡ara ia e^xaautte1* wa* ■ --» > ' w n«ty boc*« az>4 f< a furatatela <4 da- twa; aootn** V» maM* app. » ^Uoa U» th* city and stat* gzcveri»mente; an/i so- otL-rr */n r*o f to Uvee inyar**! ami sc vera! other* to>r */lb*r purjxwea Ttee to¡AJ».n*ws men were raa< d«>*a Many i*ad ail they ^s**w>4 but were r«ady to ***”g o Mf*«a WithiB a y «-ar a «nut«’.« > */f wareh^xise* and r**/: *>-* n *." * : ar- i L’irn uf industry was to r»yZ>-'i e-verywhere R*a! estate wa* nign Many ¡/As when aedd brought n>raey without bwiid- kiT* that tr«e7 mi tonv e-*n e>. l b/r brf'*rr Ine flr* with b»...d.ngs The cw »rm* mi * ruotA*leixianz- I f*>r dry g'xxl* im *4 ttoe mer- /«• Pt^ /fuughfare sz»d >a&ts bsa > inUf 'Aber fh* oauMxal nufttl r of e//urt fone- •Jrais of or>* v/rt an< anMber in Eng- tan»! and t¿>< cxi •pt-'.-rral number of '’dmwing-roMs*' at Buckingham palaee th*s y*ar ha • been the result. H W w d. of mldi* oai actavity m Lzx>- don .«'•y The tmtw </rder of IIiingu B»jckingz»am [ala/-* that permita l/tit two hundred y/r* n * a í i» »na at a draw- mg-roofli has Ix-en ti»« ooe drawlaicic lo *h- wrrenily of Ixjn ion s toest w> tety -*uch an innovât urn natural!/ Ira* rauaed a g^xvl d*w¡ frt âiBtfpoialmnl Ub rnany rnAtr'?u» a -id ma idea* WTF/Ä* lord chaml*r mea arrived a' a id a aft*r the ia i/f presenta^ ‘. him h.It-1 up. The rraitled hau 1**< ■» ladies in par- imbers of Aw M in/Xi ha* ix-en ^ilar jrreaeated rears. r than f — * I •!/,- tih- Ear» a day he î to* *” CURIOUS CLOCKS. is *h* coffin II* r*Ejon>traxrd with t.m brj-g n formed that it v a* .-v-rr xry tz> ird^Ige ;n food in *.;.*• to toe world in which they were aa well aa in t-r of th* worid in whr*b they had left, b . nt -*i in the * *>’ Shortly afterward > at be Arid rational conversation h.n oet frie’L'i. and «u soon r#xov*r*d. tr*d A lady bo&.r.g a to gh pos.uon in so < ,<ty suddenly r Mroed that her hus ram « tled had sustained a serious financial e’ w Fev^rse. and, notwithstanding the pro- tev- <fberh ."Laud, set stout adapting herself to the supposed change in her circumstances. She du»;o**-d of h*r THE S’ -I CUPE. jewelry, d.-wLarged her servants and lieve 1« a Gavma ix-*V«r W h» < om^al« rested a small eottage and in its window««la t» Go >•- eS d. splayed a ard bearing the intima* n a < *rf> .n n ur rr of i E ghtoo ttoe o**li of th. Ku»lpf> ■ err. *Lat she was prepared to undertake * obliges people to walk on thr plain sewfr.g. CE* * ¡¿¿eh w t Ä r e to 1 ;r their bare feet a Vsriou* devices were adopted by her «** tie /M*ers tbi next below. Th* ratites of tsss , . atrr * to the skin m other an x io ns family to convince her of the sDtMFVal al'sg bw.k cloth al rigoiar ' iartervals * .a. state >f h*r affairs, and ult.mate- ■ ay L -m«** a still ttfurt < .tra xti r- ... 11^- »• r. • > n s» U. ».*. r • of 11n »• care, which robs ma*. iy a friend presented h**r w.thacheck Among the nati«*« of BtagM S< to/tbr ra ax»d Mends h*m wa i for many thousand pounds. Thia broke 1 down L*-r eraving, and induced her to device is u»*d. Two bo*tJ*s ar* placed avSO- itcly naked. This r« seek gnd n*rli and <ir>d is put in oi_e( . rinut -e nudity is pr*z jii«d by a undertake a prolonged jo rney on the r-rmsn pLysiCian and put into pia*- continent. H*r overstrained brain v- ae f them which . itsr.'f Into tn* r h*s unitanucD, in th* mount-.r s restored to its normal condition, though Mher every half bf/ur. when the bottles? arc reversed. Tl-rre is a ¡in* near by,: f ( --»rn»ola, near Trt-wt* Ther* he «he always believed afterwards that she pat ent* inn bath* cm a Lug* had t*en in straitened cimunstancm also, on whu h are bung 12 rois with! The effect of pernicious literature r.otx bes from one to twel ve. The tr»-atm*nt couaists in expusirg upon the young iads Las often been .