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About The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 27, 1919)
" nmti vchixtfa, jbnd, onuaoN, tiiuiwday, novkmdrii 27, jbio ,?. B 1 .A) I 9 '1 r) iMm:iiiiiiiiMnliiiiMMitiiiiiMiMMiiMniiiiiliwiiiuiini;MnMWiMitmiiiMiiinitiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMniHtt!miyis:iiU BEND HAPPENINGS FROM DAY TO DAY ,iiitiiiiiiiiiiiiitimiiiiiiniiuiMiiiiiiitMiniMiiinliiiiiniiiiMiiiiiiUMiiiti:iMii!iniiinniiiiiiiiiiii!iniim'i!ti!i!iiiiriii:f.'ii:i:i Momluy CIiiih. Minim mill (t Hliiiinlc of Itciliiiiiinriin) In llm city loiliiy, Dim IIoImIiu: won In tlm city todny from IiIn lit licit on tlm Mi'lollim. Mr. mill Mm. CloorKn Mol.tniKlilln. or Hllv(ir'l,iil(it, 11 ro mimwkIIiik tint itny In llcnil, Mix. I (J. (liirrlHiin, of Prlnitvlllu, foriiiuily of tlilH rlty wiih u vlnl(or III llllllll IllHt llll'.llti Mm W. II liiinuii Inft I li I h morn Iiik for Him Antonlii, Toxiih wluiro nlio will npunil Hiivornl wcuka .lUti'SiHnR to IiiihIiichm inallorH. lf ?& V. A. Illiolliy, or Klnmnlh Kalln, formerly proju lutor of iliu Wrlnlit liottil, In In llunil today lookluK uftvr tlllHllltJHtl Illtl'H'MH IlI'MI. Monday lliir.h Tliiiiiipmin in In IJirlatnt on 11 10 ilny IiiihIiichh trip. ClnrcncH Klilir wiih In ItapVynat nlKlit from IiIn linniu at CrencvAt. II. H. MiiiMlibiuikK, of Hllror Lnko, Ih a biiMlni'NK vlnllor In thu rlty to dny. Ulydn ,M McKay lum rot timed fiont Portland lwro tin attended tlm Klirlnu curcinoitliil. i:. J. Connlity, of Ili'Mcliutoo, wan In llt'iid today (o eoneluil" urruni;) immln of tint Ioiimo of tint 8. K. Per- run farm. Hoy Mitchell, formit raucVr In tlm Crcnciuit miction, wan In llend today oil bilnllir'M nt tlm oIHpmh of tin? It milmtim National I'oroM. Minn Milieu M Polity, deputy In tho offlco of t'omity Clink J. II Mailer, will limvn timlnht for J'ort IbiiiI to Hpond TliHiikHKlvInt; wftli Iter iiirentH. Mr. and Mm. c V Hti ipliH'lp9 of WaxliotiKal. am In (tend to make their home for the winter Mm KappliiKtoii wan formerly MIm Ldrvtu Cook, of Heud II. h l.oiiunbiiry. Keuernl freight altt'itt, and D K Clark, llventock agent of the O W It & N. linen, were In (lend today on official buxl nunn from Poittatid. Jean Audemon of (Iraud Korku, N. I) , and Walter Audemou, uf Middle ' Itlm. MlutKHiota, arrived In llend Inn nlKlit and will locate here They report nuow two reel In depth at the Z tittle they left thu east. i NIU i:iflnn. of Antoriu, (n Kpond-J I I ni: u few ilayn In llend Mr WHS vIhk wnn a deler.ato or tho .State' I Kederallou of Labor convention which met here In October, and ban ii wide circle of acquaintance in thin city. (1. A.' Carlton, of tho contracting Una of Hlotim and ('nrlM)ii, of Spok ane, wan In llend Ihln niornliti:. and with J. II. Melntur, liiKl'.lm: MURrlti teiideut for The Hliuvllu-lllxou Com pnny, drove Into the timber to In npeot Home of thu SSIiovIln IokxIdk rondn. Saturday . A. K. Kelley In In from Palle today. W. P. (lift, of DMMhuton la trana antliiK bunlueiw In llend today. TliotnaH lltirni, of Mailran, spent I lip day In Mend on biiHlnenn, Ham Mill N n vliltor In tbp city today from tho Port Hock section. J. S. Potter nrrlvwl In llend hint ' night from Kreniotil, ami In remain line over today. Mr. and Mm Harry IC llrookn loft lant night for a live weekn trip to New York. They will return , about January 1. 