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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927 | View Entire Issue (March 25, 1897)
An Independent Paper, Oevoted Especially to the Interests of Southern Oregon. 626TM wni GRANT’S PASS, JOSEPHINE COUNTY, OREGON, THURSDAY, MARCH 25 1897. V ALLEY "L.” Trut uleui Krgro 1 annamgevs Habalueat by a * Frtead of the t uuductor. Nohl Only at th< Red Star Store WOLFF & ZWICKER IRON WORKS [INCORPORATED] Oregon Portland ----- MANUFACTURERS OF------ Hvdraulic I ^ipe And All Kinds of Machinery for Mining Purposes. ----- ALSO----- P M í • ► ? BRIDGE WORK. BOLTS RODS. IRON SHUTTERS CELLS WINDOW GUARDS. DOORS. AND Cast-Iron Structure Work. CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. c ELECTRIC LIGHTS AND EYESIGHT Vnprotoctad Lamps Found to Ba Inju rious to the Eyesight. The question of injury to the eye*» from electric light is being prominent ly diacuxaed by scientists, oculist« and laymen throughout the country. While opinion« widely differ as to the ulti mate injury likely to result from the rapidly increasing us? of electricity, the consensus of opinion is that light from uncovered or uncolored globe« is working damage to the eyesight of hu manity. In a discussion of the subject a I nd on electric light journal, in de fending ita trade, fwls called ujx>n to make some important admissions. It says: “Lt is not customary to Look at the sun, and not even the most enthusi astic electrician would auggrwt thnt naked arcs nnd incandescent filament»: were objects to be gazed at without limit. But naked arc light« are not usually placed ho as to come within the line of sight, and when they do acci dentally, whatever may result, the in jury to t he eye is quite perceptible. The filament of a glow lamp, on the other hand, is moat likely to meet the eye, but a frosted bulb is an extremely simple and common way of getting over that difficulty. The whole trouble can be easily remedied by th? use of properly frosted nr colored gias« globes. In any case, however, the actual permanent injury to the eye by the glowing fila went is no greater than that due to an ordinary gas flame.”’ ESTIMATES FURNISHED il Ú. Fl IT OFF. ; r^uliMF s;o*>e of the Lauti < mm sed Sy t»»e Mt-asnrlu,; Hrs?»*««. 1 it is a e«»n.i. onlv-accept, d theory that 1 a man st“p* t hit e feet, an<l mui y a tract | of larnl I..«* been “Stepp • 1 rff ’ iteitctid of in* ¡.».ured with a chain. bUIVM th»* First-class kept stock sold at Washin/ o’i Star. In thcwv>! thrv ob- viatv tin " icultles of aurvuj a Lv Ci< the lowest quality considered. land h»- ii< li'v'ded into sect J» t, but in ’ »’ r • • ’» 1 .1 luueh of th .« pi p; x'lty, » ----- ALL KINDS OF— ♦ < . . v mi itf mountains, i»*u.- t rtUl bn d.-serib« d by uietra and butiniiH. In one of the coutit’cs in western Pennxyhunia are tw > broih«*ri», one of whom is t i! and lank tied ♦ *!• of’ r Khoil ami ful. Many yearn go till*;. puruhii« 1 .. tract-vf mount a • ' • k ' Sllì« ing foi .i tn 1? quart*. Th«-y.’ ulti.. lai or - r i« « n*' it, or* • ni / f’ff ,otje rid . 1;.« other the other > « -, The« th«*\ fv. rd ;♦ in and were j vrf < . .y >at- Even article sold warranted as represented. Farm Produce takea ihfinl *i». recently, x.*b«’n ii excha■■■■<■ J. M CHILES. brought I«» recover a co nr-’ • • »!e tract f'rtc’t brother .«- r t Il ' ' '1 • i »« ur-uri ni.'nt t j I r ght :t h:td I m rn done. f « iv the ! <»rt 1 *• I oti «.’ enough tn r’ D -•it *n a chair, rr. tfii/ties of th < i l iiirh. in w ’.vjemd. ÜTX’f fl '’mt one ! in« w: : Groceries! goods prices, in It, T»dMC7 I, HE WAS A STAYER. jREAT CITIES. >0« «• tioaa> WtM t Going to Bo Wared O® a V o I osmso • by a Mara Kneptlo*. w Ka»r»»«» Na- Advices by the Australian steamship M lowers give news that an adventurous young Englishman mured Carr, who. It is quite possible, may be Lieut. Belon- Karr, the most adventurous mountain climber and pioneer of the British Geo- graghicul MK'iety, narrowly escaped de struction in a whirlwind of strain, cin ders and stones preceding the deluge I of lava emitted by eld Ruapehu, New Zealand's famous volcano. He had started, says the Si Louis Globe-Democrat, with two guides and provisions for ten days’ exploration of the five peaks forming the crest of Ruapehu and