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About The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 13, 1919)
ft 3 rili?' Dcrondnr in, lino J AUK TWO r ii n t i m n s u n u a ii i . im u ?f s , II A K'JS' if V 18 G. 'I 3 U 1 1 1 II, .V : i i IRON HEEL . IN PEACE In Mi n.i t't. ' .ill tli 1 ar'hlatio tucondiiry propUK.ti.iU which 1 weeping the country llko u nrulrle 0r, one stroll rny of hoiio Htumls out tilts t heaon llglit In tho mariner U distrts. Tht hope In the American Legion. jVoo-polltlral, non-seetnrlun, com falad of lirnva men from every city. rUlf and hamlet or the nation fctom tht farm. ths factories ami the ffntlll room It ha adopted Tor cnd a graat slogun AMKR f C A N I M tt win right the battles of lt coun try In iteiifK. at It fought thf-m In war. tt will Insist that America I; for Americans and those who are loyal 4 American Institutions hiiiI trudl ttoas. it will Insist that the congress anil tlui government reaso temporising yrl radicals whos ultimate alius ro destruction a ml commercial ldr-aey. It will Insist that law and order be fcratorved, anil if the foreman Says It Saved His Life iViahoney Never Expected to Get Out of Bed Again Now Back at Work. Many wonderful endorsements havo ixvuiL gSvon lanlue, lAit, the statement made Octohor 9Ui hy James Mnhonoy, of 22 East lfith St.. Los Angeles, Cal., is so remarkable ns to bs almost In-credlhlo. ir. ttlahoney. however, is a man of cou.vrv counr huijokt To tho Taxpayers of Ilarnoy Counly: Notlco Is hereby given thnl tho County Court of l.urno fixed Monday, December 20, 1010, us the lime, and the CVurt T Hums, Oregon, us tho lac where the estimate of nip oy pr raised by tnxatlon f(,r tho enualnif yiMi", 10J0. may be' d suld Counly Court, n'so, whon und where tiny t-liinyr:tlJft i levy, when made, uhcll ho, heard for or aRii'nat any proposed tax li Itemized catlmnlea of tho amount of monuy r i'""e' to taxation for the ensuing year, 1920, by Hurnoy County, Orugon, ami l: purpose for which the said money Is proposed to be exi .did. tr-v County Court: Salary of County Judge, per dloni of Cdmmlsaloneta, e.. ; ? 2 ' ' Salary of BalllffH, reporter, Juror.4, wltnoftes. etc lust Ice Court: f Koch of Justifies, eon8tnhlos..,,Jiirors, wltnossos, ctc. Hhcrlff'M Onice: Salary of Sheriff and deputies, trarsllng and olllee expensos...... Clerk's Olllce: .KA Salary of Clerk unrt flehntltfi, und olllce oxpenim G, 000. 00 Assessor's OHloo: Salary of Assessor nud ticpnttes and oftleu oxpanea.. 'I rowMiirer's Olllrei i MIGLEYS if 8,000.00 : n.000.00 unquestioned integrity and has boeni , 'Hewiiier oiuroi ,,,,. Mt the nicharrts-Naustndt Salary of Treuiiir-r and offl.w ex-penm - 1,800.00 'siniKi-llitiMiilnnf ()Hfl Salary of School Suporliili ndont and oltlco oXpoilKcs 1,800.00 Cwoncr'.s Oilier: Ke' of Coronrr. jurors nnd witnesses.......-. Slock Inspector: Salary of Stock Inspector County Health Olllccr: Closely following an Injury to my constituted ouck. cuuaed by lifting some steul Inst authorities arc Impotent to control July n year ago, my whole system the situation It will add tho weight seemed to give way. My Btomach of Us mighty arm. comm&nccd hurting me terribly and 1 The American Legion has a big' sufiered from gus nud Indtesgtlon. (out and Is growing by leaps and There seemed to be a lump In my bound.