- (.eu*nt entirely nude to the raj« of illustrated by disclosures in police ML TAL OF T _ STANDARDS. 1 the MU i n. But the patient must not courts, but it would scarcely be believed Water» FwrnUh* • * • Miserai ft« ila bl* for . i .' m in tb* rajs of the sun. He that the sensational stories published th I • oh .’wi to walk about naked in the by some “boys’ journals” could have There are no t acta uf human skill ip*n air. tn indulge in exerciara. take serious effect upon the imagination of u& which a greato. r di-gn-ï- tjf care la ex- • u.s n.*ak, aisd mingle with bi* friends a man of over &) years. Yet such act pende<i than tb* fttaorlanU of weight ( •5 s di-roLd. The patient must go ually occurred in th»- n<»r*h of England and me&aurc in as e am«»ng th« rivilñK.-d iual»-d in all weathers, nothing must He had spent a larg* portion of h > nations of th«- gi obe. Two things in e time in reeding such •'literature,** and particular have to tw conM*4«. n «1—accri ' » t ..- r rain, wind nor snow w ..i be eventually came to the conclusion that rney and durability gature not ircï pt* ! by this German ductor as an he was fitted for a ¡if- of frolic a:.d a«l- furnuh anv single r^tal. or min* ral, • ii-e f >r owing bis patients U» f ut venture. like many another “hero.“ In wbxh exactly MBWBVB BUswers th* require n i. r »*);«'. Only th* local pc ’ire- the first Mage of his vagaries he played ments fftr f'/r a stamiar»! btamiard of tnraiarr « r « «-*d*d in making th»- pa tricks, such a-- were d»-*c-rilje«J in th«- t .ght tlrat shah be, as rieariy as poM« rt« rrturn to th* ways of eivilira- storiea, upon his neighbor*. banging e. unalterable. their knocker* and ringing their bells. Tt*e l*c*t mOwtarj'-e yet produced f«»r sanitarium hat been fwiiit ol an Ietc^ and afterward he became an ama thi« j» .rp»zw- v an ail >y «»f run« ty jw-r ii.o! ,f : « t, in a very sur.ry teur highwayman, having as the imple i« nt. of platinurn v *tb t« n per «•» .¡f «»f . -1 a ¡ark has been **fiaratrd ment* of his adopted prof«-**ion a small irwlium. This m<all«*d indio-platinum, and it is th* Mib*’Bii<*** of wl.i ii IL« i by a high wall, and the • Hlpe mask and a large horse pistol. When he adopted his knickerbockers, D«rw inetri«- *tand.»r » prepared by th«* irt m - i a rat rd. each to his Intirrnatiooal c'/r.*.' it’« , of weight» an«! jn<i in each park th* pa cutaway coat, slouched hat, with the rrc sfturrs ar* eocnp • «1. il come in the costume of mask over his eyes and pistol ur. r fii It ii tear«!, il U ! • affected by h«*at arm. he walked through a crowded tbr fall. than any pure m» tai. it ia pra/’ticaliy ,n iwcirdto or on the ground thoroughfare in m. . ‘ non-oxkhzMld«*. or n«4 wubj«*«*t U> ru*t some cm* to hoM 'ip.” II- attracted a <* to • «unì rays for 15. iO, an«i can Is* finely » ngraved. In fact a it ire in the hottest pert of crowd, and was taken in < barge the Hoes on the standard met« r» arc «i. • - • »Me H- » -bower romes, the mo*t fri» »ardly visible to the naked «ye, yet adían *1 » y ^er th»-THSe|ves to this his powerful imagination by ridicule < rrn. sharp and bcco - ah- .u ** n let h ctnselvrs dry off — alone. Another man cam* U> the conclusion X Y .fourrai. that he had lo«t his head, and wae < nly convinced that such was not the case NICHOLAS II IN PEACE. by having a heavy lead hat. which had ka^l.'