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About The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 27, 1919)
I PAGE 4 HKND BUIiLKTiyt MfNP, qniWOty THUlY,oyJHPft1gy,nl()H ".HU "V M1 MnmnniroinniBmwnimniittnmmnmHHittiinili KBSIEJUl i ... 'M 4 The Bend Bulletin ,... ,m ("Weekly IMItlon) Published Dr TJ1K UKXD IlUljIiliTIN (Incorporate!) KMnbllthcu' 11)02. PUK1) A WOBLPLKX, Editor RODEUT W. SA.WYKR, Manager, An independent newspaper standing lor tho nqunro deal, clean business, clonn polltlca nml the best inlorests of Demi nml Central Oregon, Ono year . . . J2.00 Six .months 1.00 Threo months BO THURSDAY, NOVEMHER 27, 1913 In- so- Only 29 Days Away SHOP EARLY . THE INTEREST DIM. ' Presumably tho misguided dividual who Is initiating tho tfclfcd lu'&il iriWrcst mensurcr to bo Vqfcjl oji ly ,tliq pcoplo nt tho. c6m- lSgent&iV.lectlon, lias an Idea that! If If lini.ntnna n Tnttr wit Khnll Tin nhln I to buy tho use of money at the rates named. Wo are all of us looking for bargains all tho time nnd it wo could be suro that we wcro to get bargain rates for tho uso of money wo might put tho measure through with n hur rah, but unfortunately this is not tho case. To make a salo there must bo a vendor as well as a purchaser and in tho enso of a sale of tho uso of money, as in that of anything clso, the owner docs not have to sell un less he is satisfied with the price he is getting. Aud tho bankers and others wlio have the uso of money for sale will not be satisfied with the prico named in this (nltiutivo meas ure so long as they can make sales in other state at higher pricts. Prom ono point of view that is all thero Is to the whole thing. Money is'a commodity Just us much ns dry goods, or boots nnd shoes. When you borrow you buy tho use and tho interest is the price paid for tho uso tho same as rent is tho prlco pala in other states at higher prices, k'. Money is also a very fluid com modity aud can be easily moved from place to place, making It possible to put its use on sale in neighboring states at little expense. That Is what will bo done with Oregon money if the people vote for this bill Since most of us arc not bankers wo may feel that the prico of money does not Interest us. that the bankers are ones to worry as to whether or not they are to be able to get a pro- SHE will certainly appreciate the addition to her pres ent assortment such pieces of Cut Glass as arc missing, and useful. 1 WqJeiSSel Sherbet Glasses, Goblets -Salt and "" Pepper Shakers, Many Very Attractive Gifts in Cut Glass. I Special Water Set Glass Jug I j and Six Glasses three pretty I patterns - - - - $350 I L Plain Glass With Hand Done Gold Bands Something Very Attractive and Appealing in Salad Sets Mayonaise and Relish Dishes I Sugar and Creamers. a . LARSON & CO. I At the Sign of 'Che Big Clock s H 3 nJHKamiinnaiiranciauiauEnaiiniiuiiniiiumuiicinnmaiBinmmuininnu'nnoiuiniunoinmninmiujinnaiinimiwaiiniaiin I STEADY SAVING. Attorney generals may wago gal luut -arfnro against the profiteers; Congress may enact restricting laws, but until the average American cit izen cooperates with them by taking an active nnd personal interest in se curing his money's worth, prices will remain unsatisfactory. ' The war took millions of men out per price for what they have to sell, i of productive Industry. It nnturally und that, if d maximum price is fixed followed that consumption exceeded at which the use of money mny bo sold wo shall benefit to some extent. The trouble is, as pointed out above, it will not be sold in Oregon, nnd the state will oe bone-dry in another sense. production. Ilecause of the habits of conservation and thrift pruoticcd by tho people during tho war" the decreased production .was partially counteracted. With tho signing; bt tho armistice, however, tho Amerl- The bankers will be inconveni-' can people swung back to free spend enced b; having to go into a mail j" nnd even to extravagance. With order business instead of dealing decreased supply nnd increased de with home folks, but tho home-folks "nian'd, with "easy money" being soared will not be merely inconvenienced, spilled everywhere, prices They will be put out, of business. !anu" profiteers multiplied. Suppose