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About The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 13, 1919)
PACK 4 RN1 BtTIit.KTIN, BKND, OKKGON, THUItHDAY, FKUnUAKY 18, lflf The Bend Bulletin (Weekly Edition) Published Dy THE MEND llULliKTIN (Incorporate!) BF.ND. OREGON Established' 1003. ROnKKT W. 8AWYEK Edltor-Mnnngor. An Independent nowspnper stand tag for the square deal, clean busi ness, clean politics and the best In terests of Bond and Central Oregon. Ono Year. - $2.00 Six Months : 1.00 Threo MontliB........... 60 THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 13, 1910. THE SOLDIER AND THE CITIZEN. The wholo program of reconstruc tion and readjustment Is-, ono f hfct rovolvos around the. question of labor. What can wo do to furnish employ ment to the returned and returning soldier and at the samo ttmo kcop those who havo employment at work also? There Is little uso In asking Ore gon manufacturers nnd employers to tako on moro men, If they are already loaded with their full requirements. If our factories can sell only the goods already being made nnd tho demand does notMncrcaso for their products, how can more peoplo bo given work? It is a question that every citi zen can answer and be of practical help. Buy tho -goods that our Oregon factories are making. Incrcnso tho demand for our prod ucts and tho demand for mon to znako them Increases at tho same time. Oregon manufacturers employ Ore gon citizens and our factories are better in many ways than any to bo found elsewhere. And to fall to buy tho products is to discredit our citizens as being capablo of turning out products equal to other places. It is not a question of sympathy, sobs or subsidies. It Is simply a practical question that ever' citizen of Oregon has In his or her hands to answer and ad Just, r y If you want to really aid tho move ment to employ more men, then buy tho goods that theso men manufac ture and thus increase tho demand. nrguo. And it docs provide tho meeting place, tho club opportunity, that (ho gregarious naturo of man demands. So far na young men hotwoon tho ages of 18 and 21 nro concomed thoy nro.not going to bo mado nny hotter or nny vorso If permitted to enter pool rooms. By the timo they nro 18 thoy nro through tho high school and nro either nt college tor nine months of tho year or working for n living. Is n worker to bo denied tho recreation nnd tho social contact tho pool room provides Young men of IS were taken Into tho nrmymd stood up to tho tight as well as .those a fow years older. Are they to como back from Franco or the training camp to bo told that whllo old enough to light thoy are still too .young tj play ,pool rTho lS-year-ohl may marry, ho may sup port hfmsblf and it family Jyhls work, ho may sail ships and man guns. Why not glvo him his club If ho wants to uso It? Incredible abundance. In Africa tho British nro uootng to It that whole species nro not exterminated by J ho hunter, ; Hero In Oregon ,lot us do vhat wo can to preserve fo'rovor n tiling tlmt once lost Wo can uovor regain. Tho groundhog Who wont back to Bleep ouftho six weeks more of win ter roust havo boon eturtlod when ho heard tho thunder last night. Tho employment of 100 or moro mon In railroad construction by Tho Shovlln-lllxon Company will help tho labor situation. COUTY COURT PROCEEDINGS THE CAMP GROUND. VACCINATE WITH THRIFT. Vaccinate tho nation -with thrift as a prophylactic against "Bolshe vism" is tho appeal of Governor James K. Lynch of the Federal Re servo bank in a letter sent recently to all hankers of the Twelfth fed eral reserve district thanking them for their aid during tho war and urging continued support until tho "Job is finished." "Wars are generally followed by pestilence," wrote Governor Lynch. "Spanish