« lnWr*-«l« Ar* at This TI sm All been expressly made, placed upon ft. <>PS>«*»‘ »• War and the pre*k .re after a time mad»' him Th« rr ia no safe! in predicting any understand that be hail conceived an > turn in u game in which a youthful erroneous imprrMBion.—Cincinnati En- n>ouar n uf ¡¿u-v>ia hoitlsa strong hand, i quirer. but. though many rumors have t»e«*n running around al»out the n«*w czar. I HIS future occupation . THEIR OWN NUTCRACKERS. Ni< hula* IL. theres»*ema no probability On* 1l««l Huy Th«» /lit He ll «»«aid flrlv* a of hi» >ind«*rtaking any inflammable Boay Bird« Which T->« ■»! »** 1« Ito« <«>«rh sn«l I’rearh. N Moeth r«*i«*. sa\« Goto T <> l>»»dge in the Ex-Attorney <•» r- ral Miller wu» born 1 «rum. Russia has so mm h more to Eerhap- hear • -f a and spent hi* fe iu a small New gain u* peace than war Ban ly a third curious little bird. Go out into the wood* b..rk Viliar» lllli MsterM»)- uf her army has the new smal. 1 io January or February any time and hou«w* where tor ;ud l<mrn«s| to read no«*, an«» it w»U be two yean» Before [ you may see him. He in alnjut six and play ' hook«*v. says ttoe Indian the other rrginw-’U are so equipped. inches long He wears a black cap. a apnlis 'M-ntim there was n fellmv Iler revenues an* u i»eU«»grrat. Russia ' grayish blue coat and a dirty white pupil who ait 1.«.ugh about the sam»* ims .I« her mnoey f<* the great trans- j shirt front Hr runs up and down the age as Mr Miller, was noted throw gh Siberian railway, and she ought not to I tree trunk«, searching diligently for oul the village for hU pure I'UnM'dn^ I :<.w it .»tr »f th« months of big guns. httle Insects who think they have hid That buy l«»v. av «Log to Mr. Miller’** Nt» doubt th- re is a tension in many of den themselves safely away in some state m«*n*. tent w on I I sii up of a night to con th« 'nternst ional relations, but that is little crack in ttoe bark, says the New r.wt wnne m hem«* to make the people of always prvaent, and diplomats are York World. lie is a quiet little fellow, having no the town miserable. Hr would chase growing mure reasonable. It is proba the cow*, stone the dogs and pigs, put ble that what ha- lin en san! of the char- s<wig The only noise be rsakes is a ropes nerrMs the |iath at night, set pins a»*t«*r -f Ni’ holas is in the main true, harsh call, which aowada like the word • a the M*atw at church and scare the and thi should h ad him to follow in “quank!" This bin! is called the nut hatch. because he is fond of nuts, crack- its out *>f al! the old maids for a ruiic th*- t «»tfttepa <>f his illuwtriouft fath’-r round Whenever any devilment was and 1 make Russia still the dictator of iug them open and rating the kernels. You mav see one of them take an acorn •nr it was laid st Hi* d *»r of thl* one peace. sa hig a* his head, sod fixing it in some »y an«! usuall> -rertly. At ar boo! Xo man will be rash enough t«» say •ic was a terror to a’l. Stubborn and ♦ Imt war nm> d «* «s»me. Every one of crevice in the tree pound sway upon it ’••flant. there was no restraining him. the o»nt n» nts has spot* w here an aeri- with his little bill until it breaks open • I th* N^boo!master was in dr&|»air dvntal outbreak, the blunder of an sn«i rewards the little work« r with a • »ur day bethought he ivuuid make a over.» « m lous servant may work such a meal Th rar birds are also expert