you want to borrow money We must get back to careful to build a house, or buy a mowing spending. Intelligent saving, nnd rog- mnchlne, or start business, or paylular investment in Govornmont m- for a stock of goods. Jf you cannot curitlM if we ar going to allow ! buy the uso. of that money you will mand to catch up to supply. not bo ublo to do any of theso tilings. Wo must not accept tho first art- You nro done. Tho combination of Iclo of clothing offered to us. Wo all these things nnd many more make must "shop" until wo And prices business. If you and your neighbor j within our means. and tho merchant and tho farmer! We must not order our tntulittiit are done, business Is done and dead, over the telephone, we must go to the market and personally Inspect the meats and vegetnbia offered We must keep away from a wnen business Ib dead things are In pretty bad shape. If you wcro getting ready to vote for sale. for the Interest measure as a means . luxuries. of getting back at the banker forget j Tho people should ho taught to it. You will bo doing yourself a hold their War-Saving! securities greater injury than the banker. (unless tho ready money Is an nlwo- luto necessity. They must bo sIioaii the folly of trading them for get-rlih-qulck" stocks. They should be shown that If they invo 10 per cent of the money tln-y arc now spending and Invist It In War-Savings Stamps nnd Unity Honda they are delivering- a blov. against tho high cost of llvin :. If money Is held onto tho prolHoer will begin 'to seo tho light. Steady saving by tho mass of jeo plo does much more than Improve the condition of tho ludlr'diuil; it strengthens tho commercial power of tho country enormously by .fldlng tn the capital available for III.' devel opment of trudo and Industry nud therefore promotes 'prosperity. A FEDERAL When Is a start HUII.U1NO. to tin made on :&i'?'i!ifi!i!i!i!i!iii!i!iinir (fa jf JS -M t E "IrtVi' i ,tf &r vpi'i'iii'i'iiii.'iiiiiiiiilii Wife 4 I T? - r S At ARE YOU MARKING TIME? Are you today where you were yesterday a month ago last year? Have your liabili ties forged ahead of your assets? Resolve not to be tomorrow where you are today., Thousands are becoming savers without privation. ' , We Will Help You To Save. Our Savings Department Pays 4 Percent Interest. CENTRAL OREGON BANK procuring a Federal building for Rend? In the ordinary course of events i It takeri eovurul yearn to get Con- j groM to approprlato money for gov-! eminent buildings. Hood River and Khtmnlli Kalis were on tho waiting list for n number of sessions of Con gresff, nro still on tho list, wo believe, and have been reported annually ns somewhat nearer tho goal. If Rend i Is to receive an appropriation it is time' Hint n start , wcro being nindo, tho point being that tho sooner tho) town gets on tho waiting list tho sooner It may oxpect results. ' That a building will bo needed here by tho t(mo tho appropriation is inado seems qulto npparont. At present tho Federal activities housed here nro the post office and tho head quarters of the Deschutes forest. If' tho town goes ahead as wo all expect It to do tho post ofllco will be out grown In a fow years; tho Forestry ofllco Is already crowded. In addi tion we may look for an ofllco of tho Kcclumatlon scrvlco when the lien hum Fulls project is begun, and it Is possible now, according to our In formation, to get an ofllco of tho Uio loglcul survey here. We do not want to see Horn! going after a building on tho ordinary pork-barrel basis. Wo should llko, 1 howover, to lioo a suitable structuro to house, all Fcdoral activities. Such iri.u nuiiding would do an audition to tho town and a desirable thing from muiiy othor points of view. DEND aHi!i'.ii!i!Hi!i',i'i'i'iffi ' s&Ka&afE OREGON li'ilililililijililijiliftiff Why Yours Musical Christmas T &-. We have several very atractive 'offerings in Pianos and Playcr-Pianow. Order quickly, they are going fast. Player Pianos LYON & IIGAI.Y PLAYER $700 wiili II. C. BAY CO. $650 AUTO PLAYER PIANO $700 HEIIR IJROS. $750 PIANOS BEIINING $550 CONCORD $450 CHRISTMAN $400 CAIM.E-NELSON $350 Have You Decided on a Phonograph for Xmas? w thi ineTuvMiKT of cuAiirr fc .k Look vhere you will nothing in phonographs