fencing its famous crater lake. He got half way up the moun tain side, when his progress was great ly re tart led by a fresh fall of snow. a most unusual thing at thia season. From twenty-eight degrees the mer cury rose within four hours to seventy- six degrees, the snow disappeared and earthquakes added their rumblings in the heart of the mountains to swell the mysterious feature of the night. The guides hourly became more unvasv and entreated Carr to break camp and de scend before the eruption, which they anticipated would overwhelm them. “You think the mountain will give fireworks for our benefit, do you T' waa Carr's comment. “This is glorious; we will not diaappmnt old Ruapehu of hia audience.” But the guides were not so enthusi ast ic, and finally announced that they were going whether h»* would or not. “Very good,” was Carr's reply, “I will stay.” Then he paid them their wages for the portion of the trip only that taey had actually performed. They hastily retraced their steps, and the very next MIXTURE OF STRANGE DLCOD. day showers of mud, which invariably precede active eruptions, commenced. Few Keiguinir f'amill«*« of Sam«* Nation The guide* decided that llveir late ality a« the 1‘i'oplo Govern« d. There is hardly a reigning in-march employer must be overwhelmed, and grtvat was their surprise two days later in Europ* whose family is of llu sam<* nationality, alwolutely, a* the | t opic to be rejoined by him at the base of the mountain. governed. The house of Austria »* He was scalded from bead to foot; really the house of Lorrair«*, ami eve’i his left arm was broken. and there were in their origin the Hapsburgs wer< bruises and cuts on every part of his SwisH. And if Eni|>eror Francis. Is* not. body where he hud been struck by strictly sp*nking, an Austrian, still les- atones which rained from the mountain is he a Hungarian, although he is 1 top. king of Hungary, Hava London Tit- Hardly had the party reconnected Bits. when the eruption proper commenced, The king of Belgium is a Saxe-Co and for d.iys the sight wax a magnifi burg, the kingof Denmark a Holst? tie* , cent though awful one. Ruapehu is the infant monarch of Spain is a Bour nine thousand odd feet high, and one bon. the kii g of Italy a Savoyard, th of the m<ist rugged and picturesque king of Roumau .a and Bi inve Ferdi mountains in the bo.*.thorn «?a. nand of Bulgarin nr? both fon igners. After the eruption Carr ascended on the founder of the Bernadotte dynasty the west side, which had hardly been in Sweden was born at Bau leas than 1 affected at all, owing to continued wind century and a quarter ago, th * czur i- from that quarter, and it has been a nolstvin Oottorp. nnd the kingof th? found that the famous era tor lake had Hellene« is likewise a llolsteiner. entirely diimp|re<ir«Hi, having been lit- Even in England's royal family there erally blown out ami replaced by a is very little English blood left. Th* bubbling Held of Lavu, the depth of Hohenzollerns were originally Suab- which cannot be estimated. ians, and. therefore, partly Bavarian* end partly Swiss. Neither w;us the his MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS. toric house of Orange, in w hick patriot — The money deposited in the eorivn- ism has nearly always been the first in stone of a new church at londou, Ont., stinct, Dutch to begin with. excited the cupidity of some mean A RAINES LAW SANDWICH. thieves, and tlwy stole it. —Jacksonville, for the first time in The AbRMtit-Minded Man Ate the Panie- lx»ard. its experience, has a saloon in which u The n dx ent-minded man took his seat tegular meal is served iuv free lunch restaurant table nnd. ns usual, from 11 o’cloc k until one daily. buried his 1 face at once in a newspaper. — Near Belt, Mont., a rancher wlw> waa »ass ..