gymnasts. i't rff«»rt to reform the lajy by argu- h irdship a - tual or ideal, t«» some great • nt. and he enl|< d him up to the (wtwer a-* shall • .ilk f«»r ati eiciled de They will run up s tree going swiftly • |r*k. mand for reparation It U then that round and nrand it all the way up. ‘ Now. Tom he Iicgan, ••ynti are a cod | p i«ls. if not thick skin* are in1 Then quickly turning about they will bdglit fellow you »re spoillug detnaud. and it w thru that the effer- r«>me down the trunk he«l first in the jour future Ju»-t think what i»»n mrt vi «< ms - i <4* of jourii-vU»ta in search of same fashion, stoppihg now and then make of yours. If if y«>u only I m * 113 W < irdilatiuu i>r notoriety dues in«*I harm. to snap up a »me little bug or worm \ inrM-lf Now, have you ever thought The hsmau animal, accurdmg U> his which has ventured out to ere s bat the <*f whxit you will du when you grow k : t i* the aillirwt «>f all aminaia, if we weather ia Country boys sometime«* speak of up to I m « a man?” • i«t aburv* him rightly I kn«»w of no I Ip* b.\ ¡.Ntkrd at him for a moment. utln r that 1» capable of soeh irratkmal three birds as little devil down heads. ” « id then, pt up B straw from the fr* »kft and it is «»n these that |*ea<*e or But thia is longer and nut *» pretty as rt - < hr pi krd hh t«*eth for a moment, war hangN by a hair But. to resume. the uuthatch- a« th«>ugh in <|e< p thought 1 <ln not believe, despite al! the talk, <'kraaieg geBeee»« rip*«. t rs said hr, “I Towed I would laat the:- is in th«* ¡’resent status of There are w> mikiii sm^kera m the th vs r 1 a set of <*'*ndilious which will world thal sag «e« e<dpe fur cl ran rag ¡«a>l t.• early war pipe« I*» «<irp to Bad rvadcra The Mex ican g''i«jr haaa Rvrap!« wav Filling THE CHURCH. the pip» bowl With BgWB«’»rntr. lift hirni is a fl.»uri«duug Young Worn- stirs the liquid until it U thick with ths * i ««hrWtian an»x*iatVM> in ( alenila, reeking nicotine and tbra throws the I devil*» broth (luuTi his throat, with a ' I n<lia i G«*rman IVesbytorian* have ISO smack of the ’ip*, that tells -f supreme !« r< in the Tnlt«d State« and 1S4 gust«). This i« rcoootutral. but nut so redo 1» itb a incmlwrahip of 12.0&9. desirable U» jwople wUoan r.«>t Mexi- . ax l irat ur North («mgrrgational «an gypsies a« the fullowing, which wa« sent tu a leadiug journa!, ‘not «« »ur-to. Bridgeport, C««a., will cel«- t«> iu twu humlrealth anniversary a MWDlifie discovery.*’ but beraiMB it' might be of use tu those a*:»« ati&c ung I **M m*n who are ieioker*-* * A «haiL»w *• -» »*«a4*ai* *•“* hO«A< cork still toriwr. a rubber ah ;»per •de f r the next Raptwl '»»ugrraa - iteraarh which a tool« U Ur« d rarara .i h wUl be held ra rrwutaM«. B 1 • en«mgh to enable it to fit tuptotii'. on to . » I the wwah* of a ««1.» water asp tarn, in X BUKAt'tf* Dwwranw at TaunUm. fitted into th« tea« to I he anasin is ia* i flaad whu rerrntlv entered <wi hi* sertrd. the n»*«utL; • •* directed into« , r tieUi yeer ha* lwen sixty-two rears veuaH, about a wineHa«« «M awfa fonxM de«t tra»1 f<wty three an arch«ieacrai thnmgh, and the j ipr is riran ] U*4f I THE ROGUE RIVER COU RIER Reliable and Comprehensive. Al! the News, Bl I >< > BOOM I II> ’ ♦ The “COURIER is the best paper Josephine County because it has: HRU’S FROM AM, <>\ 1. \ fill«. WORM> Evn\ complete and in con lem» I utn f-r bu<\ ;• d’’' ur nee Terms: $1 50 a Year in Advance OR fj WHEN NOT IN ADVANCE I Thé GOCSZ AND THE DUCK. U eli-Tarns« Fsbie Tbst ¿las Loral. A »• . - *• ho v sunn r*g hiin*elf on • a ~ d by a L>ock, and V■ tart c i?jr observe: • 1 \ u arm that I wasn’t born • , - a? you’ve got.” . tc l f <»J iocd *. eituer,” re- r led lac Chi k - Y* .r .or* fide in the A Y ur .oiee i*« racked!" “Ii .