11. C Initio, .lopreHontliiK (lie, fixate IllKhway Comiiilnnlou, arrived in lltnid biHt nlitht on olllclnl IiimIiiosh connected with proponed lilnliwny coiiHtrtictlon in tho vicinity of Hoik). Ad (liintavo, middle weight wront lor who mado IiIh headquurtorfl In llend for more .than n yoar, lum re turned to the city after an extoudod lour tlirpugh Kantorn OreKon iiml Idaho. (1. H. Mluton, of Palnley In u liual iiohh vlnltor tit tho city today from Pnlnloy and Ih taking two Chnndler motor earn mid ono L'auox, purchiiHod from tho Plonoor Onrago back with him for Paisley purchasers. , Four chnlrs ut your sorvice at the Motrnpolltnn. No wnltlnK. AiW . FURS ARE HIGH Nvorywlioro trappers aro making ldg money. Aro You ono of them? Wo ate paying top-not cli prlcon. Try uh. Send for Kioo Price . List to day. n) II. It. HKINNKIl Ai CO. lU.v X, Friday Oftcur Carnnj In roiiflnml (o lilr liimiu by HIiii'M Mr. anil ,M in. II, J. Power N-ft ItiHt nlKht for l'ortlitiiil. John Hllvoiton, rnnulior from tho Aiitolopo miction, li In II0111I today traiihiiotliii: ImihIiiuhh. Mrn. It, I. Oalbraotli, of Tumulo, Iiiih acci'pt'.'d 11 rlerleal ponltloii with tho J. C. Ponnoy Co. Jack llorton loft IiihI nlKlit for Portland to attorn! a Krazlni; con foronco hold In that city under tjio auporvlulou of thu U. B, Kori-Rt Bur vlco. Thursday Kri'd McKlnney wnn In from JJ In tern lant nlKlit. i:d C. White and H. H. Kulton, of Hwlmoiid, aro bunlneKK vlnltorn In tho city today. Dan UourlKan, Powell Ilutto nheepmau, wan a biiHluoMM vlnltur In tho city laht iiIkIiI Oncnr Matrliett ban iiurclian.'d one of tho new model Overlnnija from the Plonuer tJaraRn. RJ' Mayor J. A. l-'antenriiported'tljlij! morning tho nnle of tla city nick' blnn, rendoted iihelcwt ihrotiK!) tint recent miIo of the rock ciunber, to the Coiicri'to Pipe Co , at a coimlil eratlon of KT Mrn W A (Jiunt nlertulned iKht coupU'i at an Informal danc lilt; party fit Imt homo on A-Alin-y load hint n U: lit At tho clone of u OH Fashions' For Fall I J 00 Meritc Necklaces In0fltnultneuta harmonlit with SL vailoutcolsriol eoilum 7 vti.ilr'M J 1 v it I1' 'J ByHL2BRii ftX M Prices 50c to $2.50 1 toKotnocjaiatIoif Mtfritc Brooches Aatorteil Sulci nil Khiltht. I'liitQolJ UllfJ - Priced nt 25c, 50c and $1.00 SHOP NOW FOR SOe wy t ' .nJ: l I THE WARNER QUALITY' " MUHCIIANUmt AT tnodt onjoynljlo ovrnlnK, fofiorttp llll'tllM WOK) fl'trVl'll.. Want to liny day, nto llnllctlii tins- In Pyralin Ivory we know we have the lar gest and finest line to show you for Christ Maa gifts' in the city. You munt buy early thin year an C'hrlntniuH ntockn aro lim ited lr f Owl Ph armacy Favorites Wear! i i Of Maribou Capes, Scarfs and PluslfStbles Select your now while th itock it complete. 3IAIUIIOC C.PK. Kloca Ktrnnd -cJtli nlno talln larnbou on allk nllk lined with silk riblton tlon Marabou tlpn -J colors, black and natural, . j$u.yoo I bmullor nlzos In black tinipo natural $H.r,i I SI l JO mill 6U(.oo IILtCK PI.L'KII STOI.i: i Our finent made of Hud- 9 son Seal Plush with large r ball trlinnilnKs and pockots I (Ilk lined, $2.1.00 ', S.iine stjlo In Peco Plush 2 at ijilll.OO I Same st)lo in taupe, In ; Imltntlon Mule, at $tr.0iu Many otheni nt. gio.oo, ij:ii5,l(i. anil tuo.oo s llt'DHON 8i:.VIi PLUSH I .MUKP. a Illug handle Silk lined tn I match at SDJ.r.O 9 B Pendants and j Chains ric Ootllty OoW FllUd I AitotuJ Siodci I Prices $1.00, $1.25 c i to $2.00 Each J Mrite Handy Pins Cold FllUa AsioclcdSltr Rominand UDlltli