influenza, starting in Europe, raged a year beforo wo gavo it much attention. Working west ward, it attacked our physical health and thousands of our peoplo died. "There is another pestilence rag ' ing in Europe which i a menace to our financial and national health. It is called 'Bolshevism It has Russia by the throat. Anarchy sits on the throne with a bloody sword in one hand and a flaming torch in tho other. This disease Is also working westward. Already it is knocking at our doors. Ho quaran tine will keep it out. Our best remedy Js the War Savings stamp. Let us vaccinate the whole nation with thrift. "It is fundamental that no man will seek to overthrow the govern ment that owes htm money. Banks should encourage the sale of War Savings stamps. As the heritage of war let us permanently secure to the American people the besslngs of thrift." Having frequently urged tho Im portance of providing a camping ground for summer tourists in the city limits and having taken n part in obtaining such facilities in tho ono season n camp ground was main tained by tho Commercial club, "wo are now taking tho matter up for tho coming summer. Evorywhoro tho desirability of establishing u frco camp ground of this naturo Is coming to ho recog nized, and their institution Is now tho rulo rather than tho exception. Soma cities have even gono bo tar as to bond Ihcmsolves to provide suitablo locations tind tho necessary facilities in connection. Tourist guides lndlcato freo camp grounds wherever thoy exist, nnd within tho past month Tho Bulletin has been asked to report to an nutomobllo tour manager whether such a camp ground was provided in tho city of Bend. Good roads mean much to the automobile tourist, but not every thing. Thcro must bo good hotels for many, nnd for many others pleas ant camping places. Wo havo the hotels, wo nro getting tho roads. It we provide a camp ground wo shall havo attractions for all and with the sito proposed ono of tho roost beautiful places a traveler can find wo ought to sco people coming and staying a little longer with us than in tho ordinary stopping places on their Jdurney. Tonight for n llttlo timo fonget tho Bolshcvikl nnd tho Red pcrlt nnd meditate on tho life of Abraham Lin colli, horn Fntirnnrv 19. 1 Sno Tho country that was his, that saw him ftHo from n Kentucky log cabin to tho Whlto Houso, is not going to bo led" nstrny. Referring agnln to tho question of permitting young men of 18 or older to onttr pool rooms, wo should bo glnd to hnvo letters from tho p'ooplo sotting forth their views for or against olthor sldo. Connecticut is tho only statb to voto against the prohibition amend ment. Refuses to add n dash of nutm,eg, as it wore. "Wonderful," was Irvln Cobb's comment on Bend, and "-wonderful" Is our description of his lecture Inst night. Peoplo nro watting to sco building materials go down boforo thoy start to put buildings up. " 'MOST LIKE AN UNCLE." Somewhere among tho verses writ ten by James W. Foley there is one about a hoy nnd his "Pa." ' "Billy Clark's Pa," as wo remember the name. Tho poem, which is an ac count, by another boy of the many good times Billy and his lather have together, ends with tho line, "He's 'most llko on uncle, ho likes Billy so." Of course, this Is Just a boy's way of saying that in tho caso of Billy and his "Pa" there 1b none of tho sometimes unfortunate reserve that exists between father and son, tho restrain that a boy feels in tho presence of his father, the inability of tho father, In spite of all his af fection, to get that affection "across" to the boy In a way that will create mutual understanding. Wlyh an uncle the reserve vanishes and there remains only the affection, the com radeship and tho understanding. That is why the boy of tho poem says that "Billy's Pa" Is almost