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About The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 13, 1919)
MORE Dt n'y Enid Bennett Is Society Debutante h Her New Photoplay for Your Fun Sell them to me, and make more money. I gaurantee to give you 50 cents to .$1.00 more on each hide than any other buyer in the market. Save your furs for me. L. L. NOONCHESTER BURNS, OREGON Beautiful Australian Actr.- Makes Mojt of Ro'c in "A Desert Wooing." Dollghttul En Id Donnott, tho Thonms II. Ince star who w'U bo "n In hor now Paramount photo"fn" "A Desert WooIhr" nt tho. Uborty Thctitro noxt Wedno3i1ay hni an ii" usually strong rolo, that of a sncto- Irl who lator attains lo (.he monsuro of womanhood ns tho vlfo of a muMtorful man whom i;ho marries In order to provldo hor uiothr a f rloty worn u, with fii"d to "a - j t n hor high social .ilat'on. Wlco Uoroton la n product of th f n Hot, with hor cnnelty for '"-r d tho holler llilnen of Vfo dwarfed I HUhducd by her associations and ti rlni;Im;. Hor mother in noro uncial straits nnd plain to mnrrv h r daughter to wcnlth to rohablM t it licr own fortunes. Avlco s nd m'red and cynically roturnH the at t 'ntlonu ot a Dr. Kortosiuo Van Fluot social parasite. Hilly, hor brother, h moro or loss of a youiiK waster. From tho West comes Uurton Mas ters, n multlmllllonalro copper man productions, nppenri In "Mi.r.'Iitr i' Clold," ns Mis (lordon's l-artlnp l.i.m Ho Ik aoeu in thu rolo m JJIu.i r don, Dolly's huiilmml. rteorRu Qimrri'' ntrl for h! -ironu r nctor dallnout'onu. atipnara In Ihu f' of OHoffroy North. Wurnar 0'a d, 0110 of tho somen' mol ncennip' '1 delineators of "heavy" rolofl, upj n in tho char tutor of LI Hnuti n Oh' Mnmliirln. Tony Mario, another 11 Of. and T ufkeys 'vi aralt'lude wr hungry g.YH kwa unit rieiio, .4t hangar wit hppmmU. if we have n family upon whom tho hum! of nilstortuiiQ lias fallen, wo should aea thnt their lnntnr is wall filled, nnd that the Christmas lurhoy Is not absent on car Day of Uhjh. 0 Another Day of Miracles KTfi . fi .art aai i iaw U'UuoMMMaMi toiicAtun. D.V. GRIFFITH'S Tl Gca.tLoye' At tho Mbor'y Tb . and rancher. Ho Is attracted to favor Avlco and hIio to him hut still cynical tlll hIio nssur.t Van Fleet Hint a mar rlago to Uarton will not sor)Usly W ltitorfuro with tholr posslblo relations, cd Married, tho two sot out for tho Wostern ranch nnd Masters bring" , along tho doctor and Mrs. Ueroton. Hilly baa gono on ahead and 1& rapid- talp- ly improving In tho cloan llfo of tho opou lands. Tho doctor tr'os to rompol A"lco to make good hor cynical aosurarco -ut Is caught bv rtarton Misters, thrnh ed and thrown out to moke his way homo on tho desert as best ho cm. Mastcra the di tho v'o'o of rolatlvos and fr'cndH, 1 nek to Now York. Av'co 's raboll'ous, a slavo to )ier huaband's will. Socrotly sho worshlpH him. Van Floet slinks ac'i nnd shoots MIt 'en1' i b' r dead. Avlco secures a rovolvor nnd forcos tho doctor to g'vo Mastors tho surgical nttent'on that 11 sa ' lira. Thcr. b ' ' b' 'hod and a comnlot " der tandlrK bo tweon husband a"d wlfo Is finally established. o JiH-PacM Tri!s mmunlty thoro may bo with hut inongro Ingred i V tma dinner. A n 'I i'"t con r s Into plenty, nor -( from u crust s -o l'v In plenty rn ir nono who du" When Christ wn on nrMi ho per formed mlraclwi by the laying on of hands. Uu. ho was Thrift, tho son of Clod. Today anothtr mlraHo man 1b com ing Into tho llmollBht. I UHly MayM, nnd ho perform In an impro vised sanitarium provMud by tho clt Izuiih of Nhw Carlisle. Ind. No one profoaseu lo bo able to nolvo tho mystory of tho power of hlu hands. Kvuu medical men tiro ui win, 'tis said. IJut his patlonts In nlmln nmitilii frnm nil walks of llfo. nnd thero seams (o bo little doubt us to tho cinency or his electrical touch And, utrnngo to say, there nppoars to he but row scorrorc .it