will give you more satisfaction and pleasure than a 'S0N0RA. Our stpck is mogl complete enabling us to offer you a very fine assortments. Come In Early Don't Delay JUST WHAT YOU WANT IN COLUMBIA RECORDS AT K. SHEPHERD Bend, Oregon Minnesota Street, EVERY THING IN MUSIC iKo"nS. TUB RBD CitOSS SBAL. ' With tho approach of tho hollduy season tho mall boglnH to show more und mora of tho Red Cross Christ mas, tho brlgl't und chcorful little stfcltar In rod und grcon nnd. white with its mussago of good will. Fairly common for some years past in the east thin little son! has only In the past yoars been seen In any quantity In (ho west and this your for the first tlmo an organized cam paign for Its distribution is to bo made, " Ah nearly hJ1 know, tho proceeds of Jho sale of these seals Is used by the Red Cross in antl-tiiborculosis woik. They havo no Intrinsic value nnd If ono prefers io ma outright donation to lio,work aud not a purchase of seals.'' fon "thb other hand the purchase und tho use of tho seals tells of Intercut in tho activity that Is often of n greater vnlno than the unrecorded gift of' a larger sum nnd thulr up pearauco on Christinas packages and other mall gives unother happy touch of decoration nt tho holiday time. Tho local cnmiMlgn is In good hands but for complete success tho umnagors heed tho active coopera tion of every cltlzou. This Is written to hesponk fiiiclt cooperation und to soul In tho coming weeks. urge tho greatest possible uso of tho he community Is fortunate in hav ing connected with It mon who see n hlghor vuluu In tho canyon un disturbed than In tint saw logs that can ho taken from U und who aro able und willing to proHorvu tho greater thing for tho general uso, It Is wholly fitting, too, that nu out door park of this tuituro should bo established ns a memorial to "Tom" Hhuvlln. Me was an out of doom man, fond'o't'sport, a great ulhloto. To him troos woro not merely tho raw material- of lumber aud If he were living totjuy he would bo tak ing an onthiiyifiiHtlc partln tho pro- SIinVM.V PAIIIC. Tho proposed gift of Tumnlo can yoli to the city of Ilsud us a memor ial to T. L. Hhovllu Is one of tho (In cut things that has over boon known hero. Tho logging of tho canyon would ho u crime; the destruction of tho natural beauty of a spot that Is in this vicinity; und yt, iii tho ordinary couro of ovojitB, In nn ordinary business und commercial world, tho logging would have pro cccdod and tho damago been douo, II as pi un nod by the inin njio were Ills assoclnten tn his bunort:) life, Tho city of Ilond vdttld not havo Kuvct this park. It could not have raised' (he no'qoHniuy niniYoy in taxa tion and Its park funds would mnrb properly bo uiiod In buying park niton within the city limits. It should lio all tho in oro (U'Uteful, (hen, that oUior-can audi wJII 'IJV'ythi! litir cniJHo (fr it. aimtliera fligulrt be TOTKUi AIIOl'T HKI'AIIATION. irVhe gn-iit majority of dairy farm orsHn Oregon separate their mill, and' sell cronm, To those (he lcct uron on separation und on (ho euro of cream on tho farm which will bV given during farmers week nt the Oregon Agricultural collogo'.lu Juit uary should provo valuable, Man" ' llttlo things may offecl tho skimming ofllcloncy of i separator. Koinutlmmi nothing more than a poor or shaky foundation for Win separator will re lucetho skimming ofllcloncy from ,t to to per cent und roducu tho ... ... -V- - -; i m iigr coin ami reduce tho prp. soryatloil of tho tree In such spofn nts by hundrodfl of dollars each your1 us tho Tumalo canyon,iuul olspwhore, Kow'fnrmors roaljzo that such llttlo thingn as that mentioned, u dirty separator howl, an unlovoled separa tor, slow turiilng or cold milk, muy causo great loss In actual profit. . Tho euro of tho cream after It iu separated Is of equal or groatiir Im portance. Too many farmers hoII poor croum whon thoy ctiuld Just nt easily soil clean sweet cream liml lFtt tint twti.ii.. .. ... JJ..!? I f r ""," v- iq.d ui jw cants OJ SllOllhl bo ifHloni' nnniil ,r ... . i... . now nnd hottorlimdorstandliiK'of iholerv n.iv pii ...... i.., , ' F"cr.ou,?l', at i ,. (iDJiuuii iu moi nurd ralatlon of tlio'so men to Ihe romTho tlmo copnumod would hu tlmo 9 1 iU !