llko an undo. As wo see it, tho purpose of "Father and Son" week, now being observed by the Boy Scouts, is to create Just that samo feeling. We trust that it does. Every father would like to be " 'most like an uncle" to his boy. Fifteen Years Ago This Week 8.75 7.C0 THE POOL ROOMS. We wonder If tho agitation against permitting young men of 18 years and over to enter pool rooms does not como of a somewhat narrow vision. The Bulletin is not interested in any pool room. We are quito ready to agree that timo spent in a pool room by men, young or old, is wasted; that everyone of them could better use his spare moments in various other ways, hut tho fact re mains that they do not caro to do so, and thoy do want tho recreation and the companionship which they find only in pluccs like theso whero men congregate. Thero is nothing Immoral in tho .Karnes of billiards, and pool. The people of Ojcgon, indeed, havo even said that those games may be enjoyed on Sunday. Tho objection, as wo understand it, is that in pool rooms young men ra fittbjoqt to "contam inating influences" nnd, t is believed by forbidding thorn entrance thoy will, he kept 'dut' of danger. Let us agree that tho Influence la not the MALHEUR LAKE. Every effort should bo mado by those Interested in preserving the oird life of the state to Insure the passage of the bill ceding tltlo to Malheur lake to the United States. The lake Is now a game bird refuge, but It Is still posslblo for the stato 'to take action that will destroy Its usefulness so far as bird life is con corned, and a company of capitalists is endeavoring to obtain permission to drain it and use tho land so re claimed for agricultural purposes. It tho title is ceded to the fcdoral government this plan will bo de feated. With so much land available for agriculture all through tho west there can bo no especial need for tho reclamation of this section. Indeed, It is pointed out that even if drained tlip lake bed would be unsulted to raising crops because of tho quantity of alkali present. As a bird refugo, on tho contrary, it is ideal. Let it bo left so, There is a long timo ahead of the world when t will want for Its edu caiion and enjoyment every bit pf natural life it can find. Much has gone already and is irretrievable. Alpios top late, w.e started to save (From the files of Tho Bulletin for Fobrunry 12, 1915.) 'Registration books havo been open slnco tho first Monday In Jan nry, but only 20 voters havo regis tered in this precinct. J. N. Hunter, Noll Smith and Mlllson J. nnd Elwood W. Roberts returned Tuesday noon from a trip to Silver Lako to miiko proof on tim ber claims. William Stephens reports eight inches of snow at his homestead on tl)e Tumalo. Tho Baptist Sunday school has a now organ of flno tone and finish which will greatly help tho work of the organization. Deer aro very numerous at the cdo of tho desert. Ora Hunter started three on ono trip with the watjr wagon and A. C. Lucas nnd Ralph Caldwell saw two on Sunday. Mrs. A. if. Drake is slowly recov ering from a severe attack of la grippo. Dr. Charles S. Edwards, formerly of Bend, has been appointed city physician of Prlnovllle, succeeding Dr. J. H. Rosonhurg. Tho news Is brought down from Sliver Lako that 2200 head of shcop belonging to Benham Brothers, near Christmas Lako, wero slain by four men who invaded the corral. Two men guarded the herder and tho othor two slaughtered tho shcop, at first shooting and later using clubs when their ammunition gavo out. Tho sheep woro brought In from California, and cattlemen, It Is said, woro determined not to havo them on their rango. The school hoard hopes to havo another teacher in time to reopen after Washington's birthday. Rcna West has sold his interest in tho Jolly Corner saloon to Chas. Brock. Claims allowed October 17, 1018, term of court: Anton Ahlutrom, grand Jury witness $ 0,00 Carl Woods, do 0,00 Van M, Morso, do 8,80 J. U. Eaton, do 71.00 Charles Ryder, witness April term. 1018 2.00 Miller Lumber Co., wood 1$5.G0 M. Graham, recording clerk's office C5.00 W. O, Mntchott, nttto hire, Bhorlff 12.0 F. M. Lewis, nuto hire, road "work ,,.,....,.. 