-. stomach and I could not cat a thing The traitor nnd the disturber without Inlense pnln afterwards. My should he wary, lest he be crushed appetite left me entirely and I got so weak I could nut even lilt ten pounds. Then 1 hecamu constipated und my kidneys got out of order and disturb ed ine so at night I could not sloop 'sound. I was In misery nil tho time Convtructlon Co. ten yours. Ills .icigliuors have corobornted his re markable statement. lit overy detail nud will do so again if called upon. It was being tnlked among my friends," said Mr. Mnhonoy, "that 1 una irnhifr In din ntul 1 (lnn't bnllnVn llV.tliil illIIP llllfl fl Ttl mil i-iiwnr mil. I Salary of Health Olllccr " ... I ltl..iM.i U..,l.,.i i.f tt'iiliililu iiiiil liinuiiins iritirii:i miu u ni i,ur Mini ,fn.ioiu 200.00 loo.oo uudur the tread of Its Iron heel o Progress in Harney I; beh,g margVtnTw XZkl whrt" o,u: hundred and! j,SD,en ff lh?..ol"J 'J.? Sr!r ...riv-! t I Advertising, confuted with Cliamlwr of t'ointneroe a i i 4 Ilnrney County's pro rata share of oxponses Widow' IVnxlon: Allowance on account of Widows pension law.............. w......... ...... County Cliarges: ' Hospital charges, trunnportntlou, supplies, burials, etc....- Court Hoiim: Salary of Janitor, lights, fuel, euro of ground, ctc..... County .loll: Hoard of Prisoners, Jailors fees etc .......................w...... Library : Library fund Ito'uiid of taxes. HegUirHtlon nnd Klotitlnn. nuMiMMtNitmn 100.00 100.00 2,000.00 G.000.00 1.C00.00 000.00 ino.oo 1,000.00 1.000.00 0 and so weak I could not lift my feet) ?". w, rt A"m,,1U " " 1 jcnnn to go up the slps. I could ,ml -Uidlt of County UeeorUs 460.00 f.. ii.- ,.i 1., mVt Advertising dellmiuenl (axes 100.00 straighten stomach up for Uefore ""' I'" ' !-.. ,. .. Jl. these troubles a'"r rti'T. pr mrui ffinmi.. aMarant that success has at last If mere was ever a living saeieion i owned the effort and that sub- was. l could hear my friends, who itftitlail development Is going to re-. came In to see we, say. "l'oor Jim, ho gU. ran t last much longer,' und 1 had no ' No doubt there nre still some who hope myself of ever getting up. In Will deery the effort of the men who, spite of all that could bo done I kept inn- e to put Irrigation within the getting worse. That lump llko feel ratten o( thousands of Harney's rr- Iik In my . stoinarh seemed to gat Ml geres. These will view with sum- larger and the pain inoro Inlense. -lteiou any movement that brings the Finally 1 was told nothing more could FMriric Live fltntii i jmpimy and in done etvpt to operate aiul.l was Wllltam Hanlev company IokcU.t. ioo w-ak to stand that. Tbe doubtlna Thom.iaes will wuVt to "One Uh a friend, who had been shown. They torier motyre. Mar be there are mtuiy well Jkrandvd reasons tor the tukli.g of ieh an attitude. The Argus l not will o'.-k an ul- omlng to see mt- often, told mc how IVulu tin ! heled his daughter and urged in. to try It. At first 1 re fused. at my wlfo was opposed to anything except prescribed medicines. uMtotontly conversant with the per-, Hut one day this friend offered to go sonullile involved to say whether or, und get mo a bottle or Tiinluo with sot such an iitlltude Is Justified. . the understanding that no one else ftnwuvur. it would seem tho part know about It. Well, I started tnk t wisdom to forget anything that log tt und by the tlmu he brought me may hv happened In tho past nnd the third bottle I was feeling better, trcidlt the 1. L. 8. und Dili Hanloy 1 1 stopped everything else, kept tak vlth the laudable doslro to rurther ing Tnnlac and slowly Improvlug. I tho movement to dovulop Harney soon noticed tho pnln In my stomach rounty, and ut tho same tltntt to do- easing up and that lumpy feeling bo telop lliulr own holdings. This Is a gun to leave, I got to eating socio anlural