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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927 | View Entire Issue (April 1, 1897)
F uel-saviiig Boiler ROGUE RIVER COURIER. NZWS OF THE WORLD B* n Franklin, ttrmeriv a Uotwi dark at Helena, Montana, ha» l*au arrested ( The details of the new boifar, as wm at ' attic. Wash., on a charge uf rob at* the name of ths invrniur arc with held tor u^.ioud reai old. bi a- a*eert^ bing hia Montana employer of $5*». that hie mveutiun will surely result in a D••!» nf /n i,-o rernuxent d**cM«*« 1 he eastern prune crop has already The citiien-» of Hol hater. (Jal., Lave fhnt t will aavmg oi al iea^l 25 per cent un fuel, and f 1.'» trap*» for uatching given out and the ism and b very brisk. v<»te«l for fh-* fa-ua tice uf $35,060 In rrl.’n** i t.) I m * u*ed at Buun«lary bar, R- he IS almost certain tuat the saving will 111* p. Hfir coast prune le now in fa* fully 331, per ceut lhe plan by i hon«is to put in a »ewer system. ('. ? n Iriport duty vrill al*o be pfxeed great »le nan*!, and i» brin^« r good which thia ia secured is principally | Colonel Harrison Grey Otis of the o.i • r. »n rought from tbe Amcrtca* I through an enormous iiivreaae in the j L/ m Anpe «•« Times ha« not been able to . Thi • will work a great har«iah!p prices. heating suriace, without any mcrease in I The Tacoma Railway ami M »tor c<»tn- secure the appointment of assistant oh B l«ry Ijay caDuera, a«’lt pract- ! the sixe ui tbs tjoiier A new tsnier. oil Bnauy ’ s property has bee»sold by order se<T«*tMry of war «»w ng to an agreement i« n y ruiua the Industry in that vlc- the same nix« as uno now in ua«-. w uh 5<-U , of lire court. Eastern men bought the ■i m «I c by th* icpiibliuau managers that ini;y. a«|uare feel ol beating surface, a ill Lave j I report v. tit « at»- represented in the cabinet j over 27’JU square lout oi healing »iirlace, li e Buiiiun Brick mining company of 1 and it w ih be «hatribiited in such a way | E«ldie Johnson of Santa R osa , aged r »uId receive an aMMiatant sccretary- Viali ImMjust declared an<Xh«r month 12, tripped while jumping rope and fell a«* tu secure better results Iroin (tie heat. »llij. ly divi*le«i«l of >)0,000. st/ k ng on his head, which caused his ■ The fantlilc ui this luveuUuu, it ll should | AU Um line wheat property belung- A. <E t*nn!ey, a drummer, while on ' prove to be «is good as it looks, art so im- ing to H. <*. Wilson comprising about M|»r* v .it F’ i re, MonL, walked into an death two hours latter. ineuse and far-reaching, as t» be almost Ti»e steamer Willapa while on its 10,‘«( mi acre« in Tehama county, CaL, un k rt ' : .g < H?abli.**hiDent arid took a , incvmprehensible. Ibe sleamvr Mun- The S»rety Building and lA>an Aaaoc- wa *■«>1*1 under foreclosure of mortgage dr .ik >>f < mbabning fluid, thinking it way tn Alaska was wrecked on Queen ' inuuliishirv, jam in from the Orient prominent cause of extreme poverty iation of Philadelphia ba« failed. m few days ago. It was ouly a few wa*< w! i4v. II<! wa« «lea;! in fifteen Charlotte island. All hands saved. i imrus about lUUU tons ol coal on a trip. So many people prefer to starve and The heavy storm on Puget sound last A saving ui one quarter 1» luei would Tin- Japan * goiernm* nt L mm placed years ag<> that Wiia»Hi was <*on«ldere<l i mi ii lit ch . go half clad in the cities when they an or«ler with Tngliah Hhiphuildera for a millionaire. week drove the steamer Cyrus Walker ! thus amount tu at icani $500 per nip with Mr», a King Shirley uf Hauling«, her. lbe greatest saving though, is in • ashore on Fox islan«!. She is high and two tirat-chix» war veMHel«. 'The Southern California Railway might have comfortable homes on the in ruu-Ttd ilmjiu lur freight. Ibis ! Ni l»., duh written to the Oakland cLuei company Is having eighteen engines E isabeth Paulaen, an eighteen-year- steamer hae never left port without a lull I of ¡police asking that he a^ial her in a ! dry. what is now unproductive land in ----------- DEALER IN----------- Two drnnked Luliatis were «pihed cargo, and more uileiing, and the extra girl of Chicago, «lied the other day of ' changed from oil burners back to com- -*■Mich lor her brother, William Jaaper the country. Even here in Grant’s fright. She entered a dark room and no n ««>al burner«. King, who i» ««>ui<*where on the Pacific out of a canee an«l drowned in Van room offered by the saving of 250 Iona of coal would net her at least |150 • freight Tin* city trUMteen of Alameda have couver harbor, B. C., last week. Pass there are numbers of families haw her hat and cioak hanging on the in« >ii«- \, to >h.