*• eL! Let u* go to the Gobbler . f - : l . naaticr. We will a«k m to decide between us.” Wh*n ■ ifQifbt r Lei looked th“m », I? -1 r. .. r ®r ecch r DC *H-g. he th a traw. looked i nd then raid . w. be* u,. to thi* mcm-nt I d bol h ’ cf you with eood mmou i*enae. New that you ray attenf on to your- particularly nth so homely that «elves I find it makes zuy h ache, and I am emazwl that ej r of you ha* wit brad ubove water.** enough to keep y rokec noae never Mora!: On*’. hxAs so bad »:n* y >u brag of its gym- mutry.—N V World. OCJECTEu TO »,O OFFICES. T be V.rgTiaiaa Wm.l-fn't < B • u p. r and % l«4>r t » • * Maa. One -f the b»•* • n in Stafford county. Va..-ayst • ! c'. York Sun. was F’-ii!. / for t-upes v uM>r of the >ur»t; a:. . a*» usual ' n a i - ally . erre was gfj-d ma u runs for c^. < n.e of ' p¡XÑ.itíuo to l.i - rant it wa X t. I.bnlwh . • out but infi .ètiai uUl ie*i .. I. is of *v u^od. .L - , i UZ1* pas s v. ere ! ’ ; ríí* I. ano iie uf .¡_ lìa » -uiateiy * ' » !>Ui , t ht? O mà .. am sent t V ....: you are “¡a d a -11> p*_. v ; - r*. ” - >ked .4 led up to the fr.rnd when 1. A •of cvursij I in..’* rv«*. udvl the old m.iu, flrriiy. • ‘is re of the ìfcst tu n in the whole • .» ..t argued hi* friend. • 1 ai.E. *11 tin t .at at all, only I •an t v» t- . im.” d toy a ••‘I : un- Jer t * . . uir •‘lu*;vT 1 «J ibed iLc tvli u S a A aaav m L. l«.«r Up tu tual L« ia .C Du “circumalancca b.< I appeared in the campaign. •Why. wantin’ two offices st once, like he does.’’ explained the kicker. • I m willin to vote fcr him fer super, but I’ll be derned ef I’m guiu* to vote f r him fer vi.vr. and you can» tell him so ef you want to." Thereupon the friend of the candi date organize«! an individual education al campaign and by his delicate di ploma .-y brought the old man up to the trough in good shape. RICH BOSTON THIEVES. Kl«psomaalara Who Are Weleoms in Hsb Stores. “What do you do with kleptumani- bc *?‘ was the question recently put to the pr« »pnetor of a large shop. • We M-nd them bills for what they take when we know them, If they ara stranger*, we act according tu circunv stances. • A few days ago a lady w aa in the shop with her daughter—a beautiful little girl of twelve years. The girl wa* seen slipping a roll of <xj«Ujr ribixin into her xatcbel. We •poke to the mother, who became in ti iiman t. ‘ She opene.1 the Aatohel to convince u« that wc were mi«■ taken, when it was found to contain three lace handker chief*. two pair* of glove* and the rib bon. W ell. we took the thing* back and •aid nothing We can't afford to in jure our trade by making enemie* am«»* our rich customer*. ’ You were speaking of sending out bills for stolen g.tod*," a.ked a writer for the Bouton Globe; ’are they ever paid?" Always, where the person i* a klep tomaniac. I hare known of shop« which kept * regular list of kleptomani acs « henerer they lost anything they sent bills to all of them A* they ail setue.1 for th. stolen gx»la you can imagine that th nainea» was a profit able one. can t r. uT" A GLIMPSE OF ROYALTY. I*WIV KXM Ht-tXF • Vtl t A fvrtune >>f at» ut b «0 a year inherit- ed from her father he late Comte de Fan* Mt uua Vtcrou* u rapidly breaking down in health. t cold Bunlructed at D-mkiughatu pa s u8.