position to take. thing nnd thon commenced gottlng While Messrs. Ilauloy and tho P.; back my lost weight and strength, U S. urn In the notion of working' I kept taking it until I used twenty out tho Hurnoy Irrigation problom I bottles und us a result I am In better tb others should take advantage of .shape than I wns for years even bo th sltuutlou nud movo with them i fore I wus taken sick. I now weigh There I evidence enough to show: one hundred and thirty pounds, so that nothing can be uland lighting you see my weight has exactly douhl them. Moth companies havo lunjo 'ed. 1 urn working overy day and can holdings so Hltuated thai th-ro is ni)ilo the heavy lifting Just the samu us possibility that any lnrgu schenio of I ever could. Turn not bothered any hlch they ilo not approve can sat-j more with my kldnoys or constlpa tod und therefor It will lie the part tiou ami I jluep llko n top every night of isdiitu to Join In the program for my food tastes good and my cppetlte the development or the valley wul-.'i'u simply line. My wife now thinks thene niMii t iulorto. j Just us I do, that Tunlnc Is tho grnud- Tle developnii'iit of Ilurn,v val- et medUliie In the world. I will ley awl the recluiuntlon of a large praise It as long us 1 llvo, and 1 novor k.... 4 ( . I. I ....II .....1 ... . .1. . 1 ... V. ,. ...l.l.n... I, wvaf I" u mi hiii uiiii'MM'if'ui u.' i:Anrti iu iih milium 11. Miscellaneous and Incidental exnunsas not eniitmratod... Proposed reduction of (Jeneral Kuiiil warrants outMlntitllng Total to bo rnlMd by taxation on General Fund To raise this amount It will be uecownry to make a levy of 009 Ifistlmato State Tax Levy noeeasary to rsle the amount 00SU County School, apportionment of levy iiecossur to rulse'the amount O0S3 Couuty High Si'KKd, teachers. Janitor, fuel, supplies Levy ne.-nsMiiry to r.lso the amount ..0o0$ State Market lload Apprrjirlation Luv iitHwumry to raLe the amount 0010 Roads und bridges, i alary of Itoudwaster. survey, construe . Hon. repair, lumber and ganerol oxponses. Including funds to cooperate with State Highway Commission.. Levy necessary to ralo the amount 0011 00 1,000.00 200.00 . 1,000.00 , p 00.90 . 1.000.00 , &.000.00 . 0,000.00 , ?7C,I00.00 30,000.00 80.000.0U 10,000.00 12.IS3.00 6S.S26.00 c a package before the war during the war 5 c a package NOW THE FLAVOR LASTS SO DOES THE PRICE! kf l... .mm mm. ,. ... .. i - ' 1 Total amount of tux levy 0104 Totnl to be raised hy taxutlon f 21S.H.S.00 i Statement of probable receipts ot Hurnoy County for tho year 1D20 from sources other than hy direct taxation Interest on County deposits i 500.00 l'ercentum of. Public Land Sales fiOO.OO Percoututu of Forest Rentals 2,000.00 Repayment of one hair llounly on Wild Animals by State C, 000. 00 Miscellaneous receipts, lucldlug Clerk's fees....'. 3,000.00 Total probable receipts other than taxation 12,000.00 Which sum derived from probable receipts will bo used for tho 'reduction of Indebtedness, and for other uses to which they enn propurly be applied. Total amount of properly listed on tax roll..' 12,923,018.00 Amount luvled to be raised by tho City of Hums 5,843.00 Amount lovled to bo raised by Sllvor Creek Vulley Irrigation Dlslrct.. 