*r th ? net -a \ mg "i this no to pay election officer« <5, in An English syndicate is going to gie steamer on a single trip would am i barely existing by det »ending upon back of m chair, and thought it wax a decided The n**< r« tary of «tate haa granted stead« «1 of JU, a« was formerly the rule. man. ¿Corner Sixth and l,Sts.. Giant's Fass, OreRcn. erect an immense smelter at Van ount lu >2000 the request of the Mexican govamment sundry days' works at wages that The Dupont Chemical work» at Th(j Kausalito ferry «jflice at the foot for the extradition of Pablo (iomex, the couver, B. C. The Astoria river boats al present IRON and STEEL, barely cover daily food purchases. Giblmtown, N. J., where the Atlas ( lay street, San Francisco, was rubbed out uw who «-»caped to Texan alwjut J«»hn staiey, about sixty years of age, bum about 30 cords of wood |>er day, When sickness or death visits such powdera and dynamite are manufac 1 of $100 the other morning while the four year« ago. was struck am! killed by a locomotive ami this new boiler wouhl sa\e their ow HARDWARE and tured, were blown up a few day« ago. agent Nt«*|»pvd out for a moment. ners between $15and |20 per day The Commodore Joseph N. Miller haw w hile he was«lriviftg across a railroa«! saving in iu*4 alone un the big Atlantic families, the county, already ap Four building’* and three workmen Th«* nomination of Binger Hermann been rn ne«! iii rank to rear admiral by track at San Diego, Cal. WAGON MATERIAL« liners would be <30 > pur day, and 60 on proaching bankruptcy, must step in were blown to atom*. 1 of Or*!gon h * commiMiioner of the gen the president. The Farmers Institute, under the through the thousands ami lens oi thou II. E. JenniHon, aii|»<«riiiten«lent of eral land office has Is en sent to the with meagre assistance Over-pop I n L\ rge V ariety . David J. Bachsel, treasurer of tbe direction of the «tate university, held sands of steamers, and other places construction of the W< «tcrn Union Tel | senate. an important and Instructive inerting where steam is used. The inventor is an ulation in cities and towns is not egraph, < 'brl«toph *i ColumbtiH Buildiug and' «lied of aaphyxiation at th«* #M* ■ MIN E RS Fitted Out on Reasonable Terms, The carnival of the Gohlen Gate to old man and has spent a liletime ex per confined to the English-«¡leaking Bink funnel, near TA-adville, Col. He be held at Nan Francisco is now an Loan asHocintion <¡4 Chicago, is inias- nt (lover lale, ('al., last week. imenting in this line, and has also in ing, an i« $35,000 of the aaao*. iatlon*« Peter Olsen, a Tacoma merchant, vented.« number uf other useful applian jieople, but exists to an enormous he w am wot king in the tunnel and the Mssiire«! thing. The coimuitteos on money. was sandbagged by thieves there, ces tor boilers, engines, etc. He is not Mkoke ami <*«>al duet from pacing en- arrangements have sot May 1st as the extent amongst the poor who come gineN overcome him. on a recent night, and received injuries A cyclone »wept over southwestern inclined to talk much about his invent opening «lay, and festivities will lost a Georgia and Houtheaatern Alabama which may prove fatal. ion, and only a lew personal friends are themselves or are brought from the Re preventative Shafroth of Colorado week. Monday morning and left a path uf By th** breaking of a saw in a mill aware that lie lias at last perfected the old countries. If these people could baa introduce«! in the Unite«! Staten Two mothers of Oakland, Cal., have plans on which he has worked for so a bill to permit the location of placed there « hildreii in charitable in ruin in its wake. School iiou*e« wore at M olyvilh*. B. C., an employe nam- be induced or compelled to settle acnate blown down and pupil« killed and in e«l M< C’arthv was killed, being nearly long. A patent lias already been applied SIX MILES SOUTH OF ==S= mineral clainiH on forent reaerven. Htitntions ami Blurted to wa«k to I xih for and the first boiler will be construct jured; »several small town« were Hw*ept cut in two. themselves on small tracts of land S«nl tlnhing in the North Atlantic Angele«, where they hope to secure ed in this city. — Oregonian. VlJk out of < xi.-tence; the amount of darn- One hundred ami fifty thousand eggs G rants P ass , - - . O re . their condition would soon change ocean wnn a total failure thin y« ur, and employment. ag«‘ to properly cannot be estimated. I of steelhead salmon were shipped from “1 am 65 years old ; have ha<J kidney the fishurn I ihv «* l«»nt li«*avily. The loluntury fund for the relief of Eight «Ii a«i laxlioH have been found. from that of paupers to one of inde disease ami constipation for 25 years. the government hatchery at Redwood The American Exchange bank «4 the unemployed at Jy»s Angeles is now 'I welv'«* injured j»erHGns are receiving pendent self-support. Their prod Buffiilo, river, Humboldt county, Cal. One A.ii now we||—Hserfyou K. B. Headache N. Y., went into voluntary mor«* than |16,<XM), and is still growing. I treatment, and Horne of these will die. I humlr»«! thonsaml go to Maim’ am! 3hd Liver Cure one year. Used 6 bottle« ucts might not always sell for good liquhliition at the clone of bunincMN at 50 cents each. J. H. Knight, Rut Work haslM*gun on the erection of a - CONSISTING OF - y.ten! A party of Canadian Healers arb fit , the bihtnce to MoflBuHL ledge, Or.” For sale by W. b Kremer. prices, but they would always be Kat ur«l.iy. >2Ot(NX) building on the site of the old ting out an expedition to go the Cocos APPLE, PEAR, PEACH, PL-«» •> Amlrew Bohn committed suicide by Meat« in Horton hall, Kan Diego, Cal., recently | Ballast sure of a home and plenty for them A privah* letter from the Philippine I ¡H and« in aearcb of the gold tradatiun throw ing h'mself from the top of a five- Dinina PRUNE, CHERRY, APU*.”'