10.00 E, C. (Jluab, cabinet wiirk inT court room . U.B0' S. IS. Roborts, expenses slier tlT's otneo 16.00 Harrington & Goggnns, cab inet work sheriff's office.... 4.00 P. B. Johnson, deputy sheriff 0,50 II. C. Hnrtrautt, food admin istrator 35,00 C. H. Mlllor, expenses county commissioner 1,05 C. H. Mlllor. mileage and fees 78.00 aoorga G. Sodgwlck, Inquest T. Ilara- 10.00 Max A. Cunning, do 3.00 Mlllor Lumber Co., wood for rond work Bond Water, Light & Power Co lights for court house nnd Jnll A. L. Mackintosh, commis sioner's foes 10.00 Crnndall & Roberts, tran scribing tax rolls.: 213.75 Kenneth Crandnll. do 45.00 Max Crnndall, expenses tran scribing rolls 24. 05 Mario Austin, transcribing tnx rolls .'. 30.00 It. A FoHtor, do C2.50 F. Dement & Co., supplies for court house - 22.40 W. B. Crawford, rond work.... 42.50 Western Union Tel Co., tolo gnims, sheriff 1.73 Western Union Tol. Co., local board telegrams 2.92 J. B. Cochran, road work 15.38 Glass & Prudhommo Co., sup plies, n u p o r I n t o n dent, $1.75; assessor, $2.50 Glass & Prudhommo Co., sup plies clork, 12.25; clerk, Jl.'JB Glass & Prudhommo Co.. eloctlon supplies 30. 05 Glass & Prudhommo Co., transcribing tux rolls, J21G.C0, 1339.70 J05G.30 Pacific Tel. & Tol. Co., coun ty Judgo's telephone and tolls .. ...... Bushong & Co., supplies school superintendent... 2.25 Standard Oil Co., oil nnd gas for trucks 12.89 Sanitary Laundry, laundry for Jail 80 Bond Garage, supplies Cun ningham's car 42.02 Skuso J Id wo. Co.. supplies 4.25 4.20 P, 1). Johnson, do, 5,00 0. 11, llnrninn, do 12.40 0. F. llosklnn, do 5.80 TWOCOUNTY COURT Fred A. lllco, do 4,40 Ihiiiio Martin, hull rent and meals 8.50 F, E. Dayton, rout ot polling place, election 5,00 F, E. Dayton, currying eloc tlon roturns 1.40 John T. Park and Ed Tuck, hall rent for ulectlon 9.00 Leo Young, curry I iik election ? returns, etc. 8,00 W. P. (lift, do 1.80 C, L. Glot, carrying returns and hall rent '. lo.oo Geo. II. MacGregor, do 10.40 M. W. Knickerbocker, do 4.00 W. G. Fordliam. do 7.40 Oliver Thorbjonison, do 3,80 G. O. Palmer, do 1.30 G. C Palmer, making booths for election 4.00 S. E. Corf-ell, carrying elec tion returns ..,.... 1.00 Otiobio G. 8cdRWlck. du.. ....... . 4.40 A. J, Voltuin, supplies guards Credited river ....... G.13 Pacific Tol. & Tol. Co.. clerk. $8 80: assessor, $2.40 t. 11.20 Pacific Tol. & Tel. Co., sher iff, 17.00 treasurer, $2.25 0.25 Pacific Tol. & Tel. Co., circuit Judge, $3.15; county Judxu, $3.60 0.76 Pacific. Tol. &.Tol. Co., super intendent Bchools 4,00 T. L. Brevlg, euro of ward Juvenile court 27.40 8. M. Campbell, witness cir cuit court 0.00 W. II. Crnwford, road work.... 25.00 O. L. Bellows, roimlra county truck . 5.4 G Jay SnlUmun, special deputy ." shorlfT 12.00 Clydo McKay, expenses, treas urer's office 47.00 iDuwhoug & Co., supplies Miiparlutendent schools .... 14 88 Mary Hubbard, stenographer county Judge 75,00 J. Alton Thompson, expenses superintendent's office 10,07 II, A. Kendall, supplies Crooked river guards Lynch & Roberts, do Lynch & Roberts, do H. K Roberts, expenses sher iff's offlco Wm. Hunt, road work 108.00 0. C. Bnodgrass, do 157.00 Losco Wliltson, do 4.00 llrnry Trogg, do...