*.s * the winter ■a *ull w ■' to her ai 'be »• ery feeble. Taa qneen of i. ■ g»uw. .’daria Hea- r.rttr, am-. h;u«a 5 • her p-< h re» • Site frwdlug th.. •n tini a few days *e . The phmfei- o? mix that the arm wi’’ K- ;,-rm»a*tUy ante. • ■ * «7 waathe «hymk ®* *rta . He reo in a m.sleut 1 ing i» St. Jat-e*. U o4.m. although he owned Iss naaa , aUr in Morarthire and Ahev stale:■. .».dm.«» All Her Li![ Mr. E. D. Jeakiat, of ! rtk^ . that hú ¿«aghtcr. Id*. »Tere CA4« of Hexed* » ..:ch t¿~ mercury *od pousa rctti rti-.rre Ye*r be ; ■ *r »h, w¡» with eanon« medicine., erter*^ cation» *nd intern*! remedís result. Her «nfiennes «nd her condition grew steady, All the Mxalled blood ' cM, aera u re*,. e»»e *t *u S 3. was ¡ñe^ *n ! ffl pro,,,, wa, at t a« The m edieiw cont :;3ecd ora'-e now *he a . aound aod »ktn u clear a»d^ *Ee has bee* t from * hat ened to blight her life forever. S.S.S. (gwamaAW cures Eczema. Scrofula. Cancer, $, or any other blood tty It i* a real biocd remedy aadu cures even after all else tail*. mt , TÆ;PV A Real Blood Reme Tike a blood remedy ior a bloody a tonic won't core it. Our books m - x - i ac<j . »kin ■ diseases mailed free to any address. Swift Spec ific Orcacu I>osi by Dtouss- It is & curious fact, and one that has Co., Atlanta eften been alluded to by the natural- -u, i ; a * “as soon as any organ, sense or ^acuity fall* into disuse it degmer- ve« in size or effectiveness and is final ly lost slxogvtber.“ ’ertain parasitic ..-sect*, for an inatance, have so com- WORK ar.c MATERIAL«^ p.c’ely degenerated, if we are to believe the wonderful stones told by the ento- IN ALL molog.sts, that they have neither eye*, •.-gs, Leads, mou stomachs nor in” I kit X 1LNK teatine*! Yet, these creatures live, it .3 «aid, and "enjoy rhemselvea after a fashion!” A pevu; ¿r fashion," in- deed. Along this «¿me line we may note the fact that aL.maui and rep til** which spend the greater portions or r II of their live* in cavern* or in bur- r'jw* in the earth ¡use the power of sight or Lave eyes that are only rudi mentary. Slave ants and working anu have lost their wihgs on account of be ARE FULLY WARRANT, ing kept on the gn und. The master* where slaves are in some ant colot Mt makes SHOES j hopelessly de- kept huve becom p< i den: on taeir . -i.Jsmen that they and does REPAIRING» T. will not only nut arek food, but are ut the Best Manner terly incapable of feeding themselves, ON SHORT NOTICE and will actually starve with food be- f >r. them uul-rss a slave is present to ADDLES, WHIPS. ROBES place it between tbeir jawa—Detroit »iw»vs on hand. All prica Free Press. I. F \ o* JOHN HACKET! HOW DUELS ARE STARTED. ••Moral Box on the Ear** Given la a Let ter Is a '-»SQ1U fr.iTH S t . O pp . L ists « &C a dD Arthur Thiel*, a , oung student at the L^rL school of t«*chnology in Char- , lottenourg. near Berlin, Lae been «ent to a fortress for nine months because ' toe provoked and fought w ith Dr. Brock- . elmann. says the New York Sun. E rock el man n was Thiele’s second in a »word duel, and in comments .Vita Strttt ------ iGpp UÏ on the mertaiig criticised severely one MANVFACTVR1.:: « I of Thiele’s strokes. Thiele regarded the criticism as an insult. He chal (II H WAN A lenged the doctor, but a court of honor , decided the doctor was under no obli gation to accept the challenge. Thus «»ecision angered ’’ hide. He wm deter- I ir.ine 1 to have .uel at any price. So I • sat down and wrote what, to his Ger- I man mind, was :he most insulting let- « • ter