.) inlandM Htaten that the Spanish Moldivrn ■ j destroyed by fire. Car a hi credit» w ith I»«*ing necreted there. They selves. story building at San Francisco. !>ust there arc* comptdled to go about lag < arte Wurren J. Hirk has been sued for i exj»e<*t to leave Victoria next. week. Kunshine and showers. COT, NECTARINE AL M ims Jefferies, a school teacher of ging for foiwl. in die superior court of San The western praircs of Kannas are T iik people of the U. S still hold Miners all laughing. MONO, CHESTNUT >' 'There in every indn-ation of aerioqn Birgo county for alleged fraud In sell- 1 c«»vere<! with «now, which will be of Olympia, Wash., unskilled near there last Thursday by a tree falling on her meetings iu sympathy with the Cti trouble in the Trannvaal eiifh m the ing real aatafe to a resident of Chicago. great benefit to the farmers. Railroad men frowning. shade aud O rnamental 1 ¡u2ii i while traveling along a road. ■rut ALL-RAIL Kot TE ban rebels, but the government at Mummer between Lngbii;,if t|u. Boer« — Also — resen Th** Man tn Clara county, (Jal., veter- j C. 1). Burnett our merchant Fridayed I he Farme r.** and Merchants Bank of *10KOOTBNAI MIM.NG DISTRICT, It is probable that the farmers of at ihe Pass. and Ge niany,JJ t lie tendency of event« inary in*«pec or examined 323 head of uf I'ariH, 'Texas, closed its «ioors last Sonoma county, Cal., will plant a great Washington seems just as deliber in not chjijjp ,|t England now Lan 60,- Strawberry Plants. Blacifierrt —VIA— cattle last w «*k and condemned three v*r«*k. It was one of the oldest finan OripeTta. pi-Jrt E. Nicodemus made a flying trip to ate under McKiuley as it was under ninny acres with sugar beet seed this troops in readinvMii to start for I only to death on account of infectious J SEATTLE AND MPOKANK cial institutions in the state. Portlan-I last week. spring. Cleveland, and those who thouo'tjt South Afr ca at twelve hours notice. disease*. The Brookes Ijocoinotive Works at Merlin robs us of our best looking The Britinh do not intend to make any Jo-«- Aguirre, a Mexican, forty years The divorce eaNe of Zach Xevers I Dunkirk, N. J., has resutn«*d full time. some tangible evidence 01ir frien(]. aggr«'M«*ivc young men on Sunday«. move until after th«- cele vs Euphroiiosia Nevers, which has been ' It ia expected that the full force of of age, fell <iown a 16')-foot shaft at — IS GROWN ON - e*r-. ship for liberty \vol,j<i be manifest bration of the queen’H diamond jubilee. before the c«»urt at Santa It J no (’. Lewis took Wednesday’s train ouble Crux, ('»I., 1200 will workmen will I m » employed Randsburg, Cal., ami was killed. was the first fatal accident in the mines lor Portland, but will return soon. A |>oiNoning trial which in now tak for sevei al years has been <l«ci<le<l in ed as soc/b as the new administra- by April 1st. Land,. ’^,; there. place in Ho«linesoe, Hungary, haw favor of the plaint ill. Jv~s Osborn spent one d.iv last week *»2L was seated, are beginning to ing Th»* president an«l two me inliers of brought to light the fact that there han E. M. Moigan, an attorney and bill in town on account of a severe cold. WITHOUT IRRIGA'x j S ’^ l 1, ll (_ l An important suit bwH been oom- the Oklahoma senate have resigned despair. In the meantime the war, been w I io I cma I u poinoning going « hi menced by the city of Santa Crux because, in their judgment the legisla collector of San Fraucisco has din- Triple is a gang of bridge men here and all points east . We do not handle, eulti . '¿¿ee' or rather series of skirmishes goes among the re«i«lenta in order to Mecure against the Southern Pacific company ture I h so corrupt that no good man appeared. If»- 1« heavily in debt ami now repaii ing old culv erts or replacing attempt to propagate an_v variet:« mi«! life insurance moneys. Men and to has defauPed many of his clients. hem with m v un«*s. recover posses«inii of about nine tan risk his reputation by sitting in it. on tn Cuba, with varying results. women have killed their parentn to kinda of fruit, until satisfied thui'd Hi acres C. P. Huntington, president of th 9 bunch laml. The railroad are well adapted to the soil and riyt’iee Mrs. E .