* Hotel Mull. A waiter placet! a driving a loud of poles to hia ranch waa nil of fare, n nupl in and ti knife and struck by lightning and killed. His fork in fiout of him and stood two or wagon and t hree horse« w ere burned up. three n ninutivs unnoticed before axk- —Not one marriage licwnwe for white Ing: persona has Is^n iw»ued since June in "Whn it shall I bring you, sir?” Laon county. Florida, the county of the “Wha it’« that?” said theubsent-mind- state capital, but 20 |mirs of colored cd ir.nn i, stcrtiikg up suddenly, not rc- people Iwive been united. mvmbin ring v. hat it wtui all aliout. —An Abihine, Kan., jury found a -W hn it- du you want for lunch, sir?” woman guilty on a charge of having the wa« Iter asked again. driven her atepaon and her hnaband “(Mi, >e>.” said the iil>Mant-minded, from tl*ir home, and she was fined ten to coiiect his witx. “Bring ine dollars and coats, which the husband try a cup 0 f coffi-e nnd l \.tin sandwich.” paid. Th? waiter v supplied th«* order nnd States right« stood two young jieo- pilt H large |<ist<*l>»aid check for it ple, cousins, of I a Belie, Mo., in good dow ti c n ti c »able, the absent-minded stead, » nnbling them to marry over at num <•(« i.: ¡r uing to read his paper. Tin* Keokuk, la., although the marriage of v: Ji ter went away to attend to the cousins is forbidden by the laws of Mis w ant# 0 • f ot her people, and aliout 15 miu- souri. ut»«. Int ter came back. Three crops of jm * aches have grow n “Do \ ion wish anything more?” he thia t <*ajvoii on a treo belonging to T. an! e«l. i> Militely. D. Cotton, of Greenfield, Ind. The fruit “Yrs.” snApjMd the absent-minded of the necond crop waa of the same size man, aumewhat viciously. “Go and get as the that, but the ar««<ie w< r« only half me a fresh ham miwlwich. The one as large. The third crop is now on the you brought nr w as as dry ss a bone.” tree. “Why. here is the sandwich I brought, Opium pciwistrntly n^krw its way sir,” said the waiter, pushing the plate into the citv prterwi of Oakland, ( al., toward him. “You have eaten t he and all the efforte of the authorit'v« check!” have failed to prevent the “ii nd«” among the inmate* from getting it. GOLD IN THE RIVERS. —Four rakes of manufactured ice avern ’Ing more than 8,000 |rt>unds rmdi Frs- were taken from the vat* of an Orange, Tex., company. One w ««ighr<l 9,000 poumki and r*.»«a>,ii red 16 feet bv 8 and wax 14 inch cm thick. Although a dread for water ia ln- Mlnrtive In cat*, a lady living nmr the Tiian.cM ha* % cat which frequently iwimi m riH« the rber to which » infeated with rata. Bunny ulways nw in» very low in the water, with tail erect, and ahakea herwlf like a 'logon coming anhore. Ga Ike alley “L” ruud one evaning a I And as to the tendency of the grow th trio of negroes boanied a soutnbound I of great cities to enervate not ons he: • train and proceeded in u way to cap U no proof of it at all unless w e <le»’t • • ture »he car they were in. They stood the life of great cities with th ’ -■ ' in the aisle and obstructed the prog for idleness and pleasure ai d s ress of people coming and going out | dulgenee, which sometimes, but by 1 at the d’ffervnt stations and were in- I means universally, accompanies H ut cl in cd to be disputatious and quarrel- I growth, sava the Ixiudou S,>nMtu.. some with anybody who ventured to When you get a large proletariat liv criticise their conduct. One of them in ing, as that of ancient Ror.r ui d particular, the largest of the three, ' aibly of Nineveh and BaLylun <i d, •n was especially pugnacious, and finally, the alms of the rich and pe w rful. ’ it i* when the conductor ordered them to no doubt you have the mnditlom. of take their seats the big fellow threat a thoroughly unnatural and unhealthy ened all sorts of destruction to the life, and no one* can wonder at the rapid official, and defied him openly to lay decay of such citie« and of the nations hands on him, auys the Chicago Chron which glaried in them. But where the icle. honest working class far outnumber* The conductor passed to the next car rhe proletariat, where the middle and enlisted the service« of an acquaint classes of distributors and manufac ance of hi«, a “bouncer” at one of the turers and professional men un labor smaller theaters. This worthy weighed ious and energetic, aad even the class about 240 jxiunda and was a giant in that lives on its accumulated wealth strength and »ixe. He walked into the contains a considrrubl • sprinkling of ear where the darkies stood, grabbed M’rious nr.d disinterested wurkrrH. w<* the big one, w ho was at least half a foot <io not believe that there s the «mallest shorter than the bouncer, and dragged evidence of any greeter dunger ii the him to the door. life of the city than