mix new man of miracles. Is history repenting it -If, or linvo wo really mon in oxlstonco who, by a touch ot tholr hands, cnu cnuso the Initio to walk and tho sick to be como woll? It vIU bo IntercHtlng to watch tho career of this young man. If his ruccohh continues wo might have him touch thu profiteer and cause him to reduce his prices to normal. Ho might stroke tho hnlry face of tho Jled and convert him Into a law abiding eitlzon. Ho might cause tho capitalist, and thu laborer to work together In har mony. And, nn tho supromo effort of his career, ho might wave tho wand of , his potency over tho heads of con , gross and tho prosldont and load thorn to an amicable solution ot tho contested sections ot tho treaty of pence and tho loaguo of nations. And thut, wo think, would ho somo mlraclo. Will SOMETHING Happen to make you rich ? A rich uncle may die and leave you a roll, but few rich uncles have this habit. If you get rich the chances are you will fl)st have to save enough money in order, to make an investment that will pay. There are plenty of investments for the man with a little ready cash. But it is up to you to save cash. The best policy is to deposit a portion of your salary. A Bank is better than a hole in your pocket through which your money can slip away. Make our Bank YOUR Bank. CRANE STATE BANK CRANK. ORIWON New World Pictu is F iled with Surpri .nd incite ment. J jAW-PAcked with thrills and sur prises to the new World Picture, "Mandarln'B Gold," starring Kitty Gordon, which on tonight will be shows at tho Liberty Tneatro, It ia a ttcturo that tells a strange etorv the story of a young society woman . who needs money badly, vid l" a romarkablo mannor finds a strange method of secur'ng tho mono iho has to havo. Thu securing of the monoy involves hor In startling s-tua-tions and amazing entanglements', Tho unfolding of tho plot koopi tho audlonco In broath-stopplng susponso from start to finish. Kitty Gordon appears in this pro duction in tho rolo or Ilotty Cardon, tho socloty loader who noeds monoy bo budly It Is ono or tho verv best rolos that Miss Gordon has ovor had. In hor support lira acen sonic or tlQ boat known (11 in favorites of the clay.' Irving Cummings, who has "appeared with much success in many screen . . A. ill it . r k t r v ilia - r r HV .. In III i I: I P I I Know " I ? it t t r , FINE MONOGKAMME STATIO We have a choice sample line of fine box stationery, which we will print with any monogram you wish. Fine for gifts at any time. Priced on a reasonable production cost basis from $1.50 up. Wc sell only printcd-to-ordcr stationery THE TIMES-HZRALD Job Department ,1, ,4 flnlBhed, : . u rep ..d why it ia differont from ordinary garage .rofltuble to patronlw tne .Authorised frd a part ot tho Ulg Ford Family. He earrioa ,a purta tor repairs and replacements so you da for thorn, and be uses only genuine parts a'Ut on parts aren't dependable and' aoai waax. r. whipped up-to-the-minute garage vritk tools Uiat -.4 aw to efficiently and properly aaako aay repair , if.t ;o a complete ovorhaul. And when the work to ronU the roaBonablo, standard Ford prices. r wd Ford Dealers a part of that groat Fora servico 4ivtormod chiefly to put within each community a , morj than a passing Interest In Ford repairs and wetlitred and equipped to render prompt, careful r ono and we'll come after your car, Inland Empire Kealty Co. A. A. inAVGC IT, Proprietor REAL ESTATE Bought sold and exchanged Farm Ranch and Building Loans BLUEPRINTS LOANS MADE ON APPLICA TION DIRECT INVESTMENT BROKER iARAGE or US, OREGON is, ! Wm, Farre Burns, Oregon Practice Before U. S. Land Office and the Department at Washington, D. C. REAL ESTATE BROKER Special-Desirable Stock Ranches NSURANCE-Insuro your hay niul property in tho North British and Mercantile . or Colonial Firo Underwriters Ladies' Monogram Stationery Here