- 0.00 J. J. Cunningham, do 13G.00 tho Oregon Ulnlo Conference on City Planning and IIiiUsIiik.i Tho Inyl-, tutlon In uxlondml by Mayor (JooriW I,, Baker ot Porllnud, president of Clio eonforoncn, and wilt ho accepted by both Bond men, FIREHOUSE PLANS TO BE SUBMITTED llulldln Committee Will Herouitnniwl 'Twl)Htor' lliUk. rli'ructurc tV Hmt Council Meeting, 7.00 8.10 31.73 20.87 0, 4.10 19.83 1G.93 12.50 24.33 6.00 7.65 5.51 42.08 24.00 for road work . W. M. Mlllor, supplies Crooked river guard......... Lynch & Roborts, do J. Melstor, guard Crookod river brldgo J. L. Rose, do 90.00 J..M. Van Duyno, do 18.00 Olass & Prudhommo, circuit court . 21.75 Standard Oil Co., oil and gas for road work 16.GG Pacific Tel. & Tol. Co., tolo- phono sorvlco, clork, $5.95; sheriff. $10.43- Pacific Tel. & Tol. Co., county treasuror, $2.25; circuit court, $0.90 Pacific Tol. & Tol. Co., super intendent or schools, $2.75; assessor. $2.25 5.00 1G.38 9.15 NOT GUILTY, VERDICT ON GAMBLING CHARGE most elevating in the world. On.jthe other haHd'it'Wby no means as de-1 tho buffalo. Tho nassoneer n'leeon is grading ,as Its opponents would! gone in splto of its former almost thoy testified Bend Men, In City Court, MuVo Good Claim Tlmt They Wero Not ' Playing Poker. f i (From Monday's Dally.) ' Charged with violation ot tho antl gambllng laws, S. P. Barclay, L. V. Howell and Dr. J. II. Connurn woro found not guilty at tho close of tho hearing hold boforo Judgo D, II, Peoples In municipal court luto Sat urday afternoon. If. H. Do Armond and Charles W. Ersklno represented tho defendants, C. S, Benson appear ing for tho prosecution. Tho defense was based on tho fuct that when tho threo woro arrested Saturday morning by Chief of Po llco L. A. W. Nixon no money was In sight. Testimony wua given to show that Mr. Howell and Dr. Con- nam hud gono to tho Barclay houso to purchasq a fur .rug, and that after the money, had been paid over a social, gamo ot cards wan Indulged In. They wero engagod in this fashion when Chief Nixon entered -tho house, Claims allowed November 1, 1018, term ot court: Bushong & Co., supplies for sheriffs ornco 15.G0 Owl Pharmacy, superintend ent, $0.86; clerk, $3.80.... 4.C5 J. W. Brown, roud work, Rodmond 1,50 Sanitary Laundry, laundry for Jail .85 Mannhelmor Bros., supplies for court houso ,C5 Brooks-Scanlon Lumber Co., supplies for road work 20,00 F. Demont & Co., supplies for Jail 8.C0 J. D, Bowman, deputy Bhorlff 7 50 Elslo M. Olsln. district attor ney stenographer 35.00 Glass Prudhommo Co., sup plies for dork's offlco 20.75 Glass Prudhommo Co., sup piles, sheriff's offlco .... CJ)5 Glass & Prudhommo Co., sup plies, clerk's offlco . 3.60 Bornlce Morgan, recording, October, clerk's offlco.-...., 20,00 M, Graham, recording, dork's offlco 07.50 E. B. Whltmoro, stenographer county court , 16.00 A. A. Anderson, oxpeuscs Bhorlff 'h offlco c.OO Hazol Mnnion, clork, Bhorlff's office 75.00 S. K. Roborts, apodal denutv hlro ,.... 60.00 Gluarf & Prudhommo Co.,. sup plies, dork's offlco 29,55 Glass & Prudhommo'Co., sup plies, election 3,02 Wm. P. Downing, mculs for prisoners 145.00 Bond Wntor, Light & Power Co,, lights for court house . and Jull 1C16 If. II. Clow, Janitor i 05.00 Bkuso Ildwo, Co,, supplies, court houfw 11.00 ,. is. iuevickor, assistant food administrator .: ,. 9.30 II. C. Hartrauft, food admin istrator 30.00 S. sM. Ellis, wutormnster Oc- tobor 93.70 j. w. usnor, .guard Crooked T rlyo,r t'"'i "- 40'C0 J. Monitor, do., 40.60 J. L. Rose, do ,.., 40,60 i), II. Whltmoro, registration of electors ;. J,..,. 2.8O r. 11. uorcoy, carrying olec- Clalmi. allowed November 1918. torm of court: M. M. Miller, supplies Crooked river guards K. B. Whltmoro, expenses clerk's offlco Kvlson Atkinson, road work . Miller Lumber Co., roud sup plies - Oriigou Trunk By., rent of building tor road muchlii ery Dement & Co., supplies, guards. $11.72; county poor, $5.25 10.07 E. Heath, supplies for road work - 8.00 Standard Oil Co.. gas for road work - 34.22 Standard OIl'Co., do .'... 