\'ici>dem;;s has gone cast after Quite a numlrer of Americans are gut inHiiranue. The victim« run up claims of In anticipation of an increase in the the land by reason of a patent Smit hern Pacific company is in .Sin several months stav in Leland. SLEEPERS, DINING and LIBRARY peculiar to Southern Oregon Wn>'r:al I American tariff, Canadian distillers are assisting the insurgents, but they into the hundred«. terms to ihy ■' Francisco on a tour of inspection and grant**«! by Prenident Harrison. OBSERVATION CARS. shipping large quantities uf whisky to Mrs. W. \V. Hale and her sister Mise H. G. Nealaon, cahhier of the defunct to nttend the annual meeting ami elec A. H. CARSON & SC;‘Jn,a A big fight Is in progress ah to the the Unite«! States. take their life in their own hands Morris «pint a couple of days in the Pass Waahington County Bank, at Akron, tion of the company. last week. anil can ho|>e for no succor from the Col., has been arrcHte«! charged with l<M*ntion of the norma! school la San G hanth P ams . O rigoi .'A A company has purchased a farm in Diego. The Pacific Beach company is HEtt l< h AND hCXNERY L NEql AI>1) The corner >tone of the building for ;ates i The Steam Beer mine is running night ‘‘land of the free and the home of einbcsxlcinent and misappropriation of making a strong ctlort to secure the Illinois when* rat farming will be car the affiliate«! colleges to b<* erected by e wo» For tickets and full information call un »nd day ao is the “IxiwvJy.” ried on for the skins, which will sell funds. the 1 location, while tile University heights the University of California, was laid or addrea» B es A L owell , Agent the brave" which has always been William T. Adams, whooe pen name puoph* are pulling unanimioUMly f«»r from 10 to 15 cents each. H mm * Harry Chapin a native of Josephine Woodville. at S«n Francisco Saturday. looked upon at once as the example was Oliver Optic, the writer of child ve set Co. Oregon has gone to Spencer Iowa. A. B. C. D rnnmton . W. E. Gladstone, England 1 « “ grand the college grounds in that quarter. Tbnd'leus S. C urk-«»n. comniander- R. ('. S teven « U P «t T A, Portland Or. ul<l man,” has just learned to ride a and the assistant of people strug ren«’atories, died at his home at Bos There will be a sibbath Sulmol organ« ltn* buihlet'N ami <*«>ntractor« of San in-chief of the Grand Army.of the Re O W P A, Seattle. Wa?h. gling to free themselves of foreign ton, Mass., Katurdiiv. He was aeventy- Diego at a meeting recently passed bicycle, an,I rides well. public, is on the Pacific coast on a tour ized at the Iceland school house next >r cai H vc years of age. Sunday. Bill*« have been introduced in several rvNolutions boycotting the Sim Diego •f ms]»i tion of the various posts. ibiic < Ixiudage. Perhaps it is easier to A iinivcihiijv phvsician at Geneva brewery owing to the action of its cHht«*rn legiHlature« to prohibit the dis Miss Lida Neil has returned to Leland Thu iioli and game warden nt San obtain arms and recruits for Cubans claim'* to have invented an apparatuH I prashlvnt in awarding the contract for ' play of prix« -fight pictures. They are Francisco arrested eight Chinese fisher after several weeks stay at Roseburg. I’OIJ SALE gislot now than it was, but that is all the that will enable tlu* «leaf to hear. | buihling the block on the plaza to a I hitciided to hea«l off the exhibit by men for using set nets, ami imsh nets An old man named Marquis 'lied near publi kinotoscope of the Carson fight. It ia rhiime«l the The committee appointed by the | l>»s Angeles firm. under th** six« require I by law. here of typhoid pneumonia last week. difference in policy. OF rpora IGO acre« of land, with an 8 foot I French <-hamls*r of «leputir« to inquire latter’s hid was $3000 below that of any ' An order has been issued that all the vo tab Miss Isabelle Murphy, a daughter of Too much snow for the gossipers to be ditch which water ot the same cover«! employes of th»* Reading and Kouth- T he people of Oregon are so glad in* to the Panama chuh I scandal«, l.xal Imbler. the late Daniel T. Murphy of Murphy, out so there is no news. Just wait until 100 acre«; also a mill site with pen-stock SOUTHERN OREGON, has deci«lod to piosecute those compli weHtern street railway must dispose of Grading was commenced Monday (»rant Co., <iied suddenly in Ixindon, it clears up and about 306 feet of flame; 1<K) acre«; that the legislature didn't organize cated in tI k * scandals.* ti. 1 at Oakdale, ( al., on the first ten miles their inustaches and beards after April Satu r«lay. •N oitall . fence«! and 50 acre« in grass**«; 1 large' e wr that they are now seriously consid A wl«le-aprea<l cyclone swept over of the romlianl of the Sierra railway, 1st. barn. 1 small one and dwelling house; | Ijong Beach, Cal., is having a mild One Minute is all the time necessary with 450 winter apple tree«. $50,0(1..'':- The black plague has broken out ering it it would not I k * a good thing the country alsmt Austin, Tex., Sun which will connect the mother hale building ho*)in. to decide from personal experience that 40 acres of land joining the above;1 day, w recking many houses and play tow ns w itii the valley. am »ng the European residents of Bom cting to sus|>end sessions altogether for a ing havoc generally. There is a war fa»twcen the bruw<r- One Minute Cough Cure does what its 25 a«*res fenced, with water right; anti bay, India. Two liiindr«»«) Chinese of Victoria, B. name implies. Receive detsMits subject to check «®* a i«*s of Rca ’ tle am! Tftcoiii*. 