riuliho Som Surllag Silver Priced 15c to S1.0O Pair WOOL DRESS GOODS Special December Values. Here you will find that HarJ-to-iJct Plaid Drcsi Good, beautiful color combination, 56 inclics wide. Yard $6.35 CHRISTMAS h , COMPANY I'nrlM u 1ii,ii.v. S ANNIVERSARY KEPT BY PEOPLES' STORE Tlifl People Htorc, of which Mr. Frank Inalmlt It proprietor, Im tcltdiratliiK lt third annlvcniary In lieiid with a hit; Kail Halo of Ind Ioh and inlwieH loiiily to wtmr coodn, Tho mile will conllniio nil week. Mr. Inahnlt, with hln family, en mo to llcnd throe ynarn hro from Snlt Lake, whore for a number of yearn ho wan pngaRed In tho morchandlHo biiflliiow, Hluco that tlmo tho ntoro him oxpanded rapidly and Ikih boon cnJo)lnK nn exceptional bunlnonn. SPARKS FROM MOTOR START PLANER FIRE HpiirkB fnmi a motor at ,tbu Uconkn-Sbohfon 'planer, Unrtod u kiiihII lire this noon. The blaze wan well under control before thoi llcnd lire department reached tho Hcene Cblnr Cnrlou reportn tho loan to be negligible. iii:moi)i:i.4 ktoiik koomh. With all Block from the btilldlnK formerly occupied by the F. Dement & Co ntoro, work in ntartlnR for tho Installation of u now brick front, which Mr. Dement exnectn will bo completed by January 1. He In un able to ntatc an yet who will occupy the roouiH When You Think About Your PASTRIES Order Them From' The American Bakery TNANKSG e 1 m -'fly 1 II llll bt'4? 8Xir M - 7-r--Tj.,. KrTIX'WIKJHra m filial Get That Overcoat Now FRANKLY, there is not an abundance of over coats this fall especially the good kind. And you want the best; you know the economy and satisfaction which you share when the quality is right. Kuppenheimer Overcoats afford everything which is expected of a good overcoat and more. They command the ad miration of all who see them. Every man who gets one this fall can consider himself fortu nate. There are not enough to go around. We can not keep up with the demand. Some Kuppenheimer coats are in now. You may find your size among them ; its worth try ing. If you don't find just the size or pattern you want, we shall be glad to take ngte of your re quirements and reserve a coat for you when the next shipment comes in. MANNHEIMER BROS. kfiV'TOTire.TraTTO.T.Tgra Is livery ilnimal At Its Best? Don't let your stock lose their Summer's gain through November neglect. Your animals are now going on dry feed hay and grain. It's n big chance from the succulent, nutritious crassea of summer pastures which supply the needed laxatives and tonics. . Keep your ani mals' bowels open and regular drive out the worms keep their blood rich and keep their digestion geod by feeding regularly Dr. Hess Stock Tonic A CoHditloier aid Worn Expeller Don't allowyour stock to "get off feed" and In a run-down condition. Condition your cows for calving by feeding Dr. Hess Stock Tonic before freshing. Then feed it regularjy to in crease the flow of milk. It lengthens the milking period. Buy Stock Tonic according to the size of your herd. Get from your dealer two pounds for each average bog. five pounds for each horso, cow or steer, to start with, feed as directed and then watch results. Why Pay the Peddler , Twice My Price? Magill & Erskine Druggists . Tell us how much stock you haw. Woll tell you bo w much Tonic to buy. Dr. Hew Jnttanf Louse K33aJEEHH4E'MaIIK BF" CmkUmt n.nMwic.tK.iiiwt ll'JI I'Vont Ktrcet, 3- Hacnunento, Calif, j lOrl'I.AH l'KICait Killer Kills Lice 1 HO