in the life of the As the car was just then slacking up ..gricultural village of the pnstoral nt a station the bouncer threw the col tribe. Indeed, we sliould regard ('live ored man clear over the gate and on to Schreiner’s picture of th»* life of ti e the platform without waiting for the modern Boers ns indicating u condi guard to open the gate. The darky tion of things more prolific of morbid sprawled all over the platform and his elements, v. ith it- almost com ¡»let c c.;>- two companions slunk to seats as the sencr of any stirring or active intelli bouncer looked back into the car. Th»* gence, than any kind of modern I t»* train went on, the two remaining “ter Hint is honestly laborious at all. Th«* rors” keeping very still. Bow life is too sleepy, too destitute o’ After several station« had been passed stirring thought or effort, to lv nlto- one of them spoke in subdued tones to y'ther natural. It needs at hast the the other. AU he said was: “Datsholy old element of danger r.tid re es nrv waa a strong man.” vigilance to render it even bra ing. STEPPED kA' . LIFE IN TH and Staple and Fancy Groceries ! HARDWARE, TINWARE, TABLEWARE. PARROT WAS GOOD COMPANY. Ila Wa» Kvronirueudrd to a Marrird Wouian. l.oRnenme “Yrs’tn, ’ raid the dedlrr in rnptivi birds hnd animals, “you want a parrot for com piny ? I have th?, bird h«r th«* viry bird. You are marri <1, are you not ?” I..a iA:r customer bowed, says Un* fo Tri Lune. <1 your husband in av.ay? J ht h «>. And you want th? parrot r • you from feeling lonesome? This ir the very bird.” “I* it a ilu«yit talker?” asked th? prospective purehawr. The dealer hewitated. II. no’in,” hr said, at last. “You wouldn’t I'.KHily call li m a fluent talker; no, not thnt. But for what you want, hr’a th? 1 rat 1 have.” “What can th? bird say?” ¡KELT, G rant ' s P ass O r ‘That'* shit n.aken him the right lua'ni. H? ain’t got- but one re- to tell th? truth; bnt be’« lw*?n ht up for just what you want, Tin v popular Hotel is the Great Headquarter* morning he make« a sound like Com men U msient Families and Steady Guests. bureau drawer opening, and reiys. It»«.’ ;!>th h’ insure, rest and quiet from tbe noise of loco rro««-|ike: motive». wii: ■: the .listatice one block ftom the depot) is not enough to “ ’Where th? deuce have you hidden my cl run collar« this tin»??’ ” cause itir.nveniencr IF THE Boar.’ m l Room, by the D.i'\ Week or Month J. 0. BOOTH, PROPRIETOR FOR PURE FRESH DRUGS CTTY DRUG STORE. re: •*5 • • f r. 1 .ihkMJN. Proprietor. A LX HR SCXÍi 1 )N^ filled hr MrsC. M Stone, a registered Pbar ¡0, t t< , :¡ d ear«' experience, and Patron» can rely upon oeinjj served with accuracy and promp'Deaa L> I>«gr«iri4nU nf Bally Star«. Molly Stark Bot only did not die a widow becanae of the vatorotia battlr nington. but wh? lived to tx-«*nm? a noble mother of Israel. At one time thirty out of forty of the children at tending th? district school in w hat is called the “Stark district” of New Hampshire were name»! Stark They were all desoandante of th? f<mr chil dren Molly horn to th? hero of B»-n ningt»»n. Now. however, th? name in 1 almoHt extinct in New Has., «.Lire, and He center of the Ktark in Manrhoatev*. the diatricL utily two or three p *rvma ar? who hew? that an«a^ ?«UUy 'lark it emit rriLS S FlnUhmg WFibrte*. In pr?««ing woolen fabri«»in order to give them • MWiffth, fifie ap)«arance, l«oth a uniform prrmiurwaBd a uniform h««wt are required. By a recently devel oped ajratem the heating m done elec trically, Hie fabric lieipg placed be tween the metallic plafea. through which sufficient current is paaaerj while under hydraulic | remure to brat them to aiighUy more ti .u> th? tempera 1. ? of boiling water On-i dynamo if • a and 700 am’«errs w111 auflVie f five presses having ifiO plate« to 1 ■ I < rd; the c^st of beating ferine • CM.. ■ htt> tttrl of-Mrt<- i .’wra. wMa J for a period of bad an hour ai d fq • b U* Mxlk F-nr-aÜoa la tinaal daaMXt j platen, about tl cent«.—Chteng’» Or frw tb« brrolne vt BroatafW«. | kit. BECOME ALIVE. A Freneh « c I bci • *• FrSVMl PSSSI- Milty of Pr< iMturs Hurl»!. The unpleasantness of waking up and finding one*« self lapped in legnai and »crew?