40 acres within a mile of the above, 20 time. We are already overburden Th«* first Quaker«’ church ever estab 'Iniv« declared their intention of1 • • •• • ■ • i t ies <> The theos«»phical leaders have met • in>< .lie jiajautr payable uu on aeuiuiHi. demand, acres fenced, 9 acres plowed, with water certificate John < alvin of San Bernardino has ed with statutes, and each legisla lished In D«uivcr was opened Sunday. becoming British subjects. Thia move with an enthusiastic rev'eption in I'in- 1 Sells sight drafts on New ’fork, San Fs”**1’11, right. Apply to sold th** Warsaw mine for ?15,fi00. Guy Pike a twenty-year-old boy liv G. W. H oxie , cisco, and Portland. Dnrir The battle-ship Iowa left Camp’s is in or«l«*r that they might secure ein- 1 elnnati. ture, if given free scope, will add During th** first eleven «lavsof March ing at Portland, Oregon, tried to end 78 Williams, Oregon. Telegraphic transfers sold on all poir. i, of I ship-yard Moinlay morning on her offi ployrm*nt on g«>vornment works. 'Ibe Cincinnati Convention League many useless laws to the codes al cial trial trip oil th«* New England the I nit.-tl State»» sever The city council of L» h A..gelos has has been forme«! for the purpose of Delano, Cal., shipped sixty cars of pro his life last week by drow ning himself in the Willamette river, but was rescu Special Attention given to C«»llecti<,n*»|K^ • ready in existence. Besides this, coast. • rvjrctv«l two miles of finished asphalt promoting the holding of con vent Ions duce. ed. Hr said he wanted to die because general business iw of ui our uur customers. cuMuiuent. »ay« — in that city. the creation of offices for friends may Herretary of State Shermar is rou | on Main strrut of that city. Numerous religious revival meetings lie could not hear to see his mother mild, Iiirouginniv throughout u* J |e Collections lumie tined to his room with an attack of About April 15th the Portland Tele are now in progress throughout Tulare The plant «>f the Acme Bicycle Works go on unchecked until commissions ui- points. ... — r w ant for the necessities of life, ami, al Oregon, and on all accessible rhrumatiain. It is not rugwrded as «er- gram w ill come out ns a morning paper, at R«*a«ling, Pa., was burned. Valuable county, Cal. though he wus Eober and industrious, I J. D. FRY, President. are appointed to do everything the loua. i It will be independent in politics, but machinery was «ioMfroyed. a she L» hs $75,- The Howland olive orchard ami mill lie was unable to furnish them for her. J. r.riTFFS , V’ice President. -e." legislators are elected to do them To the honorable county court of Jose« National Coiiiinnmivr Donovan of the will favor bimetallism. 000. at South Pamona, Cal., has been sold R. A. B ooth , (’«shitf <1 118 Thur-day la«t a wind storm swept phineCo. state of Oregon: We the un- Union Veteran« ’ League ntatva that Fighteen carl«»a lsof fatted Northern selves. If one honest Ixxly of 90 There Ims been a serious break in to eastern parties. ■1 it r over the Puget sound country and was der-igned petitioners and legal voters of Preaident McKinley will g«» to Phila beef arrived at Ta«-«»rna, the ranks of the socialistic party at There is now as much show I ii the aai«l to be the stiffest gale in the his Josephine Co. state of Oregon ami pre« Be V o men could get together and abolish delphia on April Ath and review the California Wash., one «lay last week, for the local New York. Six thousHiid lucmben* mountains about Pamona as at any tory of shipping ou the sound. .rkel The Miler of Kerby do ask and pray your hon these commissions and then go to |>ara«lr of the legion. pat king houses. This in th«* first time have r**l»elN I at what thev term dk-ta- time during the winter. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION "tlv wind blew at the rate uf fifty miles per orable bodies to grant a license to J T. Ijee P«»n, giHiid rrc«»rd**r of the Cliin- in three years that beef has I m en ship- torship. ___ .......................... r »alt their homes without doing another Gilmore to sell liquor both spiritous and Henry Fulstone, one of the first Het- hour and wav**« run eighteen feet high. free inasons of America, was buried P«*«l there from ('alifornia, thin ship- L and Orrici it R oskhi hu . Or. drill malt liquors in less quantities than one The DeKalb County bank, at Marya- tiers t thing except to provide for the state's r«** At Seattle three docks were blown Ncvirda, «lied recently. gallon in the town of Kerby and we ever at st. Louis, Sumlay. H im «tbsequlea tm nt resulting from a coml»i:i** nniong