he could think out. Thi* letter [ reached it* climax in the sentence: I “You may regard yourself a« moral ly tx>xed on the tar by th© under signed.” I To Brocke]maun s lerman mind. too. ' this seemed an iu*ult that only blood could wipe out. Thus it came that early one morning Thiele and Brock- elmann found themselves ten paces ajiart in the Grun'»wald and shot at each ocher until Thiele fell with a dan gerous wound in tb? abdomen. Thiele I lingered for day > between life and .death, but after Lee taking a turn for the better, recoiered rapidly. With nine months’ reM in a Prussian fort ress he will be fully restored to health, j j Grants Pass Cigar Factr J. G. SCHMIDT Irqr G A Í V R S Box Trade a Special LONDON FOG PRECAUTIONS. NERVE’LIF TH» Great RESTO* RastorM* be».-:.. »V -» mat.-»: mure, i. ^* ele, it ««■'" ' V Re»w*___ an tire " hlUBIK . vital I'm» I mova» «f«*' un, of y-i '.I * eosMi of '»*’ RemO'.Ht' of fl h pet«» rain all «»>“' Curas l i'^i, rs«tor«s rw5 ? i or Curi« Fotsnee tof* uil r. Coil E«t«Ha>U on the KailroaU Compaul«« j by • Heavy Mist. ted that a fug. the metropolis from £50.000 to £100.- ' • ,la.T- 1- pflrtien of th s < lx»r:.«* ; \ tb* rn ,t J c<^: inni**>. •vxin as tL fog d ■ . uds. the j late-lat er*. with lit unit .,; orders, leave their work and uirjertal.e the duties of f.,g aignaiaen. For this tl.ev receive an I extra shilling a day. This a;,p<uts ; small it m. yet a x.ngle fog Las been known toerwt nvrr CM far extra wage • ■ | Lite-layer* ot Claphem Juneti. r a >r.e. flu. h top MpnaJuian h unppl rd v. .j a !;.stern, fafr* and tt »apply , Cura* *•' " Curflfl d< torators. - •y* the Francis« d SB»i*t * ¿ 7 |U Chronicle, Uy tnratn of these he eoi ItoAllterw./tbe^ ■*', ’ vfys to the • ________ -Lirr u th* «•» o»JM flri.ere the r'ptc tatara^ *n<1 affoc-» rt • v hich they cannot <li»ti»pnish throug r» JM It ratr.**« l» _ the mist. • ant. • i* 4» »rn Lr » u.» On« wtti sature »c effe-* » ’ '7^ glr <» fc tnreawel •»*•' < Aia- r^ctotLn . LNr Mw irtiiw on 5»- • Mn»oo4. IM 1>M» and R» <r«n distune- .»ft fras Is plan realed wrapper foe we ricaJl t ftavta M«r.«">n tht, pa»*r- c ninetcr. ItM Na Ox Triti T.w»«i •»« » sion ra; w at MIRVÍ-UFE IMI«* I povdt r. » LA«* Strips of lr, rail. They ___ eh fly in Itirmfcg-ham ar.<! ¡.’.ml-,,,, n- H ■» rarely that nne fail« t > rxrl,Ml The w'< ale price of iletor«-. - or.e pei.iiy each l ’.ial conx .r; nti ,» onrpan y it, uLc * Wonttor ’al Fi“itl»er Among the *tr antril about v.houi !’• ■ knovi Cbxmat Vico«. I ', »r. the nr ■ guay river. Ar ¡..•lian art«.* Bogg ani. ivh long ago. hai of their appear»: ? ail wild tr’lw wear very Httlr in the art of n.:, ments from the f - ‘country abound« v beautiful plum*, touraa* and tr - are dazzlin? in plumes, musk < color, egret* v white, and sror- hue The Chamae wealth of color« ? . •nd grat-el ( ?n in ar tragic twan: er. ami *«i *ava<vs. 1 jJl Bw!«* f *eef«tf " thrir foresight ■W . □ tabilii brllianL if Je*< < t ■wf’le. thfv Mod »te covM : i.  Th' •« the poiat where I 1‘ «’Jt of lake haaka. i* ten f—t w Me am! IS inches «leen. ÎTMÎRTY-8EVENTHYVAR ’♦ ♦ « .vent ¡> wire ; rA-j.i-vraçîSiWeeki:;!-^' I-.? ARI r TO M - THUX POILABS PI« TIA«. F<» Cl Mans co*«» rftif- ; USING AHD SCIENTIFIC FtS i 220 M arket ST , S an • ii* Trarfs-Nirfcsc “T j cud fer Base* »£♦« «s o*»««cTt u » «tv«» ' - m w aflA ML _aak ¿ra*ra«sr»» W? iCrwa. if únase* «* f«e -i« du« ttfl P» w*1^ a »t»K<kr- ‘ , W*« rs th« U. a. asd *•: Era. A4d.-«w, C.A.SNOW&5 ©*• Barcarr O**»et W*S tn