<l dowra in handsome oak some «lx fret Iwlow the habitable earth han been lorn? in «o strongly upon certain company promoters that the result haa leeti the projection of the very lat«*st thing in cooperative under taking This in the Mortuary Wait ing-room company, which in on the point of lieiug floated in the French «•apital, with every prospect of sur< ran Tbe amount for subscription In stated to b? and dividends nt th? rate of at least 100 percent, may. It 1« claimed. I h * confidently l»x? *d for The corrpnny undertake* to provide separate r. sIt ng rooms of tno clnsnee, In • Inry? mart oar v building Thsni- legrd <orp'<‘ will l»e «wjin fort ably de posit'd there upon a cwtich. nnd care full;. hwikinl after till the fart that it re a c»/?j «? sltall have Keen established levon<l a Th» waiting -room« will be tastefully <i?rornte«l. with everything nbo«jl them to welcome th? revived tenar.t agreeably back to life, but at th? same time will Lavr a «achrt of aoinewhsl “nevere ah gs nee,” ns it were, to rem nd him how nvnrly, I 1 ut for the cnmi|AiLy, be bad breii t. th»* most terrible way« of d -»»arvholders will tw entitled to I use of a first-class waiting-room I fl •f «targe, and i.a abwelmliter*« | n* •* iff t * a lowed to ♦ alt him. The IM t • teiaariftentlv hoot» tNnwmafbly thmjgte JOSEPHINE a it • •S’ AS? DEAD I ’•< PhnArphU tteeord COMPRESSED AIR TRANS’«IIT/v- Will s turtle Better F.rouuuiy iMlueUT lie o » A FAMILY Hui Mr. Horan DISCUSSION. Fail, to T»H. • Hood in It. It remains to be ascertained wl;« t’ Bo ram abhors anything frivolous, or not the pressures of from sev« i and when he sat down to dinner the hundred to several thousand*, ¡other day it was with a determination thing« considered in compresaing ui 1 to carry on a rat ional and pleasant con- in using, are possible and practica bl.* 1 vermilion such as the doctor had assured in the face of heal and refrigeration, him would promote digestion and good with the aasistunce of coinpoundibg, health. “There was one thing remark tripling, quadrupling and what not; able about that St. Louis cou—” he be that ia, whether it will pay to rn ploy gan. this vehicle fur transporting power de | “Quit scrouging me,” shouted the veloped at u convenieut and economical ’ youngest as he landed on the short rib point and distribute the accumulated I of his sister with u poiuted elbow. *nergy tor use through a system of ( “There was one remark—” I “Jist a drop more cream in this here street cars. Capitalists who invert money for a | coffee,” from the country uncle, who return upon the outlay are very care • was in to Bp'nd a few days, to th»* head ful 5n considering the enthusiastic al i of the table. “Ahem! There was one re—” though sincero views of inventors am! “I scotched on the avenue lust night,” even if it is reasonable to believe that conipreasad air will eventually take im- broke In the shock-headed boy who is [»ortant place in the world's work, the in th»* seventh grade. “I wasn’t investor« who take the responsibility »keered of no policeman. I give ’em are very much in the position of the the h;«*nar laugh.” “There wax one remarkable—” man who wanted to know how to tell “Saruh, when 1 sound the buzzer you toadstxxiU from mushrooms, and was ml vises I to eat them, and if hr did not are expected to respind at once,” said die then they were mushrooms. Ob Mrs. Boram as the maid of all work ap taining, «uy, ten ¡»er cent, or less of the jieared. “Help M r. Boram to some more heat value of coal in th? form of power butter.” “There was one—” for valuable use is a sure thing, well “I d m’t mind Edith Wobberly borrow known, and from the standpoint of facte cheap, But putting Prof. Tvn- ing books from me,” cut. in the eldest, dall’s “moth* of motion” into some “but she’s got to return them or I will other medium of transportation, nnd choke off the supply. Some jieople paying toll ut both ends of the line, never do know anything.” “There wa—” appeals to the man who pays the bills “There has been so much rain this with n force not easily appreciated by the Fcientiste. The losses met with in season thnt we can’t cou it on mon* an transforming mechanical energy into half a *rop of anything. Never saw the electrical energy, and sending it in this like in my life. I’m clean discouraged,” form over the trolley w in* and into the and the bucolic uncle mopped