February 26,1* an 1 s* veral house« demolished, Tree« pray. running expenses on an economical occupied two blocks of St. Louis «treete Pastern Washington cattlemen to raise villv, Mo., failed to open Mouday. The Pieta hotel, Pieta, Cal., w as Notice ie hereby Riven tiint the folio* fell acron« railroad tracks and 1 War«leti Harley of the Indiana State destroyed by fire Sunday. blocked Names. tin* pi it ■ of beef. basis, we would not need another for several h- hi re. iiig-t,aiued nettler Ims tiled to : traffic for several hours. prison at La Port» ha« adoptod a novel Peter Bour Marlin Rielond intention to make final proof in »up?calle, I lie fight l'«t Wifii th** Oakland scav m< thod of providing occupation for the The NtvaniHhip line recently estali legislature for twenty years, Never The proposal to vatabliMh the stat** of Il Cassid) (fovrrnniciit engineers are expert L II Childs of I,:, claim, and that said ...... i * J’1 . . . - Mwiihatten, including within its I mhiu - engers aud the crematory c«>.npany i« m*v ml hnn.lrr.I i.H. oonwict» nibkr l*t.«n I’uget wound port* *n<l mealing with th» postotfice lot W K Stone made liefore John Goodell, « mu le Jo in Sail Fred Mehl nnnd the U. S. senator. We have drrlrs the territory now include«! in growing v*ry bitter. Th»* M-avenger» : Japan by capitalists of the fatter r«»un- I W Hunt T W James IU m charge by organising malitia oom I ran« ¡>. «> iu ascertain if piling will be clerk of Josephine county, Oreron. ■ no use for any. Jack Brady greater city of New Y»»rk, is before the have l»**en putting dynamite in the panic« within the wails. DE Do<Kon The convicts I try» is liable to be discontinued, owing 1 « ■ rant, Oregon uu on npin Apr; va utivs i la».- mb ?, , v/rcguii • _____ | ('has Butler gaibagr left at the crematory, in hopes will be supplied with wooden guns nn«i to the heavy financial loss it has thus nen ««ary for the foundation. Nrv* Y>»rk h-gixlaturv. to-wit; Theophdug M Rowe, on H I h - ' » b* .n Fanta Monica, Cal., has decided to of blow ing it out of existence. Llminp Po\ m 5 0< .*« ‘ «0 * •• «j • -* »*• « < «• C yclones and tornadoes have GV 12, lor the E ’2 S W 'a "f ’ drilled by convict* who served IA the far incurred. Nicholas Krukoff, luspertor of agri J Ni Sm-»* k put in a Mrwer system. Cha- Bour kwti I NEW ttec 32^ Tp 34 S., Jean R<»«a, a <le«pondent Frenchman culture in the Am « «r region of Asiatic late war. Nevada ia experincing the hardest been disporting everywhere of late •j!“?1?“*1” » «eat. 'Aork has co.niuen<*e<l upon the wat R L I i * m I»* h Riihsla, is iu Toronto. Ills mission u» in ths < ily ami county hospital at San winter know in that state. Beil George Twenty-seven shipwrecked ineu were Victor Bonr 1 except on this part of the Pacific to enquire into the American system of Fninuiteo, committed suic.<l< l»\ hang er- work« -ysteni of Palo Alto, Cal. He nainea the following witnef* Davi*l Bour Jas Hamilton ( prove his continuous residence in Boston uoe day last week J. W. Griffin of Farmersville, Cal., coast, so it is again time to remind agriculture and the tnetho«! of settling ing. The |>liy«irian told him that Ids landed A popular v«»t<* will la» taken in Spo Joseph Earn»» I bin Ca9pi<ty ' and cultivation of said land, to’ from the stvamshii ip Ontario» They picked 1.155 pounds of apricots from a d« ath wan * nly a question of n few le-rie «» ji tl c q*n * i«m of a loan of fMO,- M A Power« J ii Winter» Charles Ladd. Garrett Crockett, ib’1 our Eastern readers that we never vacant land«. were the sailors of t Ine «hip Andro»», tea-x ear-old tree la«t season. wet k«, but he tlitl not can* t«» wait that ° •<’ for the installation of mu electric •Jack l ox C H Libby The stoainer Clive, which arrived in w hi« !' was w recked near the as Powers, of Merlin, Oregon; J*n Irish have such tilings here. Our win CA Fox length of time. Redlands, Cal., «eeks a free ¡»oetal Geo Hour lit,’ * p'niJit to l»e owned and operated New York from Naples a few days ago, i Trimble, Grant’s Pace. Oregon. r«»est. All bamls wore saved. Geo H Baley delivery, claiming that she has been C E Tibbs by the city. ters are perhaps the calmest and br«»ught 1110 Italian steerage passen Hon. Jas. L Killian director uf the 623-628 R. M. V iatch , Regie!