4, 207.50 Statement of special-School District lovhvi on tile with Couuty Clerk: nut. 1 No. 074.70 1C7.S2 if great Intere.t to the people or llros.. und in Crane by Vnlo Trading ' 2 .2 Malheur county. This interest Is duo ' Tunlac is sold In Hums hy Reed or'J'nA iiot from curiosity ulouo. but irom Co. Arty. -u, "'HVonn the possible 'fleet tliut such dovvl-' ' " " v"V""'.m'Vi' la.u opinunt will have on the ranch Indue- from Ontario to Rend nud from On- lou will please tako notlco thai Vy of this county. At the present Uiiiii thousands of cuttle ranged in itunmy county uro fed overy wlater tn ulfulfu raised In Malheur couuty. turlo to Klamath Fulls will ho a reality. What that means to On tario and Malheur county depends entirely upon the Initiative maul- Will this annual migration of catt'o fested by the business men of tho I from tho Hurney vulley cease with city und county. Ontario Argus. tho Irrigation of 100.000 acres iu RarueyT If so Mnlheur couuty ranchers will have to begin Imme It is strongly hinted that women are drifting toward u flgleus ago. lately to extern! their dairy and ! Hut what of It? Wo hear no great ather Interest, as they should have ' male protest ut tho prospect. 4one years ago. I Jt Is certain, too, that with so vast We notice, however, thut the fel- body or Irrigated land In Harney low who rails the loudest ut the thai cokIoii will not long be without j growing exposure of feminine churms tnilrood facilities. And thut means. Is the first one to see them when they 4hut tho dream of yours, a railroad appear In sight. Ladies' Monogram Stationery Here 20,000 Acres SAGEBRUSH LANDS ' with water rights for sale 911 Blitzen River in tracts of 80 Acres or more. Reasonable prices one-fifth cash balance easy terms, six per cent in terest. Eastern Oregon Live Stock crane Cnmnanv Oregon Amount Dint. No. Amount 10,804.20 24 C18.00 2 ... 450.00 30 C53.80 4 : 1.729.00 32 - 247.87' 5 91.45 34 750.291 7 8U2.S9 SB , ; 207.12' 912.85 39 : 540.071 40 a 203.80 II 171.54 10 C22.25 4 4 337. 05 i 45 1,S44.18 50 1,271.99, 51 1.992.021 515 1,052.08 thut tho amount o fwurrants outstanding i und unpaid against the several funds on December 1. 1919, nud ho umounts or cash In tho hands ot the County Treasurer or Harney Couuty available ior tho payment of such wnrrnntu. was on December 1, 1919, Wurrants outstanding Amount In hands Dccomber 1, 1B19. ' of Treasurer General Fund 17,065.17 3.047,92 Road Fund 1,287.80 33,088.30 High School Fund 390.11 5,863.00 Rabbit Fund 10.35 205.31 Hulldlug Fund 4C.14 Dated at Hums. Oregon, this 4th day or December, 1919, under' 'the direction und by tho authority or tho County Court. CIIRSTKIt DALTON, . Couuty Clerk. OUR RELIABLE PLUMBING Consider the egotism we adjective our heading with. REAL SERVICEABLE PLUMBING is something you seldom find because usually a patch isn't nearly as good as a confident mending or a new part. Cranberries, Sweet Potatoes, Nuts, all kinds Celery, Squash, Oranges, Lemons & Vegeatables. Groceries fDry Goods and e , - Shoes - Fairbanks, Morse gasoline engines & Pumping outfits. Windmills, Pumps & Cylinders. Raiiges, Heaters, Barb Wire & Nails. .A Vale Trading Company WE WILL NOT PATCH UNLESS wg know that it is the best service we can gi yui. We get to the bottom of the trouble and repair it accordingly. CALL ON US WHEN YOU NEED WORK IN OUR DIRECTION DONE QUICKLY AND PERMANENTLY, Radiator repairing a. speciality BURNS HARDWARE Also Vale and Riverside CRANE BRANCH Do You Know? THAT Oregon wools and woolens are sold throughout the world? hotel nmkes a specialty ot Oregon fruit beverages. CThat Oregon has a rubber mill vhich sells its product all over the Pacific Coast, South Anient and the Orient? CHiat Oregon candies are 'nationally advertised and sold? CTlnrt Oregon lumber products are among the finest produced anywhere? -then why not Buy Home Products and Boost Home Industries As.ociatod Industries of Oregon r j