his florid car motor, or in investigating the me countenance with a bandana. “Were you going to say something, chanical energy in the pull of a cable, are more tlian counterbalanced by papa?” queried Mrs. Boram of her hus many inconveniences and economi- s, band. “Not a thing. Don’t let. mt* inter and now th? hope that some incidental advantages in sight, may l>? realized, rupt this highly edifying conversation. and still a little lx*tter economy be ob Pass the red p'pper.” Detroit Free tained, is attracting attention tov.ard Bress. compressed air. Ca««ier’« Maga/.in *. CONVOYED BY A WHALE. "BOYS ALL OVER.” llow Two Youagsters Kiporluaentsd with Puieoa Ivy. Suprrintendent Kimball, of the life- Having service, told a story of two boys, and it is so “boys all over,” as moat mothers would say, that it ought to I m * printed. The now accomplished officer says that, when he waa a boy he had a chum, and both were poisoned year after year while running about the woods by poison ivy. One day, says the Washington Star, they heard or read something to the effect that if persons would swallow two or three leaves of the ivy they would never again l»r af fected by it. To relieve themselves of the regular summer and often-recur ring annoyance they decided to take a few leaves of it as medicine. Mr. Kim ball whs of na investigating turn of mind, ami found out that on the under side of the leaf there waa a very fine dust. Hr told his companion that as they were experimenting it would be well to m ««* if it made anv difference whether one side or the other con tained the poison. He rolled up his three leaves so as to cover the dust, and his friend rolled his so aa to leave the dust nidi* exposed. With a glass of water will as little chewing us |>os«ibl? they nu a llow cd their doaes. The result was something horrible, especially for the lx>y who took the dusty side of the ur- gument For weeks after he could not shut his mouth on account of the terri ble condition of his mouth and throat Hr hu<l to lw f»d with liquids by u quill ind it was only n miracle that he did not lie. Mr Kirnlwiil fared somewhat bet ter, ?*■• <•<’!•. 11 y ns to Ills mouth ami throat, 1 ut there was trouble enough on the iu* I” to make up for it. Ami there war. no rt re v «irked The next season ♦ hev miff« red •* i before. “Nov. v ns’t that like a boyF* is what everybody «aid, and what all will say now. Koyslty at the (a tn era. When the princes« of Wnl«*« visits the photugrtiplu'r she usually arranges that her Hitting shall tak«* place in the morning A Hp*riul studio is set apart for Un* princess and other members of the royal family. It is approached by a private door, w hich lends to an ante room provided with easy chairs and n phntiful supply of illustrated pipers. A small chauiber is fitted up as a dre««* iug-room, and her? is to b«« fouml a maid from .Mnrllorough I kmiw , w ho has preceded h<*r royal mistress with a dressing <«a««* containing brushes and other toilet accrH-Horira. Th? prin«*?«« having discussed the ¡Minition In which •he is to b<* taken, arranges herself, and the up*ration proceeds. It is etiquette on th««*«* occasion« for the photographer to Hiklress any r< marks he may hav? to make to ths lady-in-waiting in at tendance, who in turn addresses the princeMH, w ho replies throuli her also; but it is nee«ll«*HM to say that etiquette is dispensed with by the |xrin«'«**H in many «asTH.—Cincinnati Enquirer. Thouflit of the Wrong Marhlnv. Inability to recall name* cauxe« barriuwimrnt aouietitncn. There ii Boaton micirty woman who cannot re- niemelwr nunif-s, neither can her da tigh ter. One day, according to th'- re- later of tlie Mtory, they met a Mr* Howr, and afterwards * mii <I to each otbvr: “Now, vpphall t>e continually mwiiig her, mo du let ua try to recall h< r name.” “I know what we can d re marked the daughter. “Howe invented the newing rnacliine, didn't he? Well, jtiRt think of machine*arid we’ll I m « nure to get her name.” The two la/Jiew went to a five o'oJork a few dayw afterward and Mm. Howe wiu» there. Cp «lilen the mother with tier «werteat nnidean I exclaim«!; “My <k ar Mm. Singer, bow delighted I am to «ee you again.” Soon aft«*rward the daughter appeared and with equal charm of manner exclaimed “My dear Mm. Wilcox, how are you?” — Bouton Home Journal Wh*n th? Masts. Pacific O t'nii ShlpM Accompanied on loyage by a M oiih H t of the l)e«ip. a Bardic ocean whales are sometimes very fri< ndiy, c*p<*cially < ff the count of L<»s Angeles county, Cal. (in mure than one occasion they have astonished if not alarmed Hailing parties who ha\e been I a* cu lined. 