* lltuh Fender German na\al «fficers have i entitled to it for a long time. Henry Wihr.xk A forty-acre range orchard in Or Phill lh?ssinger mildest of any country this distance gers, the larg«*at number of passungers Wnshiiigtou ami ('olumbia River rail or*h*red to give no employment to been so«*- Geo Marion brought by any one Ht«*aim»r this sea way coinpani tiled, last week an«! was Two four-master schooner« are being ange *-«>iinty, Cal., has bu* n »old to a II White T J Riwnwvy from the equator, while our sum son. buried at Pt'iidluton, (>rvg«ui, Thurs- ialista. built at Fort Blakely, Wash., on orders Michigan inan f »r <30,000. The tr<«e« Harry Moore Byron Taylor mers are never oppressively hot. dav. The larp st deal ever ma< le in Gtla from San Francfovo* Wm II Little •_ twelve vears old. W in (i Eel rely The tk»od situation around Memphis, Ilans (ih<»sen \\ U. Rot kwrll of Fresno, Cal., who c«»untv, Aril., w*as chwmd fast week. Cha« F Hart Our crops never fail from lack ol Tenn., is unchanged, although the riv W. A. Rims of Fannvraville, Cal., last i*arn Brown, agent A»r J. Hall af l^m* »1 D L C.rvuks J 0 Turner killed his wife lant August has b<*en season secured twenty-eight tons *»f moisture nor are they torn up or er is «low ly fslling. C \ Kellv ing. having puroh • sed Prinjfa brothers ’ red I ’ rtnal ---------- ... A Evan« sentenced t«» prison lor lift*. pruues fr«»in 118 s«x-y« ar-oltl trees. MRS. C. S. HOBBS han opened h"' "DM cattle at *1? per head. OF KINQ8TON. ». Y. Hori« W <jud«*ock smashed down by hail storms Ta Pap**rs have been sigued an«i deliv The ow nera Malting snow on the foothills has making parlors in the McArthur bu ered transferring the entire Jackson < tuorg«* I log ic The annual encampment of the Mon Cured of 8pa*m* by Dr Mil««' Nervi B R Brady agr« o to deliver 5000 hand, which in«. ken altogether we have reason to county, Ohio, coal livid raii*t«'<l tlu* I iii.itihn river, Oregon, to I’ ll U inters the Rrusvr J II WinUws ing on Sixth street and will l>e p ** th. v will receive, at the pHae named. tana division of the Gran«) Army of the A in Winters consider ourselves blest, though one syndicate of lx)ii«l«m, in con«i*!sration r '• rs «Ily. aiol f* ara air mt* i tamed Geo II Briggs to have the faidies call upon her. Republic will be he)«! at Anaccmcfa Win Koiler that the river » ill «neitl >w Geo H Bunch Satisfaction guaranteed Apr<t 7th. meets as many croaken here as ativ of M, ”00, nun K Rues The mansgera of the Uimdiiraa lot H N Woodcoea Ih«* ertpsvi Adams arrived in San Portsmouth, V«., ««uttered a I omm «if Frank B. Clopto», who was appoint White tery, fouui rly the Louisiana, hqw Io* a- where. It seems to 1« human na- ; <100,000 by tin», Sumlay. Fifty families Di. go a lew «lavs ago with her rrew of E Reuble A < iihuore ed to examine the books of George R Di« k Sowell a} * i rvnUcvs, an I in the first three tlu>s t»d in H *i4ni as, are trylug to p«rhcl ture to growl at the surroundings, lost the r liMtneb. Boughman I mm I i ex-recorder of Pen lie n Or., A Renl»lr alt r her arrival nearly a score of her plans to conduct their lottery in the T (> Nam*««» W > NHM be they ever so happy or less favor- ! Charles An«lersnu, an employe of the •*.« finds there la a total shortage for thrw state of Nevada. i ora «Insert* tl. S W White Northern Pniili« railroad sho^s* at A E Lind ed sections. Jwtlge *^*ara .»/ (’hicagn broke th« years of M0f7 «. J G Latie There pr<>i*tis**s h» Is* a lively rut« Hpragne, Wash was found drowned in K Dav ids« >r. Re A«» ndn, CaL, peoph* are working divurcu court record a faw days ago. by U K Wiley D ealer I n > D (tiblM «»Id abandoned ashpit that was tilled w ar and kvcit c«»n 11 edition this in*iu«lrtoualy fi»r the ealabltshuMnl at granting twenty-fix'« divorce« Iu five H t asten T he so cal ltd civilized powers of an for the pa-a* ngvr trsfllc lu the Y>*r ai- A B IL.pkins wit! w Ater a fish cannery. lion r a '» B Clark <j E Hunt lie •sllry. Eurojic would like to suppress little Wm H Mosby Id lee The ni rpbine taken with suicidal In Wheu vou write, aim to be cunei«**, I C 1» Stmt h it Ifamfaburg, th.' Bl vthe The fight over W H patter Greece in her brave effort to put a tent by .1 sef Blanther, In nr«l«r to exact an*) brief. J I Wilson from Mar. Mtcu transfer! I from the John Vanpelt Lisa McPry Largest Stock of HAY in the Cih cm « ,tp«* punishment for the murder he stop to Turkish oppression, but w ill be * lillr l o the United Statosi *•* Ixindun newspaper and general print Frank L "niith t'B Row e committed in San Franeim<\ killed mg offices are now running nearly i C, mutton, I 1 even Russian tyranny and Austriuu Ed Daily J allies Green ! Al! Home Grown. him, in spite of every effi>rt that was taro hundred Linotype comjHwiiig ma A A Anderson as ar ut hen*, made to save him. He died just be m Kerr des}>otism have to be caretui of pub chines, while New York run« upward •I F Kellog W D George 1«} * Hg s fore the San Francisco officers reached of 350. lie opinion which is now wholly in R Malten Joi n And* nmn were Mrrblan, Tea., where he wa« con hued. T J Tvcer Geu Mill* favor of Greece If the Power, ¡s t The * >an Di« go council, after pareing HE many camw of » St. Vttu. G W Peeks Il now transpires that he had two J R Parmenter dime« »nd epilep., that Pr. Mil«.* Alex i ie*»rg»» Al Lowest Price«. sist in fighting Turkey's battles hipmau of Red Blurt, wlwa, and oue of them be tried to kill a I* si i f *r a ?laat«r «tuJ elec- M 1- < rook. K.'.lon.u.v Nwrrtn. haa.-uml.would C E l'hilli|e* tri. kflit plant, i«» now considering a ippointcd supreme a sb »rt time agv. they arc liable to have internal trou E I Mr»nrr •anCal! and Examine my Stock. I thi. cret rvuiody uidu pyp,,.