41.70 N. P. Hmlth.'do "34.20 Paul E. Rlddoll, witness clr- cult court 2.00 Genovlove B. Perkins, regis tration electors 5.40 Clydo M. McKay, do...- 6.90 C. J. Lovorett, do 2.40 Bend Furniture Co., storage on trailer 20.00 Glass & Prudhommo Co., cabinet for maps, clerk 89.50 Beat & Harris, supplies for road work 4.50 Central Oro Garago, Redmond mond, gas for road work- 2.25 Goo. C. Truesdale, road work 7.00 C. N. Soronseii, do 10.00 M. S. Bullard, gas for roud work - - . B. A. Kendall, supplies for road worK ..- ,....- 2.00 89.75 It, G. Blackwoll, nuto hlro 3.60 4.25 2.93 98.75 135,85 ,G0 1.22 1.9C 2,00 1.G0 3.50 .60 road work Best & Harris, supplies for sheriff's car -1.. Bushong & Co., supplies su perintendent schools Ccnt-Oro Motor Co., sup piles for school superin tendent Ccnt-Oro Motor Co., do Western Union Tel, Co,, tolo grams, county clerk Western Union Tel. Co., do, local board , Western Union Tol. Co,, sher iff, $1.14; local board, 82a F. E. Duyton, registration of electors Evorott Parr, do JT. 2.40 Leo Young, carrying election roturns ...... Ooo. G. Sedgwick, reglstra tlon of electors....- V, Schroder, do Bend Garage, supplies sher iff's car - 168.04 C. S. Benson, typewriter for county Judgo 65,00 Dr, It. W, Hendershott, coun ty physician, Octobor 25.00 Glass & Prudhommo, supplies 3,20 C. II, Miller, commissioner'!! fees and mlleugu 40.00 Chas, Hlndman, roud und brldgo work 0,00 C, V. Silvls, premium on In surance 28,30 Bond Insurance Agency, do.. 74.85 Maria Austin, transcribing tax records' 81.00 Lorn L. Hteurns, do 90,00 N, II. (illuort, groceries for brldgo guards J. "Morster, guard Crookod river brldgo J. W. Usher, do II. il. Do 'Armond, expenses Salem supremo court CIiuh.A. Khorman, road work W. J. Buckley, do Bond Gurugo, supplies Cun ningham, roud work Underwood Typoivrltor Co., rental, machine:!, trcitscrlb-Juif 0,69 22.50 22.50 14.75 3.00 10.00 04.87 87.00 BEND MEN TO-SERVE ON CIVIC COMMITTEE Mayor J", A. EaHtcs and II. II. Do Armqrid received letters today lnvjt- ii. iuuuy. currvinir man. 1 ,i' tlon returns .-. .. a .n '"ft them to act na members of tho A. L. Shults, do ,...'3.40Je"orfladvlsory-commirtVo of 5"0"of (From Monday's Dally.) General plans for n building to accomodate Bund's now Urn equip ment wtire formulated this inornliic nt a tndotlliK of G. II. Ilalcor nnd ri). G. Mol'hersou, uinmborH ot tho' special building commlltco appointed Friday, with Mayor J. A, Eustes and Architect Leo Thomas, It wns tin cldod that tho building should bo ot brick, nbout 30x30 feet, tho uppor story to Include it council room and quarters for firemen. It will cost In tho neighborhood of $4,000, Mr. Thomas: was authorized to submit drawings for tho proposed structure. Tho recommendations of tho com mltteowlll ho submitted at the next regular meeting of the city council. It Is not believed that It will bo pos slblo to boxln construction in less than threo months. ! a, ft 7v ' ft I Jt2Ii & ., , How Do You Buy Your Corset? ' Be lure that you unJcr stsnd the clcmandi of your own figure. Tlie R and G coricti are all moulded on living model end -re deigned to fit all type of women, whether you are tall and ileuder or thort and plump, you will find a model that will exactly meet your want if you will hut sik for it ivG CORSETS are made pf fine material anJ d 1 play excellent workmanthip throughout. You can alway defend on their hiefh. quality 'ami careful tailoring. PRICES . $1.00 to $5.00 Some Wonderful, Clatiy New Suits Jutt in thii morning, Theie ' line day make you with for tome new jpring gar ment, Come in and lpok them over, New Plaid Shirts .A . Stunning New Plaid kirt notwo alike $9,75 to $15 Grepe de Chine Blouses lit! lit new model in a va G riety of color. Wonder fullyalue at $3.48, The iteoples "Store5 dk ill t ' I y w & .1 ;t $ A-r& 1