'J'hese whale«, says the New York J./uinul, are harmless, and their atten tions are merely from ciiriu-’t*.. but to have several of them floating iu close proximity is not altogether pleasant. What .-upposed U» l»e the i.ame whale ii.i.i recently earned a reputation for friendliness. During the .summer month' it frequently met a large steam er off Iiore and either followed it along or played iilmut, entertaining the pa*•- ‘«•up • by s|>oiitiii;' On one trip the v hah* laei’d itaelf abend of t he steamer nnd vain with it ho dclil < lately that the captain was obliged to slow down nnd finally stop, fearing to run Into the c. huge vicnture. ('n another occasion the steamer had on board u.x passenger« the Medicul So- ci t v of California, «'onsisting of h < v- enil hundred physicians. When about half way over, the whale appeared nnd at once displayed iinusual friendliness. It swam up to the vessel, nnd turnhor followed her along so near that the ay of its «pouting came p.boord nnd the eye of the inonsler could he plainly < en. The steamer slow«*«! up for a f«wv n.”iiitrs <)<•< asionally as the whale be-, «•am? too friendly, un«l th«* passengers had a tine opportunity to see a whale* but a few feet nwnv. ” .G 1Ir zuiLLiifi Tfie Favorite Bout Btntij. For all disaaaea caused by darangaMta* •( th. Liver, Kidntya, and Stomach. Keep It always In the houae aad yaw will aave time and Dactor'a Bills, aa4 hav, at hand an active, harmlass aad gar- factly safe purgative, alterative aad toak. If you feel dull, debilitated, have fregaeat headachf, mouth tastes badly, peor appr Ute and tongue coated, you are sufferlag from torpid liver or biliousness, and SIM MONS L iver R egulator will cure yea. If you have eaten anything har4 tn 4lg«st, or feel heavy after meals or elea** les, at night, a dose of SIMMONS LIVU RiGULATOR will relieve you and bring pleasant sleep. If at any time you feel your syelea needs cleansing and regulating wltbeat violent purging, take SIMMONS UVUt R egulator . _ J. II. Zellin * CX».. rhiladeipMaT Professional Cards. ROBERT G. SMITH, ATTORNEY AT-LAW. G uanti P àti , O mbuoh . Practioea in all State and Federai Cenrte Orm a in B ank B lildiho . WILLARD CRAWFORD, ATTORNEY- AT-LA W- Practices in all Federal, State and I» preme Courte. Ornce at R csidkmci T hibi > N t . N obts . Notary Public. HENRY L. BENSON, Attorney-at-Law, GRANTS PASS, OM. O fficu —Over the Bank, Practice« in ail Court« of the State. ARTHUR P. HARTH, Doctor in Dental Surgery OrriCK iivm tur B amk Oregon Grant's Paun, EAST and SOUTH ----- VIA THE ----- Sim sta Route — of the — Southern Pacific Company. Ex nreaa Traina I .eave Portland Daily Usuili. I I I Mr *. I Lv. Portland Ar. I 11 00. M I lv . Grants Pana lv . • M f .« 11:15* M xr. Han Fran’co lv . | 7 no> ML Above train* «top at Eaat l*ortlaa4, Oregon City. Woodburn, Salem, Turner, Marion. 1.1!. r«..ri, \lbany, CottagaGrAYA Tangent, SluiLI., Halaay, Harrte- llumMnity Always Nsetelag Kqnallty. Junctiou City, Eugaaa« ___, Berhaps it is b««caiist* w<* know so- burg, I Creawell, Drain, and all station, fraae ciety t«> I»«« merely a muk<*-ix‘lieve in its Roaeburg to Ashland inclusive. equality that so many society p«ople • egard u real equality as iinp»Hsible, Roieburg Mall Dally nd ar? content to remain In the make- la liev««. But even th«* pretense of » .VIA. M lv . Portland ar. I 4 40F.B. •liiality is pre<«ious, and it has more 12 2ft r « i.v. Albany i v I 1 liF.B. . V s w A a. onesty in it than th«« pretense of in 6:2b p.M. at . Roseburg quality. There is nothing so essen Salem Pen.enger Dally. tially' false aa that; and the sup*rior, when In* tak?M thought, ia a« distinctly 4 00 ?. M. | lv Portland at 10:15 a . ■. P. m . I Ar. Salem LV. i Ob a . a. aware of the fact as th«* inferior. Hu- 6:15 re munity is always K<«i«king equality. Tin* patrician wish?« to be with hi« DINING CARS ON OGDEN ROUTE* i<inalH Itrcause his inferiors make him j Pulhnnn Buffet Sleepers um*a«y; th«* plel>«*inn wish?