-- J N >.*ium rfa a lot a ****u«.m*l efattnc lfahl-;dant to aU'n. for th«- the tinax- John Keffer Ucu Mia Walter A Steward, m Broadway, J im » Y- ung The Alaska gold fever has struck cowl ♦ tries of their own to divert their at «Û. i Van < ‘I i If. A W Naticke Klncauxi, S Y W ya Man h A I* 1 B Jan, I. STAUFFER th* people of Tuget •'»un«l cities hard, r H McIntosh ' tention The next revolution in The olive industry 1» attracting »ttwn- while on a Tlslt Io Manila our little *lrl wa. John Mitchell Indfans ancsted in Shasta ami they «re making a wild rnsh for J K W li;t« H E Christy tion ti taken with »paatu. We hastened home to ear Winters, last week for the mur ler the fro* n el d«'»redok <’•1, aa Col. Taylor, the European continent will result P M Millr- Chas Di mean the pl • »neer tn tlic bnaineaa, has sold oorramil, ph/Mrtaa. He did all be could F Iward Rilev Keratin« Genlgnani, ha in the establishment of more repub II S<|,:rig|i Plans hsw I m » vu «'onipirtad and I but railed We railed >p of several thousand aerea at a » ii , in which lie «lalru* Miod Weh h ' J no Well« | •e’eral physician, but I' i I v cer lics and the Powers had Ixtt.r go 1 crime committed li 'V work wf I begin st «»nee «n an riaprale fane* prie • J E fyerr lb* spasm, ooutlnued, J F Stilb ph asurr rv.«*»rt at t^uk Park, ^accaniva« Mile»’ named Miller. A *.f the state supervisors* slow. England and Germany have Frank I>ewinger tier tongue beeame to. wh • h will l»e one of the most cow roil venti >n will be held in La Angeles a churvii society « Nervine partially paralyiesl already found this out hinge of ts kind un the evaat J. L. MALVEN, P rop -. and the dorter» »aid planning a “ «-store» tit \-x % specimens of rare plants, April IO;h. .\»tk a»«i flat. •be would nerer talk of wbicl w •m>lll*M«»t1 JtSNINoa-INlAW Rr,|CK, “tXTII 'T The , -m itiMH' >ners rent to North J b* k< w gardens, Ragland, are 8> <>r>gt>, a banta JOta, CaL, b<0 a«ala and day preosnl sstv., to treat with die Ya » exhibition at the establishment \akima, n ' «!><> plead^l fuillr to araon, a a. •«ni •• »airbed the puor a item, some National Ac« Ci ma taxing aas-xi«- kima Indians far the aa«« of their iands uf K> tl>c PrwttoH Urform Mbool for thro* and a*«i«<ing na tried .eery remedy we if bewn puhHahed. rhe proprietor« have «*> much lauti U li ui Ran .a Aarhara. They wUl ha vs left for Montana, being unabis to yeara ao»>»t»p»fah any thing. mreiive power* that •os. 11 «(art on their long Journey to Eirat-clas» Meals served •' * they <qfer One Two wilde.!. rwowoUy Mptnrwd by Hundn-d Dollari* f r ----- any > a»« that il falli rep rare nt *fania Barbara In th« lar^ret (fours of tb.a day or night. The Ind.ans alona the ‘fan« PoiU in Otin<—• in oa.yoa, Ranta Bar URL to cure Bend (or a list >»f Tren monis» b»4aa ca! g-rfau* In the world Was:» r g»*m, are hu«v palling ap the KT CTWTML nv Tus. Q |T^" ror.1 famished for ste- 7 ' bara mnnty. CUI Kao »—«n nnarb.^*1 Address, F. J. (. Hk SI Y ACO t.» Th* b f L»aqtttn Valley railroad loeabon «Utes that wsredriv«n «» th« transient Guests at reasonable ratea by Dr. Olio, aad will lw .tnpp..i to ledo, O Colvdis resets at km bars by ths ioca- brufav k ngs river at RwaJlay, Gwrmauy for .x/ubitioa la the royal Hold by Druggists. 75<’. Give the Miner’s Restauran« a tn* •* ÑSÜMPTTÓN « mi the X « route, aid be an iw .«<« hut S«,*eeted Io see the riserva- wo ••.la. llalPe Family Pilla arribe best be convinced. Ì. V Mauvr». * w 8— r ■ ’FS1 '’• amt '» P am O r » o >« mt ,, It I« tn lie lihx) fee* ÜOn «qirnrd. Three .au FitAnUcu guests at the Cilroy Hot Kpnngn recently felled a J. NUNAN, Pt'BLISHKR. ! ve oak tree, by firing rifle ball« Into <1 trunk. The job consumed $60 I m «. u «*«1 Every Thurwility. worth of ammunition. Han Carina ha« mu epidemic of üldil Puer oí loienue Coiiir. Ormi. meiotiea. One hundred aud ten caeex are report»«! among the pupil« of the India 1 achool. T hubsday , A pril i , 1897. Mr. Hiid Mra. Sila« cclebrate«i their 1*1 xty-aecoti<l wed«ltng anuiveraary $2 a Y ear , or $1 50 in A dvance . at Mil ton, Or., lawt week. Mr. Coe in 1 ytenr* old and hie wife m 83, both in good health. They have living “C ongestion of population as sug are at present forty-one grandchildren. gested by Commander Booth Tuck The Gatcw, Cab, cauneriee are er, has existed in the United States preparing for an immense pack thi« for a long time and is one very Meanoii. ON THE PACIFIC SLOPE I IP. H. SOHZJN/ l IIDT, TAI Agricultural Implements, & s raz< coeS the GO EAST IIEIIL.IMI MHXERIl 1 Library-Car Route 200,000 TIM SB Shortest and Quickest Line to - St. Paul, Duluth, Minneapolis, Chicago OUR NURSER^ nea Hill Daily Trains : Fast Time FIRST NATIONS Capital Stock, Petition For Liquor License. Dress Making ! Sadie Steward I. STAUFFEB Hay, Grain, Flour and te3-1 Good Eating and Oinking T MINER'S ^RESTAURANT N. E. McGrew "S' ■fip Pioneer Inland Delivery Ï