« to I m * with j — anil — I.«« equals brcamie bis superiors make !<un unhappy. I his fa««t. a<*coiiDtH for S econd C lass S leeping C ars ii» quality itself, for elans?«. Infrri- Altai lied to all tlnoufli traina • rity and superiority were intolerable to men, and so they formed themselves it Inelasn«*«, thnt inside of these <«I hrm * k | West Side Division bettete I’orthid ltd they might hove tin* p-arr, the com fort, Corvtllii •f ?<|iiality; and « arh kept hirnaelf U> nih own clans for that reason.—W. D. Howell«, in r«*nfury. MAIL TRAIN DAILY (■XCSFT «UNSAY. 7 ?) a m lv . Portland 12 iftr m Ar. Corvallis at . | 8 20 r n. ly .|1:M f .M Whv it It that one Al Albany and Corvallis connect with man ia «fid «?fi dr- ertpid at 45, and train« of Or. Central Knrttrn Ry. another hale and ■ IFHItM THAIH DAILY (Bll Hrr HIHDAT.) hearty at Icri The ■«idant wf birth has BopiPtblnv Io do 4 Mr.■ i v Pi rtlan.l *r. I H 2fi*.a. with it **>ma men T 2.»r m . | *r. McMiniivlll« lv . I S *0*. a. are born atronarr than other», but ha- «ueatly th« strong TIII4OUGII TICKKT« nrsn become« weak and th« weak man Ti.all iH.inta in the Faetern Sutes, Cena •tmng Jt depepda la anil Europe end he obtained al leaeel on the car« ht tak«a rates, from J. S. PUHIXtM, Agent, of hirirerlf the man who runs an GranU Faca engine hear« an unusual sound about it he IC. F. liOGgRH, •IBM immediately and ‘ looks H ' up " ‘ .3 If he be K KORIII.XK. A«,t I* FAP. Agi finds I m ■ a Ii»t1«* little looaenaaa I« m >»«* s « m or a • little crack, it Manag, r. I'ortand. On U remedied immediately / U it len't, rh«r« will c>»ne a bieak pmaentl ti? - a break that will wreck the engine I.fkely as aoL re entice this same man wi ill hflally ipiore the cull fnt hr>p from aotue _ ___ w___ _ r>e on* on« of hi« _ own organa Be lay« will him let the trow If anti growTintil it OOt (rouble hi be«? he"kerpa l»ed |f he keeps on w«>rk ng with a 'tamap’rfl body, he win __ ,___ ___ •« soon’ weai it nut The strain on hia nerves will tell on bit cutletitntinn. 1 R« will not be For Sale at the COURIER Office. hearty when h» (a old Th« ehanres are he sever will bv old st all Dr Fierce's Gwld* rn Medical DinCfivery re«toma health Then« papei are |u«*t i he thing tor lining It la oot onlv a rare for dp esse, jt is a pre cabin*, *r ppmg bundle«, putting v**ntive Wlpncvri a man Are Is that hr la umivr ear| im making curl papers not «pite >• v. e|| aA be or.ght to be, when- lighting lire* and a boat of ever he j little ■ without eneqn a«>l with- othet n Iwhd cheap. •st vitality « ’ en-vrr he flodi ffiai he b losing weight tnu that his ordinary work gives him un -Ine faitgu«, he needs the r* Golden Med- • al Diacovm.“ Ne matter how hia troubl. le shows itself, thia wonder- ful remedy will -ur« him We say it is wonderfu! becsv e of it* wonderful rssalta, and not bvrjit.- nere im anything super- natural about i« 1 t b > an*e it doea any thin? that ia 1 unespr'eted. m anything which Its <!»?»,«•«•• discoverer did not mean it to do That It sr«M msny diff-wnt so «-ailed diseases H the m«ret natural thin« in the w«<ld when y understand that nearlv all «la eaava • ng from the same thing — bad digvatlon *ud e nsenuent impure blood T e «»very rn^irs the a^'vpetite good, tbe d'get’mo strong, •g. aaabnUatfon ¿aaiindatio i ea«»r, east, nofl ana the blond rich and r.ure No duraae of the blood can wtihstapd its actios Nature tak?« th? tbn? when on? in lying down Ut give the heart rent, and that organ consequently mak?« ten airolc»*« I»** a minute than wh«-ra on? im in an upright posture- itr by fiO minutes. Mid It is Therefore, in ?»ght hour»« •I «low n th? heart is navr«l ■trvl<rH, and. iui th# hmrt pi crnoi** of t.l.Mwl with r»rli *tr,»l AC.O-Xt ounce. IMH of bio« in a night of elgi^ hour* (pent in bed t tan w brn on«« Hl,u upright poHition. A« U»r blood Sows ho BHueh n*ore • lowly through th. I I.earn more about It from Or Ptercv's Ow- moa Senb« MndicaJ AS'i-vr »«<4 proAiaw KIM when <»n» it I u< <lown. war I ly fUvatratMl which will Ur arst Fee os receipt ampa to rov«v coat •vpplf »»IU> exlr* <", -fin« th* wnnolb jef twenty one *i) i W «Bailing eWy • VtenSMavg uHttArty fsrsW»»*1 ■ irrulaUnn, j Medical Aeeoriatk N Y OLD NEWSPAPERS! COURIER OFFICE.